ICJ101 Final Review

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Framework Decisions

(no longer used since December 2009)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly in _____.


What is petty corruption?

A common corruption activity that involves relatively small amounts of currency exchange in order to obtain some basic service or permit. Petty corruption is very common and a culturally acceptable activity in some areas of the world. Nevertheless, a criminal activity.

_________- is used in common law countries where two advocates represent their parties' case or position before an impartial person or group of people, usually a jury or judge, who attempt to determine the truth and pass judgment

Adversarial system

Truth Commissions have operated in countries like ______.

Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, and South Africa.

UN Security Council is composed of five permanent members:

China, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, The United States, France.

The ICC is supported by the ________ that is comprised of 2500 NGOs, from 150 countries. It was established in 1995 by non-governmental organizations.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC)

The ________ was established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution 1992/1 upon the request of the General Assembly and is part of the _______.

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) United Nations

The US has _____ legal system.

Common law

_________ has shown that most criminal justice systems use the same basic functions of policing, prosecution, adjudication and correction.

Comparative criminal justice

_________ - are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population.

Crimes Against Humanity

It mainly focuses on the international exchange of police-related information between members of the European Union.


________ is a legal process for the purpose to transfer from one state to another for the purpose of facing trial or sentence.


When we speak of crime and victims, we often try to understand it and explain it via the ______.

Felson's Routine Activity Theory

International Crimes are defined by the _______.

Geneva Conventions

______ - A doctrine that provides that the police may enter the premises where they suspect a crime has been committed without a warrant when delay would endanger their lives or the lives of others and lead to the escape of the alleged perpetrator. This doctrine also extends when law enforcement of one country can continue chasing a fugitive across the border into another country.

Hot Pursuit

A case can be brought forth before the ICC by the (3):

ICC prosecutor, ICC State Party, and UN Security council.

The Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials were accused of _______.

Imparting victors Justice

Armed conflict situations are ruled by the _____________________ ___________ law.

International Humanitarian

_______ is an international organization consisting of 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation and secure financial stability.

International Monetary Fund

An International police organization set up for the purpose of facilitating communication between national law enforcement agencies.


Mutual (legal) Assistance

Is a form of cooperation between different countries for the purpose of collecting and exchanging information. Extradition is a legal process for the purpose to transfer from one state to another for the purpose of facing trial or sentence.

Globalization has become very important in facilitating and expanding transnational crime via trade, capital movement, movements of people, and communication and technology. Why is this important?

It was via the globalization that this aspects made possible the moving and export of large amount of illegal trade.

Interpol is located in ______.

Lyon, France

_______ are universally condemned acts that are inherently evil in and of others.

Mala in se

______ crimes are more or less arbitrary and unpredictable set of acts that vary from society to society and time period to another.

Mala prohibita

When we discuss victimization, we emphasize that primary victimization as a result of the ______, is only part of the picture.


On March 31, 2005, the UN Security Council passed _______ which referred the situation in Darfur to International Criminal Court.

Resolution 1593

The best response to a crime is a punishment proportional to the offense (an eye for an eye).

Retributive Justice

International Criminal Court multilateral treaty was signed in _____.


The ________, makes sure that there is a fair representation of man and women among judges on the ICC.

Rome Statute provision

_______ is in charge of U.S. Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the U.S. Coast Guard.

The Department of Homeland Security

ICC, ICJ, and Europol is located in ______.

The Hague, Netherlands

_______ -In areas in which the European Union does not have exclusive competence, this laid down in the Treaty on European Union, defines the circumstances in which it is preferable for action to be taken by the Union, rather than the Member States.

The Principal of Subsidiarity

_________ -proceeds of Crime, and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML), part of the UNODC, was established in 1997 to assist member states to comply with the UN conventions and other instruments that deal with money laundering and terrorism financing.

The United Nations Global Program against Money Laundering

_______- its main purpose is to help nations heal and move forward after periods of conflict or oppression.

Transitional Justice

In the genocide of Rwanda, the victims were _____.


Because of globalization, the ________ in Palermo, Italy, in November 15, 2000, served as an important multilateral treaty.

United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

_________ is an American federal law enforcement agency whose mission is to detect and prevent illegal aliens, terrorists, and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, and prevent illegal trafficking of people and contraband.

United States Border Patrol (USBP)

Actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violate accepted INTERNATIONAL rules of war are known as

War Crimes

Difference between war crimes and crimes against humanity?

Whereas war crimes are atrocities against people during armed conflict situations, crimes against humanity do not necessarily occur in the context of war.

_________ is an international financial institution that provides loans to countries of the world for capital projects.

World bank

Is the International Court of Justice a part of the United Nations?


Substantive Law - defining _________, and specifying the punishments for such offenses.

acts that are subject to punishment

A ________ is a serious violation of the rules that govern the use of force by a State.

crime of aggression

To proceed with an investigation, the ICC Office of the Prosecutor must be able to establish (3):

jurisdiction, admissibility, and the interest of justice.

Hybrid Courts are significant in that there is shared _______ (3) with the United Nations and the domestic courts of the State wherein the criminal acts occurred.

jurisdiction, funding, and staff

The two central principles of _____, discrimination and proportionality, establish rules of just and fair conduct during warfare. The principle of discrimination concerns who are legitimate targets in war, while the principle of proportionality concerns how much force is morally appropriate. A serious violation of the laws or customs of war is _______.

jus in bello jus in bello

When it comes to _______, there are many factors that influence these pull and push factors, such as: political and social conditions, demand for cheap manual labor and cheap sex, and economic and social conditions.


Crimes against humanity are divided into two categories:

murder type and persecution type offense.

•The International Criminal Court is the first ______ international criminal tribunal.


Money Laundering is closely correlated with Human Trafficking. Just as HT, money laundering goes through specific stages of ________ (3). Law enforcement takes advantage of this structured activity in order to intercept it and prevent it.

placement, layering, and integration

The Financial Action Task Force - FATF is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop _______.

policies to combat money laundering.

When the Genocide Convention was established in 1948, one of the criticism received was that it neglected to include ________.

political groups.

The ICC is comprised of four main parts:

presidency, judiciary, office of the prosecutor, registry

Procedural Law - defining the ______ that criminal justice officials must follow in enforcement, adjudication and correction.


Organized crime is a "continuing criminal enterprise that rationally works to _____

profit from illicit activities that are often in great public demand."

Human Trafficking remains a constant plague to our society. The steps of _______ (5), are closely monitored by local law enforcements entities in the hope of reducing the expansion of these criminal acts.

recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring, and receipt of persons

_______ can occur as a result of the response of institutions or individuals to the victim's demand to access to justice.

secondary victimization

The dark figure of crime refers to

the multitude of crimes that have not been recorded by the police.

Pull factors of Migration: Push factors of Migration:

to find safety, stability, opportunity, etc. to leave poverty, fear, disasters, unemployment, etc.

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