Intro to Medical Assisting

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CSMA State level of the AAMA and part of the tri level (CAAHEP > AAMA > CSMA) vs. CMAA California Medical Assistant Association - California only.

Training: Certificate vs. Diploma?

Formal training at accredited institution preferred. Even when graduating with diploma, have to petition for certificate. Shows invested in education. Continuing education in MA career - necessary to keep up with medical advances and to ensure correct pt education.

Accreditation - What is it; why is it important?

A process in which an education institution or program establishes credibility or legitimacy by complying with predetermined standards. Its important to meet or exceed established thresholds in areas such as certification examination pass rates, student graduation rates, and positive placement percentages.


AAMA American Association of Medical Assistants is singularly focused on MA's only, offers certification testing for medical assisting graduates that meet specific prerequisites. Upon successfully passing exam, CMAs (Certified Medical Assistants) need to recertify every 5 years or complete 60 CEUs (continuing education units = 10 admin, 10 clinical, 10 general plus 30 from any combination). CMAs are the "Gold Standard" of Medical Assistants. AMT American Medical Technologists - also certifies several allied health fields. RMAs (Registered Medical Assistant) have successfully completed an accredited program and passed the national certification exam. The AMT also offers a certification specializing in front-office procedures CMAS (Certified Medical Administrative Specialist. They must recertify every 3 years by obtaining the required number of CEUs.

Administrative vs. Clinical - Typical duties; skills:

Admin: Billing, Insurance/Referrals, Secretary, Coding, Scheduler, Accounting, Office Manager Clinical: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Peds, Surgery Clinic, Specialty Clinic

CRC program - Skills learned:

Admin: Keyboarding & computer familiarization, computer applications software, written correspondence, CPT and ICD-9 coding, Bookkeeping, Supply inventory, Payroll, withholdings, Telephone techniques, Filing and medical records, Scheduling appts, Policy/procedure manual, HIPAA regs, Insurance requirements and forms, Prior auths and referrals. Clinical: Aseptic practices, Universal & transmission-based precautions, Sterile set-up & sterile gloves, Suture removal, Dressing changes/bandaging/splinting, Injections (IM delt & glut, SQ, ID), Ear/eye irrigation/instillation, Exam and minor surgery tray set-ups, Instrument ID/Sterilization/Wrapping/Autoclaving, Vital signs (T/P/R/BP), adult and peds, Height/weight; pediatrics ht/wt/FOC and growth chart plotting, Patient positioning and preparations for procedures, ECG, Patient history/charting, First aid, CPR, Spirometry, Stimulated venipuncture, CLIA-waived lab testing.

Attributes examples; how they are displayed on the job

By greeting a pt warmly and respectfully - using manners. Be professional and well groomed. Don't keep them waiting overly long. If delayed ask if they'd like to run out and come back a little later. Observe when walking to the room any misstep or uneven gait. Use active listening and don't interrupt. Ask questions. Be a team player, help out if rest of team is sinking and I have some time.


CAAHEP Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program is a national accrediting organization to make sure accredited programs meet or exceed established thresholds. The AAMA is accredited by CAAHEP vs. ABHES Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. The AMT is accredited by ABHES.

Personal Characteristics

Caring, Empathetic, Respectful, Willing to Learn, Flexible, Has Initiative, Team-oriented, Ability to tech, Critical Thinker, Integrity, Good listener, non-judgmental, active communication skills, not too emotional (professional), ability to separate life from work, strentth/stamina and manual dexterity, good at grammar, spelling and pronunciation, good computer skills (type by touch).

Education - Standards & Guidelines: What are they? Why do they exist?

Designed by AAMA and CAAHEP, implemented by accredited programs. Used to ensure high quality of instruction. Standards = required Guidelines = suggestions and examples

Health; Grooming; Dress examples; why they are important

Good health, good grooming and suitable dress - Health (energy, clean, fit, posture, odor, sleep, exercise, proper diet) *Grooming (clean, odor, hair, nails, teeth, jewelry, makeup, bathe) *Dress (scrubs, clean, well-fitting, clean, shoes with socks) No perfumed soap or laundry soap, no artificial nails or piercings (open wound) OSHA and JACO violations. Important as it's the first impression. Important for pt to trust and listen to you.

Compensation - Types

Health Insurance, Profit Sharing, Retirement, Pre-tax Accounts (DepCare, Medical Savings), Uniform Allowance, Continuing Education

Continuing Education? Why? How?

Medical Advancements, Able to ensure correct pt education CEUs - workshops, seminars, online courses CMAs (Certified Medical Assistants) need to recertify every 5 years or complete 60 CEUs (continuing education units = 10 admin, 10 clinical, 10 general plus 30 from any combination). CMAs are the "Gold Standard" of Medical Assistants.

Career Ladder/Opportunities

Nursing, Physician's Assistant - Clinical Office Manager - Admin

On the job vs. Accredited Program?

On-the-job training available, but decreasing.

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