Hypertension prepU

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The nurse is caring for a client who has had 25 mg of oral hydrochlorothiazide added to the medication regimen for the treatment of hypertension. Which instruction should the nurse give the client?

"Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat."

During a routine visit to the pulmonologist, a client is told to undergo a mediastinoscopy. After the physician leaves the room, the nurse enters and is asked about this procedure. How should the nurse respond?

Exploration and biopsy of the lymph nodes that drain the lungs

A client is taking 50 mg of oral spironolactone twice a day to assist with blood pressure control. While the nurse is performing the morning assessment, the client reports nausea, general muscle cramps, and weakness. The ECG strip shows a peaked, narrow T-wave, which is a change. What electrolyte imbalance does the nurse suspect?


When administering benazepril with spironolactone, the nurse should be aware that which electrolyte imbalance may occur?


What risk factors would cause the nurse to become concerned that the client may have atherosclerotic heart disease?

hypertension diabetes obesity family history of early cardiovascular events

A 77-year-old client presents to the local community center for a blood pressure (BP) screening; BP is recorded as 180/90 mm Hg. The client has a history of hypertension but currently is not taking the prescribed medications. Which question is most appropriate for the nurse to ask the client first?

"Can you tell me the reasons you aren't taking your medications?

A nurse is caring for a client who has hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The client's blood pressure this morning was 150/92 mm Hg. When the client asks the nurse what his or her blood pressure should be, what is the nurse's most appropriate response?

"Clients with diabetes should have a lower blood pressure goal. You should strive for 120/80 mm Hg."

A nurse is teaching a client with newly diagnosed hypertension who asks if there is any harm in stopping antihypertensive medication. What is the nurse's best response?

"Rebound hypertension can occur."

Which is a true statement regarding air pressure variances?

Air is drawn through the trachea and bronchi into the alveoli during inspiration.

A client who is newly diagnosed with hypertension is going to be starting antihypertensive medicine. What is one of the main things the client and the client's spouse should watch for?


Which diagnostic method is recommended to determine whether left ventricular hypertrophy has occurred?


Which of the following disease processes cause increased compliance?


A client is being seen at the clinic for a routine physical when the nurse notes the client's blood pressure is 150/97. The client is considered to be a healthy, well-nourished young adult. What type of hypertension does this client have?

Essential (primary

A client with sinus congestion complains of discomfort when the nurse is palpating the supraorbital ridges. What sinus is the client referring?


Which describes a situation in which blood pressure is severely elevated and there is evidence of actual or probable target organ damage?

Hypertensive emergency

A client is admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with a diagnosis of hypertension emergency/crisis. The client's blood pressure (BP) is 200/130 mm Hg. The nurse is preparing to administer IV nitroprusside. Upon assessment, which finding requires immediate intervention by the nurse?

Numbness and weakness in the left arm

An older adult client is found to have a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg during a work-site health screening. What should the nurse do?

Recommend the client have blood pressure rechecked within 2 weeks.

When caring for a client with essential hypertension what instruction should the nurse provide to the client to normalize blood pressure?

Reduce sodium intake.

A client is brought to the emergency department with reports of a bad headache and an increase in blood pressure. The blood pressure reading obtained by the nurse is 260/180 mm Hg. What is the therapeutic goal for reduction of the mean blood pressure?

Reduce the blood pressure by 20% to 25% within the first hour of treatment.

The nurse is caring for a client with a decrease in airway diameter causing airway resistance. The client experiences coughing and mucus production. Upon lung assessment, which adventitious breath sounds are anticipated?

Sibilant wheezes

It is appropriate for the nurse to recommend smoking cessation for clients with hypertension because nicotine

increases the heart rate, constricts arterioles, and reduces the heart's ability to eject blood.

The nurse is caring for an older adult client who has come to the clinic for a yearly physical. When assessing the client, the nurse notes the blood pressure (BP) is 140/93. The nurse knows that in older clients what happens that may elevate the systolic BP?

Loss of arterial elasticity

A client is taking amiloride and lisinopril for the treatment of hypertension. What laboratory studies should the nurse monitor while the client is taking these two medications together?

Potassium level

When measuring the blood pressure in each arm of a healthy adult client, the nurse recognizes that which statement is true?

Pressures should not differ more than 5 mm Hg between arms.

A patient exhibited signs of an altered ventilation-perfusion ratio. The nurse is aware that adequate ventilation but impaired perfusion exists when the patient has which of the following conditions?

Pulmonary embolism

The nurse is instructing a client who is newly prescribed an antihypertensive medication. Which nursing instruction is emphasized to maintain client safety?

Sit on the edge of the chair and rise slowly.

A client arrives at the physician's office stating 2 days of febrile illness, dyspnea, and cough. Upon assisting the client into a gown, the nurse notes that the client's sternum is depressed, especially on inspiration. Crackles are noted in the bases of the lung fields. Based on inspection, which will the nurse document?

The client has a funnel chest.

An client is described as having pectus carinatum. What would be the physical manifestation of this condition?

The sternum protrudes and the ribs are sloped backward.

A client is newly diagnosed with hypertension. For which classifications of first-line antihypertensive agents will the nurse prepare teaching for this client?

Thiazide diuretic Calcium channel blocker Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor

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