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Which of the following methods of entering 10'-6 1/2" is correct? Select all that apply.

0'6-1/2<ENTER> 126.5<ENTER> 10'6.5"<ENTER> 126-1/2<ENTER>

If you were creating a SPIRAL STAIR in AutoCAD Architecture that was 48" wide and wrapped around a 6" diameter pole in the center, what radius for the stair would you use if the stair were CENTER justified?


Which of these character combinations will allow you to get the "automatic dimension" property back if you accidentally erase or type over the field where AutoCAD has placed the measurement on a dimension line?


How is a BLOCK different from the original objects it is created from?

A BLOCK is a group of objects and acts as a single object when selected rather than as several independent objects.

How can you draw a rectangle precisely the dimensions you desire using the RECTANGLE command?

After placing the first corner of the rectangle by left-clicking, left-click on the blue "D" in the command box to enter dimensions for length and width.

Why is it a good idea to put all items in a BLOCK on LAYER 0?

All objects in a BLOCK that are on LAYER 0 will assume the properties of the layer that the BLOCK is moved to.

What does turning on the OSNAP icon (making it blue) in the status bar do?

Allows AutoCAD to automatically locate points on objects, such as endpoints, midpoints, center, etc. while executing a command.

What does the ANNOTATIVE property do for styles such as text styles, dimension styles, and multileader styles?

Allows text to automatically scale up or down to be the correct height based on the scale factor of a viewport or annotative scale setting in MODEL SPACE.

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding ELLIPSES and CIRCLES?

An ELLIPSE has 2 different radii. A CIRCLE has only 1 radius.

What is the difference between an EXTERNAL REFERENCE and a BLOCK?

An EXTERNAL REFERENCE is a separate drawing that is linked into another drawings. Others can edit the EXTERNAL REFERENCE drawing will it is linked into other drawings and it will update, giving everyone the latest information. A BLOCK is contained inside a single CAD drawing and changes to a BLOCK do not affect other external drawings.

What do you need to do to make sure each Construct of an AutoCAD Architecture Project "stacks" properly when you assemble a full building model in a Model View drawing?

Assign each construct to the correct Level when creating the Construct in Navigator

Where is the name of the drawing you are working on located on the AutoCAD screen? Select all correct answers.

At the top of the screen, in the middle On the tab at the top of the active drawing window.

If you move a folder that contains an AutoCAD Architecture project, the next time you open the project in AutoCAD Architecture, what will happen?

AutoCAD Architecture will prompt you to repath the project files.

Which of the following is true of a BLOCK? Select all that are correct.

BLOCKS can be copied multiple times. BLOCKS can be MIRRORED. BLOCKS can be edited. When edited, all copies of the BLOCK will be updated. BLOCKS act as one object rather than individual objects. ! BLOCKS can be moved to different layers as necessary.

In AutoCAD Architecture, which type of drawing files are to be used to draw actual parts of the construction that are limited to one floor level, such as roofs, walls, doors and windows?


Why does AutoCAD Architecture create different drawing files for Constructs, Elements and Views?

Constructs and Elements contains all model elements. Views have all annotation. Since these are separate, the Constructs and Elements can be used in multiple drawings since they are "generic" and contain no notes specific to a particular detail.

Which of these file types are associated with AutoCAD? Select all that apply.


In AutoCAD Architecture, which type of drawing files are to be used to draw repetitive items, such as a hotel room interior layout?


If you select a wall in AutoCAD Architecture and right-click on it, a pop-up menu will appear with an option to "Select Similar". If you choose this option, all walls, regardless of style, will be selected


How does the FENCE option on the TRIM or EXTEND command differ from other methods of selecting items? Select the BEST answer.

FENCE is a method of selection where you draw lines and everything crossing the line will be selected.

What does the FENCE option on the TRIM or EXTEND command do?

FENCE is a method of selection where you draw lines and everything crossing the line will be selected.

How do you de-select items in AutoCAD?

Hold down SHIFT key while left-clicking object

Why are LAYERS important in AutoCAD?

It help organize information in the drawing.

Which of the following descriptions is most similar to how PAPERSPACE works in AutoCAD?

It is like a hole cut in a piece of paper that is moved closer to or away from an object to make it appear at a redcued scal

How do you attach an XREF of a Construct into a View in AutoCAD Architecture?

Open the Construct Tab on Navigator and drag/drop the construct into the open View drawing.

Which of these conditions would result in a free-form curved line, that, when selected, had GRIPS that did not lie on the curve?

Polylines converted to Splines with the PEDIT command

What does the ORTHO setting in the status bar do if you turn it on?

Restricts crosshair movement to X or Y axis of the coordinate system (up/down or left/right)

Which of the following ways can you use to change the width of a stair you have drawn in AutoCAD Architecture? Select all that apply.

