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Law intended to "civilize" Indians by distributing tribal lands to individuals. Sought to turn them into landowners and farmers Distributing 160 acres of rez to each head of an Indian family Remaining rez lands to be sold to speculators and settlers Govt would hold each tribal member's property in trust for 25 years and make them US citizens Act proved to be a boon to speculators, who commonly evaded its safeguards and obtained the Indian's best land

Dawes Severalty Act

made 640 acres available at 1.25

Desert Land Act

THIS PRIMARY SOURCE IS FROM A WHAT? A soldier in Kenya. He experienced hardhip, poison arrows, he was outraged by the "savages" and their practices This diary provides insight into the harrowing experiences and the anguish of an isolated you Englishman facing the strains of colonial service, where Western and indigenous ways clashed He went and murdered a village because they had killed one policeman Calls them stupid Killed another villiage, incluidng women Living isolated in a savage country, rarely speaking english, surrounded by uncivilized people (white man's burden attitude: feeling of duty, but also contempt) We learn that there was acc quite a bit of resistance to British rule For purposes of test, just say from the diary of a young colonial officer maybe


a series of western-style reforms launched in 1898 (after they lost Sino-Chinese war) by the Chinese govt in an attempt to meet the foreign challenge The efforts at radical reform by the young emperor threatened Qing establishment and Tzu His. She pulled palace coup and imprisoned emperor Hope for reform was crushed Violent reaction called Boxer rebellion

Hundred days of reform

Began in panic of 1873. speculators purchased lots of land They established factory-like farms. Lots of equipment, run by a manager Wheat production skyrocketed But it collapsed. Overproduction, high investment costs, rain shortage/too much rain, etc. Large scale farms proved most successful (esp in Cali) Used irrigation and canals. Grew higher priced specialty crops Had cooperative marketing associations for stuff

Wheat boom

Massacre of three hundred Indians by the U.S. Army in 1890; the last chapter of the battle for the Great Plains. End of armed conflict there Many Natives tried to adapt non-Indian ways, some suceeded Others were poor, dependent on rezes and govt support Culture of plains indians somehow survived though

Wounded Knee

gave homesteaders an additional 160 acres if they planted trees on 40

timber culture act

People who wanted to get rid of western influence in their countries, opposite of westernizers


High ______ rate on great plains reflects difficulty that newcomers faced in adjusting. Many gave up and moved on Not a lot of rain, difficult to farm, harsh weather, drought (problems that spurred creation of Grange and Populist Parties!) Invention of machinery and increased demand for wheat, mild, and stuff created impression that farming was prosperous. Few understood the perils. It was a financial risk. Wealth was not easy Unpredictable rainfall and weather conditions Depression, grasshoppers


true/false: the leaders of meiji Japan dropped their antiforeign attacks. Convinced that Western civilization was indeed superior in its military and industrial aspects, they initiated a series of reform measures to make Japan modern.Harnessed power inherent in Europe's dual rev in order to catch up to west In 1871 the new leaders abolished the old feudal structure of aristocratic, decentralized govt and formed a strong unified state. Declared social equality Decreed freedom of movement (like, people could travel abroad now) Free competitive economy, rail and factories


1869- first rail across country. Two sets of tracks:

union pacific and central pacific

Two sets of tracks: Union pacific and central pacific Met at ________ Made midsection of the country more accessible Sped up western development

Promontory point, utah

Year of Wounded Knee (closure of the frontier)


By ____ all western territories had been brought into the union as states


offered 160 acres of land to people who payed 10 bucks and lived and cultivated the land for 5 years But some people filed false claims for the best locations. Only one acre in every nine went to pioneers Another problem: some land was dry and a farmer needed more land

Homestead Act

Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa


guy from Britain who went up the nile, fought muslims. Beat the muslims with the Maxim gun. France and Britain fought over upper nile. France was upset about Dreyfus affair and backed down. British get Sudan No great European war

Horatio H. Kitchener

Wrote America's Destiny

Albert Beveridge

Leading proponent of imperialism and sea power, wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History

Alfred Thayer Mahan

PRIMARY SOURCE: In support of a resolution urging colonial status for the Philippines. We will not retreat from the Philippines. Trade with neighbors is good. Duty to trade. Don't let oceans limit the power of the constitution, constitution never said imperialism was bad. English speaking and Teutonic people are the master organizers of the world, must establish order among chaos, prevent barbarism. Americans are the chosen people The declaration of independence doesn't prevent us from imperialism, it was written for free men, which Filipinos are not. The pacific is the place to control if we want to spread to Asia, get to those huge markets (like china!) The pacific is the only ocean that we don't share with Europe, it is our chance to be in charge of something says we should lead everyone. We can help the rest of the world with our superiority

