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The map shows the number of people who immigrated to the United States from different regions. From most to least, which shows the correct ranking of regions by number of immigrants to the United States?

1st: Europe 2nd: North and South America 3rd: Asia 4th: Africa

In the early 1800s, why were European governments able to promote economic growth?

The end of the Napoleonic Wars brought stability.

How did banking change in Europe from the 1700s to the 1800s?

The number of private banks sharply increased.

Read the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay. National parks are totally important in the economy. Each park creates opportunities for tourism. Millions of visitors travel to national parks. For example, almost 3.5 million visitors went to Yellowstone Park in Wyoming in 2012. These visitors need tons of services, which creates job opportunities for local residents. So, it's obvious that national parks play an important role in the economy. How could this excerpt be best improved?

The writer could make the tone more academic.

This 1875 painting shows the inside of a factory during the Industrial Revolution. Industrial Revolution painting According to the details in the painting, which conditions would have made the factory dangerous for workers? Check all that apply.

There is an open fire with workers surrounding it. The workers are swinging equipment in cramped quarters. The workers are not wearing protective gear.

How did steam locomotives lower the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods?

They could transport many materials or goods at once.

Which describes tenant farmers?

They farm land owned by someone else

What was one advantage of the division of labor during the growth of industry?

Workers were able to specialize and perform specific tasks.

The process of industrialization caused worldwide damage to the


The graph shows world population in urban and rural areas. The best conclusion that can be drawn from this graph is that the percentage of the world's population living in urban areas

in 2030 is a prediction based on the present trend of urban growth continuing.

An effect of the Industrial Revolution was that wages around the world


The purpose of the slave codes was to

legally protect slavery

What is the last step in writing an argumentative essay?


The best example of a city's investment in infrastructure as a response to urbanization was the building of


Utopianism is a type of


Which was a main benefit of industrialization?

Business owners hired the most competent workers.

Read the excerpt from Teaching the Benefits of Capitalism by Roger B. Butters. The single greatest benefit that capitalism provides is that it enables human choice. Capitalism establishes a social contract that makes it possible for individuals to exercise their franchise and free agency . . . It creates the necessary conditions for people to escape poverty and create wealth for themselves and for others. Which detail from the excerpt provides the best evidence to support the claim that capitalism is better than socialism?

Capitalism enables human choice

How did the passage of compulsory school attendance laws affect child labor in the United States?

Children could not work in factories if they had to attend school.

How did industrial cities provide new opportunities for workers? Check all that apply.

City jobs paid higher wages than rural farming did. Women could get jobs to help support their families. Factories, mills, and mines were always in need of workers.

Which statement describes enslaved persons in ancient Rome and Greece?

Enslaved persons were often foreigners

Which describes the effect factories had on rivers during the Industrial Revolution?

Factories caused major environmental problems by dumping waste into the river

What were the most popular final destinations chosen by immigrants after they entered the United States? Check all that apply.

Immigrants chose to stay in large cities after they arrived. Immigrants returned to their home countries after earning money. Immigrants chose to move to the western United States

Urbanization was a result of the

Industrial Revolution

Read this excerpt from Friedrich Engels's The Condition of the Working Class in England. Every great city has one or more slums, where the working-class is crowded together. . . . The streets are generally unpaved, rough, dirty, filled with vegetable and animal refuse [trash], without sewers or gutters, but supplied with foul, stagnant pools instead. Which point does Engels make in this passage?

Industrialization has created poor living conditions.

Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of the society which he has in view. But the study of his own advantage naturally leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to the society. Read the quotation by Adam Smith. According to Adam Smith, how does self-interest benefit society?

It causes people to seek out high-paying jobs.

What does the name "New Harmony" suggest about the goals of the community's founder?

It suggests that the founder saw the community as a place of cooperation.

Which statement most accurately describes The Communist Manifesto?

It was a description of the class struggle and the problems caused by capitalism.

What is the difference between manumission and emancipation?

Manumission releases someone from slavery, while emancipation is giving someone freedom.

What is the most likely reason the Agricultural Revolution caused a population increase?

