icev certification review

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Death rate is expressed as the number of deaths per how many individuals per unit of time?


Fill in the missing labels on the image.

1. Non-userCare About Existence 2. AgricultureIrrigator 3. Government/MunicipalLandowner

Match the image to the correct animal.

1. bobcat 2. lynx 3. gray wolf 4. coyote

Match the image with the correct species name.

1. eastern cottontail 2. eastern fox squirrel 3. eastern gray squirrel

Mark the following statements about minks as either True or False.

1. false 2. true 3. false

Use the word bank to complete the following statement.

1. mbhacsa of 1934

Label the following.

1. neurotic zone 2. oceanic zone 3. epipelagic 4. mesopelagic 5. bathypelagic

Match the forest with its appropriate region.

1. tropical 2. boreal 3. temperate

Mark the following statements as True or False.

1. true 2. false 3. false

Mark the following statements about taxonomy as True or False.

1. true 2. true 3. false

What is the maximum lifespan for a black rat snake?

10 to 15 years

Vulnerable species have less than _______ mature individuals.


What is the maximum lifespan for a house finch?

11 years

What is the average number of ducklings wood ducks have annually?


Around _____ percent of nests will hatch, the rest will be lost to predation or agricultural practices.


Which year was the Duck Stamp Act enacted?


What year was the first Cooperative Wildlife Research Center established?


In what year was the Clean Water and Air Act created?


How much of the earth's land surface is covered with grasslands?

20 to 40 percent

Which of the following is the average home range for bison?

25 square miles

As a result of the sales from the Duck Stamp Act, how many wildlife refuges have been created or expanded?


Recreational activities generate how much money per year?

40 billion

Rainforests cover which percentage of the earth?


White-tailed deer have a maximum lifespan of which of the following?

8 to 9 years

Experts estimate around ____ million acres of tree-covered land is considered in risk of mortality.


What percentage of fresh water is trapped in glaciers or underground aquifers?


Where are savannas typically found?

Africa, Australia and South America

Which of the following best describes this image?

Baseflow contribution

Which of the following is NOT true about beavers?

Belong in the class Mephitidae

Which of the following ducks is shown in the image?

Black-bellied whistling duck

Match the type of habitat loss with its definition.

Breaking up habitats to the point where the habitat can no longer remain functional- habitat fragmentation Act of complete loss of habitat through direct human involvement- habitat destruction Act of polluting or otherwise altering a habitat until the quality of the habitat can no longer support life- habitat degradation

What is the speculum on waterfowl?

Bright-colored patch on the secondaries of dabbling ducks

Which of the following best describes the diet of the American woodcock?

Carnivore; insects, worms

Which of the following is the scientific name of the American beaver?

Castor canadensis

Select the basic goals of The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

Clarifying fish and wildlife belong to all North American citizens Clarifying fish and wildlife belong to all North American citizens

Which of the following was enacted to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's waters?

Clean Water Act

Which of the following does NOT influence an organism's niche?


According to the presentation, ecosystem management was broadened by the establishment of which of the following in 1978?

Conservation Biology

Tillage is primarily used for which of the following?

Control weeds and aerate soil

Which of the following best describes a prescribed burn?

Controlled fires created by experts to clear fire fuel

Which species correlates with this range map?

Eastern cottontail

Riparian wetlands are particularly vulnerable to destruction, but serves a vital role in which of the following?

Floodplain protection

Grasslands typically exist between which of the following?

Forest and desert

Who acquired the sporting journal Forest and Stream and used it to promote wildlife conservation?

George Bird Grinnell

Which of the following is known to cause primary succession?

Glacier movement

Why do temperate grasslands have the most fertile soil on earth?

Grass roots decaying below the surface enriches the soil with nutrients

This range map belongs to which of the following?

Gray wolf

Biological productivity includes which of the following?

Greater volume of food production for large food webs

Which of the following waterfowl is shown in the image?

Greater white-fronted goose

Which of the following is a characteristic of a badger?

