Intro to Ethics - Normative Ethical Theories

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What is the difference between an ethical egoist and an egoist?

Ethical Egoist: someone who believes that pursuing one's own self-interest is morally right Egoist: someone who is excessively self-interested and lacks concern for others

What are the 3 main areas of Ethics?

1.) Applied Ethics 2.) Meta-Ethics 3.) Ethical Theories

Identify 3 problems with ethical egoism.

1.) violates core moral beliefs 2.) cannot allow for existence of moral rights 3.) makes self-interest all-important

What is the difference between act and virtue?

Act: a specific action that a person performs in a given situation; it is the outward expression of a person's intentions, desires, and motivations; can be morally evaluated as right or wrong based on the consequences it produces and the intention behind it. Virtue: a disposition or habit of character that leads a person to act in accordance with reason and moral excellence; virtue is not a specific action, but rather a state of character that guides a person's actions and motivations.

What is the difference between acting from virtue and acting (merely) in accordance with virtue?

Acting from virtue: a person performs a morally right action because they have cultivated the corresponding virtue, and the virtuous action comes naturally to them; the virtuous action is not performed out of obligation or duty, but rather as a result of the person's virtuous disposition or habit of character. Acting merely in accordance with virtue: a person performs a morally right action, but not necessarily because of their virtuous character; they may perform the virtuous action out of a sense of duty or obligation, or because they are following social norms, rather than from their own virtuous disposition.

What is altruism? How does it relate to ethical egoism?

Altruism: the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others; it is the opposite of egoism, which is the belief in or practice of pursuing one's own self-interest. Altruism and ethical egoism are fundamentally opposed to each other. While ethical egoism asserts that individuals should always act in their own self-interest, regardless of the impact on others, altruism emphasizes the importance of caring for others and working for the greater good, even at personal cost.

How does Classical Ethics differ from Modern Ethics?

Classical Ethics: refers to the ethical theories and ideas developed in ancient Greece and Rome; places a strong emphasis on virtue and character, with the goal of cultivating moral excellence in individuals. Modern Ethics: refers to the ethical theories and ideas that have emerged since the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries; focus more on rules and principles that guide ethical decision-making.

What is the difference between "descriptive" and "normative"?

Descriptive Ethics: analyses what people think is right or wrong Normative Ethics: analyses how people ought to act

What is the difference between intrinsic goods and instrumental goods? Give an example of each.

Intrinsic Goods: things that are considered good in and of themselves, regardless of any other benefit they may provide; an example is happiness. Instrumental Goods: things that are good only because they help us achieve some other goal or end; an example is money.

Examples of virtues and their vices (both excess and deficiency)

Magnanimity (generosity): The vice of excess associated with magnanimity is arrogance, where a person has an excessive opinion of themselves and their abilities. The vice of deficiency associated with magnanimity is small-mindedness, where a person fails to recognize their own worth and potential. Courage: The vice of excess associated with courage is recklessness, where a person acts without regard for their safety or the safety of others. The vice of deficiency associated with courage is cowardice, where a person is unable to act in the face of danger. Temperance (self-control): The vice of excess associated with temperance is overindulgence, where a person indulges in pleasures excessively and without moderation. The vice of deficiency associated with temperance is insensibility, where a person denies themselves pleasures altogether or to an excessive degree. Honesty: The vice of excess associated with honesty is bluntness, where a person speaks the truth without any regard for the feelings of others. The vice of deficiency associated with honesty is deception, where a person tells lies or withholds the truth in order to gain an advantage. Friendliness: The vice of excess associated with friendliness is flattery, where a person insincerely praises others in order to gain their favor. The vice of deficiency associated with friendliness is hostility, where a person is unfriendly or aggressive towards others without any just cause.

What is the difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism?

Psychological Egoism: a descriptive theory about human motivation; it claims that humans are naturally and inevitably selfish, and that all human actions are ultimately motivated by self-interest; according to this theory, even seemingly selfless actions are ultimately motivated by a desire for personal gain, such as the satisfaction of helping others, the avoidance of guilt, or the desire for social approval. Ethical Egoism: A Normative Theory about what individuals ought to do; it holds that individuals should always act in their own self-interest and that doing so is morally right; according to ethical egoism, individuals have no moral obligation to act in the interest of others unless it promotes their own self-interest.

What are some attractions of utilitarianism?

Secularity: utilitarianism does not rely on religious or supernatural justifications for moral judgements, making it appealing to those who prioritize secular reasoning. Scientific: utilitarianism's focus on measuring and maximizing the overall well-being of individuals and society has led some to view it as a scientific approach to ethics. Simplicity: the basic principle of maximizing overall happiness or pleasure and minimizing overall pain or suffering is simple and straightforward, making it easy to understand and apply in many situations.

Understand the difference between selfishness, selflessness, and unselfishness.

Selfishness: tendency to prioritize one's own needs and desires above those of others, often at the expense of others Selflessness: tendency where individuals prioritize the needs and desires of others over their own Unselfishness: refers to the act of setting aside one's own interests or desires in favor of the interests or desires of others.

What kind of happiness should one pursue according to hedonism: physical pleasure or attitudinal pleasure (mental enjoyment)?

attitudinal pleasure (mental enjoyment)

What are Aristotle's categories for moral action and how are they viewed?

Virtue: viewed as the ultimate goal and the highest form of moral action. Continence & Incontinence: viewed as intermediate states between virtue and vice. Vice: viewed as the opposite of virtue and is considered a moral failure.

What kind of life most reliably leads to eudaimonia, according to Aristotle?

a life of virtue.

