INFO Network Fund

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49. The structure or format of data is called

a) Syntax

3. Which of the following is true regarding the protocols?

a) They define the format and the order of messages sent among network entities b) They define the format and the order of messages received among network entities c) They define the actions taken on message transmission d) a & b & c

5. Frequency division multiplexing is a process in ...

a) access network b) cable network c) DSL d) a & b & c

38. User datagram protocol is called connectionless because

a) all UDP packets are treated independently by transport layer

62. Which one is not true regarding the pipelined protocols in transport layer?

c) in Go-Back-N receiver individually acknowledges all correctly received packets

63. Which one is not true regarding the UDP checksum?

c) receiver puts checksum value into UDP checksum field

13. Which one of the following is not an application layer protocol?

c) resource reservation protocol

51. The first Network


32. Method(s) to move data through a network of links and switches

d) Both Packet switching and Circuit switching

19. This is one of the architecture paradigm

d) Both Peer-to-Peer & Client-Server

R23. What are the five layers in the Internet protocol stack? What are the principalresponsibilities of each of these layers?

Application layer (Generates the data and request connections) Transportation layer (Establishes connections with remote host) Network layer (Transfers packets with virtual(IP) addresses) Link Layer (Transfers frames with physical(MAC) addresses) Physical Layer (Transmits and receives bits)

R7. What is the transmission rate of Ethernet LANs?

Ethernet internet access users usually have 100mbp, 1gps, or 10gps access.

R15. Some content providers have created their own networks. Describe Google's network.What motivates content providers to create these networks?

Google's network consist of many data centers around the world, that are all connect by Google's private IP network. Content providers are motivated to create these networks to save money by avoiding payments also have control of their own network.

R5. Is HFC transmission rate dedicated or shared among users? Are collisions possible in adownstream HFC channel? Why or why not?

HFC is shared among others. Collisions are not possible since it uses a distributed multipleaccess protocol to avoid collisions

List six access technologies. Classify each one as home access, enterprise access, orwide-area wireless access.

Home access: Dial-up, Cable, and SatelliteWide-area Wireless Access: 4G Enterprise Access: Ethernet and WIFI

R1. What is the difference between a host and an end system? List several different types ofend systems. Is a Web server an end system?

Nothing, hosts and end systems are the same thing. A couple of examples of end systems arephones, pcs, and web servers. Yes a web server is an end system.

Which one of the following allows a user at one site to establish a connection to another site and then pass keystrokes from local host to remote host?


What advantage does a circuit-switched network have over a packet-switched network? What advantages does TDM have over FDM in a circuit-switched network?

The main difference is that Circuit switching is dedicated and has a reserved amount of users.Where Packet switching is shared and can have limitless amounts of users. The mainadvantage is that TDM is dedicated.

R13. Suppose users share a 2 Mbps link. Also suppose each user transmits continuously at 1Mbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 20 percent of the time. (See thediscussion of statistical multiplexing in Section 1.3 .) When circuit switching is used, how many users can be supported?

Two users can be supported since each will use 1mbps each.

R3. Why are standards important for protocols?

They are important since they were created to have some guidance such as. prevent pastproblems. Since they are a collective of ideas agreed on it has the backing of multiple peoplethat these standards are what are the minimum requirements.

R14. Why will two ISPs at the same level of the hierarchy often peer with each other? How doesan IXP earn money?

Two ISPs will often peer together since instead of sending the data upstream they will connect to each other and send the data which will save money. IXP can make money through charging a fee to transfer data.

R2. The word protocol is often used to describe diplomatic relations. How does Wikipedia describe diplomatic protocol?

