Intro to Psych Comprehensive Exam Final

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initiative versus guilt

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, children begin to assert control over the environment and strive to master adult skills when they are in the stage of __________.

Young Adultood

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage of intimacy versus isolation is associated with which stage of life?


According to Freud, which of the following is an anal-retentive trait?

It stands for rational ways of coping with frustration.

According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

center on two dimensions of a problem at once

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, decentration in the concrete operational stage refers to children being able to ________.


According to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, which stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?

anal expulsive

According to psychodynamic theory, people who have a strong need for order might be considered to have (the) _________.


According to the research done my Ainsworth, which type of attachment is the healthiest?

Reduced probability of aggressive behavior.

According to your text, children watching violence in the media are potentially impacted by all of the following EXCEPT:


Adnan's history teacher asked the class if they can name a figure in American history who was both a founding father and a president. Adnan easily recalls the information due to an organized classification schema for this type of information within his long-term memory. Adnan is relying on his _______.


Beno was surprised to learn that Ameer did not belong to the National Honor Society because he always seemed to hang out with other members of that organization. This is best explained by the principle of the law of ________.


By the end of the first trimester of fetal development during pregnancy, formation of all the major organ systems is complete.


Cancer is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that may take root anywhere in the body: in the blood, bones, digestive tract, lungs, and sex organs. If their spread is not controlled early, the cancerous cells may establish colonies elsewhere in the body, or ________.


Consider a child who is burned by touching a hot stove. The sight of the stove may evoke fear, and because hearing the word stove may evoke a mental image of the stove, just hearing the word may evoke fear. The child shows discrimination towards the hot stove.

availability heuristic

Cooper's fear of flying may, in part, stem from the ________.


Dasha and her family moved to a new home near the airport. At first, when the planes took off throughout the day Dasha could hear each one. She thought it would drive her crazy. But after a few weeks, she didn't notice them at all. Dasha had become desensitized to the stimulation of the sound of the planes.

the systematic random search algorithm

Dave could not remember the last digit of his friend's cell phone number, so he kept trying different digits until he found the right one. In this scenario, which of the following methods did Dave use?


Deliah's older sister is swinging. She watches how her older sister pumps her legs forward then back while swinging. Deliah gets on the swing next to her and starts to copy her sister's behavior. In this example, the older sister is the ______________.

reticular formation

Dheng fell off his skateboard and hit his head, falling into a coma. Which part of his brain was most likely injured?

stroboscopic motion

Dion was bored in class and doodled on the corners of his notebook pages to make his own flipbook. On each consecutive page, he draw the image slightly different. When he quickly flips through the pages, it looks like the doodle is moving. This is an example of _______.


Dizygotic twins are formed when a zygote divides into two cells that share the same genetic code.

Non-rapid eye movement sleep

During which of the following are you most likely to experience hypnagogic hallucinations?


During which process do, female rats respond to males by hopping, wiggling their ears, and arching their backs with their tails to one side, thus enabling males to penetrate them?


Episodic memory is also referred to as autobiographical memory because they are memories of the things that happen to us or take place in our presence.


Erik works as a counselor. He strongly believes in an individual's capacity for self-fulfillment, self-awareness, and decision making. He follows the principle that people are responsible for choosing their conduct. Erik's beliefs best exemplify which perspective?

benevolent religious reappraisal

Erwin was paralyzed in a car accident, but he keeps a positive attitude because his faith tells him that there must be a purpose in what happened to him. What type of coping is Erwin using?

Information that can be clearly stated

Explicit memory is:

conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

Freud theorized that the human mind is composed of three parts, namely the __________.


Girls can become pregnant immediately after menarche.

Babbling is prelinguistic.

Identify a true statement about prelinguistic vocalizations.

They motivate organisms to avoid harmful foods.

Identify a true statement about taste aversions.

procedural memories

Implicit memories involve methods and skills, cognitive and physical, and are also referred to as ________.


In Gestalt psychology, which of these is a sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution?


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, achievement, prestige, and status are included under esteem needs.


In addition to his normal duties, a professor actively participates in the extra-curricular activities of the college where he teaches. According to Suzanne Kobasa, which of the following characteristics of psychological hardiness does the professor exhibit?


