HY121 Final Exam

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President Clinton modified the military's strict ban on gay soldiers, instituting a policy, _______________, by which officers would not seek out gays for dismissal from the armed forces.

"Don't ask, don't tell"

What is the name of the terrorist organization responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, that killed nearly 3,000 Americans?

Al Qaeda

A leading voice of the Beats was

Allen Ginsberg

The organization demanding greater Indian tribal self-government and the restoration of economic resources guaranteed in treaties, founded in 1968, was called

American Indian Movement

1990 law that prohibited the discrimination against persons with disabilities in both hiring and promotion. It also mandated accessible entrances for public buildings.

Americans with Disabilities Act

In World War II, the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Axis Powers

Markedly higher birthrate in the years following World War II; led to the biggest demographic 'bubble' in American history

Baby boom

A series of ethnic and political crises that arose following the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Many atrocities were committed during the conflict, and NATO, the United Nations, and the United States intervened several times

Balkan Crisis

What was the April 1961 CIA-led invasion of Cuba to topple Fidel Castro that proved to be a total failure when, of the invading force of 1,400, most were captured and more than 100 killed?

Bay of Pigs

The name for the small group of poets and writers who railed against mainstream culture, and that included Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, was


Civil rights movement sparked by a series of incidents of police brutality and lethal force against people of color

Black Lives Matter

This prominent militant group, founded in Oakland, California, in 1966, was varied in their focus. While becoming notorious for armed self-defense in response to police brutality, they also ran health clinics, schools, and children's breakfast programs.

Black Panther Party

Under this program, tens of thousands of contract laborers from Mexico crossed into the United States to take up jobs as domestic and agricultural workers during World War II.

Bracero Program

U.S. Supreme Court case that determined the winner of the disputed 2000 presidential election.

Bush v. Gore

Peace agreement between the leaders of Israel and Egypt, brokered by President Jimmy Carter in 1978

Camp David Accords

The organization that launched the Freedom Rides, by which integrated groups traveled by bus into the Deep South to test compliance with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses and trains was called the

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

A list of conservatives' promises in response to the supposed liberalism of the Clinton administration, that was drafted by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and other congressional Republicans as the GOP platform for the 1994 midterm elections. It was more a campaign tactic than a practical program; few of its proposed items ever became law

Contract with America

June 6, 1944, when an Allied amphibious assault landed on the Normandy coast and established a foothold in Europe, leading to the liberation of France from German occupation

D Day

1996 law that barred gay couples from receiving federal benefits. Ruled unconstitutional in 2013.

Defense of Marriage Act

The Kyoto Protocol sought to combat world banking failure.


President Harry S. Truman's program that focused on improving the social safety net and raising the standard of living of ordinary Americans—calling on Congress to increase the middle wage, enact a program of national health insurance, and expand public housing, Social Security, and aid to education—was

Fair Deal

In 1972, Congress cut down Title IX, which attempted to ban gender discrimination in higher education.


In 1994, tribal massacres rocked Rwanda, in central Africa. Over 800,000 people were slaughtered and the United States sent in a massive military force in an effort to staunch the flow of blood.


In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court struck down all laws discriminating against homosexuals as a violation of the right to privacy.


In the weeks following passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a joyful calm, mixed with a great celebratory jubilee that included parades, barbecues, and church prayer meetings, characterized the principal response of inner-city African-Americans to the new law.


It is a myth that U.S. soldiers killed 350 South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre of 1968.


Johnson's Great Society failed to reduce poverty in America to any significant degree.


Orval Faubus was among the attorneys on the team hired by the NAACP to pursue the watershed case Brown v. Board of Education.


President George W. Bush strongly supported the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, which sought to combat global warming.


Prior to her arrest that led to the Montgomery bus boycott, Rosa Parks had never been involved in National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activism.


The term "iron curtain" was coined by President Harry Truman.


Under the Truman Doctrine, only those governments that respected the democratic rights of citizens and the sovereignty of other peoples could expect friendship and support from the United States.


The mass extinction of "undesirable" peoples—Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, and, above all, Jews—that Hitler undertook in 1941, and that we now call the Holocaust, he called

Final Solution

The 1964 voter registration drive in Mississippi, in which hundreds of white college students from the North participated, was known as

Freedom Summer

Who was the person who sent the Long Telegram from Moscow in 1946 that lay the foundation for what became known as the policy of "containment"?

George F. Kennan

Which U.S. president first spoke of the coming of a "new world order"?

