Internship Final

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When does an NRRT 487 internship begin?

-Junior or above. You must pass NR 387. Resume, Goal Statement, and Justification. Orientation Session and Student Understanding Form. Registration. Internship Agreement

How can you prepare?

-Know the environment (mission, values, vision, research) -Align your values with the organization's values -Utilize LikedIn as a way to conduct research -Research who works for the org Phone: -Print your resume and docs -enter into a space with cell service -be aware of your surroundings -dress for the interview -be aware of time zones Skype: -Print your resume and docs -internet access -dress -area behind you In person: -You are on -Arrive early -leave all miscellaneous items

What are some general guidelines of the timeline for searching for an internship/job?

-Larger the organization, longer the amount of time -Typically 3-6 months out -International takes 6-12 months -minimum is 2 months out -it is never too early to contact an org -late registration fee

What are some of the best ways to network?

-"May I ask your advice on something" -10 second sound both and 30 second elevator pitch -"Who are the top five companies I should contact?" -Just say the word network -One-a-day professional membership directories

How many paragraphs should your letter contain?

-3 or 4 paragraphs -1st-intro -2nd (or 3rd)-body -3rd or 4th-summary -closing

What percent of jobs in the US are obtained through networking and connections?


What are some types of jobs you can do for your internship?

-Anywhere as long as the employer meets certain criteria, you do not have to do your internship in the same field as your concentration. (park ranger, surf ecolodge)

When should you give the intern grading report to the supervisor? What are some items they evaluate you on? What percent of your grade does their evaluation constitute?

-At the beginning of your internship so they know the criteria on which they will be evaluating you. Then, give them another copy (if necessary) within the last 2 weeks of your internship to fill out. -40% of your final grade. -Public speaking skills/writing skills, etc.

Why don't college-level ethics courses work well to teach someone ethics?

-Based on the Value-Attitude-Behavior hierarchy that we covered earlier this semester we know that our values are established by the time we are in adolescence (12-13 years old). Hence, if we are brought up in an environment where we are taught it is OK to lie, cheat, and steal then most likely that is what we will do as an adult. So we can teach ethics at the college level, but if someone is already unethical by the time they get to college it is highly unlikely that an ethics course will change their future behavior.

Where are some good places to look for a job online?

-CSU career sites (Warner college, CSU career center, ram career tools, handshake, ram career ready, career communities.)

How are due dates and late points are calculated?

-Calendar day after your internship starting date; 1 point per working day will be taken off if late. -When considering due dates and late points for the assignments listed below, a "working day" is defined as 5 days per week...

What does the background report cover? Grading criteria?

-Demonstrates your understanding of the organization for which you are working and your role in that situation. Your report must include the following headings and information about the organization: > History, mission statement, major personal policies, clientele, budget and funding, major depts, etc.

Do's and don'ts of the letter

-Dont mention personal characteristics such as honesty, integrity, hard worker. -Dont use bad grammar. -Appropriate tone (professional and well written) -Full name of employer and job title (complete contact info) -No acronyms -room for signature between closing letter and letter writers name DO: -tailor to position and employer -address to specific person -provide examples of experience -critiques by career counselor and other professional DONT: -1 page -forget signature -have any typos -falsify -send out blanket letter -use "I" statement to start each paragraph

How should you dress?

-Dress you professional best -Know the environment: conservative or more casual? -Overdress rather than underdress -Your goal is to look professional -bring a briefcase, profession bag, or pad folio

What is the purpose of job interviewing?

-Experience, get a job

Steps for doing an online search?

-Export your bookmarks from your brewer? -Web-based bookmarking-access from any browser/platform

What types of people should you not use as a reference?

-Family members, friends, personal acquaintances, or religious leaders

Organization responsibilities

-Financial support for intern is desirable. -Introducing intern to staff. -Arranging for intern to attend meetings and other activities. -The educational needs of the intern shall not be superceded by the service needs of the organization. -They shall inform the CSU internship coordinator if there are any problems with the intern. -They should periodically evaluate the intern's performance and submit the evaluation at the end of the internship.

What are some tips of things to do once you start a new job?

-Get offer in writing (accept offer in writing) -drug testing? -Any materials to read or study before starting? -Send announcement to contacts that you got a job -First few days-understand and know -Interpersonal skills-talk 20%, listen 80% -Daily routine-rehearse/review -workplace ethics -extracurricular-1 drink max -career progression-watch and emulate -financial-401k/403b

What 3 key things are you agreeing to when you sign the orientation and student understanding form?