America's Destiny

○ Used documents (Declaration of Independence) (Constitution) § These documents doesn't stop them from colonizing the Philippines § The Declaration of Independence applies to the Americans because they are free men... The Philippines were never free men (because they were under Spanish rule) so it doesn't apply to them ○ Uses the Bible and God... Says that the American people are the 'chosen people' § God wants America to imperialize § Manifest Destiny (goal to go from Europe to Asia... now could trade all over the world) § Saying how exceptional America is/American Exceptionalism ○ Connects to East Asia ○ Pacific Ocean is the Ocean of commerce and trade § Pacific is *the* place to control if you are trying to expand trade § Asia has a lot of consumers § The only Ocean that America doesn't share with Europe... America's chance to dominate ○ Destiny to lead the world

America's Destiny

Caught in sticky web of an ambiguous and deceptive fed policy, defiant natives struck back in 1870s Raids on whites. The ____ slaughtered natives End of native independence on southern plains Apache named Geronimo fought but surrendered


prevented livestock roving, upset cowboys

Barbed Wire

GREENIE: It gave the Congo Free State to Leopold

Berlin Conference

Leopold's buccaneering intrusion into the congo raised question of political fate of Africa. Race for territory. A meeting of European leaders held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa Germany was also now an imperial power Germany got stuff in Africa, cooperated against British with France

Berlin Conference

In 1869, spurred on by Christian reformers, congress established a ________ to reform abuses on the reservations by indian agents But new and inexperienced church-appointed indian agents quickly encountered problems Indians left reservations and agents couldn't stop whites who fraudulently purchased rez lands from those who stayed. Congress stopped making treaties and just did exec orders and acts. Fed ignored churches' nominations for indian agents and made its own appointments

Board of Indian Commissioners

British War in the Transvaal In this book they call it the South African War. British win the war.

Boer war

Violent anti-foreign reaction in China. They blamed china's ills on foreigners. Conservative, patriotic, antiforeign boxers said missionaries were undermining Chinese reverence of ancestors. Killed lots of missionaries and Christians. Empress dowager declared war, hoping that the Boxers might relieve the foreign pressure on the Qing Dynast Harsh and swift imperialist response Armies defeated Boxers (international force) The years after this heavy defeat were troubled. Anarchy and foreign influence spread. In 1912 a spontaneous uprising toppled Qing dynasty. Loose coalitions of revolutionaries proclaimed western style republic and caleld for an elected parliament

Boxer Rebellion

millions of head of cattle moved from texas grazing lands to the railroad terminals in kansas in the 1870s and 80s

Cattle Drives

Wrote Confession of Faith

Cecil Rhodes

The contract primary source is between who?

Cecil Rhodes and Lo Bengula

Tensions flared between US and ____ after a mob killed two US sailors. ____apologized and paid though


A miner who became wealthy


PRIMARY SOURCE: Rhodes was inspired by disraeli. This source offers a vision of racist expansionism popular before WW1 He controlled diamond production and gold. He says we don't have enough space. "If we had retained America there would at this moment be millions more of english living" (america has more land! This guy is like hitler) We are the best race in the world, so we should inhabit more of the world Britain should rule the world If america had stuck with us they would have been much better off, without the degenerate irish and german emigrants You cannot have omelets without breaking eggs: we may have to kill people to make a better world About non-racists (past statesmen): "do you ever feel mad? Do you ever feel murderous. I think I do with those men" says we should get rid of everyone and exist in their place, we should replace the rest of the world

Confession of Faith

THIS PRIMARY SOURCE IS A WHAT? Rhodes dealt with Lo Bengula, king of Matabeleland, Mashonaland, and other territories (now Zimbabwe) Rhodes got a contract that gave his agents "the complete and inclusive charge" of minerals in the king's land. Pledged financial subsidy and dlivery of weapons for the king Lo Bengula signed off on the following contract, which said: The king will get rifles and pounds. British agents have "full power to do all things that they may deem necessary to win and procure the same, and to hold, collect, and enjoy the profit and revenues" When the terms of the contract became known among Lo Bengula's subjects, they protested that their ruler had been tricked. After having his fears confirmed by friendly British missionaries, Lo Bengula executed his head counselor and sent a mission to Queen Victoria. After an unsatisfactory response, he sent a formal protest on April 23, 1889. This pathetic appeal from the untotored African ruler had no effect on the ocurse of events. He was told by the Queen's advisor that it was "impossible for him to exclude white men" the advisor said that the Queen had made inquiries as tpo the persons concerned and was satisfied that they "may be trusted to carry out the working for gold in the chief's country without molesting his people, or in any way interfering with their kraals (villages) gardens, or cattle" thus Rhodes made Lo Bengula's territories his personal domain and part of the British Empire. Lo Bengula basically signs away his kingdom During the scramble for africa, European countries wanted to show each other that they had legally conquered this land


