Imperialism Review

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What does Imperialism mean?

the takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation w/ the intent of dominating the political, economic, & social life of the people of the nation

Who was Cecil Rhodes

Attempted to build a railway from Cape Colony, S. Africa to Cairo, Egypt, but was stopped

What were the Opium Wars

Britain began selling opium in China to raise money to buy Chinese tea

Different European countries controlled India throughout its history. Who were they

British East India (tea)

Negative Effects of Imperialism

British held political and economic control, They limited Indian owned businesses, emphasis on cash crops (such as cotton) robbed people of self-sufficiency and led to widespread famine, Racism was rampant, Missionaries threatened indian religion and customs (loss of cultural identity)

What was the geopolitics behind the Suez Canal

British took over Suez Canal to give access to African and Asian colonies

What does the term "Pacific Rim" refer to and Why are these important

Countries that border the pacific ocean and They were highly prized for strategic locations and natural resources

What was the economic motive for Imperialism

European industries needed raw materials to run their factories and they also needed new markets

What is a sphere of influence

Forcing more trade agreements

Why were Western nations interested in China

Huge population was a potential market for their manufactured goods, many raw materials, and local Chinese goods were highly prized

What do the driving forces behind Imperialism include

Industrialization, National Pride, Racism

Whta is geopolitics

Interest in taking land for its strategic location or products

How did the Berlin Conference affect the Europeans

King Menelik II played European countries off against each other, while building, arming, and training his own army

Ethiopia & Liberia were the only 2 countries to remain independent in Africa. How did they do it

Liberia was free because they were still being watched over by the U.S. and Ethiopia remained free because King Menelik II played European countries off against each other, while building, arming, and training his own army

How did the Berlin Conference affect the people of Africa?

No African leaders were invited

Who was Queen Liliuokalani? What happened to her

Queen that demanded a new constitution that protected Hawaiian power. She was overthrown by American buisnessmen

What was the geopolitics behind the Crimean War

Russia wanted to take the Crimean Peninsula to gain a port and for the new found oil

What was Apartheid and when did it end

System of separating the Africans in his mines from the outside world and 1994

Who were the major European landholders in Africa? How did each feel about their assigned land?

The French , not all countries were happy with the land they got

What was the geopolitics behind the Panama Canal

Theodore Roosevelt encouraged panama to rebel against Columbia so that the US could get rights to the Panama Canal Zone

What was the Social motive for imperialism

They believed they were superior to other non-christian (heathen), less-industrialized peoples

11. Why did Britain finally take control of India in the 1750's

They had little interference from the British gov

What was the political motive for Imperialism

acquiring colonies proved how powerful a European country was

How did medicine help make European Imperialism of Africa and Asia possible

discovery of quinine helped battle malaria allowing more Europeans to settle in Asia and Africa

How did The variety of languages and cultures help make European Imperialism of Africa and Asia possible

in these areas made it hard for indigenous peoples (natives) to organize and force out the European invaders

Positive Effect of Imperialism

largest network of railways and extensive telegraph and telephone lines, dams, bridges, and irrigation canals were bult, Sanitation and public health improved, Schools and colleges improved literacy rates

How did Indusrialization help make European Imperialism of Africa & Asia possible

weapons (such as modern rifles)

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