Intro to Pathology Week 1

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Dr. Rudolf Virchow

"Father" of cellular pathology and is responsible for the Doctrine of Cellular Pathology.

Disease is:

1. A disturbance in the structure or function or both of the cells, tissues or organs. 2. The abnormal performance of certain physiologic functions. 3. A dynamic series of changes that may end in: recovery; permanent injury or even death.


A disease caused by treatment by a physician is called?


A disease with no known cause is called?


A disease without any recognizable lesions is called?


A group of symptoms or signs which usually appear together to indicate the presence of a particular disease. Examples: AIDS, Down's syndrome


A hypersensitive reaction to a common, harmless antigen, most of which are environmental. This is an acquired immune response.

Trauma - mechanical injury

A physical injury or wound caused by external force of violence; it may be self inflicted. Examples: MVA, gun shot wounds.

Organic Disease

A readily identifiable characteristic lesion associated with it such as swollen glands, ulcerations during syphilis; inflammation of the mucous membranes of strep throat.

A lesion

A recognizable change in the anatomy of a tissue is defined as:

Remission or abatement

A temporary cessation (stopping) of the manifestations.


A temporary stopping of a disease's manifestations is called?

age race nutritional status, sex, occupation, environment, emotional, economic status, genetics

All predisposing conditions


An example of a deficiency disease is


An increase in the severity of the signs and symptoms of a disease.

Exciting cause

Another term for immediate cause

Febrile Disease

Any disease characterized by fever


Any recognizable change in anatomy or structure of the tissues that can be caused by disease. It is a pathologic change in an organ or tissue. (ex. Rash in chicken pox and bumps in mumps)


Autopsy is also referred to as ________ or postmortem examination.

Occupational disease

Black lung disease is an example of a/an

Deficiency Disease

Brought about due to the absence or lack of an essential vitamin or mineral. Examples: rickets(lack of Vit.D) or goiter(deficiency in iodine)


Certain age groups are more susceptible to getting or acquiring certain diseases. Very young infants enjoy immunity to disease that is common in older children because of the transfer of immune bodies from the mother to the infant across the placenta. These antibodies disappear from the body about the age of 6 months.

Why is Autopsy important?

Confirms or alters the clinical diagnosis and treatment Advances medical knowledge and research Assists in medico-legal cases to determine the identification of the deceased and the cause and manner of death.

Pandemic disease

Disease occurring throughout the world.

Which actually causes the problem

Exciting cause = immediate cause = ______________

Acute Disease

Has a rapid onset and short duration. Example: acute tuberculosis, pneumonia

Chronic Disease

Has a slower onset and a long duration. Example: arthritis


Has an important bearing on the likelihood of getting a specific disease. A great example is the coal miner. They are constantly exposed to high levels of coal dust, therefore are more likely to develop black lung disease or anthracosis, than someone in the general population.

Physical agents

Heat / High temperature - may produce local or general damage. Local damage may take the form of burns, while generalized damage may lead to heat stroke. Low temperature - may cause frostbite Electricity - lightening or even household appliances. X-Rays - too many of these may lead to cancer

Nutritional status

Inadequate nutrition can lead to weight loss and increased susceptibility to disease. Overeating leads to obesity; fat that accumulates in the body may throw an extra burden on the circulatory system.

Fulminating Disease

Latin root meaning lighting flash. In regards to a disease or condition, it refers to rapid, sudden and severe. It is often fatal.

Deficiency of essential substances

Many diseases are the results of the body's lack of some essential dietary item, such as a vitamin or mineral necessary for normal body function. A good example would be rickets, which results from a lack of vitamin D. Without this vitamin, the body cannot properly absorb calcium from the digestive tract. Calcium is needed for proper bone formation. The lack of calcium can lead to soft and deformed bones.

Sex (Gender)

Men and women differ anatomically, physiologically, and emotionally. Excluding disease associated with the reproductive systems, many diseases are less common in women than in men resulting in a longer life span. Hemophilia, an inherited bleeding disorder, is confined mostly to men.

Mortality rate

Number of deaths per unit of population.


Objective complaints observed in a patient are called

Occupational Disease

Occurs as a result of unfavorable work conditions.

Idiopathic Disease

One of unknown origin. Examples: cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis

Hereditary Disease

One pertaining to a characteristic, condition or disease transmitted from parent to offspring. It is associated with a genetic disorder or chromosomal defect. ( caused by a gene defect)

Intoxication / Intoxicating Disease

One that is brought about by the excess intake of any substance that can cause a state of poisoning. You are basically "poisoned" by a drug or toxic substance

infectious disease

One that is capable of causing an infection. A disease caused by the invasion of the body by a pathogenic microorganism.

Contagious Disease

One that is easily transmitted from person to person either directly or indirectly.

latrogenic disease

One which results from a physician's treatment of a patient; any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician or surgeon


One's living condition can definitely predispose a person to various diseases. Dark, overcrowded, damp, and poorly ventilated conditions can predispose to acquiring diseases that would not have affected them if their living conditions had been improved.

Violent and unnatural

Pathology studies ________ and _______ deaths for legal purposes including criminal investigations.


Refers to any unfavorable condition which occurs during the course of a disease.


Refers to the number of new and old cases of a disease during a particular period.


Refers to the presence of macroscopic organisms in or on the body, such as animal parasites.


Subjective complaints experienced by the patient. They are not directly measurable. Examples: pain, dizziness, itching.


Subjective complaints reported by a patient are called?


The determination of the nature and cause of a disease. The identification of a disease or condition by scientific evaluation of signs and symptoms, history, lab results and procedures.


The development of a disease is called?


The postmortem examination of the organs and tissues of the body to determine the cause or death or pathological condition.


The predicted outcome of a disease.

