Important GRE words

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Meaning - detest; loathe. Usage - they abominated the very idea of monarchy Synonyms - abhor, despise, dislike, hate, loathe Antonyms - admire, approve, cherish, like, love Mnemonics - Abominate sounds like A-bomb-ate -- the enemy would hate any hero who could ate a bomb and survive. Something like the Mask ! Smokin !


Meaning - (in drawing, painting, and engraving) mark (a surface) with numerous small dots or specks. Usage - the miniaturist's use of stippling Synonyms - carve, dab, dot, draw, engrave, paint Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.


Meaning - (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter.; confused or obscure in meaning or effect. Usage - the turbid estuary; a turbid piece of cinéma vérité Synonyms - confused, dark, dense, heavy, impure, muddled, muddy, murky, obscure, polluted, roily, sedimentary, thick, unclear, unsettled Antonyms - clear Mnemonics - TURBID=TURBINE. The TURBINES on a boat can churn up the water and make it TURBID and murky.


Meaning - (of a person or their grief) not able to be comforted or alleviated. Usage - his widow, Jane, was inconsolable Synonyms - disconsolate, unconsolable, comfortless, dejected, desolate Antonyms - consolable, happy, understanding Mnemonics - when some loved one dies, we are inconsolable


Meaning - (of a person's eyes) looking downwards.; (of a person) feeling despondent Usage - her modestly downcast eyes; you mustn't be downcast Synonyms - despondent, disheartened, discouraged, dispirited, downhearted, low-spirited, in low spirits, hopeless, cast down, crestfallen, down, low, disconsolate, in despair, despairing, wretched, oppressed; sad, melancholy, gloomy, glum, morose, doleful, dismal, woebegone, miserable, depressed, dejected, distressed, sorrowful; defeatist, pessimistic Antonyms - above, cheerful, decent, gay, happy, honest, upright ,elated, glad ,heartened, satisfied Mnemonics - Downcast = Down + Cast; if a man is from low 'caste', he will remain sad among high caste people.


Meaning - (of behaviour or actions) not proper or appropriate. Usage - an unseemly squabble Synonyms - indecorous, improper, inappropriate, unbecoming, unfitting, unbefitting, unsuitable, unworthy, undignified, unrefined, indiscreet, indelicate, ungentlemanly, unladylike, impolite Antonyms - seemly, decorous Mnemonics - UN+SEEM- does not seem normal or proper in behavior


Meaning - a deep-seated feeling of aversion Usage - his fundamental antipathy to capitalism Synonyms - hostility, antagonism, animosity, aversion, animus, opposition, enmity, dislike, distaste, ill will, ill feeling, hatred, hate, abhorrence, loathing, repugnance, odium; grudge Antonyms - liking, affinity, rapport Mnemonics - CAN REMEMBER IT AS OPPOSITE OF sympathy. RHYMING n OPPOSITE WORDS - antipathy n sympathy


Meaning - a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way. Usage - a colourful raconteur Synonyms - storyteller, teller of tales, spinner of yarns, narrator, relater, recounter; Antonyms - boring, dull Mnemonics - "reckon" means think. raconteur is one who thinks (writer/storyteller).


Meaning - a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity. Usage - for two days there had been a lull in the fighting Synonyms - breather, calmness, hiatus, hush, layoff, letup, respite, time-out Antonyms - continuation, clamor Mnemonics - LULL -> DULL


Meaning - a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. Usage - moneylenders prey upon their credulity and inexperience Synonyms - gullibility, gullibleness, credulousness, naivety, naiveness, blind faith, trustfulness, over-trustfulness, lack of suspicion, innocence, ingenuousness, unworldliness, lack of experience, lack of sophistication, guilelessness, greenness, callowness, childlikeness, simpleness, simplicity, ignorance Antonyms - worldliness, suspicion Mnemonics - If you gave your friend a fake credit card, and if he/she think's it's real then he's a credulous person.


Meaning - a thing which is hoped for but is illusory or impossible to achieve. Usage - the economic sovereignty you claim to defend is a chimera Synonyms - illusion, fantasy, delusion, dream, fancy Antonyms - certainty, fact, reality, truth Mnemonics - In the movie Mission Impossible 2, the deadly virus which was impossible to remove from the body without the antidote was named Chimera


Meaning - a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.; the smallest amount. Usage - the last vestiges of colonialism; he waited patiently, but without a vestige of sympathy Synonyms - glimmer, relic, remnant, residue, evidence, hint, memento, print, remainder, remains, scrap, shadow, suspicion, token, trace, track Antonyms - information, lot Mnemonics - sound like wastage....appendix in human beings is a wastage coz its of no use....hence VESTIGE


Meaning - a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country. Usage - he had the Quisling owner of the factory arrested Synonyms - collaborator, fraternizer, colluder, sympathizer; traitor, turncoat, betrayer, informer Antonyms - patriot Mnemonics - Quisling, after Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, who assisted Nazi Germany to conquer his own country and ruled the collaborationist Norwegian government, is a term used to describe traitors and collaborators.


Meaning - a trite statement that is intended to soothe or placate. Usage - feel-good bromides create the illusion of problem-solving Synonyms - cliche, cliché, banality, commonplace, compound, saw Antonyms - original Mnemonics - Bro don't mind.. A common statement to soothe someone.


Meaning - a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model. Usage - society's paradigm of the 'ideal woman Synonyms - archetype, chart, criterion, exemplar Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - HERE DIVIDE AS PARA+DIGM--- DIGM=DIAGRAM SO DIAGRAM SERVES AS MODEL,EXAMPLE,PATTERN FOR A PROTOTYPE


Meaning - a very small or inadequate amount of money. Usage - he paid his workers a pittance Synonyms - allowance, bit, dribble, drop, inadequacy Antonyms - lot, sufficiency Mnemonics - Petty + Allowance very sad payment


Meaning - a wine merchant. Usage - the vintner was making huge profits from the wine shops Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - the word is like winter,in winter making and selling of wine will be growing


Meaning - a witty remark. Usage - Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man Synonyms - joke, witty remark, witticism, jest, pun, sally, pleasantry, epigram, aphorism Antonyms - flattery, praise Mnemonics - To WHIP with a QUOTE = QUIP


Meaning - acquaintance: personal knowledge or information about someone or something Usage - these are tough, Irish and Italian working-class towns, and anybody who claimed any kind of conversance with Emerson was an alien immediately Synonyms - familiarity, awareness, cognizance Antonyms - disagreement, ignorance Mnemonics - you only converse with people you know


Meaning - an advocate or follower of fascism. Usage - he was branded a fascist and an anti-Semite Synonyms - autocrat, tyrant, authoritarian, Nazi, totalitarian Antonyms - left wing Mnemonics - fansi laga dena is the work of a fascist


Meaning - ask someone urgently and fervently to do or give something. Usage - they beseeched him to stay Synonyms -implore, beg, entreat, importune, plead with, appeal to, exhort, ask urgently, petition, call on, supplicate, pray to, adjure; crave, appeal for Antonyms - answer, command, refuse, reply, give , offer Mnemonics - beggar begging for BAKSHEESH


Meaning - based on a mistaken belief. Usage - fallacious arguments Synonyms - erroneous, false, untrue, wrong, incorrect, faulty, flawed, inaccurate, inexact, imprecise, mistaken, misinformed, misguided, misleading, deceptive, delusive, delusory, illusory, sophistic, specious, fictitious, spurious, fabricated, distorted, made up, trumped up Antonyms - correct, Mnemonics - derived from fallacy, which means something wrong.


Meaning - be extremely and uncritically fond of. Usage - she doted on her two young children Synonyms - cherish, fawn, flatter, nurture, praise, adulate, blandish, brown-nose, cajole Antonyms - hate, neglect, stony Mnemonics - when you go on a date what will u do u shower her/him with love ri8 so dote=shower with love


Meaning - become less intense or widespread. Usage - the storm abated after hitting the land. Synonyms - decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, lower, moderate, ease, soothe, relieve, dampen, calm Antonyms - intensify, increase, strengthen Mnemonics - ab ate mat karo, abate your weight


Meaning - bite or pinch sharply.; steal or snatch (something). Usage - one of the dogs nipped him on the leg Synonyms - bite, nibble, peck, pinch, tweak, squeeze, grip Antonyms - lot Mnemonics - NIP, think it as an abbr. for Not In Progress. So someone is stopping your growth or development


Meaning - bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please them. Usage - a sycophantic attempt to ingratiate herself with the local aristocracy Synonyms - flatter, attract, blandish, captivate, charm, crawl, grovel, kowtow, truckle Antonyms - offend, repel, repulse, deter, disgust Mnemonics - ingratiate, take the word as intake of you do something to gain gratitude of others


Meaning - brisk and cheerful readiness. Usage - she accepted the invitation with alacrity Synonyms - eagerness, willingness, readiness; enthusiasm, ardour, fervour, keenness Antonyms - apathy Mnemonics - alacrity = Alag aakrity (a picture). when do you make alag aakrity?? = when you have GREAT WILLINGNESS & ENTHUSIASM. alag aakrity banane ke liye you should have Alacrity


Meaning - casual lack of concern; indifference. Usage - an impression of boyish insouciance Synonyms - nonchalance, unconcern, lack of concern, indifference Antonyms - anxiety, concern Mnemonics - In soup see ants, but still the waiter did nothing. He had no concern about the patrons


Meaning - cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations. Usage - the inflation figure confounded economic analysts Synonyms - amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, stupefy, daze, nonplus Antonyms - enlighten, explain, calm Mnemonics - CONFused + dumbFOUNDed


Meaning - causing annoyance or difficulty. Usage - nettlesome regional disputes Synonyms - annoying, distressing, irksome, nagging, troublesome, vexing Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - if someone throws a fishing net on you, and you are unable to get it off yourself you become nettlesome


Meaning - causing harm or damage. Usage - divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children Synonyms - harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, inimical, hurtful, bad, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavourable, unfortunate, undesirable Antonyms - aiding, assisting Mnemonics - relate it to you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC.


Meaning - cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something. Usage - she had been chary of telling the whole truth Synonyms - cagey, calculating, canny, circumspect, considerate, constrained, discreet, economical, fastidious, frugal, gingerly, guarded, heedful, hesitant, inhibited, leery, loath, miserly, particular, prudent, reluctant, restrained, safe, scrupulous, sparing, stingy, suspicious, thrifty, uneasy, wary, watchful Antonyms - careless, hasty,heedless, incautious, rash, uncareful, willing Mnemonics - Chary : Think of it as "BramhaChari": What do the Bramhachari's do ?? They refrain from Marriage/ Females in general. They are unwilling to be bound by family life.


Meaning - change in form, nature, or substance. Usage - the raw material of his experience was transmuted into stories Synonyms - metamorphose, mutate Antonyms - increase, keep Mnemonics - mutation we know is a change in genes, so transmute


Meaning - characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to recall the Devil; disgracefully bad or unpleasant. Usage - his diabolical cunning; a singer with an absolutely diabolical voice Synonyms - cruel, fiendish, heinous, hellish, vicious, vile, wicked Antonyms - gentle, good, kind, nice Mnemonics - DAI(midwife)+BOLI(spoke)- DAI at the time of birth BOLI that kid is going to be very DIABOLICAL(wicked).


Meaning - characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress. Usage - a simple design that is glamorous without being ostentatious Synonyms - showy, pretentious, conspicuous, obtrusive, flamboyant, gaudy, garish, tinsel, tinselly, brash, vulgar, loud, extravagant, fancy, ornate Antonyms - plain, unobtrusive, restrained, modest Mnemonics - USNE TEN TATTI KIA to attract attention of NURSES


Meaning - characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.; very stormy. Usage - he had a reckless and tempestuous streak; a tempestuous wind Synonyms - turbulent, stormy, tumultuous, violent, wild Antonyms - peaceful, placid, calm Mnemonics - TEMPESTUOUS can be split as TEMP + PEST + OUS, so how will your TEMPer be if someone keeps PESTering you. It will obviously be VIOLENT.


Meaning - deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing. Usage - a somewhat arch tone of voice Synonyms - knowing, playful, mischievous, puckish, roguish, impish, elfin, devilish Antonyms - serious Mnemonics - arch can be remembered from monarch who are deliberate people and trouble the citizens


Meaning - easily bent.; easily influenced or directed; yielding. Usage - pliant willow stems; a more pliant prime minister Synonyms - malleable, pliable, supple Antonyms - rigid, stiff Mnemonics - sounds like plant and Plants are more pliant[flexible] than trees.


Meaning - enjoy oneself unrestrainedly; frolic. Usage - a painting of ladies disporting themselves by a lake Synonyms - entertain, play Antonyms - dull, boring Mnemonics - di-SPORT - you play/watch sports for your amusement.


Meaning - express discontent or sorrow over (something). Usage - it was no use bemoaning her lot Synonyms - lament, bewail, deplore Antonyms - applaud Mnemonics - bemoan... look at moan..means cryin,..whn does one cry when dey loose something..when one looses something they express disapproval


Meaning - express one's opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way. Usage - he was pontificating about art and history Synonyms - hold forth, expound, declaim, preach, lay down the law, express one's opinion (pompously), sound off, spout (off), dogmatize, sermonize, moralize, pronounce, lecture, expatiate Antonyms - praise Mnemonics - PONTIFF is a religious official, preacher... so pontificate is speech given by preacher.


Meaning - express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions Usage - she had rebuked him for drinking too much Synonyms - reprimand, reproach, scold, admonish, reprove, remonstrate with, chastise, chide, upbraid, berate Antonyms - praise, compliment, commend Mnemonics - rebuke = rebok shoes se peetna, not actually, but literally, itna jada scold karna


Meaning - expressed clearly; easy to understand. Usage - a lucid account Synonyms - intelligible, comprehensible, understandable, cogent, coherent, communicative, articulate, eloquent; clear, clear-cut, crystal clear, transparent; plain, simple, direct, vivid, sharp, straightforward, perspicuous, unambiguous, graphic, explicit Antonyms - confusing, unclear, ambiguous Mnemonics - when u LOOK(luc) the ID of micorsoft employee...u will " clearly,tranparently understand,that he is clever n inteligent


Meaning - expressing contempt or ridicule. Usage - he gave a harsh, derisive laugh Synonyms - mocking, ridiculing, jeering, scoffing, jibing, pillorying, teasing, derisory, snide Antonyms - kind, nice, polite, respectful Mnemonics - can be remembered from deride, derision


Meaning - expressing or manifesting praise or approval Usage - approbative criticism Synonyms - acclamatory, affirmative, applauding, approbative, approving, commendatory Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - A probationary officer got praise from senior managers


Meaning - extremely bad or unpleasant. Usage - execrable cheap wine Synonyms - appalling, awful, dreadful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, very bad, lamentable; disgusting, deplorable, disgraceful, reprehensible, shameful, abominable, abhorrent, loathsome, odious, heinous, hateful, detestable, despicable, foul, vile, scandalous, contemptible, repugnant, repellent, revolting, unspeakable, wretched; Antonyms - good, admirable Mnemonics - Excreta-able - Potty is unpleasant


Meaning - extremely unpleasant; repulsive. Usage - a pretty odious character Synonyms - abhorrent, abominable, disgusting, horrid, loathsome, obnoxious, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, vile Antonyms - attractive, delightful, good, kind, likeable, lovable, nice, pleasant, pleasing Mnemonics - after the arrival of T-20...everybody hates ODIs now


Meaning - fashionable among wealthy or stylish people. Usage - a tony restaurant Synonyms - a go-go, a la mode, all the rage, chic, chichi, contemporary, current, customary, dashing, faddy, favored, fly Antonyms - simple, plain Mnemonics - Tony sounds like a fashionable Indian name.


Meaning - fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect). Usage - our intrepid reporter Synonyms - fearless, unafraid, undaunted, dauntless, undismayed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblenching, unabashed, bold, daring, audacious, adventurous, dashing, heroic, dynamic, spirited, mettlesome, confident, indomitable Antonyms - fearful, cowardly Mnemonics - IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it.


Meaning - feeling or expressing blissful happiness. Usage - a beatific smile Synonyms - delightful, elated, euphoric, happy, joyful, rapturous Antonyms - dark, demonic, devilish, miserable, sorrowful, unhappy Mnemonics - Beautiful beats makes one feel heavenly blissful


Meaning - formally accuse of or charge with a crime. Usage - his former manager was indicted for fraud Synonyms - charge with, accuse of, arraign for, take to court for, put on trial for, bring to trial for, prosecute for Antonyms - acquit Mnemonics - sorry for the bad language :( but will make you learn the word : if you push your dick in a girl without her permission she will accuse you of rape


Meaning - full of danger or uncertainty; precarious. Usage - the parlous state of the economy Synonyms - adventurous, alarming, bad, breakneck, chancy, critical, dangersome, deadly, delicate, dynamite, exposed Antonyms - safe Mnemonics - PEARLous....if I want to steal pearls from a treasure it will be a parlous task


Meaning - grimly mocking or cynical. Usage - Starkey attempted a sardonic smile Synonyms - acerbic, biting, caustic, derisive, mocking, mordant, satirical Antonyms - calm, kind, mild, nice Mnemonics - sard+onic = sardar + onic --- sardars are a part of may cynical and satirical jokes


Meaning - harshness of tone or manner. Usage - he pointed this out with some asperity Synonyms - harshness, sharpness, roughness, abrasiveness, severity, acerbity Antonyms - mildness Mnemonics - Asperity can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness


Meaning - health-giving; healthy. Usage - odors of far less salubrious origin Synonyms - healthy, health-giving, healthful, beneficial Antonyms - unhealthy Mnemonics - SALLU and BRIOUS(brothers)....sallu and his brothers are healthy....


Meaning - hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking. Usage - he balked at such a drastic solution Synonyms - eschew, resist, refuse to, be unwilling to, draw the line at, be reluctant to, draw back from, flinch from Antonyms - accept Mnemonics - Lalu Prasad saying to his minions when he does not like their idea, "balk bhudbak !!"


Meaning - holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action. Usage - holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action. Synonyms - determined, tenacious, persistent, persevering, assiduous, purposeful, resolute, dogged, indefatigable, insistent, single-minded, unrelenting, relentless, implacable, uncompromising, unyielding, tireless, unshakeable, importunate, stubborn, stubborn as a mule, mulish, obstinate, obdurate, strong-willed, headstrong, inflexible, unbending, intransigent, intractable, pig-headed, bull-headed, stiff-necked, with one's toes/feet dug in, wilful, refractory, contrary, perverse Antonyms - irresolute, tentative Mnemonics - per+tenacious - some one who is completely determined


Meaning - holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority. Usage - the queen is titular head of the Church of England Synonyms - nominal, in title/name only, formal, official, ceremonial; token, puppet; theoretical Antonyms - actual, real, true Mnemonics - TITULAR - TIT + U + LAR - TITLED + YOU + ARE. Titled you are but unfortunately with no power.


Meaning - hostile and aggressive. Usage - the mood at the meeting was belligerent Synonyms - hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent, confrontational, argumentative, quarrelsome, disputatious, contentious, militant, combative; quick-tempered, hot-tempered, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, irascible, captious Antonyms - friendly, peaceable Mnemonics - Just remember Bully from the word belligerent...the character of a bully is to be harsh and aggressive.


Meaning - hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists; a scheme or remedy for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement. Usage - a charlatan who sells nostrums; right-wing nostrums such as a wage freeze and cutting public spending Synonyms - catholicon, cure, drug, elixir Antonyms - disease, injury Mnemonics - put RUM in the cure cold.... ? - questionable medicine


Meaning - ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.; (of a person) having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.; (of success, especially in sport) easily achieved. Usage - facile generalizations; a man of facile and shallow intellect; a facile seven-lengths victory Synonyms - effortless, glib, hasty, accomplished, adept, adroit, apparent, articulate, breeze, child's play, cursory, deft, dexterous, easy as pie, fast talk, flip, fluent, light, obvious, picnic, practiced, proficient, pushover, quick, ready, shallow, simple, skillful, slick, smooth, superficial, uncomplicated, untroublesome, voluble Antonyms - arduous, complicated, confusing, difficult, hard, involved, laborious, profound Mnemonics - Facile---> Face i will.... i will be able to face the problem (/person) because it is EASY (REQUIRES VERY LITTLE EFFORT) to solve


Meaning - make petty or unnecessary objections. Usage - they cavilled at the cost Synonyms - complain, carp, grumble, moan, grouse, grouch, whine, bleat, find fault with, quibble about, niggle about; criticize, censure, denounce, condemn, decry; Antonyms - appreciate Mnemonics - sounds like evil.. evil people always find unnecessary faults in the good..


Meaning - mercy; lenience. Usage - an appeal for clemency Synonyms - mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, mildness, indulgence, forbearance, quarter; Antonyms - ruthlessness, strictness Mnemonics - clemency = cleMERCY !


Meaning - offence or annoyance. Usage - she took umbrage at his remarks Synonyms - take offence, be offended, take exception Antonyms - calmness, cheer, comfort, delight Mnemonics - we grew great resentment to Dolores Umbridge


Meaning - relating to marriage or the relationship between a married couple; conjugal. Usage - their connubial bed Synonyms - conjugal, hymeneal, married, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wedded Antonyms - divorced, separate Mnemonics - nubial is close to nuptial hence something related to marriage.


Meaning - relating to or consisting of money. Usage - he admitted obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception Synonyms - financial, monetary, money, fiscal, economic, capital Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Peeke + Nari was on the ground begging for someone to take her home


Meaning - remove the moisture from (something), typically in order to preserve it.; lacking interest, passion, or energy. Usage - desiccated coconut; a desiccated history of ideas Synonyms - dried, dried up, dry, dehydrated, powdered Antonyms - moist Mnemonics - Desi+cat is always dry because if she will be wet she will be called bheegi billi...remember 9xm


Meaning - restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.;formally decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion. Usage - she intends to abstain from sex before marriage; forty-one voted with the Opposition, and some sixty more abstained Synonyms - cease, forgo, pass up, quit, refrain, renounce, shun, withhold Antonyms - continue, do, accept Mnemonics - ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain


Meaning - self-righteously moralistic and superior. Usage - a priggish little pedant Synonyms - self-righteous, holier-than-thou, smug, sanctimonious, moralistic, sententious, prudish, puritanical, prim Antonyms - broad-minded, permissive Mnemonics - PIGGish people don't take much care on propriety but PRIGGISH people do.


Meaning - something that is needed or wanted. Usage - integrity was a desideratum Synonyms - requirement, prerequisite, need Antonyms - dislike, hate, hatred Mnemonics - deri - daru - tum - desi daroo was direly needed by the labor force


Meaning - spread (something, especially information) widely. Usage - health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information Synonyms - spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, communicate, pass on, make known, put about; dissipate, scatter; broadcast Antonyms - conceal, hide, collect, gather Mnemonics - Dis+seminate -Think of seminate as "semen". You use your semen to spread and disperse your genes to many random woman, especially when intoxicated


Meaning - support or strengthen. Usage - the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence in the borrowers Synonyms - strengthen, support, reinforce Antonyms - weaken, block, hinder Mnemonics - RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO SUPPORT OR REINFORCE


Meaning - the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known. Usage - the concealment of the weapons Synonyms - hiding, secretion, suppression; disguise, camouflage; whitewash; Antonyms - revelation, disclosure Mnemonics - it's just hiding something.


Meaning - the jargon or slang of a particular group or class. Usage - teenage argot Synonyms - jargon, slang, idiom, cant, dialect, parlance, patter, speech, vernacular, patois, terminology, language, tongue, -speak Antonyms - standard Mnemonics - ar+got(goat).. if a few GOATs say 'arrr arrr' instead of the usual 'mheh mheh'. it will be a slang (argot) in their world.


Meaning - to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts, to predict Usage - We can extrapolate the number of new students entering next year by looking at how many entered in previous years. Synonyms - calculate, estimate, predict, conjecture Antonyms - surety Mnemonics - Extra-pole - some one hypothesizing that there can be an extra pole on earth.


Meaning - without intention; accidentally. Usage - his name had been inadvertently omitted from the list Synonyms - accidentally, by accident, unintentionally, unwittingly; unawares, without noticing, in all innocence Antonyms - intentional, deliberately Mnemonics - in + advertisements...without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying wrong product i.e. inadvertently


Meaning -a public function, typically held outdoors and organized to raise funds for a charity, including entertainment and the sale of goods and refreshments. Usage - a church fete Synonyms - ball, banquet, bazaar, do Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - sounds as feat(fete) which means accomplishment....sowe can say...after a glorious feat we do fete


Meaning -delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder. Usage - the sap causes swelling which can impede breathing Synonyms - hinder, obstruct, hamper, handicap, hold back, hold up, delay, interfere with, disrupt, retard, slow Antonyms - advance, aid, allow, assist Mnemonics - im-peed(i think u no whts pee) the path was blocked coz IM peed on the floor


Meaning -difficult to find, catch, or achieve. Usage - success will become ever more elusive Synonyms - ambiguous, fleeting, illusory, incomprehensible Antonyms - definite, honest, intelligible Mnemonics - illusive things are always difficult to understand


Meaning -make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.; showing great skill and flair. Usage - his first wife refused to consummate their marriage; she dressed with consummate elegance Synonyms - accomplished, gifted, polished, skilled, superb, superlative, talented Antonyms - inept, poor, imperfect Mnemonics - if you want to consume your mate(wife), you have to be complete 'a complete man- raymonds


Meaning -occupation of a position of dominant power or influence. Usage - the ascendancy of good over evil Synonyms - dominance, predominance, advantage, ascendency, authority Antonyms - disadvantage, inferiority Mnemonics - Ascend means to rise... as u rise, u always gain power...& den u dance


Meaning -relating or appropriate to grand and formal occasions.; excessively polite; punctilious. Usage - a Great Hall where ceremonious and public appearances were made; he accepted the gifts with ceremonious dignity Synonyms - civil, courteous, courtly, decorous, deferential, dignified, exact, grandiose, impressive, majestic, moving, precise, proper, punctilious, seemly, solemn, , chy, stately, stiff, striking Antonyms - unceremonious Mnemonics - informal, relaxed, unceremonious, unobserved


Meaning -unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive way. Usage - his raffish air Synonyms - bohemian, disreputable, jaunty, rakish Antonyms - behaved, couth Mnemonics - sounds like "rough"ish so somthing which is rough in behaviour, that reminds of youngsters and they are carefree


Meaning - a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. Usage - the country's ruling military junta Synonyms - faction, group, cabal, clique, party, set, ring, gang, league, confederacy Antonyms - democracy Mnemonics - To overpower government , junta( hindi) has to come together


Meaning - a mournful song, piece of music, or sound. Usage - singers chanted dirges Synonyms - hymn, chant Antonyms - paean Mnemonics - you sing dirges when you visit a dirgah (Khwaja Chisti).


Meaning - a profoundly wise man Usage - the sayings of the numerous venerable sages Synonyms - saint, philosopher, scholar, thinker, savant Antonyms - fool Mnemonics - S + AGE... a wise aged man(your grandpa)


Meaning - a self-taught person. Usage - he is an autodidact Synonyms - self taught Antonyms - illiterate Mnemonics - AUTO=I, DID, ACT=IT. I DID IT all by myself.


Meaning - a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession. Usage - marchers had to dodge a fusillade of missiles Synonyms - salvo, volley, barrage, bombardment, cannonade, battery, burst, blast, hail, shower, rain, stream, broadside, blitz, discharge Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - 'Fusion' bomb, a kind of nuclear bomb. So 'fusillade' is discharge of bombs.


Meaning - a small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather. Usage - the awl was used to make a hole in the belt. Synonyms - auger, bit, borer, corkscrew, countersink, dibble, gimlet, implement, jackhammer, punch, riveter, trepan, trephine, wimble, rotary tool Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - awl sounds like hole......and to make a hole in the leather we need a sharp and pointed tool which can pierce through it....hence we need an awl for this


Meaning - an intuitive feeling about the future, especially one of foreboding. Usage - a presentiment of disaster Synonyms - premonition, foreboding, intuition, feeling, hunch, suspicion Antonyms - calm Mnemonics - sentiment means feeling or perciving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.


Meaning - arranged alphabetically. Usage - in abecedarian sequence Synonyms - amateur, dabbler, fledgling, learner, neophyte, novice, tenderfoot Antonyms - expert, professional Mnemonics - the word itself is in alphabetical order - a,b,c,d,e...haha dafuq !!


Meaning - artificially created or developed. Usage - a largely factitious national identity Synonyms - artificial, false, Antonyms - true Mnemonics - sounds very similar to word something which is fictitious .. is always artificial.


Meaning - artificially or affectedly simple or naive. Usage - faux-naif display of simplicity Synonyms - ostensible Antonyms - real, disingenuous Mnemonics - can be pronounced as fox naive - means a cunning fox acting simple or naive.


Meaning - brilliantly and excitingly clever or skilful. Usage - the audience loved his scintillating wit Synonyms - brilliant, dazzling, exciting, exhilarating, stimulating, invigorating Antonyms - boring, dull, pedestrian Mnemonics - scin+till+llating: skin +till+ illuminating means skin is shining, sparkling


Meaning - familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures. Usage - his knowledge of French, Italian, and Spanish made him genuinely cosmopolitan Synonyms - worldly, worldly-wise, well travelled, knowing, aware, mature, seasoned, experienced Antonyms - provincial, narrow, unsophisticated Mnemonics - cosmos has variety


Meaning - forbidden by law, rules, or custom. Usage - illicit drugs Synonyms - illegal, unlawful, illegitimate Antonyms - licit, legal, above board Mnemonics - ill+cit(y) = If you want to do any ill to a city, thats ILLEGAL


Meaning - give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity. Usage - modern sportsmen are lionized and feted Synonyms - eulogize, glorify, idolize, acclaim, adulate, aggrandize, exalt, hero-worship, honor, immortalize, praise, worship Antonyms - condemn, criticize, censure Mnemonics - Lion is assigned a great social importance in animal kingdom


Meaning - lacking care or attention to duty; negligent. Usage - it would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information Synonyms - negligent, neglectful, irresponsible, careless, thoughtless, heedless, unthinking, unmindful, lax, slack, slipshod, lackadaisical, forgetful, inattentive, unheeding Antonyms - careful, diligent, painstaking Mnemonics - re+MISS you miss something repeatatively because of NEGLIGENCE, CARELESSNESS.


Meaning - make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. Usage - I got mildly inebriated Synonyms - encourage Antonyms - depress, discourage Mnemonics - In rehab ated...need to send for rehab due to drinking problem


Meaning - make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality. Usage - enervating heat Synonyms - exhaust, tire, fatigue, weary, wear out, devitalize, drain, sap, weaken, make weak, make feeble, enfeeble, debilitate, incapacitate, prostrate, immobilize Antonyms - invigorate Mnemonics - End Her Weight - If someone lose weight very quickly they loose energy as well.


Meaning - not claiming attention for oneself; retiring and modest. Usage - his demeanour was self-effacing, gracious, and polite Synonyms - coy, discreet, humble, reticent, unassuming, unobtrusive, unpretentious Antonyms - brave, flaunting, forward, pretentious Mnemonics - e-ffacing - not showing your face mens not drawing attention


Meaning - not openly acknowledged or displayed. Usage - covert operations against the dictatorship Synonyms - secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hole-in-the-corner, closet, behind-the-scenes, backstairs, back-alley, under-the-table, hugger-mugger, concealed, hidden, private;sly, sneaky, underhand;undercover, underground; black; Antonyms - overt, above board Mnemonics - Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret.


Meaning - plant leaves collectively. Usage - healthy green foliage Synonyms - leaves, leafage, greenery, vegetation Antonyms - dry, draught Mnemonics - Fall+Leaf+Age= fall of aged leaves.


Meaning - playful, especially in a mischievous way. Usage - a puckish sense of humour Synonyms - impish, mischievous, mysterious, naughty Antonyms - docile Mnemonics - when you tend to get tend to become puckish


Meaning - poetry. Usage - they were enamoured of poesy and the fine arts Synonyms - ballad, beat, composition, creation, epic, haiku, limerick, lines, lyric, ode, poetry, quatrain, rhyme, rime, rune, song, sonnet, verse, words, writing, blank verse, free verse, sestina, villanelle Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - very close to poetry


Meaning - polemical; combative. Usage - an agonistic exchange Synonyms - polemical; combative. Antonyms - praising, lauding Mnemonics - something that cause agony


Meaning - polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing; enhance or improve. Usage - highly burnished armour; a man who took advantage of any opportunity to burnish his image Synonyms - polish (up), shine, brighten, rub up/down, buff (up), smooth, glaze Antonyms - dull Mnemonics - Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine


Meaning - proud haughtiness of manner. Usage - she swept into the room with formidable hauteur Synonyms - haughtiness, superciliousness, loftiness, arrogance, pride, conceit, snobbery Antonyms - humility, admiration, love Mnemonics - That HOT girl with with her arrogant PRIDE.


Meaning - wistfully mournful. Usage - she watched repeat serials, fixed on their moody and elegiac characterization Synonyms - mournful, melancholic, melancholy, plaintive, sorrowful, sad, lamenting, doleful Antonyms - cheerful Mnemonics - remember it from elegy which is a long and sorrow poem


Meaning - worship or regard as a god. Usage - she was deified by the early Romans as a fertility goddess Synonyms - worship, revere, venerate, reverence, hold sacred, pay homage to, extol, exalt, adore Antonyms - demonize Mnemonics - deit(=f)y ... reminds you of God


Meaning - decorate (a floor or pavement) with mosaics. Usage - the building floor was tessellated with marble Synonyms - decorate Antonyms - ruin Mnemonics - Tessellated and Decorated have somewhat similar sounds. The Taj Mahal is tessellated or decorated with mosaic art


Meaning - decorate (cloth) by sewing patterns on it with thread.; add fictitious or exaggerated details to (an account) to make it more interesting. Usage - she embroidered a tablecloth; she embroidered her stories with colourful detail Synonyms - decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish; sew, stitch, elaborate, embellish, colour, enlarge on, exaggerate, catastrophize; Antonyms - harm, simplify Mnemonics - em+broider..very close to think of woman who is decorating THE BORDER OF her sariii.


Meaning - deep blue in colour like a clear sky. Usage - images of cerulean waters and golden sands Synonyms - blue-green, azure, beryl, cobalt, indigo, navy, royal, sapphire, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, blue-gray Antonyms - clean, decent, gay, happy, joyful, joyous, lighthearted, unvulgar, upbeat Mnemonics - cerulean is another word for azure, so remember from azharuddin !


Meaning - engage in plots; scheme. Usage - he machinated against other bishops Synonyms - cogitate, collude, connive, conspire, contrive Antonyms - disorganize, forget, ignore Mnemonics - machines A.I. ate all of earth and . plot evil schemes to take over zion


Meaning - exhaust the strength or vitality of ; make (a person or area) poor. Usage - the soil was impoverished by annual burning; the wars had impoverished him Synonyms - bankrupt, ruin, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain, empty, diminish, deplete, enervate Antonyms - strengthen, enrich, rich, fertile, wealthy Mnemonics - im + poverish (poverty) which means very poor.


Meaning - extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical. Usage - a vast and perhaps quixotic project Synonyms - dreamy, foolish, impractical, impulsive, romantic, unrealistic, utopian Antonyms - cautious, practical, pragmatic, realistic Mnemonics - quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just a daydream.


Meaning - extremely or unusually small. Usage - a diminutive figure dressed in black Synonyms - tiny, small, little, petite, minute, miniature, mini, minuscule, microscopic, nanoscopic Antonyms - enormous Mnemonics - THE+MINUTEive.


Meaning - feeling or characterized by great anger. Usage - a barrage of irate letters Synonyms - annoyed, enraged, exasperated, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, irritated, livid, angered, blown a gasket, fuming, mad, piqued, provoked, riled, steamed, ticked off, up in arms, worked up, wrathful, wroth Antonyms - calm, composed Mnemonics - Steve Jobs was always angry(iRate) at android.


Meaning - flamboyant confidence of style or manner. Usage - he entertained London society with great panache Synonyms - flamboyant confidence, flamboyance, confidence, self-assurance, style, stylishness, flair, elan, dash, flourish, verve, zest, spirit, brio, éclat, vivacity, vigour, gusto, animation, liveliness, vitality, enthusiasm, energy Antonyms - spiritlessness Mnemonics - if u have seen the movie "FASHION"... priyanka chopra models for the company PANACHE,,, which shows pryinaka chopra is stylish , energetic, and famboyant


Meaning - given to begging.; begger Usage - a mendicant friar Synonyms - monk, panhandler, pauper, vagabond Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Mandi me chant karta hua bhikhari


Meaning - giving or conveying a warning or reprimand. Usage - the sergeant lifted an admonitory finger Synonyms - admonishing, exemplary, monitory, reproachful, warning Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Remember MONITOR in class who used to give admonitory gesture and warning other students not to talk.


Meaning - having or displaying a passionate intensity.; hot, burning, or glowing. Usage - a fervent supporter of the revolution Synonyms - impassioned, passionate, intense, vehement, ardent, sincere, feeling, profound, deep-seated, heartfelt, deeply felt, emotional, animated, spirited; enthusiastic, zealous, fanatical, wholehearted, avid, eager, earnest, keen, committed, dedicated, devout Antonyms - apathetic, calm, cold, cool, dull, frigid, indifferent, insincere, irreligious, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, unexcited, unpassionate, dispassionate, dispirited Mnemonics - fervent/fervid both can be remembered by Ferveri -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.


Meaning - hostility or ill feeling; motivation to do something. Usage - the author's animus towards her; the reformist animus came from within the Party Synonyms - bile, mind, spirit, temper Antonyms - friendly Mnemonics - Pronounce it like 'enemy'us. So, our enemies are always hostile towards us.


Meaning - leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest. Usage - the barman absconded with a week's earnings. Synonyms - bolt, break, flee, disappear, hide Antonyms - appear, face, continue Mnemonics - absCOND sounds like abs'KAND'..when you do KAND you run away, depart secretly and hide


Meaning - move faster than and overtake (someone else).; exceed. Usage - during the morning warm-up, he once again outstripped the field; supply far outstripped demand Synonyms - go faster than, outrun, outdistance, outpace, leave behind, get (further) ahead of, gain on, draw away from, overtake, pass, shake off, throw off, lose, put distance between oneself and someone else, widen the gap between oneself and someone else, surpass, exceed, be more than, go beyond, better, beat, top, overshadow, eclipse, put to shame Antonyms - fail, fall behind, lose, give up, surrender Mnemonics - out+strip...consider a rubber strip,if u strech out the rubber strip with some force it extends a lot


Meaning - move in a twisting or spiralling pattern.; cause to move in a twisting or spiralling pattern. Usage - the smoke was swirling around him Synonyms - boil, churn, roil, twirl, whirl, agitate, coil, crimp, crisp, curl, eddy, purl, roll, snake, surge, swoosh, whirlpool, whorl, wriggle Antonyms - straighten Mnemonics - swirl sounds like whirl as in a whirlpool which spins round and round.


Meaning - move swiftly and lightly.; an act of moving house or leaving one's home, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations. Usage - small birds flitted about in the branches; moonlight flits from one insalubrious dwelling to another Synonyms - dart, dance, skip, play, dash, trip, flick, skim, flutter, bob, bounce, spring, scoot, hop, gambol, caper, cavort, prance, frisk, scamper; Antonyms - decelerate, delay, halt, slow, walk Mnemonics - u spray FLIT to kill the flies but the dont die because they FLIT, (fly off suddenly)


Meaning - naturally accompanying or associated. Usage - she loved travel, with all its concomitant worries Synonyms - attendant, accompanying, associated, collateral, related, connected, linked; Antonyms - unrelated Mnemonics - con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment) if we have committed to each other, we'll go together.


Meaning - showing contempt; scornful. Usage - she was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the human race Synonyms - scornful, disdainful, disrespectful, insulting, insolent Antonyms - respectful Mnemonics - in Hindi movies we usually listen contempt of court so remember from there "contempt of court" means insult of court


Meaning - showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence. Usage - a timorous voice Synonyms - apprehensive, faint, fainthearted, fearful, hesitant, meek, shrinking, shuddering, shy, tentative, timid, tremulous, unassertive Antonyms - bold, brazen, forthcoming Mnemonics - Can be remembered from Timmy southpark


Meaning - the minute cytological characteristics of the cell nucleus especially with regard to the chromosomes of a single cell or of the cells of an organism or group of organisms. Usage - NA Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - understood by few; mysterious or secret. Usage - arcane procedures for electing people Synonyms - mysterious, secret, hidden, concealed, covert, clandestine, enigmatic, dark Antonyms - well known, open Mnemonics - Ar + Kane - Kane's face always remains secret, as he uses a mask.


Meaning - vivacious and enthusiastic. Usage - effervescent young people Synonyms - airy, bouncy, bubbly, frothy, sparkling Antonyms - flat, dull, inactive Mnemonics - My excitable dog is EVER VEnturing after my SCENt


Meaning - critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. Usage - the task of biblical exegesis Synonyms - interpretation, explanation, exposition, explication, elucidation, clarification; gloss, annotation Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Exegesis- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.;


Meaning - criticize (someone or something) harshly. Usage - they lambasted the report as a gross distortion of the truth Synonyms - assail, berate, castigate, excoriate, scold, upbraid, attack, blister, bludgeon, censure, criticize, cudgel, denounce, flay, flog, hammer, hit, pan, pelt, pound, pummel, rebuke, reprimand, roast, scorch, scourge, shellac, slam, slap, slash, smear, smother, strike, thrash, trim, wallop, whip, lash into, rake over the coals, read the riot act, rip into, scathe Antonyms - compliment, laud, praise, approve, fail, flatter, lose, protect, surrender, uphold Mnemonics - Lambaste will remind u of BLAST!!!


Meaning - criticize (someone) severely. Usage - he excoriated the government for censorship Synonyms - abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip Antonyms - cover, make happy, compliment Mnemonics - Examiner (EX-) ne meri kori (cori)(in hindi blank) answer sheets ko dekh ke mujhe bahut harsh remarks diye.


Meaning - criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner. Usage - he was now reviled by the party that he had helped to lead Synonyms - criticize, censure, condemn, attack, inveigh against, rail against, lambaste, flay, savage, brand, stigmatize, denounce; blacken someone's reputation, defame, smear, slander, libel, traduce, cast aspersions on, cast a slur on, malign, vilify, calumniate, besmirch, run down, abuse Antonyms - praise, extol Mnemonics - concentrate on evil- doing evil like slandering


Meaning - exaggerated or false praise. Usage - his puffery actually was not far from the truth Synonyms - hype, praise, publicity Antonyms - criticize Mnemonics - using a puff to apply powder to the face to appear fairer and gather false praise


Meaning - feel or express great loathing for. Usage - they were execrated as dangerous and corrupt Synonyms - revile, denounce, decry, condemn, vilify Antonyms - praise, adore Mnemonics - we loath anyone who excretes in the open surrounding.


Meaning - feel or show fear or apprehension. Usage - she quailed at his heartless words Synonyms - cower, cringe, waver, falter Antonyms - calm, face, meet, steady Mnemonics - If you fail in exam, you loose your heart and quail before your dad


Meaning - given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner. Usage - he tried to encourage his men with sententious rhetoric Synonyms -moralistic, moralizing, sanctimonious, self-righteous, pietistic, pious, priggish, Pecksniffian, judgemental Antonyms - laconic Mnemonics - Sententious: think of it as "Sentence + Conscious". Person who is sentence conscious will be terse or brief.


Meaning - good-humoured teasing. Usage - she was greeted with raillery from her fellow workers Synonyms - teasing, good-humoured mockery, chaff, banter, ragging, badinage Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Suppose that you tease one of your friend by uttering out a nickname "RAIL" to his Girlfriend and whenever you see her coming on the start making fun by uttering out RAIL+AYI+RE=RAILLERY


Meaning - relating to or belonging to yester years Usage - I passed up a side-street, one of those deserted ways ... dim places, fusty with hesternal excitements and the thrills of yesteryear. Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution. Usage - subversive literature Synonyms - incendiary, riotous, insurgent, underground Antonyms - loyal, obedient Mnemonics - subversive--->reversive--->go against established rule.Revert (to cause downfall) from inside.


Meaning - tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely.; persisting in existence; not easily dispelled. Usage - a tenacious grip ; a tenacious local legend Synonyms - cohesive, determined, dogged, forceful, persistent, relentless, resolute, spunky, staunch, steadfast, stout, strong-willed, stubborn, tough, unswerving Antonyms - afraid, irresolute, kind, unreliable, weak, yielding Mnemonics - Sounds like ten Asians. Ten developing Asian countries if united together, can not be pulled apart.


Meaning -a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation. Usage - Kate was in a quandary Synonyms - predicament, dilemma, embarrassment, puzzle, uncertainty, impasse Antonyms - success, boon Mnemonics - quantary relates to quantum physics,which is so complex that it leaves you in DILEMMA about the UNCERTAINITY of photon


Meaning - (especially in international affairs) an establishment or resumption of harmonious relations. Usage - there were signs of a growing rapprochement between the two countries Synonyms - detente, détente, friendship, harmonization, harmony, reconciliation Antonyms - aloofness, disagreement, trouble, upset Mnemonics - read it as re+approachment. "re" means again.Fighting ppl approach again to reconcile


Meaning - (in general use) a personal possession.; an item of property other than freehold land, including tangible goods ( chattels personal ) and leasehold interests ( chattels real ). Usage - the house and the chattel belonged to the family Synonyms - belongings, capital, effects, gear, goods, slave, wares Antonyms - not belonging Mnemonics - CHAT+LE....a person selling chat....he has his cart as CHATTEL.


Meaning - a gentle, high-pitched neigh.; (of a horse) make a whinny. Usage - the pony whinnied and tossed his head happily Synonyms - chatter, cheer, clamor, groan, grunt, howl, outcry, roar, scream, shout, shriek, wail, whine, whistle, acclamation, bark, bawl, bay, bellow, cackle, call, caw, clack, cluck, coo, crow, ejaculation, exclamation, expletive, fuss, gobble, hiss, holler, hoot, hullabaloo, hurrah, meow, mewling, moo, motto, nicker, note, pipe, quack, report, ruckus, screech, song, squall, squawk, squeak, trill, uproar, vociferation, whoop, yammer, yawp, yell, yelp, yoo-hoo Antonyms - quiet, seriousness, silence, calm, peace Mnemonics - sounds like w+HINHInana of horse


Meaning - a homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, especially a child; a person who appears thin or poorly nourished. Usage - she is foster-mother to various waifs and strays; skimpily clad waifs pranced down the catwalk Synonyms - ragamuffin, street urchin, guttersnipe; abandoned infant, foundling, orphan, stray, outcast Antonyms - sophisticate Mnemonics - Child ask "What if" I dont study? Father Answers "What if" you become homeless (waif)?


Meaning - a loud and hearty laugh. Usage - his joke brought a great guffaw from the youth Synonyms - laughter, howl, howling, roar Antonyms - cry, weep Mnemonics - remember gufa in hindi. If you laugh a bit in gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.


Meaning - a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement Usage - Hamlet's assumed antic disposition Synonyms - caper , joke , prank , put-on , trick Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - AUNTYc....aunty jaisa behavior...most of the auntys are stupid. The way the make up, talk its bombastic and stupid


Meaning - a mean or miserly person. Usage - he is a notorious tightwad Synonyms - cheapskate, churl, hoarder, moneygrubber, Scrooge, skinflint, stiff, penny-pincher, pinchfist, pinchpenny Antonyms - prodigal, lavish Mnemonics - sounds like "tight wed". the person who is tightly wed means who hasn't spent much money in his wedding means he is thrifty or miser


Meaning - a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character. Usage - they have to tolerate each other's little foibles Synonyms - weakness, weak point, weak spot, failing, shortcoming, flaw, imperfection, blemish, fault, defect, frailty, infirmity, inadequacy, limitation Antonyms - strength Mnemonics - consider the letters F+O+I+B+L+E..they stand for Fault+Oddity+Idiosyncrasy+Blemish+Limitation+Eccentricity..all of the same meaning


Meaning - a modulation or inflection of the voice.; a sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase. Usage - the measured cadences that he employed in the Senate; the final cadences of the Prelude Synonyms - accent, inflection, intonation, lilt, tempo, beat, count, measure, meter, modulation, pulse, swing, throb, rhythmus Antonyms - flat Mnemonics - CADET DANCE imagine NCC cadets dancing, obviously they will dance with rising and falling beats, the same way they march.


Meaning - a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows. ; a densely populated or labyrinthine building or district. Usage - a warren of narrow gas-lit streets Synonyms - dense, populated, interconnected Antonyms - rare Mnemonics - During WAR people RUN to refugee camps that are overcrowded living areas.


Meaning - a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill. Usage - a self-confessed con artist and charlatan Synonyms - quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, fake, humbug, impostor, pretender Antonyms - honesty Mnemonics - you hit CHAR LATEIN (in Hindi language) (4 kicks) to the person who misguides you as he himself doesn't know anything


Meaning - a person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.; person who enjoys seeing the pain or distress of others. Usage - he stood transfixed, a voyeur feasting on the swell of her buttocks; a voyeur of death Synonyms - ogler, peeper, scopophiliac, watcher Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - A voyeur is a vulgar person.


Meaning - a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts. Usage - I am a complete philistine when it comes to paintings Synonyms - barbarian, base, bawdy, blue, common, crude, foul, gross, low, mean, offensive, raw, ribald, rough Antonyms - chaste, clean, cultured, decent Mnemonics - can be remembered from the blood hungry people of Palestine, killing the Israelis


Meaning - a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others. Usage - a close confidante of the princess Synonyms - close friend, bosom friend, best friend, close associate, companion, crony, intimate, familiar, second self; mentor, adviser, counsellor; alter ego; consigliere; chum, pal, buddy, main man; mate, oppo, mucker, bezzie; fidus Achates Antonyms - enemy, foe, stranger Mnemonics - someone you can confide(tell secrets) in


Meaning - a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way. Usage - we must not support such despots by arming them Synonyms - tyrant, dictator, absolute ruler, totalitarian, authoritarian, autocrat, oppressor, autarch Antonyms - democrat Mnemonics - Cruel dictators kill thousands of people on de (the) spot (despot)


Meaning - a state of extreme poverty; destitution Usage - he did valuable work towards the relief of indigence Synonyms - poverty, penury, impoverishment, impecuniousness, impecuniosity, destitution, pennilessness, privation, hand-to-mouth existence, pauperism; insolvency, bankruptcy, ruin Antonyms - wealth Mnemonics - Indie - gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen


Meaning - a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility. Usage - decades of enmity between the two countries Synonyms - hostility, animosity, antagonism, friction, antipathy, animus, opposition, dissension, rivalry, feud, conflict, discord, contention; acrimony, bitterness, rancour, resentment, aversion, dislike, ill feeling, bad feeling, ill will, bad blood, hatred, hate, loathing, detestation, abhorrence, odium; malice, spite, spitefulness, venom, malevolence, malignity; grudges, grievances Antonyms - friendship, goodwill Mnemonics - enmi+(T)+y...just focus on the letters enmiy..very close to the word enemy...and enemies always have an ILLWILL AND HATRED FOR YOU.


Meaning - a steep-sided gully formed by the action of fast-flowing water in an arid or semi-arid region, found chiefly in the south-western US. Usage - the arroyo was formed after the heavy rainfall Synonyms - brook, channel, creek, gorge, gully, ravine, stream Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - it is like a ----------> a row (of water)


Meaning - a tingling feeling of excitement (as from teasing or tickling) Usage - Synonyms - arousal, excitement, exhilaration, stimulation, thrill Antonyms - calm, depression, discouragement Mnemonics - exciting a female by titillating her titties


Meaning - able to perceive or feel things. Usage - she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms Synonyms - feeling, capable of feeling, living, live; conscious, aware, responsive, reactive Antonyms - insentient Mnemonics - Sentient -> SENTI + ENT(Ear Nose Throat) .. Capable of sensation, Aware, Sensitive


Meaning - an act or instance of summarizing and restating the main points of something. Usage - his recapitulation of the argument Synonyms - peroration, summary, reprise Antonyms - complete Mnemonics - sounds like, and is, to recap (this is where recap comes from)


Meaning - an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation. Usage - his resignation was a tactical gambit Synonyms - stratagem, machination, scheme, plan, tactic, manoeuvre, move Antonyms - artifice, design, device, gimmick, jig, maneuver Mnemonics - GAMBIT > In a GAMe you have to GAMBle a BIT to win


Meaning - an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Usage - the word 'discipline' has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression Synonyms - meaning, overtone, significance, undertone, association, coloring, essence, hint, nuance, suggestion Antonyms - denotation Mnemonics - it is like annotate which has an implied meaning


Meaning - combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another. Usage - they had different but complementary skills Synonyms - harmonizing, harmonious, complementing, supportive, supporting, reciprocal, interdependent Antonyms - incompatible, contrasting Mnemonics - Husband and Wife are complementary ie. they both try to make life complement


Meaning - (of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects.; bitterly hostile. Usage - a virulent strain of influenza; a virulent attack on liberalism Synonyms - deadly, destructive, fatal, malignant, pernicious, baneful, harmful, infective, injurious, malign, mephitic, poison, septic, toxic, toxicant, unhealthy, unwholesome, venomous Antonyms - non-toxic, harmless, safe, non-contagious, amicable, benevolent Mnemonics - it is a virus, which causes disease and harm. So, something virulent is viral and poisonous.


Meaning - (of a man or his behaviour) courteous and gallant, especially towards women. Usage - teachers may be more chivalrous towards girls Synonyms - gallant, gentlemanly, honourable, respectful, thoughtful, considerate, protective, attentive Antonyms - rude, boorish, unmannerly Mnemonics - if u are a scotch lover u might have heard bout chivas regal, people who drink scotch are brave, faithful and full of manners, badey logo key drink hai. chivas(chivalrous)


Meaning - (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. Usage - she gave a nonchalant shrug Synonyms - aloof, apathetic, casual, detached, dispassionate Antonyms - biased, careful, caring, concerned Mnemonics - non+chal+ant...a person who doesn't want to walk till the end but is still satisfied and calm with whatever progress he has made is non chalant


Meaning - (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking.; (of an account) accurate and sharply focused.; (of an action) quick and direct. Usage - she was an incisive critic; the songs offer incisive pictures of American ways; the most incisive move of a tight match Synonyms - concise, penetrating, piercing, trenchant, acute, bright, clever, keen, perspicacious, profound, sharp Antonyms - weak, gentle, incompetent, kind, nice, stupid Mnemonics - incisive can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus incisive= incisor= cutting


Meaning - (of a person or their manner) quiet and rather reflective or depressed; (of colour or lighting) soft and restrained. Usage - I felt strangely subdued as I drove home; a subdued glow came through the curtains Synonyms - sombre, low-spirited, downcast, sad, dejected, depressed, low, gloomy, despondent, dispirited, disheartened, forlorn, woebegone; restrained, repressed, inactive, spiritless, lifeless, dull, unresponsive, withdrawn, pensive, thoughtful, preoccupied, quiet, hushed, muted, quiet, low, soft, gentle, whispered, murmured, faint, muffled, indistinct, inaudible; noiseless, soundless, silent, still, calm Antonyms - lively, cheerful, loud, noisy; Mnemonics - in SUBway lights are dim or low


Meaning - (of a person) inexperienced; youthful. Usage - she was unfledged, and, her mother saw, physically unawakened Synonyms - inexperienced, crude, green, guileless, infant, jejune, jellybean, juvenile, kid, low tech, naive, not dry behind ears, puerile, raw, sophomore, tenderfoot, unbaked, unripe, unsophisticated, untrained, untried, young Antonyms - mature, experienced Mnemonics - Full fledged (in full bloom, mature, complete) is the opposite of unfledged (immature, young, inexperienced).


Meaning - (of a person, manner, or gesture) having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort.; weak or faint from illness or fatigue. Usage - his languid demeanour irritated her; she was pale, languid, and weak, as if she had delivered a child Synonyms - lackadaisical, laid-back, languorous, lazy, leisurely, lethargic, sluggish, unhurried Antonyms - active, energetic, hard-working, hurried, lively Mnemonics - will always be studying a book called "LAN guide" with less spirit... because i am least interested in lan.


Meaning - (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor. Usage - a Pyrrhic victory Synonyms - vain, wasteful Antonyms - worthwhile Mnemonics - pyrr + hic - if you have hickups even after winning a battle you think the cost of the winning was not worthwhile


Meaning - a benefit which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one's job or position.; a thing which has served its primary use and to which a subordinate or employee has a customary right. Usage - the wife of a president has all the perquisites of stardom Synonyms - fringe, benefit, perk, advantage, bonus, dividend, extra, gratuity, gravy, lagniappe, largess, plus, reward, tip Antonyms - disadvantage, loss Mnemonics - perquisite---->perks---->something u get apart from salary


Meaning - a biography that treats its subject with undue reverence. Usage - a hagiography which is designed to serve a political agenda Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - hagga biography - a biography containing information about boring saints will be a hagga biography


Meaning - a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles.; a restraint or check on someone's freedom to act. Usage - he lay bound with fetters of iron ; the fetters of convention Synonyms - bind, chain, check, clog, confine, cuff, curb, encumber, hamper, hamstring, handcuff, hinder, hobble, hog-tie, leash, manacle, repress, restrain, restrict, shackle, trammel Antonyms - aid, allow, assist, encourage, expedite, free Mnemonics - when divided fett+er....fett sounds like FEET....SO your feets are tied with something like a chain .....and thus you restrained to go somewhere


Meaning - a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. Usage - her husband's sharp vicissitudes of fortune Synonyms - change, alteration, alternation, transformation, metamorphosis, transmutation, mutation Antonyms - similarity, stagnation Mnemonics - some times to face VICISSITUDES OF LIFE one should possess a WISE(good)ATTITUDE


Meaning - a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism. Usage - the apophthegm 'tomorrow is another day' Synonyms - aphorism, axiom, dictum, maxim, moral, proverb, saying, truism Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - In movie reviews, the THEME of a movie is described with an APOTHEGM.


Meaning - a countless or extremely great number of people or things. Usage - myriads of insects danced around the light above my head Synonyms - innumerable, countless, infinite, numberless, unlimited, untold, limitless, unnumbered, immeasurable, multitudinous, numerous, manifold, multiple, legion, several, many, various, sundry, diverse, multifarious Antonyms - bounded, calculable Mnemonics - like pyramid.. huge number of years since it was built The PYRAMID consist of a huge pile of rocks = a MYRIAD of rocks


Meaning - a creative work expressing enthusiastic praise. Usage - he's created a filmic paean to his hero Synonyms - song of praise, hymn, psalm, anthem, shout of praise Antonyms - criticize, censure Mnemonics - sounds like paan..remember it from the song paan khaye sayaana which the hero is being praised.


Meaning - a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage. Usage - the president has dismissed the referendum as a ploy to buy time Synonyms - device, maneuver, ruse, scheme, stratagem, subterfuge, tactic Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - ploy is plot


Meaning - a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. Usage - the club's financial predicament Synonyms - circumstance, crisis, deadlock, dilemma, hardship, imbroglio, impasse, mess, plight, posture, quagmire, quandary Antonyms - advantage, agreement, benefit, blessing, breakthrough, solution Mnemonics - predicament-> sounds like predict. The king called his minister to predict his future putting the poor fellow in a tricky/dangerous situation.


Meaning - a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century.; worthless or contemptible. Usage - the ravages of scurvy; that was a scurvy trick Synonyms - dirty, abject, base, beggarly, contemptible, despicable, dishonest, mean, pitiable, shabby, sordid, sorry, tawdry, vile Antonyms - costly, dear, excellent, expensive, noble, precious, priceless, sophisticated, superior, upper, valuable, worthy Mnemonics - From SCURVY the thing comes to my mind is "SuCk URVY", in punjabi and hindi urvy is a vegitable. Some people hate to see sucking urvy. So u SuCk URVY u are CONTEMPTIBLE.


Meaning - a disorderly retreat of defeated troops ;an assembly of people who have made a move towards committing an illegal act which would constitute an offence of riot; a large evening party or reception. Usage - Synonyms - disorderly retreat, retreat, flight, headlong flight, crushing defeat, overwhelming defeat, defeat, trouncing, annihilation; debacle, fiasco; informallicking, hammering, clobbering, thrashing, pasting, drubbing, hiding, caning, demolition, going-over, pounding, massacre Antonyms - victory, triupmh Mnemonics - All batsmen are out. Team faces "rout".


Meaning - a domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman. Usage - that virago of a wife of his needs locking up Synonyms - harridan, shrew, dragon, termagant, vixen; fishwife, witch, hellcat, she-devil, tartar, martinet Antonyms - gentle, caring Mnemonics - Virgo. Virgo is symbol of lady. So a Virgo with a big EGO => Virago


Meaning - a downward slope. Usage - a thickly wooded declivity Synonyms - slope Antonyms - acclivity Mnemonics - acclivity: upslope of a hill.. so, declivity is the downslope of a hill..


Meaning - a false show or pretence. Usage - I doubt he could have kept up the masquerade for long Synonyms - pretence, deception, pose, act, front, facade, disguise, dissimulation, cover-up, bluff, subterfuge Antonyms - honesty, openness, reality, truth Mnemonics - focus on masq. MASK is used for disguise so can try to remember like masquerade = Pretend to be someone or something that you are not.


Meaning - a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something. Usage - the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice Synonyms - burlesque, distortion, exaggeration, farce, mockery, perversion, satire, sham Antonyms - seriousness, solemnity Mnemonics - Travesty looks like transvestite (a man dressed as a woman) and hence basically a humorous caricature of a woman.


Meaning - a sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen.; future significance.; an exceptional or wonderful person or thing. Usage - many birds are regarded as being portents of death; an omen of grave portent for the tribe; what portent can be greater than a pious notary? Synonyms - harbinger, omen, premonition, augury, boding, caution, clue, foreboding, foreshadowing, foretoken, hunch, presage, presentiment, prognostic, prognostication, sign, threat, vibes, warning, bodement, funny feeling, handwriting on the wall, sinking feeling Antonyms - doom Mnemonics - On Camping if it pours on your tent it is a omen trekking is going to bad.


Meaning - a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock. Usage - the current political impasse Synonyms - deadlock, dead end, stalemate, checkmate, stand-off; Antonyms - solution, boon, agreement, breakthrough Mnemonics - im(IMPOSSIBLE) + passe(PASS)....IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS through a canal, which has no way to escape.


Meaning - a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint. Usage - the records give us an inkling of how people saw the world Synonyms - idea, vague idea, notion, glimmering; sense, impression, suggestion, indication, whisper, suspicion Antonyms - information Mnemonics - A murder in which the killer stabbed the victim with a pen, and the Ink trail was an INKLING for the cops to catch him.


Meaning - a slight objection or criticism. Usage - the only quibble about this book is the price Synonyms - protest, query, argument, exception, moan, grumble, grouse, cavil Antonyms - approval, harmony Mnemonics - Remember, the magazine by Luna Lovegood's father - "The quibbler", it was called so because it carried petty criticism of people.


Meaning - a slight superficial knowledge of a language or subject.; a small amount of something. Usage - Edward had only a smattering of Welsh; a smattering of snow Synonyms - modicum, smidgen, basics, bit, elements, little, rudiments, smidge, tad Antonyms - abundance, exuberance Mnemonics - SMATTER has only SOME MATTER.. thus has only superficial knowledge


Meaning - a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one's pride.; arouse (interest or curiosity).; feel irritated or resentful.; pride oneself. Usage - he left in a fit of pique; Synonyms - annoyance, displeasure, blowup, conniption, dander, flare-up, grudge, huff, hurt, irk, miff, offense, peeve, pet, provocation, resentment, rise, ruckus, snit, sore, stew, storm, tiff, umbrage, vexation, slow burn Antonyms - delight, happiness, pleasure, calm, like, love, cheer, joy Mnemonics - Nelson Pique was an easily irritable F1 driver


Meaning - a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. Usage - he succumbed to ennui and despair Synonyms - boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, lassitude, languor, restlessness, weariness, sluggishness, enervation; malaise, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression, despondency, dejection, disquiet; Weltschmerz Antonyms - animation, contentment Mnemonics - its sounds/written like "nini aayi" which means feeling sleeping in Hindi. You feel sleepy when u r bored.


Meaning - a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.; a writ or warrant.; an order issued by one local authority to another specifying the rate of tax to be charged on its behalf. Usage - the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty; the Commissioner issued precepts requiring the companies to provide information; the precept required a supplementary rate of 6.1p in the pound Synonyms - principle, rule, tenet, canon, code, doctrine, guideline, working principle, law, ordinance, statute, command, order, decree, mandate, dictate, dictum, directive, direction, instruction, injunction, prescription, commandment; Antonyms - ambiguity, unbelief, answer, disorganization, lawlessness Mnemonics - its a rule to PRE SET(cept)the oven before cooking


Meaning - a large amount of something. Usage - a raft of government initiatives Synonyms - large, great in number Antonyms - deplete, low, less Mnemonics - if we ever make a raft it should be large enough to carry a lot of survivors.


Meaning - a large primate that lacks a tail, including the gorilla, chimpanzees, orang-utan, and gibbons.; an unintelligent or clumsy person.; an inferior imitator or mimic.; imitate (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way. Usage - cunning is but the ape of wisdom; new architecture can respect the old without aping its style Synonyms - emulate, imitate, affect, caricature, copy, counterfeit, ditto, do, echo, impersonate, mirror, mock, parody, parrot, travesty, do like, go like, make like, take off Antonyms - be original Mnemonics - Apes or monkeys can imitate human actions efficiently


Meaning - a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist. Usage - Sir Isaiah Berlin, the Oxford savant Synonyms - academic, bookworm, brain, egghead, expert, intellect, intellectual, learner, master, philosopher, pundit, sage, learned person, wise person Antonyms - amateur, ignoramus Mnemonics - Rakhee SAVANT is a SCHOLAR....pun!


Meaning - a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.; a person with a special knowledge of or interest in works of art or curios. Usage - a celebrated clarinet virtuoso Synonyms - magician, musician, prodigy, ace, adept, artist, artiste, authority, brain, celebrity, champ, champion, crackerjack, egghead, genius, hotshot, natural, performer, pro, professional, pundit, sharp, , , super, , whiz, wizard Antonyms - beginner, amateur, duffer, inexpert, incompetent Mnemonics - One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.


Meaning - a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions; a person who doubts the truth of Christianity and other religions; an atheist. Usage - skeptics said the marriage wouldn't last Synonyms - cynic, doubter Antonyms - believer, optimist Mnemonics - Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful


Meaning - a person of humble origin who has gained wealth, influence, or celebrity. Usage - the political inexperience of a parvenu Synonyms - upstart, social climber, arriviste, vulgarian Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - think of praveen(of indian crkt team)who has just entered into team and nw earnng a is a newly rich person


Meaning - a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. Usage - Scrooge wasn't the mean-spirited misanthrope most of us believe him to be Synonyms - cynic, sceptic, churl, grouch, grump, recluse, hermit, anchorite Antonyms - believer, humanitarian, philanthropist Mnemonics - anthropology is the study of mankind, so a mis-anthropology means not liking to study about humanity


Meaning - a person who has surpassed all rivals in a sporting contest or other competition.; a person who vigorously supports or defends a person or cause. Usage - a champion hurdler; he became the determined champion of a free press Synonyms - winner, title-holder, defending champion, gold medallist; prizewinner, cup winner, victor, conqueror; victor ludorum; champ, top dog, number one, advocate, proponent, promoter, proposer, supporter, standard-bearer, torch-bearer, defender, protector, upholder, backer, exponent, patron, sponsor, prime mover Antonyms - opponent, critic Mnemonics - Champions are like super man who has capability to support and defend there friends [Secondary Meaning]


Meaning - a person who is new to a subject or activity. Usage - four-day cooking classes are offered to both neophytes and experts Synonyms - beginner, learner, novice, newcomer, new member, new entrant, new recruit, raw recruit, new boy/girl, initiate, tyro, fledgling; trainee, apprentice, probationer, rookie, new kid, newbie Antonyms - expert, professional, experienced Mnemonics - split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new comer to save the revolution.


