Ict Revision 6
what does bcc stand for
'blind carbon copy' - allows you to send a message to a person without the other recipients knowing
advantages of email
- can attach documents - can send to multiple recipients - no need for both sender to be online at the same time
what types of communication are in real time?
- chat rooms - instant messaging - video conferencing - skype
advantages of instant messaging
- conversations in real time - It's free you don't have to pay for it
what type of communication are not in real time?
- email - text messaging - sms (short message service) - fax (facsimile)
What method allows you to: - type messages and symbols - use webcam to view participants
- instant messaging
disadvantages of text message/sms
- not usually possible to know if a message has arrived or been read - sending pictures is slow and of low quality - the amount of text is limited
disadvantages of instant messaging
- participants need to be logged on at the same time - you may not know who you are talking to
advantage of text messaging/sms
- there is no need for both sender and recipient to be online at the same time
what are the advantages of social networking sites such as facebook
- you can use email - use instant messaging - play games with other members - they both have both real time and non real time communcation services
what is a distribution list
a feature of e-mail that allows you to create a collection of addresses to send a message to multiple people
what method allows you to - type messages and send pictures
text message or sms (short message service)