Home range of three to four square miles

Which of the following acts encouraged settlers to move west and provided free acreage to those who made the journey?

Homestead act

Which of the following does NOT conduct nitrogen fixation?


Where is the phosphorus cycle primarily conducted?

In soil and plants

Where are the lamellae located?

In the bill of a bird

Which of the following best describes the Farm Bill?

Incentives provided to landowners to conserve grassland habitats

Which of the following is NOT a goal for population management?

Increase recreational opportunities for humans

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an eclipse or basic plumage for female ducks?

Increased concealment from predators

Density is divided into which of the two factors?

Independent and dependent

Which of the following methods for measuring populations utilizes recording signs of animals, such as droppings, tracks, nest counts, etc.?

Index of population size

Which of the following is NOT included when monitoring wildlife populations?

Instances of human conflict

Which of the following best describes respiration?

Intake of oxygen to convert glucose to energy

Match the vocabulary word with the definition.

Invertebrate aquatic animals- crustaceans Related to soil or dry land- terrestrial Floating algae- phytoplankton Related to water- aquatic

Which of the following was the first federal law protecting wildlife?

Lacey act

Match each law with the date of establishment.

Lacey act fish and wildlife coordination act endangered species act

Select all the factors in which a wetland is classified.

Landscape position Hydrological regime Vegetation cover

Which of the following is NOT a main threat which plagues grasslands today?

Lasting effects from Dust Bowl

Emigration can be due to a habitat's _____________.

Limited-carrying capacity

Which of the following is an essential reason why wildlife species have home ranges?

Locate a mate

Which of the following best describes urban sprawl?

Mass expansion of urban areas which rapidly destroy the surrounding environment

Which of the following is true of gray wolves?

Maximum lifespan is eight years

Which of the following is NOT an essential breeding habitat?

Mississippi River Region

Identify this big game species.

Mule deer

Identify the species in the image.

Nine-banded armadillo

Which of the following have a spatulate bill?

Northern shoveler

Match the common name of the species with the taxonomic species.

Norway rat- norvegicus red-tailed hawk- jamaicensis slimy salamander- glutinosis virginia opossum- virginiana

Which of the following is the genus and species of the gray partridge?

Perdix; perdix

Match the plant life with the habitat where it would most likely be found.

Plants with shallow widespread roots and thick leaves- deserts Evergreen trees- taiga Mosses and lichen- tundra Large evergreen trees, vines, ferns and mosses. tropical rainforests Various species of grasses- grasslands Trees with color-changing leaves such as oak, maple and beech- deciduous forests

When chicks are born fully-developed, they are referred to as which of the following?


Select all the services grasslands provide.

Provide very important habitat for wildlife Filter runoff from precipitation Store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Build deep and rich soils

Which of the following is NOT a ecological principle of wildlife management?

Providing recreation, such as hunting

Food is NOT crucial for which of the following?

Removal of metabolic wastes

Select all the following causes of degradation to a wetland.

Soil runoff Sedimentation

Levees are most commonly used for which of the following?

Stopping water from naturally changing course

Which of the following is NOT a wetland?


A wetland with woody plants, saturated/slow moving water and a lack of oxygen in the soil can be described as a _____.


The hooded warbler is a ________ wetland species.


Which of the following best describes a pioneer species?

The first species to colonize an area in primary succession

Why are waterfowl thought of as indicator species?

Their populations can indicate landscape health

Which individual was thought to do more to conserve wildlife than any single individual in U.S. history?

Theodore roosevelt

Which president enacted the Farm Bill?

Theodore roosevelt

Which of the following is the specific mission of the Natural Resources Conservation Service?

To conserve soils for agricultural production

What is the purpose of the Lacey Act?

To create hunting seasons and make it illegal to transport illegally-taken game across state lines

Which of the following is NOT a category of wetland biome?


When topsoil is lost, the loss is fairly permanent because the process to create just three centimeters of topsoil takes about 1,000 years.


The two layers of fur which furbearers have are known as which of the following?

