ICT aitu

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What is not an asynchronous communication

phone conversation


preserves the original audio (WAV, FLAC, AIFF)

E government functions

pushing information over the internet, two way communication between the agency and user, governance and conducting transactions

What is ICT?

refers to technologies that provide access to information through technologies

Cyber means

relating to the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality

What's the disadvantage of e-commerce?

rely on other customer reviews of products

Typically, the client _______ information from a server.


Data Analysis Application

retail, health care, manufacture, banking, logistics

What is Communication?

sending and receiving of information(the transfer of information)

Main requirements for a service

service provider, receiver and delivery channel

Disdvantages of e-government:

- Distrust of government, Cost

Advantages of e commerce

- buying/selling 24/7 from a computer, not limited to a geographical location, easier to find uncommon or special products, low operational costs without a physical storefront, easy to start and manage a business

Which one is a top-level domain name (TLD)?


Example of IP address (each number must be between 0 and 255)

In what year was the first website launched?


Which statement is false?

A smart home can't detect harmful gasses



Characters set standards


Which is a video container?


Which statement is true about how the internet and the web affect economies?

Anyone anywhere can start an online business.

Is the environment is everything inside or outside of the system?

Anything outside of the system

Which is part of the five layers of the simplified layer model?

Application, Transport, Network, Data, Physical

What does ALU stand for?

Arithmetic logic unit

E-learning happens over a duration (for example, a week)


Categories of E commerce

B2B, B2C, B2G, C2C, G2C, G2B

A database is a component of the _____________


What is the scale of a LAN?

Building (WiFi, Ethernet)


Business to business


Business to consumer


Business to government

E government interaction

C2G, G2G, G2C, G2E, G2B

Which of the following is not refers to software component?


A computer must include which physical components?

CPU, Memory, Input/output devices, Long-term storage, such as a hard drive

The number of instances of an entity from a relation that can be associated with the relation:


What is an example linear multimedia?


What is the scale of a MAN?

City (DSL)

Types of distributed processing systems are

Client-Server Computing, Cloud Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing

What is the most common form of network architecture on the internet?


a client requesting information from a server is a

Client-server architecture

CLI stands for

Command Line Interface

Describe synchronous communication

Communicating at the same time

What is the primary focus of ICT?


Which attributes are further divided in a tree-like structure?

Composite attributes


Consumer to consumer

What is the scale of a WAN?

Country (Large ISP)

Protocol between computers on local and internet area networks


Virtualized hardware system can be used in...


Advantages of DBMS

Improved data sharing, security, access, decision making and minimized data inconsistency

Which sectors use the Internet?

Education, Communication, Banking, Transportation, Commerce

Application of Computers

Education, Science research, Banking and etc

Benefits of e-learning:

Engages learners who have difficulty attending face-to-face lectures, Different learning modes for those who struggle with lectures

What is the primary purpose of standards?

Ensure that our systems work universally

A person, place, thing, or event about which data will be collected and stored:


A book is text that links to other text -


A computer network must have more than 2 devices to be called a network. -


A smart grid is based on the distribution model using centralized power generation


Data science is a component of data analysis


Do all packets use the same path when traveling over the internet?


E-services are required to be automated


Each column in a relation contains values from the different domains


HCI focuses on beautification or adding features to user interfaces


I can safely use pirated software or software downloaded from nonofficial sources because my antivirus software will protect me.


Internet service providers (ISPs) connect websites to the internet.


Languages that the hardware uses are called high-level languages


Lossless audio is a simplified audio format (removes sound ranges humans cannot hear)


Malware can only infect a computer if the user gives the malware permission to run.


Networks are simple and can easily be described without using a networking model.


Real-time operating systems are not needed because today's computers are very fast


The goal of HCI is to create systems for humans to use even if they are difficult and complicated


The internet and WWW have had only positive impacts on society. There are negative impacts.


The internet remains the same. The internet you use today will be the same internet that you will use in 20 years.


The links in a system must be real, not virtual or intangible


The power grid allows someone to buy or sell electricity to the grid


We live in a disconnected world. The internet or WWW is not important.


How does using ICT in education support learning?

Formal learning outside of the classroom, Access to educational content online, Watching educational videos, Collaborating(working together one) online, Submit Assignments online through an LMS

A web browser is a component of the ____________


What scale of a network is the internet?



