Integrated Marketing Communications

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Compare and contrast the different types of major media described (exhibit 18-3 in the book)


Describe the different ways that advertisers appeal to consumers

Informational Appeals- helps consumers make purchase decisions by offering factual information that encourages consumers to evaluate the brand favorably on the basis of the key benefits it provides. Ex. Exxon Mobil explains its technical aspects of product, to convince customers product is environmentally friendly, efficient, innovative and responsible. Emotional Appeals - aims to satisfy consumers' emotional desires rather than their utilitarian needs. These appeals therefore focus on feelings about the self. The key to successful emotional appeal is to the use of emotion to create a bond between the consumer and the brand. ex. fear, safety, humor, happiness, love, comfort, and nostalgia. Ex. The use of weight loss ads help bring out fear in the consumers about a before and after ideal

Differentiate between opt-in and opt-out direct marketing approaches

opt-in= consumers must consent to receiving direct marketing e-mail opt-out=In the US personal information is usually viewed as being public domain and retailers can direct marketing to consumers unless the consumers explicitly tell retailers not to use personal information

Compare and contrast the differences between push and pull promotion strategies

push/pull = how we target our promotion Pull strategy-customer oriented (creating demand for a product) Push Strategy- trade oriented (giving incentives to get a product)

Distinguish between different digital media tools covered in class ( Can't Find This)

-social networks -search engine optimization -other: -podcasts -blogs -email -widgets -viral videos

Explain the 4 steps in the AIDA model

AWARENESS: a potential customers ability to recognize or recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer or product/service. It is the link between brand name and the type of merchandise or service in minds of customers Awareness leads to INTEREST: marketers get customers interest by ensuring that the ad's message includes attributes that are of interest to the target audience Interest leads to DESIRE: customers have to want the product Desire leads to ACTION: the ultimate goal is to drive the receiver to action. They will either search for a product or purchase it

Describe characteristics of each integrated marketing communication (IMC) mix eleme nt

Advertising (passive offline): entails the placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchased in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofits, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and or persuade members of a target market or audience about their product services, organizations, ideas. public relations (passive, offline): the organizational function that manages the firm's communications to achieve a variety of objectives, including building and maintaining a positive image, handling unfavorable stores or events, and maintaining good relationship with media. sales promotions (interactive offline): special incentives or excitement building programs that encourage the purchase of a product or service such as coupons personal selling (offline interactive) - the two way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decisions. direct marketing ( online interactive) - sales and promotional techniques that deliver promotional materials individually . If you sign up for a email such as for a clothing line and they send you weekly emails about new products online marketing (online interactive) - marketing through websites, blogs. Social media - media content distribution through social interactions

Describe the various integrative communication channels

Advertising (passive offline): entails the placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchased in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofits, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and or persuade members of a target market or audience about their product services, organizations, ideas. public relations (passive, offline): the organizational function that manages the firm's communications to achieve a variety of objectives, including building and maintaining a positive image, handling unfavorable stores or events, and maintaining good relationship with media. sales promotions (interactive offline): special incentives or excitement building programs that encourage the purchase of a product or service such as coupons personal selling (offline interactive) - the two way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decisions. especially, in B2B settings. direct marketing ( online interactive) - sales and promotional techniques that deliver promotional materials individually . If you sign up for a email such as for a clothing line and they send you weekly emails about new products online marketing (online interactive) - marketing through websites, blogs. Social media - media content distribution through social interactions

Describe general changes in consumers' media habits and the impact these changes are having on advertisers

Consumer media habits are rapidly changing to favor game console, video on internet, and mobile phone advertising. The world is becoming more digital and technologically intertwined, thus causing these mediums to become centers of advertising. The growth is unparalleled and these three entities will continue to grow while traditional advertising methods such as TV will stagnate and slowly

Identify the various types of promotions

Coupons- offer a discount on the price of specific items when they're purchased Deals-generally to a type of short-term price reduction that can take several forms like "featured price, price lower than regular price,"buy one, get one free" Premiums-offers an item for free or at a bargain price to reward some type of behavior such as buying, sampling or testing, these rewards build good will among customers. Contests-brand-sponsored competition that requires some form of skill or effort. Also Sweepstakes offers prizes based on a chance drawing. Samples-offers potential customers the opportunity to try a product or service before they make a buying decision. Most effective but most costly Loyalty Programs-designed to retain customers by offering premiums or other incentives to customers who make multiple purchases over time. Point-of-Purchase- merchandise displays located at the point of purchase, such as at the check-out counter in a supermarket. Rebates-price reduction in which portion of the purchase price is returned by the seller to the buyer in the form of cash. Product Placement-pay to have their products included in nontraditional situations, such as in scene of movie or tv. ex. American Idol judges drinking Coca-Cola on camera.