Meaning - a person who is self-indulgent in their fondness for sensuous luxury. Usage - his sybarite lifestyle Synonyms - hedonist, sensualist, voluptuary, libertine, pleasure seeker, playboy, epicure, glutton, gourmand, gastronome Antonyms - puritan Mnemonics - someone who likes to see+bright things in life i.e. luxury nd devoted to it.


Meaning - a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people. Usage - after her husband's death, she has turned into a virtual recluse Synonyms - hermit, ascetic; monk, nun; marabout, santon Antonyms - extrovert Mnemonics - You get in a car WRECK and LOSE your teeth. You're so embarrassed you hide in your house and never come out again.


Meaning - a person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible way. Usage - Putt was a spendthrift and a heavy gambler Synonyms - profligate, prodigal, squanderer, waster Antonyms - miser, skinflint, Scrooge, miserly, thrifty, frugal Mnemonics - Spendthrift is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a spendthrift should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY.


Meaning - a person's ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience. Usage - the team showed their true mettle in the second half Synonyms - bravery, caliber, courage, fortitude, grit, spunk, stamina, temperament, animation, ardor, backbone, daring, dauntlessness, disposition, energy, fire, force, gallantry, gameness, guts, hardihood, heart, indomitability, kidney, life, makeup, moxie, nature, nerve, pluck, quality, resolution, resolve, spirit, stamp, temper, valor, vigor Antonyms - cowardice, timidity, weakness, apathy, dullness, fear, idleness, inactivity, indecision, lethargy, powerlessness Mnemonics - METTLE - sounds like 'MEET' + 'HELL' To MEET HELL one should have the COURAGE TO CARRY ON


Meaning - a person, especially a man, who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles. Usage - his image as an unbridled libertine is a total myth Synonyms - philanderer, ladies' man, playboy, rake, roué, loose-liver, Don Juan, Lothario, Casanova, Romeo, debauchee Antonyms - puritan Mnemonics - LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.


Meaning - a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc. Usage - mosaics on the interior depict scenes from the Old Testament Synonyms - patchwork, checker, montage, motley, plaid, tessellation, variegation Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - take in picture mosaic tiles.. they have many small cut colored stones on it..


Meaning - a pithy observation which contains a general truth. Usage - the old aphorism 'the child is father to the man Synonyms - adage, axiom, dictum, maxim, proverb, apothegm, moral, precept, rule, saw, saying, truism Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - apostrophe(sorry spelling might be wrong) is very small symbol but has a lot of meaning just like aphorism


Meaning - a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way. Usage - a Wildean epigram Synonyms - quip, witticism, gem, play on words, jest, pun, sally, nice turn of phrase; Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - telegram-->simple note....epigram--->witty note


Meaning - a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.; a thing that spoils or damages something. Usage - the vines suffered blight and disease; her remorse could be a blight on that happiness Synonyms - affliction, canker, decay, eyesore, fungus, infestation, mildew, pest, scourge Antonyms - cleanliness, goodness, purification, blessing Mnemonics - Black light may destroy the plants


Meaning - a plot or scheme. Usage - he was cheated by the political machinations of the legislature Synonyms - schemes, plotting, plots, intrigues, conspiracies, designs, plans, devices, ploys, ruses, tricks, wiles, stratagems, tactics, manoeuvres, manoeuvring, contrivances, expedients; Antonyms - frankness, honesty, ignorance Mnemonics - The robots have a machination to kill all the humans and make a MACHIne NATION...... TERMINATOR MOVIE


Meaning - a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit. Usage - political sinecures for the supporters of ministers Synonyms - pushover, babe in the woods, dead duck, dead meat, easy pickings, easy victim, lamb, soft touch, toast, vulnerable Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - all you have to do is SIgN papers and your job will be sECURE


Meaning - a raised enclosed platform in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.; religious teaching as expressed in sermons. Usage - many ministers delivered political guidance from their pulpits; the movies could rival the pulpit as an agency moulding the ideas of the mass public Synonyms - lectern, podium, desk, platform, rostrum, soapbox, stage, stump Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - pulpit -> pull + pit pit was pulled to form a raised stage.


Meaning - a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation. Usage - there are two leitmotifs in his score marking the heroine and her Fairy Godmother Synonyms - argument, line, matter, motif, point, problem, question, stuff, subject, text, thought, topic Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - leitmotif = lay + motif; One kind of motif for laying.


Meaning - a relatively minor fault or sin. Usage - the sexual peccadilloes of celebrities aren't necessarily news Synonyms - impropriety, indiscretion, misdemeanor, vice, bad habit, faux pas, minor fault, minor infraction, minor sin, petty offense, slight transgression Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - If you watch American pie 3 movie you can easily remember this word in this movie the heroin have this peccadillo ( penis shape dildo ) which girls use for the small offense or sexual satisfaction


Meaning - a repeated passage in music. Usage - a stale reprise of past polemic Synonyms - deliver, emancipate, extricate, free, liberate, manumit, recover, redeem, regain, release, repurchase, rescue, save, unchain Antonyms - confine, forfeit, harm, hold, hurt, imprison, incarcerate, keep Mnemonics - REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got RE-PRISE


Meaning - a reply, especially a sharp or witty one. Usage - she would have made some cutting rejoinder but none came to mind Synonyms - answer, reply, response, retort, riposte, counter, sally Antonyms - question Mnemonics - If I re-join Allscripts then people will surely ask questions, I must have some really sharp replies.


Meaning - (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable. Usage - a convivial cocktail party Synonyms - cheerful, clubby, festive, genial, hearty, jolly, jovial, lively, pleasant, sociable Antonyms - apathetic, depressed, gloomy, lethargic, sad, unfriendly, unhappy Mnemonics - somewhat close to carnival which also implies festivity.


Meaning - (of an old person) strong and healthy. Usage - he's only just sixty, very hale and hearty Synonyms - healthy, well, fit, fighting fit Antonyms - unwell Mnemonics - You may have often heard people saying "hale and hearty" i.e, in very good health, well and strong.


Meaning - (of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective. Usage - this treatment was efficacious in some cases Synonyms - effective, effectual, active, adequate, capable, competent, energetic, influential, operative, potent, powerful, puissant, serviceable, strong, successful, useful, virtuous Antonyms - impotent, incapable, unproductive, useless, weak, inefficacious, inefficient, unsuccessful Mnemonics - having a striking effect is the meaning... "eff" is common i.e., it causes an effect.. "cacious" sounds similar to "cautious".. why are you cautious.. because the effect is striking.. so the meaning is striking effect


Meaning - (of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption. Usage - the incessant beat of the music Synonyms - ceaseless, unceasing, constant, continual, unabating, interminable, endless, unending, never-ending, everlasting, eternal, perpetual, continuous, non-stop Antonyms - intermittent, occasional Mnemonics - the meeting is IN SESSION and it may never end.


Meaning - (of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet. Usage - walkers should be prepared for inclement weather Synonyms - cold, chilly, bitter, bleak, raw, wintry, freezing, snowy, icy Antonyms - fine, mild, sunny Mnemonics - bosses are always inclement when there's time of increment


Meaning - (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter. Usage - an acrimonious dispute about wages Synonyms - bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp, razor-edged, cutting, astringent, trenchant, mordant, virulent; spiteful, vicious, crabbed, vitriolic, savage, hostile, hate-filled, venomous, poisonous, nasty, ill-natured, mean, malign, malicious, malignant, waspish, pernicious, splenetic, irascible, choleric; Antonyms - happy, helping, kind Mnemonics - Acrimony= Take Acr as Acroo (hindi) and Mon as man(hindi) , so it means acroo man wala .acroo manner


Meaning - (with reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear.; waste or fritter away (money, energy, or resources). Usage - the concern she'd felt for him had wholly dissipated; he inherited, but then dissipated, his father's fortune Synonyms - deplete, use up, blow, consume, dump, lavish, misspend, misuse, squander, waste, be wasteful with, burn up, fritter away, indulge oneself, kiss goodbye, run through, throw away, trifle away Antonyms - build, hoard, save, starve, accumulate, appear, collect, gather Mnemonics - healthy person should dissipate its pate (stomach)


Meaning - a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across.; (of a person or vehicle) cross (a river or stream) at a shallow place. Usage - a ford across the Tweed, if I could find the river, I could ford it somehow Synonyms - cruise, cut across, navigate, pass over, ply, sail, span, bridge, meet, overpass, voyage, zigzag, extend over, go across, move across, transverse Antonyms - disconnect, disjoin, abet, aid, assist, divide, help, part, remain, separate, stay ,unmix Mnemonics - if u have a ford car and you take it in beside a river, the river give way (just as it gave way to lord RAMA), where there is ford there's a way


Meaning - Sensitization is a non-associative learning process in which repeated administrations of a stimulus results in the progressive amplification of a response. Usage - Once sensitized, the main factor that influences the onset of symptoms is the degree of exposure. Synonyms - accustomed, acclimatize Antonyms - not used to Mnemonics - SENSITIZATION or SENSITIZE - cause to respond readily to STIMULI or stimulus.


Meaning - a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.; an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation. Usage - torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire; a legal quagmire Synonyms - dilemma, entanglement, imbroglio, impasse, morass, predicament, quandary, box, corner, difficulty, fix, hole, involvement, jam, mire, muddle, pass, perplexity, pickle, pinch, plight, scrape, trouble Antonyms - agreement, solution, advantage, benefit, blessing, boon, closure, contentment, ease, good fortune, peace, pleasure, success Mnemonics - Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet.


Meaning - a soft gentle breeze. Usage - As he approached the top of the hill he could feel a zephyr on his back. Synonyms - breath, breeze, wind, blast, draft, heavens, ozone, puff, sky, stratosphere, troposphere, ventilation, waft Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Zephyrus was god of the west wind in Greek mythology. Zephyr is a west wind breeze.


Meaning - state or assert to be the case. Usage - he averred that he was innocent of the allegations Synonyms - affirm, assert, avouch, claim, contend, declare, emphasize, insist, justify, predicate, proclaim, prove, state, swear, verify Antonyms - deny, disclaim, discredit, disprove, forget, question Mnemonics - AVER: VER in the word comes from the word veracity which means it also means to state a truth or fact


Meaning - strong public condemnation. Usage - he endured years of contempt and obloquy Synonyms - abuse, animadversion, aspersion, censure, criticism, defamation, disgrace, humiliation, ignominy, insult, invective, reproach, slander, vituperation Antonyms - approval, commendation, compliment, exaltation, flattery, glorification, honor, praise, respect Mnemonics - etymologically OB-'against' and LOQUY-'talk'. Therefore OBLOQUY means to TALK AGAINST SOMEONE,i.e. SLANDER


Meaning - not relating to that which is sacred or religious; secular.; (of a person or their behaviour) not respectful of religious practice; irreverent.; (of language) blasphemous or obscene.; treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect. Usage - a talk that tackled topics both sacred and profane; a profane person might be tempted to violate the tomb; he was famous for his wildly profane language; it was a serious matter to profane a tomb Synonyms - abusive, blasphemous, coarse, indecent, irreverent, nasty, obscene, sacrilegious, vulgar, dirty, foul, unhallowed, atheistic, filthy, godless, heathen, idolatrous, impious, impure, infidel, irreligious, irreverential, mundane, pagan, profanatory, raunchy, sinful, smutty, temporal, transient, transitory, unconsecrated, ungodly, unholy, unsanctified, wicked, worldly Antonyms - clean, decent, kind, moral, nice, polite, pure, refined, religious, respectful, reverent, sacred Mnemonics - PROPANE - propane being unextinguishable is not allowed in mosques/temples etc


Meaning - not showing a serious or respectful attitude. Usage - a flippant remark Synonyms - frivolous, superficial, shallow, glib, thoughtless, carefree, irresponsible, insouciant, offhan Antonyms - serious, respectful Mnemonics - a person who flips his middle finger is non serious and flippant


Meaning - obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty. Usage - the information is gleaned from press cuttings Synonyms - obtain, get, take, draw, derive, extract, cull, garner, gather, reap; select, choose, pick; learn Antonyms - disperse, divide, plant, put in Mnemonics - It sounds like clean. You clean by gathering the leavings bit by bit


Meaning - occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts.; caused by, subject to, or in the nature of a spasm or spasms. Usage - spasmodic fighting continued; a spasmodic cough Synonyms - intermittent, fitful, irregular, sporadic, erratic, occasional, infrequent, scattered, patchy, isolated, odd, uneven, periodic, periodical, recurring, recurrent, on and off Antonyms - resting, uninterrupted Mnemonics - in muscular SPASM you have constant but PERIODIC pain


Meaning - of little value or significance; petty. Usage - the picayune squabbling of party politicians Synonyms - diminutive, everyday, frivolous, immaterial, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable Antonyms - considerable, affecting Mnemonics - picayune: relate it to pico, which means small. so picayune->pico->small or petty things


Meaning - of no value or importance.; useless or futile. Usage - a nugatory and pointless observation; the teacher shortages will render nugatory the hopes of implementing the new curriculum Synonyms - inadequate, inconsequential, insignificant, piddling, trifling, useless Antonyms - useful, significant Mnemonics - No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless.


Meaning - of or like a portent; of momentous significance.; done in a pompously or overly solemn manner so as to impress. Usage - this portentous year in Canadian history Synonyms - ominous, warning, foreshadowing, predictive, pompous, bombastic, self-important Antonyms - simple, down to earth Mnemonics - poor tent us - if on a picnic we have a poor tent and it rains, it's a bad omen foe our trip


Meaning - of or relating to the countryside; rural.; having a simplicity and charm that is considered typical of the countryside.; lacking the sophistication of the city; backward and provincial.; made in a plain and simple fashion, in particular:; an unsophisticated country person. Usage - a party of Morris dancers decked out in rustic costume; you are a rustic halfwit; rustic wooden tables Synonyms - austere, bucolic, homey, pastoral, picturesque, primitive, simple, verdant, arcadian, homespun, natural, plain, provincial, sylvan, agrarian, agricultural, artless, countrified, homely, honest, outland, unaffected, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticated Antonyms - sophisticated, abnormal, uncommon, city, couth, cultured, metropolitan, polished, refined, suburban, urban Mnemonics - Think of RUST, which reminds us of something which is old or has worn out, hence country people are old fashioned, rural or slightly backwards


Meaning - of or with respect to the distant stars (i.e. the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets). Usage - Sidereal rotation is that measured with respect to the stars rather than with respect to the Sun Synonyms - glittering, luminous, sparkling, stellar, astral, bespangled, bright, celestial, lustrous, radiated, shimmering, shining, spangled, stellary, stelliform Antonyms - dull, earthly Mnemonics - break it as side+reel, reel signifies something to do with movies, and movies=movie stars (actors), so eventually relating to stars


Meaning - old-fashioned or outdated. Usage - this antiquated central heating system Synonyms - outdated, out of date, outmoded, behind the times, old-fashioned, archaic Antonyms - current, modern, up to date Mnemonics - read as antique(old item)+dated(outdated)..hence outdated


Meaning - one's family and relations; similar in kind; related. Usage - he owed his popularity to his mother's kindred; books on kindred subjects Synonyms - family, relatives, relations, kin, family members, connections, kith and kin, one's own flesh and blood, clan, tribe, house, lineage; related, allied, connected, closely connected/related, comparable, similar, like, alike, parallel, associated, corresponding, cognate, analogous, interconnected, affiliated Antonyms - unrelated Mnemonics - all of them are 'kind' 'red' indians ..... so they belong to one community / group share kinship


Meaning - openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention). Usage - the advertising code is being flouted Synonyms - defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, scorn, disdain, show contempt for Antonyms - observe, obey Mnemonics - A kid asked me if he could FLY his paper plane in the room, I replied bluntly-FLY OUT.


Meaning - oppose or resist (something oppressive or inevitable). Usage - the shares bucked the market trend Synonyms - resist, oppose, contradict, defy Antonyms - give in, concede Mnemonics - it takes guts to buck (bhak bhudbak wala buck) the system


Meaning - overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with. Usage - the registrars office was inundated with registration documents Synonyms - overwhelm, overpower, overburden, overrun, overload, swamp Antonyms - underwhelm, free Mnemonics - I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from christian societies for violating the social norms.


Meaning - painful or laborious effort. Usage - advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail Synonyms - agony, anguish, tribulation, woe Antonyms - comfort, happiness, joy, peace Mnemonics - TRAVel - AIL...Imagine someone ailing after a long travel...repenting over the large physical and mental pain and tiredness after the travel


Meaning - pathetically trivial; trifling. Usage - piddling little questions Synonyms - niggling, pettifogging, trifling, derisory, little, measly, paltry, peanut, petty, picayune, puny, trivial, unimportant, useless, worthless Antonyms - important, major, significant Mnemonics - when some one gets diarrhoea they do pid-piddis which though look insignificant can harm the body badly


Meaning - pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.; (of an aim or endeavour) unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled. Usage - forlorn figures at bus stops; a forlorn attempt to escape Synonyms - depressed, deserted, desolate, desperate, despondent, destitute, helpless, lonely, miserable, oppressed, pathetic, pitiful Antonyms - cheerful, elated, happy, hopeful, populated, prosperous, rich, satisfied, secure, wealthy, worthwhile Mnemonics -


Meaning - place (something) side by side with or close to something else. Usage - the specimen was apposed to X-ray film Synonyms - appose, connect, pair, bring near, bring together, place in proximity, set side by side Antonyms - far away Mnemonics - ap + pass - keeping close to each other


Meaning - place or deal with close together for contrasting effect. Usage - black-and-white photos of slums were starkly juxtaposed with colour images Synonyms - appose, connect, pair, bring near, bring together, place in proximity, set side by side Antonyms - replace Mnemonics - juxtapose..just place something just next to something.


Meaning - play or move about in a cheerful and lively way.; a playful and lively movement or activity. Usage - Edward frolicked on the sand; film of her poolside frolics Synonyms - antic, drollery, escapade, fun, gaiety, gambol, game, joke, joviality, lark, merriment, play, prank, romp, shenanigan, skylarking, sport, spree, tomfoolery, trick Antonyms - sadness, seriousness Mnemonics - FROLIC ~ FRiends or LIQuor; I need both for frolicking.


Meaning - playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.; acting or behaving in a capricious manner. Usage - a whimsical sense of humour; the whimsical arbitrariness of autocracy Synonyms - fanciful, playful, mischievous, waggish, quaint, fantastic, unusual, curious, droll, volatile, capricious, temperamental, impulsive, excitable, fickle, changeable Antonyms - boring, common, dramatic, normal, regular Mnemonics - can be remembered from whims and fancies


Meaning - pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. Usage - a business that thrives on Schadenfreude Synonyms - diabolical Antonyms - concerned Mnemonics - if your enemy is hit by a fraud you feel happy


Meaning - polite submission and respect. Usage - he addressed her with the deference due to age Synonyms - respect, respectfulness, regard, esteem; consideration Antonyms - disrespect Mnemonics - deference sounds like THE REFERENCE. If you have a reference for a letter of recommendation, then you usually respect that reference.


Meaning - pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress. Usage - a grandiloquent celebration of Spanish glory Synonyms - pompous, bombastic, magniloquent, pretentious, ostentatious, high-flown, high-sounding, rhetorical, orotund, fustian, florid, flowery; laboured, strained, overwrought, overblown, overripe, overdone; wordy, periphrastic; epic Antonyms - unpretentious, concise Mnemonics - Grandiloquent GRAND+ELOQUENT only an ELOQUENT speaker can deliver a POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front a HUGE/GRAND


Meaning - poor; needy. Usage - a charity for the relief of indigent artists Synonyms - poor, impecunious, destitute, penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, down and out, pauperized, without a penny to one's name, without two farthings/pennies to rub together; insolvent, ruined; needy, in need, in want, hard up, on the breadline, hard-pressed, in reduced/straitened circumstances, deprived, disadvantaged, distressed, badly off; beggarly, beggared Antonyms - rich Mnemonics - indigent == indian + gents (they are mostly poor ,needy due to demands of their wives)..hahahahhha


Meaning - prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking advance action. Usage - they will present their resignations to forestall a vote of no confidence Synonyms - pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of, steal a march on, anticipate, second-guess, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, foil, stave off, ward off, fend off, avert, preclude, obviate, prevent, intercept, check, block, hinder, impede, obstruct Antonyms - aid, allow, assist Mnemonics - Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens.


Meaning - producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; highly fertile.; producing many new ideas. Usage - a lush and fecund garden; her fecund imagination Synonyms - breeding, fertile, fructiferous, fruitful, generating, pregnant, proliferant, prolific, propagating, reproducing, rich, spawning, teeming Antonyms - impotent, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive Mnemonics - FUC*+LUN*...a fuc*ing Lun* is always produces many kids...prolific


Meaning - prolonged and tedious fuss or discussion. Usage - mucking around with finances and all that palave Synonyms - fuss, fuss and bother, bother, commotion, trouble, rigmarole, folderol, ado; Antonyms - quiet, silence Mnemonics - if pa(father) catches u in lav(laver), it is uncessary inconvenience and trouble for u


Meaning - promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). Usage - these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization Synonyms - make known, make public, publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate, circulate, broadcast, promote, announce, proclaim; Antonyms - conceal, hide Mnemonics - During earlier times, if a family had a male child(called as MULGA in marathi) then they would be happy and PUBLISH in newspapers.. :P so proMULGAte..


Meaning - provide written evidence Usage - She kept all the receipts from her business trip in order to document her expenses for the firm. Synonyms - records, text, note down Antonyms - speech Mnemonics - when we write something we document it.


Meaning - providing moral or intellectual instruction. Usage - edifying literature Synonyms - illuminating, improving, inspiring, refining, uplifting Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Edison invented the light bulb which gives edifying is something which "enlightens"


Meaning - provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction. Usage - he was trying to goad her into a fight Synonyms - provoke, spur, prick, sting, prod, egg on, hound, badger, incite, rouse, stir, move, stimulate, motivate, excite, inflame Antonyms - deterrent, discouragement Mnemonics - GOAd...Just think of GOA...This itself is enough to URGE or STIMULATE you to go there


Meaning - push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd.; struggle or compete forcefully for. Usage - e was jostled by passengers rushing for the gates; a jumble of images jostled for attention Synonyms - bump into/against, knock into/against, bang into, collide with, cannon into, plough into, jolt; push, shove, elbow, hustle; mob; push, thrust, barge, shove, force, squeeze, elbow, shoulder, bulldoze Antonyms - leave alone, repress, pull Mnemonics - remember it from shahruk's movie: JOSH, in that movie the scorpion and eagle gang kept on bumping each other


Meaning - put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.; (of a judge) postpone (a sentence) so that the circumstances or conduct of the defendant can be further assessed. Usage - they deferred the decision until February; the judge deferred sentence until 5 April for background reports Synonyms - postpone, put off, adjourn, delay, hold over/off, put back, carry over; shelve, suspend, stay, hold in abeyance, prorogue, pigeonhole, mothball; put over, table, lay on the table, take a rain check on; continue; Antonyms - advance, allow, carry out, continue, do, expedite, forward, further, maintain, shorten, abbreviate, aid, assist, encourage, facilitate, help, let go, promote, push, support, force, forge, hasten, hurry Mnemonics - Read Duffer- A duffer owing to his incompetence has to always give in and delay that too with respect.


Meaning - rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully. Usage - he snubbed faculty members and students alike Synonyms - insult, slight, affront, humiliate Antonyms - note, pay attention, praise, regard, welcome Mnemonics - a snob tries to snub people, he thinjs are inferior to him.


Meaning - rebuke or reprimand severely. Usage - he chastised his colleagues for their laziness Synonyms - berate, castigate, censure, flog, lash, punish, upbraid, baste, beat, chasten, correct, pummel, ream, scourge, spank, thrash, whip, chew out, climb all over, ferule, lay into, lean on, skelp, slap down Antonyms - compliment, laud, praise, aid, assist, guard, help, lose, protect, surrender, cheer, comfort, encourage, forgive, inspirit, promote Mnemonics - chastise = chest ice... The kid was punished or crticized severly by his mother for playing with ice on chest


Meaning - rebuke severely; scold. Usage - the old man objurgated his son Synonyms - castigate, censure, chastise, chide Antonyms - approve, compliment Mnemonics - sounds like teacher SCOLDED me a lot and asked me to stand near the college gate


Meaning - recognize the full worth of; be grateful for (something); understand (a situation) fully; grasp the full implications of; rise in value or price. Usage - she feels that he does not appreciate her; I'd appreciate any information you could give me; they failed to appreciate the pressure he was under; the dollar appreciated against the euro by 15 per cent Synonyms - value, respect, prize, cherish, treasure, admire, increase, gain, grow, build up, rise, go up, mount, inflate, escalate, soar, rocket; improve, enhance Antonyms - disparage, depreciate, decrease Mnemonics - u went to a museum "fully conscious" of the artist u appreciated a painted which increased it's worth ..the artist was thankful to u..all the meanings get covered


Meaning - recurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an ancestral form and usually due to genetic recombination; recurrence of or reversion to a past style, manner, outlook, approach, or activity Usage - Environmentalists, the implication is, are much too well-educated and well-brought-up to fall into such low-class atavisms. Synonyms - backsliding, lapse, regression, relapse, reverting, throwback Antonyms - progress Mnemonics - if u r eating ata instead of chapaties like early ancestors did..its atavism


Meaning - a state of disuse. Usage - the docks fell into desuetude Synonyms - stop, disuse, discontinuance, end Antonyms - usage Mnemonics - DESUETUDE = DESOLATE-tude. Abandoned (desolate) things are disused (in desuetude).


Meaning - a state or period of stagnation or depression. Usage - the mortgage market has been in the doldrums for three years Synonyms - depression, melancholy, gloom, gloominess, glumness, downheartedness, dejection, despondency, dispiritedness, heavy-heartedness, heartache, unhappiness, sadness, misery, woe, dismalness, despair, pessimism, hopelessness; inertia, apathy, listlessness, malaise, boredom, tedium, ennui; low spirits; inactive, quiet, slow, slack, sluggish, subdued, stagnant, static, inert, flat, dull Antonyms - happiness, busy, lively Mnemonics - THE PRINCESS WAS VERY UNHAPPY SO KING DECIDED TO ENTERTAIN HER WITH "DHOL" AUR "DRUMS". BUT DHOL AND DRUMS BAJANE SE BHI KUCHH NAHIN HUA BECAUSE THE PRINCESS WAS IN DOLDRUMS


Meaning - a statue that is much bigger than life size.; a person or thing of enormous size, importance, or ability. Usage - two statues known as the Colossi of Memnon; the Russian Empire was the colossus of European politics Synonyms - behemoth, cyclops, Gargantua, giant, goliath, Hercules, leviathan, mammoth, Samson, titan, Godzilla Antonyms - small, timid Mnemonics - remember colosseum - the Italian amphitheater. It is an epitome of colossus(enormous structure)in architecture


Meaning - able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action. Usage - the players were making caustic comments about the refereeing Synonyms - corrosive, corroding, mordant, acid, alkaline, burning, stinging, acrid, harsh, destructive; sarcastic, cutting, biting, mordant, stinging, sharp, bitter, scathing, derisive, sardonic, ironic, scornful, trenchant, acerbic, vitriolic, tart, acid, pungent, acrimonious, astringent, rapier-like, razor-edged, critical, polemic, virulent, venomous, waspish Antonyms - kind Mnemonics - caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as wel


Meaning - an informal conversation Usage - a confabulation between the couple Synonyms - chat , confab , schmoose , schmooze Antonyms - listening, quiet, silence Mnemonics - Confabulation : (Con)fabulation : fabulous An informal conversation is usually fabulous as one can talk freely the way ,he/she wants.


Meaning - an item of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication. Usage - each chapter ends with a short addendum entitled 'Further Reading' Synonyms - appendix, codicil, postscript, afterword, tailpiece, rider, coda, supplement, accompaniment; adjunct, appendage, addition, add-on, attachment, extension; Antonyms - decrease, reduction, lessening Mnemonics - addendum can be broken down to Add-End-Um. It is to be written at the end of the text; appendix


Meaning - an official who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.; examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it. Usage - the report was approved by the military censors; the report had been censored 'in the national interest Synonyms - abridge, black out, blacklist, delete, edit, excise, restrict, sanitize, suppress, withhold Antonyms - add, enlarge, expand, let go, put in, release Mnemonics - censor board which removes inappropriate matters from movies


Meaning - an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one's own conduct; a misgiving. Usage - military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press Synonyms - misgiving, doubt, reservation, second thought, worry, concern, anxiety Antonyms - confidence Mnemonics - QUALM = QUAL + M(S) = QUALIFICATION + MS, you are in doubt whether MS as qualification is right for you or not.


Meaning - an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder. Usage - in my first few months at work I made some real gaffes Synonyms - blunder, mistake, error, slip; indiscretion, impropriety Antonyms - correction Mnemonics - Disney character Goofy who was always making Blunders.


Meaning - an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Usage - he's the maverick of the senate Synonyms - individualist, nonconformist, free spirit, unorthodox person, unconventional person, original, trendsetter, bohemian, eccentric, outsider Antonyms - conformist Mnemonics - Maverick (tom cruise's name) in top gun was maverick as he broke many codes of navy


Meaning - approval or praise. Usage - he waited all his life to obtain approbation from his critics. Synonyms - approval, acceptance, assent, endorsement, encouragement, recognition, appreciation, support, respect, admiration, commendation, congratulations; praise, acclamation, adulation, regard, esteem, veneration, kudos, applause, ovation, accolades, salutes, plaudits Antonyms - criticism Mnemonics - Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period


Meaning - based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic. Usage - the scientists provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument Synonyms - observed, seen, actual, real Antonyms - hypothetical, unproved, theoretical Mnemonics - Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and workouts


Meaning - be a sign of; indicate. Usage - this mark denotes purity and quality Synonyms - stand for, announce, argue, bespeak, betoken, connote, evidence, express, finger, flash, imply, import, indicate, insinuate, intend, make, mark, peg, prove, show, signify, spell, symbolize, tag, typify Antonyms - conceal,deny, disprove, hide, ignore, leave alone, refuse, refute, veto, withhold Mnemonics - denote represents the note


Meaning - be about to happen. Usage - my impending departure Synonyms - imminent, at hand, close, close at hand, near, nearing, approaching, coming, forthcoming, upcoming Antonyms - gone, past, distant Mnemonics - Impending: Im+Pending- nothing can be left pending when the deadline is near.


Meaning - behave uncontrollably and disruptively. Usage - stone-throwing anarchists were running amo Synonyms - go berserk, get out of control, rampage, run riot, riot, rush wildly/madly about, go on the rampage; storm, charge; behave like a maniac, behave wildly, behave uncontrollably; become violent, become destructive; go mad, go crazy, go insane; Antonyms - calm, peaceful, quiet, stolid Mnemonics - In the mock GRE test thousands of students ran amok for the top percentile.


Meaning - behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety. Usage - he had acted with the utmost decoru Synonyms - propriety, proper, seemliness, decency, decorousness, good taste, correctness, appropriateness; politeness, courtesy, good manners; refinement, breeding, deportment, dignity, respectability, modesty, demureness Antonyms - impropriety Mnemonics - DECO (dekho) yaar, RUM pine ke baad, there is very little possibility that you will be in ORDERLINESS and GOOD MANNERS, CONDUCT


Meaning - belonging; pertinent. Usage - properties appurtenant to the main building Synonyms - additional, accessory, accompanying, adjuvant, attendant, attending, coincident, collateral Antonyms - necessary, needed Mnemonics - Appurtnant - ap + upar+tenant, so new tenants came and they brought relevant material like beds and mattresses for staying in the apartment


Meaning - relating to or affecting cattle; (of a person or their manner) sluggish or stupid. Usage - bovine tuberculosis; a look of bovine contentment came into her face Synonyms - stupid, slow, dim-witted, dull-witted, ignorant, unintelligent, imperceptive, half-baked, vacuous, mindless, witless, obtuse, doltish, blockish, lumpish, wooden; stolid, phlegmatic, placid, somnolent, sluggish, torpid, lifeless, inert, inanimate Antonyms - quick-witted Mnemonics - bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds like boy a nine year boy is generally very innocent and placcid so cowlike....and they are generally very slowthinking


Meaning - calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation. Usage - a stolid, impassive English character Synonyms - impassive, unemotional Antonyms - emotional, lively, imaginative Mnemonics - STOL(sounds like stool)..and a stool is a nonliving thing without any emotion,simillarly a STOLID is like stool without any emotion,always dull and boring.


Meaning - capable of being perceived. Usage - a palpable sense of loss Synonyms - clearly, evidently, officially, plainly, manifestly, patently, conspicuously, expressly, in plain sight, indubitably, openly, overtly, perceptibly, transparently, Antonyms - vaguely, dubiously, equivocally, improbably Mnemonics -


Meaning - characterized by or displaying great generosity. Usage - a munificent bequest Synonyms - generous, bountiful, open-handed, magnanimous, philanthropic, princely, handsome, lavish, unstinting, free-handed, unstinted, liberal, free, charitable, big-hearted, beneficent, ungrudging Antonyms - mean, niggardly, miserly Mnemonics - by muni - you think of rishi - muni (sages), who are always generous in giving, will give you whatever you want....tathastu


Meaning - characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.; a person who follows an ascetic life. Usage - an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual labour Synonyms - austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, non-indulgent, self-disciplined, frugal, simple, rigorous, strict, severe, hair-shirt, spartan, monastic, monkish, nunlike; reclusive, solitary, cloistered, eremitic, anchoritic, hermitic; celibate, continent, chaste, puritanical, self-abnegating, other-worldly; abstainer, recluse, hermit, solitary, anchorite, anchoress, desert saint, celibate, puritan, nun, monk; fakir, Sufi, dervish; yogi, rishi, sannyasi; sadhu, muni; hikikomori; raregymnosophist, marabout, santon, eremite, stylite, pillar saint, pillar hermit, pillarist, aerialist, cenobite Antonyms - sybarite, prodigal, spendthrift Mnemonics - someone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an ascetic


Meaning - deceive; trick.; a victim of deception. Usage - the newspaper was duped into publishing an untrue story; men who were simply the dupes of their unscrupulous leaders Synonyms - patsy, sitting duck, butt, chump Antonyms - cognizant Mnemonics - duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people.


Meaning - disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. Usage - some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism Synonyms - unselfishness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, self-denial; consideration, compassion, kindness, goodwill, decency, nobility, Antonyms - selfishness Mnemonics - ALL+TRUE....when a person is true for all,he is selfless i.e unselfish


Meaning - displace the beats or accents in (music or a rhythm) so that strong beats become weak and vice versa. Usage - syncopated dance music Synonyms - abbreviate, constrict, cram, restrict, shorten, shrink, squeeze, wrap, abridge, abstract, bind, coagulate, concentrate, consolidate, contract, cramp, crowd, crush, decrease, dehydrate, epitomize, narrow, pack, press, ram, reduce, shrivel, squash, stuff, summarize, syncopate, telescope, tighten, wedge Antonyms - amplify, enlarge, expand, free, grow, increase, lengthen, let go, open, release Mnemonics - sync your pate to the rest of the body by decreasing or weakening it's flab


Meaning - displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious. Usage - fawning adoration Synonyms - obsequious, sycophant, minion Antonyms - aloof, disinterested Mnemonics - relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affection....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by trying to flatter you.


Meaning - disposed to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree; acquiescent. Usage - Allscripts application are HIPAA compliant. Synonyms - acquiescent, amenable, biddable, tractable, complaisant, accommodating, cooperative, adaptable; obedient, docile, manageable, malleable, pliable, pliant, flexible, submissive, dutiful, tame, meek, yielding Antonyms - recalcitrant, bloody-minded Mnemonics - COMPLIANT+COMPLIANCE: just remember the ROOT word COMPLI = agree..therefore both almost mean d same


Meaning - dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question. Usage - the father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother Synonyms - call into question, challenge, question, dispute, query, take issue with, impeach Antonyms - support Mnemonics - im + PUGN ~ pugn looks like pungaa(hindi); NOW think of a person who is habitual of taking PUNGAA, he will always CONTRADICT people, and will always CHALLENGE others (impugn others).


Meaning - dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control. Usage - a military plot by disaffected elements in the army Synonyms - rebellious, discontented, dissatisfied, antagonistic, disloyal, hostile, indifferent, mutinous, seditious, uncompliant, unfriendly, unsubmissive Antonyms - contented, happy, pleased, satisfied Mnemonics -


Meaning - distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people; make or become less dense or solid Usage - rarefied scholarly pursuits; every ounce carried counts triple when you're trudging uphill in rarefied air Synonyms - esoteric, exclusive, select, private Antonyms - commonplace Mnemonics - rare(very less)+fied(like field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE..


Meaning - disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death. Usage - a macabre series of murders Synonyms - frightening, ghastly, ghoulish, grim, grisly, gruesome, lurid, morbid, spooky, weird Antonyms - cheerful, happy, pleasant, pleasing, pretty Mnemonics - sounds like hindi word makbara....and its made over the place where people are either buried or burnt.....and for me its a ghastly place..that I would never like to go to.


Meaning - easily influenced Usage - he is as malleable and easily led as sheep Synonyms - suggestible, susceptible, impressionable, amenable, cooperative, adaptable, compliant, pliable, tractable, accommodating Antonyms - rigid, stiff, inflexible Mnemonics - malleability is the capability of stretching to a wire Ductility is the capability of pressing to a sheet. Both are properties studied in material science


Meaning - relating to or denoting people descended from the same ancestor. Usage - consanguineous marriages may give rise to recessive syndromes Synonyms - agnate, akin, cognate, connate, consanguine, consanguineal, kin, kindred Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - geniouses are born of the same origin, same blood.


Meaning - remove (a need or difficulty). Usage - the presence of AC obviated the need for curtains Synonyms - preclude, prevent, remove Antonyms - necessitate Mnemonics - obviate = obvious + ate..i obviously ate it that is why it has been removed from here


Meaning - remove from office suddenly and forcefully. Usage - he had been deposed by a military coup Synonyms - demote, dethrone, dismiss, impeach, overthrow, unseat Antonyms - allow, obey, promote, upgrade Mnemonics - DE(MEANS REMOVE) + POSE(POSITION) to remove somebody from his/her POSITION in his/her work place.


Meaning - sentimental in an exaggerated or false way. Usage - a mawkish ode to parenthood Synonyms - cloying, gooey, maudlin, mushy, sappy, sloppy, teary, bathetic, feeble, gushing, gushy, lovey-dovey, nauseating, romantic, schmaltzy, sickening, tear-jerking Antonyms - calm, serious, unemotional Mnemonics - "Maa" ka "kiss" hamesha sentimental aur emotional hota hai!


Meaning - equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as. Usage - the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt Synonyms - commensurate, identical, alike, as good as, duplicate, equal, equivalent, indistinguishable, like, parallel, same as, selfsame, synonymous, uniform, very Antonyms - different, opposite, polar, reverse Mnemonics - ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'.


Meaning - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. Usage - a poignant reminder of the passing of time Synonyms - touching, moving, sad, saddening, affecting, pitiful, piteous, pitiable, pathetic, sorrowful, mournful, tearful, wretched, miserable, bitter, painful, distressing, disturbing, heart-rending, heartbreaking, tear-jerking, plaintive, upsetting, tragic Antonyms - cheerful, happy, indifferent, unaffecting Mnemonics - remember pregnant, if her child dies in child birth then she will be poignant and sad.


Meaning - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Usage - he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles Synonyms - exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, amplification, embroidery, embellishment Antonyms - understatement Mnemonics - hyper-excessive;bole-means speaking on Hindi....So excessive speaking


Meaning - exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. Usage - the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings Synonyms - immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, exemption, non-liability, licence; amnesty, dispensation, pardon, reprieve, stay of execution, exoneration; privilege, special treatment, favouritism; carte blanche Antonyms - liability, responsibility Mnemonics - impunity sounds like immunity. Punitive means punishment while impunity is freedom from punishment


Meaning - extract money from (someone) by fine or taxation. Usage - no government dared propose to mulct the taxpayer for such a purpose Synonyms - balk, deceive, defraud, fine, fleece, forfeit, penalize, punish, rook, steal, swindle Antonyms - award, give, help Mnemonics - abe HULCT kisi aur ko ch*tiya banana


Meaning - extreme greed for wealth or material gain. Usage - he was rich beyond the dreams of avarice Synonyms - greed, acquisitiveness, cupidity Antonyms - generosity Mnemonics - a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a greedy member of a family who kills the patriarch for his that he can become the family's waris.


Meaning - fair and impartial. Usage - the equitable distribution of resources Synonyms - fair, just; impartial, even-handed, fair-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced, non-discriminatory Antonyms - inequitable, unfair Mnemonics - Mom made a cake and distributed it EQUALLY to everyone sitting at the TABLE, being impartial and fair


Meaning - feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph. Usage - a large number of jubilant fans ran on to the pitch Synonyms - elated, euphoric, excited, exuberant, exultant, glad, joyous, overjoyed, pleased, triumphal, triumphant Antonyms - depressed, discouraged, sad, sorrowful, unenthusiastic, unexcited, unhappy Mnemonics - I sing JUBY-DUBY-JUBY-DUBY whenever i am extremely joyful.


Meaning - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. Usage - he was indignant at being the object of suspicion Synonyms - aggrieved, resentful, affronted, disgruntled, discontented, dissatisfied, angry, distressed, unhappy, disturbed Antonyms - content Mnemonics - In dig n ant - you keep digging and all you get is ants, you will be angry


Meaning - feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. Usage - dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers Synonyms - cautious, careful, circumspect, on one's guard, chary, alert Antonyms - unwary, inattentive, trustful Mnemonics - be WARY = BEWARE = cautious (think of WARY as BEWARE, meaning CAUTIOUS)


Meaning - filled with horror or shock. Usage - she winced, aghast at his cruelty Synonyms - speechless, awestruck, open-mouthed, wide-eyed Antonyms - usual Mnemonics - aghast can be remembered by ghas not being there and animals were shocked with horror.


Meaning - fond of company; sociable. Usage - he was a popular and gregarious man Synonyms - sociable, social, company-loving, companionable, convivial, clubbable; outgoing, friendly, affable, amiable, genial, congenial, cordial, hospitable, welcoming, warm, pleasant, comradely, hail-fellow-well-met Antonyms - unsociable, reserved, recluse Mnemonics - GREG, GARY, and RUSS all being GREGARIOUS


Meaning - formed of a single large block of stone.; (of a building) very large and characterless.; (of an organization or system) large, powerful, indivisible, and slow to change. Usage - later Byzantine columns were monolithic and usually made of marble; rejecting any move towards a monolithic European superstate Synonyms - massive, huge, vast, colossal, gigantic, immense, giant, enormous, mammoth, monumental; inflexible, rigid, unbending, unchanging, intractable, immovable, impenetrable, fossilized, hidebound Antonyms - multi-lithic Mnemonics - MONO(SINGLE) + LITHIC (related to ROCKS) --> like a SINGLE ROCK --> SOLID and UNIFORM


Meaning - free or safe from injury or violation. Usage - an international memorial which must remain inviolate Synonyms - untouched, undamaged, unhurt, unharmed, unscathed; unmarred, unspoilt, unimpaired Antonyms - dishonest, evil, false, fraudulent Mnemonics - something which should not be violated


Meaning - friendly and cheerful. Usage - our genial host Synonyms - friendly, affable, cordial, congenial, amiable, warm, easy-going, approachable, sympathetic, well disposed, good-natured, good-humoured, cheerful, cheery, neighbourly, hospitable, companionable Antonyms - unfriendly, morose Mnemonics - the GENIE in Disney's Aladdin is very friendly and kind.


Meaning - friendly relations. Usage - the presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity Synonyms - friendship, friendliness, peace, peacefulness, peaceableness, harmony, harmoniousness, understanding, accord, concord, concurrence, cooperation, amicableness, goodwill, cordiality, warmth, geniality, fellowship, fraternity, brotherhood Antonyms - animosity, enmity Mnemonics - amity - a + mithy - something sweet signals friendship


Meaning - full of twists and turns; excessively lengthy and complex. Usage - the route is remote and tortuous; a tortuous argument Synonyms - twisting, winding, curving, curvy, bending, sinuous, undulating, coiling, looping, meandering, serpentine, snaking, snaky, zigzag, convoluted, spiraling, twisty, circuitous, rambling, wandering, indirect, deviating, devious, labyrinthine, mazy Antonyms - straight Mnemonics - tortoise mosquito coil will not be straight it is twisted and winded . Tortoise coil is in rhyming with tortuous.


Meaning - general or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a result of their actions. Usage - he incurred widespread odium for military failures and government corruption Synonyms - abhorrence, antipathy, aversion, blame, blot, blur, brand, censure, condemnation, detestation, disapproval, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dislike, disrepute, enmity, execration, hate, hatred, ignominy, infamy, malice, obloquy, onus, opprobrium, rebuke, reprobation, resentment, slur, spot, stain, stigma, bar sinister, black eye, dispprobation Antonyms - approval, delight Mnemonics - ODIUM rhymes with PODIUM. Podium means stage and I have a stage fear and therefore I detest going on the stage.


Meaning - generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. Usage - presumably public money is not dispensed with such largesse to anyone else Synonyms - aid, alms, benefaction, charity, donation, endowment, gift, giving, philanthropy Antonyms - small Mnemonics - largess=Large+S+S==> Large Social Service. that is Gift to society.


Meaning - give (someone) a noble rank or title ; lend greater dignity or nobility of character to. Usage - they receive life baronies on appointment unless they are already ennobled; the theatre is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind Synonyms - elevate to the nobility/peerage, raise to the nobility/peerage, make/create someone a noble; send to the House of Lords; informal -> kick upstairs; archaic -> nobilitate; dignify, honour, bestow honour on, exalt, elevate, raise, enhance, add distinction to, add dignity to, distinguish, add lustre to; magnify, glorify, lionize, make lofty, aggrandize, upgrade Antonyms - demean, disennoble Mnemonics - ENNOBLING-MAKING OTHERS NOBLE


Meaning - go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract. Usage - the government had reneged on its election promises Synonyms - default, reverse, welsh Antonyms - fulfill, go through Mnemonics - renege seems lke rehne de.. so rehne de promise mat kar coz i the end you will renege it or sumthng


Meaning - goods or money obtained illegally; sway from side to side.; A stupid, retard excuse used by lame ass thugs and hipsters to justify the bullshit style and phucked up color matching they wear. Usage - garden machinery is the most popular swag Synonyms - boodle, booty, bundle, decoration, festoon, graft, money, plunder, spoils Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Random Guy: Why the hell are you wearing a jean jacket with lime green sweats, an orange plaid shirt, and pink sneakers? Gay hipster: Cause I have swag. Yolo.


Meaning - showing deference; respectful. Usage - people were always deferential to him Synonyms - civil, courteous, obedient, polite, reverential, submissive, complaisant, disarming, duteous, dutiful, ingratiating, ingratiatory, insinuating, insinuative, obeisant, obsequious, regardful, saccharine, silken, silky Antonyms - disobedient, impolite, rude, uncivil, unmannerly, unrefined, arrogant, disrespectful, immodest, inconsiderate, noncompliant Mnemonics - Since deferential equations are difficult to solve, people stupid at math do not attempt them because they respect their difficulty....and probably have a life.


Meaning - great enthusiasm or passion. Usage - the rebuff did little to dampen his ardour Synonyms - eagerness, earnestness, fervor, intensity, passion, warmth, zeal, avidity, devotion, feeling, fierceness, fire, gusto, heat, jazz, keenness, oomph, spirit, vehemence, verve, weakness, zest, zing, pep talk, turn on Antonyms - apathy, indifference, lethargy, dullness, coldness, coolness, frigidity Mnemonics - Our-"darr" is of falling in intense love!!


Meaning - happening as a result of an external factor or chance rather than design or inherent nature.; coming from outside; not native. Usage - adventitious similarities; the adventitious population Synonyms - unplanned, unpremeditated, accidental, unintentional, unintended, unexpected, unforeseen, involuntary, chance, fortuitous, serendipitous, coincidental, casual, random, fluky Antonyms - native, indigenous Mnemonics - if your an adventurous person u take a chance .....adventurous = adventitious


Meaning - harass (someone) persistently for or to do something.; approach (someone) to offer one's services as a prostitute. Usage - she importuned a waiter for profiteroles; they said they were arresting me for importuning Synonyms - beg, beseech, entreat, implore, plead with, appeal to, apply to, call on, supplicate, solicit, petition, enjoin; harass, pester, beset, press, dun, badger, bother, torment, plague, hound, nag, harry, go on at, harp on at; mither; solicit, make sexual advances, offer one's services as a prostitute; accost, approach; informalproposition Antonyms - aid, answer, assist Mnemonics - Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.


Meaning - hard or impossible to understand. Usage - technical jargon that was opaque to her Synonyms - blurred, cloudy, dirty, dull, frosty, gloomy, hazy, impenetrable, murky, thick Antonyms - bright, clear, intelligent, light, luminous, smart, sparkling, sunny, thin, vivacious Mnemonics - The OPening wAs QUEstionable because no light was coming through. Therefore, it was OPAQUE.


Meaning - hard to control or deal with; difficult or stubborn Usage - intractable economic problems Synonyms - unmanageable, uncontrollable, ungovernable, out of control, out of hand, impossible to cope with; difficult, awkward, complex, troublesome, demanding, burdensome, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, inflexible, unbending, unyielding, uncompromising, unaccommodating, uncooperative, difficult, awkward, perverse, contrary, disobedient, indomitable, refractory, recalcitrant, pig-headed, bull-headed Antonyms - manageable, compliant, obedient Mnemonics - Intractable: things which can not be brought in the right track, opposite of tractable.


Meaning - showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour. Usage - he was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests Synonyms - meticulous, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful, scrupulous, painstaking Antonyms - careless, easy-going, slapdash Mnemonics - it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.


Meaning - having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure. Usage - he found his boss's utterances too cryptic Synonyms - ambiguous, arcane, enigmatic, equivocal, incomprehensible, mysterious, strange, vague, veiled, abstruse, apocryphal, cabalistic, dark, Delphian, Delphic Antonyms - certain, clear, common, definite, known, normal, obvious, plain, sure, seen, straightforward Mnemonics - enCRYPTIon is done to keep up the secret and it is always confusing.


Meaning - having a specified temper or disposition. Usage - ill-tempered Synonyms - abate, allay, alleviate, assuage, cool, curb, dilute, ease, lessen, mitigate, mollify, restrain, soften, soothe, tone down, weaken Antonyms - aggravate, agitate, enlarge, extend, incite, increase Mnemonics - tempered can be remembered from temper


Meaning - having a visible mark or marking.; clearly noticeable. Usage - a houseplant with beautifully marked, dark green leaves; a marked increase in UK sales Synonyms - noticeable, pronounced, decided, distinct, striking, clear, glaring, blatant, unmistakable, obvious, plain, manifest, patent, palpable, considerable, remarkable, prominent, signal, significant, great, substantial, strong, conspicuous, notable, noted, pointed, salient, recognizable, identifiable, distinguishable, discernible, apparent, evident, open Antonyms - imperceptible, inconspicuous Mnemonics - to mark something as outstanding.


Meaning - having exact and discernible limits or form. Usage - the longest determinate prison sentence ever upheld by English courts Synonyms - fixed, settled, specified, quantified, established, defined, explicit, known, determined, definitive, conclusive, express, precise, final, ultimate, absolute, categorical, positive, definite Antonyms - indeterminate Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - having great power or influence. Usage - he would become a puissant man Synonyms - able, able-bodied, active, athletic, big, capable, durable, enduring, energetic, firm, fixed, forceful, forcible, hale, hard as nails, hardy, hearty, heavy, heavy-duty, in fine feather, mighty, muscular, potent, powerful, reinforced, robust, rugged, secure, sinewy, solid, sound, stable, stalwart, , k, staunch, steady, stout, strapping, sturdy, substantial, tenacious, tough, unyielding, vigorous, well-built, well-founded, well-made Antonyms - weak, minion Mnemonics - to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings


Meaning - so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing. Usage - it's ludicrous that I have been fined Synonyms - absurd, ridiculous, farcical, laughable, risible, preposterous, foolish, idiotic, stupid, inane, silly, asinine, nonsensical; informal - crazy, mad, insane; Antonyms - common, familiar, grave, matched, normal, ordinary, reasonable, sad, sensible, serious, tragic, unfunny, usual, wise, logical Mnemonics - In Punjabi, Ludi maarna means to do something foolish. Thus it can be remembered from there ! burrrraah !!!


Meaning - in keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained. Usage - Charlotte gave David a decorous kiss Synonyms - civilized, polite, sedate, staid, au fait, becoming, befitting, ceremonial, ceremonious, comely, comme il faut, conforming, conventional, correct, de rigueur, decent, demure, dignified, done, elegant, fit, fitting, formal, good, mannerly, meet, moral, nice, prim, proper, punctilious, refined, respectable, right, seasonable, seemly, well-behaved Antonyms - impolite, inappropriate, indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, unfit, unrefined, unseemly, unsuitable Mnemonics - decorous can be remembered from decorum which means to behave in an orderly manner


Meaning - inefficient or inept; clumsy. Usage - both men are unhappy about the maladroit way the matter has been handled Synonyms - all thumbs, blundering, bumbling, bungling, clunky Antonyms - able, capable, diplomatic Mnemonics - mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit person


Meaning - intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. Usage - a didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice Synonyms - academic, advisory, donnish, edifying, enlightening, exhortative, expository, homiletic, hortative, instructive, moral, moralizing, pedagogic, pedantic, preachy, preceptive, schoolmasterist, sermonic, sermonizing, teacherish, teacherly, teachy Antonyms - immoral Mnemonics - Dida (Grandmother) Teaches us many thing in childhood specially moral lesson


Meaning - involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation. Usage - the organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups Synonyms - enmesh, ensnare, entangle, implicate, involve, mire, tangle Antonyms - exclude, free, untangle, untwist Mnemonics - Broil: To expose to great heat. Embroil: To involve in argument. "Embroil" sounds like "I am Broiled". ==> When I embroil, I feel like I am broiled.


Meaning - involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong. Usage - the careers of those complicit in the cover-up were blighted Synonyms - conniving, deceitful, duplicitous, scheming Antonyms - clear, forthright, honest, open Mnemonics - can be remembered from accomplice


Meaning - just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary. Usage - a still inchoate democracy Synonyms - elementary rudimentary, underdeveloped Antonyms - developed, grown, mature Mnemonics - choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life


Meaning - knobbly, rough, and twisted, especially with age. Usage - the gnarled old oak tree Synonyms - knobbly, knotty, knotted, gnarly, lumpy, bumpy, nodular, rough, twisted Antonyms - straight, uncurled Mnemonics - when pronounced sounds like narled---nari(girl) are always TWISTED in nature, we cant understand them


Meaning - lack of agreement or harmony between people or things. Usage - Composer Charles Ives often used dissonance , clashing or unresolved chords for special effects in his music. Synonyms - disagreement, dissension, racket, noise, conflict Antonyms - resonance, similarity, harmony Mnemonics - sounds like dis-ownance i.e to dis own some one. You disown someone because you are not in harmony with each other.


Meaning - lack of fairness or justice. Usage - policies aimed at redressing racial inequity Synonyms - unfairness, injustice, unjustness, one-sidedness, partisanship, partiality, favouritism, bias, prejudice, discrimination Antonyms - equity Mnemonics - something not done equally so this is unfair


Meaning - lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm Usage - a few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion Synonyms - casual, half-hearted, lukewarm, cursory, superficial, token, perfunctory, passing, incidental, sketchy, haphazard, random, aimless, rambling, erratic, unmethodical, unsystematic, automatic, unthinking, capricious, mechanical, offhand, chaotic, inconsistent, irregular, intermittent, occasional, sporadic, inconstant, fitful Antonyms - keen, systematic, lasting Mnemonics - de+result--- if you LACK IN CONSISTANCY OR you are UNFOCUSED, it will result in DE-RESULT


Meaning - lacking excitement or variety; boringly monotonous. Usage - humdrum routine work Synonyms - mundane, dull, dreary, boring, tedious, monotonous, banal, ho-hum, tiresome, wearisome, prosaic, unexciting Antonyms - remarkable, exciting Mnemonics - one movie named HUMDUM (a bollywood movie) was released which was dull & boring


Meaning - lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. Usage - no excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance Synonyms - uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless, characterless, bland, insipid, vapid, flat, dry, lifeless, listless, tame, tired, prosaic, mundane, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, spiritless, lustreless, apathetic, torpid, unanimated; Antonyms - inspired, brilliant Mnemonics - lacking pluster (cementing) --obviously dull to see


Meaning - lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible. Usage - her feckless younger brother Synonyms - useless, worthless, incompetent, inefficient, inept, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well Antonyms - competent, effective, effectual Mnemonics - feckless:- sounds like phuckless people who phuck less are not effective i.e ineffective. ultimately we want to remember the word meaning


Meaning - lacking interest or excitement; dull. Usage - this mundane, boring work is killing me. Synonyms - humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, prosaic, unexciting, uninteresting, uneventful, unvarying, unvaried, unremarkable, repetitive, repetitious, routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, quotidian, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, common, workaday, usual, pedestrian, customary, regular, normal Antonyms - extraordinary, imaginative Mnemonics - Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend, Monday is just another mundane day.


Meaning - lacking sense or meaning; silly. Usage - don't badger people with inane questions Synonyms - silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous Antonyms - intelligent, sensible Mnemonics - Remember the word insane. Insane person doesnt have a mind to think and understand and hence he is void.


Meaning - lasting for a very short time. Usage - fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old Synonyms - transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, short, cursory, temporary, impermanent, short-term Antonyms - perennial; long-lived, permanent Mnemonics - apheme (which is a drug) ka nasha bahut hi ephemeral hota hai


Meaning - lasting only for a short time; impermanent. Usage - a transient cold spell Synonyms - transitory, temporary, short-lived, short-term, ephemeral, impermanent, brief, short, momentary Antonyms - permanent, perpetual, constant Mnemonics - remember transient light and transient current.... that we studied in physics which produce an effect for a very short time.


Meaning - lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. Usage - Himalayan rivers are perennial Synonyms - eternal, continuing, forever, ceaseless, unending Antonyms - temporary, halting Mnemonics - if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers


Meaning - leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others. Usage - Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871 Synonyms - leadership, dominance, dominion, supremacy, ascendancy, predominance, primacy, authority, mastery, control, power, sway, rule, sovereignty Antonyms - self-government Mnemonics - hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he control others.


Meaning - legitimate, honest, and open. Usage - certain transactions were not totally above board Synonyms - honest, fair, open, frank, straight, overt, candid, forthright, unconcealed, trustworthy, unequivocal Antonyms - dishonest, shady, dishonestly, shadily Mnemonics - To be a member of board of honour you have to be honest ABOVE all the other BOARD members


Meaning - limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions. Usage - they hedged their story about with provisos Synonyms - confine, restrict, limit, hinder, obstruct, impede, constrain, trap Antonyms - opening Mnemonics - HEDGE,think of HEGDE,the politician who AVOIDS PERFORMING DUTIES.No offence hegde supporters


Meaning - made, consisting of, or resembling wood; woody. Usage - the ligneous coal under the crust Synonyms - board, clapboard, frame, log, peg, plant, slab, timber, timbered, woody Antonyms - stony Mnemonics - recall what we all learned in school:::lignite- is primitive coal in which wood structure is easily seen.


Meaning - make (someone) agitated or confused.; an agitated or confused state. Usage - Rosamund seemed rather flustered this morning; the main thing is not to get all in a fluster Synonyms - agitation, brouhaha, commotion, disturbance, dither, flap, flurry, flutter, furor, ruffle, state, to-do, turmoil Antonyms - calm, calmness, order, peace, quiet, tranquility, comfort Mnemonics - Fluster = Find in a Cluster...When someone asks you to find something in an untidy cluster of things you get all confused.


Meaning - make (someone) annoyed or irritated. Usage - he has been riled by suggestions that his Arsenal future is in doubt Synonyms - irritate, annoy, bother, vex, provoke, displease, upset, offend, affront, anger, exasperate, infuriate, gall, irk Antonyms - conciliate, soothe Mnemonics - If someone RAILs u (criticize severely) u r gonna be RILED(irritated & annoyed)


Meaning - make (someone) less angry or hostile Usage - they attempted to placate the angry students with promises Synonyms - pacify, appease, propitiate Antonyms - anger, agitate, incite, provoke Mnemonics - PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.


Meaning - make (something) continue indefinitely. Usage - the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence Synonyms - keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain, continue, extend, carry on, keep up, cause to continue, prolong; immortalize, commemorate, memorialize, eternalize Antonyms - discontinue, give up, stop, cease, neglect Mnemonics - PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say "may you perpetuate"


Meaning - make a forcefully reproachful protest. Usage - he turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy Synonyms - protest, complain, expostulate Antonyms - accept Mnemonics - When women MENSTRUATE, they often REMONSTRATE.


Meaning - make a formal judgement on a disputed matter Usage - the Committee adjudicates on all betting disputes Synonyms - arbitrate, adjudge, decide, determine, mediate, referee, settle, umpire Antonyms - hesitate, defer, dodge, ignore, not judge Mnemonics - dd a judge and a decision will be made


Meaning - make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing). Usage - their sins must be expiated by sacrifice Synonyms - absolve, amend, appease, atone, compensate, correct, excuse, forgive, rectify, redeem, redress, remedy Antonyms - blame, charge, damage, forfeit, harm, injure Mnemonics - i was her 'pia' once.... and now i am her ex-pia.... if i dont make amends i wont get her back


Meaning - make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Usage - the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins Synonyms - obscure, confuse, make obscure/unclear, blur, muddle, jumble, complicate, garble, muddy, cloud, befog Antonyms - clarify Mnemonics - ob(vieously)+fus(fuss).+CATE(CREATE)...protest against the english movie created fuss in theater, as it was unclear to people that the movie will begin or not.


Meaning - make the sound and movement of vomiting. Usage - the sour taste in her mouth made her retch Synonyms - gag, heave, dry-heave, reach, convulse, convulsion Antonyms - approval, fondness Mnemonics - think of it as if u wnt to speak sth. (REach for words) but the words jst choke in ur mouth and you THROW-UP a mere TCH (d usual sound made while u PUKE)


Meaning - make twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body; respond with great emotional or physical discomfort to (an intense or unpleasant feeling or thought). Usage - he writhed in agony on the ground; she bit her lip, writhing in suppressed fury Synonyms - squirm, wriggle, thrash, flounder, flail, toss, toss and turn, twitch, twist, twist and turn, roll, jiggle, wiggle, jerk, jolt Antonyms - straighten, be still Mnemonics - write ke bichme h aya so woh thoda twist hua.writHe


Meaning - making a show of being morally superior to other people. Usage - what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first? Synonyms - hypocritical, insincere, pious, self-satisfied, smug, stuffy Antonyms - forthright, honest, open Mnemonics - saints and munis are sanctimonious... DHONGI SAADHU


Meaning - marked by periods of varied fortune or discreditable incidents. Usage - the checkered history of post-war Britai Synonyms - diversified, motley, quilted, spotted, variegated, checky, mutable, patchwork, plaid Antonyms - constant, consistent Mnemonics - (1)Similiar to CHESS BOARD pattern of squares. (2)Compare colors on CHESS BOARD to one's life with WHITE n DARK periods(SUCCESSFUL N UNSUCCESSFUL PERIODS).


Meaning - move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way. Usage - an electric golf cart careened around the corner Synonyms - lurch, bend, lean, pitch, sway, tilt Antonyms - straighten Mnemonics - careen sounds like car in will MOVE IN AN UNSTEADY manner in the rain.


Meaning - naive, simplistic, and superficial.; (of ideas or writings) dry and uninteresting. Usage - their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions Synonyms - arid, banal, barren, bland, childish, dull, empty, flat, inane, innocuous, insipid, juvenile, meager, sterile, trite, unexciting, vapid Antonyms - sophisticated, complex Mnemonics - think of june.. students feel dull as their summer holidays are about to end


Meaning - never done or known before. Usage - the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential courier Synonyms - unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched, unrivalled Antonyms - normal, common Mnemonics - un + president (precedent) - removing a president - this has never happened before


Meaning - so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant. Usage - he said that the risks were negligible Synonyms - imperceptible, inconsequential, slight, slim, trivial, unimportant Antonyms - big, important, significant, useful, worthwhile Mnemonics - NEGLect it because it's not (><) GIB (big )


Meaning - solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim). Usage - MPs were urged to abjure their Jacobite allegiance Synonyms - renounce, relinquish, reject, dispense with, forgo, forswear, disavow, abandon, deny, gainsay, disclaim, repudiate Antonyms - allow Mnemonics - Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up.


Meaning - not conspicuous or attracting attention. Usage - the service was unobtrusive and efficient Synonyms - self-effacing, retiring, unassuming, modest, demure, quiet, meek, humble; shy, bashful, unconfident, timid, timorous, shrinking, diffident, insecure, reserved, withdrawn, introvert, introverted, reticent, unforthcoming, unpresuming, unpretentious, unaggressive, unassertive, mousy, inconspicuous, unnoticeable, restrained, subdued, quiet, low-key, discreet, circumspect, understated, muted, subtle, played down, toned down, unostentatious, unshowy, relaxed, downbea Antonyms - bold, extrovert, obtrusive, conspicuous Mnemonics - something obtruding/protruding will be noticeable, UN(not)OBSTRUSIVE( undesirably noticeable) is unnoticeable and not blatant


Meaning - speak or complain in a weak, querulous, or foolish way. Usage - it's no good just bleating on about the rising tide of crime Synonyms - bark, cheer, coo, exclaim, growl, grunt, holler, howl, scream, shout, shriek, whoop Antonyms - be quiet Mnemonics - bleating is the sound made by a sheep when you beat it.


Meaning - speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner. Usage - he has been vilified in the press Synonyms - assail, berate, damn, decry, defame, denigrate, denounce, disparage, malign, mistreat, revile, slander, smear Antonyms - approve, cherish, commend, compliment, exalt, favor, flatter, glorify, laud, praise Mnemonics - Vilify (to speak ill of) is to make someone out to be a villain


Meaning - not having or showing foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless. Usage - improvident and undisciplined behaviour Synonyms - spendthrift, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful, prodigal, profligate, extravagant Antonyms - thrifty, cautious, provident Mnemonics - opposite of provident


Meaning - not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial. Usage - she dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way Synonyms - unemotional, non-emotional, unsentimental, emotionless, impassive, nonchalant, cool, collected, calm Antonyms - biased, interested, prejudiced Mnemonics - dis-passionate, without any passion usually people without passions are calm


Meaning - not interested or involved in politics. Usage - he took an apolitical stance Synonyms - straightforward, naive Antonyms - political Mnemonics - a=without + politics=political affairs.....i.e without political affairs.


Meaning - spend time making minor adjustments to one's hair, make-up, or clothes. Usage - girls were primping in front of the mirror Synonyms - groom, preen, prepare, slick, spruce, titivate, deck out, dress up, fix up, get dressed up, gussy up, smarten Antonyms - ignore, mess up , dirty Mnemonics - relate with pimp who grooms their girls for their clients.


Meaning - spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. Usage - prodigal habits die hard Synonyms - wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, imprudent, immoderate, profligate, thriftless, excessive, intemperate, irresponsible, self-indulgent, reckless, wanton Antonyms - thrifty, economical, parsimonious Mnemonics - In the movie The Prodigal Son, Jackie Chan led an extravagant and lavish life


Meaning - not open to objection, but not particularly new or exciting Usage - the unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law Synonyms - bright, exquisite, flawless, impeccable, neat, snowy, spotless, clean, errorless, faultless, irreproachable, pure, spick-and-span, spruce, stainless, taintless, trim, unsoiled, unsullied Antonyms - defective, dull, flawed, horrible, imperfect, corrupt, defiled, dirty, filthy, foul, immoral, impure, sinful, tainted, unclean, unsterile Mnemonics - expections in sofware engg/IT terms is one that has bugs. So unexceptionable is no exceptions i.e bug free code and hence completely agreeable to the client,office


Meaning - not practical, suitable, or advisable. Usage - because of his age, it was inexpedient to inflict punishment for the crime Synonyms - unadvisable, injudicious, unwise, impolitic, imprudent, incautious, irresponsible, thoughtless, careless, foolhardy, foolish, silly, wrong-headed, short-sighted; Antonyms - advisable, wise Mnemonics - IN(not) cannot take part in the expedition because you are not suitable or appropriate.


