intro to aging final

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Match the medication or medication type to its correct purpose. Each answer will either be used only once or not at all. 1. Painkiller 2. Helps to prevent blood clots 3. Used to manage schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 4. Sedatives to treat anxiety and sleep disorders 5. Used to treat dementia and Alzheimer's disease

1. Analgesics 2. Warfarin 3. Antipsychotics 4. Benzodiazepines 5. Donepezil

Match each definition with its theory. Terms listed will be used once or not at all. Each pair is worth 3 points. 1. Personality is developed by old age and remains the same throughout a person's life 2. Historical events and one's cohort influences the aging process 3. Older adults become more passive and withdraw from relationships 4. Older adults become more dependent and have fewer resources to offer 5. Older adults adapt and focus on meaningful goals

1. Continuity 2. Life course 3. Disengagement 4. Exchange 5. Selective optimization with compensation

True or False? There are age-related differences in recognition but few age-related differences in tasks of recall.


Older adults are most likely to be abused by this group:

Family members

Match each part of Title II of the OAA with the service it provides/funds: 1. Adult day care 2. Training for family caregivers 3. Health promotion 4. Meals on Wheels

1. Part B 2. Part E 3. Part D 4. Part C

1. Psychiatric problems that significantly interfere with day-to-day living. 2. Persistent lowering of mood, loss of interest in usual activities and diminished ability to experience pleasure 3. Thought disordered characterized by hallucinations, disorganized behavior, and negative affect 4. Tendency to experience difficulties with stress management and impulse control, anxiety, distress, and other negative emotions 5. The result of successful adaptation to adversity

1. Serious mental illness 2. Depression 3. Schizophrenia 4. Neuroticism 5. Resilience

Without any changes, the Social Security Trust Fund is expected to run out of money by 2033. When that happens what percentage of benefits will retirees be paid?


The racial mortality crossover effect says that racial/ethnic minorities report higher death rates than Whites until the age of _____, at which point life expectancy increases.


True or False? Presbyopia (vision loss) and Presbycusis (hearing loss) are both abnormal pathologies that develop with age.


Dr. X Static wanted to investigate the relationship between exercise and happiness in 70-year old adults. He recruited 120 subjects for his study. He randomly assigned 40 people to each of the following groups: 1) 30 minutes of exercise a week, 2) 70 minutes of exercise per week, or 3) 350 minutes of exercise per week. What is the independent variable?

Amount of exercise

________, which is a part of evolutionary senescence theory, states that genes that were beneficial early in life become harmful later in life.

Antagonistic Pleiotropy

Which of the following groups has the highest median household income in the United States?


The ______ List compiles medications that could pose a high risk for older adults.


Which US president did not attempt to cut back social support programs for older adults during their time in office?

Bill Clinton

______ are communities with a higher proportion of centenarians compared to the rest of the world.

Blue Zones

How would you define psychological aging?

Changes in sensory and perceptual processes, cognitive abilities, adaptive capacity, and personality

The view that older adults are needy and deserving of special policies to help them is known as _______.

Compassionate ageism

According to the Five Factor Model of personality, which of these traits does not decrease with age?


Which of these is generally the most expensive living arrangement for older adults?

Continuing Care Retirement Communities

A study which consists of multiple cross-sectional studies conducted at multiple time points is known as?


Which of these types of intelligence is better in older adults?

Crystallized intelligence

Which of these is not a neurological change associated with Alzheimer's disease?

Death of acetylcholine-producing neurons

True or False? Republicans spent more money on healthcare advertising in campaign ads than Democrats during the 2018 midterm elections.


True or False? The "donut hole" refers to the gap in Medicare Part D coverage of dental care and dentures.


Describe the difference between defined benefits and defined contributions. Give one pro and one con for each.

Defined benefits is where the worker is guaranteed specific retirement benefits from the employer, established at the start of their job. A pro of this is that it gives an incentive to stay at the job. A con of this is that if you are fired, you lose the pension. Defined contribution is plans that give workers flexibility and portability for retirement savings. A pro of this is that you are in control of how much you invest. A con of this is that it is dependent upon the stock market.

