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Think of a question answer scenario, in which of the following is easy for human but difficult for machines?

1. ) Humans understand the question but may not have all the answers.

From 1974 until 1980, there was the first "AI winter". Which of the below may have precipitated this decline in AI work?:

1. ) The Lighthill report and government's' funding restrictions.

Human experts could use AI expertise to address which of the following challenges?

1. A) AI scales expertise to expand what is possible.

The turing test is designed to

1. A) Determine machine's human ability.

AI enables a partnership between humans and technology. Which of the following is best performed by technology and machines rather than humans?

1. A) Pattern Identification.

When you purchase an item from Amazon, it also suggests to you other related items. What is the name of that AI engine that brings forth suggestions as such?

1. B) Recommender engine

In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue, a computer capable of analyzing 200 million moves per second defeats world champion

1. C) Gary Kasparov

There seems to be common consensus as to when was AI bord. Which of the following matches that consensus?

1. C) In 1956 at Darmouth College summer workshop with top scientists.

Which of the following best depict General AI

1. C) The ability to use previous experiences to come up with new creative ideas.

IBM Business Value 2017 2Q C-suite research has identified three stages of automation: Basic, advanced and intelligent. Which of the following examples depicts an intelligent business process automation?

1. D) The "robot" reasons and learns through data discovery.

Is it possible to use more than one service in a given application deployed on IBM Cloud?

A) Absolutely yes. You can add a number of connections to the app, each connection being a separate API.

Both Amazon and Netflix use advanced recommendation engines; however, their approach to making a recommendation differs considerably from each other. Which of the following best describes such differences in approach?

A) Amazon recommends from the short tail of the question-distribution graph, whereas Netflix recommends from the long tail, the more obscure.

What are the possible values of the dependent variable in a sigmoid operation?

A) Any value between 0 and 1.

To which of the following categories of artificial intelligence does the IBM Watson Jeopardy! Quiz game adhere to?

A) Artificial Narrow Intelligence

When predicting future grades based on past performance that had "hours sleep" and "hours studying" as dependent variable, why was there need to normalize hours and grades?

A) Because that would be like comparing apples to oranges.

Considering the aphorism: "April showers bring May flowers", which of the following is the proper annotator that knows May does not likely bring floods or pebbles, but rather flowers?

A) Bi-gram, tri-gram, n-gram.

In a convolutional neural network, three are many layers such, s input, layer pooling, ReLU and so forth. The connection from one layer to another layer is done using programmatic "synapses", which contain the "weights". What do the nodes inside the hidden layers contain?

A) Bias.

When analyzing images, which of the following machine learning approaches is best suited for image analysis?

A) Convolutional neural network.

Audi uses robots to independently transport cars from production to shipping positions. Which of the following best depicts the AI approach taken with Audi in its manufacturing plant?

A) Data is collected from sensors to determine position and dimensions of the car and then adjusts to it.

Tone Analyzer uses linguistic analysis to detect three types of tones from written text

A) Emotions, social tendencies, and writing style.

While relevant AI uses cases span various areas across virtually every industry, there are three main macro domains that continue to drive the adoption as well as the most economic savings across businesses. Which of the following best depict those three main domains?

A) Engagement, insight and automation.

Radiologists visually examine a large number of images per day. Which of the following can be a cause of concern for their task?

A) Eye fatigue.

[Select all that apply]. Which of the given examples are perfect scenarios for machine learning systems?

A) Humans are unable to explain their expertise. & B) Solution changes with time. & C) Solution needs to be adapted to particular cases.

Which of the below best depicts the main task of Hypothesis Scoring?

A) It entails assigning confidence values to generated hypotheses retrieved earlier in the pipeline.

Visual Recognition uses deep learning, including convolutional neural nets (CNN) to analyze a picture. Which of the following best describes what is meant by deep learning using a CNN approach?

A) It learns by layers; the earlier hidden layers depict only edges and additional layers learn more features as the image is being analyzed.

In 2011 IBM makes international headlines when their system appears on Jeopardy! - and wins. What was the underlying architecture of the system?

A) It was founded on Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA)

UIMA stands for Unstructured Information Management Architecture. What is its main purpose?

A) Its main goal is to transform unstructured information to structured information.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding natural language processing (NLP)?

A) NLP is a classification problem.

Oxford philosopher and leading AI thinker.....defines superintelligence as "an intellect that is much smart than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills."

A) Nick Bostrom

Applying bias, such as a sigmoid operation or ReLU and a host of other algorithms, takes place in which particular construct of a neural network?

A) Node

If you had to break down cognition and how it works in our worlds, what would they be?

A) Observe, interpret, evaluate and decide.

With machine learning algorithms that use gradient descent, the idea is to use find the downward slope?

A) Partial derivatives.

