IBC Chapter 10 - Means of Egress

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Accessible means of egress

- Accessible spaces must have at least one accessible means of egress. - If a space is required to have more than 1 means of egress from an accessible space, then each accessible portion of space must have 2 accessible means of egress. - Exceptions: 1 accessible means of egress needed for mezzanine and for assembly areas with stepped and ramped aisle. Existing buildings don't need any.

Exterior exit stairways and ramps

- Allowed for buildings 6 stories and less above grade plane and not high rise. - Shall be open on at least one side. - Must lead to a yard or court or public way. - Must be separated from building the same as interior exit stairways, 1 hr wall for up to 3 stories and 2 hour for 4 or more stories. Exceptions apply for this separation.

Egress thru intervening spaces

- Exit access thru elevator lobby is permitted if at least one access to exit does not require traveling thru elevator lobby. - when rooms are accessory to each other and not a group H. - shall not pass thru rooms that can be locked. - cannot pass thru kitchens storage rooms closets or similar. - cannot go thru adjacent tenant space form one tenant space unless if going from a small tenant space that is 10% of larger tenant space, thru the larger space. They just have same or similar occupancy and hazard.

Exterior areas of assisted rescue

- Is required when the exit discharge does not include an accessible route from exit at level of discharge to public way. - 30 x 48 per each 200 occupants. - portion of exterior wall must be 1 hr rated. - open to outside air.

Maximum 50% of interior exit stairways and ramps can egress thru a space on level of discharge if conditions below are met: .

1- there is a free and unobstructed path to exit. 2- level is rated separated from basement below. 3- path protected by sprinkler. 4- any other exit access stairway is separated by 30 feet or quarter of overall diagonal

Max 50% of exit stairs can end in a vestibule if

1- vestibule is separated from below level. 2- vestibule has a depth of 10 feet max and length of 30 feet max. 3- vestibule is separated from building by fire partition. Opens directly to outside

Maximum vertical rise

12 feet

Dead end corridor length

20 feet max. With exceptions for certain occupancies if sprinklered can be 50 feet of dead end


34 to 38 inches height. Handrail extension 12 inches horizontally at top and sloped at bottom riser for depth of one tread. At ramps extension horizontally 12 inches at top and bottom.

Door handles and operating hardware height

34" to 48" AFF

Minimum width and headroom of stairways

44 inches including handrails. For occupant load of less than 50: min 36 inches. 80 inch headroom clearance.

Stairway landing depth

48 inches for straight run stairs. Same as stair width for landing at change in direction. Doors opening into landing shall not reduce the landing to less than half of its required width. When fully open the door cannot project into landing or reduce landing more than 7 inches.

Minimum aisle width

48" for stepped aisle with seats on both sides. 36" for stepped aisles with seats on one side. 42" for ramp aisle with seats on both sides. 36" ramped aisle seat one side.

Ceiling height for means of egress

7' 6" minimum, with stair and ramp headroom exceptions and mezzanine exception. Means of egress ramps and stairs minimum headroom 80 inches. Public parking garages means of egress headroom 7'. Mezzanines 7'. Not more than 50% of headroom height can be reduced to 80" from 7' 6"

Handrail projection

Accessible ramps shall have 36 inch clear Projections into required width of stairs and ramps and aisles shall not exceed 4.5 inches at or below handrail height. Intermediate handrail does not constitute a reduction in width

Stair requirements

All stairs must comply with requirements of this chapter whether or not they are part of means of egress

Elevators escalators and moving walks

Are not means of egress except where elevator is required as accessible means of egress, aka is a building 4 stories or more.

minimum width of corridor

Based on table 1020.2. Per occupancy type. Mostly 44 inches or 3' 8" 72" for group E with occ load mote than 100, 36" if occupant load less than 50 all occupancies,

Edge protection

Can be curb, ra, wall or barrier, or can be extended floor 12 inches beyond inside face of handrail.

Openings in interior exit stairway and ramps

Can have unprotected EXTERIOR openings and other openings required for egress only

Openings in exit passageway

Can have unprotected exterior openings and other openings necessary for access only. Minimum width of exit passageway same as corridor, 44" minimum.

