Into the Wild Study Guide

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How does the description of his "self-deceit" regarding human (sexual?) intimacy relate to McCandless?

The author confessed that he missing having sex with women relating to McCandless

What similatiries and differences do Krakauer and McCandless have?

They both had a bad relationship with there fathers. Alex was much more stubborn and McCandless was not prepared.

What are the parallels between Ruess and McCandless?

They do not have concerns about safety and they both renamed themselves

What are "contumacious Alaskans," and what do they like to do?

They like to drive in areas where they are not allowed

What was the typical response of Alaskans to Krakauer's article about McCandless?

They thought he was mentally insane

Why does Krakuer include the descriptions of the orcas and the mule deer in his tale of heading north on the salmon seiner?

This shows that he pays attention to his surroundings

Why, do you think, does Krakauer choose to include the car's successes after McCandless's abondoning of it? Is it necessary? What does it tell you about Krakuer?

This tells you that he pays attention to detail

What creation does McCandless make that chronicles his adventure?

Tooled leather belt

What was the date that Alex and Jim Gallien parted ways?

Tuesday, April 28, 1992

What was "the first of two pivotal setbacks" McCandless encounters that lead to his death?

Turning around and getting back on the bus

How does Krakauer characterize Walt McCandless?

Unauthoritative and selfish

For how long had Chris McCandless been dead when he was discovered by the four hunters?

2.5 weeks (19 days)

How old was Ruess when he vanished?


For how many days does McCandless go without talking to another person?

36 days

Who is Wayne Westerberg, and how would you describe his relationship with Chris McCandless?

A man who owns a grain elevator. They were good friends.

Facing the likelihood of death, why does Krakauer continue after he dry heaves from fear?

A plane drops off boxes of food to help him

What new name does McCandless take?

Alex Supertramp

What do you think Krakuer means when he says, "But I never had any doubt that climbing the Devils Thumb would transform my life" (134)?

I think that it means that there will always be an outcome of an adenture whether its good or bad, it will affect someone.

According to the map, what national park lay just north of McCandless as he struck out on his Alaskan adventure?

Denali National Park

What does Franz do upon hearing of McCandless's death?

Drinks whiskey

What gift did McCandless give Westerberg before the latter went to prison for celling black boxes?

Edition of Toltstoy's War and Peace

Where did McCandless go to school, and what kind of student was he?

Emory University and he was a very good student with a 3.72 GPA

What was Westerberg's impression about McCandless's future, after his Alaskan adventure?

He thought this would be his last big adventure

In the story of Chris McCunn, what painful realization does he come to about his hand signals when he sees the plane overhead?

He used the sign that everything is okay

How does Krakauer describe McCandless's feelings after graduating from college?

He wanted to leave and be alone

What concerns does Jim Gallien have regarding Alex's backpack, and how does it tie into his thoughts about outsiders' perceptions about the Alaskan bush?

His backpack was too light and he feels like Alex may be killed

Describe what Krakauer pupports to be th reason for Mccandless's death?

Ignorance was the reason for his death. He was not prepared and did not bring a map.

Waht does the description of Krakuaer's focused climbing remind you of?

It is like McCandless because he enjoys the thrill

What was McCandless's father's profession? With whom did he start up a private business?

An Aerospace Engineer and he started a private business with Chris's mother, Billie

What are "the slabs?"

An old navy place and a large flea market

What did Westerberg notice about McCandless's work ethic and ethics in general?

Animated and that he was a very hard worker

Where did McCandless grow up?

Annandale, Virginia

What vehicle's history do we learn about in chapter 2?

Bus 142

According to his father, with what literary character does Ruess identify? Why?

Captian Nemo because he goes away from civilization

How does Krakuer utilize the quotation from Chesterton that ppens Chapter 12? What examples from teh McCandless saga demonstrate the relevenace of this quotation?

Chris found out about his fathers affair and held a grudge against him. He judged his father and was angry with him which led to his rage about all injustices of the world.

Respond to how the passage from Doctor Zhivago mirrors McCandless's philosophy.

Committing themselves to something absolute

Who is Jim Gallien?

Experienced hunter and woodsmen

From seemingly each member of his family, Chris McCandless inherited, learned something; what were the attributes Chris took from his father, sister, and grandfather?

Father: intensity Sister: love for travel Grandfather: love for the wilderness

What surprising talent did McCandless reveal the night before he embarked for Alaska?

