HWorld History: Chapter 13 Test

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what is Louis XIV famous for saying and why does he say it

"I am France" because he was emphasizing his place as an absolute, divine right monarch

what does Louis XIV refer to himself as

"Sun King"

how old is Louis XIV when Cardinal Mazarin dies

23 years old

dynasty that rules France for as long as they have a dynasty

Bourbon dynasty

what dynasty does Henry IV start

Bourbon dynasty

who had Cardinal Richelieu trained and recommended as his replacement when he died

Cardinal Jules Mazarin

who replaces Cardinal Richelieu once he dies

Cardinal Jules Mazarin

who does Anne of Austria chose to keep as chief minister

Cardinal Mazarin

who does Marie de Medici appoint as the chief minister to the king

Cardinal Richelieu

fights against the Holy Roman Empire and Martin Luther in the First German Religious War

Charles V

Holy Roman emperor who is the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella and becomes king of Spain

Charles V (Hapsburg)

says that because rulers are ordained by God, then they answer only to God

Divine Right of Kings

edict that made the Huguenot Church illegal in France and finished the destruction of the Edict of Nantes

Edict of Fountainbleu

what edict did Louis XIV issue

Edict of Fountainbleu

clergyman who comes up with a theory called the Divine Right of Kings

Father Jacques Bossuet

who gains control of the Holy Roman Empire after Charles V gives it up


when the sea dogs return to defend England, who are they led by

Francis Drake

revolt led by the French masses when Cardinal Mazarin tried to raise taxes


who are rulers answerable to under the Divine Right of Kings


countries ruled by the Hapsburg family that encircled France

Hapsburg ring

what surrounded France

Hapsburg ring

what name does Henry of Navarre adopt

Henry IV

Huguenot who was in line to become the next king of France

Henry of Navarre

increased the revenue of the France government but couldn't control the king's spending

Jean Baptiste Colbert

makes the French economy prosperous and brought in huge amounts of tax money to the government

Jean Baptiste Colbert

who is the first in France to spend government money improving roads and building new ones

Jean Baptiste Colbert

who builds the French palace in Versailles

Louis XIV

what does one faith, on king mean

Louis XIV believed his people could only be united behind him if they were all a part of the same religion

who is the heir of Louis XIII and how are they related

Louis XVI was his 5 year old son

what lead up to the Fronds

Mazarin tries to raise taxes on the French masses, so the nobles lead the Fronds

controls the Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and a few other German states

Philip II

who gains control of Spain after Charles V gives it up

Philip II

who was involved in the Thirty Years War at first (2)

Protestants and Catholics in the German states of the Holy Roman empire

what does Henry IV proclaim to be the official religion of France

Roman Catholic

largest fleet assembled in this time in history

Spanish Armada

what does Philip II put together to invade England (2)

Spanish Armada and 30,000 soldiers

what side does Cardinal Richelieu ally with during the Thirty Years War


began as a civil war between Protestants and Catholics, but grew as countries in Europe took sides

Thirty Years War

begins in the German states of the Holy Roman empire because some of the princes wanted to worship in the Calvinist Church

Thirty Years War

treaty that ends the Thirty Years War

Treaty of Westphalia

what helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada

a hurricane that destroys 1/3 of the fleet

a king or queen rules with total power

absolute monarchy

what 3 things does the Treaty of Westphalia do

allows the German princes to choose between Calvinist, Lutheran, and Catholic, dissolved the Holy Roman empire, and broke the Hapsburg ring around France

what does Cardinal Richelieu do that makes the middle class very loyal to the king

appoints them as local government officials

why does Philip II decide to invade England (3)

because Elizabeth I refused to court him, she refused to punish the sea dogs from stealing Spanish treasure, and she sent aid to the Dutch in their revolt against Spain

why did Louis XIV refer to himself as the Sun King

because he believed everything revolved around him

why couldn't Jean Baptiste Colbert balance the budget

because he couldn't control Louis XIV's spending

why does Louis XIV make it illegal for Huguenots to leave France

because he did not want them going to Canada and continue practicing their religion

why does Louis XIV not appoint a new chief minister when Mazarin dies

because he governs France himself

how is Jean Baptiste Colbert able to convince French industrialists to sell luxury goods

because of the large numbers of furs coming into France

why does Cardinal Richelieu ally with Sweden

because they are Calvinists and against the Catholic Hapsburgs

how does Jean Baptiste Colbert try to movitiate the French poor to move the Canada

by paying a bounty of 50 francs to any Frenchman who moved

what does Henry of Navarre's mom convince him to do and why

convert to Roman Catholic so that the French people will accept him as king

urban poor in France

couriers d'bois

who ends up moving to Canada when Jean Baptiste Colbert motivated

couriers d'bois

who established the French fur trade with the Indians

couriers d'bois

Louis XIV was successful in his ___________ policy but failed in his __________ policy

