INST 2100 final

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which country controlled pallestine from 1920 until Israel became an independent country?

great britain


indirect form of colonizing ex. trading, latin america is dependent on western countries

Which of the following is necessary for a system of government to be called democratic?

-Free and fair elections -Constitution or the rule of law -Universal adult suffrage

Accurate statements about europe

-Having fought many wars, including two "world wars," European leaders after the Second World War set out to increase economic and political cooperation on the continent that formed the basis of today's European Union. -Since 2000s most EU members have been using the euro as their common currency. Since the Schengen Agreement, most EU members (and even some non-member European states') citizens travel between European countries without a visa. -Countries in Europe, and those in Western Europe in particular, have fairly secular cultures (for instance, as measured by church attendance).

Israel/Palestine history

-Jews made up 7-10% of the population of Palestine in 1914; and even after massive migration prior to and during the Second World War they were still a minority (~30%). -As ahl-al kitab (people of the book) Jews had been protected in Ottoman lands (1300s-1914) where they did not face the kinds of persecution they faced in Europe. -The declaration of independence by Israel in 1948 and the subsequent fighting led to the displacement of about 750,000 Arabs (Muslim and Christians) who are not allowed to return to their homes.

African countries

-Most have a history of European colonialism, which extracted natural resources and exploited people for profit -Sub-Saharan countries in particular have high rates of illiteracy, poverty and malnutrition. -Much like South Asian countries, Sub-Saharan countries will be among the most impacted (negatively) by climate change.

consequences of climate change in low lying coastal areas in South Asia (e.g. Bangladesh)?

-Salinization, which results in loss of land fertility -Damage to industry, infrastructure, coastal zones and agriculture that is estimated to cost billions of dollars -Displacement of millions of people

Realist ideas

-States are the most important actors in IR. -Humans are selfish and hungry for power. -The international system lacks a central authority, and this means that all states seek their own national interests in this anarchical environment. -international system is anarchical


1. What are the origins of the conflict in Palestine? What historical conditions explain the ongoing fighting between Israelis and Palestinians? What are some specific issues that stand in the way of a just and peaceful resolution of this conflict?

import substitution industrialization

1960s and 1970s domestic policies were made to protect latin america

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages."

Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations

What is the "clash of civilizations" thesis?

American political scientist Samuel Huntington's idea (articulated in the 1990s) that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the major conflicts in the world would take place between different civilizations. His argument was that different cultures hold different political values, and these values will necessarily clash in an increasingly interconnected world.

When the Roman Empire fell, much knowledge was lost in the ruins of that major entity. Nevertheless, some, including geographic, astronomical, historical and philosophical knowledge was preserved. Who preserved it?

Arab and Persian scholars

United States' major trading partners

Canada Mexico China


Economic theory and ideology that accompanies globalization. Defends the elimination of tariffs and other barrier to trade, to free the movement of goods and services for maximum efficiency and profits

The passing of beliefs, values, norms and customs to the individuals through social interaction and institutions, from one generation to the next is called _______________ .


Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Europe?

Europe had not seen any terrorist activity until the al-Qaeda attacks in 2005.

A Marxist political economist is coming to speak at UNT. You would expect her to talk about

How there has been virtually no increase in real wages since the 1970s, even as multinational corporations have been making phenomenal profits since then

Bloody sunday played an important part in

IRA (irish republican army)

Which of the following is a primary source that a historian studying the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would use?

Official communications (orders, letters, memos, etc.) sent between military commanders who were involved in the 1948 war

Which of the following is a basic tenet of the liberal/idealist (as opposed to realist) perspective in political science and international relations?

Selfish and violent responses are the product of institutional context, not of human nature per se. The primary institution leading to war is the state. Multilateral institutions and international cooperation is needed to prevent and stop wars.

You heard that a Marxist political economist was visiting UNT to give a lecture on the economic recession of 2008. What would you expect this political economist to focus on? (Note: You do not need to know all of the terms in the answer options to answer this correctly; just focus on what Marxist political economy is generally about)

The propensity of capitalism to experience crises, increasing wage inequalities, and the incompatibility of capitalist and working class interests

Novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speaks beautifully of what she calls "the danger of a single story." In that talk we watched as a class, she primarily criticizes ____________

The tendency to generalize and stereotype people and places in a way that robs them of their depth, complexity of experiences and dignity

What is not true about the Israel/Palestine history?

This conflict has been ongoing for decades because there are two equally strong sides, namely, Palestinian and Israeli, with their respective armies and state apparatus, and neither of them is willing to compromise.

Most wealthy GDP and GNI

United States


absent presence

British india

bangladesh (used to be called east pakistan) pakistan india

national self-determination

is the idea the every people group should have the right to establish its own state

marxist politcial economy empahsizes

profit is made by the capitalist class at the expense of the working class which reproduces social ineuqaulity

King Leopold's Ghost is a wonderful book about colonization. In a section of it that I asked you to read, Adam Hochschild tells of "the wood that weeps." What is the wood that weeps? A brief answer is fine; your response does not even need to be a full sentence.

rubber vine


whenever minority tries to fit into the majority ex. native americans being forced to fit in to the european culture

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