Doctrine of Cellular Pathology

The structural changes of disease may be found in the cells of a sick organ. In other words, if a tissue or organ is infected or sick, then the cells of the tissue will also be infected and sick

Clinical pathology

The study of excretions, secretions, and various other body fluids for the purpose of diagnosing a disease. Basically, it is the laboratory diagnosis of disease. Think of blood tests; urine analysis; pap smears; serology / immunopathology (the examination of body proteins)

Pathological Anatomy

The study of structural changes in the body brought about as a result of disease.

General Pathology

The study of the *general* processes of disease such as inflammation, necrosis, and cell death. It deals with the body as a whole without reference to any particular organ or system.

Surgical Pathology

The study of tissues that have been removed surgically. This is done on a living tissue. Think biopsy.


There is a difference in racial ability to live in different surroundings. Some races live with ease in arctic regions, other thrive equally well in torrid climates, but the majority live best in the temperate zones. Blacks are very susceptible to tuberculosis and Sickle Cell Anemia, but are very resistant to malaria and yellow fever. Jewish people are said to be resistant to tuberculosis but susceptible to Tay Sac's Disease ( an enzyme deficiency causing abnormal lipid metabolism in the brain resulting in retardation)


These are foreign particles such as dust or pollen which are responsible for reactions occurring within the body of a person who is sensitive to these allergens. An allergen which causes a reaction in one person may have no reaction in another. When a person has an abnormal reaction, they are said to be allergic to that substance. So, an allergy can be described as a state of hypersensitivity to a foreign protein.


These are objective, measurable manifestations of a disease. These can be measured or detected. Examples: fever, blood pressure, abnormal pulse.

Economic Status

This could be considered a general category that involves some of the previously mentioned categories. Examples: economic status may lead to more stress, residence in a poorer environment and employment in occupations that are traditionally more dangerous

Epidemic disease

This disease attacks a large number of persons in a community at the same time. One whose incidence is beyond that expected for a given population.

Infectious agents

This includes various microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites which are responsible for hundred of infectious disease affecting the body

Sporadic disease

This occurs in neither an endemic or epidemic form (here and there with no known connection); occurring occasionally in a random or isolated manner.

Endemic disease

This type of disease is more or less continuously present in a community (never ending). A disease or agent that is usually prevalent in a population or geographical area at all times. The expected or "normal" incidence of a condition in a certain geographical area or population.

Chemical agents

Those compounds that produce some type of cellular swellling: Strong acids or bases Drugs Poisons Gases (CO)

Predisposing conditions

Those conditions or factors that make the body more susceptible to the development of the disease.


Those conditions that actually cause a disease are called?

Excitatory or immediate causes of disease

Those conditions that actually cause the disease; make you sick. They are pretty much self explanatory

anthracosis (black lung disease) & Silicosis

Two examples of Occupational disease

Gross Pathology & Microscopic Pathology / Histopathology

Two sub divisions of pathological anatomy

Immediate cause

What actually causes the disease to occur is referred to as the .........

All of the above

What is a disease? 1. A disturbance in the structure of cells or organs 2. A disturbance in the function of cells or organs 3. An abnormality in physiological function 4. A series of changes that might lead to either recovery or death 5. All of the above


What is the name for the branch of pathology that deals with homicides?


What kind of disease is seen in large number of people in a community at the same time?

Mortality rate

What term describes the number of deaths from a disease is a unit of the population.


What's the name for a disease which is short in duration and has a sudden onset?


What's the term for a disease that is continuously present in a community?


What's the term for the actual, immediate cause of a disease?


When fertilization of the ovum occurs, a certain amount of genetic material is passed from both the father and mother of the new child. If one or more of the genes this child inherits is defective, the characteristic controlled by that gene is likely to be flawed. Although heredity is often immediate factor in disease, one's genetic make up may also be a predisposing factor in certain diseases.

Clinical pathology

Which branch of pathology is concerned with studying body secretions?


Which is an example of a chronic disease?


Which is an example of a disease symptom?

All of the above

Which of the following can be pre-disposing conditions of a disease? 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Race 4. Occupation 5. All of the above

Age, Race and Gender

Which of these - heat, race, gender, age, virus - could be pre-disposing causes of a disease?

All of the above

Which of these statements about an autopsy is correct? 1. It can help advance our medical knowledge 2. It's also known as necropsy 3. It can help confirm a medical diagnosis 4. It can help confirm the cause of death 5. All of the above


Which type of disease exists at birth from a developmental error:

Emotion and Stress

Working and living under highly stressful or emotional conditions can weaken a persons immune system thereby lowering one's resistance to disease.

Medico-legal or forensic pathology

branch of pathology that deals with studies for legal purposes. It encompasses autopsies (necropsies, post mortem examination) the removal of specimens from the dead.


cause of disease

anthracosis (black lung disease)

caused by coal dust in the lungs


caused by the inhalation of silica

Recurrent Disease

comes back or recurs; usually describes diseases which show alternating increases and decreases in their symptoms.

Congenital Disease

exists at the time of birth due to a developmental error as a result of maternal infection and having no genetic origin ( caused by error during fetal development)

Functional Disease

has no such characteristic lesion when they occur, such as a migraine headache or various mental disturbances called psychoses. No lesion exists; no anatomical or structural change.


hospital acquired infection

Acquired Disease

one that is acquired after birth

Morbidity rate

refers to the number of cases of disease per unit of population.

Special pathology

studies disease in relation to a particular organ system

Physiological pathology

studies the changes in function brought about by disease or changes in function during a disease

Gross pathology

studies the structural changes brought about by disease as seen with the naked eye


study of disease It does not, however, consider treatment of disease


the manner in which a disease develops

Microscopic Pathology (Histopathology)

the study of the structural changes brought about by disease and is seen with a microscope

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