More and better food allowed people to be healthy and well fed.

Which is the most likely explanation for the impact of World War I on the growth of voting opportunities for women?

New job opportunities opened up for women during the war, allowing them to take on new roles and gain public appreciation.

Did the abolishment of slavery in Britain and the US have a significant influence on the status of slavery in the world today?

No, it is estimated that there are 30 million enslaved persons in the world today.

What did reformers in the early 1800s claim were problems with the British parliamentary system? Check all that apply.

Only wealthy landowners were allowed to vote. Large cities were not well represented in Parliament.

Which best describes how the railroads directly contributed to the spread of industrialization in Europe?

Railroads transported raw materials and finished products.

Which statement best explains why mills, such as that established by Samuel Slater, were built along rivers?

Rivers powered the mills

is considered the father of the American Industrial Revolution.

Samuel Slater

Which best describes what happened to New Harmony?

The community was a failure

Read the description of an imaginary country's economic system. In this country, the government tells an appliance factory that it must produce a minimum of one thousand refrigerators. People are assigned jobs at the factory based on their abilities, and the government determines how much they will be paid. The government decides how much a new refrigerator will cost. Which statement explains why this is a description of a socialist country?

The government is making all the economic decisions.

The graph shows US immigration by decade. As the United States experienced rapid industrial growth, what was the overall trend in immigration?

The graph shows that immigration was trending upward from the 1820s to 1900s.

What is the most likely reason that the steam locomotive was developed soon after the steamboat?

The locomotive used the same technology but could travel more broadly.

The photo shows a woman watching a row of machines in a factory. woman in factory What advantages did machinery provide for factory owners?

The machines could do the work faster than skilled workers by hand.

Which best describes the difference between the middle and lower classes during the Industrial Revolution?

The middle class included managers and skilled workers, while the lower class consisted of unskilled workers.

The graph shows mining deaths in the United States during much of the 1900s. What does the graph demonstrate?

The safety of the mining industry improved as the 1900s progressed.

Why did factory owners and management often use force against striking workers?

They hoped the use of force would keep workers from joining unions in the future

At the dawn of industrialization, why were entrepreneurs important to changing economies in Europe? Check all that apply.

They started a number of new businesses. They improved on the available technology. They developed new products and inventions. They invested money in new businesses.

The excerpt is from The History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, by Edward Baines. A great number of streams . . . furnish water-power adequate to turn many hundred mills: they afford the element of water, indispensable for scouring, bleaching, printing, dyeing, and other processes of manufacture: and when collected in their larger channels, or employed to feed canals, they supply a superior inland navigation, so important for the transit of raw materials and merchandise. According to the excerpt, in what ways did water help England's industrial boom?

Water supplied power and a means of transportation.

Read this excerpt from a New York State commission investigating living and working conditions in tenement houses. Another great evil of tenement house manufacturing was the fact that it made legally possible the work of little children in manufacturing pursuits at home, when the law rigidly excludes them from such occupations in the factories. Children as young as five, six, and seven years of age were found doing work. One little girl, aged 7, testified that she worked until eight o'clock in the evening. What labor issue did the commission identify?

Young children were doing manufacturing work in tenement houses.

Which are parts of an effective argument? Check all that apply.

a claim evidence a counterclaim

In 1511, when African enslaved persons arrived in the Americas, they were considered

a commodity

After presenting a reason and evidence in an argumentative essay, a writer should present

a counterclaim

Which best describes a social democracy?

a country where the government controls the economy but allows free elections and other civil liberties

What was New Harmony, Indiana?

a model utopian community

The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay should include

a strong reason, counterarguments, and a concluding statement that supports the claim.

Collective bargaining means bargaining with workers who

belong to a union

Prior to exploration, enslaved people in Africa were often

captives in war

Before the Agricultural Revolution, much of England's farmland was


The assembly line was a system through which items were mass-produced in a

continuous flow

During the Industrial Revolution, the demand for skilled labor


The first step in creating an argumentative essay is

developing an opinion

A strong outline for an argumentative essay should include

evidence to support a claim

An outline for an argumentative essay about capitalism and socialism

explains the essay's structure.