Meaning - stupid and confused Usage - blathering like the addlepated nincompoop that you are Synonyms - boob, idiot, nerd, blockhead, dimwit, dingbat, dolt, dope, dork, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fool, ignoramus, imbecile, loony, loser, simpleton, halfwit, lamebrain, mental defective Antonyms - brain, genius Mnemonics - add + lapate - (in hind)i some one who adds stories to his already fake (lapetna) stories is stupid and confused.


Meaning - swiftness of movement. Usage - Synonyms - alacrity, briskness, dispatch, expedition Antonyms - delay, rest, slowing Mnemonics - Relate to: Accelerate = Ac (celerity) = which means speed up something or doing something rapidly.


Meaning - take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use) Usage - the older models of car have now been superseded Synonyms - replace, supplant, displace, oust, overthrow, remove, unseat, override Antonyms - keep, retain, support, stay Mnemonics - when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old thing because it is OBSOLETE


Meaning - tending or able to change frequently or easily.; able to do many different things; versatile. Usage - it is difficult to comprehend the whole of this protean subject; protean thinkers who scan the horizons of work and society Synonyms - ever-changing, variable, changeable, mutable, kaleidoscopic, erratic, quicksilver, inconstant, inconsistent, unstable, unsteady, shifting, uneven, unsettled, fluctuating, chameleon-like, chameleonic, versatile, adaptable, flexible, all-round, multifaceted, multitalented, many-sided, resourceful, malleable Antonyms - constant, consistent, limited Mnemonics - If you eat proteins rather than carbohydrates you will be strong and flexible(versatile) rather than fat.


Meaning - the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people Usage - NA Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - the emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, sceptre, and other ornaments used at a coronation. Usage - the Bishop of Florence in full regalia Synonyms - insignia, array, crown, scepter Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - comes from regal which means royal


Meaning - the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.; the elevation of someone to divine status. Usage - his appearance as Hamlet was the apotheosis of his career; death spared Pompey the task of having to account for the apotheosis of Caesar Synonyms - culmination, climax, crowning moment, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith, apex, acme, apogee, high point Antonyms - nadir Mnemonics - Theos means god(you can remember it by THE O.S means the operating sytem that control's our live's must be god)AAP+THEOSis....aperson saying to another that aap toh god ho.....apotheosis.


Meaning - the irresistible pulchritude of her friend Usage - beauty. Synonyms - adorableness, allure, allurement, attraction, elegance, exquisiteness, glamor, handsomeness, loveliness, prettiness, shapeliness, good looks, physical attractiveness Antonyms - hideous Mnemonics - itude=attitude a girl who has high attitude ... she is beautiful


Meaning - the place of origin or earliest known history of something.; a record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality. Usage - an orange rug of Iranian provenance; the manuscript has a distinguished provenance Synonyms - origin, derivation, home, inception, source Antonyms - conclusion, effect, end, result Mnemonics - provenance = province+ance, remember when someone asks you: where do you belong to or to which province do you belong to?..which means whats your origin? Provenance=(Province of oneself )


Meaning - the point at which something is at its best or most highly developed. Usage - physics is the acme of scientific knowledge Synonyms - apogee, capstone, climax, culmination, height, meridian, optimum, peak, summit, top, ultimate, vertex, zenith Antonyms - base, bottom, nadir Mnemonics - Like acne=high points on skin(pimple).Acme=Highest point in ones work.


Meaning - the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food. Usage - traditional American gastronomy Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Gastronomy sounds like whenever guests cum to our home we serve them gud food.


Meaning - the quality of being changeable Usage - Caterpillars, on their way to becoming butterflies, display a great deal of mutability. Synonyms - alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity, instability, modification, motion, mutation Antonyms - rest, stagnation Mnemonics - An easy way to remember mutability is to think about a word it sounds like, mutant. A mutant is someone who has been changed, irrevocably, so mutability is the ability to change.


Meaning - the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness. Usage - he scorned the finer things in life and valued frugality and simplicity Synonyms - thriftiness, carefulness, scrimping and saving, conservation, good management; caution, prudence, providence, canniness; abstemiousness, abstinence, austerity, asceticism, self-discipline, restraint, moderation, puritanism, monasticism, monkish; miserliness, meanness, parsimonious, niggardliness, close-fist Antonyms - extravagance, generosity Mnemonics - Uncle Scrooge was frugal in all his endeavors


Meaning - the quality of being open and honest; frankness. Usage - a man of refreshing candour Synonyms - directness, fairness, frankness, honesty, outspokenness, probity, simplicity, sincerity, truthfulness Antonyms - deceit, dishonesty, lying, unfairness Mnemonics - Candor (Can + Do + r) During an interview you reflect your "Can Do" attitude to the interviewer.


Meaning - the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency. Usage - my builder has not probity Synonyms - integrity, honesty, uprightness, decency, morality, rectitude, goodness Antonyms - untrustworthy Mnemonics - PROBE-BETI... The father suspects the Daughter has taken to Drugs and compromised her INTEGRITY, so he probes/investigates the BETI


Meaning - the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. Usage - Bandolier got the correct answers to question 1, but gets a severe headache when asked to think about acid-base homeostasis. Synonyms - equilibrium, balance, evenness, stability, equanimity, equipoise Antonyms - imbalance, instability, unevenness Mnemonics - split it as homeo+status...i.e if you take homeo medicine then your status will be stable or the body system will maintain relative stability.


Meaning - unchanging over time or unable to be changed. Usage - an immutable fact Synonyms - unchangeable, fixed, set, rigid, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, permanent, entrenched, established Antonyms - variable, flexible Mnemonics - mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change


Meaning - understood or implied without being stated. Usage - your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement Synonyms - implicit, understood, implied Antonyms - explicit, stated Mnemonics - tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.


Meaning - unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient. Usage - both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened Synonyms - unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen, unpredictable, unpredicted Antonyms - expected, timely, appropriate Mnemonics - conditions which are not towards me are ==> untoward


Meaning - unpleasantly overpowering. Usage - an overbearing, ill-tempered brute Synonyms - domineering, dominating, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic, heavy-handed, oppressive, high-handed, bullying, high and mighty, lordly, lording it, officious, masterful, dictatorial, bossy, imperious, pontifical, pompous, peremptory, arrogant, cocksure, proud, overproud, overweening, presumptuous, opinionated, dogmatic; informalpushy, throwing one's weight about, cocky Antonyms - democratic, humble Mnemonics - we cant bear someone who is overbearing


Meaning - vain, excessively boastful, and have swelled pride Usage - Sennacherib was vainglorious and a bad administrator Synonyms - arrogant, blowing one's own horn, boasting, bragging, cavalier, cocky, conceited, egotistic, egotistical, haughty Antonyms - down to earth, salt of the earth Mnemonics - all your glorious achievements are in vain if you boast about them.


Meaning - very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail. Usage - she dressed with fastidious care Synonyms - scrupulous, punctilious, painstaking, meticulous, assiduous, sedulous, perfectionist, fussy, finicky, dainty, over-particular Antonyms - easy-going, sloppy Mnemonics - the word also means very careful in matters of taste...FAST+TEDIOUS....a person who takes tedious time to eat is fastidious


Meaning - very eager or curious to hear or see something. Usage - I'm all agog Synonyms - anxious, avid, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, excited, expectant, impatient, in suspense, on tenterhooks Antonyms - uninterested, incurious Mnemonics - Remember the song of Anil Kapoor: AG OG yeh bhi sunogi,kehta hu mai jo woh tum bhi sunoji..1 2 ka 4 4 2 ka 1, My name is lakhan.. ;) He is too excited in that song, and is curious to tell his story to everyone


Meaning - very good or skilful. Usage - he is a crack shot Synonyms - elite, expert, pro Antonyms - unskilled Mnemonics - we normally call a person crack when he delves deeply into some task and masters that


Meaning - very loyal and committed in attitude. Usage - a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby Synonyms - ardent, loyal, reliable, stalwart, steadfast, stout, trustworthy, fast, firm, secure, sound, stable, true Antonyms - disloyal, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy, weak Mnemonics - staunch= stay + uncha(hindi) means strongly committed if you keep your face up(uncha)


Meaning - vigour and spirit or enthusiasm. Usage - Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility Synonyms - gumption, gusto, intensity, liveliness, moxie, passion, pep, sparkle, spunk, stamina, toughness, vigor, vitality, zeal, zest, activity, ardor, dash, drive, endurance, fire, force, forcefulness, get-up-and-go, go, hardihood, juice, pizzazz, pluck, power, punch, spirit, steam, strength, vim, virility, zing, zip, élan Antonyms - apathy, cowardice, dullness, inactivity, indifference, laziness, lethargy, weakness, enervation, idleness, incompetence Mnemonics - Opposite is nerve (nervous)


Meaning - walk in a slow, relaxed manner.; a leisurely stroll. Usage - Adam sauntered into the room; a quiet saunter down the road Synonyms - stroll, amble, wander, meander, drift, maunder, potter, walk, promenade, ramble; Antonyms - run Mnemonics - we were sauntering in our Santro(car)..


Meaning - weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function). Usage - a noisy job could permanently impair their hearing Synonyms - damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, decrease, blunt, impede, hinder, mar, spoil, disable; undermine, compromise, threaten Antonyms - improve, enhance Mnemonics - Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure


Meaning - with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval. Usage - the reformers looked askance at the mystical tradition Synonyms - skeptically, suspiciously, askew, disapprovingly, disdainfully Antonyms - welcomingly, approvingly Mnemonics - when you are doubtful, you ask


Meaning -(of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive. Usage - his characteristically pithy comments Synonyms - cogent, concise, laconic, succinct, terse Antonyms - impotent, lengthy Mnemonics - pi-thy: the math symbol pi is concise and has great meaning


Meaning -elaborately or highly decorated. Usage - an ornate wrought-iron railing Synonyms - baroque, beautiful, elegant, embroidered, fancy, gaudy Antonyms - dull, offensive, plain Mnemonics - sounds like ORNAmenTe ..when many ornaments are used, the thing is ornated.


Meaning - accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant Usage - these children have been inured to violence Synonyms - harden, toughen, season, temper, condition Antonyms - sensitize Mnemonics - someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH


Meaning - composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances. Usage - he recovered his usual sangfroid Synonyms - aplomb, calmness, composure, coolness, equanimity Antonyms - animated, agitated Mnemonics - sang+froid sounds like sang-frog - a frog always looks cool and composed


Meaning - (of a person) not willing to divulge information. Usage - the sergeant seemed unforthcoming, so he enquired at the gate Synonyms - hidden, private, retired, secluded Antonyms - open, public, sociable Mnemonics - when one does not come forth with information.


Meaning - Phytosociology is the branch of science which deals with plant communities, their composition and development, and the relationships between the species within them Usage - NA Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. Usage - after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith Synonyms - dissenter, heretic, nonconformist Antonyms - follower, disciple Mnemonics - Apostles do not apostate


Meaning - a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable. Usage - his statement had a modicum of truth Synonyms - iota, ounce, shred, atom, crumb, dash, drop, fraction, fragment, grain Antonyms - lot, entirety, total, whole Mnemonics - MODICUM=MODERATE+INCOME


Meaning - an outcast. Usage - they were treated as social pariahs Synonyms - outcast, persona non grata, leper, reject, untouchable, undesirable; Antonyms - part of the herd Mnemonics - consider it as paraya.. which in Hindi means stranger.. hence it could be an outcast


Meaning - begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. Usage - manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand Synonyms - sprout, prosper Antonyms - wither, decrease Mnemonics - BARO(grow)+JIYO


Meaning - contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly. Usage - a craven abdication of his moral duty Synonyms - cowardly Antonyms - strong, fearless Mnemonics - Craven = C + Raven (Crow) - Crows are coward and leave the spot as soon as someone approaches them.


Meaning - peaceful in character or intent. Usage - a pacific gesture Synonyms - calm, friendly, neutral, quiet Antonyms - agitated, loud Mnemonics - when you have internal peace you tend to be pacific


Meaning - property inherited from one's father or male ancestor. Usage - owners refuse to part with their patrimony in the interests of agricultural development Synonyms - ancestry, endowment, estate, heritage, legacy, bequeathal Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Patri-> Paternal. Mony-> Money. Parimony = Paternal (Father) Money


Meaning - read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way. Usage - he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues Synonyms - analyze, browse, inspect, look through, pore over, scan, scrutinize, skim Antonyms - neglect, overlook Mnemonics - peruse can be split as.. pre(per)+use. pre means before . so before use always read with care


Meaning - stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore.; a promiscuous woman. Usage - the burning liquid iron was forming a scum of slag Synonyms - lava, ashes, cinders, dross, refuse, residue, scoria, recrement Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - What was lagged behind.. Waste.


Meaning - stop or restrict (a flow of blood) from a wound. Usage - he stanched the blood with whatever came to hand Synonyms - stop, firm Antonyms - regulate, flow Mnemonics - staunch is determinate,unmovable.Stanch(verb) is to make blood unmovable.


Meaning - the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. Usage - considerable ingenuity must be employed in writing software Synonyms - ability, brilliance, dexterity, flair, genius, gumption Antonyms - clumsiness, ignorance, inability Mnemonics - engine design requires ingenuity


Meaning - the state of sharing features or attributes. Usage - the explanations show a high degree of commonality in their reasoning Synonyms - common, commonalty, commoner, pleb, plebeian, populace, public Antonyms - different, disparate Mnemonics - can be remembered from common


Meaning - the state or quality of being doubtful; uncertainty. Usage - his enemies made much of the dubiety of his paternity Synonyms - doubtfulness, dubiousness, incertitude, indecision, uncertainty Antonyms - certainty Mnemonics - remember the word dubious.


Meaning - unable to be appeased or placated Usage - he was an implacable enemy of Ted's Synonyms - unappeasable, unpacifiable, unplacatable, unmollifiable, unforgiving, unsparing, grudge-holding; inexorable, intransigent, adamant, determined, unshakeable, unswerving, unwavering, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, relentless, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, pitiless, heartless, cruel, hard, harsh, stern, steely, tough Antonyms - compassionate, flexible, kind, placatable Mnemonics - IM(Not) + PLAC(Place) + ABLE = You will not a place in her heart.


Meaning - unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated. Usage - an unassailable lead Synonyms - impregnable, invulnerable, impenetrable, inviolable, invincible, unconquerable Antonyms - assailable, defenceless Mnemonics - assail means to attack so unassailable means unattackable


Meaning - unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable. Usage - the ineluctable facts of history Synonyms - inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable Antonyms - avoidable Mnemonics - IN(not)+ELECTABLE....that cannot be don't have choice to elect because there is no option hence you cannot escape from it.


Meaning - unpleasantly bitter or pungent. Usage - acrid smoke Synonyms - pungent, bitter, sharp, sour, tart, harsh, acid, acidic, acidulated, vinegary, acerbic, acetic, acetous Antonyms - sweet Mnemonics - sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive


Meaning - wrongdoing, especially (US) by a public official. Usage - The nail in the coffin so to speak has come rather recently, through the past year's scandals of broad corporate malfeasance. Synonyms - impropriety, misbehavior, misconduct Antonyms - behavior, manners, obedience Mnemonics - Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So Malfeasance means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.


Meaning - (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent Usage - a diaphanous dress of pale gold Synonyms - chiffon, clear, cobweblike, delicate, filmy, flimsy, gauzy, gossamer, light, pellucid, pure, sheer, thin, translucent, transparent Antonyms - thick, opaque Mnemonics - remember this sentence. il bet ul never forget it in ur life " modern gowns are diaphanous" .i.e transparent


Meaning - (especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting. Usage - a mordant sense of humour Synonyms - caustic, trenchant, biting, cutting Antonyms - vague, uncritical Mnemonics - more +daant = more teeth, so biting


Meaning - (of a man) confident, stylish, and charming. Usage - all the men looked debonair and handsome in white tie and tail Synonyms - suave, urbane, sophisticated, cultured, self-possessed, self-assured, confident, charming, gracious, well mannered, civil, courteous, gallant, chivalrous, gentlemanly, refined, polished, well bred, genteel, dignified, courtly Antonyms - unsophisticated Mnemonics - DEBOnair : DEBO sounds like BEBO which is Kareena kapoor whose very charming ,sauve and urbane. Shes also very cheerful all the times


Meaning - (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence. Usage - he watched himself with the most sedulous care Synonyms - diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough, assiduous, attentive, industrious, laborious, hard-working, conscientious Antonyms - nonchalant Mnemonics - to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course hardworking


Meaning - (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true. Usage - an apocryphal story about a former president Synonyms - fictitious, inaccurate, mythical, unsubstantiated, untrue Antonyms - true, authentic Mnemonics - APKO itna jyada CRY karne ka PHAL kuch nahi milne wala cozi know what ever u said is all UNTRUE,FALSE,MADE UP stories etc


Meaning - (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation Usage - laudable though the aim might be, the results have been criticized Synonyms - commendable, creditable, praiseworthy Antonyms - disrespected, unworthy Mnemonics - Manhattan residents were ABLE to show their LOUD (noisy) demonstration when they saw the Joker instead of LAUDABLE Batman.


Meaning - (of clothing) looking good on someone.; suitable or appropriate. Usage - what a becoming dress!; do not talk too much to your cousins, it's not becoming Synonyms - enhancing, fair, welcome Antonyms - improper, inappropriate, indecorous Mnemonics - BECOMING==BEES + COMING to flowers because flowers are attractive. So becoming==attractive. i dont know whether this mnemonic will help or not


Meaning - a long-bladed hand tool with a bevelled cutting edge and a handle which is struck with a hammer or mallet, used to cut or shape wood, stone, or metal.; cut or shape (something) with a chisel.; cheat or swindle (someone) out of something. Usage - cut away the tiles with a broad-bladed steel chisel; chisel a hole through the brickwork; he's chiselled me out of my dues Synonyms - blade, knife, adze, edge, gouge, cheat, dwindle Antonyms - honest Mnemonics - chisel sounds like diesel...we know there r lot of impure petroleum products sold so those who sell diesel chisel the customers.


Meaning - a native of Arcadia.; an idealized country dweller.; relating to an ideal pastoral paradise. Usage - a country life of arcadian contentment Synonyms - bucolic, country, innocent, provincial, rustic, simple Antonyms - city, metropolitan, sophisticated, urban Mnemonics - Remember from the movie 300, which had Arcadians fighting along side the Spartans, the Arcadians were mostly farmers and country dwellers.


Meaning - a newly coined word or expression. Usage - NA Synonyms - coinage, neology, slang, buzz word, new phrase, synthetic word, vogue word Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so 'neologism' means inventing new word.


Meaning - a permanent Church appointment, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties. Usage - NA Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. Usage - he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect Synonyms - distinction, gradation, hint, implication, nicety, refinement, subtlety Antonyms - brightness, information, light, lot Mnemonics - nuance = new + ounce.. and ounce is a very small unit for weight.. hence a very small difference.


Meaning - an act of washing oneself. Usage - the women performed their ablutions Synonyms - washing, cleansing, bathing, showering, scrubbing, purification; wash, bath, shower, toilet, soak, dip, douche Antonyms - dirty, messy Mnemonics - People believe they can obtain AB-so-LUTION(forgiveness for sins)by CLEANSING(Washing) themselves in the Ganges.


Meaning - comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment. Usage - she tried to console him but he pushed her gently away Synonyms - comfort, solace, condole with, give condolences to; sympathize with, express sympathy to, show compassion to, pity, commiserate with, show fellow feeling to; help, aid, support, cheer (up), gladden, hearten, encourage, reassure, fortify; soothe, ease, succour, assuage, alleviate Antonyms - distress, upset Mnemonics - con sa sol lagaye apke shoe me ki app comfort feel karenge


Meaning - conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable. Usage - it seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this modish jargon Synonyms - a la mode, all the rage, chic, contemporary, current, dashing, exclusive, faddy, fresh, happening, hip, in, in-thing, last-word, latest, mod, now, smart, stylish, swank, swish, trendy, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, vogue, voguish, with-it Antonyms - old-fashioned, unfashionable, unstylish Mnemonics - Just like GIRLISH is very girl like, MODISH can be related to MODEL LIKE...very fashonable!


Meaning - conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable. Usage - it seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this modish jargon Synonyms - fashionable, stylish, smart, chic, modern, contemporary, designer Antonyms - old-fashioned, unfashionable, unstylish Mnemonics - modish = mode (style) + ish.. thats is extremely stylish.. hence very fashionable..


Meaning - continuous change. Usage - the whole political system is in a state of flux Synonyms - continuous change, changeability, changeableness, variability, inconstancy, fluidity, instability, unsteadiness, unpredictability, irregularity, fitfulness, unreliability, fickleness Antonyms - stability Mnemonics - fLUX, the LUX company keeps changing its soap varieties, thers LUX pink, LUX black, LUX gold etc


Meaning - denoting or relating to the wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit, surviving mainly on clay tablets.; cuneiform writing. Usage - a cuneiform inscription; a Mesopotamian script pre-dating cuneiform Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - express (ideas or feelings) in words, especially by speaking out loud.; speak, especially at length and with little real content.; make (a word, especially a noun) into a verb. Usage - they are unable to verbalize their real feelings; the dangers of verbalizing about art Synonyms - articulate, blab, chat, communicate, converse, enunciate, express, gab, mouth, mumble, pronounce, rap, say, shout, sound, state, talk, tell, utter, vocalize, voice, whisper, yak, yammer, break silence, make known, open one's mouth, put into words Antonyms - ask, be quiet, conceal, hide, listen, mumble, question Mnemonics - Verbalize and sermonize sound the same and mean, a speech.


Meaning - impossible to doubt; unquestionable. Usage - an indubitable truth Synonyms - unquestionable, undoubtable, indisputable, unarguable, inarguable, undebatable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, incontrovertible, unmistakable, unequivocal, certain, sure, positive, definite, absolute, conclusive, emphatic, categorical, compelling, watertight, clear, clear-cut; Antonyms - doubtful Mnemonics - in doubtable


Meaning - inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true. Usage - Germans were dogmatic about the ideas of Hitler. Synonyms - adamant, opinionated, inflexible, rigid Antonyms - low-key, tempted, open minded, flexible Mnemonics - can be remembered from dog, dogs only listen to their owners and obey their commands like gods will.


Meaning - not harmful or offensive. Usage - it was an innocuous question Synonyms - harmless, safe, non-dangerous, non-poisonous, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-injurious, innocent; edible, eatable, wholesome, inoffensive, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, harmless, mild, peaceful, gentle, tame, insipid; anodyne, bland, unremarkable, commonplace, run-of-the-mill Antonyms - harmful, obnoxious Mnemonics - in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless


Meaning - stingy, miserly Usage - his son was astonished by his niggardliness Synonyms - avidity, covetousness, cupidity, frugality, greediness, miserliness, parsimony, penuriousness, rapacity, stinginess, thrift, close-fistedness, grabbiness, penny- pinching Antonyms - generosity, philanthropy Mnemonics - remember from ****** - black people who live in extreme poverty and thus are ver stingy


Meaning - swell or cause to swell by pressure from inside. Usage - the abdomen distended rapidly after lunch Synonyms - expand, dilate, swell, bloat, bulge Antonyms - shrink, contract Mnemonics - try to relate it with dis means distance and extend means to expand.


Meaning - the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation. Usage - asking that question was the nadir of my career Synonyms - rock bottom, base, bottom, floor Antonyms - zenith, acme, climax Mnemonics - na+gir meaning from where one cannot fall that is the lowest point.


Meaning - (chiefly of large mammals) roll about or lie in mud or water, especially to keep cool or avoid biting insects.; (of a boat or aircraft) roll from side to side.; (of a person) indulge in an unrestrained way in (something that one finds pleasurable). Usage - there were watering places where buffalo liked to wallow; a ship wallowing in stormy seas ; I was wallowing in the luxury of the hotel Synonyms - loll about/around, lie about/around, tumble about/around, splash about/around; slosh, wade, paddle, slop, squelch, welter, roll, lurch, toss (about), plunge, reel, sway, rock, flounder, keel, list; labour, make heavy weather, luxuriate, bask, take pleasure, take satisfaction, indulge (oneself), delight, revel, glory Antonyms - steady, straighten Mnemonics - Wild Buffalo: A wild buffalo likes to wallow itself in mud.


Meaning - (especially of something offered or discharged) very plentiful; abundant. Usage - I offered my profuse apologies Synonyms - abounding, alive with, ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful, copious, crawling with, dime a dozen Antonyms - lacking, sparse, wanting Mnemonics - Prof+ use PROFessors use ABUNDANT resources to teach students


Meaning - (especially of sound) sweet and soothing (often used ironically). Usage - record the dulcet tones of your family and friends Synonyms - agreeable, musical, pleasing to the ear, pleasurable, sweet, sweet-sounding Antonyms - harsh Mnemonics - DIL SE song sounds sweet to the ear.


Meaning - (especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial.; health-giving. Usage - it failed to draw salutary lessons from Britain's loss of its colonies; the salutary Atlantic air Synonyms - beneficial, good, good for one, advantageous, profitable, productive, helpful, useful, of use, of service, valuable, worthwhile, practical; relevant, timely, healthy, health-giving, healthful, salubrious, beneficial, good for one's health, wholesome Antonyms - unwelcome, irrelevant, unhealthy, unwholesome Mnemonics - relate to you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.


Meaning - (in modern literature) a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead. Usage - he wrote an elegy for his father Synonyms - lament, dirge, plaint, requiem Antonyms - humor Mnemonics - sounds like eulogy


Meaning - (of a comment or fact) cause continuing annoyance or resentment.; (of a wound or sore) continue to be painful; fester. Usage - the casual manner of his dismissal still rankles; the wound is but skinned over and rankles still at the bottom Synonyms - anger, bother, embitter, exasperate, gall, harass, hurt, inflame, irk, rile, torment, vex, aggravate, chafe, fester, fret, mortify, nettle, obsess, pain, pester, plague, get one's goat Antonyms - aid, assist, calm, comfort, delight, help, make happy, pacify, placate, please, soothe, appease, mollify Mnemonics - R+ANKLE...focus..on a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you. Also Rankle= Red+Ankle which means when ur ankle turns red it pains a lot


Meaning - (of a factor or situation) acting in mitigation to lessen the seriousness of guilt or an offence. Usage - hunger and poverty are not treated by the courts as extenuating circumstances Synonyms - condoning, diminishing, justifying, lessening Antonyms - aggravating Mnemonics - eating with your ex in the presence of your girlfriend. this offence can only be mitigated by an expensive gift.


Meaning - (of a fault or offence) slight and pardonable. Usage - he had compounded a number of venial failings with the mortal sin of adultery Synonyms - pardonable, forgivable, excusable, condonable, tolerable, permissible, allowable, understandable, justifiable Antonyms - unforgivable, unpardonable, mortal Mnemonics - ven + ial (ill) when child is ill, his mischievousness is forgiveable


Meaning - (of a man) concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way. Usage - he is foppish and vain Synonyms - dandyish, dandified, dapper, dressy, spruce; affected, dainty, preening, vain; effeminate, effete, girly, niminy-piminy, mincing, posturing Antonyms - hippie, unconcerned Mnemonics - fop-ish = pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed and they have a very bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool !


Meaning - (of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting. Usage - he eyed her with wide, ingenuous eyes Synonyms - naive, innocent, simple, childlike, trusting, trustful, over-trusting, unwary, unsuspicious, unguarded, unsceptical, uncritical, unworldly, wide-eyed, inexperienced, green; open, sincere, honest, frank, candid, undeceitful; direct, forthright, artless, guileless, genuine, unaffected, unstudied, unsophisticated Antonyms - disingenuous, artful, deceitful, dishonest, sly Mnemonics - ingenious is someone who is clever while ingenuous is someone who is artless and naive, innocent


Meaning - (of a person or animal) full of spirit and courage; lively. Usage - their horses were beasts of burden, not mettlesome chargers Synonyms - spirited, game, gritty, intrepid, fearless, courageous, hardy, brave, plucky, gallant, valiant Antonyms - perfunctory, uninterested Mnemonics - remember it by breaking it as ... mettlesome - mettle + some or metal + some.. some one who(who's spirit) is as strong as metal and hence courageous.


Meaning - (of a person or movement) awkward; clumsy. Usage - an ungainly walk Synonyms - awkward, clumsy, ungraceful, graceless, inelegant, gawky, gangling, maladroit, gauche, inept, blundering, bungling, bumbling, lumbering, uncoordinated; inexpert, unskilful, unhandy, oafish, bovine, like a bull in a china Antonyms - graceful, elegant Mnemonics - un(means NOT) + GAINly...a model who LACKS GRACE IN HER MOVEMENT OR IF SHE WALKS IN AN AWKWARD manner on the ramp, will NOT GAIN popularity.


Meaning - (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.; very concerned to avoid doing wrong. Usage - the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail; she's too scrupulous to have an affair with a married man Synonyms - conscientious, fastidious, fussy, honest, meticulous, painstaking, precise, rigorous, strict Antonyms - careless, dishonest, easy, easy-going, false Mnemonics - SCREW+PULL+US -- Mountaineers use screws/pegs (where the rope is tied) to pull the crew up in case anybody slips .. It requires a great deal of effort and thoroughness (question of life and death)


Meaning - (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.; a situation of hurried and confused movement.; a flurry of rain or snow. Usage - pedestrians scurried for cover ; I was in such a scurry; the sled disappeared in a scurry of snow Synonyms - bustle, dart, dash, hurry, rip, scamper, scoot, scuttle, sprint, whisk, zip, barrel, dust, fly, hasten, race, run, rush, scud, shoot, skim, tear, whirl, hop along, scutter, step along; scamper, scuttle, bustle, skip, trot, hurry, hasten, make haste, rush, race, dash, run, sprint; scutter Antonyms - amble, stroll Mnemonics - scurry..sounds like SCARY...SO if you see something move hastily from that place.


Meaning - (of a person or their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed. Usage - she's an incorrigible flirt Synonyms - hardened, abandoned, beastly Antonyms - good, manageable Mnemonics - (in)corr(gible)==in eligible to be corrected or cant be corrected


Meaning - (of a person or their body) thin, supple, and graceful. Usage - the kind of outfit that should be left to lissom teenagers Synonyms - supple, lithe, limber, graceful, elegant, spry, flexible, loose-limbed, agile, nimble, deft, dexterous, fit Antonyms - portly Mnemonics - When you meet SOME pretty LISSOME ballerinas, you want to KISS'EM.


Meaning - (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly. Usage - an indefatigable defender of human rights Synonyms - tireless, untiring, never-tiring, unwearied, unwearying, unflagging Antonyms - idle, feeble Mnemonics - IN + DEFAT (DEFEAT) (ig) + ABLE....someone who INDEFEATABLE is TIRELESS, FULL OF VITALITY.


Meaning - (of a person or their manner) gloomy. Usage - a saturnine temperament Synonyms - gloomy, sombre, melancholy, melancholic, moody, miserable, lugubrious, dour, glum, unsmiling Antonyms - cheerful, jovial Mnemonics - Saturn = Shani, Shani = makes wrong things happen in one's life (astronomically) so meaning = gloomy, unhappy, morose.Just remember saturns rings-->glommy,dull,faroff planet


Meaning - (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.; Usage - bouts of listless depression Synonyms - drowsy, dull, inert, lackadaisical, languid, leaden, lethargic, lifeless, lukewarm, passive, sleepy, sluggish Antonyms - energetic, lively Mnemonics - I lost my list of universities to apply, Now I am lacking spirit because I am LISTLESS


Meaning - (of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked. Usage - a battery of heinous crimes Synonyms - abhorrent, abominable, atrocious, flagrant, hateful, hideous, horrendous, infamous, nefarious, odious, outrageous, revolting, scandalous, shocking, unspeakable, vicious, Antonyms - delightful, friendly, good, kind, likeable, lovable, mild, moral, nice, pleasant, pleasing, respectable, virtuous, wonderful, glorious, lovely, magnificent Mnemonics - heinous -> hey + anus, you call someone that if you hate him or if he's atrocious.


Meaning - (of a person) easy to control or influence. Usage - she has always been tractable and obedient, even as a child, (of a situation or problem) easy to deal with. Synonyms - controllable, manageable, malleable, governable, yielding, amenable, complaisant, compliant; adjustable; docile, submissive, obedient, tame, meek, easily handled, biddable, persuadable, persuasible, accommodating, trusting, gullible, dutiful, willing, unassertive, passive, deferential, humble, obsequious, servile, sycophantic Antonyms - obstinate, defiant, recalcitrant Mnemonics - Tractable sounds like tractor ,which makes it easy to manage a field .


Meaning - (of a person) formidable, especially as an opponent. Usage - he was a redoubtable debater Synonyms - formidable, awe-inspiring, fearsome, daunting, alarming; impressive Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - redoubtable can be re+doubt(able) if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR


Meaning - (of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction. Usage - the crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive Synonyms - agitated, fractious, jittery, recalcitrant, restless, tense, uneasy, unruly, balky, contrary, edgy, fidgety, fretful, froward, ill at ease, jumpy, nervy, obstinate, on edge, ornery, perverse, refractory, stubborn, unyielding Antonyms - easy-going, laid-back, obedient, calm, collected, patient Mnemonics - Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless


Meaning - (of a person) unrestrained in showing feelings, especially those of affection.; serving as conclusive evidence of something. Usage - we were a very physically demonstrative family; demonstrative evidence Synonyms - expressive, open, forthcoming, emotional, communicative, responsive, unreserved, unrestrained Antonyms - undemonstrative, reserved, indicative, indicatory, suggestive Mnemonics - to demonstrate means to clarify giving examples


Meaning - (of a place) extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.; showing or involving a contemptible lack of moral standards. Usage - the squalid, overcrowded prison; a squalid attempt to save themselves from electoral embarrassment Synonyms - dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, mucky, slummy, slum-like, foul, vile, low, poor, sorry, wretched, dismal, dingy, miserable, mean, nasty, seedy, shabby, sordid, sleazy, insalubrious, slovenly, repulsive, disgusting; improper, sordid, unseemly, unsavoury, sleazy, seedy, seamy, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, cheap, base, low, low-minded, nasty, debased, degenerate, depraved Antonyms - bright, clean, clear, good Mnemonics - SQUASHED + LID...If a LIDED can is SQUASHED, it gets everything filthy. ; also can be remembered from squalor


Meaning - (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.; present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful. Usage - in captivity tigers are prolific breeders; mahogany was once prolific in the tropical forests Synonyms - creative, rich, abounding, abundant, bountiful, breeding Antonyms - barren, fruitless, impotent, unfruitful Mnemonics - "Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were PROLIFIC.


Meaning - (of a product) made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.; not real or genuine. Usage - ersatz coffee; ersatz emotion Synonyms - artificial, substitute, imitation, synthetic, fake, false, faux, mock, simulated Antonyms - genuine Mnemonics - an engineer (ER) giving the SAT paper, which will be fake/substitue, since SAT is given by 12th pass, not graduates


Meaning - (of a sound or voice) quiet and soft. Usage - the muted hum of the distant traffic Synonyms - dampen, subdue, soften, muzzle Antonyms - liberate, increase, voice Mnemonics - you mute your headphones when you want to listen to something said in a quiet or soft voice.


Meaning - (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. Usage - her low mellifluous voice Synonyms - sweet-sounding, sweet-toned, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious Antonyms - cacophonous Mnemonics - the music played by a 'Flute' is mellifluous.


Meaning - (of an organization or individual) reduce costs or spending in response to economic difficulty.; reduce (something) in extent or quantity. Usage - as a result of the recession the company retrenched; right-wing parties which seek to retrench the welfare state Synonyms - economize, cut back, make cutbacks, make savings, make economies, reduce expenditure, be economical, be sparing, be frugal, budget, tighten one's belt, husband one's resources, draw in one's horns, save, scrimp and save, cut corners Antonyms - lavish, spendthrift Mnemonics - go back to trench, live in the bare minimum


Meaning - (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation. Usage - verdant valleys Synonyms - flourishing, grassy, leafy, lush Antonyms - dying Mnemonics - after getting a verdaan from brahma he was green with joy


Meaning - (of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed.; not able to be forgotten. Usage - Synonyms - enduring, lasting, memorable, stirring, unforgettable, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inerasable, inexpungible, inextirpable, ingrained, permanent Antonyms - delible, destructible, erasable, impermanent Mnemonics - indelible: in + delete + able- which can't be deleted


Meaning - (with reference to a scent, sound, etc.) pass or cause to pass gently through the air.; move with a gliding motion.; a gentle movement of air. Usage - the smell of stale fat wafted out from the cafe; models wafted down the catwalk in filmy organza skirts; from the kitchen comes a waft of roasting meat Synonyms - drift, float, bear, blow, convey, ride, transmit, transport, be carried Antonyms - hold, keep, take Mnemonics - Can be remembered from Luftwaffe !


Meaning - Open to bribery; mercenary Usage - a venal police officer Synonyms - amoral, corrupt, crooked, dishonest, immoral, unethical, unscrupulous, bent, buyable, conscienceless, double-dealing, mercenary, on the take, padded, purchasable, unprincipled, unprofessional Antonyms - ethical, good, honest, moral, noble, principled, pure, right, scrupulous, trustworthy, truthful, uncorrupt, upright Mnemonics - venal & penal are rhyming penal is something related to that way we can remember venal as a crime(corruption).


Meaning - Someone who is unfailingly cheerful — no matter what Usage - her Pollyannaish character Synonyms - cheerful, upbeat, optimistic Antonyms - grim, sad, dejected Mnemonics - pollyannaish= pollyanna+ish "Pollyanna," the heroine of Eleanor H. Porter's famous novel "Pollyanna" (1913), whose outlook on life was one of absolute optimism and whose problems were always straightened out in the end.


Meaning - The quality or condition of being scanty or meager. Usage - an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes Synonyms - absence, dearth, inadequacy, loss, paucity Antonyms - abundance, affluence, enough Mnemonics - ex - guilty - so a person who has been guilty of a crime has scanty or no friends left


Meaning - The solemn dedication to a special purpose or service, usually religious. Usage - Refusing to recognize the new archbishop of Canterbury, William of Corbeil, as his superior, Thurstan took no part in his consecration, and on two occasions both archbishops carried their complaints in person to Rome. Synonyms - anointing, blessing, canonization, dedication, devotion, exaltation, glorification, ordination Antonyms - apathy, condemnation Mnemonics -


Meaning - a bad-tempered or surly person. Usage - a curmudgeon housekeeper Synonyms - bad-tempered person; crank Antonyms - amenable, calm, happy Mnemonics - Cur-mud-geon Car mud main gone... to driver went bad tempered... i.e. curmudgeon.


Meaning - a beginner or novice. Usage - In fact, the merest tyro in military matters knows where the fault lies. Synonyms - abecedarian, amateur, apprentice, cadet, colt Antonyms - expert, professional, professor, teacher Mnemonics - tyro...sounds like try karo....a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.


Meaning - a breach of good manners; an instance of incorrect behaviour. Usage - it would have been a solecism to answer the question Synonyms - faux pas, gaffe, breach of etiquette, impropriety, piece of indecorum, social indiscretion Antonyms - accuracy, certainty, correction, correctness, praise, truth Mnemonics - When someone's shoe sole comes out it is a social blunder.


Meaning - a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing. Usage - a proclivity for hard work Synonyms - penchant, predilection, predisposition, propensity, bent, bias, disposition, druthers, facility, flash, groove, inclining, leaning, proneness, type, weakness, cup of tea, liableness, thing for Antonyms - antipathy, disinclination, dislike, hate Mnemonics - Acclivity- an upward slope; Declivity --a downward slope; Proclivity -- a natural inclination


Meaning - abstinence from alcoholic drink or any other kinds of food Usage - the temperance movement Synonyms - abnegation, abstemiousness, asceticism, astringency, austerity, conservatism, constraint, continence, control, discretion, forbearance, forgoing, frugality, measure, moderateness, moderation, moderatism, mortification, prohibition, prudence, reasonableness, restraint, sacrifice, self-control, self-denial, self-discipline, soberness, sobriety, stoicism, teetotalism Antonyms - agitation, allowance, carelessness, indulgence Mnemonics - TEMPORARY..temperanceis temporary ,transient as no one can abstain from eating good and delicious food


Meaning - abundant in supply or quantity. Usage - she took copious notes Synonyms - abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample, profuse, full, extensive, considerable, substantial, generous, bumper, lavish, fulsome, liberal, bountiful, overflowing, abounding, teeming Antonyms - Mnemonics - COP(police)....cops are found everywhere...on streets,in bars,in rallies,on the border...hence they are plentiful...hence COPIOUS means in abundance


Meaning - accept , overlook Usage - the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs Synonyms - accept, disregard, approve, overlook Antonyms - condemn, punish Mnemonics - using a condom(which sounds like condone)cannot be overlooked!!


Meaning - act in an excessively subservient manner. Usage - she didn't have to kowtow to a boss Synonyms - cave in, genuflect, pander Antonyms - ignore, straighten Mnemonics - Sounds like kow -> go tow -> toe. Kowtow is "go toe" and hence go and touch others toe


Meaning - an ancestor. Usage - generations of his forebears had lived in London Synonyms - forefather, forerunner, progenitor Antonyms - descendant Mnemonics - ForeBears Means those who BEAR you beFORE. I means ancestors(Parents , Grand parents)


Meaning - an expression of praise or admiration. Usage - poignant accolades and urgent testimonials of thanks Synonyms - tribute, commendation, acclaim, applause, ovation, acclamation, approval, admiration, approbation, testimonial, praise, welcome, flattery, kudos, adulation, homage, compliment, pat on the back, eulogy, encomium, panegyric Antonyms - criticism Mnemonics - it sounds like chocolate.. parents accolade if kids do home work properly


Meaning - an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property. Usage - tinder-dry conditions sparked fears of a conflagration in many drought-devastated communities Synonyms - fire, blaze, flames, inferno, firestorm, holocaust Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - during Indian National Movement ---in hindi Kaun(CON) (FLAG) leka(R) na(TION) mein independence ki maang k liye janta k dil mein AAG/FIRE lagane mein successful hua? Mahatma Gandhi


Meaning - an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation. Usage - the abdication imbroglio of 1936 Synonyms - brouhaha, entanglement, quandary, spat, squabble, altercation, argument, bickering, brawl, broil, complexity, complication, dispute, embarrassment, embroilment, flack, involvement, miff, quarrel, row, run-in, falling-out, knock-down-drag-out, soap opera Antonyms - agreement, ease, harmony, peace, simplicity, peacemaking Mnemonics - IM+brog(=frog)+lio(=lion). Suppose in a play, you have to choose between characters of frog and lion, you will be in a complicated situation.


Meaning - an image or representation of someone or something. Usage - a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper Synonyms - archetype, carbon, cast, clone, counterfeit Antonyms - difference Mnemonics - SIMULACRUM = SIMULATION


Meaning - an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way. Usage - his propensity for violence Synonyms - tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, susceptibility, liability, disposition; aptness, penchant, leaning, predilection, bent, habit, weakness Antonyms - disinclination, hatred, dislike Mnemonics - prop + city = people get propelled towards city only because of strong inclination towards city life


Meaning - an innocent or unsophisticated young woman. Usage - the ingenue lady Synonyms - babe, child, dupe, greenhorn Antonyms - artful, guile Mnemonics - remember this as a female ingenuous


Meaning - an unfilled space; a gap. Usage - the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies Synonyms - break, cavity, depression, gap, hiatus, interim, interval, opening, space Antonyms - closure, continuation, continuity, misfortune Mnemonics - acuna .. sounds like lack you ...meaning of word is something which you lack


Meaning - an urgent need or demand. Usage - women worked long hours when the exigencies of the family economy demanded it Synonyms - need, demand, requirement, want; necessity, essential, requisite, urgency, emergency, extremity, crisis, difficulty, pressure Antonyms - benefit, blessing, fortune Mnemonics - exigency ~ exit + emergency; you remember the emergency exit, only when at the time of an urgent situation.


Meaning - anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment. Usage - the letter filled Lucy with indignation Synonyms - resentment, umbrage, affront, disgruntlement, anger, distress, unhappiness, discontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure, hurt, pain, upset, offence, pique, spleen, crossness, exasperation, vexation, irritation, annoyance, chagrin Antonyms - contentment Mnemonics - think of india + nation, where its' very difficult to get justice. So you are angry at an injustice


Meaning - childishly silly and immature. Usage - a puerile argument Synonyms - baby-like, infantile, childish Antonyms - grown-up, mature Mnemonics - PUERILE=PURE+CHILD. A child is always pure so puerile means childish.


Meaning - compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something. Usage - the athletes were vying for a place in the British team Synonyms - compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle Antonyms - agree, aid, assist Mnemonics - Vie and shy are rhyming words. Vie, is to compete with someone, but, shy is the shy away from public (do not come forward)


Meaning - complete, utter. Usage - what arrant nonsense! Synonyms - utter, downright, thoroughgoing, absolute, complete, thorough Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Are + Ant - Ant in Hindi means to go till the end, to completely perform your duties..hence the meaning complete.


Meaning - consisting of or turned into bone; ossified. Usage - The wing of the bat bears a considerable resemblance to that of the insect, inasmuch as it consists of a delicate, semi-transparent, continuous membrane, supported in divers directions, particularly towards its anterior margin, by a system of osseous stays or stretchers which confer upon it the degree of rigidity requisite for flight. Synonyms - bony Antonyms - beefy Mnemonics - root word is OS-OS in a system is back bone of any computer. so its a bone


Meaning - corresponding in size or degree; in proportion. Usage - salary will be commensurate with age and experience Synonyms - equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate, proportional Antonyms - disproportionate Mnemonics - SPLIT AS COMMON - ENSURED -RATE. WHICH MEANS, OUR RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT!


Meaning - damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel. Usage - he claimed that the article defamed his family Synonyms - libel, slander, malign, cast aspersions on, smear, traduce, blacken the name/character of, give someone a bad name, defame someone's character, sully someone's reputation, run down, speak ill/evil of, back-bite, run a smear campaign against, calumniate, vilify, besmirch, tarnish, stigmatize, disparage, denigrate, discredit, decry, insult Antonyms - commend, compliment, appluad Mnemonics - de(do away with) + taking away somebody's fame...defaming someone.


Meaning - dangerously high or steep.; (of a change to a worse situation or condition) sudden and dramatic. Usage - the track skirted a precipitous drop; a precipitous slide in the government's popularity Synonyms - abrupt, craggy, dizzying, sharp Antonyms - calm, flat, kind, nice Mnemonics - The mountain PRECIPIce is very PRECIPITOUS


Meaning - dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist; (of liquid) dark and dirty; not clear; obscure or morally questionable. Usage - the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling; the murky silt of a muddy pond; a government minister with a murky past Synonyms - dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, overcast, cloudy, clouded, sunless, foggy, misty, dismal, dreary, bleak, louring, threatening, cheerless, depressing, shadowy, sombre Antonyms - bright, sunny, clear, innocent Mnemonics - murky - Nurky i.e. like a nurk (hell)


Meaning - dark or dull in colour or tone; having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness. Usage - the night skies were sombre and starless; he looked at her with a sombre expression Synonyms - dark, dark-coloured, dull, dull-coloured, drab, dingy, shady; restrained, subdued, sober, funereal, severe, austere, solemn, earnest, serious, grave, sober, unsmiling, poker-faced, stern, grim, dour, humourless, stony-faced Antonyms - bright, cheerful, encouraging, excited, flippant, funny, happy, hopeful, joyful, light, lively, luminous Mnemonics - "somber" or somvar - in hindi & bengali is monday , so its always "gloomy & depressing" to go to office on monday after sunday


Meaning - dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent. Usage - they told bawdy jokes Synonyms - ribald, indecent, risqué, racy, rude, spicy, suggestive, titillating, naughty, improper, indelicate, indecorous, off colour, earthy, broad, locker-room, Rabelaisian; pornographic, obscene, vulgar, crude, coarse, gross, lewd, dirty, filthy, smutty, unseemly, salacious, prurient, lascivious, licentious Antonyms - clean, innocent Mnemonics - A Female actor showing her body on screen in considered Indecent and obscene by hypocrites


Meaning - deceit used in order to achieve one's goal. Usage - he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions Synonyms - trickery, intrigue, deviousness, evasion, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, guile, cunning, craft, craftiness, slyness, chicanery, bluff, pretence, fraud, fraudulence, sophistry, sharp practice Antonyms - honesty, openness Mnemonics - subterfuge: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrical fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections


Meaning - demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight. Usage - a mood of bellicose jingoism Synonyms - antagonistic, combative, threatening Antonyms - agreeable, calm, easygoing Mnemonics - lets break bellicose as belli + cose ...belli we can remember as sumo's with huge bellis will fight (wrestleling) each belli-cose means a warlike


Meaning - denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful. Usage - the halcyon days of the mid 1980s, when profits were soaring Synonyms - serene, calm, pleasant, balmy, tranquil, peaceful, temperate, mild, quiet, gentle, placid, stil Antonyms - stormy, troubled Mnemonics - halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a will understand what I mean


Meaning - dependent on chance; uncertain; not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse Usage - the perfunctory work by the top executives, has brought the future of the company to a precarious situation. Synonyms - uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable Antonyms - safe, secure Mnemonics - what we do before starting something unsafe or risky, we say our prayers. so: PRAY + KARI + US = precarious


Meaning - depending on the throw of a dice or on chance; random. Usage - the aleatory element in life Synonyms - accidental, haphazard, impromptu, random, spontaneous, unexpected Antonyms - deliberate, designed, intended Mnemonics - alligator(rhymes with aleator+y) it depends on your chance whether you'll survive an attack by an alligator


Meaning - doing something both skillfully and gently, or effortlessly Usage - Lois deftly removed her scarf Synonyms - beautifully, cautiously, elegantly, exquisitely, finely, gracefully, lightly, sensitively, skillfully, softly, subtly, tactfully, daintily, fastidiously, precisely Antonyms - indelicately, strongly, uncarefully Mnemonics - deft- sounds like theft , if a theft is to take place, then it should be neat and skillfull,else police will trace it.


Meaning - easily recognizable; obvious. Usage - she was smiling with patent insincerity Synonyms - obvious, clear, plain, evident, apparent, manifest, self-evident Antonyms - unobtrusive, inconspicuous Mnemonics - relate it with patient....when you enter a hospital, you can easily judge a patient from the others. Something easily seen.


Meaning - expressing or characterized by vehement opinions. Usage - he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover Synonyms - boisterous, clamorous, noisy, shrill, strident, vehement, clamant, distracting, loud-mouthed, obstreperous, ranting, shouting, uproarious, vociferant Antonyms - low, quiet, silent, soft Mnemonics - VOICE + FURIOUS = noisy


Meaning - extremely complex and difficult to follow. Usage - the film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens Synonyms - complicated, complex, involved, intricate, elaborate, impenetrable, serpentine, labyrinthine, tortuous, tangled, Byzantine, Daedalian Antonyms - simple, straightforward Mnemonics - Breaking into a VAULT is COMPLICATED (convoluted)


Meaning - extremely hungry. Usage - I'd been out all day and was ravenous Synonyms - ferocious, greedy, insatiable, rapacious, voracious Antonyms - satisfied, full Mnemonics - sounds like RAVAN.. we can understand how hungry one would get to feed his 10 heads.


Meaning - extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself. Usage - the charity cares for destitute children Synonyms - penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, poor, impecunious, indigent, down and out, pauperized, without a penny to one's name, without two farthings/pennies to rub together Antonyms - rich Mnemonics - desi+tit+cute like prostitute ->they r poor thats why they get into prostitution.


Meaning - faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.; the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced. Usage - his fidelity to liberal ideals; the 1949 recording provides reasonable fidelity Synonyms - devotion, loyalty, allegiance, ardor, attachment, constancy, dependability, devotedness, faith, fealty, integrity, piety, reliability, staunchness, steadfastness, trustworthiness, true-heartedness Antonyms - enmity, disloyalty, faithlessness, inconstancy, infidelity, lying, nonconformity, treachery, unsteadiness, vacillation, wavering Mnemonics - agar tum apni wife par "fida" hoge toh phir tum loyal hoge


Meaning - feel or express discontent; fret. Usage - you mustn't let yourself repine Synonyms - fret, be/feel unhappy, mope, languish, eat one's heart out, be/feel miserable, be/feel upset, be/feel despondent, brood; lament, grieve, mourn, sorrow, pine, agonize Antonyms - be happy, compliment, dislike, hate, praise Mnemonics - Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine


Meaning - feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire. Usage - he gave her a lascivious wink Synonyms - lecherous, lewd, lustful, licentious, libidinous, goatish, salacious, wanton, lubricious, prurient, dirty, smutty, filthy, naughty, suggestive, indecent, ribald; debauched, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, dissipated, unchaste, loose; Antonyms - puritanical, ascetic Mnemonics - LASCiViouS: Las Vegas: Lustful people go there!


Meaning - gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or neglect. Usage - the imagination can atrophy from lack of use Synonyms - waste away, waste, become emaciated, wither, shrivel, shrivel up, shrink, become shrunken, dry up, decay, wilt; decline, deteriorate, degenerate, grow weak, weaken, become debilitated, become enfeebled, dwindle, deteriorate, decline, wane, fade, fade away, fade out, give in, give up, give way, crumble, disintegrate, collapse, slump, go downhill, draw to a close, subside Antonyms - strengthen, flourish, ascent, betterment, development, improvement, increase, rise Mnemonics - A + trophy; Even after many years of practice, he didn't win a trophy, so that was just wastage of his energy.


Meaning - great depth of insight or knowledge. Usage - the simplicity and profundity of the message Synonyms - solidity, sophistication, acumen, astuteness, balance, brains, caution, circumspection, comprehension, depth, discernment, discrimination, enlightenment, erudition, experience, foresight, gumption, information, insight, intelligence, judgment, judiciousness, knowledge, learning, penetration, perspicacity, poise, practicality, prudence, reason, sagaciousness, sagacity, sanity, sapience, savvy, shrewdness, stability, understanding Antonyms - ignorance, imprudence, inability, ineptness, instability, misinterpretation, mistake, misunderstanding, stupidity, thoughtlessness Mnemonics - property and funds buried deep (in thoughts)


Meaning - great wealth or luxuriousness. Usage - rooms of spectacular opulence Synonyms - luxuriousness, sumptuousness, lavishness, richness, lushness, luxury, luxuriance, splendour, magnificence, grandeur, splendidness, grandiosity, costliness, fanciness Antonyms - restraint, simplicity, poverty Mnemonics - OPUL REMENBER OPEL AND LANCE MEANS LANCER CAR PEOPLE THOSE WHI HAS OPEL AND LANCER LIVE IN OPULANCE


Meaning - greed for money or possessions. Usage - new wealth, however tainted by cupidity and egoism, tends to be favourable for the arts Synonyms - acquisitiveness, avarice, avariciousness, avidity, covetousness Antonyms - apathy, dislike, generosity Mnemonics - cupidity:look for CUPID HERE..cupid is the god of love. so cupidity means having an desire or greed for wealth. cupid-wealth-cupidity...greed for wealth.


Meaning - grimly mocking or cynical. Usage - Starkey attempted a sardonic smile Synonyms - mocking, satirical; sarcastic, ironical, ironic, cynical Antonyms - kind, calm, mild, nice Mnemonics - saridon (famous medicine for headache in India) : If everybody around you criticise you, mock you and act cynical , then you will get headache..take saridon


Meaning - growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter. Usage - the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves Synonyms - accumulation, collecting, gathering, amassing, accrual, growth, formation, enlargement, increase, gain, augmentation, rise, mushrooming, snowballing Antonyms - decline, decrease, remove Mnemonics - Accretion sounds like Errection,,, so u r dick grows in size during an errection


Meaning - guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.;(of ground, water, conditions, etc.) presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers. Usage - a treacherous Gestapo agent; a holidaymaker was swept away by treacherous currents Synonyms - slippery, tricky, unreliable, betraying, catchy, deceitful, deceptive, double-crossing, double-dealing, duplicitous, faithless, false, false-hearted, fly-by-night, insidious, misleading, perfidious, recreant, shifty, slick, snake in the grass, traitorous, treasonable, two-faced, two-timing, undependable, unfaithful, unloyal, untrue, untrustworthy Antonyms - honest, reliable, forthright, harmless, loyal, true Mnemonics - well..... treacherous sounds like "treasure"........ so a person who is willing to do anything to find the treasure ---- including deceiving someone, losing trust,etc could be treacherous!!!


Meaning - having a glutinous or sticky consistency. Usage - the viscid mucus lining of the intestine Synonyms - adhesive, clammy, gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gooey, mucilaginous, ropy, slimy, stiff, syrupy, tenacious, thick, tough, viscose Antonyms - free flowing, diluted Mnemonics - viscous + liquid = viscid


Meaning - having or showing calmness in a crisis. Usage - I prided myself on being unflappable even in the most chaotic circumstances Synonyms - imperturbable, unexcitable, cool, calm, collected Antonyms - excitable Mnemonics - some one who never flaps his arms even in crisis is unflappable


Meaning - incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate. Usage - a motley crew of discontents and zealots Synonyms - disparate, kaleidoscopic, assorted, conglomerate, dappled, diversified, mingled, mixed, mottled, rainbow, variegated Antonyms - single, unflecked, homogenous, like, same, similar Mnemonics - If you and your friend goto shopping, he would suggest you in Hindi "Yeh Dress Math (MOT-Don't) LEY (take),Joker ki thara dhikegha". It didnt suit u as it was multi-coloured!


Meaning - make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe without removing the cause.; disguise the seriousness of (an offence). Usage - treatment works by palliating symptoms; there is no way to excuse or palliate his dirty deed Synonyms - abate, allay, alleviate, assuage, camouflage, cloak, conceal, condone, cover, diminish, disguise, dissemble, ease, exculpate, excuse, extenuate, hide, justify, lessen, lighten, mask, minimize, mitigate, moderate, mollify, prettify, qualify, relieve, screen, soften, soothe, sugarcoat, temper, varnish, veil, veneer, vindicate, white, whiten, whitewash, apologize for, gloze, hush up, make light of, put on a Band-Aid, quick fix Antonyms - accuse, aggravate, agitate, allow, blacken, blame, burden, condemn, darken, depress, disclose, divulge, enlarge, expose, extend, incite, increase, intensify, irritate, lay bare, let out, magnify, open, prolong, provoke, reveal, sentence, show, strip, tell, trouble, uncover, unmask, upset, worry, worsen Mnemonics - Pale due to hunger and stomach ache, ate something to feel better


Meaning - make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment.; (of a liquid) move in a turbulent, swirling manner Usage - winds roil these waters; the sea roiled below her Synonyms - muddy, rile, stir, agitate, anger, annoy, foul, vex, make turbid Antonyms - aid, calm, clear, composed Mnemonics - The ROYAL knights are always making war, causing terrible disturbances.


Meaning - make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense; satisfy (an appetite or desire). Usage - the letter assuaged the fears of most members; an opportunity occurred to assuage her desire for knowledge Synonyms - relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, mitigate, dampen, allay, calm, palliate, abate, lull, temper, suppress, smother, stifle, subdue, tranquilize, mollify, moderate, modify, tone down, attenuate, dilute, lessen, diminish, decrease, reduce, lower Antonyms - aggravate Mnemonics - ass-usage in the toilet gives huge relief


Meaning - move or cause to move rapidly round and round. Usage - leaves whirled in eddies of wind Synonyms - flurry, swirl, circle, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, gyration, gyre, pirouette, reel, roll, rotation, round, surge, turn, twirl, twist, wheel, whir, whirlpool Antonyms - calm, peace Mnemonics - remember from whirlpool washing machines which make the clothes to whirl in the detergent water


Meaning - not discovered or known about; uncertain.; not clearly expressed or easily understood.; keep from being seen; conceal. Usage - his origins and parentage are obscure; obscure references to Proust; grey clouds obscure the sun Synonyms - ambiguous, arcane, complicated, confusing, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, mysterious, vague, concealed, dim, hidden, involved, occult, abstruse, clear as mud, dark, deep, doubtful, enigmatical, far-out, hazy, illegible, illogical, impenetrable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, indecisive, indefinite Antonyms - clear, common, definite, known, obvious, plain, public, straight, forward, unmysterious, bare, exposed, open, uncovered, apparent, bright, distinguished, explicit, famous, perceptible, understood, visible Mnemonics - OBSCURE= OBSession + CURE == Many psychiatrists believe that Obsession's cure is still UNKNOWN / UNCLEAR.


Meaning - not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable. Usage - her breathing was erratic Synonyms - unpredictable, inconsistent, changeable, variable, inconstant, uncertain, irregular, unstable, turbulent, unsteady, unsettled, unreliable, undependable, changing, ever-changing, volatile, varying, shifting Antonyms - predictable, consistent Mnemonics - focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.


Meaning - not having any serious purpose or value.; (of a person) carefree and superficial. Usage - frivolous ribbons and lacy frills; the frivolous, fun-loving flappers of the twenties Synonyms - foolish, idiotic, impractical, petty, pointless, senseless, barmy, childish, dizzy, empty-headed, facetious, featherbrained, flighty, flip, flippant, gay, giddy, harebrained, idle, ill-considered, juvenile, light, light-minded, minor, niggling, nonserious, not serious, paltry, peripheral, playful, puerile, scatterbrained, shallow, sportive, superficial, tongue-in-cheek, unimportant, unprofound, volatile, whimsical Antonyms - intelligent, sensible, wise, grave, mature, serious, solemn, thoughtful Mnemonics - Fri-vo-lous ~Free - If something is free, u dont take it seriously, you think oh they are giving it for free coz its not that important stuff.. or not the stuff in demand.. or not the stuff taken seriously by public.


Meaning - not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.; a painkilling drug or medicine. Usage - anodyne music; she had even refused anodynes Synonyms - bland, inoffensive, innocuous, neutral, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, unremarkable, commonplace, dull, tedious, run-of-the-mill Antonyms - painkiller, painkilling drug, analgesic, pain reliever, palliative Mnemonics - sensodyne is a tooth paste that relives pain.take the key word anodyne releives pain


Meaning - not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. Usage - she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs Synonyms - reserved, withdrawn, introverted, restrained, inhibited, diffident, shy, modest, unassuming, shrinking, distant, undemonstrative, wouldn't say boo to a goose; uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unresponsive, tight-lipped, close-mouthed, close-lipped, quiet, taciturn, silent, guarded, secretive, private Antonyms - expansive, garrulous Mnemonics - REHTA+SHANT....shant rehne waal i.e a person who doesn't talk or who is reserved in speech


Meaning - not showing due respect for another person; impertinent. Usage - he could have strangled this impudent upstart Synonyms - impertinent, insolent, cheeky, audacious, brazen, shameless, immodest, pert; presumptuous, forward, disrespectful, insubordinate, irreverent, flippant, bumptious, brash, bold, bold as brass; rude, impolite, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, unmannerly, discourteous, insulting, ill-bred Antonyms - polite, respectful Mnemonics - "Im" is the prefix meaning "not." "Pudent" sounds like "prudent." So someone who is impudent, is not prudent: he is insulting and rude.


Meaning - not telling the truth; lying. Usage - mendacious propaganda by the right wing lunatics. Synonyms - lying, untruthful, dishonest, deceitful, false, dissembling, insincere, disingenuous, hypocritical, fraudulent, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced Antonyms - truthful, honest Mnemonics - mendacious= men + audacious. men who are audacious can LIE easily.


Meaning - nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null; Usage - the vitiation of the contract Synonyms - abolition, abrogation, breakup, cancellation, deletion, dissolution, nullification, repeal, retraction, reversal, revocation Antonyms - approval, confirmation, establishment Mnemonics - vish pila ke vinash kar dena


Meaning - obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. Usage - they were served by obsequious waiters. Synonyms - servile, ingratiating, sycophantic, fawning, toadying Antonyms - domineering, dominating Mnemonics - ob = now seq = Suck, uio = Your, us = Ass. He sucks your ass, therefore he's obsequious.


Meaning - obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant). Usage - the kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory Synonyms - erase, remove, delete, rub out, wipe out, efface; Antonyms - add, bear, create, establish Mnemonics - expunge rhymes with sponge..which is used to remove dirt.


Meaning - obsession with the exercise of power.; delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder). Usage - demanding changes in the script was an example of the stars' megalomania Synonyms - delusions of grandeur, obsessionalism, grandiosity, grandioseness; self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness; folie de grandeur Antonyms - modesty, humility Mnemonics - mega means big .. mania means craze.. for doing things... therefore MEGALOMANIA means a CRAZE for doing things in a BIG way with a show of wealth and power etc.


Meaning - obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them. Usage - the city's cab drivers are notorious for fixing fares and fleecing tourists Synonyms - cheat, defraud, gouge, overcharge, swindle Antonyms - give, offer Mnemonics - colleges are PLUNDERING in the form of FLEECE(FEES) and capitation


Meaning - occurring at a favourable time; opportune. Usage - his appearance had seemed more than just providential Synonyms - accidental, advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, casual Antonyms - inopportune Mnemonics - if you have a provident fund then it is useful at all time both in terms of tax saving as well as emergency funds.


Meaning - occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated Usage - sporadic fighting broke out Synonyms - occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical, periodic, scattered, patchy, isolated, odd, uneven; intermittent, spasmodic, on and off, random, fitful, desultory, erratic, unpredictable Antonyms - frequent, regular, steady, continuous Mnemonics - sporadic== opposite of periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly.


Meaning - of or occurring every day; daily.; ordinary or everyday; mundane. Usage - the car sped noisily off through the quotidian traffic; his story is an achingly human one, mired in quotidian details Synonyms - commonplace, daily, everyday, trivial, usual Antonyms - exciting, unusual Mnemonics - split it as "quote+indian".QUOTE AN INDIAN every day. Newspapers quote opinions of Indians everyday.. so its a DAILY occurrence, customary


Meaning - relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise. Usage - Elysian visions Synonyms - heavenly, paradisal, paradisiacal, celestial, empyrean, superlunary, divine Antonyms - hellish, mundane Mnemonics - elysian==> alishan bangla bolte hai na .....i.e paradise


Meaning - shining very brightly. Usage - refulgent blue eyes Synonyms - bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant, resplendent, shining, incandescent Antonyms - dull, nebulous, Mnemonics - refulgent sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine


Meaning - speaking or representing the truth. Usage - a veracious account of the story was shown on Times Now news channel Synonyms - true, accurate, veritable, correct Antonyms - untrue, dishonest Mnemonics - the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: veracious - truthful and verisimilitude - an appearance of truth.


Meaning - the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with an amusing effect (e.g. 'dance a flamingo ' instead of flamenco ). Usage - whenever I was sad, mom used to tell me an amusing antidote, which is meant to be anecdote. Synonyms - spoonerism Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Mrs Malaprop was a very famous character of an english play "The Rivals" where she misuses words, creating a comical effect.


Meaning - the state or quality of being serious and dignified.; a formal, dignified rite or ceremony. Usage - his ashes were laid to rest with great solemnity; the ritual of the Church was observed in all its solemnities Synonyms - earnestness, gravity, seriousness, ceremony, impressiveness Antonyms - unimportance Mnemonics - Remember king solomon,he was very serious


Meaning - translucently clear.; easily understood; lucid. Usage - mountains reflected in the pellucid waters; he writes, as always, in pellucid prose Synonyms - translucent, transparent, clear, crystal clear, crystalline, bright, glassy, limpid, unclouded Antonyms - unclear, muddy, turbid Mnemonics - PEL+LUCID...LUCID..MEANS CLEAR ....SO CLEAR IN MEANING.


