Institutions and decision-making legislative procedures

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Name three benefits of trilogues in the legislative process

Efficiency and Speed- identify and solve disagreements more quickly Early agreement (at first or second reading) reducing the need for lengthy conciliation committees The informal nature of trilogues means that discussions can be more open and less constrained by formal procedures.

How has the EP managed to convert consent procedure into a form of foreign policy influence?

The EP may get repeat opportunities to use consent procedure re international agreements In practice, the EP is consulted by Comm and Co during international negotiations to minimise dangers of its consent not being given.

When is a conciliation committee convened?

A conciliation committee is convened in the ordinary legislative procedure of the European Union when there is a disagreement between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on a proposed piece of legislation. This situation typically arises after the second reading, when the Parliament and the Council have not been able to agree on a common text.

Name 5 factors that the Commission might consider when deciding whether to support or oppose the EP's amendments?

Alignment with EU Policy Objectives (outlined in the Commission's strategic agenda) Legal consistency with existing EU laws and treaties is crucial Feasibility of implementing the amendments The Commission often conducts impact assessments to evaluate the potential effects of legislative proposals and amendments. Consistency with the Commission's original legislative proposal

What kind of international agreements require the consent of the EP?

Association agreements (These agreements establish a broad relationship between the EU and non-member countries.) Accession agreements (When a new country joins the European Union, the European Parliament must give its consent to the accession treaty) Significant trade agreements (particularly those that go beyond the EU's common commercial policy, such as Free Trade Agreements) Agreements with significant budgetary impact Agreements Covering Fields for which Ordinary Legislative Procedure Applies

How is the EP constrained in its budgetary powers?

It can only propose amendments to a text proposed by the Commission; On top of that it can only propose amendments to the Commission's text after the Council has amended it by reaching its own position The EP can only amend annual budgets in ways compatible with the overall totals and each sub-category of expenditure set out in the multi-annual frameworks

How is the EP constrained in the 'consent' part of international agreements?

It can only say 'yes' or 'no' it cannot make amendments

What is a conciliation committee?

It is set up during ordinary legislative procedure in order to reach an agreement on proposed legislation between the European Parliament and the Council The Committee is composed of the members of the Council (or their representatives) and an equal number of members of the European Parliament. The European Commission takes part in its proceedings with a view to reconciling the different positions.

Briefly outline the steps of Ordinary Legislative Procedure?

It starts with a legislative proposal from the Commission (normally for a regulation, directive or decision) and consists of up to three readings, with the possibility for the co-legislators to agree on a joint text - and thereby conclude the procedure - at any reading.

Name the two legislative procedures in the EU

Ordinary legislative procedure and special legislative procedure

How are annual budgets agreed upon?

The Commission submits a proposal to the EP and Council no later than 1 September in preceding year. The council adopts a position on the proposal and forwards it to the EP The EP can amend the Council's position by a majority of its members. If it does so a conciliation committee is convened. The conciliation committee has 21 days to reach an agreement by qualified majority of the Council members and a majority of the EP representatives. If the conciliation committee reaches agreement within the 21 days, the Council and the EP each has 14 further days to approve the text.

How are multiannual frameworks adopted?

The Council adopts multi-annual frameworks by a 'special legislative procedure'. It adopts them unanimously after 'obtaining the consent of the European Parliament which shall be given by a majority of its members'

Outline three ways in which the EP can use its budgetary powers to exercise control

The EP can include specific remarks and condition to direct how funds should be used, potentially influencing the implementation of policies, including those related to CFSP. The EP has the power to put certain budgetary funds in reserve (withholding the release of funds until certain conditions are met or specific actions are taken by the European Commission or other EU bodies) Discharge- Each year, the European Parliament grants 'discharge' to the Commission, essentially approving how the Commission has implemented the budget in the previous financial year.

Is there a time limit for conciliation committees?

This Committee has to adopt a joint text within 6 weeks following its convening, otherwise the proposed legislation shall be deemed not to have been adopted. If approved by the Committee, the joint text has thereafter to be adopted: by an absolute majority of the Parliament's votes; by a qualified majority of the Council's votes.

How can the EP use its budgetary powers to exert influence over the CFSP?

Through the budget, the EU allocates funds for its foreign policy initiatives, including diplomatic missions, conflict prevention, and response to global challenges. The EP and the Council, by determining the size and allocation of the budget for CFSP, can influence the scope and direction of the EU's foreign policy actions. They can promote certain initiatives or constrain others by how they allocate funds.

What are trilogues?

Trilogues are informal negotiations that take place between representatives of the three main EU institutions involved in legislation.

Name two potential issues with the role of trilogues in the legislative process

Trilogues are informal negotiations that take place between the EP, Co and Comm The use of trilogues has raised concerns about transparency and democratic oversight. Critics argue that these informal negotiations can lead to important decisions being made behind closed doors, without sufficient input from other stakeholders, such as smaller EU member states, other EU institutions, or the public.

What is Ordinary Legislative Procedure?

Under the Treaty of Lisbon, codecision officially became the 'Ordinary Legislative Procedure' and the general rule for passing legislation at EU level, covering the vast majority of areas of Union action. The main characteristic of the ordinary legislative procedure is the adoption of legislation jointly and on an equal footing by Parliament and the Council.

Outline how the European Parliament can influence legislative procedure by being an veto holder

While the EP has not used its veto power frequently (5 times in 1113 procedure between 1999 and 2013) the mere existence of veto power is significant The EP's ability to reject legislation at second reading means that it can prevent the adoption of legislation it strongly opposes. The Council is aware of this power, which can influence negotiations. The EP's ability to veto legislation can be seen as a 'nuclear option,' which gives it leverage in negotiations, even if it is rarely used.

Outline how the European Parliament can influence legislative procedure by being an agenda setter

While the European Commission has the sole right to initiate legislation, the EP can influence the legislative agenda. It can request the Commission to propose legislation, and through its rapporteurs and committees, it can shape the discussion and direction of the legislative proposals.

What is the significance of the EP's full budgetary co-decision?

it shares equal power with the Council of the European Union in making decisions about the European Union's budget, both multiannual frameworks and the annual budget This equal standing in budgetary matters is a significant aspect of the EU's democratic process.

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