-Grading structure/due dates, official start of internship, academic integrity

Typical sections of a resume

-Heading info -Objectives (section) -Education section -Experience sections -(Membership or affiliations, awards/certifications/special training, accomplishments, interests and hobbies, references?)

What are some questions I should ask myself when considering to ask someone to serve as a reference for me?

-How well do they know me? -In what context do they know me? -Have I made an effort to establish my abilities in the area which I would like that person to speak about me? -What if I don't have references? -Check your own references? -Let them know BEFORE you start to list them as a reference.

Can I take classes while doing my internship?

-Ideally your professional educational work experience should be a full-time assignment of 40 hours per week for 10 weeks. It should be a total immersion into a professional environment and requires assignments that must be submitted to the internship coordinator throughout the internship. Requests to do internships while taking classes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The following factors are some of the items that will be considered: student's GPA (preference given to students with cumulative CSU GPA > 3.0); number of credit hours being taken in other courses, number of hours working per week for internship, type of work being done for internship.

What happens if more than one regular semester has lapsed since you were last enrolled at CSU and you want to register for NRRT 487? What if you have moved out of Colorado?

-If more than 1 regular semester (Spring/Fall) has lapsed since you were a regularly enrolled student you will have to submit an Intent to Return form with the CSU Admissions Office -If you were previously assessed in-state tuition when you were last a student at CSU, you may be assessed out-of-state tuition when you return if you have since moved out of Colorado. Also, if NRRT 487 is the last course you need to graduate it is your responsibility to make sure you have contacted the Degree Office and are on the appropriate Graduation List (see #13 on page 20).

Do you need to register for the course again if you don't finish your internship by the end of the semester? Pay more tuition?

-It merely indicates that your internship was not completed within that grading cycle. You do not need to re-register for NRRT 487 or pay tuition for the subsequent semester. A Grade Change will be submitted to the Registrar's Office as soon as you turn in all your internship assignments.

How frequently must you submit your journal? What are some of the questions you must address in them?

-Journal 1 is due after 100 hours of 380 work, Journal 2 is due after 250 hours of work, and Journal 3 is due after 400 hours of work. [Each journal is due within 3 calendar days (72 hours) after completing the required hours of work. -What have you done? How much time have you spent doing it? What have you learned in the process? How does this experience compare with other work experiences you have had?

What are some roles that professional societies perform?

-Maintain control or oversight of the legitimate practice of the occupation -maintain and enforce standards of training and ethics -provide networking, continuing education, certification/credentialing opportunities -lobby for or against laws that affect an occupation or career field -serve as a voice in the media for an occupation

Different ways to network?

-Make others aware of your job search -Open additional lines of communication -Increase your knowledge of careers and employers -Discover hidden opportunities -Possibly create a new job where none existed

What are some tips when getting a job offer?

-Make sure you have a written offer before you make a move -Make sure you're only negotiating with others in hand -be honest and ask for a bit more time -alert the other suitor, but time is right -wrap it up with a big round of thank you's

What are some additional learning or work opportunities you might negotiate to make a regular job into an internship? (meet people, sit in on meetings, special project, etc.)

-Meet people and learn about their job -Sit in/participate in staff meetings -Learn about some of the more "mundane" stuff -Develop a beneficial special project

What are some items that you evaluate the employer on? (Host rating report)

-My supervisor was readily available, i received appropriate training, my field experience fulfilled my initial expectations about an internship.

Can I intern with more than one organization?

-NO. All of the hours for your NRRT 487 Internship must be with the same organization.

Can previous experience be used retroactively to count as my internship?

-NO. You must seek out a new, pre-approved work experience for your internship.

Does my internship have start and end in a given semester?

-NO. Your internship can start and end anytime during a semester or in-between semesters.

Can I "break" my internship up and do it at different times of the year?

-NO. Your internship must be for a consecutive 400 hours. You may not work some of the hours, then take a break, and finish the rest of the hours at a later time.

Grading structure

-NRRT 487 is graded 'A' through 'F'. -All of the assignments for NRRT 487 should be submitted electronically through Canvas. -If you do not have reliable access to the Internet it is your responsibility to find an alternate method to submit your assignments to insure they are turned in on time. -Know which assignments are due before, during, and after the internship.

Why join a professional society?

-Networking -Conferences, education (short courses, online courses, training, certification, credentials) -Student membership is usually cheap

How long is a resume ideally?

-One page

How many pages in length is the letter?

-One page max

What is the range of % for HDNR & NRT students that get a ''formal internship'' each year?