Meaning - without moral principles; ignoble. Usage - the electorate's baser instincts of greed and selfishness Synonyms - sordid, improper, low, mean, bad, wrong, evil, wicked, iniquitous, immoral, sinful; Antonyms - good, lofty Mnemonics - BASE: it refers to something which is the lowest base is something which is bad;


Meaning - (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked. Usage - sheer wanton vandalism Synonyms - deliberate, wilful, malicious, malevolent, spiteful, vicious, wicked, evil, cruel Antonyms - justifiable Mnemonics - Someone who's WANT(desire) goes ON and limit to his want.


Meaning - (of a child) having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than is usual or expected. Usage - a precocious, solitary boy Synonyms - bright, cocky, intelligent, mature Antonyms - backward, slow Mnemonics - pre(early) + cock(genital of man in slang) -> a "pre"-teen who has a huge "cock" is precocious.


Meaning - (of a circumstance) not giving or indicating a good chance of success; unfavourable. Usage - his reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time Synonyms - adverse, antagonistic, contrary, ill Antonyms - favourable, propitious Mnemonics - unpropitious - Not PROPER..something is wrong and it gives rise to ominous feelings.


Meaning - a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc., is named or thought to be named. Usage - worse, his name became an eponym for someone who betrays his own country by helping the enemy. Synonyms - brand, flag, label, nickname, sign, signature, style, term Antonyms - name, unknown Mnemonics - name became eponym


Meaning - (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright. Usage - his acerbic wit Synonyms - caustic, harsh, sharp Antonyms - calm, kind Mnemonics - Sounds like "Acidic." Lemons have a sour taste and are acidic. Therefore, they are ACERBIC.


Meaning - (especially of a defendant's behaviour) stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authority. Usage - his refusal to make child support payments was contumacious Synonyms - alienated, contrary, disaffected, estranged, factious, froward, haughty, inflexible, insubordinate, insurgent, intractable, intransigent, irreconcilable, mutinous, obdurate, perverse, pig-headed, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, seditious, stubborn, unyielding Antonyms - following, obedient, subordinate, tractable, willing Mnemonics - kaun(CON) hai tu (TU) , jiski mein (MA) sunu (cious), thus the person is disobedient and obstinate


Meaning - (especially of a liquid) only slightly warm; lukewarm.; showing little enthusiasm. Usage - she soaked a flannel in the tepid water; the applause was tepid Synonyms - dull, halfhearted, mild, unenthusiastic, warm, apathetic, cool, disinterested, indifferent, languid, lifeless, milk-warm, moderate, slightly warm, spiritless, temperate, unlively, warmish Antonyms - enthusiastic, keen, cold, hot Mnemonics - tepid sounds like torpid which is sluggish i.e. inactive


Meaning - (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. Usage - communal feelings are pervasive in the Indian society and very often leads to riots. Synonyms - prevalent, penetrating, pervading, permeating, extensive, ubiquitous, omnipresent Antonyms - scarce, rare Mnemonics - a PERVert is the one who watches secretly , PERVS are present everywhere these days


Meaning - (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition. Usage - the phlegmatic British character Synonyms - apathetic, cold, unemotional, stolid Antonyms - emotional, excited Mnemonics - If u have lots of phlegm due to cold then u would be unresponsive or impassive due to tiredness.


Meaning - (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse. Usage - the book DaVinci Code is full of recondite information. Synonyms - obscure, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, little known Antonyms - straightforward, simple, familiar Mnemonics - military use reconnaissance (recon) to find detailed information about something that is not very clearly known.


Meaning - a belief held without proof or certain knowledge; an assumption or hypothesis. Usage - they were working on the supposition that his death was murder Synonyms - belief, surmise, idea, notion, suspicion, conjecture, speculation, view, inference, theory, thesis, hypothesis Antonyms - fact, reality, truth Mnemonics - akin to "suppose".


Meaning - a chisel with a concave blade, used in carpentry, sculpture, and surgery; make (a groove, hole, or indentation) with or as if with a gouge ; overcharge or swindle (someone). Usage - the channel had been gouged out by the flowing water; drugs sold by the same manufacturers who are gouging patients in this country Synonyms - excavate, dig, channel, dishonest Antonyms - fill up, honest Mnemonics - relate it with ""gao ge"(in hindi as we pronounce singing) ->Indian Idol ->Anu Malik-saying agar tum aisa bekar gao ge to main tumhari ankhen bahar nikal dunga (by digging/ scooping action)!


Meaning - a confusing and difficult problem or question. Usage - one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts Synonyms - difficulty, quandary, dilemma; puzzle, enigma, mystery Antonyms - simple, straight forward Mnemonics - CON in a DRUM...this is confusing to find out.


Meaning - a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation. Usage - a tirade of abuse Synonyms - diatribe, invective, polemic, denunciation, rant, broadside, attack, harangue Antonyms - compliment, praise Mnemonics - When you are tired after a heavy work, if somebody speaks at you asking questions you get irritated shout at them and give the a TIRADE speech.


Meaning - a person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped. Usage - the country's fledgling democracy Synonyms - learner, neophyte, tyro Antonyms - experienced, mature Mnemonics - full fledged = mature or experienced.. but fledgling means the one who isn't matured , i.e. is a neophyte(newbie = noob )


Meaning - a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner. Usage - Manmohan Singh is the precursor to Narendra Modi. Synonyms - forerunner, predecessor, forefather, father, parent, antecedent, ancestor, forebear, progenitor; pioneer, trailblazer Antonyms - successor Mnemonics - "precursor" = pre(before) + cursor(that points out) == something that points out in advance == forerunner


Meaning - a person's fixed or allotted period of work; to limit supply Usage - his varied career included a stint as a magician; the stinted supply of water to the villages is a cause of concern. Synonyms - spell, stretch, period, time, turn, run, session, term; shift Antonyms - adequate Mnemonics - stunt means to limit growth, stint means to limit supply


Meaning - a piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges. Usage - shards of glass flew in all directions as the stone hit the window Synonyms - piece, fragment, bit, sliver, splinter, shiver, chip, particle, scrap Antonyms - complete, whole, core Mnemonics - visualize SHARaD pawar our head of BCCI---his face is like broken pot.


Meaning - a severe scolding Usage - the student was castigated by the teacher for his rude behaviour Synonyms - discipline, penalty Antonyms - praise Mnemonics - Castigated sounds similar to castrated, which would be a harsh punishment for any guy.


Meaning - a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, especially a tribute to someone who has just died. Usage - a eulogy to the Queen Mother Synonyms - accolade, speech of praise, panegyric, paean, encomium, tribute, testimonial, compliment, commendation Antonyms - blame , censure, criticize Mnemonics - story:my friend on seeing a dead body "eeeuuuu" and i gave a whole speech on honouring the dead so thats how the word eulogy came into existence


Meaning - a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy. Usage - after a heavy lunch i fell into torpor Synonyms - lethargy, torpidity, sluggishness, inertia, inertness, inactivity, inaction, slowness, lifelessness, dullness, heaviness, listlessness, languor, languidness, stagnation, laziness, idleness, indolence, shiftlessness Antonyms - vigor, energy, animation Mnemonics - RAJ THAKERY TO MNS PEOPLE.."aaj tum sab itne LATHARGIC,SLUGGISH kyu lag rahe ho? hume kal THOD PHOD karne jana hai...yaad hai na?"


Meaning - a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy. Usage - she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed Synonyms - lethargy, listlessness, weariness, languor, sluggishness, enervation, tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, sleepiness, drowsiness, torpor, torpidity, ennui, lifelessness, sloth Antonyms - action, diligence, activeness Mnemonics - After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a lassitude i.e. weariness, lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.


Meaning - a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. Usage - losing politicians complain that newspapers have become increasingly partisan of the winning party. Synonyms - supporter, follower, adherent, devotee, champion, backer Antonyms - impartial, unbiased Mnemonics - parti(think of a political party)+san(son) a father who is favouring his son's political party, instead of a good party.


Meaning - a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. Usage - chlorine acts as a catalyst promoting the breakdown of ozone Synonyms - stimulant, motivation, incentive Antonyms - blockage, hindrance Mnemonics - My new CAT caused A LIST (lyst) of things that suddenly changed in my life.


Meaning - a writ ordering a person to attend a court. Usage - the company was subpoenaed for violating the environment norms. Synonyms - summon, decree, warrant, command Antonyms - No antonym Mnemonics -


Meaning - an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river. Usage - the levee prevented the flooding of the forms Synonyms - embankment, barrage Antonyms - no levee Mnemonics - so bye-bye, miss american pie. Drove my chevy to the levee, But the levee was dry.


Meaning - cause (something) to become thoroughly soaked with water or other liquid so that no more can be absorbed. Usage - the sponge was saturated with water Synonyms - soak, drench, waterlog, wet through, wet Antonyms - dry out, dehydrate Mnemonics - saturate, think of it as saturated fat. Once we take saturated fat in, it will soak in our body, and become fat. (very hard to burn it off)


Meaning - cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition) Usage - To receive praise for accomplishments engenders self confidence in a child. Synonyms - breed, spawn, create, generate Antonyms - destroy, kill Mnemonics - when two genders meet they engeder a baby


Meaning - characterized by or showing interest or concern. Usage - she was always solicitous about the welfare of her students Synonyms - concerned, caring, attentive, mindful, interested, considerate, thoughtful Antonyms - heedless, inattentive Mnemonics - Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous.


Meaning - collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards. Usage - both the windows had imploded under internal pressure Synonyms - fold, cave in, fall inwards Antonyms - explode, fall out Mnemonics - ex-'out'+plode-'burst' im-'in,inwards'+plode-'burst'... so implode means burst inwards


Meaning - conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs ; pretend Usage - Even though John tried to dissemble his motive for taking modern dance lessons, we all knew he was not there to learn but to meet girls. Synonyms - feign, sham, pretend, affect, mask, conceal, hide Antonyms - admin, expose, honest Mnemonics - sounds like dis-assemble which means to break and once you break something you try to conceal it


Meaning - conformity to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals. Usage - he always behaved with the utmost propriety Synonyms - etiquette, decorum, respectability, decency, correctness, appropriateness, good manners, courtesy, politeness, rectitude, civility, modesty, demureness Antonyms - disagreement, discord, impropriety Mnemonics - divide the word as propr+iety ..propr(sounds like PROPER)..hence it refers to being PROPER or CORRECT IN CONDUCT


Meaning - dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Usage - a pragmatic approach to politics Synonyms - businesslike, down to earth, logical, practical Antonyms - excited, impractical Mnemonics - Relate it to "PREGNANT-ISM" In order to make a girl pregnant you need to PRACTICALLY do only talking theoretically you can't make her pregnant.


Meaning - deny or contradict (a fact or statement). Usage - the impact of the railways cannot be gainsaid Synonyms - deny, dispute Antonyms - confirm Mnemonics - she has (Gain)ed weight but is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the fact.


Meaning - departing from an accepted standard. Usage - this somewhat aberrant behavior requires an explanation Synonyms - abnormal, bizarre, different Antonyms - normal, regular Mnemonics - the term ERR is inside here, how can it be normal then?


Meaning - deprive someone of (power, rights, or possessions). Usage - the Jews were divested of their homes and property during the Nazi regime. Synonyms - bankrupt, deprive, dismantle Antonyms - give, offer, fund Mnemonics - vest is an inner garment, to see the vest one needs to divest the shirt above it.


Meaning - describe or portray (something) precisely ; indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary). Usage - the law should delineate and prohibit behavior which is socially abhorrent ; his finger found a precisely outlined section delineated in red marker Synonyms - define, depict, layout, Antonyms - confuse, distort Mnemonics - Delineate = (Diligently and neatly) portrayed painting.


Meaning - diligent; showing great care and perseverance Usage - It took me several months of assiduous work before I was satisfied with the loading process. Synonyms - diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough, sedulous, attentive, industrious, laborious, hard-working, conscientious Antonyms - lazy, neglectful, lethargic Mnemonics - working hard and continuously like an ass


Meaning - essentially different in kind; not able to be compared. Usage - they inhabit disparate worlds of thought. Synonyms - different, dissimilar, distinct Antonyms - agreeing, same, similar Mnemonics - Disparate can be broken as: "This" "separate" so read as "this is separate"!


Meaning - excessively concerned with minor details or rules Usage - his analyses are careful and even painstaking, but never pedantic Synonyms - overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, over-exacting, perfectionist Antonyms - plain, simple Mnemonics - Can u smell the word 'PANDIT'( "Scholar" in english) from "Pedantic"? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff. (Aamir Khan is a pedantic.)


Meaning - express contempt for; ridicule. Usage - the decision to allow the construction of the factory on the forest land was derided by environmentalists Synonyms - taunt, insult, torment Antonyms - respect, praise Mnemonics - de -ride -- riding a horse upside down.. ppl will make fun of you ( ridicule)


Meaning - fall or drop straight down at high speed. Usage - the share market plummet sharply after the crisis news. Synonyms - crash, decline, collapse Antonyms - grow, increase, raise Mnemonics - You went on a Blind date and girl was PLUM who u you fell sharply


Meaning - feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong ; self remorse Usage - Her contrite tears for finally realizing her mistake, did not influence the judge as he imposed sentence. Synonyms - remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful, full of regret, sorry, apologetic, self-reproachful, rueful, sheepish, hangdog; ashamed, chastened, shamefaced, conscience-stricken, guilt-ridden Antonyms - unrepentant, defiant, impenitent Mnemonics - I am so sorry that I can't do it right (contrite).


Meaning - forbiddingly stern ; severely simple Usage - The headmaster's austere demeanor tended to scare of the more timid students, who never visited his study willingly ; The room reflected the man austere and bare like a monk's cell, with no touches of luxury. Synonyms - severe, stark, stern, simple, ascetic,spartan Antonyms - genial; friendly, immoderate, ornate Mnemonics - austere sounds like severe ; a tear is so simple without decorations and they are filled with emotions; recent Indian matches with Aus brought us into tears,so we should avoid sternly to go there.


Meaning - given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. Usage - a capricious and often brutal administration Synonyms - fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic, vacillating, irregular, inconsistent, fitful, arbitrary Antonyms - stable, consistent Mnemonics - ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


Meaning - harm the good reputation of ; loss or lack of reputation or respect. Usage - his remarks were taken out of context in an effort to discredit him ; they committed crimes which brought discredit upon the administration Synonyms - defame, destroy, degrade, disprove Antonyms - approve, build, compliment Mnemonics - when you do not clear your credit card bills, the banks discredit you and then you don't get loans.


Meaning - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline. Usage - a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-old's Synonyms - rebellious, obstinate Antonyms - agreeable, manageable Mnemonics - Real + Ca(Hindi) + Irritant => Recalcitrant. Means those who irritate authority by resisting them again and again


Meaning - having the freedom to act independently. Usage - UC Berkley is an autonomous university with no one to give directions to it. Synonyms - free, self-governing, independent Antonyms - subservient, dependent, subject Mnemonics - Autonomous resembles automatic something that is self governing and doesn't need or require help.


Meaning - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated. Usage - the bombastic speech by Rahul Gandhi Synonyms - pompous, blustering, ranting, blathering; verbose, wordy, turgid, periphrastic Antonyms - straightforward Mnemonics - the words to Mr. BOOMBASTIC by Shaggy tell about an ostentatious "Mr. Lover Lover"


Meaning - instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). Usage - they accused him of fomenting political unrest Synonyms - instigate, incite, provoke, agitate, excite, stir up, whip up, arouse, inspire, encourage, urge, actuate, initiate, generate, cause, prompt, start, bring about, kindle Antonyms - deter, discourage, calm Mnemonics - Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket(2nd meaning ).


Meaning - isolation, narrow mindedness Usage - the insularity of the rural people to change their traditions Synonyms - separation, segregation, detachment Antonyms - broad-mindedness, tolerance, accessibility Mnemonics - when we insulate something, we isolate it from the surroundings


Meaning - justify or necessitate (a course of action). Usage - the employees feel that industrial action is warranted Synonyms - allowed, assured, certified, guaranteed Antonyms - unwarranted, unjustified, uncertain Mnemonics - we say a WARRANT is issued against him, so a warrant is to JUSTIFY that he is liable to be taken into custody


Meaning - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Usage - this subject has widespread apathy among students Synonyms - indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern, unresponsiveness, impassivity, passivity, passiveness, detachment, dispassion, lack of involvement, phlegm Antonyms - enthusiasm, interest, passion Mnemonics - consider pathy=sympathy, there are two words. 1. antipathy = dislike 2. apathy = disinterested Since "anti" is stronger than "a".. disliking is 1 step above disinterested..


Meaning - lacking flavor; weak or tasteless ; lacking vigour or interest Usage - mugs of insipid coffee ; many artists continued to churn out insipid, shallow works Synonyms - tasteless, bland, weak, thin, watery, watered-down, unappetizing, unpalatable; uninteresting, boring, vapid, dull, spiritless,bloodless, lifeless, Antonyms - tasty, inspired, interesting, imaginative Mnemonics - if u take a SIP IN, and realize that u were stuPID enough to taste such a flavor , then the drink is insipid


Meaning - lacking the ability or strength to move; chemically inactive Usage - she lay inert in her bed Synonyms - motionless, immobile, still, stationary, static, dormant, sleeping Antonyms - able, active Mnemonics - recollect your chemistry . INERT gases hardly react, therefore INERT means LACKIN ABILITY TO MOVE OR ACT.


Meaning - match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. Usage - most rulers in world tried to emulate the success of Alexander the Great. Synonyms - imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow Antonyms - neglect Mnemonics - we use emulator as to imitate our cell phone software in computer.


Meaning - misleading in appearance, especially misleadingly attractive. Usage - the music trade gives Golden Oldies a specious appearance of novelty Synonyms - deceptive, false, untrue Antonyms - accurate, correct, genuine Mnemonics - Like the movie "Species" about an alien woman who looks human but has other plans


Meaning - move in a turbulent fashion. ;a large number of items in no order; a confused mass. Usage - the cars welter in the streets of India ; there's such a welter of conflicting rules Synonyms - confusion, jumble, tangle, clutter, mess, hotchpotch, mishmash, flurry, rush Antonyms - calm, peace, order Mnemonics - Welter is like helter-skelter. Welter means a state of turmoil, while helter-skelter means, in a disorderly haste...thereby showing a confusion.


Meaning - move or swing back and forth in a regular rhythm. Usage - the pendulum oscillates in a rhythmic pattern Synonyms - swing, sway, vibrate Antonyms - remain, stable, still Mnemonics - we always oscillate who will be the winner of next Oscar prize


Meaning - not allowing fluid to pass through ; unable to be affected by. Usage - an impervious layer of basaltic clay; he worked, apparently impervious to the heat Synonyms - immune, resistant, impassable, impenetrable Antonyms - affected, moved, susceptible Mnemonics - A pervert is trying to rape me. But I'm not scared. He won't be able to penetrate me, because I'm impervious - immune to perverts.


Meaning - not allowing fluid to pass through. Usage - an impermeable cell membrane Synonyms - impassable, hermetic, sealed, nonporous Antonyms - permeable, porous Mnemonics - im(no)+permeable(permission)that means no permission for seepage.


Meaning - not feeling or showing emotion. Usage - his cold, expressionless, impassive face Synonyms - emotionless, placid, serene, stolid Antonyms - emotional, excited, communicative Mnemonics - A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions.


Meaning - not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness Usage - this journalist was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical Synonyms - dishonest, deceitful, underhand, underhanded, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-faced, dissembling, insincere, false, lying, untruthful, mendacious Antonyms - ingenuous, frank Mnemonics - INGENUOUS(can be remembered as genuine) IS SINCERE, INNOCENT AND SOPHISTICATED. AND disingenuous IS not naive, insincere


Meaning - pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. Usage - amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups Synonyms - conciliate, placate, pacify, make peace with, propitiate, palliate, allay, reconcile Antonyms - provoke, inflame Mnemonics - appeal for peace.....when war was going on in kasmir...our prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region.


Meaning - praise (a person or their achievements) highly. Usage - the employee was lauded by the management for his extra efforts. Synonyms - cheer, celebrate, welcome, salute, glorify, exalt Antonyms - condemn, criticize Mnemonics - when you laud some one you are loud and you say words of praise.


Meaning - reduce the force, effect, or value of. Usage - The frequency blocker attenuated the phone signals. Synonyms - mitigate, decrease, lessen, disable, debilitate, vitiate Antonyms - aid, amplify, increase Mnemonics - AT+TEN+YOU+ATE(gutkha,drugs)....if at the age of ten you start eating gutkha,drugs, you will become weaker day by day and will waste your life.


Meaning - render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance. Usage - the milkman adulterated the milk by adding water Synonyms - degrade, debase, spoil, taint, defile, contaminate, pollute, foul, sully Antonyms - refine Mnemonics - when a child becomes adult he loses his purity and any thing adulterated is contaminated or has lost its purity.


Meaning - reprimand firmly, advise or urge (someone) earnestly; warn (someone) of something to be avoided. Usage - she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven ; she admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine Synonyms - reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, upbraid, chastise, chide, censure, castigate, lambaste, berate, reproach, lecture, criticize, advise, recommend, urge, caution, warn, counsel, exhort, implore, beseech, entreat, encourage, bid, enjoin, adjure, push, pressure Antonyms - praise, discourage Mnemonics -adm(in)+on(e)+(pun)ish : (net)admin in the company is one step away (Giving strong warning now) from punishing you.bcoz you are accessing prohibited network sites.


Meaning - revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement). Usage - after the show of protest, the government eventually rescinded the directive Synonyms - revoke, repeal, cancel, reverse, abrogate, overturn, overrule, override, annul, nullify Antonyms - enforce, enact Mnemonics - kaun rescind (resend) karega, cancel kar de


Meaning - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks; showing an impudent lack of respect. Usage - The soldiers showed audacious valor in the battle. Synonyms - bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, unafraid, unflinching, courageous, impudent, impertinent, insolent, presumptuous, forward, cheeky, irreverent, discourteous, disrespectful, insubordinate, ill-mannered Antonyms - cowardly, shy, fearful, meek, weak, cautious Mnemonics - audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your message.


Meaning - sleep inducing, sleepy Usage - the lecture of Mr. white was soporific to the point that the teacher himself was dozing off. Synonyms - sedative, dull, drowsy, dozy Antonyms - invigorating, stimulating Mnemonics - (in hindi) 100(soo) puri kha kar I felt soporific.


Meaning - stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage). Usage - the artery was occluded by a tumor. Synonyms - clog, shut, seal, congest Antonyms - clear, assist, forward Mnemonics - Harry Potter fans may remember occlumency which is the subject that helps to close one's mind.


Meaning - stubborn or unmanageable. Usage - his refractory behavior and tendency to create nuisance is disliked by many. Synonyms - obstinate, stubborn, stubborn as a mule, mulish, bull-headed, pig-headed, obdurate, headstrong, self-willed, wayward, wilful, perverse, contrary, recalcitrant, obstreperous, disobedient, insubordinate, rebellious, mutinous, defiant, stiff-necked, intractable, intransigent Antonyms - obedient, manageable Mnemonics - one who doesn't refract or bend at all meaning stubborn


Meaning - sullen and ill-tempered. Usage - she was morose and silent when she got home Synonyms - sullen, sulky, gloomy, bad-tempered, ill-tempered Antonyms - bright, cheerful, happy, communicative Mnemonics - you say maros jaake kahin when you are in a bad mood.


Meaning - taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full. Usage - i stayed longer in the restaurant to savor the glass the of wine. Synonyms - spice, odor, taste Antonyms - bland, dull Mnemonics - SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.


Meaning - tending to talk a great deal; talkative. Usage - always loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for words in that moment Synonyms - talkative, garrulous, voluble, over-talkative, long-winded, wordy, verbose, profuse, prolix, effusive, gushing, rambling; communicative; chatty Antonyms - quiet, silent, reticent, taciturn Mnemonics - Pickup 'lok' from this word which means people. Now think of Indian Lok Sabha where there are many loquacious politicians.


Meaning - the action of formally ending or dismissing an assembly, partnership, or official body. Usage - the dissolution of their marriage Synonyms - cessation, conclusion, end, ending, finish, termination Antonyms - make up Mnemonics - came from "dissolve" when a thing dissolve into another ,it itself disintegrate


Meaning - the expression of disapproval or disappointment. Usage - he gave her a look of reproach Synonyms - rebuke, reprove, scold, chide, reprimand, admonish, chastise Antonyms - praise, commend Mnemonics - If u see a cockROACH in a restaurant, u express disapproval to eating there!


Meaning - the quality of being easily shaped or molded. Usage - fine clay, at the right degree of plasticity, is more useful Synonyms - elasticity, flexibility, malleability, mobility, resilience Antonyms - rigidity, solidity Mnemonics - plastic-by heating plastic we can mould it to any shape pretty easily without any breakage.


Meaning - the quality of being religious or reverent ; a belief which is accepted with unthinking conventional reverence. Usage - acts of piety and charity Synonyms - devoutness, devotion, piousness, religiousness, religion, holiness, godliness, sanctity, saintliness, devotion to God, veneration, reverence, faith, obedience, deference, duty, respect, respectfulness, compliance, acquiescence Antonyms - impiety, disobedience, irreverence Mnemonics - Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him. Or else when we need them we devout to god.


Meaning - to inform Usage - When she was apprised of the dangerous weather conditions, she postponed her trip Synonyms - advise, notify, give notice, send word Antonyms - conceal, hide, secret Mnemonics - when you get a-prize (apprise) you are informed by the authorities


Meaning - unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something. Usage - her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent Synonyms - uncompromising, inflexible, unbending, unyielding, unwavering, resolute, unaccommodating, Antonyms - malleable, flexible Mnemonics - a GENT IN TRANS(trance) doesnt listen to anyone..doesnt compromise


Meaning - use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself. Usage - the government have equivocated too often in the past Synonyms - prevaricate, be evasive, be non-committal, be vague, be ambiguous, evade/dodge the issue, beat about the bush, hedge, hedge one's bets, fudge the issue Antonyms - clear, straightforward, honest Mnemonics - equi+vocate sounds like advocate... corrupt advocates LIE, to CONCEAL THE TRUTH which MISLEADS the judge.


Meaning - walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait. Usage - peacocks strut through the grounds Synonyms - swagger, stalk, stride Antonyms - conceal, hide Mnemonics - rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out.


Meaning - willing to please others or to accept what they do or say without protest. Usage - he made drunken moves on complaisant chamber maids Synonyms - willing, assenting, acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, cooperative, accommodating, obliging, biddable, compliant, pliant, deferential, docile, obedient, conformable, tractable Antonyms - discontented, unwilling, unaccommodating Mnemonics - Complacent is self satisfied and Complaisant is a person who satisfies other people


Meaning - without guile or deception; natural and simple. Usage - an artless, naive girl ; an artless literary masterpiece Synonyms - natural, naive, simple, innocent, childlike, pure, ingenuous, guileless, candid, open, honest, sincere, frank, straightforward, unaffected, unpretentious, modest, unassuming Antonyms - artful, pretentious, sophisticated, complicated Mnemonics - art + less meaning without any art, i.e. very simple


Meaning - (especially of a person or effigy) lying down. Usage - recumbent statues Synonyms - lying, flat, horizontal, stretched out, sprawled, spreadeagled, reclining, resting, lounging, prone, prostrate, supine; Antonyms - erect, standing, upright Mnemonics - recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. you become bent while sitting means you lie down.


Meaning - (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. Usage - this argument is clearly untenabl Synonyms - indefensible, undefendable, unarguable, insupportable Antonyms - tenable, defensible Mnemonics - a child un(der) ten not able defense himself they need parents maintenance (under+ten+not able)


Meaning - (especially with reference to food) soften or become softened by soaking in a liquid. Usage - macerate the mustard seeds in vinegar Synonyms - pulp, mash, squash, soften, liquefy, soak, steep, infuse Antonyms - dehydrate, dry Mnemonics - (Macerate = Mess + rate)Mess food is hard to eat, so mess owners are doing a tact. They are providing the soft food by keeping it in liquid that results in increase of mess rate.


Meaning - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world. Usage - the disease is pandemic in Africa Synonyms - widespread, prevalent, pervasive, rife, rampant, epidemic; universal, global Antonyms - local, endemic Mnemonics - PAN+epidemic - habit of eating PAN is WIDESPREAD


Meaning - (of a feeling, especially love) not returned. Usage - he's been pining with unrequited love Synonyms - unreturned Antonyms - returned Mnemonics - unrequited->similar to unrequired which means not required..when you dont require feelings..they are not reciprocated


Meaning - (of a man) showing excessive concern about his clothes or appearance.; self-consciously sophisticated or elaborate. Usage - a dandified liberal senator; he writes a dandified prose Synonyms - attire, bundle up, cloak, disguise, do up, drape, dress, dress up, equip, fit, swaddle, swathe Antonyms - disrobe, open, reveal, uncover Mnemonics - this word is totally opposite to our friend Dandekar who is ver simple and down to earth.


Meaning - (of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful. Usage - a very creditable 2-4 defeat Synonyms - commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, admirable, honourable, estimable, meritorious, exceptional, exemplary, noteworthy, notable, worthy Antonyms - deplorable Mnemonics - when you give credit, you are acknowledging that the person needs help


Meaning - (of a person or their behaviour) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. Usage - I hope I won't be considered presumptuous if I offer some advice Synonyms - brazen, overconfident, arrogant, egotistical, overbold, bold, audacious, pert, forward, familiar, impertinent, fresh, free, insolent, impudent, cocksure Antonyms - timid, unassuming Mnemonics - Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.


Meaning - (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered. Usage - he was moody and petulant Synonyms - cranky, fractious, impatient, irritable, perverse, sullen, testy, whiny Antonyms - agreeable, cheerful, happy Mnemonics - The pet - u - lent me is getting me irritated


Meaning - (of a person's voice) loud and powerful. Usage - a stentorian roar Synonyms - loud, booming, thundering, thunderous, trumpeting, blaring, roaring, ear-splitting, deafening; ringing, resonant, sonorous, carrying, vibrant, powerful, strong, full; strident Antonyms - quiet, soft Mnemonics - remember the STEN gun.. its a very loud machine gun.. so the STEN-TORE my ears


Meaning - (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere.;(of a positive quality) present to a notable degree. Usage - Synonyms - big-name, distinguished, esteemed, famed, high-ranking, illustrious, noted, outstanding, preeminent, prominent, renowned, well-known Antonyms - common, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, obscure, ordinary, unimportant, unknown, unremarkable Mnemonics - Like the real slim and shady "EMINEM" who is STANDING ABOVE OTHER rap artists IN QUALITY AND POSITION


Meaning - (of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements.; showing or requiring great attention to detail. Usage - a finicky eater; his finicky copperplate hand Synonyms - fussy, fastidious, punctilious, over-particular, hard to please, overcritical, difficult, awkward, exacting, demanding, perfectionist;choosy, fastidious, fussy, scrupulous, squeamish Antonyms - uncritical, undemanding, unfussy, easy, open Mnemonics - The finicky little girl didn't eat the FIN of the fish because she thought it was ICKY


Meaning - (of a person) likeable and easy to get on with.; having or characterized by shared attributes or interests; compatible. Usage - the inspector was a charming man, so simpatico; a simpatico relationship Synonyms - affection, closeness, fondness, leaning, rapport, sympathy, weakness, attraction, compatibility, cotton, druthers, partiality, thing Antonyms - dislike, hate, hatred Mnemonics - sympathy + tico - when you have sympathy with someone you tend to relate with them.


Meaning - (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little. Usage - after such gatherings she would be taciturn and morose Synonyms - untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent, unforthcoming, quiet, unresponsive, secretive, silent, tight-lipped, close-mouthed, mute, dumb, inarticulate Antonyms - talkative, loquacious Mnemonics - Taxi_turn Taxi Driver will be reserved or uncommunicative while "Driving".


Meaning - (of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner. Usage - he is charming and urbane Synonyms - suave, sophisticated, debonair, worldly, elegant, cultivated, cultured, civilized, well bred, worldly-wise Antonyms - uncultured, unpolished Mnemonics - Urban(e)- people living in urban areas generally have refined social experience.


Meaning - (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. Usage - his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic Synonyms - brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical, crisp, pithy Antonyms - verbose, long-winded, loquacious Mnemonics - lack of iconic means very few iconic words.


Meaning - (of a phrase or idea) having been overused; unoriginal and trite. Usage - hackneyed old sayings Synonyms - banal, corny, stale, threadbare, timeworn, trite, well-worn Antonyms - fresh, new, original Mnemonics - concentrate on hack !!! once a hacker is ALWAYS a hacker.. he overuses his techniques.


Meaning - (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high. Usage - some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls Synonyms - enormous, inordinate, outrageous, pricey, steep, unconscionable, unreasonable, unwarranted, absonant, dear, exacting, expensive, extortionate, extreme, high, highway robbery, immoderate, out of sight, over one's head, overboard, overmuch, preposterous, stiff, towering, undue, up to here, wasteful Antonyms - reasonable, competitive Mnemonics - ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or limitations that are binding it and now it is going out to the extreme.


Meaning - (of a price) much too high; exorbitant. Usage - £2,700 for that guitar is extortionate Synonyms - exorbitant, excessively high, excessive, sky-high, outrageous Antonyms - reasonable Mnemonics - extortionists demand extortionate amounts from the people they abduct


Meaning - (of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.; surround and harass.; hem in.; be covered or studded with. Usage - the social problems that beset the UK; I was beset by clouds of flies; the ship was beset by ice and finally sank; springy grass all beset with tiny jewel-like flowers Synonyms - plague, bedevil, attack, assail, beleaguer, afflict, torment, torture, rack, oppress, trouble, worry, bother, harass, hound, harry, dog, surround, besiege, hem in, shut in, fence in, box in, encircle, ring round, enclose Antonyms - clarify,clear up, explain, leave alone, please, surrender, aid, assist, exclude, free, help let go, lose, release, support, unloose Mnemonics - when product release dates are set that time employees feel the pressure or harass or trouble from all the direction.


Meaning - (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse. Usage - this point may now seem obvious and trite Synonyms - hackneyed, banal, clichéd, platitudinous, vapid, commonplace, ordinary, common, stock, conventional, stereotyped, predictable; stale, overused, overworked, overdone, worn out, time-worn, tired, threadbare, hoary, hack, unimaginative, unoriginal, derivative, uninspired, dull, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, routine, humdrum Antonyms - original, fresh, imaginative Mnemonics - trite sounds like tried...when smthng is tried again n again it bcomes hackneyed


Meaning - (of a river or road) follow a winding course. Usage - a river that meandered gently through a meadow Synonyms - drift, ramble, roam, snake, stray, stroll, traipse Antonyms - stay, straighten, untwist Mnemonics - meander = me + wander


Meaning - (of a seal or closure) complete and airtight.; insulated or protected from outside influences.; relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, and theosophy.; difficult to understand because intended for a small number of people with specialized knowledge. Usage - a hermetic seal that ensures perfect waterproofing; a hermetic society; some saw in the Hermetic texts an anticipation of Christianity; obscure and hermetic poems Synonyms - completely sealed, impervious, sealed, shut, tight, waterproof, watertight, completely sealed, impervious, sealed, shut, tight, waterproof, watertight Antonyms - open Mnemonics - HERMETIC-HERMET-HELMET...completely airtight


Meaning - (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty. Usage - he found his duties increasingly onerous Synonyms - burdensome, heavy, inconvenient, troublesome, awkward, crushing, back-breaking, oppressive; weighty, arduous, strenuous, uphill, difficult, hard, severe, formidable, laborious, Herculean, exhausting, tiring, taxing, demanding, punishing, gruelling, exacting, wearing, stiff, stressful, wearisome Antonyms - shirk, easy, effortless Mnemonics - When one gets the onus (responsibility) of handling a team of crack developers, the task at hand becomes onerous


Meaning - (of a task or undertaking) ineffectual; useless. Usage - remonstrating with him seems ever to have been a bootless task Synonyms - fruitless, futile, idle, ineffectual Antonyms - effective Mnemonics - BOOT(consider this as legs) apne pairon par khada nahi ho sakta wo useless hota hain


Meaning - (of a voice) rough and low in pitch.; abrupt or taciturn in manner. Usage - she spoke with a gruff, masculine voice; Robert's gruff, no-nonsense approach Synonyms - rough, hoarse, harsh, guttural, throaty, husky, croaking, rasping, raspy, gravelly, growly, growling; low, thick; abrupt, brusque, curt, short, blunt, bluff, no-nonsense; laconic, taciturn; surly, churlish, grumpy, crotchety, crabby, crabbed, cross, bad-tempered, short-tempered, ill-natured, crusty, tetchy, bearish, sullen, sour, uncivil, rude, unmannerly, impolite, discourteous, ungracious, unceremonious, offhand; Antonyms - soft, mellow, friendly, courteous Mnemonics - dogs when angry sound like grrr uff uff ... a person shouting is considered rough mannered


Meaning - (of a woman or her behaviour) reserved, modest, and shy. Usage - a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house Synonyms - modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved, retiring, quiet, shy, bashful, diffident, reticent, timid, timorous, shrinking Antonyms - brazen, shameless Mnemonics - demur is the one who objects; demure is who doest not object, who is reserved and shy


Meaning - (of a woman) continually criticize and order about (her husband or other male partner). Usage - henpecked husbands Synonyms - acquiescent, browbeaten, compliant, constrained, docile, dominated, in fear of one's wife, intimidated, led by the nose, meek, nagged, obedient, passive Antonyms - domineering Mnemonics - hen+pecked - suppose terrorists use a hen to peck you and torture you, then you will subdued and in pain.


Meaning - (of a word or form) denoting or referring to just one person or thing.; exceptionally good or great; remarkable.; strange or eccentric in some respect. Usage - the third person singular form of the verb; he had the singular good fortune not to die in the trenches; no explanation accompanied this rather singular statement Synonyms - remarkable, extraordinary, exceptional, outstanding, striking, signal, eminent, especial, particular, notable, noteworthy, conspicuous, distinctive, impressive; rare, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, superior, superlative, amazing, astonishing, phenomenal, astounding, sensational, spectacular; strange, unusual, odd, peculiar, funny, curious, extraordinary, bizarre, eccentric, weird, queer, outlandish, offbeat, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, aberrant, atypical, unconventional, out of the ordinary, off-centre, incongruous, unnatural, anomalous, untypical, puzzling Antonyms - ordinary, run-of-the-mill, normal, unsurprising Mnemonics - anyone who is SINGULAR(single) in a crowd is UNIQUE AND ODD


Meaning - (of a young person) inexperienced and immature. Usage - earnest and callow undergraduates Synonyms - immature, inexperienced, naive, green, as green as grass, born yesterday, raw, unseasoned, untrained, untried Antonyms - mature, experienced, sophisticated Mnemonics - Childish + shALLOW = CALLOW


Meaning - (of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory. Usage - a device that made increased taxation more palatable Synonyms - pleasant, acceptable, satisfactory, pleasing, agreeable Antonyms - disagreeable, unpalatable, unpleasant Mnemonics - the food served by the restaurant was palatable, so i was satisfied.


Meaning - (of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others.; (of a comparison or distinction) unfairly discriminating; unjust. Usage - she'd put herself in an invidious position; it seems invidious to make special mention of one aspect of his work Synonyms - unpleasant, awkward, difficult; unfair, unjust, prejudicial Antonyms - pleasant, desirable; fair Mnemonics - invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic


Meaning - (of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).; fail to fulfill or justify (a claim or expectation). Usage - his lively, alert manner belied his years; the quality of the music seems to belie the criticism Synonyms - contradict, be at odds with, call into question, give the lie to, show/prove to be false; disprove, debunk, discredit, explode, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and horses through Antonyms - testify to, reveal Mnemonics - be + lie = not telling the truth


Meaning - (of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.; (of a building or room) charmless and inhospitable; dreary.; (of the weather) cold and miserable.; (of a situation) not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a favourable outcome. Usage - a bleak and barren moor; he looked round the bleak little room in despair; a bleak midwinter's day; he paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way Synonyms - austere, chilly, cold, desolate, dreary, grim Antonyms - bright, cheerful, friendly, happy, hot Mnemonics - When your secret LEAKs you feel BLEAK.


Meaning - (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing Usage - they put forward cogent arguments for British membership Synonyms - convincing, compelling, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, weighty; valid, sound, well founded, plausible, effective, efficacious, telling; impressive, persuasive, irresistible, eloquent, credible, influential, conclusive, unanswerable, authoritative; logical, reasoned, well reasoned, rational, reasonable, lucid, coherent, well organized, systematic, orderly, methodical, clear, articulate, consistent, relevant Antonyms - vague, unconvincing, muddled Mnemonics - CO & GENT, two men (gents) joining together (co) in a team to persuade you, will be more 'powerfully persuasive' than just one gent.


Meaning - (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince. Usage - this is a blatantly implausible claim Synonyms - dubious, farfetched, flimsy, impossible, improbable, inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable, unconvincing, unreasonable Antonyms - believable, convincing, credible Mnemonics - implausible rhymes with impossible....something that is impossible is unlikely


Meaning - (of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgement or settlement. Usage - the board has the power to arbitrate in disputes Synonyms - adjudicate, judge, adjudge, referee, umpire, sit in judgement, pass judgement, pronounce judgement, give a verdict, make a ruling; mediate, negotiate, conciliate, intervene, intercede, interpose, step in, make peace, act as peacemaker; settle, decide, determine, resolve Antonyms - ignore, agitate, confuse, hesitate, upset, worry, let ride Mnemonics - bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer


Meaning - (of an object) difficult to move because of its size, shape, or weight.; (of a system) too large or disorganized to function efficiently. Usage - huge, unwieldy arc lamps; the benefits system is unwieldy and unnecessarily complex Synonyms - cumbersome, unmanageable, unhandy, unmanoeuvrable; awkward, difficult, clumsy, ungainly; massive, heavy, hefty, bulky, weighty, ponderous Antonyms - manageable, dainty Mnemonics - un+wieldy...WIELD(y) rhymes with WELD...that which can be WELDED is easily changeable or MANAGEABLE. so WIELDY is EASILY MANAGEABLE. and unwieldy is the opposite


Meaning - (of organic matter) decaying or rotting and emitting a fetid smell. Usage - a butcher who sold putrid meat Synonyms - contaminated, fetid, rancid, rotting Antonyms - sweet, fresh, perfumed Mnemonics - put+rid...anything that is rotten and foul smelling, we would want to get rid of immediately


Meaning - (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy. Usage - he found the narrative too prolix and discursive Synonyms - lengthy, long-winded, long-drawn-out, overlong, prolonged, protracted, interminable, laborious, ponderous, endless, unending, verbose, wordy, full of verbiage, verbal, diffuse, discursive, digressive, rambling, wandering, circuitous, meandering, maundering, periphrastic, circumlocutory; Antonyms - short, concise, laconic Mnemonics - prolix=prolonged +lexico graphy


Meaning - (of the heart) beat rapidly, strongly, or irregularly.; shake; tremble. Usage - drink wakened him in the night with a palpitating heart; she was palpitating with terror Synonyms - flutter, pitter-patter, pound, pulsate, pulse, quiver, shiver, throb, tremble, vibrate, pitpat Antonyms - still, steady Mnemonics - PAL(friend/dost) + PIT(mar khana in hindi) gaya so watching him ur heart THROBBED. therefore PALPITATE= THROB or FLUTTER.


Meaning - (of the state or an authority) take (property) from its owner for public use or benefit.;dispossess (someone) of property. Usage - their assets were expropriated by the government; the measures expropriated the landlords Synonyms - seize, take away, take over, take, appropriate, take possession of, requisition, commandeer, claim, make claim to, assume, acquire, sequestrate, wrest; impound, confiscate; misappropriate, usurp, arrogate, hijack; distrain, disseize, attach; poind Antonyms - give, keep, refuse, reject, distribute Mnemonics - ex+propriate; depriving someone of his property


Meaning - (of words or a speaker) fluent but insincere and shallow. Usage - the glib phrases soon roll off the tongue Synonyms - slick, pat, neat, plausible, silky, smooth-talking, fast-talking; smooth, urbane, smooth-tongued, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken; fluent, voluble, loquacious, having kissed the Blarney Stone; disingenuous, insincere, facile, shallow, superficial, simplistic, oversimplified, easy, ready, flippant; Antonyms - sincere, thoughtful, inarticulate Mnemonics - someone who doesn't go to lib(glib) lacks intellectual depth


Meaning - (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal. Usage - the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates Synonyms - heinous, horrible, odious, outrageous, shameful, vicious, vile Antonyms - delightful, gentle, good, kind Mnemonics - this sounds like ne(nephew)+farious(furious) your nephew is very furious or cruel or violent


Meaning - (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome.; (of a group or organization) difficult to control; unruly. Usage - they fight and squabble like fractious children; King Malcolm struggled to unite his fractious kingdom Synonyms - grumpy, grouchy, crotchet, wayward, unruly, uncontrollable, unmanageable Antonyms - contented, affable, dutiful Mnemonics - unruly kids often end up getting fractures


Meaning - (with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something.; become or make annoyed or impatient because of a restriction or inconvenience. Usage - the collar chafed his neck; the bank chafed at the restrictions imposed upon it Synonyms - abrade, graze, grate, rub against, rub painfully, gall, skin, scrape, scratch, rasp; inflame,be impatient, be angry, be annoyed, be irritated, be incensed, be exasperated, be frustrated; fume, brood, fuss, upset oneself Antonyms - aid, assist, build, calm, cheer, cover, fix, heal, help, make happy, mend, placate please, rebuild, smooth, soothe Mnemonics - the word resembles cafe- cafe is a place where u can see lovers rubbing each others hands, to make things warm and sore.


Meaning - The theory and study of signs and symbols, especially as elements of language or other systems of communication, and comprising semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics. Usage - semiotic analysis of the language Synonyms - parole, pragmatics, semantics, symbolism, langue, sign systems, syntactics Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - sem - iotics - during sems (semesters) we learn a lot of idiotic words which we don't use throughout our life.


Meaning - a cause of great trouble or suffering. Usage - the tribulations of being a megastar Synonyms - trouble, worry, anxiety, burden, cross to bear, affliction, ordeal, trial, adversity, hardship, tragedy, trauma, reverse, setback, blow, difficulty, problem, issue, misfortune Antonyms - delight, good luck, happiness, joy Mnemonics - Tribulation~Tribal ; While the group was trekking they were caught by jungle tribal(junglee log In Hindi) and harassed ...It was a period of tribulation for them!


Meaning - a cause of obsessive fear, anxiety, or irritation. Usage - the biggest villain is that adman's bugbear, saturated fat Synonyms - apprehension, bogey, bogy, boogeyman, bugaboo, dread, fear, goblin, gremlin, hobgoblin, loup-garou, ogre, problem, scare, specter, terror, threat, wraith, bete noire Antonyms - bravery, calmness, courage, ease Mnemonics - imagine a bug the size of bear !! oooh scary !!


Meaning - a clumsy, stupid person. Usage - watch it, you great lummox! Synonyms - beast, blunderer, boor, bruiser, brute, bumpkin Antonyms - brain, genius Mnemonics - lump + ox - some who is stupid and lump like an ox.


Meaning - a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication. Usage - an invaluable compendium of useful information about language Synonyms - collection, compilation, anthology, treasury, digest; summary, synopsis, precis, outline, resume Antonyms - unabridgement Mnemonics - Compendium=Compact Ending


Meaning - a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. Usage - the long-term sequelae of infection Synonyms - corollary, emanation, importance, ramification, residual, residue Antonyms - causes Mnemonics - it can be remembered as a sequel to an existing ailment


Meaning - a conference or meeting for discussion, especially among friends or colleagues. Usage - they powwowed before the match to boost Synonyms - confab, parley, confabulation, conference, consultation, council, huddle, meeting, palaver, talk Antonyms - quiet each other morals. Mnemonics - we eat pow with our friends over tea and do wow !


Meaning - a confused fight or scuffle.; a confused crowd of people. Usage - several people were hurt in the melee; the melee of people that were always thronging the streets Synonyms - brawl, brouhaha, clash, fracas, free-for-all, ruckus Antonyms - calm, harmony Mnemonics - mela - mela is a crowded mess and there are many fights in a mela(carnival)


Meaning - a convicted criminal who reoffends, especially repeatedly. Usage - women are rarely recidivist Synonyms - ame damnee, backslider, lost sheep, lost soul Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - recidivist:re+cid+vist, re means again..and "cid" if cid comes again and again to someone's house...dat means he is a habitual offender..


Meaning - a covered walk in a convent, monastery, college, or cathedral, typically with a colonnade open to a quadrangle on one side.; seclude or shut up in a convent or monastery. Usage - the shadowed cloisters of the convent; the monastery was where the Brothers would cloister themselves to meditate Synonyms - nunnery, abbey, cell, convent, friary, hermitage, house, lamasery, monastery, order, priory, retreat, sanctuary, chapter house, priorate, religious community Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - cloister-oister(oyster)..generally oysters are dome like structures, ehich resembles the monastries and convents that are genereally dome like


Meaning - a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. Usage - we must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty Synonyms - condition, predicament, quandary, trouble, circumstances, corner, extremity, fix, hole, impasse, jam, perplexity, pickle, pinch, scrape, spot, state, straits, bad news, double trouble, tight situation Antonyms - advantage, solution, benefit, boon, good fortune, blessing Mnemonics - ur studying and u dont have LIGHT.whcih is sad and diificult situation to deal with.


Meaning - a deduction from the usual cost of something.; regard (a possibility or fact) as being unworthy of consideration because it lacks credibility. Usage - a product may carry a price which cannot easily be discounted; I'd heard rumours, but discounted them Synonyms - reduction, deduction, markdown, price cut, cut, lower price, cut price, concession, concessionary price; rebate; disregard, pay no attention to, take no notice of, take no account of, pass over, overlook, dismiss, ignore, brush off, gloss over; disbelieve, give no credence to, reject, pooh-pooh Antonyms - add, believe Mnemonics - DISCOUNT - DO NOT COUNT IT (DISREGARD IT) since it is unimportant or untrue or unnecessary.


Meaning - a deep covered dish from which soup is served. Usage - the dal was served in the tureen Synonyms - basin, dish, pot, urn, boat, casserole, crock, porringer, saucer, vessel, deep dish Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - A bowl to hold tarri (gravy)


Meaning - a disease or ailment. Usage - an incurable malady Synonyms - ache, affliction, ailment, blight, Cancer, disability, disorder, epidemic, fever, flu, illness, infection, infirmity, inflammation, sickness, syndrome, virus Antonyms - comfort, good health, health, relief Mnemonics - mala D is a pill ( contraceptive ):: and you take pills when you become ill.


Meaning - a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. Usage - a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism Synonyms -division, separation, divorce, split, gulf, chasm; difference, contrast, disjunction, polarity, lack of consistency, contradiction, antagonism, conflict Antonyms - agreement, similarity Mnemonics - DICHO-'two'+TOMY-'cut' so CUT INTO TWO


Meaning - a factor that is difficult or impossible to estimate or assess. Usage - there are too many imponderables for an overall prediction Synonyms - ephemeral, fine, gradual, infinitesimal, intangible, minute, slight, small, evanescent, impalpable, inappreciable, inaudible, inconsiderable, inconspicuous, indiscernible, indistinct, indistinguishable, insensible, insignificant, invisible, microscopic, momentary, shadowy, subtle, tiny, trivial, undetectable, unnoticeable, unobservable, vague Antonyms - big, huge, important, large Mnemonics - something which you can't ponder about.


Meaning - a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action; a unit of weight equal to 20 grains, used by apothecaries.; hesitate or be reluctant to do something that one thinks may be wrong. Usage - I had no scruples about eavesdropping; Synonyms - qualms, twinge of conscience, compunction, hesitation, reservations, second thoughts, doubt(s), misgivings, pangs of conscience, uneasiness, reluctance, principles, standards, values, morals, morality, moral concern, ethics, conscience, creed, beliefs Antonyms - calmness, contentment, ease, peace, tranquility, ignorance, negligence, unconcern Mnemonics - scruple has couple in it.a new couple(spouse) generally hesitate to do things u know of what i am try to say


Meaning - a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad. Usage - they used their tanks without compunction Synonyms - scruples, misgivings, qualms, worries, unease, uneasiness, hesitation, hesitancy, doubts, reluctance, reservations; guilt, feelings of guilt, guilty conscience, pangs/twinges of conscience, remorse, regret, contrition, contriteness, self-reproach, repentance, penitence Antonyms - disdain, happiness, mercilessness Mnemonics - compunction->KAMPANK(vibration)TION jab teacher punishment dene k liye puchta hai k kaun kasoorwar hai to jo guilty hota hai woh dar k mare kapne(vibrate) lagte hai.cuz usko guilty/regret feel hota hai


Meaning - a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. Usage - in his euphoria, he had become convinced he could defeat them Synonyms - elation, happiness, joy, joyousness, delight, glee, excitement, exhilaration, animation, jubilation, exultation; ecstasy, bliss, rapture, rhapsody, rhapsodies, intoxication, transport(s), cloud nine, heaven, paradise, seventh heaven Antonyms - misery, depression Mnemonics - relate it to an album released by the Euphoria which most of the songs give a message to live happily.


Meaning - a feeling that something bad will happen; fearful apprehension.; implying that something bad is going to happen.; (of a situation or occurrence) act as an advance warning of (something bad). ; have a presentiment of (something bad). Usage - with a sense of foreboding she read the note; when the Doctor spoke, his voice was dark and foreboding; this lull foreboded some new assault upon him; I foreboded mischief the moment I heard Synonyms - apprehension, apprehensiveness, anxiety, perturbation, trepidation, disquiet, disquietude, unease, premonition, presentiment, intuition, feeling, vague feeling, suspicion, inkling, hunch; presage, augur, portend, prognosticate, foreshadow, foreshow, foretell, forecast, predict, prophesy, forewarn Antonyms - fortune, good omen, luck, providence Mnemonics - Foreboding = replace the "o" in boding with "a" Fore(forward/future) + Bading ,i.e., Foreboding = Fore bading ,i.e is future is bad .. hence bad omen..


Meaning - a fierce verbal attack. Usage - he launched a broadside against the economic reforms Synonyms - criticism, censure, denunciation, harangue, rant, polemic, diatribe, tirade, philippic Antonyms - praise, applaud Mnemonics - instead of looking at the broad side of the issue, she started yelling for the minor flaws.


Meaning - a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, seen especially in autumn; a light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate material or substance. Usage - her dress swirled like gossamer; a fine gossamer fabric that clung to her skin Synonyms - fibrous, silky, translucent, cobweb, fine, flimsy, light, tiffany, airy, delicate, diaphanous, sheer, transparent Antonyms - dark, heavy, serious, thick, coarse Mnemonics - GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric


Meaning - a follower or subordinate of a powerful person, typically one who is unscrupulous or carries out orders unquestioningly. Usage - one of Hitler's myrmidons Synonyms - companion, comrade, disciple, follower, accomplice, adherent, aide, ally, assistant, associate, company, confrere, contingent, friend, hand, legion, mate, pal, partisan, regiment, satellite, sidekick, stall, supporter, consociate Antonyms - enemy, foe, opponent, adversary, antagonist Mnemonics - The word has gon 'DON' in it. So everyone follows, what DON says, without asking any questions


Meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. Usage - a diatribe against consumerism Synonyms - tirade, harangue, verbal onslaught, verbal attack, stream of abuse, denunciation, broadside, fulmination, condemnation, criticism, stricture, reproof, reproval, reprimand, rebuke, admonishment, admonition; invective, upbraiding, vituperation, abuse, castigation, lashing, knocking, slamming, panning, bashing, blast, flak Antonyms - compliment, praise, recommendation Mnemonics - dia+tribe:the lower ranked tribe(in caste division) always face thunderous verbal attack from upper caste people.


Meaning - a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in a particular way.; one's power to enforce compliance or submission; one's authority. Usage - the two reinstated officers issued a writ for libel against the applicants; you have business here which is out of my writ and competence Synonyms - summons, command, decree, document, mandate, paper, prescript, process, subpoena, warrant, habeas corpus, replevin Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - writ is similar to write. something that is written-so, writ is a document.


Meaning - a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.; a firmly held belief or opinion. Usage - she had a previous conviction for a similar offence; she takes pride in stating her political convictions Synonyms - confidence, faith, feeling, principle, sentiment, view, creed, doctrine, dogma, eye, mind, persuasion, reliance, slant, tenet, judgment call, say so Antonyms - distrust, doubt, disbelief,unbelief, overturning Mnemonics - he is the 'convict', i dont have any doubt about it!


Meaning - a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify. Usage - a general air of malaise Synonyms - angst, anxiety, despair, discomfort, disquiet, doldrums, illness, pain, unease, uneasiness, weakness, debility, decrepitude, distress, enervation, feebleness, infirmity, lassitude, melancholy, unhealthiness, infirmness, sickliness Antonyms - comfort, well-being Mnemonics - Malai - se; you go to a function and eat a lot of malai dar things and then u feel uneasiness and vague feeling of ill health!


Meaning - a habitual drinker of alcohol.; a revolving frame or cage in which a truck is inverted to discharge its load. Usage - drinker, serious drinker, hard drinker, problem drinker, alcoholic; drunk, drunkard, dipsomaniac, inebriate, sot Synonyms - alcoholic, boozer, carouser, dipsomaniac, drinker, drunk, guzzler, inebriate, lush, sot, sponge, wino Antonyms - sober Mnemonics - tippler sounds close to toppler - anyone who is a drunkard normally topples over anything


Meaning - a harsh criticism Usage - If your senior prank involves releasing a flock of chickens into the halls of your high school, you're practically asking for an excoriation from the principal Synonyms - abhorrence, abomination, anathema, blasphemy, condemnation, contempt, curse, damnation, denunciation, detestation, hatred, imprecation, loathing, malediction, odium, profanity, swearing, vilification Antonyms - approval, blessing, compliment, love, praise Mnemonics - ex korea mein bhejna is severe form of punishment


Meaning - a heading on a document.; a set of instructions or rules.; a statement of purpose or function. Usage - party policies on matters falling under the rubric of law and order; art for a purpose, not for its own sake, was his rubric Synonyms - course, custom, dictate, formula, habit, normalcy, normality, policy, practice, prescript, procedure, regulation, routine, order of things Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Before you could enter the court, the RULER demanded that you contribute a BRICK toward the construction of the new castle. This brick was called the RULER'S BRICK or for short the RU-BRICK.


Meaning - a heavy tool with a rounded end, used for crushing and grinding substances such as spices or drugs, typically in a mortar.; crush or grind with a pestle. Usage - she measured seeds into the mortar and pestled them to powder Synonyms - crumble, grate, pulverize, reduce, scrape, abrade, atomize, attenuate, beat, bray, comminute, crumple, disintegrate, file, granulate, kibble, mill, pound, powder, rasp, shiver, chop up, levigate, roll out, triturate Antonyms - build, liberate, free Mnemonics - pest is an insect the moment u see one u get a feeling to crush it coz it does some harm u grind it to pieces with a club shaped mortar


Meaning - a huge or monstrous creature.; something enormous, especially a large and powerful organization. Usage - behemoths like the brontosaurus; shoppers are now more loyal to their local shops than to faceless behemoths Synonyms - beast, leviathan, monster, mammoth, huge Antonyms - tiny, minute Mnemonics - f we can remember the word "mamoth" a large huge creature.


Meaning - a lack of correspondence or consistency.; the relation of two distinct alternatives. Usage - there is a disjunction between the skills taught in education and those demanded in the labour market; Synonyms - detachment, disconnectedness, disconnection, disjointedness, disjuncture Antonyms - connection, juncture, marriage Mnemonics - dis(away or not) + junction. away from junction or not junction. means disunity.


Meaning - a large group of people or things of a particular kind. Usage - he was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls Synonyms - group, gang, troop, troupe, party, company, band, body, crowd, pack, army, herd, flock, drove, horde, galaxy, assemblage, gathering; knot, cluster, covey; Antonyms - individual, single, one Mnemonics -sounds like BIWI (wife in hindi) .. wives like to go to kitty party GROUPS


Meaning - a large irregular patch or unsightly mark on the skin or another surface. Usage - red blotches on her face Synonyms - blemish, blot, acne, breakout, eruption, mark, mottling, patch, splash, spot, stain, stigma Antonyms - blank, clarity, cleanness Mnemonics - blotch similar to scoth ...after drinking scotch you can fall in irregular spot (gutter)


Meaning - a large, heavy vehicle, especially an articulated lorry.; a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force. Usage - the juggernaut thundered through the countryside; the juggernaut of public expenditure Synonyms - barrage, cavalcade, campaign, steamroller, blitz, drive, enterprise, expedition, junket, odyssey, pilgrimage Antonyms - frail Mnemonics - Remember the character from X-men Juggernaut of xavier ...his power used to be this irresistible crushing force !!


Meaning - a lengthy and aggressive speech. Usage - hey were subjected to a ten-minute harangue by two border guards Synonyms - tirade, lecture, diatribe, homily, polemic, rant, fulmination, broadside Antonyms - eulogy,praise Mnemonics - HAR (her) + ANGUE (anger) = she VERBALLY ATTACKED me because of HER ANGER at me.


Meaning - a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.; a levelled layer of material (e.g. cement) applied to a floor or other surface. Usage - her criticism appeared in the form of screeds in a local film magazine Synonyms - precept, tenet Antonyms - disorganization, lawlessness, unbelief Mnemonics - Remember it from Creed, the rock band. Their songs used to be long.


Meaning - a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. Usage - the stigma of mental disorder Synonyms - shame, disgrace, dishonour; stain, taint, blot, blot on one's escutcheon, blemish, brand, mark, slur Antonyms - honour, credit Mnemonics - Stigma= ma of stig (from the top gear show). His mother is always ashamed that no one can see the face of his son even though after being on TV!


Meaning - a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.; a room or counter in a station, hotel, or other public building selling light meals or snacks.; (especially of wind or waves) strike repeatedly and violently; batter.; a blow or punch. Usage - a cold buffet lunch; rough seas buffeted the coast; the daily buffets of urban civilization Synonyms - cold table, cold meal, self-service, smorgasbord, batter, pound, beat/knock/dash against, push against, lash, strike, hit, bang, afflict, trouble, harm, distress, burden, bother, beset, harass, worry, oppress, strain, stress, tax, torment, blight, bedevil, harrow, cause trouble to, cause suffering to, shock, jolt, jar, upset, setback, crisis, catastrophe, blow; misfortune, trouble, problem, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, disaster, misadventure; affliction, sorrow, misery, tribulation, woe, pain, tragedy, calamity, vicissitude; trial, cross, burden Antonyms - caress, care for Mnemonics - in a buffet in taj hotel if u eat a lot and dont hav any money to pay..."ufff" says the waiter, "tu to gaya beta" and he hits u, he hits u hard and he keeps on hitting and hitting and hitting, untill ther's nothing left to hit any


Meaning - a metal tool with movable jaws which are used to hold an object firmly in place while work is done on it, typically attached to a workbench. Usage - hold the rail in the vice Synonyms - chuck, tool, winch Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - vice->we + seige -> clamping tool


Meaning - a military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer. Usage - he eventually became adjutant to the commander of the tactical air force Synonyms - aide, auxiliary, helper Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Sounds like sergeant,lieutenant in army , thus they are:an army officers who does office work and helps other officers


Meaning - a minor dispute or disagreement.; an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence. Usage - she had occasional contretemps with her staff Synonyms - argument, quarrel, squabble, altercation, clash, fight Antonyms - blessing, good fortune, good luck Mnemonics - contre/contra/opposite/not likely and temps/temperature/condition i.e. unlikely condition


Meaning - a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.; a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing. Usage - one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first; the idiosyncrasies of the prison system Synonyms - eccentricity, mannerism, peculiarity, trait, affectation, bit, characteristic, distinction, feature, habit, singularity, trick Antonyms - normality, usualness Mnemonics - AN IDIOT IS NOT IN SYNCRONISM WITH THE OTHES HENCE HE IS ODD IN NATURE AND CRAZY


Meaning - a moral fable, especially one with animals as characters. Usage - her father told her an apologue Synonyms - allegory , fable , parable Antonyms - truth Mnemonics - a girls father came to know that she forgot to tell apology in her life for all he taken her nearer and told a asmall story regarding moral.from that day onwards she realised her faults.


Meaning - a movement performed in classical riding, in which the horse leaps from the ground and kicks out with its hind legs.; a leap or caper in dancing, especially a cabriole. Usage - With lofty turns and caprioles Synonyms - bounce, dive, drop, fall, hurdle, plunge, rise, upsurge, vault Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - a dancer who does cabaret leaps and dances so capriole means the actions done by that dancer.


Meaning - a natural disposition to be aggressive or belligerent Usage - His pugnacity fascinated and repelled people in equal measure. Synonyms - aggression, aggressiveness, attack, backbone, bellicoseness, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, boldness, combativeness, contentiousness, gameness, hardihood, mettle, militancy, pluck, resistance, spirit, truculence, truculency Antonyms - calm, stolid Mnemonics - PUGNACITY = PUNGA lainay ki bohat CAPACITY


Meaning - a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.; a formal structure analogous to a list, by which items of data can be stored or processed in a definite order.; the scene of a contest or combat.; enlist for military service. Usage - consult the list of drugs on page 326; I listed myself for a soldier Synonyms - account, agenda, archive, ballot, bill, calendar, catalog, checklist, dictionary, directory, draft, file, index, inventory, lineup, listing, menu, poll, program, schedule, series, table, tally, ticket, arrangement, brief, bulletin, canon, catalogue, census, contents, docket, enumeration, gazette, invoice, lexicon, loop, manifest, memorandum, outline, panel, prospectus, register, roll, row, screed, scroll, slate, statistics, syllabus, thesaurus, timetable, vocabulary, roll call Antonyms - disorganization Mnemonics - List=Items falling one after another.So one item is leaning over another.


Meaning - a peculiar aspect of a person's character or behaviour.; a strange chance occurrence.; a sudden twist, turn, or curve.; (with reference to a person's mouth or eyebrow) move or twist suddenly, especially to express surprise or amusement. Usage - they accepted her attitude as one of her little quirks; a strange quirk of fate had led her to working for Nathan; wry humour put a slight quirk in his mouth; his lips quirked disbelievingly Synonyms - aberration, characteristic, eccentricity, foible, habit, idiosyncrasy, kink, mannerism, peculiarity, trait, twist, vagary, caprice, conceit, crotchet, equivocation, fancy, fetish, humor, irregularity, knack, quibble, singularity, subterfuge, turn, whim, whimsy, idée fixe Antonyms - normality, usualness, inability Mnemonics - A clerk , walking in murk , he hit something and got a knee-jerk , he bent to see, what did he hit, from a lamp some smoke emit. Genie appeared and told the clerk, it is a QUIRK ask for any 3 perk.


Meaning - a person believing in or practising religious heresy.; a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. Usage - he was condemned as a heretic and executed at the stake Synonyms - apostate, cynic, pagan, sectarian, skeptic Antonyms - believer Mnemonics - hair-a-tic ... who makes the church goers hair tic


Meaning - a person making an inquiry, especially one seen to be excessively harsh or searching Usage - the professional inquisitors of the press Synonyms - interrogator, researcher, investigator, prober Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - INQUISITOR-one who is Inquisitive, always asks questions , he is a QUESTIONER.


Meaning - a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality. Usage - it would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel viciously jealous Synonyms - model, epitome, archetype, ideal, exemplar, nonpareil, paradigm, embodiment, personification, quintessence, standard, prototype, apotheosis Antonyms - flaw, imperfection Mnemonics - paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection in India


Meaning - a person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect. Usage - I'm that phoenix, the old-fashioned family doctor Synonyms - gem, masterpiece, treasure, charm, find, genius, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, paragon, pearl, phenomenon, prize, prodigy, rarity, specialty, wonder Antonyms - mundane, cliched Mnemonics - As the Immortal bird in Harry Potter


Meaning - a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. Usage - witch hazels are the harbingers of spring Synonyms - omen, portent, precursor, augury, forerunner, foretoken, herald, messenger, sign, signal Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - in the movie the grudge, sounds like HER + FINGER, she shows me what is about to happen by gesturing with her finger.


