International Marketing Ch. 5-7
3 Steps to Sidestepping Conflicts
1) establish jurisdiction 2) protect intellectual property 3) avoid bribery
Pareto's Law
80% of profit is from 20% of customers
A comprehensive code governing Musilm conduct in all areas of life, including business
A contractual agreement in which a licensor allows a liscensee to use patents, trademarks, trade secrets, technology, and other intangible assets in return for royalty payments or other forms of compensation.
A government takes control of some or all of the enterprises in an industry
Research Step 7
Analyzing Data
Research Step 5
Assess the Value of Research
Based on life, sayings, and practices of Muhammed
Research Step 3
Choose a unit of analysis (global, regional, country, ect)
Code/Civil Law
Companies are formed by contract between two or more parties and are liable
Deals with sellers, example: Monopoly
Deals with sellers,ex: duopsony
Distinctive mark, motto, device, or emblem used to distinguish it from competing products
Establishes ownership over a written, recorded, performed, or filmed creative work
Research Step 4
Examine data availability
Forbidden practices
GIves an inventor exclusive right to make, sell, and use an invention for a specified period of time
World Intellectual Property Organization
Governed by Madrid Agreement and Protocol, allows trademark owners to seek protection in 74 countries
Governmental action to dispossess a foreign company or investor
Research Step 1
Identifying the info requirement, info readily avialable in existing markets, (latent-undiscovered market, incipient-emerging)
Nationalization is acceptable if...
It satisfies public purpose and includes compensation. ex: US and healthcare, bank, auto industry
Like expropriation but no compensation is provided
Political Environment
Made up of governmental institutions, political parties, and organizations that rulers and people use to wield power
Intellectual Property
Must be registered in each country where business is conducted
Research Step 8
Present the findings
Research Step 2
Problem Definition
Refers to a court's authority to rule on particular types of issues arising outside of a nation's borders or to exercise power over individuals or entities from different countries
Political Culture
Reflects the relative importance of the government and legal system and provides a context within which individuals and corporations understand their relationship to the political system
Market Segmentation
Represents an effort to identify and categorize groups of customers and countries according to common characteristic
Required to differentiate the product or brand in the minds of the target market
Research Step 6
Research Design
Political Risk
Risk of change in political environment of government policy that would adversely effect a company's ability to operate effectively and properly
Small group of producers of a good or service who agree to regulate supply in an effort to control or manipulate prices
Supreme and independent political authority
The process of evaluating segments and focusing marketing on a country, region, or group of people (look for effectiveness, efficiency, profitability)
Global Marketing Research
The project-specific, systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode on a global basis
Benefit Segmentation
Data Mart
a subset of data organized to focus by business or function
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act
allows grease payments when getting through customs and getting permits
Information Technology
an organization's processes for creating, storing, exchanging, using, and managing information
Common Law (US)
companies are legally incorporated by state authority
3 Criterion for Assessing Market Potential
current size and anticipated growth, competition, compatibility with companys objectives
Meta Data
data about data
Efficient Consumer Response
electronic point of sale, works with stock replenishment and supply chain
Emic Analysis
ethnographic, studies culture from within, uses culture's own meaning and values
International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
facilitates mult-country patent registration, up to 1-year right of priority in other countries (100 members, Paris Convention)
Data Warehouses
fine-tune product assortments for multiple locations, enhance the ability of management to respond to changing business conditions
Behavior Segmentation
focuses on whether people purchase a product, how much and how often they use it
Etic Analysis
from the outside, detached perspective, enhances comparability and minimizes precision
Psychographic Segmentation
grouping people by attitudes, values, lifestyles (ex: early adopters, innovators, explorers)
Demographic segmentation
income, population, age distribution, gender, education, occupation
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
internal accounting controls, no bribing officials of foreign governments, no payments to third parties that may be channeled to foreign officials
laws designed to combat restrictive business practices and to encourage competition
Creeping Expropriation
limits economic activities of foreign firms
Creeping expropriation includes...
limits of repatriation of profits, dividends, or royalties. Technical assistance fees. Increased local content laws. Quotas for hiring local nationals. Price controls. Discriminatory tariff and nontariff barriers. Discriminatory laws on patents or trademarks.
Standardized Global Marketing
mass marketing globally, undifferentiated target marketing, standardized marketing mix, minimal product adaptation, intensive distribution
The Patent Cooperation Treaty
members constitute a union that provides certain technical services and cooperates in the filing, searching, and examination, of the patent applications in all member countries
Differentiated Global Marketing
multi-segment targeting, two or more distinct markets, wider market coverage
Concentrated Global Marketing
niche marketing, single segment of global market, look for global depth instead of national breadth
Ethnic Segmentation
Self-Reference Criterion
occurs when a persons values and beliefs intrude on the assessment of a foreign culture
private network, share info electronically, 24-hours
Associative counterfeiting/imitation
product name differs slightly from a well-known brand
The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
prohibits fixing prices, limiting production, allocating markets, or other competition limiting schemes
Data Warehouse
repository to help facilitate reporting and analysis
1958 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
signed by 107 countries, most important arbitration treaty everrrrr
European Patent Convention (EU and Switzerland)
single patent covering all the convention states, lasts up to 20 years
Electronic Data Interchange
submit orders, issue invoices, conduct business electronically
Data Mining
the process of extracting patterns from data
unauthorized copying and production of a product
unauthorized publication or reproduction of copyrighted work
Customer Relationship Management
values two-way communication between company and customer