Self-driving cars need to see, understand how the objects are moving, and decide what to do next. Which of the following, as elaborated in the Driverless Cars video, best categorizes the above three requirements?

A) Perception, Prediction, Planning.

AI Engagement, as an adoption driver of the technology, is most concerned with which of the following uses?

A) Personalization

Inverse document frequency is a key annotator used in which stage of the UIMA pipeline?

A) Question analysis.

In a neural network, changes to the weight alter the steepness of the vector or curve. The bias, on the other hand....

A) Shifts the entire vector

A single perceptron can solve a linear problem, then additional perceptrons give a network the ability to...?

A) Solve non-linear problems

Through....learning techniques, predictive models were developed that could anticipate failure detection for welding robots and predictive maintenance assessment.

A) Supervised.

Which of the following would constitute a deep learning framework?

A) TensorFlow

What makes a neural net a deep learning network?

A) There are lots of layers known as hidden layers that run further analysis of the data that came through the input layer.

With AI systems...if the process of defining an algorithm so it can learn from a data set. The output of mis operation is called a model. A model encompasses the learning coefficient of mathematical expression.

A) Training.

Natural language processing is needed when you wish to and extract meaningful insight from text.

A) Unstructured

Training a Visual Recognition service to be able to differentiate between objects, is best described by which of the following remarks?

A) Upload both positive and negative images.

Form retail to education, AI technology areas play an important role in reinventing industries and transforming our world. Which of the following are examples of key AI technologies?

A) Virtual agents and computer vision.

[Select Two] How would you go about using two services, the Watson Assistant and the Discovery services, together where one picks up where the other leaves off?

A) You can wire them together in Node-RED & B) You can use one of the Dialog nodes to conditionally jump to the Discovery service using confidence value thresholds.

[Select Two] Why would you want to have more than one Workspace in a single instance of your Watson Assistant?

A) You could use one workspace for regular chit-chat and the second one for the domain-specific business conversations. & B) Each workspace could act as a separate bot or application.

Given that the X-axis independent variable contains the area in sq are feet of houses, and Y-axis contains the corresponding sale price of those house, which of the following approaches would you use to predict the house prices as the square footage increase?

A) linear regression.

Which of the following is an example of object localization used with visual recognition?

B) Bounding Box

When using 1-hot encoding, what are the elements within each "category" called

B) Index

In a conversation world, marketers can no longer rely on the "yell & sell" approach and hope for the best. They need to "chat and listen". Which of the following terms best describes the new challenges that marketing departments face?

B) It's about personalization.

Supervised learning has many advantages. Which of the following may be some shortcomings of supervises warning?

B) Labeling the data is arduous and expensive.

Let's say you are tasked with climbing blind fold on the top of a hill and required to do so in a few steps as possible. In machine learning practice, what would the slop of this hill (curve) be?

B) Learning Rate

Linear regression tries to fit a line, vnre...the distance to each data point?

B) Minimizing.

[Select all that apply] Machine Learning tasks are typically classified into which of the following broad categories?

B) Supervised learning; C) Unsupervised learning ; D) Reinforcement learning.

The Watson Jeopardy games used....machine learning?

B) Supervised.

Assigning an image to one or more categories, is different from assigning a single word to that image. The term often used to indicate assigning word(s) to an image is known as:

B) Tagging.

Analog AI delivers radical performance improvements by combining compute and memory in a single device, eliminating....

B) The von Neumann bottleneck.

[Select Two] When you think of the syntax of a sentence, which of the following comes to mind?

C) Annotate & D) Tokenize

In 1992 IBM researcher Gerald Tesaura creates a self-teaching neural net that learns to play?

C) Backgammon

How does the system know that a wise man is not the same was a wise guy

C) Because this is a classification problem and the confidence value, through iterative training, will classify properly.

Discussions allow for the user to break away from a specific conversation in order to temporarily change the topic before returning to the original dialog flow. How do you set up digressions in Watson Assistant?

C) From the Dialog tab

... is used to compute the informative question words based on the statistics of the text corpus

C) Inverse document frequency.

The basic building block in a neural network is called a perceptron. Which of the following best describes the role of perceptron?

C) It takes an input and produces an output value that is governed by an activation function.

Training a regular network is often characterized as:

C) Minimizing cost function.

For natural language processing (NLP) system, which of the following poses the greatest challenge?

C) Pragmatics

Which of the following learning methods is predominantly used with self-driving cars?

C) Reinforcement learning.

In a convolutional neural network with many layers, when images are uploaded to the system, what do the first layers perform?

C) The first layers identify edges in the images.

One of the great challenges of driverless cars is awareness of social interactions as depicted in the Driverless Cars video. Which of the following is an example given in the video?

C) To understand that kids are playing with a ball to the side of the road and that the ball may tumble in front of the car and then kids may be running right behind it.