Compare and contrast 2 ways for measuring marketing communication effectiveness (direct vs. indirect test, explicit vs. implicit)

Direct test- Designed to measure a specific customer activity related to an ad----ex. the number of coupons received, the number of calls generated for a 1-800 number, or the click through rate for a web ad, count how many times survey done. Marketing communication is asking the customer to take an action that can be monitored and measured Indirect test- before/after measurement for market dimensions management is looking to improve. this approach assumes a promotional campaign will have caused whatever change is evident. ex. brand awareness, brand perception, or purchase intent. For example, an auto manufacturer may find that the public believes its sport utility vehicle is less rugged than competitors' products. A campaign using different versions of a visual showing the SUV climbing over rocky terrain is developed. Before the promotional campaign begins, market research is used to measure consumer belief in the vehicle's ruggedness. The campaign is executed over a four month period, and then a follow-up market research is done to see if customer perceptions improved. Any change would be assumed to result from the campaign. Explicit measurements- look at book tell me what you see (recall test). However, explicit measures consider are somewhat different from direct tests. Explicit measures focus a lot on recall and memory, asking questions about which ads the respondent can recall or after having the respondent look at a collection of ads, having the respondent identify which ads they've seen. Implicit- being implied, don't remember.For our purposes, implicit measures and indirect tests are the same. Both focus on how perceptions, knowledge, beliefs and/or attitudes have changed about a brand because of an ad campaign.

Identify marketing metrics used to measure IMC success

For traditional media, gross rating points are often used (reach x frequency) For online media, metrics include impressions, the click-through rate, and return on investment Other measures include awareness, knowledge, attitude, and store visits

Recognize and understand 3 components of a social media strategy - - listen, analyze, do

Listen - listen to customers on social networks, blogs, review sites. Use sentiment analysis they can allow marketers to analyze data from these sources to collect consumer comments about companies and their products Analyze - assess what customers are saying determine the amount of traffic using their sites, blogs, or tweets. hits are total requests for a page and page views are the number of times any pages gets viewed by a visitors. Learn who the visitors are what they are doing and what engages and excites them. Bounce rate: refers to the percentages of times a visitor leave a site almost immediately. Click paths shows how they get to the info. Conversion rates are a measure of what indicates what percentage of visitors or potential customers act as the marketer hopes. Companies want to analyze data that comes from other sites. Did they get it from google or amazon? From a friend? DO - need to use connections to increase business. Examples are providing offers, actively blog, or facebook campaign steps: identify strategy and goals identify target audience develop the campaign: experiment and engage - develop the communication develop the budget - how much will they spend monitor and change - check the success and see if it needs changing

Describe "public relations" and its role in IMC

Public relations- is the organizational function that manages the firm's communications to achieve a variety of objectives, including buildings and maintaining a positive image, handling or heading off unfavorable stories or events, and maintaining positive relationships with the media public relations activities support the other promotional efforts by the firm by generating "free" media attention.

Calculate ROI for a marketing communication campaign

ROI=Sales revenue- Advertising cost/ Advertising cost

Describe the steps in designing and executing an advertising campaign

Step 1: Identify target audience Step 2: Set advertising objectives Step 3: Determine the advertising budget Step 4: Convey the message Step 5: Evaluate and select media Step 6: create advertisements Step 7: assess impact using marketing metrics

Understand basic types of social media

refers to the content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate interpersonal interactions. excite the customer by giving personalized offers, from insights and info obtained from customer relationship Educate the customers: draw customer to products by giving them awareness. mostly remind people about what they already know experience the product or service: customers can try out products online before buying them engage the customer: first 3 E's set stage for this one 3 types of social media: 1) members promote themselves to gain more friends 2) the sites promote to get more members 3) outside companies promote their products and services to appeal to the potential consumers who are actives on the sites social networks are for excitement where people can interact with friends like Facebook media sharing sites are to connect people more easily and more ways than before such as instagram thought sharing sites, educate and engage users and enhance the user experience such as twitter

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