domestic; foreign

what does the Edict of Nantes temporarily do

end religious fighting in France

who does Louis XIV put his domestic policy under

finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert

what 4 things does the Edict of Nantes do to bring a temporary end to the religious struggles in France

gave Huguenots freedom of worship in areas of France where they were the majority, gave Huguenots equal political rights with Catholics, allowed Huguenots to have fortified towns/cities where they could go if religious persecution broke out, and proclaimed the Roman Catholic faith to be the official religion of France

what happens between Louis XIII, Marie de Medici, and Cardinal Richelieu when Louis XIII is 16 years old

he becomes involved in a power struggle with his mom and Richelieu and he banishes them from Paris

what does Charles V do when the strain of running both the Holy Roman Empire and Spain becomes too much

he gives control of the Holy Roman Empire to his brother Ferdinand and control of the rest to his nephew Philip II

what happens to Henry IV that makes the throne pass to his son

he is assassinated

how does Jean Baptiste Colbert bring in huge amounts of money

he placed tariffs on foreign made goods to promote the growth of French industry

how does Philip II try to stop the Dutch from revolting against the Inquisition

he sends in large numbers of soldiers, but the war drags on

name 4 reasons Louis XIV builds such a large and luxurious palace

he wanted a palace big enough so he could hold court with all the nobles he suspected of plotting against him, to intimidate the representatives of foreign governments, to intimidate his own people to keep them from revolting, and because he wanted Versailles to be the cultural and socially center of the world

who receives the throne when Henry IV is killed

his 9 year old son, Louis XIII

who was appointed as regent for Louis XVI

his mother, Anne of Austria

regent for Louis XIII

his mother, Marie de Medici

what does Jean Baptiste Colbert spend government money on

improving bridges, canals, and roads and making new ones

members of the growing middle class in France


who does Cardinal Richelieu replace the nobles in the local government offices with


name 3 things Louis XIV does against the Huguenots

issued the Edict of Fountainbleu (made the Huguenot Church illegal in France and destroyed the Edict of Nantes), made it illegal for Huguenots to leave France, and destroyed all the Huguenot schools and churches

what do the French industrialists begin to sell and who is it designed to sell to

luxury goods designed to sell to the upper class

how does Cardinal Richelieu take power from the nobles (4)

make it illegal for them to have armies, uses the king's army to destroy their castles, takes away their power to tax people on their land, and removed them as the local government officials

what does Philip II do to try and manipulate England back into the Roman Catholic Court

marries Mary Tudor, who had just becomes Queen Mary I of England

what does Cardinal Richelieu make the officer ranks in the army based on

merit instead of family connections

what did Louis XIV believe in

one faith, one king

what does the Divine Right of Kings say a king/queen's power is limited by

only the rules of acceptable conduct in Scripture

what does Elizabeth I refuse to do

punish the sea dogs for stealing Spanish treasure

how does Cardinal Richelieu cut into the power of the Huguenots (2)

repealed the parts of the Edict of Nantes that gave the Huguenots fortified towns and cities and gave them equal political rights

money brought in


what does Elizabeth I offer to the sea dogs and what must they do

she offers them a pardon if they return to defend England

how does Elizabeth I react to Philip II's efforts to court her

she turns away his efforts

what happens when Philip II sends the Inquisition to the Netherlands

since half the Dutch were Protestant, they revolted

what started the Thirty Years War

some of the princes in the German states of the Holy Roman empire wanted to worship as Calvinists but were not allowed to under the Peace of Augsburg

tax on imports


who does Elizabeth I begin to send aid to and why

the Dutch because she was Protestant and supported their revolt

Cardinal Richelieu more than doubled the size of _________ in France

the army

what does Cardinal Richelieu control once he returns from banishment from Paris and for how long

the government for the rest of Louis XIII's reign

what does Louis XIV build in Versailles

the largest and most luxurious palace in the world

who does Cardinal Richelieu identify as the 2 groups he needs to take power from

the nobles and the Huguenots

what does Cardinal Mazarin restore after the Fronds

the power the king had lost

what does Philip II do when Mary Tudor dies

the throne passed to her sister, Elizabeth I, and Philip begins to court her

why did the nobles led the Fronds

they saw a chance to cut into the king's power

what is the goal of the Edict of Nantes

to bring temporary end to the religious struggles in France

Henry IV's first action as king

to issue the Edict of Nantes

why does Jean Baptiste Colbert build new bridges, roads, and canals

to make it faster to transport goods from factories to people

what are Cardinal Richelieu's 2 goals

to make the king supreme in France and France supreme in Europe

after what happens does England grow stronger and Spain weaker

when England defeats the Spanish Armada

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