In order to accumulate wealth, a country should work to

export more goods than it import

During the industrial age, what were the hardships immigrants faced that caused them to leave their home countries? Check all that apply.

famine rising taxes job shortages crop failure

Entrepreneurs spread industrialization from Great Britain to other countries by

giving information and know-how.

What should a writer focus on while editing an argumentative essay? Check all that apply.

grammar punctuation spelling

Europeans turned to Africa as a source of enslaved persons because

groups of American Indians were exploited and decimated.

Which was the most important assistance given to immigrants by people from their home country?

help in adapting

Which of these were problems in the Industrial Age? Check all that apply.

high poverty rates poor working conditions crowded cities growing inequality

Crime became a negative result of immigration because

high unemployment led to a lot of theft and robbery.

What started the modern Agricultural Revolution?

improved farming methods

In which neighborhoods were immigrants who stayed in cities most likely to settle?

in neighborhoods with people from their home country

Wealth brings with it its own checks and balances. The basis of political economy is non-interference. The only safe rule is found in the self-adjusting meter of demand and supply. Do not legislate. . . . make equal laws: secure life and property, and you need not give charity. Open the doors of opportunity to talent and virtue, and they will do themselves justice, and property will not be in bad hands. In a free and just commonwealth, property rushes from the idle [lazy] and brainless, to the industrious, brave, and persevering. Read the quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson. According to both Emerson and Adam Smith, what guarantees success in a free market system?

individual freedom

One way women used their positions in the workforce to demand rights was to

join unions

In a laissez-faire economy, the government plays a

limited role

The most compelling reason immigration rose in the United States during the Industrial Revolution was because people were

looking for personal freedom and jobs.

After laws were passed, which was a positive result of urbanization that helped raise the standard of living?

mandatory schooling

Production at Lowell Mills was considered revolutionary because every stage of textile production was

mechanized and completed in-house.

Starting with the Reform Act of 1832, Parliament passed laws in the 1800s that gave voting rights to

most adult males

In the 1770s, fewer farmers were needed in Britain because of machines and new techniques, so out-of-work farmers

moved to the cities where there were more job opportunities.

Which asset made Belgium a good place to establish the first industrialized textile manufacturer in continental Europe?

natural resources

An effect of the steamboat's popularity was that

people began to build canals in the United States and Europe.

What is the best definition of the term "cottage industry"?

people who produce goods out of their homes

In addition to making cars, Henry Ford is best known for

perfecting the assembly line

The ultimate goal of mercantilism was to gain greater

power through wealth

Capitalism is built on the principle of ownership.


Who owns most farms and factories in a capitalist economy?

private individuals

Factory owners took steps to prevent unions from forming because they

recognized that unions posed an economic threat.

Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of the society which he has in view. But the study of his own advantage naturally leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to the society. Read the quotation by Adam Smith. According to this quote, what motivates most individuals?

sense of self-interest

Which are examples of new technologies that helped the factory system grow?

steam engines and sewing machines

The Bessemer process made the production of__ more cost effective.


Which industry emerged during the Second Industrial Revolution in the late nineteenth century?


When did British leaders begin to talk about the abolition of slavery?

the 1700s

Abolition moved slowly in the US because

the South's economy depended on it.

What caused agriculture to change in Britain leading to urbanization? Check all that apply.

the eviction of tenant farmers the increased use of machinery the growing demand for wool

Under socialism, prices and wages are set by

the government

Before the Agricultural Revolution, many people lived in rural areas because

they could grow food on small areas of land.

Why did governments authorize the creation of joint-stock companies?

to limit the possibility of risk from trade

A positive effect of urbanization was the building of which public transportation systems?


Before the US transportation infrastructure was built, raw materials and finished products were most efficiently transported and distributed

via navigable waterways

Factory owners began to hire children during the Industrial Revolution because the young

were a cheap source of labor

Slavery began to develop in the Americas during the age of exploration because

work on plantations was difficult and needed large numbers of workers.

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