Intro to modern cosmos 3.3A-3.3C
In the very distant future, given our best model of the accelerating universe, what will the universe look like?
all the stars will die and the galaxies will be dark
In our modern view of the expansion of the universe, we understand that it is space that is stretching; individual galaxies don't speed away from each other as if they were rockets. In that case, why do galaxies show a red-shift?
as space stretches, the waves of radiation in space also stretch and their wavelength increases
In a distant galaxy, whose light is just arriving from 10 billion light years away, our spectroscope should reveal that the most common element is
According to Hubble's Law, if two galaxies are not part of our Local Group, and galaxy B is three times farther away from us as Galaxy A, then Galaxy B will
move awav from us three times faster than A
Edwin Hubble was able to show that (with the exception of our nearest neighbors) the farther a galaxy is from us, the
the faster it is movina away from us
The model of the universe that involves an enormous increase of scale during a very short time in the early universe is called
the inflationary universe model
The reason type la supernovae are useful to astronomers for determining distances to other galaxies is that
they are very bright, and generally reach the same peak luminosity
The cosmic microwave background radiation arques in favor of the Big Bang model.
Which of the following objects is considered useful to astronomers as a 'standard bulb" for determining distances?
type la supernovae