Government to business


Government to consumer

GUI stands for

Graphical User Interface

Which is a video codec?


Codec format


What protocol do the web browser and web service use?


What protocol does the web use?


What do hackers and cybercriminals do for a living?

Hack and steal for a living

Data storage device

Hard Drive

Data storage device

Hard drive

Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage?

Hardware as a service

From an architectural perspective, a computer system is a self-contained system that has:

Hardware, Software, Data, Communication

What describes the cybercrimes category of "Offensive Content or harassment"?

Hate speech or Harassing someone through cyberspace

HVAC stand for

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

What are the three components of HCI?

Human, Computer, Interaction

The difference between ICT and IT

ICT focuses on communication, and IT focuses on information

ICT Focuses on Telecommunication

Information, Communication, Technologies

IaaS stands for

Infrastructure as a Service

What are the main components of IPO?

Input, Output, Storage mechanism

How does the environment interact with the system?


Common ICT technologies

Internet (wired or wireless), Radio Communication, Cellular network

What does IoT stand for?

Internet of Things

Why is TCP/IP such an important web protocol?

It guarantees delivery. It guarantees that data arrives intact, which creates a duplicate of the original file

Image format


What is a common image file format?


Computer Languages

Java, SQL, C, JavaScript

Examples of input/output devices are:

Keyboard, Microphone, Network card of Wifi

What is an attribute or collection of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity among entity set?


What LMS stands for

Learning Management System

Select the disadvantages of MCC (Select three answers)

Limited bandwidth, Network Availability, Security risks

From what term comes "Malware"

MALicious softWARE

Container format


Multimedia standards


Which is a common cyber threat?

Malware, Data Leaks, Open WiFi Networks, Unsolicited Email

Typically, how do clients and servers interact

Many-to-one (many clients to one server)

What does MCC stand for in cloud computing?

Mobile Cloud Computing

Examples of LMS


Advantages of e-government:

More services offered to citizens cheaply, Increased citizen participation, Government transparency

The maximum amount of RAM that can be installed is limited by


Which attributes are depicted by a double ellipse?

Multi-value attributes

What is NOT true of a network?

Networks usually do not have internal connections

Are technology makers required to follow the standards?


Will a user always know if they are running malicious software?


A single-tasking operating system ...

Only allows a single process or task to run at a time

Examples of processes

Outputting data, Logical decision making, Manipulating data

What is the function of the application layer?

Provides application services to users and programs

Which items are a form of technology?

Quill pen, Radio, Paper, Smartphones

What RAM stands for

Random Access Memory

All computer colors are created by mixing which colors

Red, green, blue (RGB)

In relational model, data is stored in tables called __________


What best describes a command line interface?

Requires a user to type in command only using text

Which items describe cloud computing?

Requires internet access, Processing happens on both the client and the server, Users access cloud computer through a web browser

Which makes the person an easy target?

Responding to spam

Protocol between storage and computer


Which is true of telecommunications?

Send all types of data over significant distances by electronic means

What does cloud computing include?

Server, Applications, Software platforms, Storage

Limitations of asynchronous e-learning:

Students feel isolated

What is a set of components that are linked together to form what we think if as a single unit


What is a major branch of computer software?

System Software

What does an operating system interface with?

System hardware (CPU, Memory), Application software, An incorrect answer, File system, Network interface card

An operating system is ...

System software

How does TCP handle lost data or packets during transit?

TCP knows what packet was lost. So, it will request only the lost packet.

The difference between memory and storage is that the memory is__________ and storage is_________

Temporary, permanent

What is referred to as the global computer network?

The Internet

What is technology?

The application of scientific knowledge for Practical purposes

What is a consequence if an ICT technology does not meet the standards of the ICT industry?

The equipment might not work with other ICT technologies

What came first, the internet or the web?

The internet

Why might a cybercriminal go after a difficult target?

The target has something of great value (such as the blogger who announced to the world that they had over $200,000 in bitcoins)

What was the purpose of ARPANET? -

To share research information

What is the function of the physical layer?

Transmit data by an electric voltage, radio frequencies, or light over a physical medium.

A component of system can include sub-systems.


A network that uses different network topologies is called a hybrid network.