Meaning - a person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen. Usage - they considered the first primroses as the herald of spring Synonyms - adviser, bearer, courier, crier, forerunner, harbinger, indication, outrider, precursor, prophet, reporter, runner, sign, signal, token Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - The newspaper Daily Herald gives us news of whats going to happen in the day.


Meaning - a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.; lacking inspiration or excitement; dull. Usage - the road is so dangerous pedestrians avoid it; disenchantment with their pedestrian lives Synonyms - banal, humdrum, mediocre, mundane, plodding, prosaic, blah, boring, commonplace, flat, monotone, ordinary, banausic, dim, dreary, inane, jejune, monotonous, platitudinous, run-of-the-mill, stodgy, truistic, unimaginative, uninspired, uninteresting, wishy-washy Antonyms - exciting, extraordinary, unusual, uncommon, different, exceptional, interesting Mnemonics - pedestrian -it seems like paidal which means walking on foot


Meaning - a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage. Usage - he was surrounded by flatterers and sycophants Synonyms - groupie, lackey, adulator, backscratcher, backslapper, bootlicker, doormat, fan, fawner, flatterer, flunky, groveler, hanger-on, minion, parasite, politician, puppet, slave, brownnoser, handshaker Antonyms - iconoclast, contempt, presumptuous Mnemonics - sycophant.....split it like .....syco(sounds like psycho)+phan...sounds like FAN.......SO JUST IMAGINE a PSYCHO FAN of yours in your office who want to please you in whatever flattering..or by bootliking.....just to gain your favour


Meaning - a person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or institutions. Usage - she is an iconoclast, called to shatter the myth of restaurants she feels are too popular Synonyms - critic, cynic, dissenter, dissident, heretic, nonbeliever, questioner, radical, rebel, revolutionist, ruiner, sceptic, unbeliever, denouncer, image-breaker, non-conformist, detractor Antonyms - believer Mnemonics - icons-ideals; clast is like clash... so iconoclast is someone whose ideas clash with the traditional ideals.


Meaning - a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge. Usage - there is no room for the dilettante in this business Synonyms - dabbler, potterer, tinkerer, trifler, dallier; amateur, non-professional, non-specialist, layman, layperson Antonyms - professional Mnemonics - i called ramu tent wala and ramu tied dhilla(loose) tent because he was dilettante.


Meaning - a person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment of others. Usage - a few killjoys try to reform the seasonal activities Synonyms - spoilsport, moaner, complainer, mope, prophet of doom, Cassandra, Jeremiah, death's head at a feast; puritan, prig, prude Antonyms - a sport, amiable Mnemonics - kill+joy....... kill here means spoil .+ others joy spoil others pleasure


Meaning - a person who demands complete obedience; a strict disciplinarian. Usage - the woman in charge was a martinet who treated all those beneath her like children Synonyms - disciplinarian, slave-driver, stickler for discipline, taskmaster, taskmistress, authoritarian, tyrant; drill sergeant Antonyms - lenient Mnemonics - spelling is very similar to martial - so a martinet is martial belligerent


Meaning - a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. Usage - a bachelor and renowned misogynist Synonyms - misanthrope, sexist, anti-feminist, male chauvinist Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - gyna is related to women...just like gynocologist...."gyna" is formed from "vagina". i suppose


Meaning - a person who exaggerates or feigns illness in order to escape duty or work. Usage - the doctor said my son was a malingerer Synonyms - shirker, slacker, idler, layabout, shammer , skulker Antonyms - busy, focused, hard working Mnemonics - Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to avoid going to school.


Meaning - a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause. Usage - a low-interest loan from a benefactor allowed them to build a floor for the exhibition hall Synonyms - backer, contributor, patron, philanthropist, promoter, protector, supporter, aid, altruist, angel, assistant, fan, helper, humanitarian, mark, sponsor, subscriber, subsidizer, well-wisher, fairy godparent, Good Samaritan, grubstaker, Santa Claus Antonyms - opponent, antagonist, opposer Mnemonics - divide it like BENEFACT+or--focus on benefit, we are always benefited by generous people or gift givers.


Meaning - a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity. Usage - the sex was so ambiguous and romantic that none but a prude could find it objectionable Synonyms - puritan, prig, killjoy, moral zealot/fanatic, moralist, Mrs Grundy, Grundy, old maid, schoolmarm, pietist, Victorian, priggish person; bluenose; Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - a person who is easily shocked by rude things esp those of sexual type


Meaning - a person who loves stamps. Usage - The world of the philatelist is a strange and tiny one. It makes one wonder why someone starts collecting stamps in the first place. Maybe it's the pretty little pictures. Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - phil + ATLAS = loves atlas and hence collect stamps of the countries on the atlas


Meaning - a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. Usage - after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith Synonyms - dissenter, heretic, nonconformist; defector, deserter, traitor, turncoat; schismatic; archaicrecusant, recreant, renegade Antonyms - follower, disciple Mnemonics - Apostles do not apostate


Meaning - a piece of burning wood.; a person who is very passionate about a particular cause. Usage - a political firebrand Synonyms - radical, revolutionary; troublemaker, agitator, rabble-rouser, demagogue, soapbox orator, incendiary, demonstrator, guerrilla, instigator, malcontent, protester, rabble-rouser, rebel, revolutionist, troublemaker, subversive Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - People who start fires are firebrand.


Meaning - a planned route or journey. Usage - his itinerary included an official visit to Canada Synonyms - planned route, route, journey, way, road, path, course; travel plan, schedule, timetable, programme, travel arrangements, flight plan; tour, circuit, round Antonyms - no planning Mnemonics - the car i10 is rarely used to plan a trip in it


Meaning - a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something. Usage - your predilection for pretty girls Synonyms - liking, fondness, preference, partiality, taste, penchant, weakness, soft spot, fancy, inclination, leaning, bias, propensity, bent, proclivity, proneness, predisposition, tendency, affinity, appetite, love Antonyms - dislike, disinclination Mnemonics - pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language ( :) assume the interview is in the US)


Meaning - a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction.; the introductory part of a statute or deed, stating its purpose, aims, and justification. Usage - he could tell that what she said was by way of a preamble Synonyms - introduction, preliminary/preparatory/opening remarks, preliminary/preparatory/opening statement, preliminaries, preface, lead-in, overture, prologue; foreword, prelude, front matter, forward matter Antonyms - ending, epilogue Mnemonics - PRE(before) + AM (i) + BOL(tell): in a meeting political leaders will say: what I want to say before I start my lecture is bla bla bla. All this will take 1 hour. :) . This is what preamble is.


Meaning - a principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom, equivalent to the division in botany; a group of languages related to each other less closely than those forming a family, especially one in which the relationships are unclear. Usage - GASTROPODA, the second of the five classes of animals constituting the phylum Mollusca. Synonyms - classification Antonyms - unclassified Mnemonics - phylum..sounds like file 'em...file them...classify them!


Meaning - a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something. Usage - a panegyric on the pleasures of malt whisky Synonyms - eulogy, speech of praise, paean, accolade, tribute, testimonial; commendation, acclamation Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so panegyric means expression of praise


Meaning - a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.; (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) a plaintiff's written declaration. Usage - he was found guilty of a libel on a Liverpool inspector of taxes Synonyms - defamation, aspersion, calumny, denigration, lying, obloquy, smear, vituperation, malicious Antonyms - compliment, praise Mnemonics - libel is close to label.WE always tend to LABEL people by their shortcomings, thus libel=defamatory statement


Meaning - a raised wooden platform used formerly for the public execution of criminals.; a structure made using scaffolding.; attach scaffolding to (a building). Usage - scaffold boards Synonyms - scaffolding, arena, boards, dais, frame, platform, set, setting, lscenery, stage set Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - scafFOLD - Something which can be FOLDED and relocated to another place is a temporary arrangement.


Meaning - a reluctance or lack of enthusiasm. Usage - Lucy felt a strong disinclination to talk about her engagement Synonyms - reluctance, unwillingness, lack of enthusiasm, indisposition, slowness, hesitancy, hesitance, diffidence; loathness, aversion, dislike, distaste; objection, demur, resistance, opposition, recalcitrance Antonyms - inclination, enthusiasm Mnemonics - dis= no inclination= desire


Meaning - a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful. Usage - she began uttering liberal platitudes Synonyms - cliché, truism, commonplace, banality, hackneyed, trite Antonyms - invent, new Mnemonics - Latitudes vary from place to place ...whereas Platitude is common to all ..i.e. COMMONPLACE...ORDINARY ... TRITE


Meaning - a scene of uproar and confusion. Usage - there was bedlam in the courtroom Synonyms - uproar, pandemonium, commotion, mayhem, confusion, unrest, furore, upheaval, hubbub, hurly-burly, turmoil, riot, ruckus, tumult, disarray, turbulence Antonyms - calm Mnemonics - A state of extreme confusion and hindi..its like..bad lamhe..means bad moments..during our bad lamhe or bad moments there is extreme disorder and chaos


Meaning - a secret political clique or faction. Usage - a cabal of dissidents Synonyms - conspiracy,intrigue, scheme Antonyms - open, clear Mnemonics - Cabal--- kabila in Hindi u know (must have seen in bollywood movies) ....imagine them when u read cabal you will automatically recall the meaning i.e secret group of persons secretly united to promote their interests.


Meaning - a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant. Usage - the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering Synonyms - breather, breathing space, downtime, hiatus, interruption, layoff Antonyms - continuation, advance, beginning, blame Mnemonics - Tarik pe Tarik (Sunny Deol) Respite pe Respite


Meaning - a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. Usage - the maxim that actions speak louder than words Synonyms - saying, adage, aphorism, proverb, motto, saw, axiom, dictum, precept, epigram; catchphrase, slogan, byword, watchword; truism, platitude, cliché; bon mot Antonyms - adage, aphorism, axiom, dictum, motto, proverb, theorem, apophthegm, belief, byword, canon, commonplace, device, epithet, formula, law, moral, platitude, precept, prescript, rule, saw, tenet, truism, brocard Mnemonics - Maxim is a famous magazine. Its a maxim that every young boy reads MAXIM!


Meaning - a skilled mechanic in the armed forces. ; a skilled craftsman or inventor. Usage - the artificers of their pleasure Synonyms - artisan, blacksmith, journeyperson, machinist, maker, manufacturer, mechanic, skilled worker, smith, specialist, technician, wright Antonyms - bumbler, unskilled Mnemonics - someone who know art properly is called an artificer


Meaning - a small group of people having control of a country or organization. Usage - the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president Synonyms - authoritarianism, autocracy, coercion, cruelty, despotism, domination, oppression, terrorism, totalitarianism Antonyms - democracy Mnemonics - In line with Anarchy Monarchy and Oligoarchy (Oligo means few), matriarchy(run by a women) and patriarchy(run by a man)


Meaning - a small stream of water or another liquid. Usage - sweat ran in rivulets down his back Synonyms - bourn, brook, channel, creek, rill, river, runnel, stream, streamlet, runlet Antonyms - sea, ocean Mnemonics - -let actually means small - rivulet = small river - booklet = small book piglet = small pig - cigarette = small cigar - islet = small island etc.


Meaning - a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized. Usage - they tend to regard grammar as the touchstone of all language performance Synonyms - criterion, standard, yardstick, benchmark, barometer, litmus test, indicator, indication; measure Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - A TOUCHSTONE is a special kind of stone that measures the quality of gold. A slight rub or touch on the stone gives you the standard of gold.


Meaning - a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.; an instrumental piece suggesting a dreamy or musing state. Usage - a knock on the door broke her reverie; his own compositions can move from impressionist reveries to an orchestral chordal approach Synonyms - daydream, daydreaming, trance, fantasy, vision, fancy, hallucination, musing; inattention, inattentiveness, wool-gathering, preoccupation, obliviousness, engrossment, absorption, self-absorption, absent-mindedness, abstraction, lack of concentration, lack of application; dwam,contemplation, fantasy, meditation, trance, absorption, abstraction, detachment, dreaminess, dreaming, inattention, muse, musing, pensiveness, phantasy, preoccupation, study, thought, trip, woolgathering, absent-mindedness, castle-building, castles in the air, fool's paradise, head trip, mind trip Antonyms - nightmare Mnemonics - read it as "river eye" jheel si aankhe... think about the song "sharbati teri aankho ki jheel si gehrai me mai doob jata hoon" so doob jana means mused in thoughts.. daydreaming


Meaning - a state of temporary disuse or suspension. Usage - matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries Synonyms - suspend, adjourn, interrupt, break off, postpone, delay, defer, shelve, arrest, put off, intermit, prorogue, hold over, put aside, pigeonhole; reschedule Antonyms - in hand, under way, continuing, continue, resume Mnemonics - remember "abey" in hindi... abey mat karo... do it later!


Meaning - a stock of plays, dances, or items that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform. Usage - his repertoire of quotes and quips Synonyms - collection, stock, range, repertory; reserve, store, repository, supply, stockpile Antonyms - debt Mnemonics - REPET (Repeat) + TOIRE (sounds like CHOIR = songs) => so repeat-choir = repeat songs = collection of songs


Meaning - a storehouse for threshed grain. Usage - the grains were stored in the granary Synonyms - repository, storehouse, barn, crib Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - sounds like grain-ary that is where grains are kept


Meaning - a story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Usage - Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey Synonyms - parable, analogy, metaphor, symbol, emblem; story, tale, myth, legend, saga, fable, apologue Antonyms - non-fiction, truth Mnemonics - A girl to be ALL+GORY in all characters is like a dream and can be only portrayed in story or play


Meaning - a straight line between two places. Usage - Beeline for the bar. Synonyms - shortcut, straightaway, shortest route, straight line Antonyms - tortuous Mnemonics - moving in a particular line(direction) like a bee


Meaning - a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something. Usage - he has a penchant for adopting stray dogs Synonyms - inclination, affection, affinity, predilection, proclivity, propensity, taste Antonyms - inclination, affection, affinity, predilection, proclivity, propensity, taste Mnemonics - A new Parker PEN comes in the market and you have a strong desire for it and hence you CHANT about it where ever you go.


Meaning - a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something. Usage - his polemic against the cultural relativism of the Sixties Synonyms - belligerent, contrary, eristic Antonyms - praise, applaud Mnemonics - pole(poll) during polls politicians often attack others opinions.


Meaning - a structure of stone or brick built against a wall to strengthen or support it; a source of defence or support. Usage - the cathedral's massive buttresses Synonyms - prop, support, abutment, shore, pier, reinforcement, stanchion, stay, strut Antonyms - break apart, push apart Mnemonics - remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when you sit, giving support.


Meaning - a sudden abundance or spate of something.; having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value Usage - the frogs feast on the great flush of insects; a speculator flush with cash Synonyms - even, horizontal, level, plane, smooth, square Antonyms - broken, dishonest, irregular Mnemonics - if you flush and it flushes money that means you are freaking rich


Meaning - a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.; a loud cry.; (of a baby or small child) cry noisily and continuously. Usage - low clouds and squalls of driving rain; he emitted a short mournful squall; Sarah was squalling in her crib Synonyms - flurry, gale, gust, shower, windstorm, blast, bluster, commotion, gush, storm, trouble, wind Antonyms - calm, peace, quiet, stillness Mnemonics - SQUALL sounds like SQUEAK + YELL loud or violent.


Meaning - a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children.; a violent social or political upheaval. Usage - toxic side effects like convulsions; the convulsions of 1939-45 Synonyms - fit, seizure, paroxysm, spasm, attac Antonyms - harmony, peace Mnemonics - sudden jolts of pain when we run after a long time


Meaning - a tedious recital or repetitive series. Usage - a litany of complaints Synonyms - recital, recitation, repetition Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - split the word LIT+ANY . god give LIGHT to ANY of my numerous requests. Hence, long prayes or repetitious list.


Meaning - a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing. Usage - let's return to the main topic after that brief digression Synonyms - deviation, detour, diversion, departure; aside Antonyms - focused, on track Mnemonics - dig+reason: if u go deep inside the reason, then what will happen that u will moved from the main subject. a small example: like u gone to a mango garden to eat mango(main reason) but after going there when u say so many mangoes, u start counting the number of mangoes and move away from the main topic


Meaning - a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need. Usage - transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work Synonyms - emergency, expedient, impromptu, makeshift, rough-and-tumble, substitute, temp Antonyms - completed, finished, permanent, solved Mnemonics - doing something temporarily to stop a gap from increasing in the wall.


Meaning - a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something. Usage - cameras are a major deterrent to crime Synonyms - disincentive, discouragement Antonyms - incentive, encouragement Mnemonics - deterrent can be related to deterrent, both discourage; while detergent discourages stains deterrent discourages anything wrong


Meaning - a thing that existed before or logically precedes another. ; a person's ancestors or family and social background. Usage - some antecedents to the African novel might exist in Africa's oral traditions; her early life and antecedents have been traced Synonyms - anterior, former, past, precedent, preliminary, earlier, foregoing, preceding, precursory, previous Antonyms - descendant, subsequent Mnemonics - Sounds like ante + events. Ante means before. So we can read the event before.


Meaning - a thing that protrudes from something else.; the fact or state of protruding. Usage - some dinosaurs evolved protuberances on top of their heads; the large size and protuberance of the incisors Synonyms - bump, lump, knob, hump, jut, projection, prominence, protrusion, overhang, eminence, ledge, shelf, ridge, swelling, bulge, excrescence, outgrowth, growth, sticking out, jutting, projection, projecting, obtrusion, obtruding, prominence, protrusion; swelling, bulging, carbuncle Antonyms - depression, ingrowth, sinkage Mnemonics - protuberance as we pump air to tube it protuberances i.e bulges in size


Meaning - a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule ; official permission or approval for an action. Usage - Synonyms - penalty, punishment, deterrent, authorization, consent, leave, permission, authority, warrant, licence, dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, approval Antonyms - reward, prohibition, ban Mnemonics - S(Yes)+ Action


Meaning - a very small patch of colour or light.; a small particle or speck of something. Usage - his blue eyes had grey flecks in them; brushing a few flecks of dandruff from his suit Synonyms - speck, stripe, bit, dot, mite, mote, patch, pinpoint, speckle, stipple, streak Antonyms - large, big, huge, Mnemonics - sounds like flakes - remember it from flakes of snow which are small


Meaning - a violent person, especially one involved in crime. Usage - she was set upon by a gang of young ruffians Synonyms - thug, scoundrel, villain, rogue, rascal, lout, hooligan, hoodlum, vandal, delinquent, rowdy, bully boy, bully, brute; larrikin Antonyms - getleman, naive Mnemonics - Sounds like "rough"-ian. i.e., a rowdy person.


Meaning - a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plough or cart that thhey are to pull.; used to refer to something regarded as oppressive or restrictive. Usage - the yoke of imperialism; the horses were loosened from the yoke Synonyms - harness, collar, coupling, tackle, tack, equipage Antonyms - tyranny, oppression, domination, hegemony, enslavement, slavery, servitude, subjugation, subjection, bondage, serfdom, vassalage Mnemonics - yoke sounds like coke and everyone has seen the advertisement coke k saath dost free therefore it brings you together it means unite you.


Meaning - a written law passed by a legislative body. Usage - the Act consolidated statutes dealing with non-fatal offences Synonyms - act, bill, decree, edict, measure, regulation, assize, canon, enactment, ordinance, precept, decretum Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - statutory warning


Meaning - abandon or leave; renounce or give up (something valued or pleasant). Usage - he would never forsake Tara; I won't forsake my vegetarian principles Synonyms - abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from, leave behind, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, cast aside, give up, reject, disown; break (up) with, jilt, strand, leave stranded, leave flat, leave in the lurch, throw over, cast aside/off, betray; run/walk out on, rat on, drop, dump, ditch, chuck; give someone the push, give someone the elbow, give someone the big E, bin off; give someone the air Antonyms - allow, approve, continue, keep, claim, hold, maintain, go back, rediscover, return, revert Mnemonics - a despo boy saying to his girlfriend,,,,,, "FOR god SAKE , dont leave me , i need u !!


Meaning - about to happen or appear.; ready or made available when wanted or needed. Usage - the forthcoming cricket season; financial support was not forthcoming Synonyms - anticipated, approaching, awaited, coming, impending, upcoming Antonyms - remote Mnemonics - which come forth when asked


Meaning - abrupt or offhand in speech or manner. Usage - she could be brusque and impatient Synonyms - curt, abrupt, blunt, short, sharp, terse, brisk, crisp, clipped, monosyllabic, peremptory, gruff, bluff Antonyms - polite, verbose Mnemonics - BRUSQUE=BRU+QUE...after long hours of waiting in the QUE,the crowd was jus given a cup of BRU coffee.the crowd got pissed off and turned VIOLENT


Meaning - abrupt or offhand in speech or manner. Usage - she could be brusque and impatient Synonyms - curt, abrupt, blunt, short, sharp, terse, brisk, crisp, clipped, monosyllabic, peremptory, gruff, bluff Antonyms - polite, verbose Mnemonics - Blunt in speech can bruise quickly the other persons ego


Meaning - absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.; something that someone firmly believes is true. Usage - the question may never be answered with certitude Synonyms - assurance, assuredness, belief, certainty, confidence, conviction, inevitability, inevitableness, positiveness Antonyms - distrust, doubt, fear, uncertainty Mnemonics - Certitude = Certify + Attitude - I can give you a certificate that says what I am saying is true (Attitude)


Meaning - accustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than its mother's milk.; accustom (someone) to managing without something which they have become dependent on.; be strongly influenced by (something), especially from an early age. Usage - the doctor tried to wean her off the sleeping pills; I was weaned on a regular diet of Hollywood fantasy Synonyms - discourage, halt, remove, unaccustom Antonyms - habituate Mnemonics - VI-HEEN KAR DENA, that is to cause to leave


Meaning - acting as a memorial of an event or person. Usage - veterans of the battle will attend commemorative services Synonyms - memorial, remembrance, celebratory, celebrative; in remembrance of ..., in memory of ..., in honour of ... Antonyms - dishonoring, forgetful, neglectful, neglecting Mnemonics - com + MEMORATIVE memory = remembering


Meaning - acting in a confused or ineffectual way; incompetent. Usage - he's a bumbling fool Synonyms - inept, blundering, bungling, awkward, butterfingered, clumsy, gauche, graceless, maladroit, unpolished Antonyms - competent, sophisticated Mnemonics - we can remember it from Transformer Bumblebee, he always speaks in a confused tone and confuses us as well.


Meaning - acting or done quickly and without thought or care.; moving forcefully or rapidly. Usage - she might live to rue this impetuous decision Synonyms - impulsive, rash, hasty, overhasty, reckless, heedless, foolhardy, incautious, imprudent, injudicious, ill-conceived, ill-considered, unplanned, unreasoned, unthought-out, unthinking; spontaneous, impromptu, spur-of-the-moment, precipitate, precipitous, headlong, hurried, rushed; torrential, powerful, forceful, vigorous, violent, raging, rampant, relentless, unrestrained, uncontrolled, unbridled Antonyms - cautious, considered, sluggish, weak Mnemonics - im+petu+us => i am petu (in hindi which means who eats a lot), so if you don't give me enough food, i'll get violent,harsh, rough to us.


Meaning - acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Usage - no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose Synonyms - careful, cautious, discreet, economical, frugal, judicious, reasonable, sane, shrewd, vigilant Antonyms - wasteful, imprudent, unwise Mnemonics - we all know ICICI Prudential insurance.. so we can think of thoughtful decision taken by having a insurance policy.


Meaning - admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.; surrender or yield (a possession, right, or privilege). Usage - I had to concede that I'd overreacted; in 475 the emperor conceded the Auvergne to Euric Synonyms - accept, admit, allow, capitulate, cave in, cede, confess, give up, grant, hand over, quit, relinquish, surrender, yield, accord, avow, award, ditto, fold, own, waive, bury the hatchet, cry uncle, fess up, go along with, go with the flow, knuckle under, let on, own up, play ball with, say uncle, throw in the towel, yes one Antonyms - defend, deny, disallow, disapprove, dispute, fight, hold, keep, refuse, reject, repudiate, veto, win, contradict, disacknowledge, disagree, dissent Mnemonics - con+cede---surrender(cede) surrender and accept shit to be true reluctantly


Meaning - adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life). Usage - the left has espoused the causes of sexual and racial equality Synonyms - adopt, advocate, defend, embrace, maintain, uphold Antonyms - attack, desert, reject Mnemonics - pick the word spouse like the wife is the spouse of her husband and is always supportive of him.


Meaning - affected by bitterness, resentment, or cynicism. Usage - they looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye Synonyms -bitter, resentful, cynical, soured, distorted, disenchanted, disillusioned, disappointed Antonyms - optimistic, charitable Mnemonics - Jaundiced as we know is yellowed .. so when our eyes are also yellowed we cannot see correctly .. hence pejudiced


Meaning - affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting.; spiteful; bad-tempered. Usage - a bilious attack; his bilious temperament Synonyms - nauseous, sick, queasy, nauseated, green about the gills, liverish; bad-tempered, irritable, irascible, tetchy, testy, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, cantankerous Antonyms - good-humoured Mnemonics - Note that many of the words with roots from body organs mean irritable. Examples: splenetic, spleen, bilious, atrabilious, dyspeptic, livery, and liverish.


Meaning - affected, over-refined, and ineffectual.; no longer capable of effective action; (of a man) weak or effeminate. Usage - Synonyms - burnt out, corrupt, debased, decadent, decayed, declining, decrepit, degenerate, dissipated, dissolute, drained, enervated, enfeebled, far-gone, feeble, immoral, obsolete, overrefined, overripe, played out, soft, spent, vitiated, washed-out, wasted, weak, worn out Antonyms - capable, productive, tireless, useful, working Mnemonics - when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn if you are lacking in power


Meaning - aggressively greedy or grasping. Usage - rapacious landlords Synonyms - ferocious, greedy, marauding, predatory, ravenous, voracious, avaricious, furious, murderous, preying, ravening, savage Antonyms - satisfied Mnemonics - 'Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully


Meaning - agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions.; Usage - consonance between conservation measures and existing agricultural practice Synonyms - agreement, concord, accord, accordance, harmony, unison, conformity; compatibility, congruity, congruence Antonyms - disagreement, discord, disunity, dissonance, incompatibility, incongruence, incongruity, nonconformity Mnemonics - consonance - Relate with RESONANCE


Meaning - amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. Usage - his six-foot frame shook with mirth Synonyms - hilarity, laughter, levity, rejoicing, amusement, cheer, cheerfulness, convulsions, entertainment, festivity, frivolity, frolic, fun, gaiety, gladness, glee, happiness, hysteria, hysterics, jocularity, jocundity, jollity, joviality, joyousness, kicks, laughs, lightheartedness, merriment, merrymaking, pleasure, revelry, sport, whoopee Antonyms - depression, gloom, melancholy, misery, pain, sadness Mnemonics - mother at birth of her child is extreemely happy. this is how the word was made. mother at birth = mirth.


Meaning - an accessory or other item associated with a particular activity or style of living. Usage - the appurtenances of consumer culture Synonyms - addition, annex, apparatus, appendage, appendix, attachment, component, paraphernalia Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Upar tenant; Khud neeche rehta hai and upar tenant rakha hai to supplement his income


Meaning - an accusation in response to one from someone else. Usage - there are no tears, no recriminations Synonyms - accusation(s), mutual accusation(s), counter-accusation(s), countercharge(s), counterattack(s), retaliation(s); Antonyms - approval, commendation, praise Mnemonics - re-crimina-tion: crimina relates to a crime. recrimination means: one accusing the other for a crime. The other "re" accused him of another crime.


Meaning - an act of retaliation. Usage - three youths died in the reprisals which followed Synonyms - retaliation, counterattack, counterstroke, comeback; revenge, vengeance, retribution Antonyms - forgiveness, pardon Mnemonics - reprisal ~ appraisal ; If you Boss doesn't give you good appraisal (the yearly evaluation based on which salary is incremented) then you should retailiate by actually not performing/working


Meaning - an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence. Usage - I'll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions Synonyms - offence, crime, sin, wrong, wrongdoing, misdemeanour, felony, misdeed, lawbreaking, vice, evil-doing, indiscretion, peccadillo, mischief, mischievousness, wickedness, misbehaviour, bad behaviour Antonyms - obedience Mnemonics - Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border.


Meaning - an action such as prolonged speaking which obstructs progress in a legislative assembly in a way that does not technically contravene the required procedures. Usage - many hours in committee characterized by filibuster and slow progress Synonyms - procrastination, delay, hindrance, interference, opposition, postponement, stonewalling, holding the floor, talkathon Antonyms - advance, aid, assistance, expedition, help, catalyst, impetus, incentive, progression Mnemonics - something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)


Meaning - an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one. Usage - The codicil revoked his access to the house. Synonyms - addendum, addition, appendix, postscript, rider, supplement Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - CODICIL (Sounds like KOTHI + SEAL) Imagine a person getting an aalishaan KOTHI through a will. But unfortunately, due to some legal reasons, government has decided to SEAL THE KOTHI and ALTER the will against his favor.


Meaning - an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.; an epithet used as a term of abuse. Usage - old men are often unfairly awarded the epithet 'dirty'; he woman begins to hurl racial epithets at them Synonyms - sobriquet, nickname, byname, title, name, label, tag; description, descriptive word/expression/phrase, designation, denomination, characterization, identification Antonyms - praise, laud Mnemonics - epithet = a + pithet -> a pathetic (person)...pathetic is an adjective.


Meaning - an ambitious or ruthlessly self-seeking person. Usage - he regarded trade as a haven for arrivistes Synonyms - social climber, status seeker, would-be, go-getter, self-seeker, adventurer, adventuress Antonyms - moral Mnemonics - arriviste - arrive + vista ,Microsoft Vista suddenly gained very high popularity after "reaching" at high technicians' group but later they didn't accept it in their technical space.


Meaning - an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardour, and purity. Usage - A seraph with wings extended flew towards him from the horizon and inundated him with pleasure unutterable. Synonyms - archangel, cherub, guardian, seraph, spirit, sprite Antonyms - demon, devil, fiend Mnemonics - seraph: sounds like u can relate as angel is syrup for disturbed boys


Meaning - an assiduous search for something. Usage - he had a quick ferret around Synonyms - beat, break, burrow, clean, clear, comb, delve Antonyms - cover, dirty, fill, ignore, neglect Mnemonics - Ferret is also an animal that looks like a large rat. There was a ferret in my house so we hunted it out of its hiding place so as to kill it.


Meaning - an attractive appearance that covers or disguises someone or something's true nature or feelings. Usage - her veneer of composure cracked a little Synonyms - facade, front, false front, show, outward display, appearance, false appearance, outward appearance, impression, image, semblance Antonyms - reality Mnemonics - surface of PANEER is very VANEER


Meaning - an eccentric act or habit. Usage - her eccentricities were amusing rather than irritating Synonyms - foible, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, quirk, weirdness Antonyms - conformity, normalcy, normality, regularity, sameness, standard Mnemonics - ec + centric. Prefixes ec- ,ex- ,e- means away from; out of ; outside. So eccentric means away from centre.


Meaning - an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling; (in ancient Greece) an epic poem, or part of a poem, of a suitable length for recitation at one time. Usage - rhapsodies of praise Synonym -arrangement, concerto, drama, melody, music, piece, poetry, setup, symphony, theme, tune, writing Antonyms - silence Mnemonics - sounds like rap songs which recite on a particular stanza or poem.


Meaning - an excessive amount of something.; cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it to excess. Usage - a surfeit of food and drink; I am surfeited with shopping Synonyms - glut, plethora, profusion, bellyful, overabundance, overflow, overindulgence, overkill, overmuch, overplus, plenitude, remainder, repletion, satiety, satisfaction, saturation, superabundance, superfluity, surplus, overfullness, up to here Antonyms - lack, need, want, base, core, main Mnemonics - break SURFEIT as SIRF(sirf in HINDI means only to) EAT.Bas khate hi rehta an excess of.


Meaning - an excessively abundant supply of something.; supply or fill to excess. Usage - there is a glut of cars on the market; the roads are glutted with cars Synonyms - oversupply, saturation, surplus, excess, nimiety, plenitude, superfluity, surfeit, too much Antonyms - lack, need, want, insufficiency Mnemonics - remember GLUTtony means excess eating/drinking


Meaning - an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called upon to give their opinions to the public Usage - political pundits were tipping him for promotion Synonyms - buff, cognoscenti, expert, intellectual, philosopher, professor, scholar, thinker Antonyms - ignoramus, amateur Mnemonics - A pandit is scholar


Meaning - an expert judge in matters of taste. Usage - a connoisseur of music Synonyms - expert judge (of), authority (on), specialist (in); arbiter of taste, pundit, savant, one of the cognoscenti, aesthete; gourmet, epicure, gastronome Antonyms - ignoramus Mnemonics - (In Hindi Language) Connoisseur sounds like kaun inse sure nahi hoga, kaun nahi sure.. Ye to expert hai. He is connoisseur. He is EXPERT.


Meaning - an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. Usage - They thought the country was in a state of dystopia Synonyms - hell Antonyms - utopia, dreamland Mnemonics - DIS+UTOPIA....dis means not and utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect....hence DYSTOPIA is opposite of UTOPIA...


Meaning - an introduction to something more substantial.; an approach or proposal made to someone with the aim of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship. Usage - the talks were no more than an overture to a long debate; he began making overtures to British merchant banks Synonyms - bid, invitation, presentation, proposal, proposition, signal, suggestion, advance, exordium, foreword, offer, opening, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue, tender Antonyms - conclusion, ending, epilogue, finish, withdrawal Mnemonics - when you want to mend relations then you are overt in showing your intentions


Meaning - an unfounded rumour or story. Usage - the old canard that LA is a cultural wasteland Synonyms - hoax, exaggeration, fabrication, fib Antonyms - truth Mnemonics - Remember Kannad movies...their fighting is so unreal..false... so remember canard as being a false portrayal.


Meaning - an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck. Usage - their victory was a bit of a fluke Synonyms - blessing, quirk, accident, break, contingency, fortuity, fortune, incident, windfall, fortunate, good fortune, good luck, lucky break, odd chance Antonyms - misfortune, certainty, design, plan Mnemonics - F(ortunately)LUKE(Y) means fortunately lucky


Meaning - an upright bar, post, or frame forming a support or barrier. Usage - the umbrella was supported by the stanchion Synonyms - beam, bolster, brace, framework, post, prop Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Sounds like stallion which is always standing and upright


Meaning - analyse and develop (an idea or principle) in detail. Usage - an attempt to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces Synonyms - explain, explain in detail, make explicit, clarify Antonyms - obscure Mnemonics - ex-plicate---> explain complicated things


Meaning - analyse and develop (an idea or principle) in detail.; analyse (a literary work) in order to reveal its meaning. Usage - an attempt to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces; these essays seek to explicate and contextualize Kristeva's writings Synonyms - account, answer, brief, clarification, decipherment, description, details, elucidation, exegesis, exposition, illumination, interpretation, meaning, report, summary Antonyms - misunderstanding Mnemonics - EXPLAIN the CAKE on your podium


Meaning - annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated. Usage - to my chagrin, he was nowhere to be seen Synonyms - annoyance, irritation, vexation, exasperation, displeasure, pique Antonyms - delight Mnemonics - I was in a meeting and to my chagrin, CHAI GIR gayi on my pant making it very embarrassing for me.


Meaning - annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand. Usage - he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse Synonyms - dense, dopey, dull, dumb, imperceptive, insensitive, opaque, slow on uptake, stolid, thick, uncomprehending, unintelligent Antonyms - bright, intelligent, pointed, quick, sharp, smart Mnemonics - imagine a pencil tip...the more obtuse the angle between the two edges of the tip...the more blunt the tip is


Meaning - another term for sublet. Usage - the company is to sublease three buildings Synonyms - appoint, bring in, draft, employ, engage, enlist, lease, obtain, pick, promise, rent, retain, select, authorize, book, carry, charter, delegate, empower, exploit, ink, let, occupy, place, pledge, procure, secure, sublet, utilize, add to payroll, bring on board, contract for, fill a position, find help, give a break, give job to, give work, make use of, put on, put to work, sign on, sign up, take on, truck with Antonyms - dismiss, fire, let go, lose, refuse, reject, release, shun, cancel, keep, discharge Mnemonics - We sublet our apartment over the summer


Meaning - anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. Usage - he felt sick with apprehension Synonyms - alarm, disquiet, doubt, dread, foreboding, misgiving, mistrust Antonyms - belief, calm, calmness Mnemonics - app + comprehension - when you solve a comprehension passage yourself (app) you always have a bad feeling that the answers may be incorrect


Meaning - apart. Usage - the very fabric of society may be torn asunder Synonyms - apart, up, in two; into pieces, to pieces, to bits, to shreds Antonyms - together Mnemonics - When u sit on something, as it is UNDER ur ASS it breaks apart due to pressure (ASUNDER> ASS+UNDER)


Meaning - apparently attractive but having no real value. Usage - meretricious souvenirs for the tourist trade Synonyms - blatant, bogus, brazen, chintzy, counterfeit, garish, glaring, insincere, loud, misleading, ornate, phony, plastic, put-on, sham, showy, spurious, superficial, tawdry, tinsel, trashy Antonyms - genuine, real, undecorated, unembellished Mnemonics - like a merit certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way.. but of no REAL value.


Meaning - appease the anger or anxiety of (someone). Usage - nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists Synonyms - appease, placate, pacify, conciliate, humour, soothe, calm, calm down, still, quieten, propitiate Antonyms - enrage, aggravate, infuriate Mnemonics - Mollify --> (Mooli + Fry), by frying mooli(Raddish) it becomes soft. By frying anything hard vegetables tend to get soft.


Meaning - argue about petty and trivial matters; flow or fall with a gentle repetitive noise; patter. Usage - couples who bicker over who gets what from the divorce; against the glass the rain did beat and bicker Synonyms - squabble, argue; quarrel, wrangle, fight, fall out, have a disagreement, disagree, dispute, spar, Antonyms - agree Mnemonics - Biker sounds like BEKAR(hindi) biker is to argue n quarrel.


Meaning - arrogant and domineering. Usage - his imperious demands Synonyms - arrogant, autocratic, dictatorial, domineering, exacting, haughty, high-handed, tyrannical Antonyms - democratic, humble, meek Mnemonics - imperial(emperor) imperial army wil be alway have "ghamand" so they aare arrogant,overpower


Meaning - arrogantly superior and disdainful. Usage - a look of haughty disdain Synonyms - cavalier, contemptuous, imperious, indifferent, snobbish, snooty Antonyms - humble, shy, meek, timid Mnemonics - Haughty sounds like hottie --- Hot girls usually have "ARROGANTLY SUPERIOR AND DISDAINFUL" behaviour towards others.


Meaning - ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly. Usage - the plutocracy supplicated to be made peers Synonyms - entreat, beseech, beg, plead with, implore, petition, appeal to, solicit, call on, urge, enjoin, importune, pray, invoke, sue, ask, request Antonyms - answer, give, refuse Mnemonics - supplicate~supply+C+ate ; If you have eaten up all the supply of Chocolate you had at home you supplicate your mother to get some more from the market !


Meaning - assertive of authority in a domineering way, especially with regard to trivial matters. Usage - the security people were very officious Synonyms - self-important, bumptious, self-assertive, overbearing, overzealous, dictatorial, bossy, domineering, interfering, intrusive, meddlesome, meddling, importunate, forward, opinionated Antonyms - self-effacing Mnemonics - OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING


Meaning - assign an inferior rank or position to. Usage - they aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role Synonyms - downgrade, lower, lower in rank/status, put down, move down; consign, banish, exile; demote, degrade, declass, strip Antonyms - upgrade, promote Mnemonics - relegate..split it like rele(relatives+gate)your relatives are crying at THE GATE because you are not allowing them to enter your house, you have put them in a worse place i.e the GATE WHICH IS ALMOST LIKE A FOOTPATH.


Meaning - at the point of death. Usage - on examination she was moribund and dehydrated Synonyms - dying, expiring, on one's deathbed, near death Antonyms - thriving, recovering Mnemonics - bund in hindi means "end " or "finish".So thats the end meaning its dying. So "moribund" means "dying


Meaning - attack or ridicule publicly. Usage - he found himself pilloried by members of his own party Synonyms - attack, criticize, censure, condemn, denigrate, find fault with, give a bad press to, lambaste, flay, savage, brand, stigmatize, cast a slur on, denounce; Antonyms - praise Mnemonics - Pillory: The word pillor stands out. Visualise a person being tied to a pillar as a punishment.


Meaning - attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct or persistent approach.; attempt to persuade people of the merits of. Usage - Sanjay was touting his wares; she was touted as a potential Prime Minister Synonyms - laud, proclaim, praise, publicize Antonyms - blame, conceal Mnemonics - tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)


Meaning - attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. Usage - they spent a furtive day together Synonyms - secretive, secret, surreptitious; Antonyms - open, above board Mnemonics - One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.


Meaning - attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage. Usage - a show which should entice a new audience into the theatre Synonyms - tempt, allure, lure, attract Antonyms - repel, repulse, turn off Mnemonics - Everyone got so ATTRACTED to the ENTICEr bike that they were TEMPTED to buy it.


Meaning - attractive in a showy and often superficial way. Usage - glitzy hotel restaurants Synonyms - conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, outright, overt, shameless, unabashed Antonyms - concealed, hidden, moral, secret Mnemonics - can be remembered from glitz which means something which sparkles a lot


Meaning - attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way. Usage - a winsome smile Synonyms - appealing, engaging, charming, winning, attractive, pretty, sweet, cute, endearing, darling, dear, lovable, adorable, lovely, delightful, enchanting, captivating, fetching Antonyms - hideous Mnemonics - winsome: you can win some one only if you are charming and attractive.


Meaning - bad-tempered and sulky. Usage - a sullen pout Synonyms - surly, sulky, pouting, sour, morose, resentful, glum, moody, gloomy, joyless, frowning, glowering, grumpy, touchy, peevish, indignant Antonyms - agreeable, bright, cheerful, friendly Mnemonics - Your face is SWOLLEN ( by some insect bite ) and so you feel SULLEN


Meaning - bad-tempered and unfriendly Usage - the porter left with a surly expression Synonyms - bad-tempered, ill-natured, grumpy, glum, crotchety, prickly, cantankerous, irascible, testy, ill-tempered, short-tempered, ungracious, splenetic, choleric, dyspeptic, bilious, crusty, abrupt, brusque, curt, gruff, blunt, churlish, ill-humoured, crabbed, crabby, uncivil, morose, dour, sullen, sulky, moody Antonyms - good-natured, friendly, pleasant Mnemonics - Liz Hurley is beautiful and friendly model but her sister Liz Surly is an ugly unpleasant and unfriendly woman.


Meaning - bad-tempered or irritable. Usage - he was a choleric, self-important little man Synonyms - bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, tetchy, testy, crusty, cantankerous Antonyms - good-natured, affable Mnemonics - cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric.


Meaning - bad-tempered; spiteful. Usage - a splenetic rant Synonyms - bad-tempered, ill-tempered, ill-humoured, angry, wrathful, cross, peevish, petulant Antonyms - good-humoured Mnemonics - Note that many of the words with roots from body organs mean irritable. Examples: splenetic, spleen, bilious, atrabilious, dyspeptic, livery, and liverish.


Meaning - be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one). Usage - the heavy clouds above the moorland presaged snow Synonyms - apprehension, apprehensiveness, augury, auspice, boding, forecast, foretoken, forewarning, harbinger, intimation, misgiving, omen, portent, premonition, presentiment, prognostic, prognostication, prophecy, sign, warning, bodement, prenotion Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.


Meaning - be a warning or indication of (a future event). Usage - other new measures are foreshadowed in the White Paper Synonyms - augur, presage, portend, prognosticate, foreshow, foretell, indicate, suggest, signal, herald, forewarn, warn of, promise, point to, anticipate Antonyms - past, history Mnemonics - A 'shadow' of an assassin alerts you 'before' his arrival.


Meaning - be filled with love for. Usage - it is not difficult to see why Edward is enamoured of her Synonyms - captivated, enchanted, fascinated, fond, hooked Antonyms - disenchanted, hating, dislike, hated Mnemonics - en+AMOR+ed.....focus on middle part amor...AMOUR..MEANS A LOVE AFFAIR.....SO SOMEONE WHO IS ENAMORED...IS IN LOVE.


Meaning - be forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation. Usage - he has been languishing in jail since 1974 Synonyms - waste away, rot, decay, wither away, moulder, be abandoned, be neglected, be forgotten, suffer Antonyms - build, develop, grow, be happy, delight Mnemonics - lang(LAckiNG)a uish(wish)..think of a person who is lacking a wish to do something, and such kind of a person automatically loses his strength.


Meaning - be indecisive Usage - I vacillated between Computer Science and MIS. Synonyms - irresolute, hesitant, tentative, ambivalent, doubtful Antonyms - resolute Mnemonics - vacci (vaccination) + late - if the vaccination is late, there is confusion of a child getting a deadly disease


Meaning - be prevalent, customary, or established. Usage - the price of silver fell to that obtaining elsewhere in the ancient world Synonyms - prevail, be in force, apply, exist, be in use, be established Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - this obtain does not mean to get, this here means something which is prevalent around the world


Meaning - become larger or stronger. Usage - his anger waxed Synonyms - increase, grow, develop, rise, expand, swell, enlarge, magnify, extend, escalate, deepen, intensify, widen, broaden, spread, mushroom, snowball Antonyms - decrease, wane Mnemonics - If you go for WAXing( A technique to remove hair from your skin..usually ladies go for it) time the hair growth on your skin INCREASES GRADUALLY


Meaning - become tired or less enthusiastic or dynamic. Usage - if you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you Synonyms - tire, become fatigued, grow tired/weary, weaken, grow weak Antonyms - revive, increase Mnemonics - white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble


Meaning - behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others. Usage - a supercilious lady's maid Synonyms - arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful, overbearing, pompous, condescending, superior, patronizing, imperious, proud Antonyms - humble, modest Mnemonics - split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY) think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way.


Meaning - cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions. Usage - a city leery of gang violence Synonyms - careful, cautious, distrustful, dubious, skeptical, uncertain, unsure, wary Antonyms - believing, careless, certain, clear Mnemonics - rhymes with Wary so when u r leery u r wary


Meaning - behaviour showing high moral standards.; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.; a good or useful quality of a thing.; virginity / chastity Usage - paragons of virtue, patience is a virtue, Mike was extolling the virtues of the car Synonyms - goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness, upstandingness, integrity, dignity, rectitude, honesty, honourableness, honourability, honour, incorruptibility, probity, propriety, decency, respectability, nobility, nobility of soul/spirit, nobleness, worthiness, worth, good, trustworthiness, meritoriousness, irreproachableness, blamelessness, purity, pureness, lack of corruption, merit Antonyms - vice, iniquity, failing, disadvantage Mnemonics - Virtue - something that is pure.


Meaning - belief in or acceptance of something as true. Usage - psychoanalysis finds little credence among laymen Synonyms - acceptance, belief, faith, trust, confidence, reliance, traction Antonyms - denial, disbelief, distrust Mnemonics - CRED means to believe so, credo, credible, credence, credit, credential, credulity, incredulous, creed, incredible all are associated with believe.


Meaning - beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience.; surpassing the ordinary; exceptional. Usage - the search for a transcendent level of knowledge; her transcendent beauty; (of God) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe. Synonyms - superior, supreme, consummate, predominant, pre-eminent, ascendant, paramount, superlative, unique, unsurpassed, incomparable, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, supernatural, preternatural, transcendental, other-worldly, superhuman, mystical, mystic, spiritual, divine, heavenly, exalted, sublime, ethereal, numinous, transmundane, ineffable Antonyms - average, mediocre, mundane Mnemonics - TRANSCENDENT, concentrate on TRANSCEND. We are familiar with the transcend pen drive that is available in the market. It is of a SUPERIOR quality and SURPASSES all the other brands.


Meaning - bitter and abusive. Usage - a vituperative outburst Synonyms - censorious,contumelious,defamatory,derisive,disparaging,insolent,insulting,invective,libelous,offensive,opprobrious, reviling,rude,sarcastic,scathing,scolding,scurrilous,sharp-tongued,slanderous,calumniating,castigating,maligning,obloquious,reproachful,traducing,upbraiding,vilifying Antonyms - praise, laud, appraise, acclaim Mnemonics - vitu (bite you) + perative (operator) => when you feel so pissed off on a unkind operator, you would say harsh abusive remarks like "I'll bite you operator"


Meaning - bitter criticism or malice. Usage - her mother's sudden gush of fury and vitriol Synonyms - nastiness, sarcasm, venom, contempt, disdain, hatefulness Antonyms - admiration, love, respect Mnemonics - vitriol is an acid..which is simply the meaning of the adverb also...acid like.


Meaning - boast about or praise (something), especially excessively. Usage - the much vaunted information superhighway Synonyms - boast about, brag about, make much of, crow about, gloat over, give oneself airs about, exult in, parade, flaunt, show off, flourish Antonyms - boast, brag, crow, display, flaunt, gasconade, prate, strut Mnemonics - WHY+AUNT...why do you call me aunty.....i still look young....a kind of bragging


Meaning - bold and impudent behaviour.; annoyance or resentment.; make (someone) feel annoyed or resentful. Usage - he imagined Linda's gall as she found herself still married and not rich; it galled him to have to sit impotently in silence; the bank had the gall to demand a fee Synonyms - chutzpah, acrimony, animosity, arrogance, bitterness, brass, brazenness, cheek, conceit, confidence, effrontery, guts, haughtiness, hostility, impertinence, impudence, insolence, malevolence, malice, pomposity, presumption, rancor, sauciness, self-importance, spite, venom, crust cynicism, overbearance, exasperate Antonyms - benevolence, fear, friendliness, humility, kindness, love, manners, meekness, modesty, politeness, respect, shyness, sweetness, sympathy, timidity, reservations Mnemonics - A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely exasperated him.


Meaning - bold and without shame.; endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame. Usage - he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance; there was nothing to do but brazen it out Synonyms - audacious, blatant, bold, impudent, shameless, unabashed, flip, forward, barefaced, brassy, cheeky, cocky, contumelious, defiant, flashy, gritty, gutsy, hotshot, immodest, impertinent, indecent, insolent, loud, meretricious, nervy, overbold, pert, saucy, smart-alecky, smart-ass, spunky, tawdry, unblushing Antonyms - humble, meek, modest, quiet, retiring, shy, timid, shamed, shamefaced Mnemonics - Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen!


Meaning - brave and persistent. Usage - his doughty spirit kept him going Synonyms - fearless, dauntless, determined, resolute, indomitable, intrepid, plucky Antonyms - timid Mnemonics - sounds like doubty - some one who doubts himself - such a person is not brave or persistent


Meaning - break out again; recur. Usage - syphilis, until recently thought to be almost under control, is now recrudescing Synonyms - react, reappear, rebound, recoil, reconsider, recur, reexamine, repair Antonyms - face, ignore Mnemonics - the word contains recru which can be jumbled to recur, which means happening again


Meaning - bribery and other corrupt practices used to secure illicit advantages or gains in politics or business. Usage - sweeping measures to curb official graft Synonyms - corruption, bribery, bribing, dishonesty, deceit, fraud, fraudulence, subornation, unlawful practices, illegal means, underhand means; payola Antonyms - honesty Mnemonics - graft can be remembered from giraftar(hindi) the culprits


Meaning - bright blue in colour like a cloudless sky. Usage - thin streaks of cloud trailed across an azure sky Synonyms - sky-blue, deep blue, bright blue, blue, ultramarine Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - like azharuddin.... captain of indian cricket team....used to wear a blue shirt n pant.... men in blue


Meaning - bring (something) under control; curb. Usage - the fact that he was their servant bridled his tongue Synonyms - curb, restrain, hold back, bite back, control, keep control of, keep in check, check, keep a tight rein on, rein in/back Antonyms - encouragement, liberation Mnemonics - a bride bridles, ie, she restrains a husband from a lot things like friends, temper, food etc


Meaning - burn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat.; fix (an image or memory) permanently in someone's mind or memory.; be experienced as a sudden, burning sensation. Usage - the water got so hot that it seared our lips; the unfortunate childhood encounter is seared on his memory; a crushing pain seared through his chest Synonyms - scorch, burn, singe, scald, char; dry up/out, parch, desiccate, dehydrate, wither, shrivel; discolour, brown, blacken, carbonize; cauterize, distress, grieve, sadden, make miserable/wretched, upset, trouble, harrow, cause anguish to, afflict, perturb, disturb; hurt, wound, pain, cut to the quick; affect, move, sting, mortify, torment, torture, gnaw at, vex, gall Antonyms - bloom, grow, moisten, wet, freeze Mnemonics - try this spoonerism for remembering "sri Hanuman seared down Sri lanka"


Meaning - calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation. Usage - she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity Synonyms - composure, calmness, calm, level-headedness, self-possession, self-control, even-temperedness, coolness, cool-headedness, presence of mind; serenity, placidity, tranquillity, phlegm, impassivity, imperturbability, unexcitability, equilibrium; poise, self-assurance, assurance, self-confidence, aplomb, sangfroid, nerve Antonyms - anxiety Mnemonics - EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT.


Meaning - capture the fascinated attention of. Usage - she had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold Synonyms - captivate, charm, enchant, bewitch, fascinate, beguile, entrance, enrapture, delight, attract, allure, lure Antonyms - bore, repel, boring, dull Mnemonics - mentos menthol khake dimag ki batti jal gayi and you got lost in the moment.


Meaning - care for and protect in an overindulgent way. Usage - all her life she'd been cosseted by her family Synonyms - pamper, indulge, overindulge, mollycoddle, coddle, baby, pet, mother Antonyms - ignore Mnemonics - remember this from corset which is wore by women to protect their figure going out of shape.


Meaning - care or concern for someone or something. Usage - I was touched by his solicitude Synonyms - concern, care, attentiveness, mindfulness, consideration, Antonyms - carelessness, disregard disrespect, heedlessness Mnemonics - when you solicit someone's advice you get concerned / solicitous and you have solicitude for the person


Meaning - carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort. Usage - the perfunctory analysis by the testing team left a lot of bugs untouched Synonyms - cursory, desultory; quick, brief, hasty, hurried, rapid Antonyms - careful, thorough Mnemonics - PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it


Meaning - carry out (a task) badly or carelessly. Usage - he was accused of botching the job Synonyms - bungle, do badly, do clumsily, make a mess of, mismanage, mishandle, mangle, fumble Antonyms - do well, succeed Mnemonics - bot (like BAHUT) in hindi - ch (chhee chhee ).. as in something done really shameful


Meaning - cause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely. Usage - the incident precipitated a political crisis Synonyms - accelerate, expedite, hasten, trigger Antonyms - block, check, halt Mnemonics - recipitate also means to rain, rain HAPPENS SUDDENLY


Meaning - cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation. Usage - the intellectuals had been cowed into silence Synonyms - intimidate, daunt, browbeat, bully, badger, dragoon, bludgeon, tyrannize, overawe, awe, dismay, dishearten, unnerve, subdue, scare, terrorize, frighten, petrify Antonyms - calm, comfort, embolden, encourage, gladden, hearten, help, incite, inspirit, please, soothe Mnemonics - to COW to make him act like a COW.i.e->frightened and submissive !!!


Meaning - cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something).; do something that is beneath one's dignity. Usage - I had demeaned the profession; good potential MPs would not demean themselves by setting out to acquire popularity Synonyms - belittle, debase, degrade, despise, disparage Antonyms - admire, approve, elevate, honor, laud Mnemonics - when u are a MEAN person u try to degrade others


Meaning - cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.; make useless Usage - the stultifying conformity of provincial life Synonyms - hamper, impede, obstruct, thwart, frustrate, foil, suppress, smother, repress Antonyms - excite Mnemonics - Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man using stults and fails he may break his bones rendering him useless for the rest of his life.


Meaning - causing horror or disgust. Usage - the town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes Synonyms - gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling, horrible, horrendous, grim, awful, dire, dreadful, terrible, horrific; disgusting, repulsive, repugnant, revolting, repellent, sickening, distressing, shocking, appalling, abominable, loathsome, abhorrent, odious, monstrous, unspeakable; Antonyms - pleasant, attractive Mnemonics - If a GRIZZLY(grisly) bear suddenly appears behind you, it will surely be a cause of great fear.


Meaning - causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. Usage - the socio-economic plan had been the subject of contentious debate Synonyms - controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, contended, open to question/debate, moot, vexed; ambivalent, equivocal, unsure, uncertain, unresolved, undecided, unsettled, borderline Antonyms - agreeable Mnemonics - Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels)


Meaning - causing the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues.; sharp or severe in manner or style.; (of taste or smell) sharp or bitter. Usage - an astringent skin lotion; her astringent words had their effect; an astringent smell of rotting apples Synonyms - bitter, cutting, sharp, tonic, acetic, acrid, biting Antonyms - bland, kind, mild, nice, pleasant Mnemonics - aStringent- stringent means harsh , we can probly remember like this..


Meaning - cease developing; stagnate. Usage - ossified political institutions Synonyms - become inflexible, become rigid, fossilize, harden, rigidify, stagnate Antonyms - liquefy, melt, soften, thin Mnemonics - remember it with "fossil"--bodies become hard fossils(bones)


Meaning - cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield. Usage - the patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces Synonyms - surrender, give in, yield, admit defeat, concede defeat, give up the struggle, submit, back down, climb down, give way, cave in, succumb, crumble, bow to someone/something; relent, acquiesce, accede, come to terms; be beaten, be overcome, be overwhelmed, fall Antonyms - resist, hold out Mnemonics - CAP-tain IT's TOO LATE, we will have to surrender


Meaning - characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability. Usage - her genteel upbringing Synonyms - aristocratic, elegant, noble, ostentatious, polite, refined, stylish Antonyms - uncivilized, unfashionable, unrefined, unsophisticated Mnemonics - this word is very close to GENTLE..AND A GENTLEMAN IS ONE who is WELL BRED, elegant and GIVES A REFINED APPEARANCE


Meaning - characterized by friendliness and absence of discord. Usage - an amicable settlement of the dispute Synonyms - amiable, civil, cordial, courteous, harmonious, neighborly, peaceful, polite Antonyms - disagreeable, impolite, rude, uncivil, unfriendly, unmannerly, unrefined, unsociable, hostile Mnemonics - amicable ~ am + I + cable; there is a cable (friendly connection) between me (I) and him


Meaning - characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm. Usage - he was greeted with rapturous applause Synonyms - delightful, euphoric, delighted, enchanted, enraptured, happy Antonyms - bored, indifferent Mnemonics - rapture sounds like capture. You capture good moments with a cam on occassions of happiness and DELIGHT, ECSTASY


Meaning - cheerful and friendly. Usage - she was in a jovial mood Synonyms - cheerful, jolly, happy, cheery, good-humoured, convivial, genial, good-natured, friendly, amiable, affable, sociable, outgoing, clubbable Antonyms - miserable, gloomy Mnemonics - Think....Band singer BON JOVI is a cheerful person.


Meaning - cheerful and full of energy. Usage - she sounded ebullient and happy Synonyms - exuberant, buoyant, cheerful, joyful, cheery, merry, sunny, breezy, jaunty, light-hearted, in high spirits, high-spirited, exhilarated, elated, euphoric, jubilant, animated, sparkling, effervescent, vivacious, enthusiastic, irrepressible Antonyms - depressed Mnemonics - Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet' so you show your 'Excitement' -> ebullient!


Meaning - chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool.; make or shape by cutting a hard material such as wood. Usage - master carpenters would hew the logs with an axe; a seat hewn out of a fallen tree trunk Synonyms - cleave, axe, carve, chip, chop, fashion, fell, hack, hold, prune, shape, strike, stroke Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - CHEW- when you chew, you try to chop the thing with your teeth


Meaning - clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.; show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified. Usage - hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict Synonyms - absolve, acquit, corroborate, defend, disprove, exonerate, justify, prove, refute, substantiate, uphold, advocate, argue, assert, claim, clear, confute, contend, establish, exculpate, excuse, extenuate, free, guard, maintain, protect, rationalize, rehabilitate, second, shield, support, warrant, whitewash, bear out, disculpate, do justice to, free from blame, plead for Antonyms - blame, charge, condemn, convict, deny, disprove, incriminate, prove, sentence, attack, desert, destroy, forget, hurt, ignore, neglect, oppose, reject, ruin, accuse, punish Mnemonics - vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case) when you win a case IN a means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND are freed from blame.


Meaning - clearly visible.; attracting notice or attention. Usage - he was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam's apple ; he showed conspicuous bravery Synonyms - apparent, discernible, distinct, evident, noticeable, visible, clear, manifest, open-and-shut, patent, perceptible, plain Antonyms - hidden, indistinct, invisible, obscure, obscured, uncertain, unclear, unnoticeable, vague, concealed, imperceptible, inconspicuous, secret, unimportant, unknown, unremarkable, unseen Mnemonics - Con(can)+ s(see) + the + pic(picture) --> can see the clear picture of the situation. So conspicuous means which can be easily seen.


Meaning - clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others. Usage - an industry dominated by artifice Synonyms - trickery, deviousness, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, guile, cunning, artfulness, wiliness, craft, craftiness, evasion, slyness, chicanery, intrigue, subterfuge, strategy, bluff, pretence; fraud, fraudulence, sophistry, sharp practice; informalmonkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, Antonyms - honesty, artlessness, guilelessness Mnemonics - ARTIFICE: sounds like artificial fish which is nothing but a trick.


Meaning - collect or form into a mass or group. Usage - he is seeking to agglomerate the functions of the Home Office Synonyms - aggregate, cluster, collection, lump, mass, pile Antonyms - individual, one Mnemonics - sounds like aggregate to me; agglomerate=conglomerate


Meaning - colluding or conspiring together secretly. Usage - the area is dominated by guerrillas in cahoots with drug traffickers Synonyms - alliance, collusion, league, partnership Antonyms - enmity Mnemonics - ca + hoots - hoot is the sound made by an owl - people when doing something wrong often use a hoot as a signal of danger


Meaning - combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one. Usage - the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic, political, and social issues Synonyms - amalgamate, consolidate, converge, fuse Antonyms - divide, part, separate Mnemonics - conflates sounds similar to cornflakes which gives us strength by bringing together all the vitamin and minerals together


Meaning - come together to form one mass or whole. Usage - the puddles had coalesced into shallow streams Synonyms - consolidate, fuse, integrate, unite, adhere, amalgamate, associate, bracket, cleave, cling, cohere, combine, commingle, commix, conjoin, connect, incorporate, join, link, merge, mingle, mix, relate, stick, wed Antonyms - divide, separate, detach, disconnect, disjoin, dissociate, divorce, loosen, not conform, part, remove, sever, unfasten Mnemonics - coalesce: coa+LACE: lace is used to tie things together or mix things together


Meaning - comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.; incongruous or inappropriate to a shocking degree. Usage - a figure wearing a grotesque mask ; a lifestyle of grotesque luxury Synonyms - malformed, deformed, misshapen, misproportioned, distorted, twisted, gnarled, mangled, mutilated; ugly, unsightly, monstrous, hideous; freakish, unnatural, abnormal, bizarre, outlandish, strange, odd, peculiar; fantastic, fanciful, whimsical; weird, freaky, fugly, outrageous, monstrous, shocking, astonishing, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, unbelievable, unthinkable, incredible Antonyms - ordinary, normal Mnemonics - When i GROW TUSK: how do i look: is only a fantasy


Meaning - complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner. Usage - she became querulous and demanding Synonyms - bearish, bemoaning, cantankerous, captious, carping, censorious, complaining, critical, cross, crying, deploring, discontented, dissatisfied, edgy, fault-finding, fretful, grousing, grumbling, grumbly, huffy irascible, irritable, lamenting, out of sorts peevish, petulant, plaintive, scrappy, snappy, sour Antonyms - cheerful, easy-going, happy Mnemonics - querulous : quarrelsome louse.


Meaning - completely clear and transparent Usage - the limpid waters of the Caribbean Synonyms - clear, transparent, glassy, glass-like, crystal clear, crystalline, see-through, translucent, pellucid, unclouded Antonyms - opaque, muddy Mnemonics - limpid...lucid...liquid


Meaning - concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty; a set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement Usage - the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure Synonyms - decorative, ornamental, graceful, elegant, exquisite, beautiful, attractive, pleasing, lovely, stylish, artistic, tasteful Antonyms - displeasing, unattractive, ugly Mnemonics - aes sounds like,everyone appreciates the beauty of aishwarya.


Meaning - conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one's duty.; motivated by duty rather than desire or enthusiasm. Usage - a dutiful daughter; dutiful applause Synonyms - conscientious, responsible, dedicated, devoted, faithful, loyal, attentive; obedient, compliant, pliant, docile, submissive, biddable, deferential, reverent, reverential, respectful, good, well disciplined, well trained Antonyms - remiss, disrespectful Mnemonics - a person who newly joins the DUTY will be FULLY OBEDIENT


Meaning - containing or consisting of a series of separate parts or events; occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals.; (of a programme or story) broadcast or published as a series of instalments. Usage - an episodic narrative; volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature Synonyms - anecdotal, disjointed, digressive, disconnected, discursive, incidental, irregular, occasional, picaresque, rambling, roundabout, segmented, soap opera, sporadic, wandering Antonyms - connected, lasting, permanent, regular, unbroken Mnemonics - episode+ic...we watch the serial saas bhi kabhi bahu thi in episodes from mon to thur and not we are watching it in seperate parts WHICH HARDLY CONNECT TO OUR BRAINS .....lolzzz hence episodic-loosely connected


Meaning - convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another. Usage - the programme did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many Synonyms - evangelize, convert, seek/make converts, bring to God/Christ, bring into the fold, spread the gospel/word (to), propagandize, preach (to), win over, recruit; brainwash; promote, present, spread, proclaim, peddle, propound, preach, back, urge, suggest, support, advocate, endorse, champion, sponsor, espouse, advance, further, assist, aid, help, contribute to, foster, boost Antonyms - attack, deny, disagree Mnemonics - prose+lytize =Prose sunakar leta kar means mantra mugdh karke religion convert karna


Meaning - courage in pain or adversity. Usage - she endured her illness with great fortitude Synonyms - boldness, bravery, courage, determination, endurance, fearlessness, firmness, grit, mettle, moxie, nerve, patience, perseverance, pluck, spunk, stamina, staying power, tenacity, valor Antonyms - apathy, cowardice, fear, irresolution, laziness, lethargy, timidity, weakness Mnemonics - fortitude..the soldier killed forty dudes in battle, so he was very brave


Meaning - covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive.; (of a person or their manner) relaxed and genially frank and communicative.; tending towards economic or political expansion. Usage - expansive beaches; he was in an expansive mood; expansive domestic economic policies Synonyms - extensive, sweeping, rolling; spacious, wide-ranging, extensive, broad, wide, all-embracing, comprehensive, thorough, inclusive, communicative, forthcoming, sociable, friendly, outgoing, unreserved, uninhibited, open, affable, amiable, genial, chatty, talkative, conversational, garrulous, loquacious, voluble, effusive, demonstrative, extrovert, extroverted; discursive Antonyms - limited, restricted, uncommunicative, reserved, taciturn Mnemonics - Sehwag got out trying to play EXPANSIVE drive (out going ball)


Meaning - create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice. ; manage to do something foolish or create an undesirable situation. Usage - his opponents contrived a cabinet crisis;he contrived to flood the flat three times Synonyms - concoct, devise, dream up, fabricate, improvise, manipulate, construct, create, engineer, fashion, forge, form, formulate, frame, handle, hatch, make, manufacture, move, plan, plot, project, rig, scheme, vamp, wangle Antonyms - break, destroy, discourage, dissuade, forget, neglect Mnemonics - Take it as Cant+Drive. He cant able to drive but he manages to drive but he manages it.. he has clever ways


Meaning - cripple (a person or animal) by cutting their hamstrings.; severely restrict the efficiency or effectiveness of. Usage - we were hamstrung by a total lack of knowledge; the enemy was trying to hamstring his horse Synonyms - handicap, constrain, restrict, cripple, shackle, fetter, encumber, block, frustrate, cramp, bridle Antonyms - help Mnemonics - if the hamstring of the leg is pulled / strained, we are crippled and our effectiveness also decreases considerably.