George H. W. Bush

Term that became prominent in the 1990s to describe the rapid acceleration of international flows of commerce, financial resources, labor, and cultural products.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt's foreign policy with regard to Latin American countries was called

Good Neighbor Policy

What was the name for the 1965 immigration law that abandoned the national origins quota system and established racially neutral criteria for immigration?

Hart-Cellar Act

On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor. Where is Pearl Harbor?


The 2005 natural disaster, devastating much of the South, particularly New Orleans, was

Hurricane Katrina

In Obama's second term, he faced a new crisis when this self-proclaimed group took control of parts of Iraq, Syria, and Libya.


Scandal of the second Reagan administration involving sales of arms to Iran in partial exchange for release of hostages in Lebanon and use of the arms money to aid the Contras in Nicaragua, which had been expressly forbidden by Congress

Iran - Contra

Who was the U.S. senator from Wisconsin who announced in February 1950 that he had a list of Communists working for the State Department, and whose name later entered the political vocabulary as shorthand for character assassination, guilt by association, and abuse of power in the name of anticommunism?

Joseph R. McCarthy

In February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm as part of the Gulf War and quickly drove the Iraqi army from what country?


Congress passed this legislation in 1941, which authorized military aid so long as countries promised to return it all after the war. The passing of this act allowed the U.S. to funnel billions of dollars' worth of arms to Britain, China, and later the Soviet Union.

Lend-Lease Act

Low-cost, mass-produced developments of suburban tract housing built by William Levitt after World War II on Long Island and elsewhere


The June 1947 United States foreign policy initiative that envisioned a New Deal for Europe, and pledged billions of dollars to finance European economic recovery was

Marshall Plan

This legislation authorized the deportation of immigrants identified as communists, even if they had become citizens.

McCarran-Walter Act of 1952

At the nationally televised Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954, it was revealed that

McCarthy was a bully who browbeat witnesses and made sweeping accusations with no basis in fact.

In the aftermath of Rosa Parks's arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a yearlong bus boycott took place in what city?

Montgomery, Alabama

Term that became prominent in the 1990s to describe a growing emphasis on group racial and ethnic identity and demands that jobs, education, and politics reflect the increasingly diverse nature of American society


Approved in 1993, the agreement with Canada and Mexico that allowed goods to travel across their borders free of tariffs. Critics of the agreement argued that American workers would lose their jobs to cheaper Mexican labor.


This 2015 Supreme Court ruling overturned state laws barring marriages for same-sex couples.

Obergefell v. Hodges

The 2011 protest against growing economic inequality, declining opportunity, and malfeasance by the banks was called

Occupy Wall Street

The branch of the federal government created in 1942 to mobilize public opinion and that sought to make the conflict "a 'people's war' for freedom" was called

Office of War Information

In 1973, long lines of cars appeared at American gas stations, which either ran out of fuel or limited how much a customer could buy as a result of

Oil Embargo

What was the name of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) campaign to bring unionization to the South, by which more than 200 labor organizations entered the region in an effort to organize workers?

Operation Dixie

The first time Israel formally recognized the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organization was in 1993 at the

Oslo Accords

Who was the marine biologist whose book Silent Spring spelled out how the insecticide DDT kills birds and other animals and causes sickness among humans, and who launched the modern environmental movement?

Rachel Carson

The rightward turn of American politics following the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. This made individual 'freedom' a rallying cry for the right

Reagan Revolution

Popular name for President Ronald Reagan's philosophy of 'supply side' economics, which combined tax cuts with an unregulated marketplace


What was the coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists that pressed for desegregation and was formed in 1955, and in whose organizing Martin Luther King Jr., took the lead?

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

A document written in 1956 that repudiated the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education and supported the campaign against racial integration in public places

Southern Manifesto

First artificial satellite to orbit the earth; launched October 4, 1957, by the Soviet Union


The "Dixiecrat" presidential ticket of 1948 was led by

Strom Thurmond

The label for an arc that stretched from the Carolinas to California. During the postwar era, much of the urban population growth occurred in this area


As a result of this 1971 Supreme Court case, judges throughout the country ordered the use of busing as a tool to achieve school integration.

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

Edward Snowden was a former employee of the National Security Agency who released documents online that detailed NSA programs that monitored virtually all telephone, instant messaging, and email traffic in the United States.