The Administration on Aging is housed under the

Department of Health and Human Services

Which of these best describes a Class IV deficiency according to AHCA?

Does not affect health or safety, generally administrative errors

_______ is the hypothesis that aging persons are vulnerable due to both age and race.

Double jeopardy

Which of these is a key difference between the MyPlate guidelines for older adults compared to those for young adults?

Emphasis on liquids

Which of the following is not one of the three major principles covered under the Belmont Report?

Experimenter bias

Which of the following best defines nonresponse error?

Failing to respond to specific questions in a survey

80% of in-home care is provided by formal, paid caregivers.


Epigenetics refers to changes in the genetic code caused by one's environment.


Geriatrics is the study of the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging.


Older adults typically rate their health as fair or poor.


The creation of cross-links between adjacent proteins is an aspect of the wear and tear theory of aging.


The young-old are the fasting growing segment of the U.S. population.


True or False? A divorcee can claim his/her ex-partner's social security if they had been married for 5 years.


True or False? Age and time of measurement are confounded in cross-sectional studies.


True or False? Ageism always has malicious intent behind it.


True or False? An older adult who is appointed a guardian still retains their basic rights such as deciding about medical care they would or not like to receive and voting.


True or False? Black Americans are less likely to die from coronary heart disease compared to other racial/ethnic groups.


True or False? Cognitively impaired older adults who receive bruises due to abuse are unlikely to remember how they got the bruises.


True or False? Correlational studies allow us to determine causation.


True or False? Every state has Area Agencies on Aging.


True or False? Federal laws designed to eliminate discrimination based on age in the workplace have also promoted the hiring of older adult workers.


True or False? Immigration increases the average age of the US population.


True or False? Medicaid requires that every state covers prescriptions drugs and hospice care.


True or False? Most age-related memory decline is due to problems with encoding information.


True or False? Older adults are less likely to vote than young adults.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Blue Zones?

Found in easily accessible regions

Which group describes the following definition: "adults with significant physical and or mental health problems"?

Frail older adults

The Social Security Act was enacted under what President?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which theory of aging states refers to the oxygen paradox? That is the idea that oxygen, while needed for life, also results in damage to the cells.

Free radical theory

Which of the following is not covered by standard Medigap policies?

Hearing aids and dentures

Which of the following conditions is found at a higher rate in men compared to women?

Heart disease

What is the best explanation for the change in shape of the population pyramid from 1960 to 2060?

High death rate, high birth rate

Which of these dietary habits is the most likely contributor to the Hispanic Paradox?

Increased consumption of legumes (beans)

A computer metaphor used to explain how people process stimuli is known as the _____ model.


________ is when a study (including all risks and benefits) is fully explained to participants in an understandable way before they agree to join.

Informed consent

Which best describes Medicare Part B?

It covers non-hospital medical expenses

Which best describes Medicare Part C?

It is a HMO plan which covers hospital insurance and non-hospital medical expenses

What is the one of main reasons older women do not continue to have sex in late-age?

Lack of available partners

States who participated in the "Money Follows the Person" Medicaid program reported this as an obstacle to successfully implementing the program

Lack of money

Dr. X Static wanted to investigate the relationship between exercise and happiness in 70-year old adults. He recruited 120 subjects for his study. He randomly assigned 40 people to each of the following groups: 1) 30 minutes of exercise a week, 2) 70 minutes of exercise per week, or 3) 350 minutes of exercise per week. What is the dependent variable?

Level of happiness

What is the difference between life expectancy and lifespan?

Lifespan is the actually time that someone lives and life-expectancy is the "expected" lifespan of said person based on gender or ethnicity.

Most of the money provided by the Older Americans Act goes to:

Meals and nutrition services

Communities in which clusters of people grow old together are known as


Dr. X Static is studying fluid intelligence in adults. He finds that as people get older their fluid intelligence decreases and the magnitude of this relationship is .25. How should Dr. Static describe the relationship?

Negative, weak

Compare and contrast normal vs. successful aging in Rowe & Kahn's model. What is the primary issue with this model?