Select the stair and change the width in the PROPERTIES panel Select the stair and use the GRIPS on the stair to adjust the width.

In AutoCAD Architecture, if you draw lines in MODEL SPACE, you can use the TOOL PALETTE to convert the lines into walls. The resulting walls will have their justification aligned with the original line work.


If you draw a roof object that has a PLUMB edge condition, which of the following is true?

The fascia or roof edge will be cut perpendicular to the ground, or straight down.

What happens when you pull the GRIP at the intersection of the ridge of a hipped roof toward the overhang and away from the building?

The hipped end will become a gable end.

When you EXPLODE a rectangle, what happens?

The lines of the rectangle become disconnected into individual line segments

When you EXPLODE a rectangle, what happens? Correct!

The lines of the rectangle become disconnected into individual line segments

How can you make sure you draw a closed object using the LINE command so that your last line connects to the first point of first line you drew?

To draw the last line segment to close the object, type "C" and push the spacebar

Which of the following items would benefit from being ANNOTATIVE? Select all correct answers.

Window Block Notes on drawings in model space hatch in model space dimensions in model space

How do you insert a door in an exact location in AutoCAD Architecture using dynamic input?

You can use the TAB key on your keyboard to toggle between the blue highlighted dimension fields as you hover over a wall and select an exact dimension from one end of the wall where the door is to be placed.

When you draw a multi-landing stair using the stair tool in AutoCAD Architecture, what is created between the 2nd and 3rd points; 4th and 5th points; 6yh and 7th points, etc?

a landing

When you create a roof object in AutoCAD Architecture, when can you begin to see the shape of the roof appear during the process?

after the third point is clicked

In AutoCAD Architecture, which drawing type would you use to create the basic geometry of the building (walls, roofs, floors, doors, windows, etc.) without annotation?


Which of these commands will allow you to execute the command several times without having to start the command over again? Select all correct answers.

copy offset trim extend

What is the standard direction for measuring angles in AutoCAD?


In AutoCAD Architecture, which drawing type would you use to create a repetitive design object, such as a dormitory room, which occurs many times in a building with the same layout? You Answered Constructs


ANNOTATIVE HATCH will redraw to fit the new shape of a boundary if it is reshaped.


All lines defining the boundary of a roof must be set to define slope. You Answered True


If you left-click your mouse and drag a window to pick objects, starting in the lower left hand corner and drag diagonally to the upper right hand corner, you will see a BLUE box that will allow you to select all objects that are completely inside the box as well as any object that is only partially inside the box as long as the object crosses over boundary of the box.


In order to create a hold in a floor slab in AutoCAD Architecture, you must create the hole at the time you create the slab. It cannot be added at a later date.


In the ARRAY command, if you use GRIPS to change the distance between columns and rows, you cannot precisely control the distance between objects. This can only be precisely done using the RIBBON.


Similar to BLOCKS, ATTRIBUTES can have spaces in their name.


Single line text (DTEXT) can be converted to an ATTRIBUTE by using the ATTDEF command.


When you use MTEXT, you first set the text style and then type your notes in the MTEXT box. All the notes will be of the text style that is currently set when the MTEXT command is executed. To have headings of another font in a bank of notes, underlined text or bold text that differs in style, you can only do this by creating another MTEXT box using a different text style that has these desired properties.


When you use MTEXT, you first set the text style and then type your notes in the MTEXT box. All the notes will be of the text style that is currently set when the MTEXT command is executed. To have headings of another font in a bank of notes, underlined text or bold text that differs in style, you can only do this by creating another MTEXT box using a different text style that has these desired properties. True


You always have to enter the feet ( ' ) symbol and inches ( " ) symbol when entering dimensions in AutoCAD.


You can add additional leaders and arrowheads to a MULTILEADER, but you cannot delete them.


You can only have one VIEWPORT in each PAPERSPACE layout.


Which of these commands would you use to make two lines meet at a corner that is curved rather than coming to a sharp point?


If you select an object in AutoCAD by left clicking on it, blue boxes will appear on the object. These occur at natural locations, such as endpoints, midpoints, center points, quadrants, etc. What are these blue boxes called?


Which LAYER is always present in a new CAD drawing and cannot be deleted?

layer 0

What properties can be controlled for objects by putting them on LAYERS? Select all that apply.

linetype color plot style freeze/thaw on/off plot/no plot

If you place a VIEWPORT in PAPERSPACE and zoom to a particular scale, what should you do to make sure the zoom factor is not accidentally changed?

lock the viewport

Where do you open and create all drawings in an AutoCAD Architecture Project?


Where do you set up Levels in AutoCAD Architecture for a Project?

navigator - project tab

Where is most plotting done in AutoCAD?

paper space

Which of the following items could be used to create a HOLE in a floor slab? Select all items that will work.

polyline , rectangle, polygon

In AutoCAD Architecture, which drawing type would you use to create a sheet layout and primarily work only in Paper Space?


