IBA Final Practice I-A, I-B, I-C

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The Footnote and Endnote dialog box contains an option to change the page number format to:

Uppercase Roman numerals

Monitor dimensions and resolution affect how ____ display on the ribbon.


When you enter a two-digit year that is less than 30, Excel changes the year to ____.


Which of the following Option buttons gives options for filling cells following a fill operation?

Auto Fill Options

A table of contents is located at the ______ of the document.


Which of the following inserts an empty page at the insertion point?

Blank Page & Page Break

How do you display only one reviewer's comments in a Word document containing multiple reviewers' comments?

Deselect the All Reviewers check box and place a check mark beside only that one reviewer's name.

When you create a table in Word, two new Ribbon tabs appear. Which of the following is in the Table Tools tab?


To open a table in Design view, press and hold or right-click the table in the Navigation Pane and then tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu

Design View

Endnotes can be converted to which of the following?


The ________ lets you copy the format of text and apply those attributes to different text.

Format Painter

____ help clarify and emphasize details, so they appeal to audience members with differing backgrounds, reading levels, attention spans, and motivations.


Where do you go to personalize your copy of Microsoft Office options?

Located in the Word Options dialog box from Backstage view

The ____ function displays the highest value in a range.


The ____ function determines the lowest number in a range.


When mail merge fields have been inserted into a document, Word will automatically replace them with information from a data source when the

Mail merge is performed

Which tab contains the commands used to perform mail merges?


Unsaved documents can be recovered using:

Manage Versions

A line inserted around the document page is called a __________.

Page border

If you accidentally replace the wrong text, just click the Undo button on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Undo button is located on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

Recovering unsaved documents is located under which command?


If you make any changes to the colors, fonts, or effects of the current theme, you can save it as a custom theme and apply it to future documents.


You can sort single-level lists, such as bulleted or numbered lists in a table.


The accompanying figure illustrates the screen you use to choose a ____.

document theme

A ____ is a prewritten formula that is built into Excel.


The Notes pane is ____ until you tap or click the Notes button on the status bar to open the pane.


A PowerPoint ____ can help you deliver a dynamic, professional-looking message to an audience.


Access is a ____.

database management system

In a multilevel bulleted list slide, creating a lower-level paragraph is called ____ the text.


Which of the following is the path to the Comma Style button?

(HOME tab | Number group)

The Picture Effects button is located on the ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group)

The Picture Styles gallery, shown in the accompanying figure, is displayed by clicking the More button located on the ____.

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group)

A point is ____ of an inch in height.


When measuring point size, one point is equal to a character height of:

1/72 of an inch

How many chart types does Excel offer?


Excel remembers the last ____ actions you have completed.


To exit Access, tap or click the ____ button on the right side of the title bar.


You can place an insertion point by tapping or clicking in the field or by pressing ____.


To change a selected shape's height or width to a specific value, type the value in the Height or Width text boxes on the ____.

(DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab | Size group)

Which of the following is the path to the Sum arrow?

(HOME tab | Editing group)

What is the correct path to the Bold button?

(HOME tab | Font group)

In Access, table and field names can be up to ____ characters in length.


Which of the following calculations multiplies 23 by 0.01?


Pressing Ctrl+Enter produces what?

A manual page break.

The ____ button assigns a fixed dollar sign to the numbers in a selected range, with the dollar sign to the far left with spaces between it and the first digit in the cell.

Accounting number format

When previewing the mail merge document, Word replaces the merge fields with

Actual data

Which menu will allow you to add content to the table of contents?

Add Text

Which property of borders can be changed in the Borders tab of the Borders and Shading dialog box?

All choices offered

The Go To command allows you to navigate by page, text, graphics, equations, or tables by doing which of the following:

All of the answer choices

Changing the font and font size of selected text can be completed using:

All of the offered choices

Exceptions can be added to AutoCorrect by:

All of the offered choices

Opening the Modify Style dialog box allows you to________________.

All of the offered choices

Sorted data can consist of:

All of the offered choices

The Replace command can be opened using:

All of the offered choices

Using the Sort feature in a table sorts selected content in what order?

All of the offered choices

Which one of these keyboard shortcuts are not assigned.