To build a conversation agent or a virtual agent that can sense and respond accordingly to frustrated or joyful interactions in human voice, you would need the Conversation service plus a minimum of what other essential service?

C) Tone Analyzer.

The Washington Post in a 2016 article stated that: half of the American workforce is at risk of being replaced by robots in the next decade. Which of the following tasks is key to successful AI technology adoption?

C) Training humans to work with machines.

In 1950, Alan Turing publishes the paper "computing machinery and intelligence" introducing the?

C) Turing Test.

Humans have superior data gathering and learning techniques to machines, but where or when can humans use some augmented help?

D) All the above

Which of the following functions as an example of deterministic systems?

D) Force = mass x acceleration (F=ma)

The IBM Watson Jeopardy! Game was able to achieve all of the main components of artificial intelligent systems, minus the one other key differentiator that current AI systems possess. Which of the following was missing in the IBM Watson Jeopardy! Game?

D) Interact

What makes a deep learning network deep?

D) It is a multi-layer perceptron with many 'hidden' layers.

AI learning process entails human and machine activities; which of the following best depicts machine-related activities?

D) Learns by adjusting weights and biases.

Re-enforcement learning is a machine learning algorithm that is less suited for which of the following tasks?

D) Stocking, as well as retrieving, products in the warehouse for optimizing space utilization and warehouse operations.

When using the gradient descent algorithm, the gradient, or slope of the descent' is also referred to as the...?

D) learning Rate

How does IBM view the impact of artificial intelligence

1. A) It is here to augment human intelligence

The key difference between narrow intelligence and broad intelligence is best described by which of the following phrases:

1. C) Narrow AI can only do a certain task - and it can do it quite well - but narrow AI can't transfer its knowledge to different sorts of problems as with Broad AI.

All learned knowledge is uncertain and learning itself is a form of concert in inference. The problem then becomes how to deal with nosy incomplete and even contradictory information, without falling apart. The solution is probabilistic inference, and the algorithm is...?

A) Bayes theorem.

What is meant by gradient descent in a neural network?

A) In machine learning, it's typically used to minimize the error function.

[Select Two] When working with the Watson Assistant service, you are prompted to create intent, entity and dialog. Which of those tasks invokes the machine learning process to start in the background?

A) Intent & B) Entity

The dialog uses the... that are identified in the user's input, plus context from the application, to interact with the user and ultimately provide a useful response.

A) Intents

The dialog uses the ... that are identified in the user's input, plus context from the application, to interact with the user and ultimately provide a useful response.

A) Intents.

Cognitive systems are best characterized by the following four attributes: Understand, reason, learn, and ....?

A) Interact

Statisticians often refer to allowing something in exchange for reducing variance. Which of the following depicts what statisticians are referring to?

A) Unlike regression, machine learning predictions might be wrong on average, but when the predictions miss, they often don't miss by much.

Which of the following is an example of an Intent used in the Watson Assistant service?


In 2006 Hinton and colleagues demonstrate that ...... with many layers can be effectively trained.

B) Deep Learning.

Candidate answer generation collects all the results of primary search and begins to formulate a... that is more focused towards the keywords that had the greatest saliency

B) Hypothesis.

Which of the following best describe what happens during the Question Analysis stage in the UIMA pipeline?

B) It parses the question to extract the major features of the question.

Let's say you are asked with climbing to the top of a hill, dfolded and requires to do so in as few steps as possible. In machine learning parlance, what would the slope be called?

B) Learning Rate

Let's say you want to predict how much salary on would each based on level of education. Your Y axis is salary and your X axis is educational bucket (high school, Bachelors, Masters, and so forth). Which of the following models is best suited to help you predict, given a certain salary, what might the education level of the individual be?

B) Linear regression

Which of the following approaches you would use if you wanted to predict, based on size, whether a house could sell for more than $200K. Taking into consideration that the possible outputs are either "Yes", the house will sell for more than $200K, or "No", the house will not.?

B) Logistical Regression

[Select Two] In a digital marketing firm, which of the following is a crucial data set for you to analyze?

B) Strive to adopt a personalized 'chat and listen' approach versus a 'yell and sell' approach. & C) Being always on and keeping it real becomes therefore much more important for a brand than being picture or pixel perfect (and thus only sporadically on/always late).

The Jeopardy! Game played by Watson in 2011 used which of the following technologies?

B) UIMA architecture.

Amazon's recommendation engine uses which of the following machine learning methods?

B) Unsupervised learning.

Let's say I am deploying an AI system that can handle Level 1 support calls to my organization. Which of the following systems would be an appropriate approach?

C) Agent Assist Chatbot.

What are some of the most common artificial neural networks used with vision?

C) Convolutional Neural Networks

Which of the following best describes the difference between AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

C) Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning, which in turn is a subset of artificial intelligence.

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