Illinois DMV Practice 2021

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At night or in poor visibility, loads extending four feet or more to the rear of a vehicle must have a red light that is visible for...

500 ft

the road is closed ahead

You often see this sign when...

No passing allowed in area

You see a sign shaped like a pennant/flag. What does this sign mean?

Slower traffic must drive in the...

right lane

When can you cross a set of double solid yellow lines?

when you are turning left into or from an alley, driveway, private road, or street

Right-of-way rules tell drivers...

who goes first in different situations.

When you are turning left and there is a bicyclist entering the intersection from the opposite direction, you should...

yield the right of way to the bicyclist

When you see a pedestrian crossing an unmarked crosswalk where there are no traffic control signals, you should...

yield the right of way to the pedestrian

You should maintain a following distance of __________ behind a motorcycle.

3-4 seconds

two-way road

This sign indicates that you are on a...

a double curve is ahead; the road ahead curves to the right and then to the left -slow down, keep right, do not pass

This warning sign means...

You must not make a U-turn on curves and hills unless you can see for at least _________ in all directions.

500 ft

Which of the following statements about pavement markings is FALSE?

you are allowed to cross a double solid white line on a highway

On a one-way street or a roadway with two or more clear lanes in each direction...

you may pass on either the left or right (but not on the shoulder).

The left lane is for...

passing and making left turns

You are allowed to drive on the left side of a multilane highway when you are...

passing, turning left, or avoiding an obstruction.

As you approach a curve, it is safer to...

reduce your speed; do not brake suddenly in the curve because this may cause skidding or locked wheels. Never drive over the center line.

The fine for a repeated offense for speeding in a construction zone whether or not workers are present.


Passing another vehicle is allowed...

on a one-way street

If you notice a driver behind you repeatedly flashing his or her headlights, what should you do?

you should not retaliate or engage the other driver in any way. Get out of the driver's way and allow him or her to pass.

How can you be convicted of Driver Under the Influence (DUI) if your BAC is less than 0.08%?

your driving ability is impaired.

Hand signal for a right turn

your hand and arm should be bent at 90 degrees and pointing up

hand signal for a left turn

your hand and arm should be extended straight out to the left

If a driver under the age of 21 receives court supervision for an alcohol-related offense, his or her driver's license will be suspended for...

3 months

In Illinois, the maximum speed limit on interstates, tollways, freeways, and some four-lane highways is ________ except where otherwise posted.

70 mph

Who has the right of way when more than one vehicle arrives at a four-way stop?

The first vehicle to stop should be the first to go

bicyclists may not use this road

This sign indicates...

When should you use hand signals?

When your vehicle's turn signals are not working

What does a freeway interchange sign indicate?

approaching an interchange; the direction to a freeway

You are driving above the speed limit posted in a construction zone where no workers are present. For your first offense, the fine is...

at least $375

If a driver behind you repeatedly flashes his or her headlights, you should...

get out of the way

when should you use low beams?

in fog, snow, or heavy rain.

an object marker on a roadway

this sign is...

At a stop sign, you are waiting to turn right. A vehicle approaching from the left has its turn signal on. You should...

wait until the other vehicle actually starts to turn and then start your turn

A driver must yield in all of the following situations except...

when the roads curve to the left or right

You are allowed to pass on a two-lane, two-way roadway...

when you are more than 200 ft from an intersection

Which of the following statements about pavement markings is TRUE?

-Broken yellow lines separate traffic moving in opposite directions -You are allowed to cross double solid yellow lines to make a left turn to or from an alley -Broken white lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

Why should you wait until the other vehicle actually starts to turn before turning when at a stop sign?

-Drivers may make mistakes or change their minds. -If you assume that the other vehicle really will turn as its turn signal indicates, you risk a collision

What does the triangle reflective orange sign on a vehicle's rear mean?