_____differences happened because geography and climate created an immense divide between Europe and Africa Inequality of military and political power


Federal confiscation of Mormon church property to pressure it to abandon the practice of polygamy.In response church pres publically ended polygamy. Church supported application for statehood (utah). This happened They got rights back

Edmunds-Tucker Act

PRIMARY SOURCE: Chamberlain was imperialist who argued that welfare of Britain depended upon preservation and extension of empire, for colonies fostered trade and served as a source for raw materials British have sacred duty to carry civilization, Christianisty and british law to the backward people of africa and asia Says empire needs commerce. We have had rough economic times. We need more trade. We need more demand of goods. We should keep india and egypt ○ Empire needs commerce... should extend its power because more commerce is needed to survive ○ The welfare of Britain depended on the expansion on trade and expansion of power/territory

Foreign Speeches

Agreement that moved thousands of plains indians to reservations in south dakota in 1867, signed by Sioux after Sand Creek However not all the sioux bands had fought in the war or signed the treaty Chief Red Cloud's oglala band and chief spotted tail's brule band had managed to remain on their trad lands. To protect thier hunting grounds they raided encroaching white settlements and harrassed people who went onto their land

Fort Laramie Treaty

GREENIE: Wrote The Significance of the Frontier in American History

Frederick Jackson Turner

PRIMARY SOURCE IS A DESCRIPTION BY A WHAT? Germans got Southwest Africa (now Nambia). Brutalized Herero people. "The missionary says that we are children of God like our white brothers" said a Herero to a German settler, "but just look at us. Dogs, slaves, worse than the baboons on the rocks... that is how you treat us". Hereros attacked German farms, German army (commanded by Lothar von Trotha) crushed Hereros in return. Drove them into the desert, killed/raped women and children. Made them go into working camps where everyone died. First genocide of the twentieth century. In the first part of the selection a leader of German settlers explicitly reveals his racist attitude, shared by most settlers, toward herero Natives should let white man have their cattle and land and then leave. It would be good for africa. Purpose of africans is to serve the white people. A German offier described result's of Von Trotha's policy (the genocide) Then comes a proclamation that von Trotha read to his officers in October 1904 calling for the annihilation of the Herero: Herero are not German people any more, we will kill them They won't respect laws, only strength Then von Trotha reveals further implications of his proclamation: let's annihilate them Then A German missionmary describes the brutalization of Herero prisoners of war Lot of parallels to later genocides: gathering people in camps, working them to death, moving them by train in large numbers, dehumanizing them

German Officer

Ritual that the prophet Wovoka promised would restore Indians to control of their lands Indian officials grew alarmed by _____. Killed Sitting Bull over it

Ghost Dance

The 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed Last "traditional" response to Euro rule India ruled by parliament and administered by a tiny all white civil service British white elite. Considered indians racially inferior

Great Rebellion

America had gotten a lot of territory from mexico in 1848 from THIS treaty Texans were bitter about Mexicans California had similar thing going on. Collapse of ranch economy force barrios (mexican ghettos) to happen Lots of racial discrimination. But their labor was good for the economy Arizona and New Mexico was an easier place for Mexicans. Examples of successful cooperation between Hispanic and white Americans helped moderate american settlers' antagonistic attitudes.

Guadalupe Hidalgo

Independent island nation in the Pacific Ocean annexed by the US in 1898.US built naval base in Pearl Harbor. In 1891, angered by American economic domination, islanders welcomed Liliuokalani to ____ throne. She was queen, but then US taxed their sugar. Facing ruin, planters got rid of queen and requested US annexation


Humanitarian and author who popularized wrongs done to Indians

Helen Hunt Jackson

opened schools for indians. He thought their customs and languages had halted their progress toward white. Tried to stamp out indian identity, make them white Backfired, their sense of indian identity became stronger wanted to establish boarding schools to "kill the indian and save the man": get rid of Indian culture and make indians american citizens