-Only about 25-33% are a "formal" internship -majority are a seasonal position with some extra learning opportunities built in

Are you required to fill out and turn in the photo consent and release of records forms? What is the purpose of the Release of Records Form?

-Optional -To allow the University to share with the Host Organization information from your educational records as necessary to effectuate an effective working relationship between the University and the Host Organization.

What do our values influence? (beliefs, attitudes, behaviors)?

-Our values influence our beliefs which in turn influence our attitudes which in turn the choices and behaviors we make on a daily basis. -Values are typically shared by a culture, we have very few values (usually between 9 and 12), they are formed by age 12 or 13, and are very difficult, if not impossible to change. -So, the choices we make, the way we respond to stimuli, the way we behave on a daily basis is influenced by our values.

CSU responsibilities

-Prepare the student for the internship. -Approve the internship. -Explain to students about professional liability insurance. -Periodically communicate with the student and supervisor. -Remove an intern from an organization if necessary. -Study the student's reports and assignments and make recommendations or take actions as appropriate. -Do a debriefing with the student and assign a final grade.

Why is it important to understand our values when thinking about our goals in life?

-Psychologists have found that asking people to reflect in writing on their core values has miraculous effects on motivation. -In order to set goals, it is important to start out by getting everything out of your brain that you can think of.

What are the 3 sectors of the economy?

-Public orgs (.gov) governement agencies (federal, state, county) -private (for profit) orgs (.com) (resorts, lodges, tour operators) -non-profit orgs (.org) (non-governmental, not-for-profit entities)

What are some types of organizations, companies, or agencies that you can do your internship at?

-Public: Nature center, NPS, USDA forest service, state park. -Private: interpretive consulting firm, resort, summer camp, consulting, concessionaire (NPS or USFS) -Non-profit: Land trust, environmental org, museum, aquarium, zoo

Who should I contact to start the networking process?

-Relatives (branch out) -friends (old and new) -within your college -alumni (Linked in)

Minimum number of internship offers you should shoot for?

-Shoot for 5 (min of 2)

What does STAR stand for?

-Situation: Set up your story -Task: What task were you faced with? -Action: What specific action did you take? -Result: What was the result? (positive)

When should your special project be decided? What does this form cover?

-This project is to be decided upon early in your internship, in consultation with your supervisor. Ideally, the project should be in line with the professional goals you set for the internship in your Orientation Report Form, should benefit both you and the organization, and if possible, be a tangible product. -Creating/maintaining/managing social media, a brochure, office or internship manual, Web site, lesson or interpretive plan, or special event for educational or marketing purposes.

Objectives of the Partners with Professionals Program

-To provide students with an educational experience upon which to build their professional careers. -To assist students in integrating classroom theory with practical field application. -To provide an opportunity for students to identify strengths and weaknesses which may be developed or corrected during their academic program. -To provide host organizations with, (a) quality personnel to supplement staff and, (b) the opportunity to evaluate student interns for possible regular employment subsequent to their degree program. -To provide host organizations an opportunity to become involved in the preparation of future professionals and to provide a vehicle for two-way communication with Colorado State University and its faculty. -To provide Colorado State University with a means of evaluating the academic preparedness of students. -To help Colorado State University ensure relevant and high quality curricula. -To provide continuing professional opportunities to acquaint faculty with current "real world" problems and to provide interaction with field professionals as another means to improve teaching, research, and service programs.

Purpose of cover letter?

-When combined with a resume it will get you a job interview

Can I receive financial aid for my internship?

-YES. Financial aid can be utilized for NRRT 487. It is your responsibility to check with Colorado State's Student Financial Services Office ( well in advance of your internship to verify that you will be eligible to receive financial aid during the semester you plan on doing your internship. Maximum Federal Financial Aid is awarded only when a student is enrolled in full-time credits(12 per Spring or Fall semester and 6 per summer session for undergraduates).

Can I do an internship if I am studying abroad?

-YES. If you are planning on interning abroad you must create an account with the CSU Education Abroad Office and attend a mandatory Pre-departure Orientation in addition to attending an Internship Orientation Session with the HDNR Internship Coordinator.

Do I have to pay for the internship credits?

-YES. Since NRRT 487 is an academic course required in our degree program, you must pay for the credits. Accordingly, you need to plan on paying for the credits during the semester you are doing your internship.

Who is responsible to insure that the Internship Agreement is signed by all 3 parties? What sheets must you attach to the Agreement when you give it to your employer? If your start or end date changes who must you notify immediately? Why?