A smart grid will lower power costs for consumers


A system is made up of a set of components that are linked together to form what we think of as a single unit


A system must be recognizable as a single unit


A video game is an example of nonlinear multimedia.


An animation is a sequential series of still images that create an illusion of motion


An operating system is system software that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and provides common services for computer programs


Cloud computing is internet-based computing.


Connectivity is one of the characteristics of IoT


Cybersecurity is measures taken to protect a computer against unauthorized access or attack


Data analysis helps to provide better customer service


Distributed processing systems is a type of architecture that describes how a system distributes the information throughout the various components for processing, analyzing, and storing


E-business is another word for e-commerce


E-services need to have a delivery channel


E-services require a transaction to occure


Each row in a relation contains a unique value


Ensuring data quality is one of the challenges in data analysis


HCI is the interaction between humans and computers


HVAC systems control humidity level over the internet.


Information is meaningful data that leads to knowledge


Most operating systems we use are multi-tasking; multi-user, and multi-processing


One of the goals of smart grid is to share electricity to reduce dependencies on fossil fuels


One purpose of computer system hardware is to provide input and output.


Protocols are sets of rules.


The Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) is a fundamental design of computer system architecture.


The WWW created distribution networks (e.g., information is no longer concentrated in a few locations).


The data component contains facts and observations about the system


The main e-government function is to make information available online for citizens, businesses, and others to access easily


The purpose of a programming language is to help programmers write software


The two major branches of computer software are system software and application software


There are more than 1 billion websites on WWW.


Your cybersecurity goal is to make it as difficult as possible for cybercriminals to access your data.


What URL stands for

Uniform Resource Locator

What describes the cybercrimes category of of "Selling Illicit Goods"?

Using a computer to sell illegal goods

What describes specialized applications?

Usually requires a high degree of skill to use

What is the scale of a PAN?

Vicinity (e.g., Bluetooth)

How does a learning management system(LMS) centralize the online learning process and recourses?

View grades of submitted assignments, Contains assignments and instructions, Contains the course recourses, Accessible anytime

How has the internet and www NOT impacted our lives?

We have access to online markets, We can have an active relationship with someone who is far away, We have easy access to knowledge, We can transfer money electronically

What is a typical form of how mobile devices communicate?


Protocols developed to meet new demands


Do standards ensure that the technologies will work together? -


Does ICT bring change to society?

Yes, ICT changes every ascept our lives. We rely on ICT technologies

Can teachers use ICT technologies to support traditional learning?

Yes, a teacher can use ICT to provide learning in addition to a lecture

Client server architecture

a client requesting information from a server

Peer-to-peer computing is when

a client sends the request to all computers on the network. Any computer can act as a client or server

Process is

a sequence of the steps taken to reach a specific result

Who maintains the DBMS and is responsible for administering the database?


Find the correct answer for a description of the protocol

an equipment that provides the connection in the network

What is environment?

anything outside the border

Two primary categories of software element

application and operating systems


automation of devices to change something (change temperature due to climate)

One category of application software is ...

basic applications

Machine Language types

binary (0 and 1), Octal (8), Hex (16)

What are brief, precise, and unambiguous descriptions of operations in an organization?

business rules


citizen and government

Two main video parts

codec and container

The HCI component that examines how the mind processes information

cognitive psychology

Challenges of Data Analysis

collecting the data, storing the data, ensuring data quality, having the knowledge and tools necessary to make sense of the data

What is a database?

collection of related data and its metadata organized in a structured format

Synchronous communication

communicate at the same time

Which term responsible for the sending and receiving information


Asynchronous communication

communication at the different time

What converts human instructions to machine languages

compilers and interpreters


complex of devices (sensors and etc)

Categories of Computer Crimes

computer as a Tool, as the Target, Selling Illicit Goods and Offensive content or Harassment

Peer-to-Peer computing

computers are treated as equals


connection of devices


connection to a network

What manages interaction between end users and database?

database management system

DBMS stands for

database management systems

What is NOT an example of mobile technology?

desktop computer

Peer-to-Peer computing disadvantages

difficult to locate services, synchronize versions of files or software, secure network

Peer-to-Peer computing advantages

easy to set up, no need for a server, sharing files between PC.