Meaning - critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. Usage - the task of biblical exegesis Synonyms - interpretation, explanation, exposition, explication, elucidation, clarification; gloss, annotation Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - EXEcute GEneSIS(part of the Holy Bible)- to interpret the Bible & explain it.


Meaning - criticize unfairly; disparage. Usage - doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country Synonyms - disparage, belittle, diminish, deprecate, cast aspersions on, decry, criticize unfairly, attack, speak ill of, speak badly of, blacken the character of, blacken the name of, give someone a bad name, sully the reputation of, spread lies about, defame, slander, libel, calumniate, besmirch, run down, abuse, insult, slight, revile, malign, vilify; slur Antonyms - extol, approve, applaud, laud Mnemonics - if yu deny someone is great ,it means you BELITTLE him


Meaning - crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs.; unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building or settle on a piece of land.; short and thickset; disproportionately broad or wide. Usage - I squatted down in front of him; eight families are squatting in the house; he was muscular and squat Synonyms - broad, fat, heavy, splay, thick, chunky, dumpy, heavyset, thick-bodied, thickset Antonyms - slight, small, thin, lanky, skinny, slender, tall Mnemonics - Indian toilets force you to squat


Meaning - cry and sniffle.; complain in a whining or tearful way. Usage - Kate started to snivel, looking sad and stunned; he shouldn't snivel about his punishment Synonyms - sniffle, snuffle, run at the nose, have a runny/running nose; whimper, whine, weep, cry, shed tears, sob, howl, mewl, bawl; greet; blub, blubber, boohoo, complain, moan, mutter, grumble, grouse, groan, grouch, growl, carp, bleat, whine, object, make a fuss; gurn Antonyms - compliment, applaud Mnemonics - snivel - sneeze well due to a running nose. Whine due to a running nose


Meaning - curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement. Usage - his unique brand of droll self-mockery Synonyms - funny, humorous, amusing, comic, comical, mirthful, chucklesome, hilarious, rollicking; clownish, farcical, zany, quirky, eccentric, preposterous; ridiculous, ludicrous, risible, laughable; jocular, light-hearted, facetious, waggish, witty, whimsical, wry, sportive, tongue-in-cheek; entertaining, diverting, engaging, sparkling;quaint, odd, strange, queer, eccentric, outlandish, bizarre, whimsical Antonyms - boring, common, dramatic, dull, normal, sad, serious, standard, tragic, unamusing, unfunny, usual, traumatic Mnemonics - DROLL = Drum ROLL... It's AMUSING.


Meaning - damage (someone's reputation). Usage - he had besmirched the good name of his family Synonyms - sully, tarnish, blacken, drag through the mud/mire, stain, taint, smear, befoul, soil, contaminate, pollute, disgrace, dishonour, bring discredit to, stigmatize, injure, damage, debase, spoil, ruin Antonyms - honour, enhance Mnemonics - Besmirch= kisi ki achi reputation ko mirche lga ke bigadna


Meaning - deceitful and untrustworthy. Usage - a perfidious love Synonyms - treacherous, duplicitous, deceitful, disloyal, faithless, unfaithful, traitorous, treasonous, false, untrue, double-dealing, dishonest, two-faced, Janus-faced, untrustworthy Antonyms - faithful, loyal Mnemonics - PERFidious - Perforate. PerFIDious - Feed. Jis thali me khaya, usi me ched kia (= treacherous; disloyal).


Meaning - deceitfulness. Usage - the president was accused of duplicity in his dealings with Congress Synonyms - deceitfulness, deceit, deception, deviousness, two-facedness, double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, falseness, falsity, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, swindling, cheating, chicanery, trickery, craft, guile, artifice, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery, unfairness, unjustness, perfidy, improbity; Antonyms - honesty Mnemonics - duplicity== making two faces(duplicate).. one who makes two faces is a fraud..


Meaning - deceive by greater ingenuity. Usage - Ray had outwitted many an opponent Synonyms - outsmart, out-think, out-manoeuvre, outplay, be cleverer than, steal a march on, trick, gull, make a fool of, get the better of; Antonyms - abet, aid, assist, be honest, clear up, encourage, enlighten, explain, give, guard, help, lose, protect, support Mnemonics - out + wit (wisdom) - over smart or outsmart.


Meaning - deceive or trick. Usage - staff were hoodwinked into thinking the cucumber was a sawn-off shotgun" Synonyms - deceive, trick, dupe, outwit, fool, delude, cheat, take in, bluff, hoax, mislead, misguide Antonyms - give, help, protect Mnemonics - you WINK under the HOOD of your jacket. To deceive what you are doing


Meaning - defeat thoroughly. Usage - he successfully vanquished his rival Synonyms - conquer, crush, overcome, overpower, quell, repress, rout, subdue, surmount, beat, humble, overturn, overwhelm, reduce, subjugate, subvert, trample, bear down, put down, triumph over Antonyms - give in, let go, lose, release, surrender, win, yield, fail Mnemonics - if you want to defeat your enemy in race or exam Quash him with your VAN


Meaning - deliberately avoid using; abstain from. Usage - he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence Synonyms - abandon, avoid, forgo, forswear, renounce, shun, shy away from, swear off, abjure, abstain, double, duck, elude, evade, refrain, sacrifice, shy, give up, have no truck with Antonyms - face, keep,meet, take on, embrace, like, love Mnemonics - es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.


Meaning - depict or describe in painting or words. ; suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright colour or light. Usage - Miss Read limns a gentler world in her novels; a crescent moon limned each shred with white gold Synonyms - delineate, describe, draw, paint, represent Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - LIMN=ILLUMINATE. The root of LIMN is "luminare"=illuminate. LIMN means to illuminate through illustration.


Meaning - depraved or wicked behaviour or character. Usage - acts of moral turpitude Synonyms - baseness, corruption, criminality, debasement, debauchery, degradation, evil, immorality, lewdness, licentiousness, perversion, sinfulness, vice, viciousness, vileness, wickedness, improbity Antonyms - decency, goodness, honor, morality, virtue Mnemonics - TAPORI ATTITUDE.....I hope now its easy


Meaning - deprived of or lacking (something).; (of a person) sad and lonely, especially through someone's death or departure. Usage - her room was stark and bereft of colour; his death in 1990 left her bereft Synonyms - deprived of, robbed of, stripped of, denuded of; cut off from, parted from, devoid of, destitute of, bankrupt of; wanting, in need of, lacking, without, free from; low on, short of, deficient in;beggared, bereaved, cut off, deprived, destitute, devoid, dispossessed, divested, fleeced, impoverished, left without, minus, naked, parted from, robbed, shorn, stripped, wanting, without Antonyms - full, happy Mnemonics - bereft = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer


Meaning - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.; Usage - universities offering an eclectic mix of course Synonyms - broad, diverse, varied, wide-ranging, catholic, liberal, universal Antonyms - like, similar, narrow, narrow-minded Mnemonics - eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word eclectic


Meaning - derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. Usage - snide remarks about my mother Synonyms - disparaging, derogatory, deprecating, deprecatory, denigratory, insulting, vituperative, disapproving, contemptuou Antonyms - complimentary, sympathetic Mnemonics - snipe is close to snipe in words which means to shoot while being hidden. The word snide has a similar meaning


Meaning - deserving or arousing pity. Usage - a piteous cry Synonyms - beseeching, commiserable, deplorable, distressing, doleful, dolorous, entreating, grievous, heartbreaking, heartrending, imploring, lamentable, melancholy, mournful, moving, pitiable, pitiful, plaintive, poignant, poor, rueful, ruined, sad, sorrowful, supplicating, woeful, wretched Antonyms - cheerful, happy Mnemonics - can be remembered from pity


Meaning - deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. Usage - no other party risked ignominious defeat Synonyms - humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, mortifying, shameful, disgraceful, dishonourable, discreditable, ignoble, inglorious, abject, sorry, wretched, miserable, pitiful; Antonyms - glorious Mnemonics - Ignominious comes from the word IGNOble which means lacking nobility and hence bringing shame and dishonour.


Meaning - destroy completely; put an end to. Usage - this disease has been eradicated from the world Synonyms - abolish, annihilate, eliminate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, stamp out, uproot, weed out Antonyms - bear, build, create, ratify Mnemonics - eradicate= decades(sounds like dicate) ago people were killed by arrows(sounds like era)

debauch / debauchery / debauchment

Meaning - destroy or debase the moral purity of; corrupt.; a bout of excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs. Usage - Hitler debauched the moral climate of Germany; Patrick looked utterly untouched by the previous night's debauch Synonyms - abuse, ba, dize, bestialize, betray, brutalize, debase, defile, deflower, demoralize, fornicate, fraternize, intrigue, inveigle, lure, pervert, pollute, ravish, ruin, seduce, subvert, tempt, violate, vitiate, warp Antonyms - be loyal, clean, defend, disenchant, disgust, help, honor, obey, praise, protect, purify, repulse Mnemonics - de + bauch (when pronounced sounds like boss) you think that your BOSS IS morally corrupt.


Meaning - destructive to both sides in a conflict. Usage - the region's history of savage internecine warfare Synonyms - deadly, bloody, violent, fierce, destructive, ruinous; civil, internal, family Antonyms - peaceful Mnemonics - Now a days both INTERNEt + CINEma shows alot of bloodshed


Meaning - details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value. Usage - we fill our days with meaningless trivia Synonyms - (petty) details, minutiae, niceties, technicalities, trivialities, trifles, irrelevancies, non-essentials Antonyms - essentials, nitty-gritty Mnemonics - TRIVIA which refers to trivial (small) matters is the opposite of INSIGNIA which describes something important, a symbol of authority.


Meaning - devoid of guile; innocent and without deception. Usage - his face, once so open and guileless Synonyms - artless, ingenuous, open, honest, sincere, genuine, naive, natural, simple, childlike, innocent, unsophisticated, unworldly, unsuspicious, trustful, trusting; honorable, truthful, frank, candid, straightforward, forthright, unaffected, unpretentious Antonyms - scheming Mnemonics - guilty less person is guileless


Meaning - difficult to please; critical. Usage - she has silenced the carping critics with a successful debut tour Synonyms - bellyaching, caviling, criticizing, disparaging, griping, grousing, grumbling, kvetching, moaning, nagging, niggling, quibbling, whining Antonyms - complimentary, forgiving Mnemonics - If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain hence carping.


Meaning - difficult to understand; obscure. Usage - an abstruse philosophical inquiry Synonyms - esoteric, perplexing Antonyms - clear, concrete Mnemonics - AB stress nahi doge or brain USE(last 2 alphabets) nahi karoge then you wont be able to understand anything.Difficult to understand.


Meaning - dig up (something that has been buried, especially a corpse).; discover (something that is well hidden). Usage - his corpse was disinterred and dumped in a pit; he has disinterred an important collection of writings Synonyms - exhume, unearth, dig up, bring out of the ground, bring to the surface; disentomb, unbury, ungrave Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - inter = to bury. so disinter means opposite of bury => to dig up.


Meaning - digressing from subject to subject.; (of a style of speech or writing) fluent and expansive. Usage - students often write dull, second-hand, discursive prose; the short story is concentrated, whereas the novel is discursive Synonyms - rambling, digressive, meandering, wandering, maundering, diffuse, long, lengthy, fluent, flowing, fluid, eloquent, articulate, elegant, expansive Antonyms - concise, terse Mnemonics - dis(means NOT)+CURSIVE(MEANS NEAT AND CLEAR) anything which is not clear and neat, is said to be discursive.ex a discursive novel.


Meaning - directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible. Usage - people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine Synonyms - contradictory, contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, inverse, opposed, opposite, polarized, poles apart Antonyms - same, identical, like Mnemonics - anti-against and thetical-theory for purpose


Meaning - disagreeing or incongruous. Usage - the operative principle of democracy is a balance of discordant qualities Synonyms - disagreeing, differing, divergent, discrepant, contradictory, contrary, in conflict, conflicting, opposite, opposed, opposing Antonyms - harmonious, compatible Mnemonics - dis+chord + ant as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound


Meaning - disconcert or confuse (someone). Usage - he is looking a little pained and discombobulated Synonyms - befuddle, bewilder, confound, disconcert, fluster, addle, baffle, disturb, frustrate, fuddle, muddle, perplex, puzzle, ruffle, throw, upset, mix up Antonyms - calm, clear up, comfort, explain, aid, assist, clarify, encourage, enlighten, help, order ,organize, soothe ,support Mnemonics - The word discombobulate itself confuses me!


Meaning - disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control. Usage - a group of unruly children Synonyms - disorderly, rowdy, wild, unmanageable, uncontrollable, disobedient, disruptive, attention-seeking, undisciplined, troublemaking, rebellious, mutinous, anarchic Antonyms - disciplined, obedient Mnemonics - UN(no)RULY(rules).....someone who follow NO RULES


Meaning - diverging from a previous course or line; erratic. Usage - tangential thoughts Synonyms - unrelated, digress, divergent Antonyms - relevant Mnemonics - Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, peripheral.


Meaning - divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs. Usage - the cultural sphere has polarized into two competing ideological positions Synonyms - part, separate, demarcate, isolate, partition, sever, abscind, sequester, split Antonyms - combine, connect, join, repair, merge, mix, unite Mnemonics - reminds of the two poles "N-Pole", "S-Pole" which is nothing but division of two extreme poles.


Meaning - do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity. Usage - she did not deign to answer the maid's question Synonyms - condescend, stoop, lower oneself, descend, think fit, see fit, deem it worthy of oneself, consent, vouchsafe Antonyms - hold, high head, redeem oneself, oppose, refuse Mnemonics - Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Degin, which shows low dignity.


Meaning - dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted Usage - she begged the question Synonyms - avoid, evade Antonyms - face, head on Mnemonics - this beg does not mean to plead, remember this


Meaning - done at random or without careful judgement.; (of a person) not using or exercising discrimination. Usage - the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems; she was indiscriminate with her affections Synonyms - non-selective, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, aimless, hit-or-miss, haphazard, random, unsystematic, unmethodical; wholesale, general, sweeping, blanket; broad-based, wide, catholic, eclectic, varied, miscellaneous, heterogeneous, motley, confused, chaotic; thoughtless, unthinking, unconsidered, casual, careless Antonyms - selective, discriminating, systematic Mnemonics - in-'not,unable' + discriminate, meaning you are unable to discriminate between the right and the wrong. In such a situation you get CONFUSED and CHOOSE something RANDOMLY.


Meaning - done too hurriedly and carelessly. Usage - he gave a slapdash performance Synonyms - careless, slipshod, lackadaisical, hasty, hurried, disorganized, haphazard, unsystematic, untidy, messy Antonyms - careful, meticulous, painstaking Mnemonics - SLAPD(slapped)+ASH..SALMAN GOT SLAPPED BY ASH FOR HIS SLOPPY BEHAVIOUR ON THE SETS.


Meaning - done with speed and efficiency. Usage - an expeditious investigation Synonyms - speedy, swift, quick, rapid, fast Antonyms - slow Mnemonics - can be learned from expedition. an expedition to Mt.Everest should be done with speed and efficiency or rather expeditiously


Meaning - dress up or decorate gaudily Usage - a uniform bedizened with resplendent medals Synonyms - attire, bundle up, cloak, disguise, do up, drape, dress, dress up, equip, fit, swaddle, swathe Antonyms - disrobe, open, reveal, uncover Mnemonics - bad design dress!


Meaning - drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.; drive forward; propel. Usage - financial difficulties impelled him to desperate measures; vital energies impel him in unforeseen directions Synonyms - force, compel, constrain, oblige, necessitate, require, demand, make, urge, exhort, press, apply pressure, pressure, pressurize, drive, push, spur, prod, goad, incite, prompt, persuade, inspire, propel, drive, drive forwards, move forwards, move, actuate, set in motion, get going, get moving Antonyms - hinder, calm, check, depress, discourage, dissuade, end, halt, leave alone, let go, prevent, pull, repress, stop, delay, slow, suppress Mnemonics - impel, compel, propel all have similar meanings


Meaning - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant. Usage - the truculent attitude of farmers to cheaper imports Synonyms - defiant, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, pugnacious, bellicose, combative, confrontational Antonyms - cooperative, friendly, amiable Mnemonics - Sounds like 'Truck' which is the king of the road and runs very aggessively.


Meaning - eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight. Usage - the increasingly pugnacious demeanour of right-wing politicians Synonyms - combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose, warlike, quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, disputatious, defiant, hostile, threatening, truculent; Antonyms - peaceable, friendly Mnemonics - punga+nacious- one with tendency to always fight and take pungas(Hindi)


Meaning - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. Usage - an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money Synonyms - credulous, over-trusting, over-trustful, trustful, easily deceived/led, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, deceivable, impressionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary, unguarded, ingenuous, naive, innocent, simple, inexperienced, unworldly, green Antonyms - cynical, suspicious Mnemonics - Gulli mein ghumne wale log...they are GULLIBLE as the don't know anything from the world and they can be easily tricked.


Meaning - eat a large amount greedily; fill oneself with food.; a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it. Usage - they gorged themselves on Cornish cream teas; here the river rushes through a gorge Synonyms - canyon, chasm, crevasse, ravine, abyss, arroyo, cleft, clove, fissure, flume, gap, glen, gulch, pass, clough Antonyms - closing, closure Mnemonics - gorge: eat too much disgorge: vomit


Meaning - emitting light as a result of being heated.; full of strong emotion; passionate.;extremely angry. Usage - plumes of incandescent liquid rock; she felt an incandescent love for life Synonyms - white-hot, intensely hot, red-hot, burning, fiery, on fire, blazing, ablaze, aflame; glowing, aglow, radiant, bright, brilliant, dazzling, shining, luminous, gleaming, furious, enraged, raging, very angry, incensed, seething, infuriated, fuming, boiling, inflamed, irate, wrathful, in a temper, beside oneself; in high dudgeon, indignant, outraged; livid, hot under the collar, up in arms, foaming at the mouth, mad, hopping mad, wild, as cross as two sticks, apoplectic, riled, aerated, on the warpath, steamed up, in a lather, in a paddy, fit to be tied, up the wall; bent out of shape, sore headed; ropeable, snaky, crook; vex; in a bate; ireful, wroth Antonyms - dark, dim, dull, gloomy Mnemonics - candle ki light is incandescent


Meaning - emphasize. Usage - the company underscored the progress made with fuel cells Synonyms - accentuate, highlight, indicate, mark, stress, accent, caption, feature, italicize Antonyms - hide Mnemonics - underscore means the special character '_' which we use to EMPHASIZE special words.


Meaning - enclose or confine (someone) against their will. Usage - her brother was immured in a lunatic asylum Synonyms - confine, intern, shut up, lock up, incarcerate, imprison, jail Antonyms - free, let go, release Mnemonics - sounds like I M YOURS....please enclose me within the walls of your heart


Meaning - energetic but awkward in one's movements or behaviour. Usage - long, lean, coltish women Synonyms - jumpy, lively, playful, active, antic, bouncy, dashing, feeling one's oats, frolicsome, full of beans, gamesome, high-spirited, in high spirits, kittenish, larkish, peppy, prankish, rollicking, romping, spirited, sportive, wicked, zesty, zippy Antonyms - depressed, down, lifeless Mnemonics - "Colt" is a un-castrated young horse full of energy without discipline.


Meaning - enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something Usage - Hawkins tucked into his breakfast with gusto Synonyms - enthusiasm, relish, appetite, enjoyment, delight, glee, pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, appreciation, liking, fondness; zest, zeal, fervour, verve, keenness, avidity; Antonyms - apathy, distaste Mnemonics - GUSTO can be split as g+US+to...rephrasing it yu get g(o) when yu goto US u'll havea gr8 enjoyment and life will be filled with enthusiasm


Meaning - envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).; give reluctantly or resentfully. Usage - she begrudged Martin his affluence; nobody begrudges a single penny spent on health Synonyms - envy, grudge, resent; Antonyms - be generous, give Mnemonics - be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody u always wish ill for him


Meaning - eradicate or destroy completely Usage - timber wolves were extirpated from New England more than a century ago Synonyms - abate, abolish, annihilate, demolish, deracinate, efface, eliminate, eradicate, erase, excise, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, kill, raze, remove, blot out, cut out, exsect, root out, wipe out, Antonyms - add, bear, build, construct, create, establish, fix, give birth, help, institute, plant, put in, ratify, revive, leave alone Mnemonics - We exercise to extirpate our extra pate.


Meaning - exclude from a society or group. Usage - he was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers Synonyms - blackball, blacklist, exclude, excommunicate, expel, shun, snub Antonyms - accept, admit, allow Mnemonics - He was ostracize because he was OSTRich sIZed


Meaning - having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one's wife. Usage - he had always impressed me as home-loving and uxorious Synonyms - doting Antonyms - hating Mnemonics - Anyone will be uxorious to a LUXURIOUS woman with BUXOM breasts.


Meaning - erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation).; lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. Usage - the flow of water had undermined pillars supporting the roof; this could undermine years of hard work Synonyms - blunt, cripple, erode, frustrate, hurt, impair, ruin, sabotage, sap, subvert, threaten, thwart, torpedo, undercut, wreck, attenuate, corrode, debilitate, dig, disable, enfeeble, excavate, foil, mine, sandbag, soften, tunnel, wear, clip one's wings, dig out, eat away, hollow out, knock the bottom out of, poke full of holes, whittle away Antonyms - aid, assist, build, construct, create, encourage, fix, help, relieve, strengthen, support, fill Mnemonics - UNDERMINE ....Minining under the earth would GRADUALLY WEAKEN strength of soil and rock


Meaning - erring or straying from the accepted course or standards. Usage - an errant husband coming back from a night on the tiles Synonyms - aberrant, erratic, offending, stray, unorthodox, wayward Antonyms - normal, correct, righteous Mnemonics - Same as Aberrant


Meaning - establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.; establish (a military force) in trenches or other fortified positions. Usage - ageism is entrenched in our society; the corps was now fully entrenched on the Right Bank Synonyms - rooted, firm, fixed, fortified, dug in Antonyms - changeable, indefinite, irresolute Mnemonics - Sounds like entrance. A house entrance is not easily modifiable and establish firmly


Meaning - evil in nature or effect; speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner. Usage - she had a strong and malign influence ; don't you dare malign her in my presence Synonyms - harmful, evil, bad, baleful, hostile, inimical, destructive, malevolent, evil-intentioned, malignant, injurious, spiteful, malicious, vicious; defame, slander, libel, blacken someone's name/character, smear, run a smear campaign against, vilify, speak ill of, spread lies about, accuse falsely, cast aspersions on, run down, misrepresent, calumniate, traduce, denigrate, disparage, slur, derogate, abuse, revile; Antonyms - beneficial, praise Mnemonics - sounds like MELLA(dirty) to speak dirty/evil about others


Meaning - evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone. Usage - I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna Synonyms - extract, evoke, induce, excite, give rise to, call forth, prompt, generate, engender, spark off, trigger, kindle; extort, exact, wrest, derive, provoke, wring, screw, squeeze; Antonyms - placate, pacify, soothe Mnemonics - implicit-which is understood .. explicit - means specifically told or written.. ELICIT means which is not specifically told or understood but WE HAVE TO DRIVE BY REASONING


Meaning - excessive admiration or praise. Usage - he found it difficult to cope with the adulation of the fans Synonyms - hero-worship, worship, admiration, admiring, high regard, respect, lionization, lionizing, idolization, idolizing, veneration, awe, devotion, adoration, exaltation, honour, homage, glorification, glory, praise, praising, commendation, flattery, applause; Antonyms - abuse, criticism Mnemonics - adult boy flattering with his girlfriend.


Meaning - excessive confidence or boldness; audacity. Usage - no one had the temerity to question his conclusions Synonyms - audacity, boldness, audaciousness, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek Antonyms - shyness, bashfulness Mnemonics - Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.


Meaning - excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements; denoting a person or company publishing works at the author's expense.; the quality of being worthless or futile. Usage - it flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him; a vanity press; the vanity of human wishes Synonyms - conceit, conceitedness, self-conceit, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-regard, self-absorption, self-obsession, self-centredness, egotism, egoism, egocentrism, egomania; pride, haughtiness, arrogance, boastfulness, swagger, imperiousness, cockiness, pretension, affectation, airs, show, ostentation; vainglory, braggadocio; futility, uselessness, pointlessness, worthlessness, purposelessness, idleness Antonyms - modesty Mnemonics - Can be remembered from Vanity Van used by stars to look at themselves and makeup. It's the one place where they see their excessive pride in themselves


Meaning - excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily. Usage - he seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way Synonyms - sycophantic, ingratiating, obsequious, fawning, servile, self-abasing Antonyms - blunt, no-nonsense Mnemonics - un cut to us - someone showed us the entire directors reel without cutting is try to flatter us


Meaning - excessively sweet or sentimental.; Usage - saccharine music Synonyms - sentimental, over-sentimental, over-emotional, mawkish, cloying, sickly, sugary, syrupy, sickening, nauseating, maudlin, lachrymose, banal, trite; mushy, slushy, sloppy, schmaltzy, weepy, cutesy, lovey-dovey, gooey, drippy, sloshy, soupy, treacly, cheesy, corny, icky, sick-making, toe-curling; Antonyms - bitter Mnemonics - sounds like shakkar which in hindi means sugar.Sugar is obviously very sweet.


Meaning - excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters. Usage - a garrulous cab driver Synonyms - talkative, loquacious, voluble, verbose, long-winded, chatty, chattery, chattering, gossipy, gossiping, babbling, blathering, prattling, prating, jabbering, gushing, effusive, expansive, forthcoming, conversational, communicative; Antonyms - taciturn, reticent, concise Mnemonics - (garrulous can be related to girls when pronounced)and girls talk more than boys


Meaning - excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style. Usage - a histrionic outburst Synonyms - melodramatic, theatrical, affected, dramatic, exaggerated, actorly, actressy, stagy, showy, artificial Antonyms - unaffected Mnemonics - Sounds like "hysteria-onic". Hysteria means a state of extreme emotion, same as histrionics.


Meaning - exemption from a rule or usual requirement.; a political, religious, or social system prevailing at a particular time.; the action of distributing or supplying something. Usage - although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her birthday; scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation; regulations controlling dispensation of medications Synonyms - exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion; system, order, scheme, plan, arrangement; distribution, provision, providing, supply Antonyms - disfavor, whole, denial, veto Mnemonics - remember it from dispenser


Meaning - exert a modifying or controlling influence on.; vary the strength, tone, or pitch of (one's voice). Usage - the state attempts to modulate private business's cash flow; we all modulate our voice by hearing it Synonyms - regulate, adjust, set, attune, balance, harmonize, temper, modify, moderate, adjust, change the tone of, vary, inflect Antonyms - leave alone Mnemonics - MODEM: a device used to connect to the internet, it is made up of words MOdulator - DEModulator ; i.e it CONVERTS/ADJUSTS(modulates) computer signals into telephone signals and demodulates(the opposite)


Meaning - exhibiting different colours, especially as irregular patches or streaks. Usage - variegated yellow bricks Synonyms - assorted, checkered, mixed, motley, mottled, patched, spotted, streaked, striped, varied, Antonyms - like, same, similar, unvaried Mnemonics - varie(various)-gated(gates)... the gates are of various colors.


Meaning - existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden.; beyond what is immediate or present; coming in the future. Usage - could there be an ulterior motive behind his request? Synonyms - ambiguous, buried, concealed, covert, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, equivocal, guarded, hidden, implied, obscure, obscured, personal, privy, remote, secondary, selfish, shrouded, under cover, under wraps, undisclosed, undivulged, unexpressed, unsaid Antonyms - primary, overt Mnemonics - ulterior = ultra + interior which is very much inside means hidden.


Meaning - existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.; relating to or denoting art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but rather seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, colours, and textures.; consider something theoretically or separately from (something else).; extract or remove (something).; make a written summary of (an article or book). Usage - abstract concepts such as love or beauty; abstract pictures; to abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism; applications to abstract more water from streams; staff who abstract material for an online database Synonyms - theoretical, conceptual, notional, intellectual, metaphysical, philosophical, academic; hypothetical, speculative, conjectural, conjectured, suppositional, putative; non-representational, non-realistic, non-pictorial, symbolic, impressionistic, extract, pump, draw (off), tap, suck, withdraw, remove, take out/away; separate, detach, isolate, dissociate, summary, synopsis, precis, résumé, outline, recapitulation, abridgement, condensation, digest, summation; aperçu; wrap-up Antonyms - actual, concrete, representational Mnemonics - abs+tract(able). Do u think getting abs is tractable(manageable) or easy, certainly not its only theoretical in most case.


Meaning - experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. Usage - this catalogue brings vicarious pleasure in luxury living Synonyms - indirect, second-hand, secondary, derivative, derived, at one remove, surrogate, substitute Antonyms - reality, truth, first hand Mnemonics - We+Care+Us - We do things for the people "we care". We appreciate things that "we care for".


Meaning - expose the falseness or hollowness of (an idea or belief).; reduce the inflated reputation of (someone). Usage - she debunks all the usual rubbish about acting; comedy takes delight in debunking heroes Synonyms - explode, deflate, puncture, quash, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and horses through, expose, show in its true light, discredit, disprove, contradict, controvert, confute, invalidate, negate, give the lie to, prove to be false, challenge, call into question Antonyms - confirm Mnemonics - when you bunked your college, and got caught by your teacher... your teacher exaggerated this fact and ridiculed you in front of the class.


Meaning - express disapproval of. Usage - what I deprecate is persistent indulgence Synonyms - depreciate, derogate, detract, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, disparage, expostulate, frown, object, pooh-pooh, rip, cut down to size, disapprove of, discommend, mudsling, not go for, poor mouth, protest against, put down, run down, take dim view of, take down, take exception to Antonyms - approve, commend, compliment, increase, laud, praise, sanction, build up, endorse Mnemonics - You can think of it as the opposite of appreciate (as in devalue against value). So lack of appreciation;ie,humiliation or belittling.


Meaning - express or feel disapproval of; an unprincipled person Usage - my builder is a reprobate; his neighbours reprobated his method of proceeding Synonyms - criticize, condemn, censure, denounce Antonyms - clean, descent, good, honest Mnemonics - reprobate: rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values and his actions are strong disapproved of.


Meaning - express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.; the formal expression of severe disapproval. Usage - the company was heavily censured by inspectors from the Department of Trade; two MPs were singled out for censure Synonyms - condemnation, rebuke, reprimand, admonishment, admonition, blame, castigation, disapproval, objection, obloquy, remonstrance, reprehension, reproach, reproof, stricture, dressing down Antonyms - praise, acceptance, agreement, approval, compliment, encouragement, endorsement, ratification, recommendation, sanction Mnemonics - Try to link the meaning of this word with the censor board which always criticizes every inch of the film and also disapproves of some of the parts.


Meaning - expressing contempt or disapproval. Usage - permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term Synonyms - disparaging, derogatory, denigratory, deprecatory, defamatory, slanderous, libellous, abusive, insulting, slighting, vituperative, disapproving, contemptuous Antonyms - debasing, deprecatory, depreciatory, derisive, derogatory, detracting, detractive, detractory Mnemonics - Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road.


Meaning - expressing one's feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint. Usage - fits of uninhibited laughter Synonyms - unrestrained, unrepressed, abandoned, wild, impetuous, carefree, reckless; unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uncurbed, unchecked, unbridled, intemperate, boisterous, wanton Antonyms - inhibited, controlled, reserved, repressed Mnemonics - UN(not)INHIBIT(to put down by force or authority).....thus uninhibited means free in behaviour and feelings or unrestrained


Meaning - expressing or conveying a threat. Usage - he is unlikely to be deterred by minatory finger-wagging Synonyms - threatening, aggressive, alarming, apocalyptic, at hand, baleful, baneful, black, bullying, cautionary, close, comminatory, dangerous, dire, fateful, forthcoming, grim, ill-boding, imminent, impendent, impending, inauspicious, intimidatory, looming, loury, lowering, lowery, minacious, near, overhanging, portending, portentous, scowling, sinister, terrorizing, ugly, unlucky, unpropitious, unsafe, upcoming, warning Antonyms - respectful Mnemonics - minatory ~ min (men) + atory (eatery) = A maneater is considered as dangerous or threatening to human beings


Meaning - expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one. Usage - a tendentious reading of history Synonyms - prejudicial, bigoted, chauvinistic, disposed, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, biased Antonyms - unbiased, disinterested Mnemonics - Rearrange the words to make - Tend or Tendency + ious or bias. So, TENDENTIOUS is a TENDENcy towards one viewpoint over another.


Meaning - expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way. Usage - she gave a rueful grin Synonyms - sorrowful, regretful, apologetic, sorry, remorseful, shamefaced, sheepish, hangdog, contrite, repentant, penitent, conscience-stricken, self-reproachful Antonyms - happy, unrepentant Mnemonics - RO - FULL jitna mann ho apni galti pe ro


Meaning - expressing sorrow; mournful. Usage - a doleful look Synonyms - mournful, woeful, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, depressed, dismal, gloom Antonyms - cheerful Mnemonics - When ever a girl has to sit in DOLI to go to her in laws' house after marriage, she is DOLEFUL/sorrowful.


Meaning - extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy Usage - If someone likes to talk but they're really boring, they've got prolixity. It's not something to be proud of. Synonyms - circumlocution, copiousness, diffuseness, diffusion, garrulity Antonyms - short, laconic Mnemonics - Shixit logon ki Prolixity ek pareshaani hoti hai.


Meaning - extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy. Usage - the popular jingoism that swept the lower-middle classes Synonyms - fanaticism, nationalism, narrowness, zealotry, bellicism, ethnocentricity, fanatical patriotism Antonyms - unbias Mnemonics - jai hind - goism - people who show more than needed patriotism as showing jingoism


Meaning - extremely bad; appalling.; very deep. Usage - the quality of her work is abysmal ; waterfalls that plunge into abysmal depths Synonyms - very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, shameful, woeful, hopeless, lamentable, laughable, substandard, poor, inadequate, inferior, unsatisfactory; profound, extreme, utter, complete, thorough, deep, endless, immeasurable, boundless, incalculable, unfathomable, bottomless Antonyms - superb Mnemonics - You might have seen "Aladdin" dat there was a negative character named as "Abysmaal"...i.e. "extremely bad" man.


Meaning - extremely distasteful; unacceptable.; in conflict or incompatible with. Usage - cannibalism seems repugnant to us; a by-law must not be repugnant to the general law of the country Synonyms - abhorrent, abominable, contradictory, disgusting, distasteful, incompatible, objectionable, odious, revolting, vile Antonyms - agreeable, delightful, good, likeable, nice, pleasant, pleasing Mnemonics - re + pregnant -> when you make some girl pregnant again she will find it unacceptable due to the pain


Meaning - fair and impartial in treatment or judgement. Usage - an even-handed approach to industrial relations Synonyms - fair, just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, non-partisan, non-discriminatory Antonyms - biased, partial, prejudiced Mnemonics - even no is divisible by 2 so if you have 100 rupees, you divide it by 2 and have 50 rs in left hand and 50 rs right hand so no 'PARTIALITY'.


Meaning - feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress. Usage - a dolorous and repetitive tale of atrocity Synonyms - afflicted, afflictive, calamitous, deplorable, dire, distressing, doleful Antonyms - cheery, happy, hopeful Mnemonics - dolorous-remember dolorous umbridge from harry potter ,she made everyone sad and sorrowful.


Meaning - feeling or showing deep and solemn respect. Usage - a reverent silence for the martyrs Synonyms - respectful, reverential, worshipping, worshipful, adoring, loving, admiring, devoted, devout, dutiful, awed; deferential, submissive, humble, meek Antonyms - irreverent, cheeky Mnemonics - Reverent sounds like Reverend(Priest) now think of the feeling most people have for them


Meaning - feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.; purse (the mouth or lips) into a prim expression. Usage - a very prim and proper lady; Laurie primmed up his mouth Synonyms - demure, correct, spruce, stickling, tidy, uncluttered, blue-nose, ceremonial, ceremonious, choosy, cleanly, conventional, dapper, decorous, fastidious, formal, genteel, good, goody-goody, nice, nit-picking, orderly, overmodest, polite, precise, priggish, prissy, proper, prudish, puritanical, rigid, shipshape, spic-and-span, stiff, straight, strait-laced, stuffy, upright, Victorian, well-groomed, wooden Antonyms - untidy, informal, rumpled Mnemonics - if you're going to a PROM you better dress PRIM


Meaning - filled with bitter criticism or malice. Usage - vitriolic attacks on the politicians Synonyms - acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic Antonyms - pleasant, kind Mnemonics - divide it like vitriolic..vitriol+ic...AND VITRIOL..IS ANOTHER NAME OF SULPHURIC ACID.. and we all know that acid is caustic, sharp and bitter...and when it falls on the skin it burns it, causing SHARP pain.


Meaning - find a way around (an obstacle).; overcome (a problem or difficulty) in a clever and surreptitious way. Usage - if you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it; it was always possible to circumvent the regulations Synonyms - avoid, bypass, deceive, evade, prevent, sidestep, skirt, stymie, thwart Antonyms - aid, assist, encourage, face, help, meet, take on Mnemonics - circle + prevent => to form a CIRCLE or a boundary around the target so as to OUTSMART your opponent. like abhimanyu did!!!


Meaning - fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently Usage - plan to enable parents to dovetail their career and family commitments Synonyms - fit in, go together, be consistent, agree, accord, concur, coincide Antonyms - clash, differ, disagree Mnemonics - the feathers in the tail of a dove are fixed together easily, hence the word dovetail.

dog / hound

Meaning - follow (someone) closely and persistently. Usage - photographers seemed to dog her every step Synonyms - pursue, follow, stalk, track, trail, shadow, hound; plague, beset, bedevil, assail, beleaguer, blight, trouble, torment Antonyms - leave alone Mnemonics - dogs are mans best friend and follow him everywhere


Meaning - fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful. Usage - she sounded in a jocular mood Synonyms - humorous, funny, witty, comic, comical, amusing, chucklesome, droll, entertaining, diverting, joking, jesting, hilarious, facetious, tongue-in-cheek; playful, light-hearted, jolly, jovial, cheerful, cheery, merry, mirthful, roguish, waggish, whimsical, teasing Antonyms - solemn, serious, earnest Mnemonics - Joke(joc) + cooler (cular). Imagine a cooler which throws out jokes. (jocular = said or done as a joke)


Meaning - foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid; of or like an ass: Usage - It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements. Synonyms - insanity, lunacy, madness, cretinism, derangement, fatuity, fatuousness, foolishness, imbecility, inanity, insipidity, senselessness, tomfoolery Antonyms - brains, intelligence Mnemonics - Sounds like ASS+NINE = as FOOLISH as nine ASSES


Meaning - forbid, especially by law. Usage - strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces Synonyms - forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, disallow, rule out, embargo, veto, make illegal, interdict, outlaw, taboo Antonyms - allow, permit Mnemonics - When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to PROSCRIBE. SO PROSCRIBE = prohibit


Meaning - forcefully silence or suppress. Usage - property developers tried to squelch public protest Synonyms - crush, extinguish, muffle, oppress, repress Antonyms - aid, encourage, help Mnemonics - Very close to 'Squeal' - when someone is squealing and you want to shut their mouth you squelch them.


Meaning - form branches or offshoots; branch out; cause to branch out. Usage - an elaborate system of canals was built, ramifying throughout the UK; a ramified genealogical network Synonyms - bifurcate, develop, diverge, diversify, divide, enlarge, expand, extend, fork, grow, increase, multiply, part, proliferate, separate, spread, subdivide, add to, branch out Antonyms - abridge, agree, collect, combine, compress, condense, connect, contract, curtail, decline, decrease, diminish, gather, halt, hold, join, keep, lessen, lower, maintain, reduce, shorten, shrink, stop, unite Mnemonics - compare with RAM of computer which have various memory locations


Meaning - friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. Usage - an affable and agreeable companion Synonyms - friendly, amiable, genial, congenial, cordial, warm, pleasant, pleasing, nice, likeable, personable, charming, agreeable, sympathetic, benevolent, benign, good-humoured, good-natured, kindly, kind, courteous, civil, gracious, approachable, accessible, amenable, sociable, outgoing, gregarious, convivial, jovial, clubbable, comradely, neighbourly, welcoming, hospitable, obliging, easy-going, informal, open, communicative, unreserved, uninhibited, natural, relaxed, easy; informalchummy, pally Antonyms - unfriendly, prickly Mnemonics - aff (affair) + able : You will be able to have an affair with a girl only if she is affable.


Meaning - furnishing added support Usage - an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism Synonyms - additional, accessory, accompanying, appurtenant Antonyms - necessary, needed Mnemonics - it should be remembered that adjuvant is similar to adjective .the function of adjective is to enhance the meaning intended by the noun .so take the word enhancement


Meaning - gather or collect (something, especially information or approval). Usage - the police struggled to garner sufficient evidence Synonyms - gather, collect, accumulate, amass, assemble Antonyms - spend, disperse, distribute Mnemonics - Sounds like a gardener who gathers fruits and vegetables from his/her garden.


Meaning - generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person. Usage - she should be magnanimous in victory Synonyms - altruistic, charitable, considerate, forgiving, selfless, unselfish, unstinting Antonyms - mean, selfish, uncharitable Mnemonics - hyundai invested 421 million dollars in research and development of i10 represents that hyundai company is genorous


Meaning - gentle and kind.; (of a disease) not harmful in effect. Usage - his benign but firm manner ; a benign tumor Synonyms - kindly, kind, warm-hearted, good-natured, friendly, warm, affectionate, agreeable, amiable, good-humoured, genial, congenial, cordial, approachable, tender, tender-hearted, soft-hearted, gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, caring, considerate, thoughtful, helpful, well disposed, obliging, accommodating, generous, big-hearted, unselfish, benevolent, gracious, liberal, indulgent Antonyms - unfriendly, hostile Mnemonics - Cloud number nine (BY Bryan adams) . so nign or nine is good. Benign is to be pleasant, good etc.


Meaning - give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh; snigger; (of a horse) whinny Usage - he could imagine them snickering as he passed; the horse flicked its ears and snickered with pleasure Synonyms - snigger, sneer, smirk, simper; titter, giggle, chortle Antonyms - praise Mnemonics - The students gave a snicker when the professor came to the class in a sneaker.


Meaning - given or allowed only reluctantly or resentfully. Usage - a grudging apology Synonyms - reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, forced, half-hearted, unenthusiastic, hesitant; begrudging, resentful, envious, jealous, sullen, sulky, sour, bitter Antonyms - eager Mnemonics - When you have a grudge against someone, u are reluctant and unwilling to give anything to him/her


Meaning - given or giving without restraint; unsparing. Usage - he was unstinting in his praise Synonyms - ungrudging, unsparing, willingly given, free, free-handed, ready, beneficent, benevolent, big-hearted Antonyms - stingy, uncharitable Mnemonics - unstinting = un-stint-y , stint also means to tight one's spending, so un-stint will mean to do something without restraint


Meaning - giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable. Usage - the timing for such a meeting seemed propitious Synonyms - favourable, auspicious, promising, providential, advantageous, fortunate, lucky, optimistic, bright, happy, rosy, full of promise, heaven-sent, hopeful, beneficial; Antonyms - inauspicious, inopportune, unlucky Mnemonics - If gods have PITY on you, they will present you with favorable circumstances.


Meaning - giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious Usage - there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead Synonyms - apocalyptic, dangerous, dark, dire, dismal, gloomy, grim, haunting, perilous, portentous, prophetic, sinister, threatening Antonyms - promising, auspicious, propitious Mnemonics - maruti is a threating car usually used by kidnappers.


Meaning - government by the wealthy.; a state or society governed by the wealthy.; an elite or ruling class whose power derives from their wealth. Usage - the attack on the Bank of England was a gesture against the very symbol of plutocracy; no one can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy; officials were drawn from the new plutocracy Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - pLUTOcracy...society jo LOOT leti hai or sounds like AUTOCRACY


Meaning - greyish white.; overused and unoriginal; trite. Usage - hoary cobwebs; the hoary old adage often used by Fleet Street editors Synonyms - greyish-white, grey, white, silver, silvery, trite, hackneyed, clichéd, banal, platitudinous, vapid, ordinar Antonyms - young, original Mnemonics - remember it from the cliched word ***** which means to act like a *****/slut


Meaning - happening by chance rather than intention.; happening by a lucky chance; fortunate. Usage - the similarity between the paintings may not be simply fortuitous; the ball went into the goal by a fortuitous ricochet Synonyms - fortunate, odd, random, serendipitous, unforeseen, arbitrary, casual, chance, contingent, fluke, fluky, haphazard, happy, incidental, luck in, luck out, lucky-dog, providential, unplanned Antonyms - calculated, deliberate, designed, intentional, planned, unlucky Mnemonics - equivalent to fortune............. fortune isn't destined to occur it is accidental


Meaning - harbouring infection and disease.; constituting a nuisance; very annoying. Usage - the pestiferous area around the prison; that pestiferous nephew of yours Synonyms - bothersome, contagious, diseased, harmful, infectious, noisome, noxious, pernicious, pestilential, toxic, unhealthy, virulent Antonyms - healthy Mnemonics - Pest+For+Us....Pests are harmful for us as they carry infections like cockroaches


Meaning - harsh criticism or censure; public disgrace arising from shameful conduct. Usage - the critical opprobrium generated by his films Synonyms - vilification, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation, denunciation, defamation, denigration, disparagement, obloquy, derogation, slander, revilement, reviling, calumny, calumniation, execration, excoriation, lambasting, upbraiding, bad press, character assassination, attack, invective, libel, insults, aspersions Antonyms - praise, honor Mnemonics - If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame.


Meaning - have an effect, especially a negative one.; advance over an area belonging to someone or something else; encroach. Usage - several factors impinge on market efficiency; the proposed fencing would impinge on a public bridleway Synonyms - encroach, infringe, intrude, affect, disturb, influence, invade, meddle, obtrude, pry, touch, violate Antonyms - leave alone, avoid, dodge Mnemonics - impinge- im + ping(e)..Someone continuously pinging you while chatting means he or she wants to influence you and then use you.


Meaning - having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. Usage - a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows Synonyms - fanciful, gentle, introspective, nightmarish, otherworldly, pensive, quixotic, utopian, whimsical Antonyms - real, horrible, terrible, unromantic Mnemonics - sounds like fantastic magical which is fanciful


Meaning - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Usage - the pernicious influences of the mass media Synonyms - damaging, dangerous, deadly, destructive, detrimental, devastating, harmful, lethal, malicious, nefarious, noxious, poisonous, ruinous, toxic, virulen Antonyms - advantageous, assisting, beneficial, benevolent, good, harmless Mnemonics - it has root nec/ it....means to per(PERTAINING TO)+NIC/NEC..MEANS HARM..SOMETHING PERTAINING TO HARM U.


Meaning - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. Usage - a wistful smile Synonyms - regretful, nostalgic, yearning, longing; plaintive, rueful, melancholy, sad, mournful, forlorn, disconsolate, woebegone, doleful; pensive, reflective, contemplative, meditative, dreamy Antonyms - cheerful, happy, joyful, negligent, shallow, uncaring Mnemonics - He was holding his head resting on WRIST showing that he was wistful like THE THINKER by rodin


Meaning - having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change. Usage - an inveterate gambler Synonyms - addicted, habitual, hard-core, hardened, incurable, lifelong, abiding, accustomed, chronic, confirmed, continuing, customary, deep-rooted, deep-seated, dyed-in-the-wool, enduring, entrenched, fixed, habituated, inbred, incorrigible, indurated, ineradicable, ingrained, innate, long-lasting, long-lived, obstinate, old, perennial, permanent, persistent, persisting, set, settled, stubborn, sworn, usual Antonyms - short lived, ephemeral Mnemonics - In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning.


Meaning - having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour.; pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind. Usage - a piquant tartare sauce; a particularly piquant story Synonyms - peppery, poignant, pungent, racy, savory, spicy, tangy, zesty, highly-seasoned, interesting, lively, provocative, sharp, snappy, sparkling, spirited, stimulating, stinging, tart, well-flavored, with a kick, zestful Antonyms - blah, bland, clean, dull, flavorless, moral, tasteless Mnemonics - PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal


Meaning - having a ready insight into and understanding of things. Usage - it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter Synonyms - acute, alert, astute, aware, clear-sighted, clever, discerning, heady, judicious, keen, penetrating, percipient, sagacious, savvy, sharp Antonyms - ignorant, dumb Mnemonics - pers (PURSE) + picacious (relate to PEEK) : Just looking at a PURSE, without PEEKing inside, she can tell how much money it has . How insightful/penetrating sight !!


Meaning - having a striking or revealing effect; significant. Usage - a telling argument against this theory Synonyms - revealing, significant Antonyms - unimportant, insignificant Mnemonics - when you tell something you are revealing new information


Meaning - having an extremely offensive smell. Usage - noisome vapours from the smouldering waste Synonyms - baneful, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, disgusting Antonyms - good, just, moral Mnemonics - when you fart in a silence its noisome which spreads out foul smell in a room


Meaning - having an outline or surface that curves inwards like the interior of a circle or sphere. Usage - concave lenses Synonyms - curved inwards, hollow, hollowed out, scooped out, depressed, sunken; indented, recessed; rareincurved, incurvate Antonyms - convex Mnemonics - consists of cave.. so hollow.. cave is always curved inwards


Meaning - having good insight or understanding; perceptive. Usage - he is a percipient interpreter of the public mood Synonyms - astute, perceptive, shrewd, discerning, perspicacious, sharp, sharp-witted, acute Antonyms - obtuse, stupid Mnemonics - capable of perceiving


Meaning - having indigestion or a consequent air of irritable bad temper. Usage - a rather dyspeptic senator put the blame on his European counterpart Synonyms - bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, snappish, testy, tetchy, touchy, crabbed, crabby, crotchety, grouchy, cantankerous, peevish, cross, fractious, disagreeable, pettish, waspish, prickly, peppery, cross-grained; bilious, liverish; snappy, chippy, on a short fuse, short-fused; shirty, stroppy, narky, ratty, eggy, like a bear with a sore head; cranky, ornery, peckish, sore headed; snaky; waxy, miffy Antonyms - stolid, calm, phlegmatic Mnemonics - dys (means not functioning properly) + peptic.. an ENZYME...WHICH BREAKS DOWN THE FOOD PARTICLES AND HELPS IN DIGESTION,...SO if this enzyme stops functioning..then the problem of INDIGESTION occurs.


Meaning - having little or no money. Usage - a titled but impecunious family Synonyms - beggared, broke, cleaned out, destitute, dirt poor, homeless, impoverished, indigent, insolvent, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, poor, strapped, unprosperous Antonyms - rich, wealthy Mnemonics - Read it like: Inpe kyu nahi yash(money)


Meaning - having many curves and turns.; lithe and supple. Usage - the river follows a sinuous trail through the dale; the sinuous grace of a cat Synonyms - winding, windy, serpentine, curving, twisting, meandering, snaking, snaky, zigzag, lithe, supple, agile, graceful, loose-limbed, limber, lissom, willowy Antonyms - straight, clumsy Mnemonics - Two things: 1. "sin()" uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding 2. "sin"uous - a person who commits sins (by being dishonest).


Meaning - having or conveying undue or indecent interest in sexual matters. Usage - salacious stories Synonyms - indecent, lewd, obscene, prurient, bawdy, carnal, erotic, fast, horny, hot, lecherous, libertine, libidinous, licentious, lubricious, lustful, nasty, orgiastic, raunchy, sensual, smutty, steamy, suggestive, voluptuous, wanton Antonyms - clean, decent, moral, pure Mnemonics - Remember song "Mein karoo toh SALA character dheela hai", it has word SALA and character dheela.. relate it..


Meaning - having or displaying a dashing, jaunty, or slightly disreputable quality or appearance. Usage - he had a rakish, debonair look Synonyms - dashing, jaunty, profligate, raffish, saucy, sporty Antonyms - clean, moral, upright Mnemonics - raki(rakhi)+sh( sawant) Rakhi Sawant...gaudy and spurious personality


Meaning - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. Usage - the amiable young man greeted me enthusiastically Synonyms - friendly, affable, amicable, cordial Antonyms - unfriendly, disagreeable Mnemonics - AMOR is the origin of love in Spanish. AM-I-ABLE. AMOR is ABLE. So LOVEABLE


Meaning - having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters, especially the sexual activity of others. Usage - she'd been the subject of much prurient curiosity Synonyms - salacious, licentious, voyeuristic, lascivious, lecherous, lustful, lewd, libidinous, lubricious; depraved, debauched, degenerate, dissolute, dissipated; Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Puri the ENT doc is more interested in his female patient's boobs .. His eyes always show his lust


Meaning - having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.; having an eager desire for. Usage - an avid reader of science fiction; she was avid for information about the murder inquiry Synonyms - ardent, devoted, eager, fanatical, fervent, hungry, impatient, insatiable, keen, passionate, ravenous, thirsty, voracious, zealous, athirst, avaricious, breathless, covetous, desirous, dying to, gotta have, grasping, greedy, intense, rapacious Antonyms - apathetic, cold, cool, disinterested, disloyal, dispassionate, dull, frigid, full, indifferent, quenched, satisfied, unenthusiastic, unexcited Mnemonics - a person is always eager to be in avid(a video)


Meaning - having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless. Usage - a vacuous smile Synonyms - blank, vacant, expressionless, deadpan, inscrutable, inexpressive, poker-faced, emotionless, impassive, absent, absent-minded Antonyms - expressive, meaningful, thinking, intelligent Mnemonics - vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter.


Meaning - having or showing a narrow or limited outlook. Usage - a blinkered attitude Synonyms - curtain, blinder, blindfold, camouflage, cloak, cover Antonyms - broad-minded Mnemonics - we put blinkers on a horse


Meaning - having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. Usage - the criticism was both vindictive and personalized Synonyms - vengeful, out for revenge, revengeful, avenging, unforgiving, grudge-bearing, resentful, ill-disposed, implacable, unrelenting, acrimonious, bitter Antonyms - forgiving Mnemonics - vindicate means to free from blame and vindictive means revengeful


Meaning - having or showing a tendency to be easily angered. Usage - an irascible and difficult man Synonyms - irritable, quick-tempered, short-tempered, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, hot-tempered, thin-skinned, snappy, snappish, tetchy, testy, touchy, edgy, crabby, waspish, dyspeptic; surly, cross, crusty, crabbed, grouchy, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, querulous, captious, fractious, bilious Antonyms - cool, happy, peaceful Mnemonics - concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, shor-tempered & hotheaded


Meaning - having or showing a wish to do evil to others. Usage - the glint of dark, malevolent eyes Synonyms - malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, bitter, evil-intentioned, poisonous, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, revengeful, vengeful, pernicious; cruel, fierce, nasty, unfriendly, unkind, ill-natured Antonyms - benevolent Mnemonics - malevolent = male +violent Violent males can cause more harm to society than females


Meaning - having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain. Usage - an avaricious, manipulative woman Synonyms - covetous, gluttonous, hoarding, money-grubbing, pleonectic, predatory, rapacious, selfish, tight Antonyms - generous Mnemonics - comes from avarice=a+var(war)::in a war everyone becomes greedy.


Meaning - having or showing an irritable disposition. Usage - a thin peevish voice Synonyms - acrimonious, angry, bad-tempered, cantankerous, captious, carping, caviling Antonyms - accepting, friendly Mnemonics - Someone who wishes(~VISHes) to go to the bathroom to PEE but cannot because they is no vacancy will be irritated


Meaning - having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties. Usage - the plucky youngster has astounded medical staff Synonyms - brave, courageous, bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, spirited, game, valiant Antonyms - cowardly, timid, timorous Mnemonics - To be a rockstar a person has to be GUTSY and a GUTSY ROCKERS PLUCK THE GUITAR IN A PLUCKY WAY


Meaning - having or showing great authority.; domineering; dictatorial.; relating to a magistrate. Usage - a magisterial pronouncement; he dropped his somewhat magisterial style of questioning; magisterial districts Synonyms -authoritative, masterful, lordly, judgelike, domineering, dictatorial, autocratic, imperious, bossy, overbearing, peremptory, pompous, lofty, overweening, high-handed, arrogant, haughty Antonyms - hesitant, tentative Mnemonics - remember from magistrate who has authority


Meaning - having or showing great knowledge or learning. Usage - Ken could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion Synonyms - learned, scholarly, well educated, knowledgeable, well read, widely read, well versed, well informed, lettered, cultured, cultivated, civilized, intellectual; intelligent, clever, academic, literary, bookish, highbrow, studious, sage, wise, sagacious, discerning, donnish, cerebral, enlightened, illuminated, sophisticated, pedantic; esoteric, obscure, recondite Antonyms - ignorant, ill-educated Mnemonics - ER (Engineer)-U-di(did)-IT(it)-E ..... you have gr8 knowledge if u becum an engineer.


Meaning - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd. Usage - they were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation Synonyms - wise, clever, intelligent, with/showing great knowledge, knowledgeable, sensible, sage Antonyms - stupid, foolish Mnemonics - can be related with a shrewed sage


Meaning - having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair. Usage - unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants Synonyms - corrupt, crafty, crooked, deceitful, dishonest, illegal, petty, ruthless, selfish, shady, shameless, underhanded, unethical, venal Antonyms - above, board, decent, ethical, fair, frank, good, honest, honorable Mnemonics - Un + School i.e without school or the things taught at school (principles)


Meaning - having or using the style or diction of prose as opposed to poetry; lacking imagination or originality.; commonplace; unromantic. Usage - prosaic language can't convey the experience; the masses were too preoccupied by prosaic day-to-day concerns Synonyms - unimaginative, uninspired, matter-of-fact, dull, dry, humdrum, mundane, pedestrian; ordinary, everyday, usual, common, conventional, straightforward, routine, humdrum Antonyms - innovative, exciting, unusual Mnemonics - mosaic--->beautiful artistic work with full of vibrant colours.....prosaic ...opposite of that ...dull


Meaning - having the same age or date of origin; contemporary ; a person of roughly the same age as oneself; a contemporary. Usage - these lavas were coeval with the volcanic activity; like so many of his coevals, he yearned for stability Synonyms - contemporary, coetaneous , contemporaneous Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME


Meaning - having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning. Usage - the coterminous Borough and Parliamentary Constituency of Blyth Valley Synonyms - neighboring, contiguous, adjacent, joined, near Antonyms - divided, detached, separate Mnemonics - co+ term+ inous. Term usually means time period or "meaning". Coterm - inous is something having same term( meaning or time or extent )


Meaning - heated disagreement; an assertion, especially one maintained in argument. Usage - the captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries; Freud's contention that all dreams were wish fulfilment Synonyms - disagreement, dispute, disputation, argument, variance; discord, hostility, conflict, friction, acrimony, enmity, strife, dissension, disharmony Antonyms - agreement Mnemonics - (IN HINDI) contention sounds like>> kaun tension le yaar, inke claim (or thesis) ko fact maan lo.


Meaning - imitative of the work of another artist, writer, etc., and usually disapproved of for that reason. Usage - an artist who is not in the slightest bit derivative Synonyms - cognate, secondary, subordinate, acquired, ancestral, caused, coming from, connate, copied, evolved, hereditary, imitative, inferential, inferred, not original, obtained, plagiaristic, plagiarized, procured, rehashed, secondhand, uninventive, unoriginal Antonyms - important, superior, inventive, original, unborrowed, unique Mnemonics - DRIVE a RELATIVE from his house to yours.


Meaning - impossible to stop or prevent.; (of a person) impossible to persuade; unrelenting. Usage - Synonyms - implacable, inescapable, merciless, relentless, unrelenting, adamant, adamantine, bound, bound and determined, compulsory, dead set on, dogged, hard, harsh, hell bent on, immobile, immovable, ineluctable, inflexible, ironclad, like death and taxes, locked in, mean business, necessary Antonyms - kind, merciful, nice, sympathetic, flexible, lenient, remorseful, yielding Mnemonics - exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped


Meaning - impossible to travel along or over. Usage - the narrow channels are impassable to ocean-going ships Synonyms - blocked, closed, obstructed, impenetrable; pathless, trackless; unnavigable, untraversable, unpassable Antonyms - open, passable, traveled Mnemonics - im(a -ve prefix,not)+passable, meaning that which cannot be passed by or crossed.


Meaning - impossible to understand or interpret Usage - Guy looked blankly inscrutable Synonyms - enigmatic, impenetrable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, unintelligible Antonyms - clear, comprehensible, fathomable, intelligible, understandable Mnemonics - Read it as Inscru Table... Have you heard of this type of table anywhere ? ? .. Hence it is " impossible to understand / interpret "


Meaning - in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance.; overtaken by darkness. Usage - they saw themselves as bringers of culture to poor benighted peoples Synonyms - ignorant, unenlightened, uneducated, unschooled, untutored, illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, unscholarly, unread, uninformed, backward, simple Antonyms - enlightened Mnemonics - No light in the Night.. So Dark.. not enlightened


Meaning - in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy. Usage - strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent Synonyms - inactive, inert, latent, fallow, passive, idle Antonyms - active Mnemonics - quiescent=quiet+descent..........lady1:->"What a QUIEt and deSCENT son u have..."...lady2:->"please dont go on his TEMPORARY INACTIVENESS...come to our house some day and u shall realise that he is an active volcano..!!!"


Meaning - in accordance with the highest standards; faultless. Usage - he had impeccable manners Synonyms - exquisite, immaculate, precise, unblemished Antonyms - flawed, imperfect Mnemonics - im+pecca( was there in our science book in class 2)...pakka house is always faultless as compared to kutchcha house.


Meaning - in its original condition; unspoilt. Usage - pristine copies of an early magazine Synonyms - unspoilt, spotless, flawless, clean, fresh, new, virgin, pure, unused; unmarked, unblemished, untarnished, untouched, unsullied, undefiled Antonyms - dirty, sullied Mnemonics - sounds as listerine, that keeps our mouth clean


Meaning - in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.; (of a concept) vague or ill-defined. Usage - a giant nebulous glow; nebulous concepts like quality of life Synonyms - indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, lacking definition, blurred, blurry, out of focus, foggy, faint, shadowy, dim, obscure, shapeless, formless, unformed, amorphous; vague, ill-defined, unclear, hazy, uncertain, indefinite, indeterminate, imprecise, unformed, muddled, confused, ambiguous, inchoate, opaque, muddy Antonyms - clear, well defined Mnemonics - Nebula the milky way in galaxy which is cloudy and unclear


Meaning - include or absorb (something) in something else. Usage - most of these phenomena can be subsumed under two broad categories Synonyms - include, absorb Antonyms - exclude Mnemonics - akin to consume i.e., to take in. sub = something inferior/smaller sume = include i.e. include something into it = encompass.


Meaning - including a wide variety of things; all-embracing. Usage - her tastes are pretty catholic Synonyms - diverse, diversified, wide, broad, broad-based, eclectic, indiscriminate; Antonyms - limited, narrow Mnemonics - Catholic Christians are found everywhere in the they are present universally.


Meaning - increase rapidly in number; multiply. Usage - the science fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920s Synonyms - increase rapidly, grow rapidly, multiply, become more numerous, mushroom, snowball, burgeon, escalate, rocket Antonyms - decrease, dwindle Mnemonics - pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly


Meaning - increase the power, status, or wealth of; enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts. Usage - an action intended to aggrandize the Frankish dynasty; he hoped to aggrandize himself by dying a hero's death Synonyms - acclaim, applaud, augment, boost, commend, dignify, distinguish, enlarge, ennoble, expand, extend, glorify, heighten, hike, honor, hype, increase, intensify, jump, magnify, multiply, parlay, praise, beef up Antonyms - abridge, censure, condemn, condense, contract, criticize, curtail, decrease, degrade, denounce, diminish, disapprove, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate Mnemonics - aggrandize ~ aggregate + grand; aggregating similar to adding details


Meaning - increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence. Usage - resurgent nationalism Synonyms - renascent, revived, invigorated, reestablished, refreshed, returned Antonyms - dormant, latent Mnemonics - re - sargan (creation) rising by creating again.


Meaning - individually separate and distinct. Usage - speech sounds are produced as a continuous sound signal rather than discrete units Synonyms - separate, distinct, individual, detached, unattached, disconnected, discontinuous, disjunct Antonyms - connected Mnemonics - if u can remember the discrete maths ,u can see that one topic is separated from the other and subtopics also unconnected to each other


Meaning - indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink. Usage - the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious Synonyms - temperate, abstinent, austere, moderate Antonyms - self-indulgent, intemperate Mnemonics - focus on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully


Meaning - insert (something of a different nature) into something else.; interject (a remark) in a conversation. Usage - illustrations were interpolated in the text; 'I dare say,' interpolated her employer Synonyms - insert, interpose, introduce, enter, add, incorporate, inset, implant, build, put Antonyms - erase, exclude, leave, leave aloner, eject, subtract, take away, take out, withdraw, remove Mnemonics - imagine an angry POLE dancer saying to one of his customers.."if you flirt with me physically,i shall INTERPOLATE this POLE b/w your two legs


Meaning - insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way. Usage - Just do it!' came the peremptory reply Synonyms - absolute, arbitrary, assertive, autocratic, binding, bossy, categorical, certain, commanding, compelling, decided, decisive, dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, final, finished, firm, fixed, high-handed, imperative, imperial, imperious, incontrovertible, intolerant, irrefutable, magisterial, obligatory, obstinate, positive, rigorous, severe, stringent, tyrannical, uncompromising, undeniable Antonyms - easy-going, indulgent, laid-back, lax, lenient, mild, moderate Mnemonics - Preemptive strikes by the U.S. are peremptory. They can't be challenged by any other country.


Meaning - insolent or impertinent behaviour, lack of respect Usage - one juror had the effrontery to challenge the coroner's decision Synonyms - arrogance, impudence, impertinence, cheek, insolence, cheekiness, audacity, temerity, brazenness, forwardness, front, presumption, nerve, gall, pertness Antonyms - careful, cautious, politeness Mnemonics - for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.


Meaning - instruct or urge (someone) to do something. Usage - the code enjoined members to trade fairly Synonyms - urge, encourage, try to persuade, adjure, admonish, press, prompt, prod Antonyms - ask, allow Mnemonics - EN(means to become) + command and order people to join and become members of your group.


Meaning - insulting, abusive, or highly critical language. Usage - he let out a stream of invective Synonyms - abuse, insults, vituperation, expletives, swear words, swearing, curses, bad language, foul language; denunciation, censure, revilement, vilification, castigation, recrimination, reproach, reproval, admonition Antonyms - praise, laud, acclaim Mnemonics - ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


Meaning - intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. Usage - esoteric philosophical debates Synonyms - abstruse, obscure, arcane, recherché, rarefied, recondite, abstract, difficult, hard, puzzling, perplexing, enigmatic, inscrutable, cryptic, Delphic; complex, complicated, involved, over/above one's head, incomprehensible, opaque, unfathomable, impenetrable, mysterious, occult, little known, hidden, secret, private, mystic, magical, cabbalistic Antonyms - common, familiar, known, obvious, public, unmysterious Mnemonics - its so tedha (hard to understand)


Meaning - intended or likely to placate or pacify. Usage - a conciliatory approach by the defeated country men. Synonyms - propitiatory, placatory, appeasing, pacifying, pacific, mollifying, so as to pour oil on troubled waters, peacemaking, reconciliatory Antonyms - antagonistic Mnemonics - remember this with the word reconcile. Once u have a fight with your friend, then you do something good to appease as to get back to normal friendship (or you reconcile with him) So this can be taken as a conciliatory act.