Horizontal Exit

Cannot be the only exit from a portion of building. No more than half of required exits can be a horizontal exit. Requires a min. Separation of 2 hours. Of fire wall or fire barrier and horizontal assembly. Shall be continuous from exterior wall to exterior wall and thru all floors unless horizontal assembly of 2 hr separated floors.

Width of Stairways to be considered accessible means of egress

Clear width of 48 inches between handrails, unless building is sprinklered.

ramp landings

Depth 60 inches. If ramp is not part of accessible route then can be 48 inches.

Exterior walls of interior exit stairways

Don't need to be rated unless required elsewhere like for FSD. Were non-rated walls and openings enclose the exterior of the stairway m, and the walls or openings are exposed by other parts of the building at an angle less than 180, those exterior walls within 10 feet horizontally of non-rated wall of stairway must have a one hour rating with 45 minute openings.

Encroachments into means of egress

Doors fully open can not reduce width by more than 7 inches. Doors in any position can not reduce width to mote than half. Nonstructural projections like trims and decorative features can project 1.5 inches max on each side. Protruding objects max 4" can protrude BUT CANNOT REDUCE CLEAR WIDTH OF ACCESSIBLE ROUTES.

Doors in a series must swing

Either in same direction or away from each other. 48" between them.

Occupant load of adjacent stories shall not be added

Except for egress components designed for convergence from stories above and below converging at an intermediate level. In that case the capacity must be not less than the largest minimum width of sum of required capacities of stairs serving upper and lower stories.

Egress balconies are part of

Exit access. Included in travel distance. Can increase travel distance up to 100'.

Exit Discharge

Exit discharge must be at grade or have direct path of egress travel to grade. Cannot re enter a building.

Exit signs required wt

Exits and exit access doorways and not more than 100' at any point along egress path

Fire separation distance of exterior egress balconies

Exterior egress balconies must have FSD of 10 feet minimum from the exterior edge if balcony to lot line or other portion of the building or other buildings in the same lot unless other buildings have protected walls and openings

Interior exit stairways and ramps

Fire barriers and horizontal assemblies of 2 hrs of connecting 4 stories or more, and 1 hr if less than 4 stories. Includes basements. Must lead to exit discharge or an exit passageway or interior exit stairway. If it leads to exit passageway must be separated from exit passageway with a fire barrier unless there are no openings in the exit passageway

Table 1004.1.2

Floor area MAX per occupant Accessory storage: 300 gross. Assembly concentrated chairs only: 7 net. Standing: 5 net. Unconcentrated: tables and chairs 15 net. Business areas: 100 gross. Classroom: 20 net. Locker room: 50 gross. Parking garage: 200 gross. Actual occ load can be higher than the table but max is 7 square foot per person. Fixed seating without arm: 18 inch per person. Booth: 24"

Table 1006.2.1 spaces with one exit or exit access doorway

Identifies max common path of travel based on occupancy and occ load and sprinklered or not. If occupant load or path of travel exceeds the table there should be a second exit. 75 feet for most occupancies, 100 feet for some like B and F. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO STORIES AT LEVEL OF EXIT DISCHARGE. FOR MULTIPLE STORY BUILDINGS MUST LOOK At tables 1006.3.2 for max occ load per story and max common path of travel.

Assembly main exits

If occupant load is more than 300 and assembly space has a main exit that exit must be half of required width and enough width to accommodate all paths leading to it. Other exits must accommodate for half of occupant load required capacity. Main exit must open to public space or street.

Means of egress for outdoor areas

If outdoor areas are used by persons in addition to occupants of building and path of egress of court goes thru the building then means of egress requirements of the building must be based on sum of occ loads of building plus outdoor areas.

Roof Access

In buildings 4 or more stories at least one STAIRWAY must lead to the roof unless roof slope is more than 4" in 12". Access to unoccupied roof can be thru a roof hatch 16 sf min. Penthouses containing elevator equipment must be accessed thru a stair, regardless of number of stories.

Accessible means of egress include

Interior exit stairways and ramps, exit access stairways and ramps, exterior exit stairways serving other than level of exit discharge, elevators, platform lift, horizontal exit, areas of refuge, exterior assisted rescue areas serving level of exit discharge. Elevator required if 4 or more stories.

