Identifying the conclusion quiz 2

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True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Allowing students to pick their own majors has led to too many graduates in the humanities and social sciences and not enough graduates in engineering and the natural sciences. Therefore, COLLEGES should admit students only to prespecified MAJORS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. An arbitrator who agrees with one of the parties to the dispute is useless. An arbitrator who agrees with neither party in the dispute is also useless. So, ARBITRATORS are always USELESS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Contrary to what most Americans believe, THE DRUG war did not originate in the Reagan administration as a response to the crack epidemic in the inner CITIES. The evidence is plain. Reagan announced the drug war two years before the start of the crack epidemic.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. A virtual photon can never be detected DIRECTLY because it is absorbed by the second electron very shortly after being emitted by the first electron.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. ALL progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing INSTITUTIONS. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships. There is the whole case against censorship in a nutshell.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Even if no one were disposed to disobey traffic regulations, THE latter would still be NECESSARY; and so there must be an authority in society to settle and prescribe the laws.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Good fortune is not an element of happiness that is independent of wisdom, because WISDOM by itself secures all the happiness that is NEEDED.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. HUMAN beings have a natural tendency to live in society with other human BEINGS, not only in those small groups we call families but also in those larger groups we call States or political communities. Social life is thus founded on human nature itself.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. CENTRALLY planned economies are INEFFICIENT because centrally planned economies do not provide sufficient incentives to workers.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. CONCERNS about water conservation don't make SENSE. When we use water we don't use it up the way we burn oil. We only move water from one part of the environment to another.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. High-intensity interval training is not appropriate for the average American who wants to get in shape despite the fact that IT is effective for people who stick to IT. The reason is that this form of exercise is painful and the average American will not continue an exercise program which demands a high level of commitment.


When there are no indicator words, the last sentence is generally the conclusion.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. It is contrary to the nature of the soul to be without the body. But NOTHING which is contrary to nature can be PERPETUAL. Hence the soul will not for ever be without the body.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority. For there is a reserve of latent power in the masses which, if it is called into play, the minority can seldom resist. But FROM the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but TREASON.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority. For there is a reserve of latent power in the masses which, if it is called into play, the minority can seldom resist. But FROM the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but tREASON.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. MOREOVER, in one of Diocles' books the cucumbers of Antioch were recommENDED. Antioch was founded in the year 300 B.C. Thus Diocles wrote his book in the third, not in the beginning of the fourth century.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Many people believe that abstaining from alcohol is good for your health. This is not supported by scientific research. THE fact is that moderate drinkers live significantly longer than both heavy drinkers and people who do not use alcohol at ALL.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Off-shore oil drilling will not have a significant effect of gas prices because THE total amount of oil that could be produced this way would add less than 1% to the total energy SUPPLIES and it would take years for any of the oil to reach market.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Procrastinators are mistaken when they say that they procrastinate in order to avoid making decisions. TO procrastinate is to decide to do NOTHING.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. STEROIDS help athletes develop muscle mass QUICKLY. This is clearly advantageous to the athlete, yet the use of these drugs is very harmful to the individual's long term health. Therefore, steroids must be banned in order to protect athletes from their own competitiveness.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Since SOUL is the first principle of life in living THINGS, it obviously follows that all living things have souls.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Since major historical events cannot be repeated, historians aren't scientists. After all, the scientific method necessarily involves experimentation, and EXPERIEMENTS must be REPEATABLE.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Since the fragments of his various works show no difference in this regard, the influence cannot be due to a late and occasional acquaintance with Aristotle. IT penetrates EVERYTHING. Diocles thus must have flourished when the Peripatetic school was at its height, i.e. about the end of the fourth century.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Since the fragments of his various works show no difference in this regard, the influence cannot be due to a late and occasional acquaintance with Aristotle. IT penetrates everythING. Diocles thus must have flourished when the Peripatetic school was at its height, i.e. about the end of the fourth century.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Societal approval of fornication is a threat to the institution of marriage because IT removes the major incentive men have for taking on the responsibilities of MARRIAGE.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Speaking in tongues is not genuine. We know this because PEOPLE speaking in tongues have been recorded countless times and no one have ever translated these sounds into any languaGE..