Meaning - intended to explain or describe something. Usage - an expository prologue Synonyms - explanatory, descriptive, describing, elucidatory, elucidative, explicatory, explicative, interpretative, illustrative, illuminating; rareexegetic, hermeneutic Antonyms - laconic Mnemonics - EXPOSitory comes with EXPOS(e) means to allow something to be seen. Something that is expository allows it to be seen or to be clear and thereby to be EXPLANATORY


Meaning - intense happiness.; the ability to find appropriate expression for one's thoughts. Usage - domestic felicity; he exposed the kernel of the matter with his customary elegance and felicity Synonyms - bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, glee, joviality, joy, jubilation, merriment, mirth, pleasure, rapture, well-being, good spirits Antonyms - depression, despair, discouragement, dislike, displeasure Mnemonics - Remember it from the actress Felicity Jones. Seeing her makes me intensely happy.


Meaning - interpret (a person's words or actions) wrongly. Usage - my advice was deliberately misconstrued Synonyms - misunderstand, misinterpret, put a wrong interpretation on, misconceive, misapprehend, mistake, misread, miss, confuse, confound Antonyms - comprehend, understand Mnemonics - Misconstrue = Mis + Cons + True. Someone is 'Missing' the 'True' fact.


Meaning - interpret (a word or action) in a particular way. Usage - his words could hardly be construed as an apology Synonyms - define, infer, interpret, parse, translate Antonyms - misunderstand, cloud, confuse Mnemonics - you need to CONcentrate to decode TRUe messages.


Meaning - intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words. Usage - a witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination Synonyms - bully, hector, intimidate, force, coerce, compel, badger, dragoon, cow, bludgeon, persecute, domineer, oppress, pressure, pressurize, tyrannize, terrorize, menace, subjugate, use strong-arm tactics on; harass, harry, hound, nag, goad Antonyms - aid, assist, help , leave alone, boost, coax, compliment, praise Mnemonics - brow+beat->THE rock raised HIS BROW(do u smell wat the rock is cookin)and intimidated and beat the opponent


Meaning - involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt. Usage - the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams Synonyms - sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, cheap, base, low, low-minded, debased, degenerate, corrupt, dishonest, dishonourable, disreputable Antonyms - high-minded, respectable Mnemonics - (SORDID)SORry I DID this FILTHY, VILE thing.


Meaning - involving or attending to every detail or aspect of something. Usage - a thoroughgoing reform of the whole economy Synonyms - absolute, arrant, out-and-out, unqualified Antonyms - incomplete Mnemonics - someone who goes thoroughly over each and every document is thoroughgoing.


Meaning - involving or limited to basic principles.; relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form. Usage - he received a rudimentary education Synonyms - elemental, elementary, embryonic, primitive, simple Antonyms - complex, complicated, difficult, intricate, sophisticated Mnemonics - sound like RUDE+MEN so rude men never developed becoz they are lacking of elementary or fundamental principals


Meaning - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. Usage - an arduous journey Synonyms - onerous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, vigorous, back-breaking, stiff, uphill, relentless, Herculean; demanding, trying, tough, challenging, formidable, exacting; exhausting, wearying, fatiguing, tiring, punishing, gruelling, grinding; intolerable, unbearable, murderous, harrowing Antonyms - easy, effortless Mnemonics - arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"


Meaning - it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something. Usage - it behooves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative Synonyms - befit, beseem, suit, be expected, be fitting, be incumbent upon, be needful Antonyms - unfit, unexpected Mnemonics - to behave properly is behooved by the society


Meaning - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of. Usage - low wages were supplemented by surreptitious payments from tradesmen Synonyms - secret, stealthy, clandestine, secretive, sneaky, sly Antonyms - blatant, open, honest Mnemonics - Surreptitious sounds like suspect someone if they are hiding secrets


Meaning - lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. Usage - she shrugged, feigning indifference Synonyms - alienation, apathy, callousness, carelessness, disdain, disinterest, disregard, inattention, inertia, insensitivity, lack, negligence, nonchalance Antonyms - attention, esteem, respect Mnemonics - IN(not)+DIFFERENCE...thing that are same and not different will cause lack of interest, concern, or sympathy because you will get bored.


Meaning - lacking a coherent sequence or connection. Usage - piecing together disjointed fragments of information Synonyms - unconnected, disconnected, without unity, disunited, discontinuous, fragmented, fragmentary, disorganized, disordered, muddled, mixed up, jumbled, garbled, incoherent, confused, fitful, erratic, spasmodic, patchy, scrappy, bitty, piecemeal; rambling, wandering, aimless, directionless Antonyms - coherent, connected, united, contiguous Mnemonics - DIS (not) + JOINTED (connected) disjointed is disconnected or scattered. If a person's joints are removed he will be in pieces and incoherent


Meaning - manage to make a living with difficulty. Usage - many traders barely eked out a living Synonyms - scrape, scratch, scrimp; survive, live Antonyms - abundance, profuse Mnemonics - koi cheez jo ek hi will we live with that


Meaning - lacking foresight or intellectual insight. Usage - the government still has a myopic attitude to public spending Synonyms - nearsighted, shortsighted, astigmatic, biased, blind, half sighted, presbyopic Antonyms - far-sighted Mnemonics - With My Opaque lenses I will be short sighted


Meaning - lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning; (of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation. Usage - the arid plains north of Cape Town, his arid years in suburbia Synonyms - dry, dried up, waterless, as dry as a bone, moistureless, parched, scorched, baked, thirsty; dehydrated, desiccated; barren, desert, waste, desolate; infertile, non-fertile, unfruitful, unproductive, uncultivatable, steril, dreary, dull, drab, dry, sterile, banal, colourless, monochrome, unstimulating, uninspiring, flat, boring, uninteresting, monotonous, lifeless, tedious, vapid, jejune, soul-destroying Antonyms - interesting, vibrant, wet, fertile Mnemonics - A + rid- A farmer getting rid(dry) of the dry land


Meaning - laugh in a noisy, gleeful way. Usage - he chortled at his own execrable pun Synonyms - cackle, chuckle, giggle, snicker, crow, guffaw, hee-haw, snort, titter, sniggle, teehee Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - CHORi TAL gayi because due to our laughter chor knew that we are in room.


Meaning - leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.; pass (something) on or leave (something) to someone else. Usage - he bequeathed his art collection to the town; he ditched the unpopular policies bequeathed to him Synonyms - bestow, entrust, hand down, impart, pass on, commit, devise, endow, grant, leave, transmit, will, hand on, leave to, legate Antonyms - take, keep, receive Mnemonics - 'be + qu + eath' before quick death, 'leave ur property to someone by a will'


Meaning - leaving no doubt; unambiguous. Usage - an unequivocal answer Synonyms - absolute, apparent, categorical, clear-cut, decisive, explicit, indisputable, obvious, straightforward, unambiguous, undeniable, unmistakable Antonyms - ambiguous, conditional, disputable, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, indefinite, obscure, questionable, uncertain, unclear, unsure, vague Mnemonics - The singer's VOCALS were unequal to any other. The message in her lyrics was spread clearly without a doubt


Meaning - lie or crawl abjectly on the ground with one's face downwards.; act obsequiously in order to obtain forgiveness or favour. Usage - he grovelled at George's feet; they criticized leaders who grovelled to foreign patrons Synonyms - beseech, fawn, beg, blandish, bootlick, brown-nose, court, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, crouch, flatter, humor, implore, kneel, kowtow, pamper, prostrate, revere, snivel, soft-soap, stoop, truckle, wheedle, apple-polish, beg for mercy, bow and scrape, butter up, cater to, eat crow, eat dirt, eat humble pie, fall all over, humble oneself, kiss one's feet, make much of, make up to, play up to, suck up to, yes Antonyms - answer, ignore, straighten, boast Mnemonics - One who wants to "grow well" needs to grovel before his manager.


Meaning - like an eagle.; (of a person's nose) hooked or curved like an eagle's beak. Usage - he had an aquiline nose Synonyms - beaked, beaklike, eaglelike, prominent, Roman-nosed Antonyms - straight Mnemonics - aqui(aqua) reminds us of water(or catching fish)..a curved hook is used for fishing or catching fishes.


Meaning - likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable.; lying flat, especially face downwards. Usage - farmed fish are prone to disease; I was lying prone on a foam mattress Synonyms - decumbent, face down, flat, horizontal, level, procumbent, prostrate, reclining, recumbent, resupine, supine Antonyms - improbably, sitting, straight, unlikely, upright Mnemonics - prone to porn movies


Meaning - looking or sounding sad and dismal. Usage - his face looked even more lugubrious than usual Synonyms - mournful, gloomy, sad, unhappy, doleful Antonyms - cheerful, joyful Mnemonics - He was very mournful when he had to BURY his maimed LEG.


Meaning - loyal, reliable, and hard-working. Usage - he remained a stalwart supporter of the cause Synonyms - staunch, loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady Antonyms - disloyal, unfaithful, unreliable Mnemonics - Talwar(sword) of Tipu Sultan.. Or imagine any other hero who is loyal and reliable


Meaning - make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.; make (something) weaker in force, content, or value by modification or the addition of other elements. Usage - bleach can be diluted with cold water; the reforms have been diluted Synonyms - make weaker, weaken; thin out, thin, make thinner, water down, add water to; mix, doctor, lace, adulterate; diminish, reduce, decrease, lessen, attenuate, make weaker, weaken, mitigate, temper, quell, quieten, allay, assuage, alleviate, palliate, moderate, modify, tone down Antonyms - concentrate Mnemonics - dilute karna


Meaning - make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. Usage - rising inflation was exacerbated by the collapse of oil prices Synonyms - aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound Antonyms - calm, reduce Mnemonics - Extra Masturbate= worsen the condition of body. One feel lot of weakness after that.


Meaning - manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favour one party or class. Usage - an attempt to gerrymander the election result Synonyms - falsify, fix, manipulate, tamper with Antonyms - truthful, honest Mnemonics - Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon in which Jerry divided everything partially with Tom and quarrels with him... so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander.


Meaning - make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive. Usage - some people are daunted by technology Synonyms - intimidate, abash, take aback, shake, ruffle, throw, demoralize, discourage; deter, put off, dishearten, dispirit, deject, sap, cow, overawe, awe, frighten, scare, alarm, unman, dismay, distress, disconcert, discompose, perturb, upset, discomfit, unsettle, unnerve, disquiet, subdue; throw off balance, put someone off their stroke, cause someone to lose their composure, confound, panic, stupefy, stun Antonyms - encourage, hearten Mnemonics - daunt = haunt = if you are frightened you will be discouraged to go into the haunted house


Meaning - make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed. Usage - he was not noticeably discomfited by her tone Synonyms - demoralize, disconcert, perplex, vex, abash, annoy, baffle, balk, beat, bother, checkmate, confound, discompose, discountenance, disturb, embarrass, faze, fluster, foil, irk, outwit, overcome, perturb, prevent, rattle, ruffle, thwart, trump, unsettle, upset, worry, worst, take aback Antonyms - comfort, soothe, abet, aid, appease, assist, calm, clear up, composed, elighten, courage, enlighten, explain, help, lose, make happy, order, please, reassure, settle, support, surrender, yield Mnemonics - discomfit- resembles discomfortable, wen u are discomfortable ,u tend to get frustrated and defeated. If u can check the word Fit ,u can add a meaning ,by assuming,-if u are not fit(disfit) u are defeated and put to embarrassment.


Meaning - make (someone) lose courage or confidence. Usage - an unnerving experience Synonyms - agitate, bewilder, chill, confound, daunt, demoralize, disconcert, discourage Antonyms - calm, clarify, clear up, comfort, encourage, explain Mnemonics - N (NO) NERVE (Muscle) : do not use muscle body..stoping from using something which is beneficial to u


Meaning - make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.; lessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake). Usage - drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem; he would have faced a prison sentence but for mitigating circumstances Synonyms - allay, alleviate, assuage, blunt, dull, ease, lessen, mollify, reduce, relieve, soften, soothe, temper, weaken, abate, appease, calm, cool, extenuate, moderate, modify, pacify, palliate, placate, quiet, remit, subdue, tranquilize Antonyms - aggravate, agitate, extend, increase, intensify, irritate, provoke, raise, strengthen, trouble, upset, worry, worsen Mnemonics - Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.


Meaning - make (something) clear; explain. Usage - work such as theirs will help to elucidate this matter Synonyms - clear up, decode, enlighten, exemplify, explicate, expound, get across, illuminate, annotate, clarify Antonyms - cloud, complicate, confuse, obscure Mnemonics - elucidate >> lucy+date...Lucy did not show up on the Date to make it clear that she was not interested in him.


Meaning - make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. Usage - her secretarial work helped to augment her husband's income Synonyms - increase, make larger, make bigger, make greater, add to, supplement, top up, build up, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, multiply, elevate, swell, inflate Antonyms - abridge, compress, condense, contract, curtail, decrease Mnemonics - breast i need to explain further


Meaning - make a concerted or violent attack on.; criticize strongly. Usage - the Scots army assailed Edward's army from the rear; he assailed a group of editors for their alleged excesses Synonyms - attack, assault, make an assault on, launch an attack on, pounce on, set upon, set about, launch oneself at, weigh into, fly at, let fly at, turn on, round on, lash out at, hit out at, beset, belabour Antonyms - compliment, praise, uphold Mnemonics - assail can be remembered from assailant


Meaning - make a continuous low humming sound.; speak tediously in a dull monotonous tone.; move with a continuous humming sound.; a continuous low humming sound.; a continuous musical note of low pitch.; a male bee in a colony of social bees, which does no work but can fertilize a queen.; a remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile.; a person who does no useful work and lives off others. Usage - in the far distance a machine droned; he reached for another beer while Jim droned on; traffic droned up and down the street Synonyms - idler, leech, loafer, lounger, parasite, slug, sluggard, sponger Antonyms - overachiever, quiet, silence, workaholic Mnemonics - think about film was a boring piece of watch/talk.


Meaning - make or become definite and clear. Usage - vague feelings of unrest crystallized into something more concrete Synonyms - become clear, become definite, take shape, emerge, form, materialize Antonyms - blur Mnemonics - crystals of glass are clear


Meaning - make someone or something more lively. Usage - she slapped his hand lightly to ginger him up Synonyms - air, animation, ardor, backbone, boldness, bounce, breath, brio, character, complexion, courage, dash, dauntlessness, disposition, earnestness, energy, enterprise, enthusiasm, esprit, essence, fire, force, gameness, grit, guts, heart Antonyms - apathy, coldness, coolness, cowardice, dullness, fear, idleness, inactivity Mnemonics - ginger makes tea more lively to drink


Meaning - make white or pale by extracting colour.; flinch or grow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion.; prepare (vegetables) for freezing or further cooking by immersing briefly in boiling water. Usage - the cold light blanched her face; he visibly blanched at this reminder of mortality; blanch corn in boiling water for one minute Synonyms - flinch, recoil, wince, pale, shrink, , start Antonyms - face, meet, be brave Mnemonics - blanch sounds like bleach--woman go for bleaching to whiten their skin or to make their skin more white.


Meaning - making great demands on one's skill, attention, or other resources. Usage - the exacting standards laid down by the organic food industry Synonyms - demanding, hard, tough, stringent, testing, challenging, difficult, onerous, arduous, laborious, tiring, taxing, gruelling, punishing, back-breaking, burdensome, Herculean Antonyms - easy Mnemonics - Exacting.....he wants thing too be too exact and precise...hence he is making great demands!


Meaning - making or indicative of timely preparation for the future. Usage - she had learned to be provident Synonyms - prudent, far-sighted, judicious, shrewd, circumspect Antonyms - improvident Mnemonics - we save for future by using provident fund


Meaning - mark with spots or smears of colour. Usage - green leaves that are heavily mottled with chocolate and maroon Synonyms - bespeckle, besprinkle, dapple, dot, flake, fleck, freckle, mosaic Antonyms - clear, clean Mnemonics - Mottled glass of this bottle.


Meaning - mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned. Usage - a poem learnt by rote in childhood Synonyms - mechanically, automatically, without thinking, unthinkingly, parrot-fashion Antonyms - understand Mnemonics - rote = ratta marna


Meaning - morally correct behaviour or thinking; righteousness. Usage - Mattie is a model of rectitude Synonyms - decency, honesty, integrity, morality, probity, righteousness, goodness, virtue Antonyms - corruption, deceit, dishonesty, immorality Mnemonics - rectitude -> rectified + attitude. If a attitude is rectified, it has to be correct.


Meaning - most noticeable or important. Usage - it succinctly covered all the salient points of the case Synonyms - important, main, principal, major, chief, primary, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, arresting, conspicuous, striking, noticeable, obvious, remarkable, signal, prominent, pronounced, predominant, dominant, key, crucial, vital, essential, basic, staple, critical, pivotal, prime, central, focal, paramount Antonyms - unimportant Mnemonics - SAL(year)IENT(ant or end)... in B.Tech good grades at the END of final YEAR are VERY IMPORTANT


Meaning - move or cause to move slowly and heavily. Usage - ten vintage cars trundled past Synonyms - fling, hurl, pitch, revolve, rotate, spin, throw, trundle, whirl Antonyms - fast, quick Mnemonics - trundle = to run dull means slow and steady walk


Meaning - never to be broken, infringed, or dishonoured. Usage - an inviolable rule of chastity Synonyms - inalienable, absolute, untouchable, unalterable, unchallengeable, unbreakable, impregnable Antonyms - partial Mnemonics - violate is to break, to infringe thus inviolable is which cannot be broken or infringed, or which cannot be corrupted


Meaning - noisy and difficult to control. Usage - the boy is cocky and obstreperous Synonyms - blusterous, boisterous, booming, clamorous, disorderly, loud, out of hand, piercing, raising Cain, raising the roof, rambunctious, riotous, rowdy, screaming, strepitous, tumultous, unmanageable, unruly, uproarious, vociferous Antonyms - calm, composed Mnemonics - AP+STRIP erous....when u strip, the crowd turns obstreperous


Meaning - not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final. Usage - an irrevocable step Synonyms - irreversible, unrectifiable, irremediable, irreparable, unrepairable, beyond repair Antonyms - reversible, temporary Mnemonics - not+REWORKABLE..that cannot be reworked


Meaning - not able to be denied or disputed. Usage - incontrovertible proof Synonyms - indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable Antonyms - questionable Mnemonics - in-controvertible; here relate controvertible with controversy thus something which cannot have any controversy is in-controvertible and thus is indisputable


Meaning - not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy. Usage - an unimpeachable witness Synonyms - trustworthy, reliable, dependable, unquestionable, unassailable, unchallengeable Antonyms - dubious, unreliable Mnemonics - impeach means to doubt or question, unimpeachable means that cannot be doubted


Meaning - not attractive or appealing to the eye. Usage - despite his unprepossessing appearance he had an animal magnetism Synonyms - awful, grisly, grotesque, hideous, horrid, unseemly, unsightly Antonyms - beautiful, nice, pleasing, pretty Mnemonics - split it as un+possessing. something which you dont want to possess is unattractive.


Meaning - not being what it purports to be; false or fake. Usage - separating authentic and spurious claims Synonyms - bogus, false, phony, specious, affected, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, ba, d, bent, bum, contrived, deceitful, deceptive, dummy, ersatz, faked, feigned, forged, framed, illegitimate, imitation, make-believe, mock, pirate, pretend, pretended, pseudo, put-on, sham, simulated, substitute, unauthentic, ungenuine, unreal Antonyms - genuine, real, true, valid, authentic Mnemonics - s-PURE+ious...pure means true...spurious means the opposite of it..which is FALSE,CONTERFEIT


Meaning - not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs. Usage - heterodox views Synonyms - unorthodox, heretical, dissenting, dissident, blasphemous, nonconformist, apostate, freethinking, iconoclastic, schismatic, rebellious, renegade, separatist, sectarian, revisionist; sceptical, agnostic, atheistical, non-theistic, non-believing, unbelieving, idolatrous, pagan, heathen, impious; archaicpaynim; rarerecreant, recusant, nullifidian Antonyms - orthodox Mnemonics - heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions. Orthodox, heterodox are from the same root.


Meaning - not connected with religious or spiritual matters.; (of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order.; of or denoting slow changes in the motion of the sun or planets.; (of a fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over an indefinitely long period.; occurring once every century or similarly long period (used especially in reference to celebratory games in ancient Rome). Usage - secular buildings; there is evidence that the slump is not cyclical but secular Synonyms - civil, materialistic, worldly, lay, material, profane, temporal, earthly, laic, laical, nonclerical, nonreligious, of this world, unsacred Antonyms - mental, godly, holy, religious, spiritual Mnemonics - we say india is a SECULAR country--- means india has combination of many religions, not a fixed religion, there are hindu, muslims ,Christian, jain


Meaning - not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered. Usage - a mind untrammelled by convention Synonyms - able, at large, clear, easy, independent, loose, open, unfettered, unrestricted Antonyms - ambiguous, blocked, closed, definite Mnemonics - sounds like un-trampled , which means free from being trampled or suppressed


Meaning - not honourable in character or purpose.; of humble origin or social status. Usage - ignoble feelings of intense jealousy Synonyms - dishonourable, unworthy, base, shameful, contemptible, despicable, shabby, abject, low, sordid, degraded, corrupt, mean, wrong; improper, unprincipled, unchivalrous, uncharitable, discreditable, blameworthy, reprehensible Antonyms - dignified, grand, high, honorable, noble, reputable, respectable, worthy Mnemonics - igno(ignore)+ble(able) if something IS unworthy and not noble, ONE should be able to ignore them.


Meaning - not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something. Usage - the duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath Synonyms - bizarre, contradictory, inappropriate, incoherent, incompatible Antonyms - compatible, congruous, consistent, corresponding, fitting, harmonious, matched, suitable, uniform Mnemonics - when you are in congress you are not in harmony with the rest of the country.


Meaning - not influenced by considerations of personal advantage; having or feeling no interest in something; uninterested. Usage - a banker is under an obligation to give disinterested advice ; her father was so disinterested in her progress that he only visited the school once Synonyms - unbiased, unprejudiced, impartial, neutral, non-partisan, non-discriminatory, detached, uninvolved, objective, dispassionate, impersonal, clinical, uninterested, indifferent, incurious, unconcerned, unmoved, unresponsive, impassive, passive, detached, unfeeling, uncaring, unenthusiastic, lukewarm, bored, apathetic, blasé, nonchalant Antonyms - biased, interested Mnemonics - Dis-Interest - if a particular issue is not of any interest to me (dis-interest), i'll pass a biased free opinion about it


Meaning - not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash. Usage - it would be imprudent to leave her winter coat behind Synonyms - unwise, injudicious, incautious, unwary Antonyms - prudent, sensible Mnemonics - im+prudent--Why to invest in Icici Prudential ? To secure and make life stable..and imprudential means careless, not cautious about life.


Meaning - obtain by dishonest or devious means.; act in a dishonest or devious manner. Usage - Ted attended all the football games he could finagle tickets for Synonyms - cheat, contrive, deceive, manipulate, plot, scheme, swindle, trick Antonyms - honest Mnemonics - finagle...sounds like finger... so Sidhi Ungali se ghee nahi nikala to tedi karni padegi..


Meaning - obtain something from (a specified source). Usage - they derived great comfort from this assurance Synonyms - acquire, assume, collect, determine, develop, evolve, extract, glean, infer, obtain, receive Antonyms - decrease, doubt, forfeit, give, halt, lose, stop Mnemonics - drive a car from garage (source) to home


Meaning - of or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country, especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded. Usage - provincial towns Synonyms - local, rural, bucolic, country, homespun, narrow, pastoral, petty, rustic, sectarian Antonyms - broad, broad-minded, city, liberal Mnemonics - provincial sounds like "PROVINCE"....imagine person belonging to rural province then he dont have much exposure to outer he is unsophisticated and limited in outlook.


Meaning - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. Usage - his pusillanimous attitude got him fired Synonyms - afraid, coward, chicken Antonyms - fearless, strong Mnemonics - if someone is coward,they call him 'pussy,u r no man'


Meaning - of or forming a general summary or synopsis.; taking or involving a comprehensive mental view. Usage - a synoptic outline of the contents; a synoptic model of higher education Synonyms - abbreviated, breviloquent, brief, close, compact, compendiary, comprehensive, concise, condensed, contracted, curt, inclusive, laconic, short, short and sweet, succinct, summarized, summary Antonyms - enlarged, lengthened, unabridged Mnemonics - something like synopsis


Meaning - of terrible evil or ferocity; deadly. Usage - the fell disease that was threatening her sister Synonyms - terrible, evil Antonyms - good, helping Mnemonics - fell has 2 meanings..fell is like i fell down and the other can be remembered like i fell because i was pushed by dat "cruel" guy and it was could ve costed me my life


Meaning - of very great excellence or beauty.; producing an overwhelming sense of awe or other high emotion through being vast or grand.; (of a person's attitude or behaviour) extreme or unparalleled. Usage - Mozart's sublime piano concertos; a sense of the sublime; he had the sublime confidence of youth Synonyms - abstract, divine, exalted, glorious, gorgeous, heavenly, superb, transcendent, dynamite, elevated, imposing, august, eminent, grand, high, holy, ideal, lofty, majestic, noble, outrageous, proud, resplendent, sacred, spiritual, splendiferous, splendorous, stately, super, the most, too much, transcendental Antonyms - bad, inferior, lowly, poor, second-rate, secondary Mnemonics - Lime juice se sab body parts are elated.


Meaning - offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland. Usage - tuneful but vapid musical comedies Synonyms - insipid, uninspired, colourless, uninteresting, feeble, flat, dead, dull Antonyms - lively, colourful, exciting Mnemonics - vapid sounds similar to rapid(~ very rapid)... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat may not get the taste of the food.


Meaning - open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.; capable of being acted upon in a particular way; susceptible. Usage - parents who have amenable children; cardiac failure not amenable to medical treatment Synonyms - agreeable, responsive, susceptible, acquiescent, biddable, docile, influenceable, manageable, obedient, open, persuadable, pliable, tractable Antonyms - unsusceptible, intractable, irresponsible, nonconforming, not responsible, unaccountable, unanswerable, unchargeable, uncooperative, unwilling Mnemonics - Amen is a word used in islam and christinity. meaning of which is i agree. So amenable means something able to be agreed.


Meaning - open in principle to revision, valid objection, forfeiture, or annulment. Usage - a claim to an estate may be defeasible so long as the claimant is under 21 and unmarried Synonyms - abortive, anticlimactic, barren, bootless, feckless, feeble, forceless, fruitless, futile, idle Antonyms - competent, effective, effectual Mnemonics - something that can be defeated and annuled


Meaning - open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous.; (of a person) using ambiguous or evasive language.; uncertain or questionable in nature. Usage - the equivocal nature of her remarks; he has always been equivocal about the meaning of his lyrics; the results of the investigation were equivocal Synonyms - ambiguous, ambivalent, dubious, evasive, muddled, puzzling, unclear, vague, amphibological, borderline, clear as mud, clouded, disreputable, fishy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, misleading, muzzy, oblique, obscure, open, problematic, questionable, suspect, suspicious, tenebrous, undecided, unexplicit, unintelligible, with mixed feelings Antonyms - unequivocal, definite Mnemonics - If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.


Meaning - open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning. Usage - the election result was ambiguous Synonyms - enigmatic, equivocal, ambivalent Antonyms - unambiguous, clear Mnemonics - ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful


Meaning - opposing political or social progress or reform.; a reactionary person. Usage - reactionary attitudes toward women's rights; he was later to become an extreme reactionary Synonyms - counterrevolutionary, regressive, rightist, rigid, obscurantist, right, Tory, die-hard, old-line, orthodox, retrogressive, standpat, traditional, traditionalistic Antonyms - liberal, progressive, radical Mnemonics - Reactionary - Actionary is to perfrom some action, but reactionary is to restrain/suppress the action....... i.e. to recoil the progress


Meaning - optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.; a blood-red colour. Usage - he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy; Synonyms - buoyant, cheerful, confident, enthusiastic, hopeful, upbeat, positive, animated, assured, expectant, lively, secure, self-assured, self-confident, spirited, undoubtful Antonyms - depressed, down, gloomy, heavy, pessimistic, sad, pale, pallid, sallow, unhappy Mnemonics - SANGUINE is pronounced very much like "SANGEEN" in hindi which is usually referred with crime-"sangeen hatya" which shows serious murder with blood red colour.


Meaning - originate in or be caused by.; stop or restrict (the flow of something). Usage - many of the universities' problems stem from rapid expansion; a nurse did her best to stem the bleeding Synonyms - have its origins in, arise from, originate from, spring from, derive from, come from, be rooted in, emanate from, issue from, flow from, proceed from, result from, be consequent on; staunch, stop, halt, check, hold back, restrain, restrict, control, contain, curb Antonyms - cause, give rise to, be independent of Mnemonics - meaning of stem is opposite of what a stem of a plant does ; It lets the nutrients travel accross and lets the water from root upward ! But stem means to stop the flow


Meaning - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. Usage - the indigenous peoples of Siberia Synonyms - native, aboriginal, local Antonyms - expatriate, migrant, adventitious Mnemonics - indian+geniuses.....native or local talent or genius.


Meaning - out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied. Usage - a man went berserk with an arsenal of guns Synonyms - crazy, demented, deranged, insane, mad, maniacal, manic, violent Antonyms - smart Mnemonics - ye to BER ber hi kiye ja raha hai. lagta hai dimag SARAK gaya hai iska


Meaning - overcome (a difficulty or obstacle).; stand or be placed on top of. Usage - all manner of cultural differences were surmounted; the tomb was surmounted by a sculptured angel Synonyms - overcome, conquer, get over, prevail over, triumph over, get the better of, beat, vanquish, master; clear, cross, make one's way round/past/over, make it round/past/over, pass over, be unstoppable by; deal with, cope with, resist, endure, cap, top, crown, tip Antonyms - fail, fall behind, give up, help, lose , receive, surrender, give in, yield Mnemonics - to SURpass a MOUNTain u hav to overcome lot of difficulties


Meaning - patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy Usage - The foreign policies supported by the patriotic leader, confirmed that he was a jingoist. Synonyms - flag-waver, loyalist, nationalist, partisan, patrioteer, volunteer, good citizen, statesperson, ultranationalist Antonyms - expatriot, traitor Mnemonics - jingoist seems like JUNGoist .. a national who is chauvinistic nd bellicose will favor JUNG.


Meaning - people of good social position, specifically the class of people next below the nobility in position and birth. Usage - a member of the landed gentry Synonyms - the upper classes, the upper middle class, the privileged classes, the wealthy, the elite, high society, the establishment, the haut monde, the county set, the smart set; bhadralok Antonyms - low class, poor Mnemonics - gen(means people)+ntry (entry)... so in many pubs and bar..people of high class or social position have entry...


Meaning - perfectly clean, neat, or tidy. Usage - an immaculate white suit Synonyms - bright, exquisite, flawless, impeccable, neat, snowy, spotless, clean, errorless, faultless, irreproachable, pure, spick-and-span, spruce, stainless, taintless, trim, unexceptionable, unsoiled, unsullied Antonyms - defective, dull, flawed, horrible, imperfect Mnemonics - immaculate-> I+MAC+LATE->i mac(apples products) thought the arive late into market,they are so clean and spotless


Meaning - perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder. Usage - I was completely flummoxed by the whole thing Synonyms - baffle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confuse, confound Antonyms - clarify, clear up Mnemonics - this word puzzled me !!


Meaning - persuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken. Usage - he quickly disabused me of my fanciful notions Synonyms - disillusion, undeceive, correct Antonyms - restrain, limit Mnemonics - story: like a girl fall in love with a rascal, and her father comes to know. what he will do is abuse the boy and disabuse the girl about the boy. simple !!


Meaning - physical strength in contrast to intelligence. Usage - commando work required as much brain as brawn Synonyms - physical strength, muscle, muscles, muscular strength, muscularity, brawniness, burliness, huskiness, robustness, toughness, powerfulness, might, mightiness, lustiness Antonyms - weakness, puniness Mnemonics - Remember Brawn Gp from F1.. Their car was sturdy and they had the strength over other cars


Meaning - physically or mentally demanding Usage - they find the work too taxing Synonyms - demanding, exacting, challenging, burdensome, arduous, onerous, difficult, hard, tough, heavy, laborious, back-breaking, strenuous, rigorous, uphill, stringent Antonyms - easy, gentle Mnemonics - Paying off the tax nowadays is not a easy one and is very burdensome


Meaning - pour (something) out.; (of a building or vehicle) discharge (the occupants).; yield or give up (funds, especially when dishonestly acquired). ; (of a river) empty into a sea.; remove the sediment from (a sparkling wine) after fermentation. Usage - the combine disgorged a steady stream of grain; an aircraft disgorging paratroopers; they were made to disgorge all the profits made from the record; the Nile disgorges into the sea at Rashid Synonyms - pour out, discharge, eject, emit, expel, evacuate, empty, spit out, spew out, belch forth, spout; vomit, regurgitate, throw up Antonyms - retain Mnemonics - dis + gorgeous . somthing not gorgeous, u'll feel like puking


Meaning - praise. Usage - the network has received plaudits for its sports coverage Synonyms - praise, acclaim, acclamation, commendation, congratulations, encomiums, approval, approbation, accolades, compliments, cheers, tributes, salutes, bouquets Antonyms - condemnation, criticism Mnemonics - plaud = applaud.. which is nothing but round of applause.


Meaning - precede in time; come before (something) in date. Usage - a civilization that antedated the Roman Empire Synonyms - accelerate, antecede, backdate, misdate Antonyms - predate Mnemonics - when you go anti date (time)..i.e. to go back in time.


Meaning - present and explain (a theory or idea) in detail. Usage - he was expounding a powerful argument Synonyms - clarify, delineate, exemplify, explain, explicate, express, illustrate, set forth, spell out Antonyms - complicate, confuse, mystify, obscure Mnemonics - can u please EXPLAIN what is ur "ex" doin with ur "pound"(money)


Meaning - prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. Usage - he never did anything to thwart his father Synonyms - circumvent, counter, curb, defeat, foil, frustrate, impede Antonyms - abet, aid, allow, assist Mnemonics - TH(thousand) + WART(massa).. a person having thousand wart will get furtrated.. and this is block or hinder his beauty


Meaning - prevent from happening; make impossible. Usage - the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition Synonyms - prevent, make it impossible for, make it impracticable for, rule out, put a stop to, stop, prohibit, debar, interdict, block, bar, hinder, impede, inhibit, exclude, disqualify, forbid; estop Antonyms - assist, support Mnemonics - prevent to conclude


Meaning - prevent or hinder the progress of. Usage - the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments Synonyms - impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart, foil, spoil, stall Antonyms - assist, help Mnemonics - Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.


Meaning - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects. Usage - sexual harassment is a serious and insidious problem Synonyms - stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, sneaking, cunning, crafty, Machiavellian, artful, guileful, sly, wily, tricky, slick, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, underhand, backhanded, indirect Antonyms - straightforward Mnemonics - insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.


Meaning - prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove. Usage - these claims have not been convincingly refuted Synonyms - contradict, counter, disprove, expose, oppose, quash, rebut, repudiate, squelch Antonyms - agree, aid, allow, approve, assist, concede, help, support Mnemonics - refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or refute it or disapprove..


Meaning - provide money to pay (a cost or expense). Usage - the proceeds from the raffle help to defray the expenses of the evening Synonyms - pay (for), cover, meet, square, settle, clear, discharge, liquidate; foot the bill for Antonyms - take Mnemonics - def + ray -> by paying for their education, you provide a "ray" of hope for "deaf" people!!


Meaning - provide or supply (an opportunity or facility). Usage - the rooftop terrace affords beautiful views Synonyms - provide, supply, present, purvey, make available, offer, give, impart, bestow, furnish, render, grant, yield, produce, bear Antonyms - refuse, reject, take away Mnemonics - FORD FIESTA RS car is not affordable by all


Meaning - provoking laughter through being ludicrous/ funny. Usage - a risible scene of lovemaking in a tent Synonyms - amusing, comical, droll, funny, laughable, ludicrous, ludicrous. laughable, ridiculous Antonyms - serious Mnemonics - When the audience hears a good joke they will RISE to their feet to applaud.


Meaning - publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm. Usage - the actor was lampooned by the press Synonyms - satirize, mock, ridicule, make fun of, poke fun at, caricature Antonyms - flattery, praise Mnemonics - LAMPOON- if you pour oil for a LAMP with a SPOON ppl will ridicule cos for a lamp you should pour a lot of oil!


Meaning - publicly denounce.; express strong disapproval of Usage - they decried human rights abuses Synonyms - denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack Antonyms - praise, overrate Mnemonics - I will always DECRY people who cry without fighting the situation...we should face every situation with courage


Meaning - put forward (an idea or theory) for consideration by others. Usage - he began to propound the idea of a 'social monarchy' as an alternative to Franco Synonyms - put forward, advance, offer, present, set forth, submit, tender, suggest, come up with, broach, moot, bring up, mention, introduce, postulate, propose, pose, discuss, hypothesize, peddle, spread, promote, advocate, proffer, posit Antonyms - deny, reproach, discourage Mnemonics - PRO- POUND.. The new minister for Science & technology was an ardent PROPONENT to PROPOUND that the POUND be the official weight standard in india.. his slogan-"PRO-POUND!!"


Meaning - put forward as fact or as a basis for argument. Usage - the Confucian view posits a perfectible human nature Synonyms - hypothesize, postulate, presuppose Antonyms - abstain, be honest, disbelieve Mnemonics - posit means put forward as fact or as a basis for argument...POSE+IT....why do we pose things or present ourselves.


Meaning - reach a climax or point of highest development. Usage - weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate Synonyms - cap, climax, conclude, end up, round off, terminate, wind up, close, crown, end, finish, come to a head, go over the mountain, go the route, rise to crescendo, shoot one's wad, top off Antonyms - begin, commence, open, start, bear, create Mnemonics - culminate = break up like this.. cal(cul) min ate.. i'm having by food it is almost over or almost at climax .. i will call you in minute


Meaning - react angrily or defensively. Usage - she bristled at his rudeness Synonyms - get angry, become infuriated, be furious, be maddened, bridle Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - One use his 'Pistol' to express his 'Bristle'.


Meaning - recklessly bold or rash. Usage - it would be foolhardy to go into the scheme without support Synonyms - reckless, rash, incautious, careless, heedless, unheeding, thoughtless, unwise, imprudent, irresponsible, injudicious, impulsive, hot-headed, impetuous Antonyms - wise Mnemonics - Foolishly hard.


Meaning - recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources; licentious; dissolute. Usage - profligate consumers of energy; he succumbed to drink and a profligate lifestyle Synonyms - promiscuous, degenerate, libertine, reprobate, wanton, wild, abandoned, debauched, depraved, dissipated, dissolute, iniquitous, lax, lewd, licentious, loose, shameless, unprincipled, vicious, vitiated, wicked Antonyms - gentle, moral, careful, good, nice, saving Mnemonics - Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates


Meaning - recover from illness or exertion.; recover or regain (something lost or taken). Usage - she has been recuperating from a knee injury; they will seek to recuperate the returns that go with investment Synonyms - get better, recover, convalesce, get back to normal, get well, regain one's strength/health, get back on one's feet, get over something; be on the road to recovery, be on the mend, improve, mend, pick up, rally, revive, perk up, pull through, bounce back, get back, regain, recover, win back, recoup, retrieve, reclaim, repossess, have something returned, be reunited with, find, redeem, rescue Antonyms - deteriorate, hurt, lose, decline, fail, worsen Mnemonics - Recuperate = RECover from OPERATion. => return to health again.


Meaning - reduce (food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.; make an unpleasant rasping sound.; have an irritating effect. Usage - grated cheese; the hinges of the door grated; the buzzing sound grated on her nerves Synonyms - shred, rub into pieces, pulverize, mince, grind, granulate, crush, crumble, mash, smash, fragment, macerate; rasp, scrape, jar, scratch, grind, rub, drag, grit; squeak, screech, creak, irritate, set someone's teeth on edge, jar; irk, exasperate, annoy, vex, nettle, peeve, rankle, anger, rub up the wrong way, chafe, fret, eat away at; informalget on someone's nerves, get under someone's skin, rile, aggravate Antonyms - peace, make happy, construct Mnemonics - when u win any compitetion then ppl say the word.. "GREAT." which is grate.. they actually shout out loud.. making an harsh noice


Meaning - reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade. Usage - the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama Synonyms - degrade, devalue, demean, lower the status of, reduce the status of, cheapen, prostitute Antonyms - enhance, original, pure Mnemonics - de(means without) think of someone /something without having any base or value.


Meaning - reduce or pay off (a debt) with regular payments. Usage - eighty per cent of the proceeds has been used to amortize the public debt Synonyms - pay off debt Antonyms - solvent Mnemonics - mortal means killing or when someone is killed he liquidates gradually.. (or his assets liquidate, because people always want to snatch properties)


Meaning - reduce to fine particles.; defeat utterly. Usage - the brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment; he had a winning car and pulverized the opposition Synonyms - grind, crush, pound, crumble, powder, turn to dust; mill, crunch, squash, press, pulp, mash, sieve, mince, mangle, chew, shred, macerate, defeat utterly, annihilate, beat hollow, trounce, rout, crush, smash, break, overwhelm, vanquish; Antonyms - lose, surrender, build, construct, create Mnemonics - Pulav banane ke liye masale peesna


Meaning - referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way. Usage - a ribald comment Synonyms - bawdy, indecent, risqué, rude, racy, broad, earthy, Rabelaisian, spicy, suggestive, titillating, improper, naughty, indelicate, indecorous, off colour Antonyms - clean, decent, moral Mnemonics - ribald~bald guy in roadies...raghu...who generally uses ribald,profane,wanton language to ridicule the roadies


Meaning - refuse to accept; reject. Usage - she has repudiated policies associated with previous party leaders Synonyms - reject, renounce, abandon, forswear Antonyms - embrace Mnemonics - he ate the PUDDING AGAIN.. When his mother asked him if he ate the pudding, he tried to REPUDIATE (deny eating it)... :)


Meaning - refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind. Usage - he is adamant that he is not going to resign Synonyms - unshakeable, immovable, inflexible, unwavering, uncompromising, resolute, resolved, determined, firm, rigid, steadfast Antonyms - flexible, irresolute, lenient Mnemonics - Adiyal Man is always: hard, immovable, inflexible, relentless, rigid, stony, stubborn, unbendable, unyielding.


Meaning - regard or represent as being of little worth. Usage - he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors Synonyms - belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade Antonyms - praise, overrate, complimentary Mnemonics - dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others.


Meaning - regard something as being due to (a cause). Usage - he ascribed Jane's short temper to her upset stomach Synonyms - attribute, assign, put down, set down, accredit, credit, give the credit for, chalk up, impute Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - doctor prescribe medicine if u feel well u ascribe doctor


Meaning - regard with great respect; revere. Usage - Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint Synonyms - revere, reverence, respect, worship, adulate, hallow, deify, idolize Antonyms - despise, loathe Mnemonics - vanar who ate the mountain - hanuman - we revere him


Meaning - regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. Usage - complacency is endemic in industry today; the marsupial is endemic to north eastern Australia Synonyms - local Antonyms - foreign Mnemonics - epidemic is something that is confined to vast area and endemic is confined to small area


Meaning - reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.; put an end to; suppress. Usage - his conviction was quashed on appeal; a hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs Synonyms - cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw, take back, rule against, disallow, overturn, override, overrule, veto, set aside, overthrow, repudiate, annul, nullify, declare null and void, invalidate, render invalid, negate, void, abrogate; vacate, put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, finish, get rid of, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, squash, quell, subdue, suppress, repress, quench, extinguish, stifle, abolish, terminate; beat, overcome, defeat, rout, destroy, demolish, annihilate, wipe out, prompt Antonyms - validate, bring about, Mnemonics - squash also means the same - compress/suppress.


Meaning - reject with disdain or contempt. Usage - he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned Synonyms - despise, disdain, dismiss, disregard, flout, rebuff, refuse Antonyms - accept, admire, allow, approve Mnemonics - Spurn = s + purn. S = sex!! Purn = porn ; we disdainfully reject "sex + porn"


Meaning - related; connected.; related to or descended from a common ancestor. Usage - cognate subjects such as physics and chemistry Synonyms - agnate, general, generic, incident, kindred, like, same, universal, affiliated, akin, allied, analogous, comparable, connate, connatural, connected, consanguine, related, similar Antonyms - different, individual, particular, specific Mnemonics - co(together) + nate(born), so those who are born together (like twins) have the same origin.


Meaning - relating or inclined to dissension. Usage - a factious country Synonyms - divided, split, sectarian, schismatic, dissenting, contentious, discordant, conflicting, argumentative, disagreeing, disputatious, quarrelling Antonyms - harmonious Mnemonics - factious = fact + ious. factious people are so concerned about their facts (views). so they wont agree with others. so factious means opposition or dissenting


Meaning - relating to a ruler who has absolute power; taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions; domineering. Usage - the constitutional reforms threatened his autocratic power; a man with a reputation for an autocratic management style Synonyms - despotic, tyrannical, oppressive, repressive; dictatorial, totalitarian Antonyms - democratic, liberal Mnemonics - auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...goverment by self ,goverment by one person.


Meaning - relating to a tomb or interment.; gloomy; dismal. Usage - sepulchral monuments; speech delivered in sepulchral tones Synonyms - black, bleak, cheerless, dark, deathly, dismal, dreary, forlorn, funereal, grave, hollow, morbid, mournful, obscure, somber Antonyms - cheerful, happy Mnemonics - border pe tainat sepahi(sepul) le kal(chral) ki baat mat karo...he tends to get gloomy and sad


Meaning - relating to meteors or meteorites.; (of the development of something) very rapid. Usage - meteoric iron; her meteoric rise to the top of her profession Synonyms - rapid, lightning, swift, fast, quick, speedy, breakneck, fast-track, accelerated, overnight, instant, whirlwind, mushrooming, sudden, spectacular; momentary, fleeting, transient, ephemeral, evanescent, brief, short-lived Antonyms - slow, gradual, long-drawn-out Mnemonics - v can easily remember dsi word by comparing it wid a METEOR which moves very fast n hence meteoric also means sudden or swift...!!


Meaning - relating to or acting as a cause.; expressing or indicating a cause. Usage - the causal factors associated with illness; a causal conjunction Synonyms - creative, imaginative, innovative, inventive, seminal, unconventional, unusual, devising, envisioning, formative, novel, quick, ready, sensitive Antonyms - normal, standard,uncreative, unimaginative, uninventive, usual, slow Mnemonics - Causal = cause; i.e; something relating to cause


Meaning - relating to or affecting horses or other members of the horse family.; a horse or other member of the horse family. Usage - equine infectious anaemia ; they compared the behaviour of humans and equines Synonyms - horse, roan Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - feline-catlike vulpine-foxlike not wolf lupine-wolflike not lion leonine-lionlike bovine-cowlike equine-horselike


Meaning - relating to or causing inflammation of a part of the body.; (especially of speech or writing) arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. Usage - inflammatory cells; inflammatory remarks Synonyms - incendiary, intemperate, provocative Antonyms - calming, mitigating Mnemonics - can be remembered from flame.


Meaning - relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld.; irritating and tiresome (used for emphasis). Usage - the infernal regions; you're an infernal nuisance Synonyms - of hell, hellish, lower, nether, subterranean, underworld; Hadean, Plutonic, Plutonian, Stygian, Styxian, Tartarean, Acherontic, Avernal, damned, damn, damnable, wretched, accursed, rotten, horrible; annoying, irritating, infuriating, exasperating; flaming, blasted, blessed, dratted, cussed, pesky, pestiferous, pestilential, aggravating; blinking, bloody, bleeding, blooming, blimming, flipping, effing, chuffing; plurry; bally, ruddy, deuced, dashed, cursed; vulgar Antonyms - angelic, godlike, good, moral, heavenly, otherworldly Mnemonics - infernal - in + fern (fernace ~ furnace) + al (all) ; so putting all people in the furnace is a devilish or cruel activity; these things are generally conducted in hell.


Meaning - relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress. Usage - sartorial elegance Synonyms - vestiary, zooty, elegant, flashy, impeccable, sharp, stylish, stylistic, trim Antonyms - dumpy, frumpy, unstylish Mnemonics - sounds like sari tore and you need a tailor to fix it, thus sartorial pertains to tailoring


Meaning - relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life. Usage - the church is lovely for its bucolic setting Synonyms - agrarian, pastoral, arcadian, country, agricultural, countrified Antonyms - urban Mnemonics - bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side".


Meaning - relating to the rational, ordered, and self-disciplined aspects of human nature. Usage - the struggle between cold Apollonian categorization and Dionysiac lust and chaos Synonyms - rational, thoughtful Antonyms - chaos, irrational Mnemonics - can be remembered from Apolloo, the movie of Tom Hanks in which he used his rational mind to get the space shuttle back on earth.


Meaning - relating to the sensual, spontaneous, and emotional aspects of human nature.; relating to the Greek god of irrational and chaos , Dionysus Usage - the Dionysian is based on chaos and appeals to the emotions and instincts Synonyms - chaos, irrational Antonyms - rational, order Mnemonics - remember from Greek mythology about the god Dionysus, the son of Zeus !


Meaning - relating to the viscera.; relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect. Usage - the visceral nervous system; the voters' visceral fear of change Synonyms - ingrained, innate, intuitive, accustomed, automatic, congenital, habitual, inborn, inherent, instinctual, intrinsic, intuitional, knee-jerk, natural, reflex, rooted, second-nature Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Visceral = wise cereal, which is good for health and internal organs.


Meaning - relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance. Usage - a hard, dour, humourless fanatic Synonyms - stern, unsmiling, unfriendly, frowning, poker-faced, severe, forbidding, morose, sour, gruff, surly, uncommunicative, grim, gloomy, dismal, sullen, sombre, grave, sober, serious, solemn, austere, stony, unsympathetic, disapproving Antonyms - cheerful, friendly Mnemonics - He is so 'rude' he shows me the door (rhymes with dour) every time I come to talk.


Meaning - relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite. Usage - she asked me a lot of very pertinent questions Synonyms - relevant, to the point, apposite, appropriate, suitable, fitting, fit, apt, applicable, material, germane Antonyms - improper, inapplicable, inappropriate, irrelevant Mnemonics - relate to pertaining....which means relevant to


Meaning - relevant to a subject under consideration. Usage - that is not germane to our theme Synonyms - relevant, pertinent, applicable, apposite, material; apropos, to the point, to the purpose, admissible; appropriate, apt, fitting, suitable, suited, proper, felicitous; connected, related, linked, akin, allied, analogous; ad rem Antonyms - irrelevant Mnemonics - germane...very close to word if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be RELEVANT and APPROPRIATE.


Meaning - reluctant; unwilling. Usage - I was loath to leave Synonyms - reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, ill-disposed, not in the mood; hesitant; against, averse Antonyms - willing, eager Mnemonics - LOATHE means to hate, to detest....hence if you have loathe for something you become loath to act to anything related to that person.


Meaning - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree. Usage - the stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel Synonyms - enormous, huge, colossal, immense, vast, great, massive, gigantic, mammoth, tremendous, considerable, substantial, large, sizeable, inordinate, monumental, mighty, gargantuan Antonyms - insignificant, little, miniature, small, teeny, tiny Mnemonics - The root PRO- means 'in favor of'.The root DIGI- (e.g., digit) refers to numbers or quantity. So, PRODIGIOUS refers to a favorable (or great) number.


Meaning - remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation). Usage - the question is how to redress the consequences of racist land policies Synonyms - rectify, correct, put/set/make right, right, put to rights, compensate for, sort out, deal with, amend, remedy, repair, fix, cure, heal Antonyms - penalty, sympathy, damage Mnemonics - some one tore your dress, the only way to set this right is to redress in a new dress !!


Meaning - remove from office suddenly and forcefully.; testify to or give (evidence) under oath, typically in a written statement. Usage - he had been deposed by a military coup; every affidavit shall state which of the facts deposed to are within the deponent's knowledge Synonyms - overthrow, overturn, topple, bring down, remove from office, remove, unseat, dethrone, supplant, displace; dismiss, discharge, oust, drum out, throw out, force out, drive out, expel, eject; strip of rank, demote; cashier; swear, testify, attest, undertake, assert, declare, profess, aver, submit, claim; Antonyms - allow, obey, promote, upgrade Mnemonics - allow, obey, promote, upgrade


Meaning - remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective. Usage - a bowdlerized version of the story Synonyms - expurgate, censor, blue-pencil, cut, edit, redact Antonyms - add, improve Mnemonics - Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), English editor who censored and published Shakespeare's writings for family reading.


Meaning - remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a text or account). Usage - an expurgated English translation Synonyms - bleep, bowdlerize, cleanse, decontaminate, lustrate, purge, purify, sanitize, screen, scrub, squash, sterilize, bleep out, blip, blue pencil, clean up Antonyms - dirty, open, allow, permit Mnemonics - Expurgate - divide this word into (expel+ur+gate), you always expel the waste from your gate to make your home 'clean' and 'purified'.


Meaning - renounce, abandon Usage - the government was accused of abdicating its responsibility Synonyms - disown, turn down, spurn, reject, renounce, give up, avoid, refuse, relinquish, abjure, repudiate, waive, yield, forgo, abandon, surrender, deliver up, disgorge Antonyms - accept, take on Mnemonics - abdicate (kabaddi-cate) - when playing kabaddi, the other opponent abdicates after seeing someone like Khali.


Meaning - repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement). Usage - a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike Synonyms - repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with, annul, cancel, break off, invalidate, nullify, void, negate, dissolve, countermand, veto, declare null and void, discontinue; renege on, go back on, backtrack on, reverse, retract, remove, withdraw, abolish, put an end to, get rid of, suspend, end, stop, quash, scrap; disaffirm, avoid, vacate, vitiate Antonyms - institute, introduce Mnemonics - ab ro gate par aakar (in Hindi) imagine a person crying(ab ro gate par aake) in front of a gate because his form has been cancelled (abolished)


Meaning - represent (something, especially something undesirable) as being done or possessed by someone; attribute. Usage - the crimes imputed to Richard Synonyms - attribute, ascribe, assign, credit, accredit Antonyms - absolve, exculpate Mnemonics - im(put)e... put the blame to somebody


Meaning - represent in outline. Usage - Hobhouse had already adumbrated the idea of a welfare state Synonyms - outline Antonyms - details Mnemonics - A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketchy outline.


Meaning - resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. Usage - steadfast loyalty Synonyms - loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, staunch, trusty Antonyms - disloyal, irresolute Mnemonics - when a horse runs fast and we are in the stead we have to be firm and resolute to avoid falling


Meaning - respected and impressive. Usage - she was in august company Synonyms - grand, baronial, brilliant, eminent, exalted, glorious, grandiose, high-minded, high-ranking, highfalutin', honorable, imposing, impressive, lofty, lordly, magnificent, majestic, monumental, pompous, regal, resplendent, stately, superb, venerable Antonyms - undignified Mnemonics - August.. The month of the sun sign - LEO the lion (the king of the forest,the most majestic animal)


Meaning - responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame. Usage - a level of moral culpability Synonyms - accountability, guilt, blameworthiness, culpableness, fault, responsibility Antonyms - innocence Mnemonics - culp( culprit) a culprit is always DESERVING OF BLAME FROM EVERYONE


Meaning - showing a critical or disrespectful attitude. Usage - she tells me I'm fat and always makes derogative remarks Synonyms - belittling, critical, deprecating, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciative Antonyms - complimentary, flattering Mnemonics - Daroga(Police) is having low opinion thats y they can accept even 10 bucks.


Meaning - restore friendly relations between.; make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed. Usage - the king and the archbishop were publicly reconciled; it is not necessary to reconcile the cost accounts to the financial accounts Synonyms - accommodate, appease, assuage, conform, coordinate, harmonize, integrate, pacify, placate, rectify, resolve, reunite, accord, accustom, arbitrate, arrange, attune, compose, conciliate, cool, fit, intercede, mediate, mitigate, propitiate, proportion, regulate, settle, suit, tune, bring to terms, bring together, bury the hatchet, come together, fix up, get together on, kiss and make up, make matters up, make up, patch things up, patch up, re-establish, reconciliate, restore harmony, win over Antonyms - agitate,fight, incite, irritate, mismatch, separate, upset, argue, confuse, disagree, disarrange, disorganize, disperse, increase, mix up, refuse, scatter, divorce, estrange Mnemonics - Re(BACK)+concile(COUNSELLING)...After filing the petition in court for DIVORCE the judge ordered COUNSELLING of that relations could be to BACK to NORMAL again AFTER THE QUARREL without legal proceedings


Meaning - restrict or impede (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult. Usage - she was encumbered by her heavy skirts Synonyms - hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, check, cramp, inhibit, restrict, limit Antonyms - aid, facilitate Mnemonics - watchout for the word cumber and think of cumbersome ....anything that is cumbersome may prove to be a burden.


Meaning - returning to a former or less developed state; characterized by regression. Usage - the regressive state of politics Synonyms - back, rearward Antonyms - aggressive, ahead, developing Mnemonics - can be remembered from regression testing in SDLC.


Meaning - revealing, indicating, or betraying something. Usage - the telltale bulge of a concealed weapon Synonyms - giveaway, prognostic, disclosing Antonyms - secret Mnemonics - TELL her scandal TALE


Meaning - revoke or cancel (an order). Usage - an order to arrest the strike leaders had been countermanded Synonyms - override, recall, repeal, rescind, retract, retreat, reverse, revoke Antonyms - approve, enforce, meet, allow Mnemonics - COUNTER+DEMAND....counter a demand means CANCEL or REVOKE.


Meaning - roll or fold up (something) neatly and securely. Usage - the flag was tightly furled Synonyms - roll, pack Antonyms - unfurl, unpack Mnemonics - remember from unfurling of the national flag by the president on republic day.


Meaning - roomy and comfortable. Usage - they moved to a more commodious dwelling Synonyms - convenient, big, capacious, comfortable, expansive, extensive, large, loose, roomy, wide Antonyms - confined, cramped, inconvenient, small, squeezed, uncomfortable Mnemonics - people always want there cammod(commod) to be spacious and comfortable,as a living!!!


Meaning - rough and bad-mannered; coarse. Usage - boorish behaviour Synonyms - coarse, uncouth, rude, discourteous, impolite, ungentlemanly, unladylike, ill-bred, ill-mannered, churlish, gruff, uncivilized, uncultured, uncultivated, unsophisticated, unrefined, common, rough, thuggish, loutish; crude, vulgar, crass, tasteless, unsavoury, gross, lumpen, brutish, bearish, barbaric, barbarous, Neanderthal, philistine Antonyms - refined, sophisticated Mnemonics - boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish


Meaning - rude in a mean-spirited and surly way. Usage - it seems churlish to complain Synonyms - rude, ill-mannered, discourteous, impolite, ungracious, unmannerly, uncivil, ungentlemanly, ungallant, unchivalrous Antonyms - polite Mnemonics - churilsh->like CHARLIE SHEEN who is often in news for his boorish behaviour


Meaning - run or jump about playfully. Usage - the mare gambolled towards Constance Synonyms - frolic, frisk, cavort, caper, skip, dance, romp, prance, leap, hop, jump, spring, bound, bounce Antonyms - sad, unlively Mnemonics - gambol : game-ball, in a football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the opposite player will tackle you quickly.


Meaning - safe to drink; drinkable Usage - there is no supply of potable water available Synonyms - eatable, safe to eat Antonyms - unsafe, contaminated Mnemonics - water that is stored in a mudPOT ..coldwater suitable for drinking.


Meaning - say or pronounce clearly.; express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or definite terms. Usage - she enunciated each word slowly; a written document enunciating this policy Synonyms - affirm, articulate, intone, lay down, outline, propound, utter, announce, declare, deliver, develop, enounce, express, modulate, phonate, postulate, proclaim, promulgate, pronounce, publish, say, show, sound, state, submit, vocalize, voice Antonyms - ask, be quiet, conceal, confine, deny, hide, leave alone, question, repress, withhold, mispronounce, muffle, mumble Mnemonics - e+nun+ciate....sounds like A NUN CITEd....something she proclaimed about the church rules and regulations...and that is what the word means....citing means announcing something to be true..or proclaiming something.


Meaning - say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief Usage - heretics were burned if they would not recant Synonyms - renounce, forswear, disavow, deny, repudiate, renege on, abjure, relinquish, abandon, forsake Antonyms - reaffirm Mnemonics - his movies, when a criminal sees him, the criminal RECANTS his idea of fighting after he is injured by RAJNIKANT


Meaning - scold or criticize (someone) angrily. Usage - she berated herself for being fickle Synonyms - castigate, chide, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, revile, scold, upbraid, blister, censure, chew Antonyms - compliment, flatter, laud, praise, hail Mnemonics - his friends berated(criticized) him for showing them b-rated movie.


Meaning - secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others. Usage - the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers Synonyms - conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming Antonyms - honesty Mnemonics - people who involve in collusion, try to create an Illusion that everything is fine


Meaning - sedate, respectable, and unadventurous. Usage - staid law firms Synonyms - sedate, respectable, quiet, serious, serious-minded, steady, conventional, traditional, unadventurous, unenterprising Antonyms - frivolous, daring, informal Mnemonics - Staid--sounds like "STAYED"--Imagine you have always maintained your dignity and propriety in the place where you have stayed for so many years!


Meaning - seeking to impose a doctrine in all circumstances without regard to practical considerations. Usage - the administration's doctrinaire economic policy Synonyms - dogmatic, rigid, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, holding fixed views, adamant, insistent, pontifical; authoritarian, domineering, opinionated, intolerant, biased, prejudiced, fanatical, zealous, extreme Antonyms - liberal, flexible Mnemonics - meaning of the word is seeking to impose a doctrine in all circumstances without regard to practical considerations...hence a person who tries to spread his DOCTRINE in AIR everytime is doctrinaire


Meaning - self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation. Usage - Diana passed the test with aplomb Synonyms - poise, self-assurance, assurance, self-possession, self-confidence Antonyms - gaucheness Mnemonics - Take it as a-bomb, so a bomb defusing team must have following characteristics: assurance, balance, confidence, coolness, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance, poise, surety, tact... and these are the synonyms of aplomb.


Meaning - self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental.; (of a book, film, or song) highly sentimental. Usage - a bout of maudlin self-pity; a maudlin jukebox tune Synonyms - mawkish, mushy, romantic, sentimental, syrupy, weepy, bathetic, befuddled, confused, cornball, drippy, gushing, insipid, lachrymose, schmaltzy, slush, soap, soapy, soppy, tear-jerking, tearful Antonyms - pragmatic, unemotional, unromantic, calm, matter-of-fact, unimaginative Mnemonics - when she received a call from the MODELLING company for her appointment, she became EFFUSIVELY SENTIMENTAL and wept a lot.Her dream had come true.


Meaning - shaking or quivering slightly.; timid; nervous. Usage - Barbara's voice was tremulous; he gave a tremulous smile Synonyms - palpitating, quavering, quivering, shaky, shivering, shivery, trembling, wobbly Antonyms - brave, calm, confident, stable, steady, unwavering Mnemonics - TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or shivering with fear.


Meaning - sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon).; excite or stimulate (someone's desire, interest, or appetite). Usage - her husband is whetting his knife; here's an extract to whet your appetite Synonyms - hone, sharpen, file, edge, finish, grind, strop Antonyms - blunt , dishearten , dull , dampen Mnemonics - sounds like WET, when you see a wet girl,you get stimulated


Meaning - shine faintly with a wavering light.; a faint sign of a feeling or quality, especially a desirable one. Usage - the moonlight glimmered on the lawn; there is one glimmer of hope for Beck Synonyms - flicker, gleam, glint, glow, hint, inkling, ray, twinkle, blink, coruscation, glance, grain, scintillation, shimmer, suggestion, trace Antonyms - dullness Mnemonics - sounds like glamour = those who have glamoure , their faces shine


Meaning - shock or excite (someone) into taking action. Usage - the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action Synonyms - arouse, astonish, energize, excite, frighten, invigorate, jolt, motivate, provoke, shock, spur, , tle, stir, stun, animate, awaken, commove, electrify, fire, innervate, move, pique, prime, quicken, thrill, vitalize, wake, zap Antonyms - bore, calm, comfort, compose, depress, discourage, dissuade, expect, lull, quiet, deaden, dishearten, dull, deter, disparage, retard Mnemonics - Imagine a Van filled with Girls(gals) appear, (GALs in VAN)how will you react, you will be STIRRED UP or REVITALIZED as if you have HAD A SHOCK.


Meaning - shorten (a book, film, speech, etc.) without losing the sense; curtail (a right or privilege). Usage - an abridged text of his speech; even the right to free speech can be abridged Synonyms - shorten, cut, cut short/down, curtail, truncate, lessen, trim, crop, clip, pare down, prune; abbreviate, condense, contract, compress, reduce, decrease, diminish, shrink; summarize, give a summary of, sum up, abstract, give an abstract of, precis, give a precis of, synopsize, give a synopsis of, digest, give a digest of, outline, give an outline of, sketch, put in a nutshell, edit Antonyms - lengthen, expand on, pad out, lengthened, expanded Mnemonics - a+bridge..well bridges are meant to reduce the gap between abridging..something means reducingor shortening something


Meaning - show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing. Usage - the article exculpated the mayor Synonyms - forgive,absolve, acquit, amnesty, clear, condone, discharge, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, explain,free, justify, pardon, rationalize, release Antonyms - accuse, blame, charge, Mnemonics - exculpate sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges.


Meaning - show or feel triumphant elation or jubilation. Usage - exulting in her escape, Lisa closed the door behind her Synonyms - rejoice, be joyful, be happy, be pleased, be glad, be delighted, be elated, be ecstatic, be euphoric, be overjoyed, be as pleased as Punch, be cock-a-hoop, be jubilant, be rapturous, be in raptures, be transported, be beside oneself with joy, be delirious, be thrilled, jump for joy, be on cloud nine, be walking/treading on air, be in seventh heaven, glory, triumph, be triumphant; celebrate, cheer, revel, make merry Antonyms - sorrow Mnemonics - EXam+resULT - he was very happy when the exam result was out because he had topped in his exams.


Meaning - showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper. Usage - a blithe disregard for the rules of the road Synonyms - carefree, jaunty, jovial, lighthearted, sprightly, animated, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chirpy Antonyms - depressed, lethargic, troubled, worried Mnemonics - Blithe== Be-light- Hearted. means care free


Meaning - showing a casual lack of concern. Usage - an insouciant shrug Synonyms - nonchalant, untroubled, unworried, unruffled, unconcerned, lacking concern, indifferent, blasé, heedless, relaxed, calm, equable, equanimous, serene, composed, casual, easy, easy-going, airy, breezy, carefree Antonyms - anxious, high-strung, nervous Mnemonics - insouciant: sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant. Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is insouciant.


Meaning - showing a lack of proper concern; offhand. Usage - Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude Synonyms - offhand, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, uninterested, unconcerned; Antonyms - thoughtful Mnemonics - CAVALIER sounds like cavalry, which is the part of the army which serve on the horse back and they are definitely more arrogant than the soldier on feet


Meaning - showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect. Usage - she hated the insolent tone of his voice Synonyms - abusive, arrogant, barefaced, brassy, brazen, breezy, contemptuous, contumelious, dictatorial Antonyms - cowardly, humble, modest, polite Mnemonics - some one who thinks everyone should be under his sole is insolent


Meaning - showing excessive confidence or pride. Usage - overweening ambition Synonyms - brash, cavalier, conceited, egotistical, haughty, highhanded, insolent, lordly, pompous, presumptuous, pushy, supercilious, vain Antonyms - modest, unassuming Mnemonics - OVERly flailing your WEENER. Otherwise known as cock-waving.