Henry Pratt

PRIMARY SOURCE: He contended that the rush to acquire colonies was due to the economic needs of unregulated capitalism, particularly the need of the rich to find outlets for their surplus capital. Yet, Hobson argued, imperial possessions did not pay off economically for the country as a whole. Only unscrupulous special-interest groups profited from them, at the expense of euro taxpayers and natives. Also the quest for empire diverts popular attention away from domestic reform and the need to reduce the gap between rich and poor He argued that the unequal distribution of income made capitalism unproductive and unstable. His stress upon the economic causes of imperialism has been disputed by some historians who see desire for national power and glory as more important He says: There is lots of fighting, no peace. US and Spain have even fought Competing businessmen usurp authority and voice of the people. Use public resources to push private businesses, spill lots of blood. Brushes aside civilizing and social Darwinism claim. He talks about Pax Britannica (idea that british bring peace wherever we go) he says wherever imperialism goes it brings war. It is false. He says only certain groups (businesses) benefit


Settlement of Trans-Mississippi West began with the removal of


gave Imperialists the tools to get into the interior: steamboats, rail, medicine


Wrote Imperialsim

J.A. Hobson

Halted Chinese reform with Sino-Chinese war


became the first non-western country to use an ancient love of country to transform itself and meet the many-sided challenge of western expansion


Conservationist who played a major role in wilderness preservation

John Muir

Wrote Foreign Speeches

Joseph Chamberlain

Feverish growth of open range cattle ranching paralleled expansion of the mining fronteir during the 1860s and 70s Cowboys were glorified Cattle herding promoted by businessmen ______ transformed cattle industry into money maker. Raised steers cheaply in texas and bringing them north for shipment to eastern urban markets. _____ built a new stockyard in Kansas.

Joseph G McCoy

GREENIE: Invented barbed wire

Joseph Glidden

Capital of Sudan


sent Stanley to the Congo to establish trading stations, sign "treaties" with African chiefs, and plant Belgium flag

Leopold II

was king of Belgium (Belgium was created after Napoleonic wars). Belgium has coal, good industrial base, on the north sea. _____ wants Belgium to become a worldwide empire like Portugal in 16th century He sends agents to Africa along the Congo river He wanted to carve out a kingdom along the Congo river Sends Stanly, famous British explorer Starts making claims to territory (like in Cecil Rhodes document, where Rhodes makes the king sign a treaty) _____ is special because he really goes to the interior of Africa, no one had gone in before (disease, environment, terrain) But they had quinine now, so yay!

Leopold II

WHAT INDUSTRY IS THIS?: Early discoveries of "placer" gold, panned from streams, attracted a young male population thirsting for wealth and reinforced the myth of mining country as "poor man's paradise" People sold the land that they had found to large companies in the end


People who (like Egypt) concluded that the west was indeed superior and it was therefore necessary to copy Euros (also called westernizers) Opposite of traditionalists, tended to gain upper hand


The late-nineteenth century rush by European countries to create vast political empires abroad

New Imperialism

_____ peoples experienced a crisis of identity, one made all the more painful by the power and arrogance of the white intruders


authorized construction of new transcontinental link Accelerated transformation of west

Pacific Railroad Act

Diverse Native American societies inhabiting the region from the Dakotas to Texas. Life revolved around extended family ties and tribal cooperation

Plains Indians

In 1860 the _______ was on the verge of collapse. They couldn't repel foreigners and there was rebellion But govt drew on its trad strengths and made a comeback that lasted more than 30 years Two factors crucial in this reversal: First, The trad ruling groups temporarily produced new and effective leadership. Loyal scholar statesmen and generals quelled rebellion. Had Tzu His Second, Destructive foreign aggression lessened, for Euros had obtained primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations Some Euros helped dynasty recover Helped dynasty adopt some aspects of western govt and tech while maintaining chinese values

Qing Dynasty

Allowed people to explore interior of Africa and Asia without getting malaria


A group of ____ expansionists, led by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, diplomat John Hay, and Teddy Roosevelt of NY preached Imperial greatness and military might.