-You -Attachments (A) Student Responsibilities, (B) Host Organization Responsibilities and (C) Colorado State University Responsibilities are incorporated herein by this reference. -You are expected to work the dates specified on your Agreement. Leaving your internship prior to the end date specified on your Agreement is not only unprofessional but reflects poorly on you and Colorado State University. The start and end dates for your internship specified in your Agreement will be used to determine your due dates for the internship assignments. As such, if your start or end date changes it is your responsibility to notify the internship coordinator immediately.

How long does my internship have to be?

-You are required to perform and document, via your journal, 400 hours of work with the host organization. Ideally these hours should be full-time at 40 hours per week for 10 weeks but do not have to be. There is no minimum or maximum number of days, weeks, months, or years that you must complete the 400 hours within.

Student responsibility

-Your attitude and behavior reflects not only on you but also the host organization and Colorado State University. -You are responsible for completing the internship assignments and communicating professionally with the internship coordinator. -You are to communicate openly with those in your work setting. -If you commit plagiarism on an assignment you will receive zero points for that assignment and will not be allowed to revise and resubmit the assignment to improve your grade. Additionally, if an academic penalty is imposed, you will be reported to the CSU Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services.

What is the difference between a calendar day and a working day?

-a "working day" is defined as 5 days per week, Monday - Friday, except any federal US holidays (when mail is not delivered). A "calendar day" is defined as 7 days per week, Sunday - Saturday, regardless if there is a federal US holiday during the week or not.

When must you register for NRRT 487? How many credits must you register for? What if you need to register for more than the minimum amount?

-a minimum of 5 credits if you are in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources -The maximum number of credits for NRRT 487 is 12. You will register for NRRT 487 using RAMweb if the registration deadline has not passed for the given semester. -If you need to register for more than 4 or 5 credits in order to be considered full-time (i.e., 6 in Summer; 12 in Fall and Spring) for financial aid, military benefits, or insurance reasons, you may sign up for the necessary number and are not required to do additional work beyond the required 400 hours. If, however, you wish to register for more than 4 or 5 credits for any other reason, you must work and document, via your Journal, 40 hours for each additional credit over 4 or 5. -You must register for NRRT 487 during the semester which you start your internship, or, if you are starting in between semesters you must register for the next semester. This means you may NOT register for internship credits after you're done with the internship, "tack" on the credits to an existing semester, or "break-up" the credits across more than 1 semester.

What are some tools you should have to organize your job or internship search?

-dedicated "jon searching spaces" -own desk/chair -keep electronic files organized and backed up use file folders, not piles

What types of references are most desirable?

-professional in the same field -extracurricular advisors -college administrators -college advisors or professors/instructors -professional acquaintances -current or former supervisors

What are our ethics based upon?


What are some steps to take to manage your online presence?

1.) Google yourself 2.) Buy your domain name 3.) Remove inappropriate content? 4.) Create a positive first impression online 5.) Join and adjust privacy settings on social networks and clean up your profile 6.) Create strong passwords/codes

What are some key things to do to make your LinkedIn profile the most beneficial for you?

1.) Upload a photo 2.) Enter info into your profile 3.) strong headline/title 4.) several keywords 5.) public 6.) include course wok and extracurriculars 7.) Ask professionals and advisors for recs 8.) Connect with csu alumni 9.) comment on articles 10.) join groups and ask smart questions 11.) follow companies

What are some techniques to use to make the most efficient use of your time?

1.) Use key words via search engine (google) 2.) Bookmark good sites 3.) Thoroughly examine each site for job or internship info or at least someone to contact

When strategizing to find a job, what are 3 resources you should use first?(network, Internet, other on and off-campus resources)

1.) Use your network 2.) Use Internet (Likedin-CSU alumni) 3.) Use other on and off-campus resources

What are the 2 important questions your cover letter needs to answer?

1.) What can your product do for the customer? -What differentiates you form the rest of the market? -Drive home the benefit to the customer 2.) What will your customer need to do to buy your product? -What are the next steps for them? What will you do if they don't follow up?

How many goals should you list on the orientation report form?

3-5 goals

Do's and don'ts of a resume

DO -use concrete specific nouns and active verbs -use phrases with bullets -use columns for listing items -stress the positive, minimize or omit the negative -See if resume has a focus DONT -use abbreviations -high school info -reasons for leaving last job -listing narrow geographic preferences -opinion words or extreme modifiers -personal pronouns -personal info -references -irrelevant, inaccurate, or false information -things you plan to do -salary reqs

What is the definition of values?

The deeply held convictions that influence your thinking when you are faced with choices

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