In AutoCAD Architecture, which type of drawing files are to be used to compose sheet layouts in PAPER SPACE?


Which of the following methods of drawing a circle is not part of the CIRCLE command in AutoCAD?


Which of the following are available SHAPES for the stair tool? Select all that apply.

straight, u-shaped. spriral/curved multi-landing

Which of the following items can you insert into your drawing using DESIGN CENTER? Select all that apply.

text styles dimension styles blocks layers leader styles layouts

Which of the following applications would be a place where you might use an ATTRIBUTE? Select all correct answers.

title block door tag assigning information to a block for furniture

Why does AutoCAD Architecture create so many separate drawing files in a Project?

to allow multiple people to work simultaneously in the project.

A CTB plot set up file uses colors to determine how objects are plotted. For example, all objects that are RED may plot with the same line weight using a CTB plot set up.


A stair drawn using the STRAIGHT option for shape in the stair tool will not have a landing.


An ALIGNED dimension will follow the angle of the objects that are dimensioned and is not restricted to horizontal or vertical orientations.


An attribute can be a visible or invisible part of the block.


An attribute is not useable unless it incorporated into a block.


If the DISTANCE option of the CHAMFER command is set to 0, it has the same result as setting the RADIUS option of the FILLET command to 0.


If you move a wall in AutoCAD Architecture that contains doors and windows, you do not have to select the doors and windows because they are hosted in the wall and will move with the wall.


If you use ANNOTATIVE text, dimensions, leaders, etc. in MODELSPACE and assign these objects multiple scale factors, when you place VIEWPORTS in PAPERSPACE that are zoomed to the scale factors that match the ANNOTATIVE objects, the text, arrows, tickmarks, etc. will automatically resize to match the VIEWPORT scale. If a VIEWPORT is zoomed to a scale that doesn't match the ANNOTATIVE objects, they will not be displayed in that particular VIEWPORT.


If you use the TAN-TAN-TAN option on the CIRCLE command, you do not need to know the radius or diameter of the circle you are trying to draw.


In AutoCAD, drawings are reduced to a scale, such as 1/4"=1'-0", when placed in a view in PAPER SPACE.


In a USER DEFINED HATCH pattern, you are able to control the spacing between lines so that they are at exactly what you specify. You can also make USER DEFINED HATCH go in both the vertical and horizontal directions to form a grid. You can also set the rotation angle of the lines to specific angles of your choice. You cannot, however, make the vertical and horizontal spacing of the grid different dimensions. The spacing between lines must be the same for both vertical and horizontal lines in USER DEFINED HATCH.


In a single AutoCAD file, you can have multiple LAYOUTS that use different paper sizes and orientations.


Only drawings created through Navigator will be visible in Navigator and tracked in AutoCAD Architecture when linked to other drawings or assigned to Levels.


The polar ARRAY command, by default, is set up to copy objects in a full circle, or 360 degrees.


The top of a floor created in AutoCAD Architecture sits at the ELEVATION of the floor as shown in PROPERTIES. The thickness of the floor will be below the ELEVATION.


When using the ARRAY command with the POLAR option, you have the choice of whether to rotate the objects or leave the objects in the original orientation as they are copied.


When using the MIRROR command, you have the option to leave the original object and make a second mirrored copy, or erase the original object and have only the mirrored copy remain.


When you create a railing in AutoCAD Architecture and attach it to a stair, you can attach the railing to the left, right and/or centerline of the stair. The railing object will be continuous for the entire length of the stair, including landings.


When you use the ROOF tool in the tool palette, all faces of the roof remain connected as a single roof object instead of having separate roof slabs for each roof plane.


You can add text to a dimension line in addition to the measurement.


You can have several different fonts and text sizes in a single MULTI-LINE TEXT box.


You can revert a SPLINE back to its original PLINE geometry by using PEDIT and selecting the DECURVE option.


You can set up LAYOUT tabs in your AutoCAD template and when you use the template, you will always have the layouts available in PAPERSPACE without having to set them up each time you start a new drawing.


You can use the POLYLINE EDIT command to convert regular lines into a connected POLYLINE.


You can use the railing tool to place railings on level ground, such as the edge of a balcony, by drawing a path for the railing and not attaching it. The rail will follow the path drawn with no slope.


You can view the same object multiple times in PAPERSPACE at different scale without having to draw it multiple times in MODELSPACE.


You must first EXPLODE an ARRAY in order to be able to select only one of objects.


You must first EXPLODE an ARRAY in order to be able to select only one of the objects.


In AutoCAD Architecture, which drawing type would you use to add notes to a floor plan?


In AutoCAD Architecture, which type of drawing files are to be used to annotate drawings with notes, dimensions, and other graphic symbols?


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