The shortcut key, Ctrl+C is:


The ____ feature works behind the scenes, fixing common typing or spelling mistakes when you complete a text entry.


A field with the ____ data type can store a unique sequential number that Access assigns to a record. Access will increment the number by 1 as each new record is added.


__________ can be found within the Quick Parts menu.


In the _____________dialog box, you can specify to insert a page border on only the first page of a document.

Borders and Shading

____ determines the overall lightness or darkness of an entire image.


The ____________ provides a way to manage building blocks by editing, deleting, and/or inserting them.

Building Blocks Organizer

What element can you use to provide a short descriptive label for an image in a newsletter or magazine?


Mail merge fields are enclosed by

Chevrons (<< >>)

The ________________feature removes all formatting from the selected text.

Clear Formatting

What does dragging a tab off the ruler do?

Clears it

To compact and repair a database, tap or click the ___ button in the Info gallery in the Backstage view.

Compact & Repair

Which command enables you to remove unwanted parts from a picture?


The keyboard shortcut for finding text is:


To merge information into your main document, you must first connect the document to a(n)

Data source

Which line spacing command sets the spacing at a fixed amount that Word does not adjust?


____ text has a slanted appearance.


Which of the following displays the Columns dialog box?

More Columns command

Which Word feature enables you to select multiple pieces of text that are not next to each other?

Multi-selection feature

To add a record to a table, tap or click the ____ record button.

New (blank)

As shown in the accompanying figure, the ____ arrow displays the Facet layout gallery.

New Slide

By default, how many levels does the Outline View contain?


You can type comments to yourself in the ____ for a specific slide while working in Normal view.

Notes pane

Clip Art can be accessed by clicking on which button?

Online Pictures

Which of the following is NOT a type of indent?


You must register a Blog space before:


To change the name of a field, press and hold or right-click the column heading for the field, tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu, and then type the desired field name.

Rename Field

Macros are used for:

Repetitive Work.

____ words are words that have a special meaning to Access and cannot be used for the names of fields.


Draft versions of documents can be deleted by:

Right-clicking then selecting Delete & Using Manage Versions

The ____________ will capture a picture of the whole application window.

Screenshot button

Which of the following is used to create layout or formatting changes in a portion of a document?

Section break.

Tiny lines at the ends of characters are known as:


A field whose data type is ____ can contain any characters.

Short Text

Clicking the Expand subdocuments button will?

Show all of the text in the subdocument

An arrangement of data made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns is called a:


____________ are reduced-size versions of images.


When you open a new presentation, a slide with the default ____ layout appears.

Title Slide

The Vertical Reviewing Pane displays where?

To the left of the document

You can change the transparency of a picture used as a slide's background with the ____.

Transparency slider

A bookmark is a reference point in a document.


The formatting marks can be turned off in the Display screen of the Word Options dialog box.


The shortcut to double space a paragraph is Ctrl+2.


To apply a Style to selected text, click the style from the Styles group.


When customizing the Ribbon, you have the option to group commands within a tab.


Which word(s) refers to how text is positioned between the top and bottom margins of the page?

Vertical alignment

What is the term for the last line of a paragraph when it is left alone at the top of a page?


____ allows you to type new text or convert existing text to WordArt.

WordArt styles

In Excel, a number can contain the characters ____.

all of the above

When you assign a(n) ____ to a field, Access will display the value you assign, rather than the field name, in datasheets and in forms.


The rectangles that are formed when rows and columns intersect are known as:


The ____ preceding a formula alerts Excel that you are entering a formula or function and not text.

equal sign (=)

Solid ____ is one color used throughout the entire slide.


The ____ is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell.

fill handle

Text ____ defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols.


Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells.


PowerPoint increased the weight of a line in ____ increments.


Studies show people remember at least ____ more information when the document they are seeing or reading contains visual elements.


PowerPoint provides a wide variety of ____ shapes that can add visual interest to a slide.


A ____ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells, as shown in the accompanying figure.


The adjusted cell references in a copied and pasted formula are called ____ cell references.


In the accompanying figure, the small box or bar to the left of each field is called the ____.

row selector

PowerPoint displays many ____ that are varied and appealing and give you an excellent start at designing a presentation.


An Excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.


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