Normal aging is a general bell curve while successful aging is a less of a drop off towards an older age. the primary issue of this model is that almost all ages reported positive feedback of their own age.

Which of the following describes home health care?

Nursing, rehabilitation, and other therapy services provided to the homebound and those who have difficulty performing multiple IADLS/ADLs

Which group is the least likely to report elder abuse or fraud?

Older adult victims

Which of the following is not a reason why physicians should use caution when prescribing medications to older adults?

Older adults are more likely to abuse drugs

Give three factors which might cause a person to choose in-home care and explain how those factors influence their decision.

One factor is that the culture they live in promotes their family to take care of the older adult. Aging in place might make the older adult feel comfortable in their own home. Lastly, some families cannot put older adults in other homes or care facilities because it is not financially feasible.

Which of the following pathological changes is characterized by progressive loss of the cartilage around joints?


How is the Social Security program funded?

Payroll FICA tax

Which three phases accurately describe the loss of reproductive ability for women?

Perimenopause, menopause, postmenopause

An older adult who lives by themselves and requires assistance with IADLs would likely receive services from which of the following?

Personal care aides

______ is when an older adult reduces their work hours without changing employers.

Phased retirement

Which of the following is not covered under Title IV of the OAA?

Providing transportation subsidies

The term "ikigai" means:

Reason for being

During the Industrial Revolution, older adults in America generally:

Remained in rural areas

Which of these has not been proposed as a fix to dwindling Social Security funds?

Require more companies to provide their retirees with pensions

______ memory creates an identical representation of stimuli in the environment.


Which of these myths about sex and aging is, in fact, true?

Sexual desire decreases with age

Which of the following is considered a non-pathological change that comes with age?

Shrinking bladder

Which of the following characteristics would indicate someone has delirium and not dementia?

Signs of medical illness (fever, chills, pain)

The federal agency responsible for enrolling most people in Medicare is the ________.

Social Security Administration

The Greek philosopher who believed that the body and mind aged separately was:


______ is a federal program designed to provide cash for basic needs such as food or clothing for eligible, old, disabled or blind persons.

Supplemental Security Income

How is technology changing the way the aging population navigates the world? Provide 3 examples discussed in class of how technology affects the lives of older adults.

Technology such as home security systems can provide older adults with a sense of security while aging in place. The second example, Life Alert, allows older adults access to medical care without being under constant medical supervision. The third example, is robots that act as emotional supports for older adults who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness or depression.

Name and describe two theories which attempt to explain the Hispanic Paradox.

The Salmon Bias theory proposes that latinos return to their home country to retire, or in the case of serious illness. The Convergence theory states that as nations move from low industrialization to high industrialization, the same societal patterns will occur, thus creating a global culture.

Which definition best explains the principle of justice?

The benefits and burdens of a study are distributed equally

Describe the difference between ADLs and IADLs and give two examples of each.

The difference between ADLs and IADLs is that ADLs are "Activities of Daily Living" and IADLs is "Instrumental Activities of Daily Living." ADLs are basic self-care tasks such as: eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, mobility, and grooming. IADLs are more complex sets of skills we need in order to live independently. Examples of IADLs includes: exercising, working, and driving.

True or False? "Dual eligible" individuals are poorer, sicker, and use more services than people who only qualify for Medicare.


Describe the difference between social and public policies. For each policy type, give an example that would apply to older adults in the U.S.

The difference between social and public policies is that social policies are an expression of social values while public policies are in response to the perception of discrepancies in social policies. An example of a public policies that apply to older adults is sufficiency of income. An example of social policies that apply to older adults is aging in place for economic success.

The causes for domestic abuse against OA are complex. Name and describe 2 theories for why domestic abuse occurs in detail.

The first theory, situational abuse, is stress and caregiving that is heightened by mental or cognitive impairments in the care recipient. One reason for this would be from stress being added to an already stressful situation. The second theory, social exchange theory, is the dependency on caregivers. The cause of this is that one person contributes more to the relationship and then manipulates and controls the dependent person.

