If games are postponed or cancelled your team captain will be contacted through imleague by Rec Sports Admin
As a captain what are your general responsibilities?
All of the above
If a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a contest at the scheduled time, they will be given 10 minutes to secure the correct number of players before the game is declared_____ ?
All is true regarding protest, except:
If the protest regards player eligibility the protest must be on-site with supervisor prior to game or immediately after
Who may call a timeout?
Only players on the court may call a timeout
If Brandon Schmidt was on the UH Varsity Football roster during the spring of 2018, when is the next time he is allowed to play intramural Flag Football?
Spring 2019
Participants should not be under the influence of any drug, alcohol, or tobacco products while playing in any UH Intramural Sports.
How many timeouts are granted per game?
What type of photo ID must a participant have when signing in to play Intramurals?
A or B
When a team forfeits a game (no call to Rec Sports Office, no show, or not having enough players) the team captain will be assessed a ______ forfeit fee?
In the event that you know your team will not have enough players for your scheduled game that night the team captain can default by?
Call the Rec Sports office by 3pm the day of your scheduled game to let them know you are forfeiting for your game that night
Where can you access the UH Intramural Sports rule book that provides you with all the rules and guidelines?
The rule book is located under Handbooks/Manuals on the left side of the homepage on imleagues.
What type of ball will be used to play Co-Rec Basketball?
The teams playing will decided and agree on the size ball to use
Players can only play on one (1) single-gendered team & one (1) coed team.
The top 3 teams in each division with an overall sportsmanship rating of 3 or higher will advance to the single elimination playoff bracket?
There may be no more than 3 players of the same gender on the court per team, and there must be at least one member of each gender on the court per team.