Meaning - showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. Usage - the designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care Synonyms - accurate, cautious, conscientious, exact, fastidious, fussy, painstaking, precise, scrupulous, strict, thorough, conscionable, crossing the t's, dotting the i's, heedful, microscopic, nitpicking, particular, persnickety, picky, punctilious, punctual, stickling Antonyms - careless, false, imprecise, inaccurate, indefinite, inexact, negligent, questionable, thoughtless, uncareful, uncritical, undemanding, unscrupulous, messy, sloppy, undetailed Mnemonics - it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.


Meaning - showing or characterized by austerity or a lack of comfort or luxury. Usage - the accommodation was fairly spartan Synonyms - austere, harsh, hard, frugal, stringent, rigorous, arduous, strict, stern, severe, rigid; Antonyms - luxurious, opulent Mnemonics - watched '300'? Those spartans were highly disciplined but Sparta as such led an austere life.


Meaning - showing or feeling active opposition or hostility towards someone or something. Usage - he was antagonistic to the government's reforms Synonyms - hostile, opposed, inimical, antipathetic, unsympathetic, ill-disposed, resistant, averse; against Antonyms - pro, sympathetic Mnemonics - Sounds like anti-gnostic. something which is anti usually has a negative connotation to it.


Meaning - showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain Usage - she stood irresolute outside his door, not making up her mind to take the next step Synonyms - indecisive, hesitant, tentative, nervous, weak; vacillating, equivocating, dithering, wavering, teetering, fluctuating, faltering, shilly-shallying; ambivalent, divided, in two minds, in a dilemma, in a quandary, torn; doubtful, in doubt, full of doubt, unsure, uncertain; undecided, uncommitted, unresolved, undetermined Antonyms - decisive, resolute Mnemonics - ir+resolute--- resolute means firm and determined, irresolute means the opposite, doubtful


Meaning - showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Usage - an apathetic electorate Synonyms - callous, indifferent, laid-back, passive, stoic, uninterested, blah, cold, cool, could care less, couldn't care less, don't give a damn, draggy, emotionless, flat, impassive, insensible, languid Antonyms - caring, compassionate, concerned, feeling, interested, sympathetic, responsive Mnemonics - Apathetic is a pathetic cosmetic. when applied on face , ur face will be widout emotions and widout interest.


Meaning - showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense. Usage - Synonyms - angry, ardent, emphatic, enthusiastic, fervent, fierce, forceful, furious, heated, impassioned, potent, rabid, violent, zealous Antonyms - apathetic, calm, cool, dispassionate, gentle, happy, impotent, indifferent, ineffective, lethargic, meek, mild, moderate, peaceful, pleased, unenthusiastic, unexcited, weak Mnemonics - Vehement resembles cement i.e. strong, forceful (cement expands inwards with immense pressure and force) vehement == cement.


Meaning - showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire. Usage - she rejected his amorous advances Synonyms - lustful, sexual, erotic, amatory, ardent; passionate, impassioned; romantic; affectionate, fond, loving, tender, doting; in love, enamoured, lovesick; informallovey-dovey, spoony, kissy, smoochy, goo-goo, hot Antonyms - unloving, cold Mnemonics -In spanish, amor means amorous means lovable or something worth loving.


Meaning - showy but cheap and of poor quality. Usage - tawdry jewellery Synonyms - gaudy, flashy, showy, garish, loud Antonyms - tasteful, refined Mnemonics - ORIGINALLY THE WORD IS DERIVED FROM AUDRYLACE,A PLACE IN BRITAIN WHERE CHEAP AND SHOWY LACE(PROB OF SHOES) WERE SOLD,SO THE WORD MEANS GAUDY,GARISH,CHEAP AND SHOWY


Meaning - shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. Usage - the president would hire almost any young man who had the gumption to ask for a job Synonyms - initiative, resourcefulness, enterprise, imagination, imaginativeness, ingenuity, inventiveness Antonyms - stupidity Mnemonics - forest grump-> to do things easily without any skillful knowledge


Meaning - sign and accept liability under (an insurance policy), thus guaranteeing payment in case loss or damage occurs.; undertake to finance or otherwise support or guarantee (something). Usage - the policy, underwritten at Lloyd's, indemnifies trustees against loss arising from wrongful acts; they were willing to underwrite, in part, the construction of a ship Synonyms - approve, bankroll, finance, guarantee, provide, secure, sponsor, subsidize Antonyms - disapprove, hurt, take Mnemonics - UNDER an agreement, u WRITE ur signature, which is like a guarantee.


Meaning - silly and pointless. Usage - a fatuous comment Synonyms - silly, foolish, stupid, inane, nonsensical, childish, puerile, infantile, idiotic, brainless, mindless, vacuous, imbecilic, asinine, witless, empty-headed, hare-brained; pointless, senseless; ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, preposterous, laughable, risible; daft, moronic, cretinous, dumb, gormless Antonyms - aware, bright, intelligent Mnemonics - *** *** was stupid in college


Meaning - sit, lie, or stand in a lazy, relaxed way. Usage - the two girls lolled in their chairs Synonyms - laze, loiter, lounge, recline, slouch, sprawl, bum, dangle, dawdle, droop, drop, flap, flop, hang, idle, lean, loaf, relax, rest, sag, slump, goof off, hang loose Antonyms - straighten, achieve, ascend, do, energize, increase, rise, sit up straight Mnemonics - loll = lol+l = LAUGHING OUT LOUD [its the sms we "lol" when we have no other work


Meaning - slow and clumsy because of great weight. Usage - a swarthy, ponderous giant of a man Synonyms - clumsy, slow, heavy, awkward, lumbering, slow-moving, cumbersome, heavy-footed, ungainly, graceless Antonyms - light, graceful, elegant Mnemonics - Its simple guys, POUND is a unit of weight , we often calculate weight in pounds! 1 Pound = 480 grams


Meaning - slow to act. Usage - he had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor Synonyms - slow, unhurried, tardy, unpunctual, lax, slack, sluggish Antonyms - fast, prompt Mnemonics - Extract 'late' from the word dilatory and you get.... delay which is generally due to waste of time.


Meaning - slow-moving and unexciting. Usage - a plodding comedy drama Synonyms - lumber, slog, tramp, trudge Antonyms - tiptoe, breeze Mnemonics - think of PLOTTING which moves slowly


Meaning - smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.; nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position. Usage - high priests were anointed with oil; his officially anointed heir Synonyms - bless, consecrate, daub, embrocate, grease, hallow, rub, sanctify, smear Antonyms - depose, relegate Mnemonics - 1.anoint rhymes with APPOINT..appoint as saint,holy person is to make him holy or beautify 2.anoint> AN+OIL > apply an oil to consecrate someone


Meaning - smelling extremely unpleasant. Usage - the fetid water of the marsh Synonyms - noxious, putrid, revolting, smelly, stinking, stinky, corrupt, fusty, grody, gross, icky, loathsome, lousy, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, offensive, rank, reeking, repugnant, repulsive, rotten, stenchy, strong, yecchy Antonyms - good, perfumed, aromatic, clean, fragrant, pure, sweet Mnemonics - when fat people "bomb", its all stinking and foul-smelling .. just to remember


Meaning - smelling very unpleasant Usage - leaking taps and malodorous drains Synonyms - foul-smelling, evil-smelling, fetid, smelly, stinking, stinking to high heaven, reeking, reeky, pungent, acrid, rank, high, putrid, noxious; fresh; Antonyms - fragrant Mnemonics - mal(means bad)+odor(sounds simillar to odour)..+us.......smelling..bad odour of some chemicals is dangerous to health.


Meaning - smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way. Usage - he smirked in triumph Synonyms - smile smugly, simper, snigger; leer Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - SMIle+IRK....meaning SMILE IN AN IRKY MANNER OR IRRITATED MANNER


Meaning - so good or unusual as to be impossible to copy; unique. Usage - they took the charts by storm with their inimitable style Synonyms - unique, distinctive, individual, special, idiosyncratic, quirky Antonyms - comparable, indistinctive, matchable Mnemonics - imitable= which can be imitated or copied in-imitable =which cannot be imitated


Meaning - so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Usage - he started with his usual banalities Synonyms - trite, hackneyed, clichéd, platitudinous, vapid, commonplace, ordinary, common, stock, conventional, stereotyped, predictable Antonyms - original, uncommon Mnemonics - Divide it like -- ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeating the same activity again and again.


Meaning - so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived. Usage - his head moved in an almost imperceptible nod Synonyms - unnoticeable, undetectable, indistinguishable, indiscernible, unapparent, inappreciable, invisible, inaudible, impalpable, unobtrusive, impossible to detect; slight, small, subtle, faint, fine, inconsequential, negligible, tiny, minute, minuscule, microscopic, nanoscopic, infinitesimal; indistinct, unclear, obscure, vague, indefinite, shadowy Antonyms - apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, noticeable, obvious, perceptible, seeable striking, unobscured Mnemonics - Perceive= To Become Aware of.. IM(n0t)+Perceptible .. is to be unaware.. or unnoticed.


Meaning - some thing which has happened before Usage - there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training Synonyms - criterion, antecedent, authority, exemplar Antonyms - not happened before Mnemonics - precedent = PRECEDE + eveNT. an event that preceds (comes before)


Meaning - something or someone that one vehemently dislikes. Usage - racial hatred was anathema to her Synonyms - abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; abomination, abhorrence, aversion, monstrosity, outrage Antonyms - love Mnemonics - anathema ~ anaath + ma; Being ANAATH or having no MAA is obviously a CURSE


Meaning - something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form. Usage - Sutton Place is a palimpsest of the taste of successive owners Synonyms - article, document, text Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - you wrote a phone number on your palm and after an hour you wrote address on same palm with previous no. slightly visible


Meaning - soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing. Usage - the evanescent Arctic summer Synonyms - vanishing, fading, evaporating, melting away, disappearing, diminishing, dwindling, shrinking, fugitive Antonyms - unlimited, permanent Mnemonics - Remember it as "I want scent. Scent evaporates like vapour.


Meaning - sparing in the use of words; abrupt. Usage - a terse statement Synonyms - brusque, concise, cryptic, curt, elliptical, incisive, laconic, pithy, precise, succinct, trenchant, abrupt, aphoristic, boiled down, breviloquent, clear-cut, clipped, close, compact, compendiary, compendious, condensed, crisp, cut to the bone, epigrammatic, exact, gnomic, in a nutshell, lean, neat, pointed, sententious, short and sweet, snappy, summary, taut, to the point Antonyms - long-winded, verbose, rambling, polite Mnemonics - terse...sounds like TERESA..Here all her achievements,efforts everything has been consolidated, confined and put into a single word "MOTHER"..So TERSE means brief,concise


Meaning - speak or act in an evasive way. Usage - he seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions Synonyms - equivocate, ambiguous Antonyms - confront, face to face, meet, truth Mnemonics - pre-varicate ~ prevent verification: deliberately avoid to confirm the correctness


Meaning - speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.; a spell of ranting; a tirade. Usage - she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all; his rants against organized religion Synonyms - diatribe, harangue, oration, rhetoric, tirade, bluster, bombast, fustian, philippic, rhapsody, rodomontade, vociferation Antonyms - calm, quiet Mnemonics - Rent maangate waqt makaan maalik hamesha RANT mein hi rehta hai


Meaning - speak or write about (something) with great hostility. Usage - he liked to inveigh against all forms of academic training Synonyms - admonish, berate, blast, castigate, censure, condemn, except, expostulate, kick, lambaste, object, protest, rail, recriminate, remonstrate, reproach, roast, scold, scorch, trash, upbraid, vituperate, crack down on, go after, have at, jump down one's throat, lay into Antonyms - accept, agree, allow, approve, compliment, flatter, laud, praise, uphold Mnemonics - veigh sounds like weigh... a person passionate about their weight would protest and complain if they were overweight


Meaning - speak or write in detail about. Usage - she expatiated on working-class novelists Synonyms - develop, dilate, enlarge, expound Antonyms - compress, decrease, lessen, reduce Mnemonics - expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.


Meaning - spin quickly and lightly round, especially repeatedly.; cause to rotate. Usage - she twirled in delight to show off her new dress; she twirled her fork in the pasta Synonyms - gyrate, pivot, rotate, spin, whirl, gyre, pirouette, purl, revolve, turn, twist, wheel Antonyms - straighten, straight, untwirl, untwist Mnemonics - twirl--whirl=whirlpool means clothes rotate in whirlpool machines very fastly


Meaning - splendid and expensive-looking. Usage - the banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal Synonyms - awe-inspiring, beautiful, deluxe, elegant, extravagant, gorgeous, grand, lavish, luscious, luxuriant, magnificent, opulent, palatial, plush, posh, superb, swank, costly, dear, expensive, grandiose, imposing, impressive, out of this world, pompous, prodigal, profuse, rich, ritzy, splendiferous, ultra, upholstered Antonyms - bad, barren, destitute, economical, homely, inferior, offensive, plain, poor, small, ugly, unimpressive, mean, wanting Mnemonics - divide it like sumptu+ous;just focus on the SUMPT+U,SOUNDS LIKE SAMPAT(I)(IN HINDI..DHAN SAMPATI)SO SAMPATI MEANS MONEY,well if you have a lot of sumpati or money, you will spend it LAVISHLY,you will be able to buy all luxury.


Meaning - splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style.; high rank or social importance. Usage - the majestic grandeur and simplicity of Roman architecture; his facade of grandeur Synonyms - beauty, breadth, brilliance, dignity, glory, grandiosity, gravity, greatness, magnificence, majesty, nobility, opulence, pomp, richness, splendor, vastness, amplitude, celebrity, circumstance, distinction, elevation, eminence, expansiveness, fame, fineness, handsomeness, immensity, impressiveness, loftiness, luxuriousness, might, preeminence, state, stateliness, sublimity, sumptuousness, sway, transcendency, augustness, inclusiveness, superbity Antonyms - dullness, insignificance, simplicity, ugliness, unimportance Mnemonics - Grandeur="Grand"+"u"+"r" -- u are grand , impressive , majesty


Meaning - stare openly and stupidly; an awkward or shy person. Usage - they were gawking at some pin-up; let those country gawks dance to their hearts' content Synonyms - gape, goggle, gaze, ogle, stare, stare stupidly, stare open-mouthed, stare in wonder, look fixedly, look vacantly Antonyms - glance Mnemonics - I gawked at the hawk since I have never seen one before.


Meaning - stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place. Usage - she could tarry a bit and not get home until four Synonyms - abide, bide, dally, drag, dwell, filibuster, lag, linger, lodge, loiter, pause, poke, procrastinate, remain, rest, sojourn, stall, stay, stop, tail, temporize, tool, trail, visit Antonyms - advance, allow, carry out, continue Mnemonics - like when Tar gets stuck to your boot, it leaves the boot slowly


Meaning - steal from, typically using force; plunder Usage - many types of predators depredate bird nests Synonyms - attack, despoil, loot, maraud, pillage, raid, ransack, ravage, sack Antonyms - safeguard Mnemonics - de-predate - someone who is a predator


Meaning - strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way. Usage - an uncanny feeling that she was being watched Synonyms - eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal, ghostly, mysterious, strange, abnormal, odd, curious, queer, weird, bizarre, freakish Antonyms - ordinary, normal, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill Mnemonics - uncanny=u r nanni(grandmom)...............u r nanni use to tell u uncanny stories of her childhood which were very strange and mysterious


Meaning - strike repeatedly with the fists; criticize severely. Usage - he felt like a boxer who had been pummelled mercilessly against the ropes; he has been pummelled by the reviewers Synonyms - bash, batter, crush, flog, knock, lash, maul, pelt, punch, smack, thrash, trounce, wallop, whip, belt, clout, club, cudgel, hammer, hit, lick, mash, pound, ram, slug, strike, swat, whale, wham Antonyms - compliment, fail Mnemonics - imagine yourself BEATING PUMMELa Anderson Boobs WITH YOUR FISTS.Pummel=punch+pamela.


Meaning - striped or streaked. Usage - you can emboss, pierce, or striate wood Synonyms - streak, banded, daub, fleck, marble, lash, smear , spot, stripe Antonyms - flat, plain Mnemonics - stri(lady)+ate= stri ate you brain now there are parralel grooves in it


Meaning - strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something. Usage - I exhorted her to be a good child Synonyms - urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, adjure, charge, try to persuade, press, pressure, put pressure on, use pressure on, pressurize, lean on, pus Antonyms - discourage Mnemonics - My friend EXHORTED us that we go for the EXORCIST movie and we EXCORIATED him for such an EXECRABLE idea.but then we EXCULPATED him.


Meaning - strongly infatuated.; intoxicated; drunk. Usage - he became besotted with a local barmaid Synonyms - infatuated with, smitten with, in love with, love-struck by, head over heels in love with Antonyms - indifferent Mnemonics - BESOTTED -> BEER + SODDEN = SODDEN with BEER, when besotted with beer you become infatuated to any girl around you.


Meaning - struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion. Usage - she floundered, not knowing quite what to say Synonyms - flop, stumble, wallow, blunder, bobble, flummox, fumble Antonyms - idle, laze, do well Mnemonics - Can be remembered from Flounder of the cartoons Arial


Meaning - stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.; (of an unwelcome situation) very difficult to change or overcome. Usage - her obstinate determination to pursue a career in radio; the obstinate problem of unemployment Synonyms - adamant, dogmatic, headstrong, inflexible, intransigent, recalcitrant, steadfast, tenacious, unyielding, willful, convinced, dogged, firm, hardened, resolved, cantankerous, contradictory, contrary, contumacious, dead set on, hard, heady, immovable, indomitable, intractable, locked in, mulish, obdurate, opinionated, opinionative, persistent, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, refractory, relentless, restive, self-willed, strong-minded, unalterable, unflinching, unmanageable, Antonyms - amenable, flexible, obedient, pliant, soft, submissive, surrendering, willing, yielding, irresolute, agreeable, cooperative, helpful Mnemonics - obs+tin(ate), obsessive teens,they are stubborn,hard to control


Meaning - stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action. Usage - I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate Synonyms - adamant, bullhead, callous, cold fish, dogged, firm, fixed, hanging tough, hard, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, hard-nosed, harsh, heartless, immovable, implacable, indurate, inexorable, inflexible, iron, mean, mulish, obstinate, perverse, relentless, rigid, set in stone, stiff-necked, thick-skinned, tough, tough nut to crack, unbending, uncompassionate, uncompromising, uncooperative Antonyms - amenable, gentle, submissive, susceptible Mnemonics - OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.


Meaning - subject to chance.; occurring or existing only if (certain circumstances) are the case; dependent on.; a group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger group. Usage - the contingent nature of the job; his fees were contingent on the success of his search; a contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a conference Synonyms - unforeseen, accidental, chance, dependent, incidental, probable Antonyms - designed, essential Mnemonics - CONTINGENT=>CONTESTANTs from different countries appeared in Olympics


Meaning - suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart; miss or long for. Usage - she thinks I am pining away from love; she's still pining for him Synonyms - languish, decline, go into a decline, lose strength, weaken, waste away, dwindle, wilt, wither, fade, flag, sicken, droop, brood, mope, moon Antonyms - be happy, dislike Mnemonics - pine(verb):Have a desire for something or someone who is not present there. Mera dost jab WINE pe leta hai tab he starts pining for his girlfriend.


Meaning - suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. Usage - his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes Synonyms - hypothesize, posit, presuppose, theorize Antonyms - calculate, deny, disbelieve, measure, reject Mnemonics - if I send you a POSTal mail you will definitely get it is an axiom


Meaning - suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way. Usage - he was insinuating that she slept her way to the top Synonyms - imply, suggest, hint, intimate, whisper, indicate, convey the impression, give a clue, give an inkling, allude to the fact, make reference to the fact, let it be known, give someone to understand, give someone to believe Antonyms - conceal, hide Mnemonics - when i snatched the cadbury from my small brothers hand and ate it my stomach started paining as if HINTING /IMPLYING to me that "IN SIN U ATE"


Meaning - supersede and replace. Usage - domestic production has been supplanted by imports and jobs have been lost Synonyms - overthrow, succeed, supersede, undermine, unseat, usurp, bounce, crowd, eject, expel, force, oust, remove, ring, substitute, transfer Antonyms - give in, surrender Mnemonics - SUPer PLANT---Due to advances in agriculture, govt. is replacing all plants with SUPer PLANTs.


Meaning - surprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react. Usage - Henry looked completely nonplussed Synonyms - astonish, astound, baffle, bewilder, daze, disconcert, dumbfound, faze, fluster, mystify Antonyms - bore, calm, clear up, comfort, enlighten Mnemonics - plussed - puzzled.


Meaning - surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.; surround and harass.; be inundated by large numbers of requests or complaints. Usage - the king marched north to besiege Berwick; she spent the whole day besieged by newsmen; the television station was besieged with calls Synonyms - lay siege to, beleaguer, blockade, surround; shut off, block off; surround, mob, crowd round, swarm round, throng round, ring round, encircle, oppress, torment, torture, rack, plague, afflict, harrow, beset, beleaguer, trouble, bedevil, cause suffering to, prey on, weigh heavily on, lie heavy on, gnaw at, nag at, haunt; overwhelm, inundate, deluge, flood, swamp Antonyms - let go, leave alone Mnemonics - divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-- Indian army has seized the line of control, and now the whole area is surrounded by armed forces.


Meaning - swollen and distended or congested.; (of language or style) tediously pompous or bombastic. Usage - a turgid and fast-moving river; some turgid verses on the death of Prince Albert Synonyms - bloated, distended, inflated, puffy, tumescent, tumid Antonyms - humble, modest, plain, quiet, reserved, self-effacing, simple Mnemonics - People always tell tragedies by overblowing them


Meaning - take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission. Usage - the accused had appropriated the property Synonyms - seize, commandeer, expropriate, annex, arrogate, sequestrate, sequester Antonyms - evil, improper, inappropriate, incorrect Mnemonics - appropriate = a + property + iate.. i.e. to make it your own property .. by force if required.. And also when you are appropriating it your self you are "allocating" it to yourself.


Meaning - take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship. ; overwhelm (someone) with a strong emotion, especially joy. Usage - the bulk of freight traffic was transported by lorry; she was transported with pleasure Synonyms - convey, carry, take, transfer, move, shift, bring, fetch, send, deliver, bear, conduct, haul, lug, cart, run, ship, ferry; thrill, delight, ravish, carry away, enrapture, entrance, enchant, enthral, electrify, captivate, bewitch, fascinate, spellbind, charm, Antonyms - inaction, boredom, dislike, idle, indifference, remain , stay Mnemonics - transport - TRANCE + SPORT = a sportive or joyous trance which means ecstacy , emotion


Meaning - take or claim (something) for oneself without justification. Usage - they arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation's true interests Synonyms - assume, take, take on, take over, secure, acquire, seize, expropriate Antonyms - renounce Mnemonics - Think of it's similarity to "arrogant." An arrogate person might be so bold as to arrogate another's possessions.


Meaning - talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way. Usage - she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist Synonyms - chatter, babble, prate, blather, blether, ramble, gabble, jabber, twitter, go on, run on, rattle on/away, blither, maunder, drivel, patter, gossip, tittle-tattle, tattle, yap, jibber-jabber, cackle; slabber; Antonyms - sense Mnemonics - prattle- think of cattle, they walk around aimlessly, with no meaning. -meaning less.


Meaning - talk in a rambling manner.; move or act in a dreamy or idle manner. Usage - Dennis maundered on about the wine; he maunders through the bank, composing his thoughts Synonyms -ramble, prattle, prate, blather, wander, drift, meander Antonyms - concise, focused Mnemonics - MEANDER+WANDER=MAUNDER


Meaning - talk to (someone) in a bullying way. Usage - she doesn't hector us about giving up things Synonyms - bully, intimidate, browbeat, cow, badger, chivvy, harass, torment, plague; coerce, pressurize, strong-arm, threaten, menace Antonyms - assuage, please Mnemonics - Hector, in the movie Troy browbeated his stupid dumb shitless brother Paris


Meaning - tear or make deep cuts in (flesh or skin).; criticize forcefully or severely. Usage - the point had lacerated his neck Synonyms - cut (open), gash, slash, tear, rip, rend, mangle, mutilate, maim, maul, shred, score, scratch, scrape, graze, incise Antonyms - aid, assist, close, cure Mnemonics - LACERate can be thought of LASER light which tears, mangles if focused for long time.


Meaning - tearful or given to weeping.; inducing tears; sad. Usage - she was pink-eyed and lachrymose; a lachrymose children's classic Synonyms - sad, tearful, teary, weeping, weepy Antonyms - cheerful, laughing, happy, comic Mnemonics - Tear glands in our eyes are also known as lachrymal glands ...So they are the ones that make you cry ,sorrow ,sober


Meaning - tending to find fault or raise petty objections. Usage - a captious teacher Synonyms - critical, fault-finding, quibbling, niggling, cavilling, carping, criticizing, disapproving, censorious, judgemental, overcritical, hypercritical, pedantic, hair-splitting, pettifogging; Antonyms - forgiving, easy-going Mnemonics - simiar to CAUTIOUS...cautious people FIND FAULTS in things


Meaning - tending to obstruct or harm. Usage - the policy was inimical to Britain's real interests Synonyms - harmful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, pernicious, damaging, hurtful, dangerous, destructive, ruinous, calamitous; antagonistic, contrary, antipathetic, unfavourable, adverse, opposed, hostile Antonyms - helpful, advantageous, friendly, warm Mnemonics - inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So inimical means something damaging.


Meaning - the ability to produce a desired or intended result. Usage - there is little information on the efficacy of this treatment Synonyms - adequacy, competence, effectiveness, potency, virtue Antonyms - inadequacy, ineffectiveness Mnemonics - effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling


Meaning - the action of attributing something to a period to which it does not belong. Usage - the town is a throwback to medieval times, an anachronism that has survived the passing years Synonyms - misplacement, prolepsis, solecism Antonyms - appropriate, contemporary Mnemonics - you know about chronometer- means clock. Anything with "chron" is related to time. Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in negative sense> so anachronism means something or someone that is not in its correct time


Meaning - the action of prophesying future events. Usage - an unprecedented amount of soul-searching and prognostication Synonyms - prediction, forecast, prophecy, divination, prognosis, projection Antonyms - retrospective Mnemonics - can be remembered from prognosis


Meaning - the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. Usage - he is suing the TV company for slander Synonyms - defamation, disparagement, libel, misrepresentation, smear, aspersion, backbiting, calumny, depreciation, detraction, dirt, hit, lie, muckraking, mud Antonyms - approval, commendation, compliment, praise, flattery, glorification, nicety Mnemonics - its like throwing sand on someone's reputation


Meaning - the amount of freedom to move or act that is available.; margin of safety. Usage - the government had greater leeway to introduce reforms; there is little leeway if anything goes wrong Synonyms - freedom, scope, room to manoeuvre, latitude, elbow room, slack, space, room, liberty, room to spare, room to operate, scope for initiative, freedom of action, freedom from restriction, a free hand, flexibility, independence, licence, self-determination, free rein, free play, unrestrictedness, indulgence, margin, play, give, laxity, leisure; informalwriggle room, wiggle room; carte blanche Antonyms - constraint, restriction Mnemonics - when u LEave a WAY (a space or margin) then its called LEEWAY


Meaning - the appearance of being true or real. Usage - the detail gives the novel some verisimilitude Synonyms - authenticity, plausibility, realism, color, credibility, genuineness, likeliness, likeness, resemblance, semblance, show, similarity, virtual reality Antonyms - difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness, falseness, impossibility Mnemonics - VERISIMILITUDE=VERITY+SIMILITUDE. In other words, VERITY confirmed by APPEARANCE.


Meaning - the branch of entomology that deals with ants. Usage - NA Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages. Usage - Dr. Edward Collins is an expert of philology Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - Once he decided to meet Palestines to start a business where he was shocked by their philistine narrow minded attitude. So he started to learn their language of words to know the reason.Hence he got into philology.


Meaning - the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns. Usage - the monks gathered in the abbey Synonyms - monastery, convent, priory, cloister, friary, nunnery Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - ab+bey - These kind of ungraceful wokrds are not used in an abbey because it is a holy place


Meaning - the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe. Usage - a samizdat newsletter Synonyms - NA Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - NA


Meaning - the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure. Usage - the first movement ends with a fortissimo coda Synonyms - postscript, summation, ending, conclusion Antonyms - beginning, start Mnemonics - At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras.


Meaning - the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client's specific requirements and measurements.; fashionable made-to-measure clothes. Usage - designer ready-to-wear has taken over from couture as the focus of interest; they were dressed in size eight printed-silk couture Synonyms - designer fashion, fashion design, garment industry, rag trade, Seventh Avenue Antonyms - No fashion, boring Mnemonics - Couture - can be remembered from clothing that shows contours of a woman.


Meaning - the development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer. Usage - an increased risk of metastasis Synonyms - clean, drain, dribble, leak, penetrate, percolate, permeate, refine, sift, trickle, winnow Antonyms - dirty, pour, pollute Mnemonics - The cancer grew in MOTHER'S TITS TO THE SIZE of a walnut.


Meaning - the dialect of a particular region, especially one with low status in relation to the standard language of the country.; the jargon or informal speech used by a particular social group. Usage - the nurse talked to me in a patois that even Italians would have had difficulty in understanding; the raunchy patois of inner-city kids Synonyms - vernacular, dialect, local parlance, local speech/talk/usage/idiom/slang/tongue, local variety, regional language, non-standard language/variety, jargon, argot, patter Antonyms - standard Mnemonics - Patois - 'pat'a nahi k'onsi' bhasha bol raha hai


Meaning - the essence of something.; vigour and conciseness of expression. Usage - the pith and core of socialism; he writes with a combination of pith and exactitude Synonyms - center, crux, embodiment, essence, fiber, force, gist, heart, importance, marrow, meat, medulla, nucleus, pulp, significance, soul, strength, substance, vigor Antonyms - enervation, exterior, exteriority Mnemonics - pith sounds like "peeth" which is central to the body hence pith means important, central or essential part of something


Meaning - the fact of being pre-eminent or most important. Usage - London's primacy as a financial centre Synonyms - greater importance, priority, precedence, pre-eminence, preference Antonyms - unimportant Mnemonics - can be remembered from primary which means most important


Meaning - the fact of knowing something in advance; foreknowledge. Usage - with extraordinary prescience, Jung actually predicted the Nazi eruption Synonyms - foreknowledge, presage, omniscience, prediction Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - pre(before)+science(..knowledge)..i.e. having the knowledge to TELL THE FUTURE BEFORE TIME.


Meaning - the fact or condition of being involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong. Usage - they were accused of complicity in the attempt to overthrow the government Synonyms - collusion, involvement, collaboration, connivance, abetment; conspiracy Antonyms - ignorance Mnemonics - complicity ac-complice.. complice root word, meaning a partner in crime.


Meaning - the fact or condition of being magnanimous; generosity. Usage - India and Pakistan, both sides will have to show magnanimity Synonyms - bounty, largesse, altruism, philanthropy Antonyms - meanness, selfishness Mnemonics - "magnanimity" = "magna"(magnet = attract)+"enemity" =those who attracts his enemy too ,,, are "generous , kind"


Meaning - the faculty or power of using one's will. Usage - without conscious volition she backed into her office Synonyms - accord, choice, desire, determination, discretion, election, option, preference, purpose, resolution, selection, will, willingness, wish, choosing, conation Antonyms - antagonism, aversion, dislike, hate, hatred, refusal, rejection Mnemonics - Volition (Volley + Shun):Act of making a conscious decision. Volley : Volley Ball Shun : To Stop Concerning his degrading grades Nikhil "MADE A CONSCIOUS DECISION" of holding his participation in VOLLEY BALL MATCHES.


Meaning - the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.; consider to be unworthy of one's consideration. Usage - her upper lip curled in disdain; he disdained his patients as an inferior rabble Synonyms - antipathy, arrogance, aversion, contempt, derision, dislike, hatred, pride, ridicule, scorn, contumely, despisal, despite, disparagement, haughtiness, hauteur, insolence, loftiness, sneering, snobbishness, superciliousness Antonyms - admiration, affection, approval, flattery, humility, like, liking, love, praise, regard, respect, sympathy Mnemonics - try to relate it with WISDEN...Wisden is the official site that honours DISDAIN is the opposite of that.


Meaning - the floor of a fireplace.; used as a symbol of one's home. Usage - a cheerful fire burning in the hearth; he left hearth and home to train in Denmark Synonyms - fireplace, home Antonyms - NA Mnemonics -the floor of a fireplace.


Meaning - the force or energy with which a body moves.; something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly. Usage - hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus; the ending of the Cold War gave new impetus to idealism Synonyms - catalyst, impulse, incentive, momentum, motivation, stimulant, energy, goad, impulsion, incitation, incitement, power, pressure, push, spur, urge Antonyms - block, discouragement, check, hindrance Mnemonics - sounds like fetus which is an unborn baby... so at time of delivery a moving force(impetus) makes it easier for the mother to give birth.


Meaning - the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong.; a grave crime or sin. Usage - a thorough search disclosed the full enormity of the crime; the enormities of war Synonyms - depravity, horror, abomination, atrociousness, atrocity, crime, disgrace, evil, evilness, grossness, heinousness, monstrosity Antonyms - delight, esteem, goodness Mnemonics - ENORMITY resembles enormous, which means huge


Meaning - the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices. Usage - members of the aristocracy Synonyms - the nobility, the peerage, the gentry, the upper class, the ruling class, the privileged class, the elite, high society, the establishment, the patriciate, the haut monde, the beau monde; aristocrats, lords, ladies, peers, peers of the realm, nobles, noblemen, noblewomen, titled men/women/people, patricians Antonyms - commoners, plebites, proletariat Mnemonics - aristrocart is a alcohol.. which is very costly and hence only rich or privileged ppl drink


Meaning - the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence. Usage - A second type of hedonism - less ignoble, but perhaps also less logical - calls men to seek the happiness of others. Synonyms - debauchery, enjoyment, epicureanism, gratification, indulgence, pleasure Antonyms - dissatisfaction, sorrow, unhappiness Mnemonics - he(is)don... and obviously has strong devotion to pleasures of senses..


Meaning - the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a country or region.; architecture concerned with domestic and functional rather than public or monumental buildings. Usage - he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience; buildings in which Gothic merged into farmhouse vernacular Synonyms - indigenous, vulgar, common, local, natural, ordinary, dialectal, domesticated, idiomatic, informal, ingrained, inherent, plebian, popular Antonyms - abnormal, different, extraordinary, refined, uncommon Mnemonics - Sounds like "ernaculam" local language of enraculam


Meaning - the main course of a meal.; the right to enter or join a particular sphere or group. Usage - there is a choice of half a dozen entrées on the menu; an actress with an entrée into the intellectual society of Berlin Synonyms - main course, main dish, main meal, means of entry, entrance, entry, ingress, opportunity to enter; route, path, avenue, way, key, passport; access, admission, admittance, acceptance, right of entry Antonyms - starter, dessert, blackballing, conclusion, egress, exit, rejection, prohibition Mnemonics - if u read the word as "en + tree" it sounds like entry... n u get entry from an "entrance"


Meaning - the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.; a false and slanderous statement. Usage - a bitter struggle marked by calumny and litigation; a change in the law would prevent the press from publishing calumnies Synonyms - slander, defamation (of character), character assassination, misrepresentation of character, evil-speaking, calumniation, libel; scandalmongering, malicious gossip, muckraking, smear campaign, disparagement, denigration, derogation, aspersions, vilification, traducement, obloquy, verbal abuse, backbiting, vituperation, revilement, scurrility; lies, slurs, smears, untruths, false accusations, false reports, insults, slights; Antonyms - praise, applaud, accolade Mnemonics - calumny, sounds like kalmuhi, which is a harsh remark given by a saas to her bahu. So its a kind of slander.


Meaning - the offence of wilfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath. Usage - he claimed two witnesses at his trial had committed perjury Synonyms - deception, dishonesty, falsehood, falsification, deceitfulness, untruth, untruthfulness, false oath, false swearing, false testimony Antonyms - frankness, honesty, openness, truth, truthfulness Mnemonics - per(phir)+jury -> jury ke saamne saach batt sy phir jana


Meaning - the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear. Usage - I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement Synonyms - outcome, upshot, consequence, result, end result, end, ending, termination, culmination, climax Antonyms - origin Mnemonics - de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT


Meaning - the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different. Usage - she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order Synonyms - appearance, outward appearance, approximation, show, air, guise, pretence, facade, front, veneer Antonyms - reality, back, character Mnemonics - resemblance should immediately come to your mind and relate the meaning of resemblance to semblance.


Meaning - the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Usage - The dangers of introducing laws to legalize euthanasia are very real ones. Synonyms - assisted suicide, putting out of misery Antonyms - murder, killing Mnemonics - euthanasia = Use Excessive Anesthasia. Using excessive anesthasia would result in killing


Meaning - the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object.; a peripheral or indeterminate area or group. Usage - an immense penumbra of theory surrounds any observation Synonyms - concealment, darkening, decline, diminution, dimming, extinction, obliteration, occultation, shading, shroud, veil Antonyms - increase Mnemonics - pen under an umbrella will be invisble unders umbrella's shadow


Meaning - the period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity, activity, or vigour. Usage - the paper has lost millions of readers since its heyday in 1964 Synonyms - prime, peak, height, high point, high spot Antonyms - nadir, bottom, end, base Mnemonics - hey!!!!+day...when you pass a time of great suceess in a say...hey!!!!!! what a day it was..I will always rememeber it.


Meaning - the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts. Usage - a paucity of information Synonyms - insufficiency, dearth Antonyms - munificent Mnemonics - if there is no paus(rain) in a city, water will be scarce


Meaning - the principal front of a building, that faces on to a street or open space.; a deceptive outward appearance. Usage - the house has a half-timbered facade; her flawless public facade masked private despair Synonyms - front, frontage, face, aspect, elevation, exterior, outside, show, front, appearance, false display, pretence, simulation, affectation, semblance, illusion, posture, pose, sham, fake, act, masquerade, charade, guise, mask, cloak, veil, veneer Antonyms - reality, truth, character, personality Mnemonics - Danga fasaad over changing the facade of the temple was a facade


Meaning - the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. Usage - music is a means of catharsis for them Synonyms - ablution, abreaction, cleansing, expurgation, purgation, purification, release, lustration Antonyms - dirtying Mnemonics - Lets put it this way: the INDIAN KATHA was so inspiring that it led to the getting rid of emotions!! meaning2:cath+arse...ARSE means the part of body where u get rid of something


Meaning - the property of being extremely abundant Usage - the festival offers a cornucopia of pleasures Synonyms - affluence, amplitude, bountifulness, bounty, exuberance, fullness, lavishness, luxuriance, plentifulness, plenty, richness, superabundance Antonyms - lack,need, want, poorness Mnemonics - corn + u + copia - copia can also mean copius. something in copious amounts


Meaning - the property of being from the same kinship as another person; the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. Usage - NA Synonyms - affiliation, affinity, agnate, brotherhood, cognate, connection, filiation, kin, kindred, kinship, lineage, race, sisterhood, strain, blood-relationship, family tie, kindredship Antonyms - alienated, not related Mnemonics - sanguinary means blood... so bloody relation is consanguinity


Meaning - the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.; the quality of growing profusely; luxuriance. Usage - a sense of youthful exuberance; plants growing with wild exuberance Synonyms - ardor, buoyancy, eagerness, ebullience, excitement, exhilaration, fervor, high spirits, spirit, vigor, vitality, zest, abandon, animation, bounce, cheerfulness, effervescence, friskiness, gayness, juice, life, liveliness, pep, pepper, sprightliness, zap, zip, get up and go Antonyms - apathy, coolness, depression, discouragement, disinterest, dullness, indifference, lethargy, inactivity, insufficiency, lack, lifelessness, need, want Mnemonics - ex - barrons overflows with that big wordlist


Meaning - the quality of talking fluently, readily, or incessantly; talkativeness. Usage - her legendary volubility deserted her Synonyms - expressiveness, fervor, fluency, passion, poise, vigor, wit, ability, appeal, articulation, delivery, diction, expression, facility, flow, force, forcefulness, grandiloquence, loquacity, meaningfulness, oration, oratory, persuasiveness, power, rhetoric, spirit, style, vivacity, wittiness, command of language, dramatic, expressivity, gift of gab, mellifluousness Antonyms - impotence, inability, incompetence, weakness, dullness, inarticulateness Mnemonics - vol= volume and volume straightly gives us the idea of speech


Meaning - the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance. Usage - the preponderance of women among older people Synonyms - predominance, prevalence, advantage, ascendancy, bulk, command, dominance, domination, dominion, extensiveness, mass, max, power, superiority, sway, weight, bigger half, greater part, lion's share, mostest Antonyms - disadvantage, inferiority, subordination, subservience, surrender, weakness, yielding Mnemonics - prePONDeRANCe...In monetary value, the POUND is superior to the FRANC.


Meaning - the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.; the belief that nothing in the world has a real existence. Usage - he could not accept Bacon's nihilism, his insistence that man is a futile being Synonyms - anarchist, cynic, insurgent, radical, rebel, revolutionary Antonyms - believer, theist Mnemonics - Nihilist sounds like annihilate. A nihilist wants to annihilate all religious beliefs.


Meaning - the small, precise, or trivial details of something. Usage - the minutiae of everyday life Synonyms - trivia, incidental, trifle, triviality, minor detail, small detail, trivial matter Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - can be remembered from minute which means small


Meaning - the state of being close to someone or something; proximity.; close kinship. Usage - he kept his distance as though afraid propinquity might lead him into temptation; propinquity of descent Synonyms - proximity, closeness, nearness, adjacency; contiguity, contiguousness, vicinity, vicinage Antonyms - distance, remoteness Mnemonics - Property In Q So properties are very close to each other


Meaning - the state of being deceitful and untrustworthy. Usage - it was an example of his perfidy Synonyms - betrayal, bunco, corruption, disaffection, dodge, double-dealing, duplicity, faithlessness, fake, falseness, flimflam, gyp, infidelity, perfidiousness, put-on, racket, scam, sellout, spoof, treason, whitewash, dirty dealing, dirty pool, dirty trick, dirty work, double-cross, fast shuffle, grift, recreancy, shell game, skin game, stab in the back, sweet talk, treacherousness, two-timing Antonyms - faithfulness, fidelity, forthrightness, harmony, honesty, loyalty, truthfulness Mnemonics - GF ke hotey hue bhi woh kisi aur ladki "Par + Fida" hoo gaya.. means he is breaching that girls faith.


Meaning - the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect. Usage - they lived in squalor and disease Synonyms - dirt, dirtiness, squalidness, filth, filthiness, grubbiness, grime, griminess, muck, muckiness, slumminess, foulness, vileness, poverty, wretchedness, dinginess, meanness, nastiness, seediness, shabbiness, sordidness, sleaziness, insalubrity, slovenliness, repulsiveness; neglect, decay, dilapidation; Antonyms - cleanliness Mnemonics - Squalor rhymes with COLLAR which gets dirt soon.And Whilw washing its in NEGLECTED STATE


Meaning - the state of being incongruous; incompatibility, not in harmony Usage - the Indian and Pakistani ideology towards terrorism has always been in incongruity. Synonyms - inconsistency, difference, disparity, discrepancy Antonyms - harmonious Mnemonics - if you are in congress then you are not in harmony with the rest of India.


Meaning - the state of being old or the process of becoming old Usage - SENESCENT=SENILE. Senescent individuals often become SENILE. Synonyms - elderly, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, antique Antonyms - fresh, modern, new Mnemonics - SENESCENT=SENILE. Senescent individuals often become SENILE.


Meaning - the state of being private and away from other people. Usage - they enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion Synonyms - isolation, solitude, retreat, privacy, privateness, retirement, withdrawal, purdah, an ivory tower, concealment, hiding, secrecy, peace, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quietness, lack of disturbance, lack of interruption, freedom from interference Antonyms - open, public Mnemonics - Seclusion - derived from seclude. Opp to include.


Meaning - the state of being respected or admired; prestige.; a distinguishing mark or seal. Usage - no other shipping company had quite the cachet of Cunard; special cachets are applied to cards sold at the stands Synonyms - prestige, prestigiousness, distinction, status, standing, kudos, snob value, stature, prominence, importance, pre-eminence, eminence; Antonyms - NA Mnemonics - sounds like catch-it - suppose a player catches a ball hit by Sachin on the boundary and runs him out. The player will be highly respected / admired.


Meaning - the state of being very poor; extreme poverty. Usage - he couldn't face another year of penury Synonyms - extreme/dire poverty, pennilessness, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, need, neediness, want, destitution, privation, deprivation, hardship, beggary, bankruptcy, insolvency, ruin, reduced circumstances, straitened circumstances; pauperism, pauperdom, mendicity Antonyms - wealth, affluence Mnemonics - pen (penny) + ury (uri means ud gayi in hindi) means penny penny ud gayi matlab poverty


Meaning - the state of feeling remorseful and penitent. Usage - to show contrition for his crime he offered to do community service Synonyms - humiliation, penance, penitence, remorse, repentance, sorrow Antonyms - happiness, hurtfulness Mnemonics - CON(not)+TREATion...ifyor girlfriend does,t treat you properly you will be in great remorse.


Meaning - the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone Usage - the law's ambivalence about the importance of a victim's identity Synonyms - equivocation, uncertainty, unsure, doubt, indecision, inconclusiveness, irresolution, irresoluteness, hesitation, hesitancy, fluctuation, vacillation, shilly-shallying, tentativeness; conflict, contradiction, clash, confusion, dilemma, quandary; muddle, vagueness, haze, haziness Antonyms - certainty, decisiveness Mnemonics - I AM BI BALANCED..balaced on both sides


Meaning - the state or quality of lasting forever. Usage - he did not believe in the perpetuity of military rule Synonyms - ceaseless , constant , incessant , never-ending , unceasing , unremitting Antonyms - end, stoppage Mnemonics - Perpetual > per + PETU + al > concentrate on "PETU". We call a person petu when he can eat 'everlastingly' !


Meaning - the state or situation of being alone.; a lonely or uninhabited place. Usage - she savoured her few hours of freedom and solitude; the battle to preserve beloved solitudes flared up all over the country Synonyms - loneliness, solitariness, remoteness, isolation, seclusion, retirement, withdrawal, purdah, privacy, privateness, peace, peace and quiet, desolation, wilderness, undisturbed area, unspoilt area, rural area, wilds, backwoods, the back of beyond; desert, emptiness, wasteland, no-man's-land; the bush, the outback; backcountry Antonyms - company Mnemonics - Solitude sounds like Altitude. When you reach high Altitude of a mountain there you find no one other than yourself. So you become alone.


Meaning - the time at which something is most powerful or successful. Usage - in 1977, punk was at its zenith Synonyms - acme, altitude, apex, apogee, cap, capstone, climax, crest, crown, culmination, elevation, eminence, height, meridian, payoff, peak, pinnacle, roof, summit, tiptop, topper, vertex Antonyms - base, bottom, depth, lowness, nadir Mnemonics - Word sounds like 'Jannat' which is in highest point


Meaning - the treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of due respect. Usage - as an attempt to introduce a note of levity, the words were a disastrous flop Synonyms - high spirits, vivacity, liveliness, conviviality, cheerfulness, cheeriness, humour, gaiety, fun, jocularity, hilarity, frivolity, frivolousness, amusement, mirth, laughter, merriment, glee, comedy, funniness, wit, wittiness, jollity, joviality, joking, drollery, good cheer, sportiveness, nonsense, irreverence, facetiousness, flippancy, blitheness, triviality, silliness, foolishness, childishness, giddiness, skittishness Antonyms - seriousness, gravity Mnemonics - lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar) casually leave things without any seriousness


Meaning - the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving.; a fallacious argument. Usage - trying to argue that I had benefited in any way from the disaster was pure sophistry; he went along with this sophistry, but his heart clearly wasn't in it Synonyms - ambiguity, casuistry, fallacy, inconsistency, paralogism, trickery, paralogy Antonyms - certainty Mnemonics - so physics is = chemistry.. its a false logic


Meaning - the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose. Usage - Synonyms - trickery, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity, dishonesty, unscrupulousness, underhandedness, subterfuge, fraud, fraudulence, legerdemain, sophistry, sharp practice, skulduggery, swindling, cheating, duping, hoodwinking; deviousness, guile, intrigue, craft, craftiness, artfulness, slyness, wiles; misleading talk; crookedness, monkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, shenanigans, flimflam Antonyms - guileless, honesty, truthful Mnemonics - chicane is used in formula one to deceive the drivers into making mistakes, similar chicanery is used to deceive people


Meaning - the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.; the quality of being self-centred or selfish. Usage - Avoiding solipsism requires that we assign consciousness ( or reality ) to everyone we could meet who is sufficiently similar to ourselves. Synonyms - egoism, self-containment, subjectivity Antonyms - objectivity, omniscience, universality Mnemonics - read it as "Sole + Prism" when u see urself through a prism, u see ur own diff forms and tend to believe that its only u that exists.


Meaning - think or speak very highly of (someone or something). Usage - the party will continue to exalt their hero Synonyms - dignify, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, revere Antonyms - blame, castigate, condemn, criticize, degrade, humiliate, shame Mnemonics - ex(tra) + alt(itude) = rise high = praise


Meaning - threatening harm; menacing. Usage - Bill shot a baleful glance in her direction Synonyms - menacing, threatening, unfriendly, hostile, antagonistic, evil, evil-intentioned, wicked Antonyms - benevolent, friendly Mnemonics - BALEFUL.....remind yourself of christian The Dark Knight.....the movie immediately reminds you of Joker....the BALEFUL joker


Meaning - threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgement. Usage - confessions extracted under duress Synonyms - coercion, bondage, captivity, compulsion, confinement, constraint, control, detention, discipline, force, imprisonment, incarceration, pressure, restraint, violence Antonyms - freedom, independence, liberation, liberty, license, peace, powerlessness, release, weakness Mnemonics - Remember "durex". U r forced and restrained to use a condom to safeguard urself from STDs


Meaning - to make better Usage - the reform did much to ameliorate living standards of poor people Synonyms - mitigate, alleviate, relieve Antonyms - increase, intensify, worsen Mnemonics - In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other's life.


Meaning - tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition). Usage - Jenny would brook no criticism of Matthew Synonyms - tolerate, allow, stand, bear, abide, stomach, swallow Antonyms - disallow Mnemonics - relate this to BROOK BOND tea....jst drink the tea and then u can tolerate any tension.


Meaning - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Usage - the ineffable mysteries of the soul Synonyms - inexpressible, indescribable, beyond words, beyond description, beggaring description; undefinable, unutterable, untold, unheard of, unthought of, unimaginable; overwhelming, marvellous, wonderful, breathtaking, staggering, astounding, amazing, astonishing, fantastic, fabulous Antonyms - definable, describable, utterable Mnemonics - IN+ F(eff) + able--You cannot utter the letter F*** everywhere.There are places where it is unutterable


Meaning - transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration. Usage - measures to devolve power to a Scottish assembly Synonyms - delegate, pass (down/on), hand down/over/on, depute, transfer, transmit, commit, assign, consign, convey, entrust, turn over, make over, sign over, give, part with, let go of, leave, cede, surrender, relinquish, deliver Antonyms - centralize, retain Mnemonics - devolve is the opposite of evolve. when you are demoted you devolve


Meaning - travel or wander from place to place. Usage - we peregrinated over Stanmore, and visited the Castles of Bowes and Brougham Synonyms - circuit, cruise, fare, fly, go, hie, hop, jaunt, jet, junket, pass, proceed, process, ramble, range, repair, roam, rove, tour, travel, traverse, trek, trip, voyage, wander, wend Antonyms - be direct, break, remain, stay, stop Mnemonics - pere - pair.. foot walk grindingly (crushing everything) like a cop in hindi movies


Meaning - travelling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods. Usage - the peripatetic nature of military life Synonyms - nomadic, itinerant, travelling, wandering, roving, roaming, migrant, migratory, ambulatory, unsettled, vagabond, vagrant Antonyms - settled, fixed Mnemonics - peripatetic sounds like par pe tic tic....means wandering on legs.


Meaning - travelling from place to place. Usage - itinerant traders Synonyms - nomadic, peripatetic, roving, wandering, ambulatory, floating, gypsy, journeying, shifting, travelling, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring, afoot, ambulant, migratory, moving, on foot, ranging, riding the rails, unsettled Antonyms - settled, permanent Mnemonics - sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. so a traveller..keeps on wandering\ travelling.


Meaning - treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect.; spoil (something which is valued or respected). Usage - more than 300 graves were desecrated; many lanes are desecrated with yellow lines Synonyms - violate, profane, treat sacrilegiously, treat with disrespect; pollute, contaminate, infect, befoul; defile, debase, degrade, dishonour, blaspheme against; vandalize, damage, destroy, deface Antonyms - venerate, sanctify Mnemonics - pronounce it as de-sacred; i.e; spoiling its sanctity or sacredness.


Meaning - treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective effeminate or ineffectual man or boy. Usage - "I found school very difficult, and realized I'd been mollycoddled at home"."baseball is a game for red-blooded men and mollycoddles better stay out of it" Synonyms - baby, caress, coddle, cosset, dandle, fondle, indulge, overindulge, overprotect, pet, spoil, cater to, wait on Antonyms - ignore Mnemonics - coddle sounds like cuddle which also means showing love.. so Molly ko cuddle kiya


Meaning - treat with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority. Usage - She's a good-hearted girl,' he said in a patronizing voice Synonyms - deign, snub, favor, indulge, stoop Antonyms - hurt, antagonize, be humble Mnemonics - using a patronizing tone


Meaning - treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant. Usage - a facetious remark to Michelle's concerns Synonyms - flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish Antonyms - serious, concern Mnemonics - someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious


Meaning - trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to encourage growth.; an unpleasant or disagreeable person.; reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts. Usage - now is the time to prune roses; he was a good leader, but a right miserable old prune; the workforce was pruned Synonyms - cut back, shave, shear, shorten, snip, clip, dock, eliminate, exclude, gut, lop, reduce, shape, skive, thin, knock off, pare down Antonyms - accept, include, welcome Mnemonics - Rhymes with SALOON, where barber CUT(TRIM) our hair.


Meaning - truthful or real; used for emphasis, often to qualify a metaphor. Usage - a veritable account of the incident ; the early 1970s witnessed a veritable price explosion Synonyms - actual, bona fide, factual, for real, genuine, indubitable, kosher, legit, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable, very Antonyms - fake, false, unreal Mnemonics - veritable--veri(verify)+table--something that is true can be verified.


Meaning - unable to be upset or excited; calm. Usage - Master Shifu had an imperturbable tranquility after the dragon warrior defeated Tai-Lung Synonyms - poised, tranquil, serene, relaxed, easy-going, even-tempered, placid, sedate, phlegmatic Antonyms - edgy, excitable Mnemonics - im-'not'+perturb(able), meaning not a person who is not perturbed stays calm and placid. imperturbabble--im + pertur (like tur tur) + babble ( just talking foolishly..). So, the person who never do any tur-tur and never babbles is a very cool, calm and peaceful guy.


Meaning - unable to express one's ideas or feelings clearly or easily. Usage - an inarticulate man of action Synonyms - tongue-tied, lost for words, at a loss for words, unable to express oneself, unable to get a word out, poorly spoken Antonyms - articulate, silver-tongued Mnemonics - jisko bolne ke liye articles (words) nahin mil rahe


Meaning - ungraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner; without previous thought or consideration. Usage - you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon; Synonyms - indifferent, casual, careless, uninterested, unconcerned, cool, distant, aloof, nonchalant, blasé, insouciant, offhanded, cavalier, glib, perfunctory, cursory, unceremonious, ungracious, curt, abrupt, terse, brusque, dismissive, discourteous, uncivil, impolite, rude; impromptu, off-the-cuff, spontaneous, extempore, unpremeditated, extemporaneous, unthinking, unstudied; Antonyms - calculated, careful, considerate Mnemonics - offhand - hands on means experience, you have prepared for that , so off hands means something without preparation


Meaning - unimportant or trivial. Usage - Synonyms - dinky, empty, hollow, idle, idling, loitering, minuscule, niggling, petty, piddling, shallow, silly, slight, small, banal, forget it, frivolous, inane, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insipid, jejune, measly, negligible, no big deal, no big thing, nugatory, paltry, picayune, puny, tiny, trivial, unimportant, vain, valueless, vapid Antonyms - big, effective, full, huge, important, large, major, productive, significant, useful, worthwhile Mnemonics - trifling :trivial+feeling .. you are feeling its trivial i.e: that is of no value unimportant


Meaning - unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before. Usage - she was becoming quite blasé about the dangers Synonyms - apathetic, been around twice, bored, cloyed, cool, disenchanted, disentranced, done it all, fed up, glutted, indifferent, jaded, knowing, laid-back, lukewarm, mellow, mundane, offhand, satiated, sick of, sophisticate, sophisticated, surfeited Antonyms - responsive, excited Mnemonics - whenever i see a BLack ASE(ass) i feel bored and uninterested


Meaning - unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. Usage - the purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information Synonyms - excessive, expendable, gratuitous, redundant, unneeded, useless, abounding, de trop, dispensable, excess, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, in excess, inessential, inordinate, lavish, leftover, needless, nonessential, overflowing, overmuch, pleonastic, profuse, remaining, residuary, spare, superabundant, supererogatory, superfluent, supernumerary, surplus, unasked, uncalled-for, unrequired, unwanted Antonyms - necessary, essential Mnemonics - divide it as super+flow.. when there is large(super) flow of water, it becomes EXCESSIVE / OVERABUNDANCE of water.


Meaning - unsophisticated and socially awkward. Usage - a shy and gauche teenager Synonyms - awkward, gawky, inelegant, graceless, ungraceful, ungainly, bumbling, maladroit, inept Antonyms - elegant, sophisticated Mnemonics - Ghochu


Meaning - using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humour.; (of a person's face or features) twisted into an expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance. Usage - a wry smile; he sipped his cold coffee and made a wry face Synonyms - ironic, sardonic, disgusted, displeased, discontented Antonyms - straight, straightforward Mnemonics - Wry is like cry because they both give your face a contorted look of disgust or disappointment.


Meaning - very pale, thin, or bony. Usage - he was gaunt and cadaverous Synonyms - pallid, white, bloodless, ashen, ashen-faced, ashy, chalky, chalk-white, grey, white-faced, whey-faced, waxen, waxy, corpse-like, deathlike, ghostly Antonyms - rosy, florid, fat, plump Mnemonics - you may relate the word with kadha(a hindi word) (a yuck tasting drink you are forcefully made to drink if you are ill) cadaverous = kada + rus = sick looking person; can also be remembered from the word Avada Kedavra in Harry Potter which was a killing curse.


Meaning - very unhappy and unable to be comforted. Usage - she left Fritz looking disconsolate Synonyms - inconsolable, bad, black, blue, cheerless, cold, comfortless, crestfallen, crushed, dark, dejected, desolate, despairing, destroyed, dispirited, distressed Antonyms - cheerful, consoled, happy Mnemonics - If you can identify the word consol(console), then... you would console someone who has lost every hope and is hopelessly sad.


Meaning - very weak or slight. Usage - the tenuous link between interest rates and investment Synonyms - slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile, shaky, sketchy, doubtful, dubious, questionable, suspect Antonyms - convincing, substantial, strong Mnemonics - this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN


Meaning - very worried and upset. Usage - a distraught woman sobbed and screamed for help Synonyms - agitated, anxious, concerned, confused, crazy, distressed, frantic, hysterical, mad, perturbed, tormented, troubled, addled, beside oneself, bothered, crazed, discomposed, distracted, distrait, flustered, harassed, in a panic, like a chicken with its head cut off, muddled, nonplussed, nuts, out of one's mind, overwrought Antonyms - balanced, calm, collected, composed, cool, happy, peaceful, reasonable, sane, sound, unconcerned, untroubled, unworried, gladdened, pleased Mnemonics - This year because of drought people were upset and anxious


Meaning - vigorous or incisive in expression or style. Usage - the White Paper makes trenchant criticisms of health authorities Synonyms - acerbic, biting, caustic, incisive, mordant, penetrating, pointed, pungent, salient, unsparing Antonyms - bland, blunt, calm, dull, gentle, kind, mild, nice, soothing, stupid Mnemonics - When you are in trenches in a war, your mind and your soul should be very trenchant about winning it.


Meaning - walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.; restrict the activity or development of. Usage - he was hobbling around on crutches; the economy was hobbled by rising oil price Synonyms - limp, walk with a limp, walk with difficulty, move unsteadily, walk unevenly, walk lamely, walk haltingly Antonyms - continue, free, go Mnemonics - HOBBLE=HOP+AMBLE(walk) :- he is hopping to go from one place to another i.e walking with great difficulty


Meaning - wanting or devouring great quantities of food. Usage - a voracious appetite Synonyms - insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, prodigious, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, omnivorous, compulsive, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious; enthusiastic, eager, keen, avid, desirous, craving, hungry, ravenous, ravening, wolfish Antonyms - satisfied, satiated Mnemonics - Voracious (BORA RICE FOR US) Imagine you are seeking a BORA BHARKAR RICE for yourself.. what does it signifies? Simply you be such a food craver !!


Meaning - wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy. Usage - they were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure Synonyms - lazy, idle, slothful, loafing, work-shy, shiftless, apathetic, lackadaisical, inactive, inert, lifeless, sluggish, lethargic, listless, languid, torpid, slow, slow-moving, dull, plodding; slack, lax, remiss, negligent, good-for-nothing Antonyms - diligent, enthusiastic, busy, industrious, active Mnemonics - indolent - in + dolent => jo dolta nahi hai(hilta nahi hai)


Meaning - waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.; allow (an opportunity) to pass or be lost. Usage - £100m of taxpayers' money has been squandered on administering the tax; the team squandered several good scoring chances Synonyms - blow, expend, lavish, misuse, waste, consume, dissipate, frivol, misspend, scatter, spend, trifle, be prodigal with, be wasteful, cash out, frivol away, go through, prodigalize, put out, run through, spend like water, spring for, throw away, throw money around Antonyms - hoard, save, accumulate, collect, gather, set aside Mnemonics - SQUANDER rhymes with if you keep wandering, you are ultimately wasting time in life.


Meaning - waste time; be slow.; move slowly and idly in a particular direction. Usage - she mustn't dawdle—she had to make the call now; move slowly and idly in a particular direction. Synonyms - linger, dally, take one's time, drag one's feet, be slow, waste time, kill time, fritter time away, idle; delay, procrastinate, stall, hang fire, mark time, potter about/around/round; informal -> dilly-dally, let the grass grow under one's feet; archaic -> tarry; amble, stroll, go/walk slowly, loiter (along), move at a snail's pace, not keep pace, hold back, lag behind, fall behind, trail behind; informal -> mosey, tootle; informal -> pootle, bimble, mooch, swan; informal -> putter Antonyms - hurry, speed Mnemonics - do dull ladke dawdle kar rahe hain; PAIDAL(walk on foot)..some guys are walking PAIDAL in order to DAWDLE.


Meaning - well chosen or suited to the circumstances ; pleasing and fortunate. Usage - a felicitous phrase ; the view was the room's only felicitous feature Synonyms - apposite, apt, well chosen, fortunate, advantageous, good, favourable, lucky, happy, pleasing, encouraging Antonyms - inappropriate, unfortunate Mnemonics - felicitous sounds like felicitation, in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks


Meaning - win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them. Usage - he pagans thought it was important to propitiate the gods with sacrifices Synonyms - appease, placate, mollify, pacify, make peace with, conciliate, make amends to, soothe, calm, humour, win over, satisfy Antonyms - agitate, provoke, incite Mnemonics - PROPITIATE -> PROPER+INITIATION. In college, PROPER INITIATION ceremonies are carried out for freshmen to win favor with (PROPITIATE) the upper classmen.


Meaning - wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.; relating to a person's conscience. Usage - a conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously; the individual is denied even the opportunity to break the law on conscientious grounds Synonyms - diligent, fastidious, fussy, meticulous, painstaking Antonyms - careless, indifferent, uncritical, undemanding Mnemonics - pronouncing the word 'conscientious' requires lot of conscientious means doing a work carefully.


Meaning - with little or no preparation or forethought Usage - an extemporaneous piano recital Synonyms - ad hoc, ad-lib, automatic, autoschediastic, by ear, casual, expedient, extemporary, extempore, fake, free, immediate, impromptu, improv, improvisatory, improviso, informal, jamming, made-up, makeshift, offhand, on impulse, on-the-spot, snap, spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment, toss off Antonyms - deliberate, planned, premeditated, prepared, rehearsed Mnemonics - remember an extempore that we did in school which was spontaneous and NOT PLANNED


Meaning - withdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous; cause (a memory or emotion) to disappear completely. Usage - to efface oneself is not the easiest of duties which the teacher can undertake; nothing could efface the bitter memory Synonyms - blue-pencil, cancel, delete, destroy, edit, eliminate, expunge, fade, obliterate Antonyms - build, construct, create, improve Mnemonics - ye-face....dekha hai par yaad nahi hai, its almost erased from my memory..!!!


Meaning - worthy of great respect. Usage - she was shown into that estimable woman's presence Synonyms - esteemed, praiseworthy, admirable, admired, appreciable, august, big name, big time, commendable, decent, deserving, excellent, good, high-powered, honored, in limelight, laudable, major league, meretorious, meritable, name, noble, palmary, praisable, reputable, reputed, respectable, respected, sterling, valuable, valued, venerable, well-thought-of Antonyms - bad, dishonorable, inestimable, insignificant, poor, unworthy Mnemonics - firstly... estimable -> estimate. able to calculate. secondly, estimable->esteem.. and esteem means respect.


Meaning - written or spoken communication or debate.; a formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing.; speak or write authoritatively about a topic.; engage in conversation. Usage - the language of political discourse; a discourse on critical theory; she could discourse at great length on the history of Europe; he spent an hour discoursing with his supporters Synonyms - communication , conversation , discussion , essay , lecture , monologue , rhetoric , speech , treatise , address , article , chat , converse , descant , disquisition , gabfest , homily , huddle , memoir , monograph , oration , paper , sermon , speaking , talk , thesis , utterance , verbalization , tractate Antonyms - quiet, silence Mnemonics - Discourse: "This Course has....". In the beginning of any course there is always a serious speech on what you will learn in the course.


Meaning - wrongly attribute. Usage - the professor misattributed Robert Burn's famous line to Shakespeare Synonyms - wrongly attribute Antonyms - correctly attribute Mnemonics - when we wrongly attribute one thing to another then we misattribute


Meaning -filled or well-supplied with something. Usage - sensational popular fiction, replete with adultery and sudden death Synonyms - awash, filled, loaded, rife, abounding, brimming Antonyms - empty, lacking, unfilled, wanting, needy Mnemonics - re+plete = re + complete


Meaning -large or important enough to be noticed. Usage - pupils may have to travel appreciable distances Synonyms - considerable, substantial, significant, sizeable, goodly, fair, reasonable, tidy, marked Antonyms - negligible Mnemonics - you appreciate things which are noticeable


Meaning -not permanent. Usage - transitory periods of medieval greatness Synonyms - temporary, transient, brief, short, short-lived, short-term, impermanent, ephemeral, evanescent Antonyms - permanent, perpetual, lasting Mnemonics - can be remembered from army transit camps


Meaning -not right or reasonable.; unreasonably excessive. Usage - the unconscionable conduct of his son; shareholders have had to wait an unconscionable time for the facts to be established Synonyms - unethical, amoral, immoral, unprincipled, indefensible, wrong, excessive, unwarranted, uncalled for, unreasonable, unfair, inordinate, disproportionate, immoderate Antonyms - ethical, acceptable; acceptable, moderate, reasonable Mnemonics - unconscionable is un + conscio + nable...and conscience means to know what is morally acceptable but unconscious means not aware of the acceptable amount and therefore the same as unconscionable.

Ensembles d'études connexes

Ch. 2 The World Trade Organization and the World Trade System

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