Intro to CSE F 21

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P. J. Denning

"Computer science meets every criterion for being a science, but it has a self-inflicted credibility problem". -- ??

Computer Science

"___ is the study of principles, applications, and technologies of computing and computers." -- from MSU

Computer science

"___ is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers." -- Wiki


-Call Center -Mobile Devices -VoIP (Voice Over IP)-voice communications over the Internet The above are jobs that cs students can have in the ___ industry.


-Film reproduction -Animation -Computer Enhanced Graphics -Art-based Games The above are jobs that cs students can have in the ___ industry.

Information Technology Services

-In this major you will... -Learn a variety of contemporary computer applications (including word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, desktop publishing, and instructional design software) -Apply end-user support skills in various settings -Acquire and apply project management and communication skills -Acquire skills in programming, computer repair and maintenance, and data networks -Acquire a broad understanding of business through completion of a wide variety of business courses


-Model Forecasting -Process Improvements -Information Technology (IT) -Business Infrastructure (Network/Communications) -Help Desk/Application Support The above are jobs that cs students can have in the ___ industry.


-Network Intrusion/Denial of Service/Malicious Attacks -Biometrics (face recognition/iris scans/fingerprint) -Forensics The above are jobs that cs students can have in the ___ industry.

Health Research

-Software for assessing and coping with Mental Impairment -Vascular Modeling for blood flow -4D Heart modeling The above are jobs that cs students can have in the ___ industry.

Business Information Systems

-This major is designed to prepare students specifically for careers in the application of computers in business

Software Engineering

-You will learn about designing and building software in teams which includes working with people (communication, management, working with non-technical customers), processes for developing software, and how to measure and analyze the software product and the software process. -You will take many of the same courses as you would in computer science, but you will take additional courses that teach you about topics like requirements engineering, software architecture, software testing, and software deployment.

Computer Science

-You will learn details about how computers and networks work, but with an emphasis on how software and programming languages work. -You will also learn about the theory behind how and why computers and software work

Computer Engineering

-You will learn how to design systems that include both computer hardware and software. -design computers and the basic software that runs them, including both personal computers and the "embedded" computer systems that run cars, aircraft, videogames, etc.


A ___ is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming.

what computational processes can be efficiently automated and implemented?

According to Boston U, what is the fundamental question underlying all of computing?

problem solving

At High level: CS is a science of ___

Anxiety, Depression, Stress, ( full list: Anxiety Depression Stress Family Academic performance Relationship problem Difficulty adjusting Trauma Grief/loss Alcohol or other drug issues Self-esteem Social isolation Sleep problems )

Common Issues that students come to counseling services for are? (name 3)

-Model and analyze problems -Design solutions -Verify the correctness of their approach

Computer Scientists should be adapt to:

how find out

Computer science is not about just the tools we use to carry out computation. It's about ___ we use such tools, and what we ___ when we use it.

Kim Kavalsky, MS LPC-S

Coordinator of Mental Health Outreach

Abacus, comptometer, slide rule.

Examples of calculating devices:

37 46

First generation of computers ranged from 19xx-19xx?

three (First generation 1937-1946. Second generation 1947-1962. Third generation 1963- present.)

Generally, computers can be classified into ___ generations (looking at the advancement in the technology used to build them):

Conner Beth Fudge

Graduate Assistant Mental Health Prevention

nothing (free!)

How much does counseling at MSU cost?


IBM introduced its first personal computer called the ___ in 1981. The computer was code named and still sometimes referred to as the ___ and had a 8088 processor, 16 KB of memory, which was expandable to 256 KB and utilizing ___.

Altair 8800

In 1975 Ed Roberts coined the term personal computer when he introduced the ___, which was sold by mail order.


Just read the following out loud, then enter "ok" to continue. Computer Science is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded in bits and bytes in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. The fundamental question underlying all of computing is: what computational processes can be efficiently automated and implemented? --from BostonU

Hathorn Hallon Magruder Street

MSU Student Counciling services is located on...

fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness ( full list: Ways Stress Can Manifest• Headaches• Sleep problems• Stomach issues• Tightness in chest• Feeling tired• Back/neck pain• Clenched jaw• Irritability or anger• Excessive worry• Difficulty concentrating• Poor judgment• Unhappiness for no reason • Isolating from others• Forgetfulness )

Name 3 ways stress can Manifest in your body

Mathematics, engineering, and science.

Observe the image. According to the graph, what three major areas are included in computer science?

Layered Trauma and Stress

Pandemic, Racial Injustice, Political Unrest, Major Life Changes can all lead to...

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological -----> Safety -----> Belonging and love -----> Self esteem -----> Self actualization

-Precision -Careful reasoning -Creativity

Problem solving requires:

47 62

Second generation of computers ranged from 19xx-19xx?

Workshops, Group Therapy, Individual Therapy ( full list: Workshops• Group Therapy• Individual Therapy• Couple Therapy• Crisis Intervention• Assessment and Referral• Consultation )

Services Provided by student counseling services:

Konrad Zuse

The Z1 was created by Germany's ___ in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938

IBM 5100 55 pounds 64KB

The ___ is the first portable computer, which was released on September 1975. The computer weighed ___ and had a 5-inch CRT display, tape drive, 1.9MHz processor, and ___ of RAM.


The ___ was created by Germany's Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938. It contained almost all parts of a modern computer, i.e. control unit, memory, and input-output devices.

before the invention of actual computers.

The discovery of computers are linked to the calculating devices that were existing and used...

Osborne I 24 pounds 64 KB

The first truly portable computer is considered to be the ___, which was released on April 1981. The Osborne I was developed by Adam Osborne and weighed ___, had a 5-inch display, ___ of memory, two 5 1/4" floppy drives, and a modem.

calculating devices

There no exact date of the invention of computers if we consider ___ to be computers.

63 present

Third generation of computers ranged from 19xx-?

fundamental laws of nature

What Is Computer Science Science? "Science" deals with the...

computational science, systems, engineering, and design.

What Is Computer Science Science? CS accumulates a set of principles that extended beyond its original mathematical foundations to include...?

information processes the world

What Is Computer Science Science? CS is a science of ___ (natural and artificial) and their interactions with ___.

-experimental algorithms, -experimental computer science, and -computational science.

What Is Computer Science Science? Some of our CS activities are primarily science, such as:

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) and ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

What primarily defined the first generation of computers?

The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC 1) International Business Machine (IBM) 650 and 700 series computers

What primarily defined the second generation of computers?

Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-Dos) w IBM personal computer (PC) Macintosh computers (Apple's) Windows OS

What primarily defined the third generation of computers?

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

What was considered to be the real first electronic digital computer?

-Start your own company

What's an Entrepreneurial thing you could do with your cs degree?

Albert Einstein

Who said the following? "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."


You can control stress with the ___ Breathing technique

Computer Science

is the study of principles, applications, and technologies of computing and computers.

Computer Science

is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers.

write the link to counseling at MSU

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