INTL 3136 exam II

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Rani of Jhansi

"Joan of Arc;" after her husband dies in the Great mutiny, she defeats some princes and takes territory near Kanpur. EIC sieges her for a long time, and she eventually is killed in 1858.

Bahadur Shah Zafur

"The Last Mughal Emperor;" though he was very reticent at first, he eventually agreed to become the new king and leader of the revolution.

What "outrages" did the Zulus commit to prompt the British invasion?

1) British cross into Zulu territory, so Zulus capture them--but they are promptly released. 2) Two wives of a prominent Zulu flee into the Natal, and the Zulu's sons go get them.

What are two reasons that the British invaded Zululand in 1879?

1) Eliminate "destabilizing threat" 2) Control more British land, maybe find gold and diamonds

What are three ways the colonial approach of the British in India differed from that of the Spanish in the Americas?

1) Largely privatized: led by the EIC, not national troops 2) Recognized how competitive India was; "we can't just steamroll in" 3) Initially embraced cultural mixing (see early Sepoy uniforms, religious exceptions, etc.)

What caused the Caste War?

1) Mass frustration and dislike of Dzulob (foreigners) 2) Caste system oppressive 3) Ladinos using Maya as mercernaries 4) Unfulfilled promises 5) Overtaxation, peonage, church charges 6) Literate, charismatic leaders

Rorke's Drift

1879; 113 British soldiers hold off 4,000 Zulu soldiers for 2 days

Why did the British change their view of and approach to ruling the Cape Colony and surrounding territories in the 1870s?

??? They saw Zulus as a threat and they wanted gold???

Yang Xiuquing

A former Brother King of Hong Xiuquan who, after a religious spat with Hong, gets murdered. Hong also kills his 20k troops in 1856.


After refusing orders of the EIC, some Sepoys were thrown into jail and subsequently broken out by their compatriots and civilians. From there, they marched down to Delhi and asked the Mughal "emperor" to take back India. (Originally 900 people, but grew to several thousand)

What were the main goals of the Mutiny's central leadership?

Assert cultural independence / stop europeanizing things; get rid of the EIC; and re-establish Indian rule

Battle of Ulundi

Battle between Britain and Zulu in summer 1879. The British acted less like dipshits, so they ended up winning and taking the territory. As a result, they ended the line of Chaka Zulu and captured Cetshwayo.

The social and ethnic diversity of the rebels involved in the Mutiny proved to be both a blessing and a curse to the overall movement. Explain.

Blessing: the more the merrier, Curse: decisions on how to run a post-revolutionary gov't divided them, shifting alliances

Some Boers fought on the side of the Zulus in 1879. Why? What did the groups have in common?

Both were being subjected to British control and both were getting their land taken away.

Henry Bartle Freyre

British High Commissioner. Created the modern Canadian state, attempts to bring Zulus under British control.


Captured by Taipings in 1853, but eventually recaptured by the Qings in 1864.


Central Americans of European ancestry

Hong Xiuquan

Chinese religious leader who sparked the Taiping Uprising and won millions to his unique form of Christianity, according to which he himself was the younger brother of Jesus, sent to establish a "heavenly kingdom of great peace" on earth

Is the Taiping Rebellion a good example of a revitalization movement? A Nativistic movement? Why or why not?

Complicated. Revitalization? Maybe, because in Hong's mind he was trying to resurrect China as he thought it was in the past. Nativistic? I wouldn't say so, because Hong is an ethnic minority with a Western religion. More vitalistic imo


Dutch settlers in South Africa

What were the goals of the Caste War leadership?

Either reform or full revolution works. Regardless, we want to stay away from Mexico, get land reform, stop the church's bullshit, have their promises fulfilled, etc.


Ethnic minority people of south‑central China.

In what way did the Ladino political conflicts lead to the Caste War?

Federalists vs. Centralists in 1820s. Yucatan was predominantly Federalist. In 1835, Mexico elected Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana--who campaigns as a federalist, but once in office, begins enacting centralist policy. Yucatan secedes. Eventually, a lot of little militias are formed out of Maya soldiers, who are then ordered to attack Merida.

Battle of Isandlwana

First major encounter in the Anglo-Zulu War. A major British defeat at the hands of the Zulus, 22 January 1879. All three of Chelmsford's columns were incapacitated (one killed, one scared off, one stopped in its tracks). Rifles: slow, heavy, not good for hand-to-hand combat; Zulus = more soldiers, more compelling reason to fight

East India Company

Founded in 1608; the world's first multinational company that grew to be a formidable global actor and colonizer. Controlled 100% of British trade with India, had a strong military force, and "negotiated" with princes and royals in India.

Some refer to the Mutiny as the First War of Indian Independence. Is this appropriate?

I would say it is accurate in that it was total war for a large chunk of India. However, it is important to note other, smaller rebellions and battles that occurred prior to the Mutiny: the Battle of Plassey, and the Sanyasi Rebellion.

Nana Sahib

Indian nationalist who led the massacre at Kanpur during the Indian Mutiny. He offered to "protect" troops and families during the uprising.


Indian troops who served in the British army

In what way is the Taiping Rebellion a product of 19th Century globalization in China?

It took a Western religion and turned it into a Chinese revolution. It showed a people struggling against a bad Western influence (opium). It involved multiple ethnic groups in different regions of China. None of these new interests and conflicts would have occurred if it wasn't for the West--no opium because the British wouldn't be growing it in Oudh, no Christian missionaries, etc.

One could argue that the Caste War of Yucatan was both a revolutionary movement AND a revitalization movement. How so?