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THE rulers of Iran are radical SHIITES. Thus, we can be confident that they are not supporting Al-Qaeda in Iraq because the members and leaders of Al-Qaeda are radical Sunnis and Sunnis view Shiites as heretics.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THERE are not enough resources available to produce and consume all the goods and services we DESIRE. We therefore must make choices about what to produce, how we produce it, and for whom we produce.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THERE are not enough resources available to produce and consume all the goods and services we dESIRE. We therefore must make choices about what to produce, how we produce it, and for whom we produce.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. The Marshall Plan was a great success. IT raised living standards in Western Europe thereby stopping the spread of communism to that REGION. Moreover, it opened up profitable new markets for American business.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. The corrupting influence of money on politics is nothing new. Congress appropriated $7,200,000 for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. $7,000,000 was actually sent back to Russia, but THE Russian ambassador used the other $200,000 to bribe various members of Congress and influential newspaper editors to support the sale with the tacit approval of the Secretary of STATE.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. The gospel according to Luke and Acts of the Apostles were originally written as two volumes of a single book. This is proven by the fact that THE conclusion of Luke perfectly coordinates with the beginning of ACTS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. The use of atomic weapons on Japan during WWII cannot be justified. In order to be justified military action must cause fewer deaths than any other available option and THE United States had less destructivie options for ending the WAR.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Contrary to what most Americans believe, the drug war did not originate in the Reagan administration as a response to the crack epidemic in the inner cities. The evidence is plain. REAGAN announced the drug war two years before the start of the crack EPIDEMIC.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. EVERYTHING that is in motion must be moved by someTHING. For if it is not the source of its motion in itself it is evident that it is moved by something other than itself.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Even if no one were disposed to disobey traffic regulations, the latter would still be necessary; and so THERE must be an authority in society to settle and prescribe the LAWS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. GOOD fortune is not an element of happiness that is independent of WISDOM, because wisdom by itself secures all the happiness that is needed.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. If God existed he would be all-powerful and good. But if a being both good and all-powerful existed, then he would prevent the existence of any evil. Since evil is a manifest fact, GOD does not EXIST.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. No one can consort with things he admires without imitating them. So, the philosopher, by consorting with what is ordered and divine, HIMSELF becomes as ordered and divine as a human being CAN.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. OOF-SHORE oil drilling will not have a significant effect on gas PRICES because the total amount of oil that could be produced this way would add less than 1% to total energy supplies and it would take years for any of the oil to reach market.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. SPEAKING in tongues is not GENUINE. We know this because people speaking in tongues have been recorded countless times and no one have ever translated these sounds into any language..


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. STORIES make more sense than LIFE. The reason is that the person who tells a story knows how it will end but the person living their life does not know how it ends..


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Steroids help athletes develop muscle mass quickly. This is clearly advantageous to the athlete, yet the use of these drugs is very harmful to the individual's long term health. Therefore, STEREOIDS must be banned in order to protect athletes from their own competitiveneSS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Steroids help athletes develop muscle mass quickly. This is clearly advantageous to the athlete, yet the use of these drugs is very harmful to the individual's long term health. Therefore, STEROIDS must be banned in order to protect athletes from their own competitivenesS.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THE LORDS Prayer is completely misunderstood by most PEOPLE. The reason is that Jesus offered it as an example of sincere spontaneous prayer and people have turned it into a memorized block of words.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THE Marshall Plan was a great SUCCESS. It raised living standards in Western Europe thereby stopping the spread of communism to that region. Moreover, it opened up profitable new markets for American business.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THE corrupting influence of money on politics is nothing NEW. Congress appropriated $7,200,000 for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. $7,000,000 was actually sent back to Russia, but the Russian ambassador used the other $200,000 to bribe various members of Congress and influential newspaper editors to support the sale with the tacit approval of the Secretary of State.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THE story of Moses bringing tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments written on them to give to the people is clearly a MYTH. The proof of this is simple: there was no written form of the Hebrew language until many centuries after the time of Moses. In his day Hebrew was only a spoken language.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THERE is no such thing as Christian orthodoXY. For there to be such a thing there would have to be a single recognized authority to say what orthodoxy is. But after the Protestant Reformation there has been no such centralized authority within the Christian world.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. THERE must be simple SUBSTANCES because there are composites; for a composite is nothing else than a collection or aggregation of simple substances.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. The reason HIGH-stakes standardized testing is bad school POLICY is that it promotes teaching to the test.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. You can't turn the other cheek in heaven. So, JESUS advice must apply to our life on EARTH..


When there are no indicator words, the first sentence is usually the conclusion.


True or False: the underlined portion of the passage is the conclusion of an argument. Since major historical events cannot be repeated, historians aren't scientists. After all, the scientific method necessarily involves experimentation, and EXPERIEMENTS must be repeatable.


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