Idioms with apple and bananas. Glossary by Naves

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Eve's apple

(La manzana de Adán)

A second banana

A person in a subservient position (El segon en comandament. El segundo a bordo)

The apple of someone's eye

A person or thing that is loved more than any other (La nineta dels seus ulls. La niña de sus ojos)

A banana republic

It is a weak or corrupt country. (República bananera)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

It is an old English proverb that basically means that eating nutritious food will make you healthier. (Lit. Una poma cada dia allunya el metge)

The big apple

New York City

As American as apple pie

typical of the way of life in the US (Tant americà com el pastís de poma)

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Children usually behave like their parents (De tal palo, tal astilla. Els testos s'assemblen als padellasos)

apples and oranges

Comparing 2 things that are completely different. (Barrejar pomes i taronges. Peras y manzanas)

Newton's apple

Legend has it that a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by an apple (La poma de Newton)

Teacher's apple

While the true origin of this small red gift is somewhat of a mystery, the apple is a powerful symbol of knowledge and education (la poma per la mestra)

A bad apple, A rotten apple. A rotten apple spoils the barrel

a person who negatively impacts an entire group of people through his or her words or actions (Una manzana podrida)

Bobbing for apples

a traditional halloween game; you put apples in a barrel of water and people try to take the floating apples out of the water using only their mouths (Joc d'agafar pomes amb la boca)

What a load of bananas!

nonsense, insincere or insane talk or behavior (Munt de bajanades. Un montón de chorradas)

top banana

the head person of a group or a project (La persona en cap)

go bananas

to go crazy to become extremely angry or excited (Se li ha anat l'olla. Está como un cencerro)

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