In 1979 there was a near-fatal accident at a nuclear power plant, which released a large amount of radioactive steam into the atmosphere at

Three Mile Island

"Neoconservatives" came to believe that well-intentioned government social programs did more harm than good. In many cases, welfare, for example, not only failed to alleviate poverty, but also encouraged single motherhood and undermined the work ethic.


Coupled with the high rate of economic growth in the 1960s, the War on Poverty succeeded in reducing the incidence of poverty overall.


Following a 1969 police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gathering place for homosexuals in New York City's Greenwich Village, five days of rioting occurred and a militant gay rights movement was born.


In the "counterculture" of the 1960s, there was, for the first time in American history, a rejection of respectable norms of clothing, language, and sexual behavior.


In the early 1990s, in an effort to stop "ethnic cleansing," the United States and its NATO allies, after considerable indecision, launched airstrikes against Bosnian Serb forces.


The 1968 military engagement in which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops launched well-organized uprisings in cities throughout South Vietnam and completely surprised American military leaders was called the Tet offensive.


The Brown decision encouraged an awakening of civil rights protest— and segregationist protest—in the South, ensuring it would have the backing of federal courts.


Organization of nations to maintain world peace, established in 1945 and headquartered in New York

United Nations

Law passed in 1973, reflecting growing opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War; required congressional approval before the president sent troops abroad

War Power Acts

The Truman Doctrine in March 1947

asserted that the United States, as the leader of the "free world," must take up responsibility for supporting "freedom-loving peoples" wherever communism threatened them.

The midterm elections of 2010 experienced the emergence of a new political party, the Tea Party, which appealed to those who wanted more federal power.


Which was not one of the Four Freedoms, President Roosevelt's shorthand for American purposes in World War II?

freedom, liberty

The 1954 update to the doctrine of containment, announced by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, that declared a Soviet attack on any American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, was called "brinksmanship" by its critics and this by supporters.

massive retaliation

The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibited all of the following except

racial discrimination in housing rental or sale.

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee's goals included

replacing the culture of segregation with a "beloved community" of racial justice.

"Stagflation" refers to

stagnant economic growth and high inflation.

The desire for both victory at home against segregation and victory overseas against the Germans and the Japanese came to be called this by African-Americans during World War II.

the "double-V."

The principal organization in the Southwest—the equivalent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)—that challenged restrictions on housing and employment, as well as the segregation of Latino students was named

the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

In 1971, the New York Times began publishing this classified report prepared by the Defense Department that traced American involvement in Vietnam back to World War II and revealed how successive presidents had misled the American people about it.

the Pentagon Papers

The congressional legislation that extended an array of benefits, including unemployment pay, educational scholarships, low-cost mortgage loans, pensions, and job training to millions of returning veterans beginning in 1944, was called

the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights.

The National Defense Education Act, which for the first time offered direct federal funding for higher education, was passed into law by Congress in 1957 in response to

the Soviet launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik.

The Marshall Plan, proposed by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, suggested

the United States should contribute billions of dollars to finance the economic recovery of Europe.

Which was not part of President Johnson's 1965-1967 "Great Society"?

the disbanding of the national broadcasting network

In the 1944 case of Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

the internment of people of Japanese descent was not based on race.

The USA Patriot Act conferred all of the following powers on law enforcement agencies except

the necessity of obtaining a judicial warrant prior to spying on citizens.

"Containment" in the context of post-World War II international diplomacy on the part of the United States referred to

the policy by which the United States committed itself to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power.

Which of the following was not a precursor to the Black Lives Matter movement?

the shooting of James Whitehead by Texas police officer Robert Arnold

As a vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin attacked Democrats with all of the following except

tough on crime

Many whites came to view affirmative action programs as a form of reverse discrimination.


Sonia Sotomayor was the first Hispanic and third woman in history to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.


The 2003 Iraqi War marked a new departure from American foreign policy; previously, the United States had been reluctant to use force outside the Western Hemisphere except as part of an international coalition.


The Marshall Plan proved to be one of the most successful foreign aid programs in history.


The top-secret program in which American scientists developed an atomic bomb during World War II was called the Manhattan Project.


The worst environmental disaster in American history was the Gulf oil spill in 2010.


Under this kind of program, cities demolished poor neighborhoods in city centers that occupied potentially valuable real estate; in its place were constructed retail centers and all-white middle-income housing complexes.

urban renewal

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947

withdrew bargaining rights and legal protection form unions whose leaders failed to swear that they were not communists.

The limits of wartime tolerance were tested in 1943 Los Angeles with the

zoot suit riots

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