Egress court

Is a part of exit discharge. Minimum width 44 inches. Gradual reduction in width. If the width of egress court is less than 10 feet then it needs walls of 1 hour rated.


Max slope 1 to 12 for ramps used as means of egress. Max slope for other pedestrian ramps max 1 to 8, or 12.5% slope. Vertical rise 30 inch max. Min width same as corridor requirements. Means of egress ramps clear width of 44" between handrails. Other ramps may have a Clear width between handrails 36 inches. Headroom 80". No projections allowed. Doors can not reduce landing width to less than 42 inches

Fire separation distance of exterior exit stairs and ramps

Min 10 feet from exterior edge of stair to lot line or other portion of the building or another building on the same lot unless the other building has protected walls and openings based on FSD table

Means of egress doors size

Minimum 32" clear. Maximum 48" for a leaf. Projections into clear width not allowed if less than 34" above floor. And max 4" allowed between 34" and 80". Egress door shall be pivoted or side hinge swinging. Exceptions apply. Shall swing in direction of egress travel for occ load of 50 or more.

Protruding objects include circulation paths

Minimum headroom 80". Not more than 50% of ceiling height of means of egress shall be reduced in height by protruding objects. Door closers can be 78" minimum. Post mounted objects can only protrude 4" max if lowest edge is between 27 and 80 inches above waking surface. Object mounted between two pylons: 12" max distance of pylons if between 27 and 80. Handrails can protrude 4.5"

Table 1006.3.1

Minimum number of exits or access to exits per story based on occupant load. 1-500: 2 exits 501-1000:3

Stair having up to 2 risers

Minimum tread depth of 13" and one handrail within 30" of center of stair

Aisle access way in group M

Minimum with for an aisle access way not required to be accessible is 30 inches. Common path of egress travel max 30 feet. If less than 50 people then common path 75 feet.

Elevation change of less than 12 inch

Must be a sloped surface , cannot be stair.

Exit access stairways and ramps

Must be enclosed with shaft walls with some exceptions like if it is connecting only 2 stories or if building is sprinklered and has draft curtain, etc. the enclosure doesn't mean it is an exit stair, because the travel path continues into spaces like corridors that are part of exit access. Therefore travel distance along enclosed exit access stairway or ramp is still considered.

Size of refuge area of a horizontal exit

Must be enough to accommodate the occupant load of the refuge area plus the occupant load of the adjoining compartment. based on the capacity of horizontal exit's doors entering the refuge area. 3 net sf per occupant with exceptions for I

Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening

Must be provided for R2 and R3 occupancy. In basements and sleeping rooms below 4th story above grade plane. Must open to public way or a yard or court that opens to public way. Not required when basement or sleeping room has an exit door opening to outside.

Exit discharge access to PUBLIC WAY

Must be unobstructed access to public way. If not possible there should be a safe dispersal area 5 sf per person 50 feet away from building.

Storage under stair

Must have 1 hr rated walls.

Revolving door for egress

Must have a side hinge swing door within 10 feet in the same wall. Is not an accessible means of egress. Shall not be given credit for more than 50% of min width or capacity for a max of 50 of load.

Ramps with rise equal or LESS than 6 inches

Must have either handrail or contrasting floor material

Stairways capacity

Occ load X 0.3 inch. 0.2 if sprinklered and not H or I2.

Other egress components capacity including ramps doors corridors

Occupant load X 0.2 inches or 0.15 if sprinklered. Where more than 1 exit is required: Loss of any one exit shall not reduce the available capacity or width of means of egress to less than 50 percent of required capacity.

Spiral stairs as means of egress

Only allowed within a residence or in spaces less than 250 sf area and serving no more than 5 people.

Guards are required when

Open side of floor is more than 30 inches above floor below within 36 inches horizontally to the edge of the open side. Porches with insect screen also require guard. When mechanical equipment or roof hatch are within 10 ft of roof edge or open walking surface. 42" height minimum.

Egress Court

Open spaces that provides a. Was to public way. If less than 10' wide must be 1 hr rated. Must meet requirements of corridor width and door projections into width. Not less than 44" minimum width. Unobstructed height of 7'.