What is computer?

electronic device that manipulate information, which is data, it stores retrieves and processes the data

Anything outside the border


The HCI component that creates the graphical or visual elements that the people use to interface with the device

fine arts design

Application software is a software ...

for the user

What is Internet

global computer network


government and businesses


government and citizens


government and employees


government and other government agencies

Data Analysis benefits

improved decision making, better customer service, efficient operations, effective marketing

Disadvantages of DBMS

increased costs, maintaining currency, management complexity, frequent upgrade, replacement cycles

A computer is an electronic machine that performs calculations based on a set of what?


What is a database system?

integrated system of hardware, software, people, procedures, and data


interactive (user control)

The fundamental properties and the patterns of relationships, connections, constrains, and linkages among the components and between the system and its environment are known collectively as the __ of the system


What is malware

it's any software that infects and damages a computer system without the owner's knowledge or permission


it's compressor and decompressor algorithm of the video

Information is meaningful data that leads to


Multimedia category

linear and nonlinear

Audio file format types

lossless and lossy

Difference between low-level language and high-level language

low-level closer to how computer talks and high level to how human talks

What is information

meaningful data that leads to knowledge


measures taken to protect a computer against unauthorized access or attack


no user control

If you are talking to a group, you are communicating


Types of communication

one-to-many, one-to-one


online world of computer networks

E service

short for electronic service


simplifies the data, removes sound ranges humans cannot hear (MP3, AAC)

What is Virtualization

software-based computer system

IT department core functions

stores the data, protects the data, provides technical support, ensures connectivity, keeps technology current in the organization, etc.

Domain levels and example

sub domain, second level domain, top level domain (example astanait.edu.kz: astanait(sub level) edu(second level) .kz(top level))

Modes of e learning

synchronous and asynchronous

What is OS

system software that acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware

Computer as a Target

targeting computer or system (Viruses, malwares)

Limitations of synchronous e learning

technology may not work, students have to meet at a fixed time

The software component ...

tells the hardware what data to process

Primary methods of communication

text, voice, video


the holder of the video file and components

What is boundary

the separation between environment and system

An IP address is __________.

the unique address of a computer on a network

What is Interface

the way that the user communicates with the computer

Computer as a Tool

to target individuals through spam, fraud and etc (these scammers are not technical experts)

The communication component ...

transports the data to the hardware

Disadvantages of e commerce

unable to examine products personally, rely on other customer review, requires a way to transfer money electronically, possibility of credit card number theft, receive defective product, slow delivery, difficult to return products

Steps of data analysis

understanding the problem, data collection, data cleaning, data exploration and analysis, interpretation of results.

What is domain

unique name that identifies a website

What is IT

use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, or information

What is the example of synchronous communication

video call

E-commerce has three different categories of who to conduct business with. Which doesn't belong to those categories?


What WWW stand for

world wide web

What is the most common type of network topology used today?


What three things must a computer do?

Store data, Retrieve data, Process data

How does the client-server model work?

A client requests data from the server

Who controls the ICT standards?

An international group of organizations and businesses

What is unique about a mesh network?

Any device becomes a router and relays the message until it reaches its destination

ICT characteristics

Data storage, data retriever, data transmission, data manipulating

Characteristics of IoT

Data, Things, Communication, Intelligence, Action, Ecosystem, Connectivity

Which attributes are depicted by a dashed ellipse?

Derived attributes

What action does NOT use basic software?

Designing a bridge using West Point Bridge Designer

DNS stands for

Domain Name System

What is the golden rule of HCI?

People should come first

What is NOT an Asynchronous Communication?

Phone conversation

What describes how data is to be represented and stored (files, indices, etc.)?

Physical database schema

What describes IoT?

Physical devices around the world that connect to the internet to collect and share data

What the three basic layers of a networking model?

Physical, Application, Transport

Phases of database development

Planning, Analysis, Detailed system design, Implementation, Maintenance

PaaS stands for

Platform as a Service

Display standards

Postscript, MPEG-2, JPEG, PNG

_____________ automatically controls lighting, temperature, and entertainment systems

Smart home

SaaS stands for

Software as a Service

What does SaaS stand for in cloud computing?

Software as a Service

What is NOT a purpose of system software?

Software for the user

Who do cybercriminals prefer to target?

Someone who clicks links in emails

Characteristics of Computers

Speed, Math and logic operations, Accuracy, Storage, Automation and etc

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