It was a successful rebellion (for a moment) and a revitalization movement because it eventually led to a new religion and a "more satisfying culture". Most successful indigenous revolt in the New World. It was a fully realized revitalization movement.

How does the Taiping rebellion differ from most of the other movements we have studied this semester?

It's the bloodiest conflict ever fought, It is still into land reform, it has a strong religious bent,


Jan 1847: Maya are convinced to go sack Valladolid for Ladino landowners. When they come back, they are armed and trained in combat.

Kanpur Massacre

June 1857, Nana Sahib offers safe haven to British troops and families, but actually ended up kidnapping/murdering/starving them to death. 200 men and a whole lot of women and children face a brutal end.

The Mutiny fulfills the five criteria for successful revolutions. Why did it fail?

Lack of central leadership and coordination, rebels had limited supplies, sectarian reasons, etc.

What were three reforms the Taiping Movement promoted?

Land reform (no more landlords; only communal ownership), gender equality (no more forced marriages or foot binding), and no more taxes

How did the discontent among the elites in Oudh contribute to the Mutiny of Bengali troops?

Landed opium-growing lords in Oudh didn't want to join the EIC, but the EIC annexed Oudh anyways in 1856. No longer accepted the tradition of adopting second/third-born sons to pass along land; the state inherits your land now. Soldiers in the Bengali Native Infantry were pissed because they lost land; serfs were pissed because they lost security; the elites were pissed because they were disenfranchised.

Lt. General Baron Chelmsford

Led the first assault on the Zulus. Assumed that they were unexperienced, undermanned, and underarmed fighters; thoroughly proven wrong in 1879

What did Hong Xiuquan see as China's principal sins?

Manchu dominance, selling opium, high rent and taxes, lack of support for peasants, gender inequality, Confucianism and Buddhism


Manchu dynasty that seized control of China in mid-17th century after decline of Ming; forced submission of nomadic peoples far to the west and compelled tribute from Vietnam and Burma to the south.

Cecilio Chi

Maya/mestizo hacienda owner and co-conspirator for the Caste War of the Yucatan. Leads a fierce army. Eventually killed by JP supporters. Fighter.

Jacinto Pat

Mayor of Tihosuco and co-conspirator for the Caste War of the Yucatan. Popular Maya guy who makes treaty with the Mexican governor. Eventually killed by CC supporters. Diplomat.


One of the three columns got sent to Eshowe and got severely held up by Zulu forces. It was eventually freed by British forces.


Region of South Africa belonging to the Boers and the Zulus originally; British eventually took it.


Region of Southern Africa originally founded by Afrikaners; became a source of interest for the British following the discovery of gold and diamonds.

Cruzob Maya

Religious/ethnic group that combined Maya spirituality with Christian symbols. Followers of the Talking Cross.

The Maya lost, then won the Caste War. Explain.

See above.

Chan Santa Cruz

Separate Mayan community formed as part of a crusade for spiritual salvation and the complete cultural separation of the Mayan Indians; meaning "little holy cross."

Mangal Pandey

Sergeant who, upon refusing orders to drill with the Enfield rifles, shoots and misses a lieutenant. All but one person in his regiment refuses orders to arrest him. He is hanged, and the regiment is disbanded with no pensions--directly contributing to the revolution.

The Caste War can be considered two separate wars. How?

The first war ended with the treaty between the gov't and the Maya. However, because Chi didn't like that Pat was now the Indian governor, the fighting started up again. This time, due to a combination of needing to plant crops, aid for the Ladinos, and interarmy fighting, the Maya lost. Also the Cruzob Maya attacked TIhosuco after this

Heavenly Kingdom

The idea that all Chinese people would share China's vast wealth & no one would live in poverty. Hong Xiuquan the founder of this ideal, and based it on Christianity. God made China, but it was lead astray.

Juan de la Cruz

The voice of the Talking Cross. Said to have been St. John, but also probably voiced by the leaders of Chan Santa Cruz (like Venacio Pec, Bonifacio Novelo, or J.M Barrera). Regularly issued prophetic proclamations and commanded the group.

The Great Mutiny

This was the last armed opposition to British rule in India in 1857. Groups of trained and armed Indian military members revolted, but were eventually crushed by other troops loyal to the British.

What kind of relationship did the Taiping Kingdom have with foreign powers?

Well, originally, they wanted to work with the British in the war because they were both Christian and didn't like the Qing. The British, however, sternly declined this invitation because a) they thought their brand of Christianity was weird and sacrilegious b) they oppose opium and c) they ended up forcing another treaty onto the Qings.

1853 Enfield Rifle

When the EIC replaced the army's smoothbores with the 1853 Enfield, Sepoys in the army grew to believe that the bullets were greased with pig/cow fat in an attempt to "Christianize" them. The army's response (fine, you can grease your own bullets) only fanned the flames.


Where Rani of Jhansi makes her final stand.

Miguel Barbachano

Yucatan governor who secedes the Yucatan after a political upset on the part of Antionio Lopez de Santa Ana (ruler of Mexico). Rejoin to defend Mexico in American War. Made permanent governor by peace terms.


Zulu chief in 1879 who refused to dismiss his army and accept British rule, the British invaded the Zulu nation and lost control of their kingdom in the Battle of Ulundi in 1887. Brilliant leader and strategist; understood his enemy well.

In what way is the Zulu war different from the other uprisings we have studied?

Zulus are defending themselves from the possibility of colonization, rather than throwing off their colonial oppressors.

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