-a slow-moving vehicle. -this emblem is mounted on the rear of every vehicle whose top speed is 20 mph or less

A driver must yield in all of the situations...

-after the light turns green when there are vehicles in the intersection -making a right turn on a red light after stopping -when approaching emergency vehicles using audible and visual signals

passing lane

-commonly referred to as a "fast lane" -often used for extended periods of time for through traffic or fast traffic -should be used only for passing, thus allowing, even on a road with only two lanes in each direction, motorists to travel at their own pace.

If you suddenly have no control of the steering wheel, you should

-ease your foot off the gas pedal -turn on your emergency flashers -allow your vehicle to come to a slow stop -brake very gently to prevent your vehicle from spinning

A driver under the age of 21 who is convicted of _____ or more moving violations within two years will have his or her license suspended for at least 30 days.


Drivers under 21 will lose their driving privilege for ______ if convicted.

-illegal consumption, purchase, possession or receiving alcohol as a gift will lose their driving privileges regardless of whether or not they are operating a motor vehicle at the time of the offense.

By law, a driver who causes bodily harm to a child in a school crossing zone is subject to...

-imprisonment -fine up to $25,000 -a minimum one-year suspension of driving privileges.

Why should you look well down the road ahead of your vehicle?

-it leaves you more time to react to hazards -you will be able to drive more safely -save on fuel -steer straighter

To prevent drowsiness in continuous driving on an interstate road, you should...

-keep shifting your eyes, avoid staring in any one direction -if you are still drowsy, pull off the road and rest -Talking on a cell phone or changing lanes frequently while driving are dangerous.

If your parked car rolls away and hits another unattended vehicle, you should...

-leave a note with your name, phone number, and address and securely attach it to the vehicle or property -report the incident to the city police

The stopping distance of your vehicle depends on which of the following factors?

-reaction distance -perception distance -braking distance

If a railroad grade crossing has no warning devices or only a crossbuck sign, you should...

-slow down and proceed with caution -listen for a train and yield the right way

If you are involved in a crash that causes damage to an unattended vehicle or other property, what should you do?

-stop your vehicle in an area away from traffic -leave your name, address, phone number, and license plate number on the vehicle or property -If you cannot find the owner, notify the police and complete all required crash reports.

When two or more lanes of travel are permitted in the same direction, a broken white line is used...

-to separate lanes of vehicles traveling in the same direction -passing and lane changing are permitted.

When should you use your high beams?

-whenever there are no oncoming vehicles nearby -Be sure to use high beams on unfamiliar roads, in construction areas, or where there may be people alongside the road. -High beams allow you to see twice as far as low beams

Passing is not allowed on a two-lane, two-way roadway...

-within 100 feet of an intersection or railroad crossing -in a school zone -when a vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk or intersection to allow a pedestrian to cross

It is illegal to drive if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is...

0.08% or more.

Illinois's Graduated Driver Licensing Program (GDL) applies to drivers aged...


If a driver who has had a prior DUI or refusal charge within the past five years refuses a chemical test, his or her license will be suspended for ____ years.


After ____ DUI convictions, you will lose your license for life.


If a driver is convicted of a second DUI offense within ____ years, his or her license will be suspended for one year.


In Illinois, every child passenger under the age of ____ must be secured in an appropriate child restraint system attached to the rear seat of the vehicle.


Why should you not use high-beam headlights when driving in fog?

Droplets of moisture from fog or rain tend to reflect the bright light of high-beam headlights, causing glare.

If you refuse to submit to chemical testing, your license will be suspended for...

I year

What does a two-way road sign indicate?

It warns you that you are leaving a divided roadway and will be driving on a two-way roadway.

what is passing in driving?

Passing on the right is what you do when you're on the highway, there's someone in front of you who you want to pass, and you go around and pass them on their right rather than on their left as you normally would.

If you skid while hydroplaning, you should...

Release the accelerator. When driving in rain, avoid hydroplaning by slowing down. If you skid while hydroplaning, try to regain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, release the accelerator and ride out the skid.