Living environments are comprised of the following:

The physical living unit and the neighborhood

Which of the following is a NOT true statement regarding older adults and sexually transmitted infections?

The presentation of STIs in older adults may mimic cognitive or sensory limitations, which makes diagnosis difficult in this population.

List three ways in which older LGBT cohorts differ from younger cohorts.

The three ways in which older LGBT cohorts differ from younger ones is that 1) older cohorts fear their exposure of their homosexuality, 2) view their peers as less accepting of them, and 3) see their sexual preference as outside of their control.

Describe the two types of prospective memory. Which type sees more age-related differences?

The two types of prospective memory are event-based and time-based memory. The difference between the two is that event-based needs an action to be performed when an event happens, while a time-based memory is from performing an action after a fixed amount of time. The time-based memory has more age-related differences.

According to the person-environment fit model, individuals perform at their maximum when the level of environmental press slightly exceeds their competence.


Most nursing home administrators are supportive of attempts to change the culture of their facilities.


Social interactions can affect how our genes are expressed.


True or False? Adult Protective Services does not need to acquire a search warrant when investigating cases of elder abuse.


True or False? Any older adult is eligible for programs under Title III of the OAA, regardless of income.


True or False? Delirium is a reversible type of dementia.


True or False? Grapefruit juice can cause some common medications to rise to toxic levels in the body.


True or False? It is a crime in some states for older adults to not take proper care of themselves.


True or False? Mandatory retirement could negatively impact cognition in older adults.


True or False? Middle-aged women are more likely to emphasize looking young over health concerns.


True or False? Older adults are more likely to die by suicide compared to young adults.


True or False? Older adults should be vaccinated against shingles, even if they've already had it.


True or False? The New Deal 50 is a government program designed to increase the number of older adults in the workforce.


True or False? The majority of care provided to older adults living in the community comes from their family.


True or False? There are advantages and disadvantages associated with the age you collect social security. For instance, if you draw at age 62 there will be a reduced payout compared to drawing at age 70 when your payout will be higher.


True or False? Viagra is to erectile dysfunction for men as Filbanserin is to desire for women.


Compare and contrast two of the biological theories of aging. Please write the names of the theories and one similarity and one difference between them.

Two of the biological theories of aging are the wear and tear theory of aging as well as the free radical theory. The similarity between the two is that they both have to do with loss in function, but wear and tear theory is due to a lack of nutrients and the environment, whereas the free radical theory is completely physiological.

_____ is sexual dysfunction following a long period of abstinence due to a spouse's illness and/or death.

Widow(er)'s syndrome

Osteocalcin - a hormone which may have positive effects on aging - is primarily released by what exercise?


Dr. X Static wanted to investigate the relationship between exercise and happiness in 70-year old adults. He recruited 120 subjects for his study. He randomly assigned 40 people to each of the following groups: 1) 30 minutes of exercise a week, 2) 70 minutes of exercise per week, or 3) 350 minutes of exercise per week. This study used a(n) ____ design to examine the relationship between exercise and happiness.


Technology that is created specifically for older adults is known as ______.


_______ are facilities that focus on deinstitutionalizing long-term care by converting large nursing facilities into communities of 8 to 10 residents.

green houses

The theoretical point at which cell division slows down before completely ending cell division is the ____________.

hayflick limit

_______ is the freedom to respond to and express human closeness.


_____ is the distance a person travels to complete activities over a specified time.


The most common type of elder abuse is ______.


When people in a population have unequal chances of being selected in a study, this is known as a ______ sample.


Older adults report misuse or abuse of ______ more than any other type of prescription drug.


________ is individual differences between people in their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.


Giving a patient new medication to alleviate the symptoms caused by existing medication is known as a ____________.


How stable measures are over time is called _____.


A tendency for people to drop out of a study is know as ______.

selective attrition

Successful aging is the absence of chronic disease and risk factors for disease according to the _____ theory of aging.


_____ refers to a model for creating environments (homes, parks, cars, workstations) that are able to accommodate people of all ages and abilities.

universal design

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