Why study Ethics, according to Aristotle?

according to Aristotle, the study of ethics is important because it provides us with guidance on how to live a good life and achieve eudaimonia, or human flourishing.

According to Aristotle, can we be virtuous by accident? Can we be born with virtues already in place?

according to aristotle, virtues are not innate qualities that we are born with, nor can they be acquired by accident. Rather, virtues are acquired through practice and habituation over time.

What is the only intrinsic good, according to hedonism? Only intrinsic bad?

according to hedonism, the only intrinsic good is pleasure. The only intrinsic bad is pain.

Which of the following is not an objection to utilitarianism: a) too demanding, b) violates moral intuitions, c) consequences matter, or d) can't know future consequences?

c.) consequences matter

What are some pros of ethical egoism? Is there anything good about it?

encourages personal responsibility, promotes self-care and self-improvement, can lead to innovation and progress.

What is the ultimate telos for human beings, according to Aristotle?

eudaimonia, which is often translated as "happiness" or "flourishing." It refers to a state of well-being and fulfillment that results from living a virtuous life and achieving one's potential as a human being.

Ethical Egoism is a moral objectivist theory. (T/F)


Ethical egoism claims that the only thing anyone is capable of pursuing is his own self-interest. (T/F)


Hendoism is a moral objectivist theory. (T/F)


The two fundamental kinds of pleasure are physical pleasure and sensual pleasure. (T/F)


Utilitarianism is about doing the greatest good for yourself and doing things that only benefit you. (T/F)


Utilitarianism is the moral theory that an action is morally right if and only if it produces at least as much good for all people affected by the action. (T/F)


When, if ever, should an ethical egoist help a friend?

from an ethical egoist perspective, helping a friend may be permissible if it ultimately serves the ethical egoist's own self-interest.

Is hedonism committed to the selfishness that ethical egoism is? For instance, are we allowed to consider the happiness of others as well?

heonism is not necessarily committed to the selfishness that ethical egoism proposes. Hendonism is focused on the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain, regardless of whether it is experienced by oneself or others. Hedonists can consider the happiness of others as well as their own happiness.

What is Ethical Egoism?

it claims that I ought to perform some action if and only if, and because, performing that action maximizes my self-interset.

What is the Doctrine of the Golden Mean?

it's a central concept in Aristotle's ethical theory. It proposes that virtues lie at the midpoint between two vices of excess and deficiency. The mean, or midpoint, is not a fixed point but varies depending on the circumstances and context.

In the Room 306 thought experiment, which option would the utilitarian choose: kill the one man to save five lives? Or let five people die after not killing the one man?

kill the one healthy man in order to save the five people who each need an organ transplant.

Does sacrificing your own self-interest align with ethical egoism?


What is the point of Nozick's experience machine objection against hedonism?

nozick's experience machine objection against hedonism aims to challenge the idea that pleasure or happiness is the only thing that matters in life. Nozick argues that if pleasure or happiness were the only things that mattered, then people should prefer to plug into the experience machine and never leave. However, most people would not choose to do so, even if they were guaranteed an experience of maximum pleasure or happiness. This suggests that people value things other than pleasure and happiness, such as authenticity, autonomy, and meaningful relationships, which are not attainable in the experience machine. Therefore, hedonism is limited in its ability to capture the complexity of human values and motivations.

Name an attraction of the view of hedonism.

one attraction of hedonism is its emphasis on the importance of pleasure and happiness in human life. This can be appealing to those who believe that maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain is the key to a good life.

How does hedonism explain the Masochistic person?

one possible explanation is that the masochistic person is not actually enjoying the pain itself, but rather the overall experience or psychological state that results from the pain.

In the Trolley Problem thought experiment, which option would the utilitarian choose: do nothing and let five people die? Or pull the lever and kill only one person?

pull the lever and kill only one person, but saving five people.

In the Fat Man thought experiment, which option would the utilitarian choose: do nothing and let five people die? Or push the fat man and kill only one person?

push the fat man off the bridge, killing only one person, but stopping the trolley from killing five people.

What is the point of the Lobotomy objection against hendonism?

the lobotomy objection is often raised against hedonism as a way to challenge its view that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. The objection argues that if hedonism were true, then the lobotomized person's life would be the best possible life since they would experience a constant state of pleasure, despite the fact that they would lack the ability to do or experience anything else. However, most people would not consider such a life to be the best possible life, which raises questions about the hedonistic view that pleasure alone is the ultimate good.

What is the special function of human beings, according to Aristotle? Why is this important?

the special function of human beings is to reason. This special function is important because it provides a unique purpose and goal for human life. By using our rational faculties, we are able to understand and pursue what is truly good for us as human beings, rather than simply acting on instinct or impulse like other animals. Reason also allows us to form social bonds and relationships with others, which is a crucial aspect of human life and flourishing.

What is the ultimate moral duty on ethical egoism?

the ultimate moral duty is to act in one's own self-interest. This means that individuals should pursue their own happiness, well-being, and personal goals above all else, and that is morally right to do so.

According to hedonism, happiness alone is sufficient for the good life. (T/F)


Consequentialism is the view that only consequences matter when determining the moral goodness or badness of an action. (T/F)


Ethical egoism may permit us to harm others as long as it is within our own self-interest. (T/F)


Instrumental goods are good for the sake of something else.


Intrinsic goods are good for their own sake. (T/F)


Utilitarianism holds that for an action to be morally good, it must have the result that brings about the greatest good for the greatest number of people. (T/F)


Utilitarianism is a moral objectivist theory (T/F)


What is morally good in virtue ethics?

what contributes to your human flourishing (eudaimonia).

Would a person who has a habit of lying find it difficult to tell the truth?


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