Wrote in his diary about being an embattled colonial officer in east africa

Richard Meinerzhagen

Wrote The White Man's Burden

Rudyard Kipling

US navy focused on _____. US narrowly avoided clash with Germany when a hurricane wrecked both of their navy's, America, Germany, and GB split the island

Samoan Islands

With help of ____ the shogun governed The poor and restless ____ humiliated by American intrusion _____ reacted with antiforeign terrorism and antigovt assasinations. American, Gb, dutch, and french warships demolished key forts in response Samurai seized govt and restored emperor to power in Meiji Restoration


soldiers destroyed Cheyenne and Arapacho camps. Indians retaliate by attacking travelors Governor authorized colorado people to kill indians on sight Massacre at _____ Govt told indians to go to a rez

Sand Creek

everyone wanted to get in to Africa and show that they were in control of as much territory as possible (because of rule of effective occupation after Berlin Conference)

Scramble for Africa

There was _____ in English for Indians. Opportunities for economic and social advancements. High-caste Hindus were skillful intermediaries between british rulers and people

Secondary Education

the treatment of Indians as individuals rather than as tribal members.


Leader of the Sioux warriors who wiped out George Armstrong Custer's force at Little Bighorn in 1876

Sitting Bull

US got Philippines from Spain in 1898 after the

Spanish-American War

PRIMARY SOURCE: The boxers roamed the countryside in 1900 burning churches and foreign residences, slaughtering missionaries and Chinese Christians. In june they converged on Beijing. Western diplomats and Chinese Christians sought refuge in the Legation quarters and a Roman Catholic cathedral. For almost two months the defenders, a small, military force enhanced by the besieged civilians withstood attacks until rescued by a multinational force The Western armies looted Beijing and compelled imperial govt to pay a high indemnity and agree to stationing of western troops in their capital Wall posters reveal Boxer's anti-Western and anti-Christian outlook "Exterminate All foreign Devils" Churches are oppressing us. Seltzer Says: resisting western traditions. These guys are traditionalists, want to preserve Chinese culture. Posters say whites are devils and barbarians, foreign. They feel like ancestral worship is under attack, Euros disregard this. They are angry about rail and telephone (tools of imperialism, used to exploit China economically)

The Boxer Rebellion

the fight to win colonies in central Asia The scramble for Africa Newspapers loved this It distracted the people from the real problems It was viewed in a sports/game context It was a source of national pride

The Great Game

Book where Turner says frontier is closed.

The Significance of the Frontier in American History

True/false: Generally, the inintial response of African and Asian rulers to aggressive western expansion was to try to drive the unwelcome foreigners away. Violent anti-foreign reaction But military tech of west usually prevailed Thus non westerners focused on preserving their cultural traditions


The remarkable empress dowager ____ governed in the name of her young son, combing shrewed insight with vigorous action to revitalize bereaucrac

Tzu His

Another Latin American conflict arose from a boundary dispute between _____ and British Guiana. British rejected a US arbitration offer, livid Cleveland asked Congress to settle dispute w/o Britain's approval Britain accepted


Mexican-American vigilante group in northern New Mexico that protested the enclosure of grazing lands. Attacked whites, tore up rail. Didn't stop anglo rachers from increasing their land. Spanish speakers became more poor They had to look for seasonal migrant work Violence and discrimination increased in 1890s during a time of rising racism Women often held Mexican-American communities together, emphasizing culture and kinship

White Caps

the idea that europeans could and should civilize more primitieve nonwhite peoples and that imperialism would evnetually provide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living • It was their 'job' to improve people • A 'burden' to other whites to help people/imperialize • A justification for imperialism People are not going to be grateful... but it is for their own good

White man's burden

William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody's extravagant Western-themed traveling show

Wild West Show

Renowned scour, Indian fighter, and showman who symbolized the "Wild West" mythos Killed a lot of buffalo Native American way of life dependent on the buffalo had been ruined

William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody

Last battle between American Indians and whites

Wounded Knee

First National park founded as a result of the conservation movement

Yellowstone National Park

The main men who were interested/profited from imperialism were:


GREENIE: Mountain system bordering the black sea (that Russia got)


These guys made little money herding cattle


Main rule from Berlin Conference: if you can show that you are occupying the territory then you will be recognized as the colonial master of the territory

effective occupation

Japan successfully copied the imperialism of Western society. They opened ___ with gunboat diplomacy. Won it in a war with china


Imperialists sought the ____ resources of other countries


But support for Euro rule among conquered masses was shallow and weak Natives followed determined personalities who came to oppose the Euros Such leaders arose for two basic reasons: First, ________(the eventual anti-imp leaders) developed a burning desire for human dignity. Second, potential leaders found in the western world the ideologies and justification for protest. They discovered liberalism. Echoed demands of anti-imps in Euro and US They were attracted to modern nationalism


Cities popped up from cattle boom In cattle towns life was neither as violent nor as lawless as legend would have it, but they did experience lots of ____


A small minority of British women sought to shoulder _______,Tried to improve lives of indian women. Educated elite Hindu women

white woman's burden

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