He can play the piano

How does Krakauer describe Bullhead City, Arizona that makes it seem strange to him that it "would appeal to an adherent of Thoreau and Tolstoy" like McCandless?

He describes it as oxymoron

Why would this kid lie about his name?

He doesn't want people to know his real name because he is hiding something

What kind of car does McCandless drive? Why, and where does he abandon it?

He drives an old yellow Datson. He abandoned it at the edge of a dry riverbed

Who is Ronald Franz. and his relationship to McCandless?

He drove Alex from Salton City, California to Grand Junction

By what means is it theorized that Ruess died?

He fell while climbing

What do the words "seemed charged with meaning" and to a self-possessed young man" Do to your understanding of what Krakauer is doing in this chapter (138)? What is he doing?

He is pushing himself to get out of his comfort zone by going on his own adventure

What does Krakauer point put about Chris's apparent hypocrisy regarding money?

He was good at getting money but also very good at spending it

According to ken Sleight, how did Ruess die?

He was murdered

What was the irony that krakauer points out about McCnadless's idea that he was "lost in the wild" (165)?

He was not surrounded by the wilderness like he thought.

According to Krakauer, of whom is McCandless a "Latter-Day Adherent?"

Henry David Thoreau

How might have McCandless gotten out of his predicament if he had gone north?

It would have been much easier to cross

After leaving Bullhead City, to whom and to where does McCandless go?

Jane and Bob Burrs

After a week of fruitless inquiry, the police were informed by whom about the body they had discovered?

Jim Gallien

Who was the last person to see Chris McCandless alive?

Jim Gallin

Chpater 13 ends with Billie, McCandless's mother stateing, "I just don't understand why he had to tak ethose kind of chances...I just don't understand at all" (132). Whose story does Krakuer tell in chapter 14, and, in refenerence to the quotation abouve, why?

Krakauer tells his own story because he can understand Alex's mindset

In his letter to Franz, what does McCandless ask his old friend to do? Does he?

Leave Salton City and explore the world; Yes

Strangely, where does McCandless find employment in Bullhead City?


Does climbing devils thumb change krakauer's life?

No, nobody really cared that he made it

What similarities and differences does he point out between McCandless, Rosellini, and McCunn?

Rosellini, Waterman, and McCandless were seekers and endorsed harsh nature. Waterman, McCunn, and McCandless had no common sense. Waterman was mentally ill and McCunn knew he would die.

With whose stories does KraKauer follow?

Rosellini, Waterman, and McCunn

What member of McCandless's family first knew that Chris McCandless was dead?

Sam McCandless

What is Jan Burres's belief about McCandless's possible fate in Alaska?

She believed that he would survive in Alaska and come to peace

Briefly describe Everett Russ's early life

She dropped out of college to become and photographer

What does McCandless regreatfully call "one of the greatest tragedies" of his life?

Shooting and killing a moose that he didn't get much out of the meat.

According to the autopsy, what was the cause of McCandless' death? How much did his remains weigh?

Starvation and 67 days

What is the shared impulse that Krakauer refers to when he talks of Rules', McCandless's, and the Anasazis' inscriptions?

The search for solitude

What do you think about Walt McCandless question about how Chris "could cause his parents so much pain?"

They are hurt and confused why he would go on this adventure

Where does McCandless reside at the end of chapter 4?

The streets of Las Vegas

How does Krakauer describe the human culture Oh-My-God Hot Springs?

They are carefree and do whatever they want to do

Why is the passage by Thoreau highlighted by McCandless and included by Krakuer at the beginning of chapter 6? How does it apply to McCandless's story?

Thoreau is his idol

By what means does McCandless travel into Mexico? Where does he nearly die?

To go canoe paddling. The canal came to a sudden end in a desert.

Why do you think McCandless highlighted the passages concerning chastity?

To show his morals

Is there anything to the statement that men do these adventurous, wild, risky, stupid things, but women do not? If so, what truth is there, and why? If not, provide examples.

Women have more common sense

In what highschool class did Chris receive and "F"?


Reserve judgement for now, but was Nick Jans' drunken condemnation of McCandless on target or not?


McCandless romanticizes the writer Jack London and his romanticized take on wilderness. Have you ever held someone up on a pedstal? What happens when you find out that your idealized perception of a person or thing is not true?

Yes, it is very upsetting and disappointing when that person or thing is not as great as you thought they were

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