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What five things did Ashoka use that best centralized and standardized the rule of the Maurya dynasty?

1. He was the head of the military and used war to expand his empire. 2. Used the Kautilya method to establish a strong and organized government. 3. Used religion to guide his rule when he converted to Buddhism and softened his rule with tolerance and nonviolence. 4. Built stone pillars with his fair and human policies, and stupas when he converted to Buddhism 5. Built roads for travel and trade and every 9 miles he had water and a place to rest showing his concern for his people.


A Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world.


A Hindu god considered the preserver of the world

Caste System

A Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life. · Hinduism supports caste system · Hindu ideas about karma and reincarnation strengthened the caste system. Good fortune in this life can come from earning it in an earlier life. · Social class system · The four major classes are the Varnas (varna means skin color) o Brahmins (priests) o Kshatriyas (aristocrats) o Vaishya's (artisans/merchants)

Bhagavad Gita

A book in popular Hinduism that was a response to Buddhism and made reaching moksha way easier. · One of the most important texts of Hinduism · Message - One can kill only the body, the soul is immortal · The Vedas and Bhagavad Gita are similar because they both have stories that attempt to teach about morals, religious beliefs, and what society expects of an individual. They differ because the Bhagavad Gita is a fictional sermon given by the god Krishna while the Vedas are typically hymns and songs praising divinities.

What was the Arthashastra? Who wrote it? How does it demonstrate the use of centralization and standardization in India?

A book with tough minded policies for rulers to use to hold their empire together, including spying on the people and employing political assassination. The arthurstra supported a strong royal power, no anarchy, and a single authority is needed to employ force. An advisor named Kautilya who was a member of the priestly caste. Muarya used Kautilya's advice and created a highly organized government. He divided the empire into four provinces, each headed by a royal prince. Each province was divided into local districts, whose officials assessed taxes and enforced the law.

Asoka's Stupas

A dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine.


A religion founded in India in the sixth century BC, whose members believe that everything in the universe has a soul and therefore shouldn't be harmed. Mahavira founded this religion.

Asoka's Pillars

A series of columns dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan king Ashoka during his reign in the 3rd century BC

Mahayana Buddhism

Also known as popular Buddhism, is allows people more ways to reach enlightenment. o "the greater vehicle"; more faith-based, more popular o the "Middle Way" anyone can achieve nirvana

How did trade help the Gupta dynasty?

Chandra Gupta II was very involved in trade which brought expansion and wealth to his empire which is known as the "Golden Age." Trade also helped the Gupta dynasty build strong relationships with other empires.

Samsara (Hinduism)

Cycle of reincarnation

Gupta Hinduism

During the Gupta empire - from about 320 to 550 CE, emperors used Hinduism as a unifying religion and helped popularize t by promoting educational systems that included Hindu teachings. The Gupta emperors helped make Hinduism the most popular religion on the Indian subcontinent.

Chandra Gupta I

Founder of the Gupta Empire ruler who unified India after 500 years of warring kingdoms.

Chandragupta Maurya

Founder of the Mauryan Empire · Unified Northern India after he defeated Seleucus · Relied on an adviser named Kautilya who wrote a rulers handbook called Arthasastra. · He divided his empire into 4 provinces, each headed by a royal prince. Each province was then divided into local districts for tax assessments and law enforcement. · In 301 BCE, he gave up his thrown and became a Jainist

Chandra Gupta II

Further expanded the empire and strengthened its economy. His reign was a period of prosperity. Gupta Empire reached its height under his rule.

Gupta Empire

Golden Age of India; ruled through central government but allowed village power; restored Hinduism


Hindu belief in nonviolence and reverence for all life

Moksha (Hinduism)

Liberation from samsara (reincarnation) · When a person achieves perfect understanding, a release from life in this world and reincarnation/samsara. · This does not happen in one lifetime. It happens through reincarnation. · Only the top three Varna's can achieve Moksha in their present life. · Karma determines circumstances such as the caste one is born into, state of health, or poverty.

The Buddha

Means "Enlightened One." He is said to have found a path for overcoming suffering. · Siddhartha Gautama is the Buddha · A Kshatriya/warrior from India/Nepal · Much chaos in India during his lifetime; his father was a tribal chief who sought to shelter his heir from the suffering and misery of the world · One day he went for a ride in his chariot and saw the troubles · Enlightenment o He left his palace that night and put on the rone of a monk: "Great Renunciation." o Siddhartha studied, meditated, and practicing renouncing temptation, reaching his enlightenment - becoming "The Buddha."

What was the popular appeal of Buddhism? What leader supported its growth?

People were attracted to Buddhism because it appealed to all people, even those of lower castes because it emphasized an individual's path to salvation, which could be attained in this life. Buddhism received support from Emperor Ashoka of they Mauryan Empire.

Chandra Gupta I and II

Powerful emperors in Ancient India. The first is the founder of the the Gupta Empire, and the second is his grandson who ruled during the Gupta's golden age.

Karma (Hinduism)

The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life.


The famous ancient Indian book on statecraft, economic policy, and military strategy. Written by Kautilya. · A guide for the king and his ministers o Supports royal power o The great evil in society is anarchy o Therefore, a single authority is needed to employ force when necessary

Four Noble Truths

· All existence is suffering. Life is filled with suffering and sorrow. · All suffering is caused by craving. All suffering is caused by selfish desire for temporary pleasures in this world. · All suffering can be ended. · The way to end suffering is by practicing the noble eightfold path.

Asoka and Buddhism

· Grandson of Chandragupta and led the Mauryan Empire to greatness. · Used Elephants for transportation and combat. · At first, he followed in his grandfather, Chandragupta's footsteps, but during a bloody victorious battle against the neighboring state of Kalinga, he felt so much sorry. This led him to Buddhism. · Moving forward, he dedicated his life to Buddhism and decided to rule by the Buddha's teaching of "peace to all beings." · Asoka had extensive roads built so he could visit the far corners of India and supported long-distance trade and communication. · His noble policies of nonviolence and toleration failed to hold the empire together after he died.

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