Institutional Anomie Theory

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American Dream

-A commitment to the goal of material success, to be pursued by everyone in society, under conditions of open, individual competition (Legitimate means is de-emphasized) Four Basic Value Commitments: Achievement Orientations, Individualism, Universalism, Fetishism of money -These characteristics of the American Dream put too much focus on the economy which creates an imbalance in the power of social institutions -The source of anomie is the focus on monetary success being the sole measure of a person's worth


-Accommodation to economic requirements by other institutions -Ex. Family rutines are dominated by work schedules, schooling is based on getting a job (not education), etc


-Devaluation of non-economic institutional functions and roles -Little value and respect given to the professions that do not make as much money as business men

Causal Mechanism

-Direct effect: *Goals over means (Direct effect on crime through the creation of a state of anomie) *State of Anomie: an environment in which social norms are unable to exert a strong regulatory force on members of society -Indirect effect: Institutional imbalance inhibits the development of strong mechanisms of external social control -The focus on the economy weakens the ability of the other institutions to exert effective social control and social norms and values are dominated by things that promote making as much money as efficiently as possible


-Economy dominates the institutional balance of power, and that this causes anomie and crime -Economic dominance is manifested in three ways: Devaluation, Accommodation, Penetration


-Everyone is encouraged to aspire to social assent and everyone is susceptible to evaluation on the basis of individual achievements (A lot of pressure) -No one is exempt from the pursuit of success as the ultimate goal

Functions of Social Institutions

-Institutions: Stable sets of norms and values, statuses and roles that regulate human conduct to meet the basic needs of society -Function: Distribute opportunities to achieve cultural goals, HOWEVER, they also functions to place limits on certain cultural imperatives so that they do not dominate and ultimately destroy others

Research Findings

-No indication of a universal desire for the American Dream compared to other cultures -Hard to measure health of social institutions relative to one another (True measures of the social institutions) -Find some support for the theory in terms of focus on economy weakening other institutions -Does not really explain the non-utilitarian crimes (Impulsive "passion" crimes)


-Penetration of economic norms into other institutional domains -Ex. Schools rely on grades, families emphasis on making money etc.


-People are encouraged to make it on their own -Intense individual competition further encourages a tendency to disregard normative restraints when these restrains interfere with the realization of goals

Achievement Orientations

-Personal worth tends to be evaluated on the basis of what people have achieved, rather than who they are or how they relate to others -Monetary success is the ultimate measure of a person's social worth

Institutional Anomie Theory

-Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld -Marco Level Theory (Scope was to explain why crime is higher in the US than other nations) -Basic Argument: American Dream, and the social conditions it brings about, causes crime (Too much emphasis on the economy, and downplays other social institutions)

Fetishism of Money

-Success is signified by the accumulation of monetary rewards -Money is the sole measure of success -It is always possible to have more money so there is no stopping point to the dream

Policy Implications

-The American Dream is the problem, thus a major cultural change is needed according to this theory -Policies that take focus off the economy and help build up the other institutions -Family: More generous leave, Job sharing for parents, Flexible work schedules, Employer provided child care -School: Focus on education as goal, not securing a job -Economy: Reduce gap between have and have-not -Focus on education as goal, not securing a job -Cultural: Deemphasize goal of monetary success, focus on parenting, teaching, serving the community

The Institutions

Economy: Activities organized around the production and distribution of goods. To satisfy basic material requirements for human existence, such as the need for food, clothing, and shelter. Family: Responsible for the maintenance and replacement of members of a society, setting the limits of legitimate sexual relations among adults, the physical care and nurturing of children, the socialization of children into the values, goals and beliefs of the dominant culture, provide emotional support for members, care for elderly Education: Schools share many of the socialization functions of the family. They transmit basic cultural standards to new generations, prepare youth for occupational roles and enhance judgment Polity: Political institutions protect members of society from invasions from other nations, control crime and disorder and provide channels for resolving conflicts of interest

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