Igneous Rocks Quiz (Geo 101)

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Intermediate igneous rock

Intermediate rocks fall somewhere in between being Felsic and Mafic.

Intrusive igneous rocks

Intrusive igneous rock: MAGMA cools off BENEATH the surface Phaneritic texture (coarse grained) SLOW COOLING

Rock Texture: Phaneritic

Coarse grained Intrusive (all others extrusive) Igneous rocks with crystals that are visible to the unaided eye.

Differing mineral COMPOSITIONS of igneous rocks

Composition of igneous rocks is controlled by the plate tectonic environment and is dependent on the mineral make up. 1. Felsic (white, pink rocks) --> light colored minerals (Quartz, Feldspars, Plag) 2. Intermediate (A mixture of light and dark, dark green sometimes e.g. Plag, Amphibole) 3. Mafic (Dark minerals e.g. Amphibole & Pyroxene) 4. Ultramafic (dark minerals e.g. Pyroxene & Olivine)

Felsic magmas are more ______________ due to a higher viscosity and volatiles

Felsic magmas are more EXPLOSIVE due to a higher viscosity and volatiles

Felsic igneous rock

Felsic rocks are those that are light in color and are mostly made up of feldspars and silicates.

Rock Texture: Aphanitic

Fine grained, minerals are too small to see. Extrusive (SUGAR cookie) Do not have crystals that can be seen with the unaided eye because magma solidifies too rapidly.

Coarse grained

Form at greater depths where the magma cools at a slow rate that allows large crystals to grow. Crystals can be seen with a unaided eye.

Fine grained

Form if magma only has enough time to grow small crystals. Occurs when magma solidifies on the surface in a thick lava flow or at shallow depths beneath the surface because cooling in these settings is fairly rapid. Has crystals that are to small to see with the unaided eye

Rock Texture: Pyroclastic

Fragmented rock composed of ash, lithics, and crystal grains. Extrusive When molten material is erupted from a volcano it can solidify before it hits the ground, yet still be hot enough to weld to other erupted material. This forms a rock called tuff, which is composed of fragments ( of other rocks) and crystals, all embedded in a matrix of ash.

Rock Texture: Vesicular

Gas bubbles, holes. Extrusive Form when gasses dissolved in magma accumulate to bubbles. Holes in volcanic rocks that form as lava solidifies around gas bubbles.

What is the difference in composition between Felsic, Intermediate, Mafic, and Ultramafic igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks contain the following common minerals: Plagioclase feldspar, Olivine, Potassium feldspar, Pyroxene, Quartz, Amphibole, Biotite, and Muscovite.

Mafic ingeous rock

Mafic rocks are darker colored and are mostly made up of magnesium and iron.

Extrusive igneous rocks

Magma comes out as LAVA and COOLS ON THE surface Many textures COOLS FAST

Rock Texture: Glassy

No crystal structure. Extrusive

Oceanic crust is composed of _____________________ minerals. Continental crust is composed of _____________ minerals. Name one of each mineral above.

OCEANIC crust is composed of MAFIC minerals. CONTINENTAL crust is composed of FELSIC minerals. One FELSIC mineral: GRANITE One INTERMEDIATE mineral: ANDESITE One MAFIC mineral: BASALT


Texture: APHANITIC Composition: FELSIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE LIGHT COLORED (usually PINKish)


Texture: APHANITIC Composition: INTERMEDIATE Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE


Texture: APHANITIC Composition: MAFIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE


Texture: GLASSY Composition: MAFIC to FELSIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE Rock will look like glass & Be BLACK in color


Texture: PHANERITIC Composition: FELSIC Instrusive/Extrusive?: INTRUSIVE Speckled coarse grained rock (looks like a kitchen counter)


Texture: PHANERITIC Composition: INTERMEDIATE Intrusive/Extrusive?: INSTRUSIVE Similar to granite but DARKER Usually has BLACK CRYSTALS (Amphibole) but are LARGER and there is MORE OF THEM than what is found in granite.


Texture: PHANERITIC Composition: MAFIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: INTRUSIVE BLACK rock containing CRYSTALS, COARSE GRAINED

Porphyritic Andesite

Texture: PORPHYRITIC Composition: INTERMEDIATE Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE

Volcanic Tuff

Texture: PRYOCLASTIC (fragmented rock) Composition: MAFIC to FELSIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE LIGHT weight, mostly composed of ASH


Texture: VESICULAR Composition: FELSIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE LIGHT WEIGHT Made of ASH

Vesicular Basalt

Texture: VESICULAR Composition: MAFIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE DARK GREY rock with GAS BUBBLES that is HEAVY


Texture: VESICULAR Composition: MAFIC Intrusive/Extrusive?: EXTRUSIVE DARK RED or BLACK in color, Has HOLES that are usually BIGGER than those in Pumice

Where are igneous rocks found?

The most common igneous rock Basalt (mafic) makes up most of the OCEANIC plates and is founds at divergent plate boundaries. In fact most igneous rock activity occurs at divergent plate boundaries. However, intermediate to felsic igneous rocks are most commonly found along CONTINENTAL margins.

Bowen's Reaction Series

The order in which minerals crystallize: Highest Temp 1400 degrees CELSIUS: First to crystallize (1) OLIVINE (crystallizes first/melts last) (2) PYROXENE (3) AMPHIBOLE (4) BIOTITE (5) FELDSPAR (6) MUSCOVITE (7) QUARTZ (crystallizes last/melts first) Lowest Temp 450 degrees CELSIUS: Last to crystallize

Igneous Rock

The product of cooled solidified magma/lava. As magma/lava cools it goes through the process of crystallization which turns it into an igneous rock. The amount of time it takes for an igneous rock to form depends on its LOCATION and its COMPOSITION.

Ultramafic ingeous rock

Ultramafic rocks are very dark colored.

Volatiles are ______________. The two most common ones are ____________ and ______________. Volatiles are usually found in _____________________________

Volatiles are GASSES. 2 most common: WATER & CARBON DIOXIDE. Usually found in MELTS WITH HYDROUS MINERALS

Rock Texture: Porphyritic

large grains in a fine grain ground mass, Extrusive (CHOCOLATE CHIP cookie) Mixture of fine-grained and coarse grained. Needs sufficient time in a subsurface magma chamber to grow visible crystals.

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