Wikipedia defines protocol, in international politics as " is the etiquette of diplomacy and affairsof state"

48. In the layer hierarchy as the data packet moves from the upper to the lower layers, headers are

a) Added

58. What is 'cwnd'?

a) Congestion window size b) dynamic function of perceived network congestion d) a & b

21. Application layer offers _______ service

a) End to end

16. When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the

a) HTTP protocol

4. Which of the following is not considered as network edge?

a) Interconnected routers

24. Which of the following is an application layer service ?

a) Network virtual terminal b) File transfer, access, and management c) Mail service d) All of the mentioned

64. Which of the following is an application layer service?

a) Network virtual terminal b) File transfer, access, and management c) Mail service d) All of the mentioned

29. A local telephone network is an example of a _______ network

a) Packet switched

55. A set of rules that governs data communication

a) Protocols

47. The IETF standards documents are called

a) RFC

27. Transport services available to applications in one or another form

a) Reliable data transfer b) Timing c) Security d) All of the mentioned

28. Electronic mail uses this Application layer protocol


15. Which one of the following is not correct?

a) application layer protocols are used by both source and destination devices during a communication session b) HTTP is a session layer protocol c) TCP is an application layer protocol d) All of the mentioned

11. The ASCII encoding of binary data is called

a) base 64 encoding

39. Transmission control protocol is

a) connection oriented protocol b) uses a three way handshake to establish a connection c) recievs data from application as a single stream d) all of the mentioned

42. Which one of the following is a version of UDP with congestion control?

a) datagram congestion control protocol

7. The ____________ translates internet domain and host names to IP address.

a) domain name system

36. Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to

a) network layer

35. In _________ resources are allocated on demand.

a) packet switching

43. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.

a) port

14. Which protocol is a signalling communication protocol used for controlling multimedia communication sessions?

a) session initiation protocol

10. Which one of the following protocol delivers/stores mail to reciever server?

a) simple mail transfer protocol

40. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called

a) socket

45. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol?

a) stream control transmission protocol

9. Application layer protocol defines

a) types of messages exchanged b) message format, syntax and semantics c) rules for when and how processes send and respond to messages d) all of the mentioned

6. What are the main components of a home network?

a) wireless access point b) router. Firewall, NAT c) wired Ethernet, cable or DSL modem d) a & b & c & d

31. If there are N routers from source to destination, total end to end delay in sending packet P(L->number of bits in the packet R-> transmission rate)

b) (N*L)/R

33. The resources needed for communication between end systems are reserved for the duration of session between end systems in ________

b) Circuit switching

52. The _______ is the physical path over which a message travels

b) Medium

18. The packet of information at the application layer is called

b) Message

56. Three or more devices share a link in ________ connection

b) Multipoint

46. Cookies were originally designed for

b) Server side programming

30. Most packet switches use this principle

b) Store and forward

34. As the resouces are reserved between two communicating end systems in circuit switching, this is achieved

b) guaranteed constant rate

61. Which one is true about TCP premature timeout?

b) it happens when timeout value is too short

44. Transport layer protocols deals with

b) process to process communication

60. Which of the following is an effective strategy for TCP flow control?

b) receiver advertises free buffer space by including rwnd value in TCP header of receiver-tosender segments c) sender limits amount of unacked ("in-flight") data to receiver's rwnd value d) b & c

12. Which one of the following is an internet standard protocol for managing devices on IP network?

b) simple newtwork management protocol

41. Socket-style API for windows is called

b) winsock

37. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in networking?

c) Both TCP and UDP

20. Application developer has permission to decide the following on transport layer side

c) Both Transport layer protocol and Maximum buffer size

22. E-mail is

c) Elastic application

53. Which organization has authority over interstate and international commerce in the communications field?

c) FCC

25. To deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host, the _______ address must be consulted

c) Port

57. Which of the following is true regarding this statement: "if K TCP sessions share same bottleneck link of bandwidth R, each should have average rate of R/K"

c) TCP fairness goal


does not need any host program to activate

23. Pick the odd one out

d) Internet telephony

26. This is a time-sensitive service

d) Internet telephony

1) Which one of the following is not true regarding the 'Internet'?

d) It is in network layer

2. All communication activities in the internet is governed by...

d) Protocols

50. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ______________ transmission

d) Simplex

54. Which of this is not a network edge device?

d) Switch

17. This is not a application layer protocol

d) TCP

59. Which of the following is not true regarding the TCP congestion control?

d) in TCP RENO loss is indicated by 2 duplicate ACKs


requires a host program to activate

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