If you see a YIELD sign in your lane, you must...

Slow down and stop if necessary to yield the right of way to pedestrians and other vehicles

you need to make a right turn to enter Route 47 north

The route marker sign with "North, Illinois 47, ->" indicates...

freeway interchange sign

This sign is a...

the rear of slow-moving vehicles. You must slow down when approaching.

This sign is displayed on...

why should you maintain a 3-4 second distance behind a motorcycle?

To give the motorcyclist enough time to maneuver in an emergency. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than a car.

What does it mean to yield?

To yield means to give the right-of-way to another driver or pedestrian.

A speed zone is ahead; be prepared to reduce your speed to 45 mph, what the speed limit will be

What does this sign indicate?

a two-way left turn lane

What does this sign indicate?

there is a winding road ahead; it will soon curve right, then left, then right again.

What does this sign indicate?

a right turn is not allowed

What does this sign mean?

pull your vehicle to the right side of the road and allow the emergency vehicle to pass

When being approached by an emergency vehicle using audible and visual signals, you must...

Can you turn left on a red traffic signal?

Yes, but only from a one-way street onto another one-way street -You must come to a complete stop and then yield to all pedestrians and oncoming traffic before you make the left turn.

This sign warns you of a change in direction or narrowing of the road. You may find several of these signs on the outside of a sharp curve or on approaches to a narrow bridge.

You may find this warning sign...

In daytime, loads extending four feet or more to the rear of a vehicle must...

be marked with a red flag

A sign with an orange background and black letters or symbols is a...

construction zone sign

What should you do if you miss your exit on an expressway?

continue on to the next exit

If you accidentally pass your exit on an expressway, you must...

continue to the next exit

Backing up on an expressway is...

dangerous and against the law

When following a truck or any vehicle at night, you should always...

dim your headlights; bright lights will blind the driver of the large vehicle because they reflect off the large side mirrors.

You should use high-beam headlights in all of the following situations except... and why?

in fog, snow, or heavy rain (Light from high beams reflects back from such precipitation and causes glare)

If your rear wheels start to skid, you must turn the steering wheel...

in the direction of the skid; Avoid braking hard, especially if your vehicle is not equipped with anti-lock brakes (ABS).

When you are driving at 5-20 mph on a highway, you should drive

in the right lane

In order to avoid last-minute braking or the need to turn suddenly, you should _____ while driving in the city.

look ten seconds ahead on the road

While you are driving, you may __________ on your cell phone.

not type, read, or send a text message (unless parked on shoulder of roadway and gearshift is in neutral or parked position; GPS not included)

If it starts to rain on a hot day, use caution because the pavement may be slippery for the first few minutes. This is due to...

oil in the asphalt; Heat causes oil in the asphalt to come to the surface, and rainwater loosens those oil deposits. This makes the roadway more slippery until more rain washes the oil off.

When any vehicle turns, its rear wheels follow a _________ than its front wheels.

shorter path -the longer the vehicle is, the greater the difference will be. For this reason, trucks initially swing out before making a turn.

A traffic signal with a flashing yellow light means that you must...

slow down and proceed with caution

If you approach a vehicle with a triangular reflective orange sign on its rear, you should...

slow down and use caution

A driver's left hand and arm are bent at 90 degrees and pointing downward. This driver intends to...

slow down or stop

If you are moving through an intersection with a green light and a pedestrian starts to cross your path against a red light, you should first...

sound your horn to warn the pedestrian

Aggressive driving

the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.

When two vehicles on different roadways arrive at a four-way stop at the same time...

the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.

What does yield mean?

to let other drivers, pedestrians, and bicycles have the right of way/ go first before you proceed

What are construction zone signs used for?

to notify drivers of unusual or potentially dangerous conditions on or near the traveled way

When driving in fog you should...

use low-beam headlights or fog lights.

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