Underfur, guard hairs

Which of the following allows organizations like farmers to be paid to reduce the amount of pollution they discharge?

Water Quality Trading

Wetlands are economically important due to which of the following factors?

Wetlands provide both commercial and recreational fisheries

Which of the following principles was influenced by the Public Trust Doctrine established in 1842?

Wildlife resources are a public property

Which of the following belongs to the Turdidae family?

american robin

Select the waterfowl known for forming seasonally monogamous pair bonds.

american wigeon canvasback

Waterfowl belong to which taxonomic class?


_____________ factors effects occur through the interaction of animals, plants and other organisms.


Which of the following is considered an omnivore?

black bear

This range map belongs to which of the following types of geese?


Which of the following would most likely be found in a bog?

carnivorous plants

Which of the following describes the maximum population size of a species the habitat can support?

carrying capacity

Select the positive ecological interactions between organisms.

commensalism mutualism

Which of the following trees are most common in boreal forests?


Which of the following is NOT part of the Viperidae family?

coral snake

select all statements true about rainforests

covers six percent of the earth contains half of all plant species found on earth

Tourism and recreation are examples of which of the following services provided by habitats?


Select all the significant threats to waterfowl.

decline in hunters habitat loss

Wetlands are NOT critical for which of the following?

developing agricultural land

The lesser scaup is classified as which type of waterfowl?

diving duck

A forest habitat which undergoes fragmentation can lose up to 45 percent of its biodiversity.


Dominance occurs when one individual achieves preferential access to resources, including food, cover and mates over other individuals. This may be achieved through submission or smaller body size.


Hurricanes do less financial damage, flood further inland and displace more people when coasts are heavily developed.


To be considered a wetland, the area must be covered in shallow water all year.


Which of the following invasive species cause soil erosion, destroy young trees and consume seeds and nuts necessary for new growth?

feral hogs

Which of the following is information which does NOT help biologists when collecting banding data?

food intake

Place the forest layers in the correct order from bottom to top.

forest floor herb layer shrub layer understory layer canopy

Which habitat would heavy grazers and burrowing animals most likely be found?


Identify the species in the image.

leopard frog

Which of the following types of female duck is shown in the image?

lesser scaup

Which of the following is NOT needed when it comes to managing species and habitats?

life history

Select the correct phrase from the options in the underlined section.


Which species correlates with this range map?


This range map belongs to which of the following types of duck?

mottled duck

Which of the following has a home range which averages around 200 yards?


Select the correct phrase from the underlined section.


Which of the following describes the diet of the striped and spotted skunk?


Which of the following is NOT a permanent mark used in the mark and recapture technique?


Which of the following is a biotic factor which may impact wildlife populations?


Which of the following typically triggers migration for waterfowl?


Which of the following is a means of manipulating wildlife habitats?

putting up fences

Which of the following male ducks have a yellow eye?


Which of the following is NOT a service forests provide?

replenishing carbon dioxide

Which type of agriculture provides important waterfowl wintering habitats in southern states and along the west coast?


According to the presentation, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 is credited with saving which of the following species from extinction?

snowy egret

Identify the species in the image.

spotted salamander

Select all the necessary parts of a goose, hunters, who are participating in the Parts Collection Survey, are required to submit.

tail primary feathers

Which of the following Acts has conservation provisions including the Conservation Reserve Program and the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program?

the farm bill

Which species lives underground in burrows up to 60 cm deep?

tiger salamander

Most permits are regulated to scientific, educational or propagation purposes.


The Mexican free-tailed bat belongs to the order Chiroptera.


Under the pillar which states markets for game are eliminated, exceptions can be made for some fur-bearing species.


Which of the following is the nesting site of the American wigeon?

upland, ground

Select the correct phrase from the two options in the underlined sections.

which means permanently or seasonally saturated with water which means it is free of oxygen

Which of the following male ducks have a white chin strap and iridescent green crest?

wood duck

How many species of waterfowl are currently endangered?


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