Egress from stories

Path of egress travel to an EXIT cannot pass thru more than one adjacent story.

Intermediate handrail

Placed so every part of stair is within 30 inches of handrail

Ramped aisles

Ramped aisles that are part of accessible route must have a max 1 to 12 slope. Other ramped aisles shall not exceed 1 to 8. Handrail required for slopes more than 1:15. Except if there is seating on both sides.

corridor continuity

Rated corridor must be continuous from point of entry to an EXIT and cannot be interrupted by intervening rooms. The rating shall be continuous along unemployed exit access stairways and for length of connecting corridor on the adjacent floor leading to an exit. Exceptions: foyer, lobby, reception rooms with same rating as corridor are not intervening rooms. Same for elevator lobbies.

Area of refuge

Required at accessible stairway means of egress or at elevators with several exceptions, for example not required if building is sprinklered or if stair or elevator is accessed thru a horizontal exit. 30" x 48" for each 200 occupants. Must be separated by a smoke barrier or horizontal exit from rest of space.

Smoke proof enclosure for exits

Required in high rise buildings, and in buildings with floor over 75' above or 30' below discharge.

Required landing at doors

Required on each side of a door. - Min width not less than the width of stairway or the door whichever is more. Fully open can not reduce more than 7". Any position can not reduce to less than half if occ load more than 50. - Length minimum 44" in direction of travel. Door can swing into this 44".

Ramp edge protection

Required on each side of ramp run and landing. Exceptions: for ramps not required to have handrails and with flared sides like curb ramps, for sides of landings adjoining another run, and at landing if vertical drop off not more than 0.5 inch within 10 inches of landing.

Ramp Handrails

Required when ruse more than 6 inches.

Intermediate handrails

Required where stair width more than 60 inches. Stair width more than 30" does not count towards egress capacity

Egress balcony

Same requirements as corridors for width, dead end, projections. Shall be separated from interior by wall and opening protective same as corridors. Exceptions apply.

Occupant load of mezzanine with its egress thru a room

Shall be added to occupant load of the room for sizing of means of egress from the room

Handrail Requirements

Stairways must have handrails on both sides. Exceptions: deck or walkway with one step with deep landing on both sides don't need handrail. In R3 occupancy a single riser at entrance doesn't need handrail. In dwelling units of R2 or R3 with 3 or less risers. 34" to 38" Above nosing.

Exit Access Travel Distance

Table 1017.2 based on occupancy type and whether or not it is sprinklered. For most occupancies 200 ft or 250 if sprinklered. For B occupancy 200 or 300 if sprinklered. - The travel distance can be increased 100 feet if last portion of exit access is an exterior egress balcony. Amount of increase must only be in the length of egress balcony

Corridor fire resistance rating

Table 1020.1 based on occupancy and occupant load served by corridor and whether or not sprinklered. Mostly 1 hr without sprinkler for occ load more than 30

Aisles in group B and M and other occupancies

The clear width shall be based on occupant load capacity but not less than what is required for corridors. Exception: non public aisles for less than 50 occupants not required to be accessible can be 28 inches wide.

Exits from refuge area

The refuge area of a horizontal assembly must have enough exit capacity for its occupant load but not for the added occ load of adjoining space. This means the exit door from refuge area can possibly be smaller than the door in the horizontal assembly to refuge area.

Configuration of 2 exits or exit access doorways, stairways or ramps

They shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than half of max overall diagonal in a straight line. Third distance if sprinklered Exception: when interior exit stair or ramp connected with a 1 hr corridor the separation measured among line of travel in corridor

Stepped aisles

Tread minimum 11 inches. Riser min 4 max 8 inches.

Alternate tread device and means of egress

Very limited access areas in storage or manufacturing occupancies of less than 250 sf

open-ended corridor

an interior corridor that connects at each end to exterior exit stairways with no doors or other separation. Separation from open ended corridor to exterior exit stair or ramp is not required when: - the building is sprinklered, - corridor ends in exterior stair on both ends with required openings, - a turn in the corridor more than 45 degree has openings or an additional exterior stair.

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