In psychodynamic theory, descriptive information that is not in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing one's attention (i.e., What did I eat for breakfast this morning? or What is my cell phone number?) is called preconscious material.

Psychological factors play an important role in the human hunger drive

In the context of hunger, which of the following is true of human beings?

by instinct

In the context of theories of motivation, birds build nests ________.


In the fovea, a central region of the retina, we have a dense concentration of which kinds of visual cells?


In the fovea, a central region of the retina, we have a dense concentration of which kinds of visual cells?

Divergent theory

In which of these strategies does the problem solver associate freely to the elements of the problem, allowing "leads" to run a nearly limitless course?


Individuals are highly suggestible and behave as though they are in a trance in which altered state of consciousness?


Lim has low blood sugar after fasting. What part of his brain will stoke his hunger drive?


Marci would describe almost a perfect person whenever her friends would ask her who she thought was her ideal life partner. This "perfect" person would be a(n) ________.


Marley had a fear of dogs. To extinguish this fear, their mother baked them their favorite cake and gradually brought a dog closer to them while they ate the cake. In this scenario, what did Marley's mother use to cure their fear?


Melzack's view that neurons in the spine can simultaneously transmit only a limited amount of information, so that stimulation of neurons from many regions can limit the perception of pain in one region is called gate theory of pain.

cognitive appraisal

Miško noticed that people can react with different emotions to the same stimulus. With which theory of emotion is he most likely to agree?

climacteric phase

Ophelia is 51-years-old. She has begun to experience hot flashes and finds it difficult to sleep at night. More often than not, she finds herself feeling pessimistic and unmotivated. She also has a certain amount of anxiety. Since Ophelia is in middle adulthood, what is she most likely experiencing?

consider alternative interpretations

Parminter read online that someone got sick from taking the measles vaccine, so he refused to have his son inoculated. Which aspect of critical thinking did Parminter forget?

biological preparedness

People seem to be ready to fear thunder, threatening faces, sharp objects, darkness, and heights. According to Arne Öhman and Susan Mineka, this is referred to as __________.

are more likely than others to have anxiety and depression.

People with frequent nightmares


Physicians frequently prescribe stimulants in an effort to help hyperactive children control their behavior.


Pitch and loudness are two psychological dimensions of sound. The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, or the number of cycles per second as expressed in the unit hertz (Hz). The loudness of a sound is expressed in decibels (dB).


Positive reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed, and negative reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when they are applied.


Ramona has sex with her husband because she feels it is part of her role as his wife, even though she is not particularly interested in such activities. Which motive for having sex is Ramona using?

health psychologist

Raoul is one of the best football players on the Newborn Warriors. However, his stamina has been reducing and he has been unable to sustain an entire game due to his habit of smoking cigarettes. In order to improve his performance, Raoul is most likely to consult a ________.

object permanence

Rashon's caretaker is playing peek-a-boo with him. Every time the caretaker hides their face, Rashon loses interest but is surprised when their face reappears. Peek-a-boo is so entertaining because Rashon lacks _________.

experiencing role diffusion

Sam is-15-years old. He does not have any clue about what he wants to pursue as a career. Moreover, in the past two years, he has taken up more than five hobbies. According to Erik Erikson, Sam is __________.


Sexual desires fall into which category?


Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking are all deep sleep disorders that occur during deep (stage 3 or 4) sleep.

there is too much individual variation

Some of the specific criticisms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is that ________.

sensory adaptation

Tavish was so excited to see the ocean for the first time that he jumped right in. The water was very cold! After a few minutes though, Tavish didn't seem to notice how chilly the water was anymore. This is an example of ________.

maintenance rehearsal

Teeyona has to memorize a Shakespearean sonnet for her English class. After school, she goes home and reads the sonnet over and over again until she thinks she has it memorized. What method of rehearsal is she using?


Telegraphic speech is brief and grammatically incorrect.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _________.

are prone to fantasy

The best individuals for hypnosis are people who ________.

abstinence syndrome.

The characteristic cluster of withdrawal symptoms that results from the sudden decrease in an addictive drug's level of usage is known as

mental age

The intellectual level at which a child is functioning is expressed as which of the following?


The oval window transmits vibrations into the inner ear, the bony tube called the ________

Consolidate memories from short-term to long-term

The patient known as H.M. had his hippocampus removed. After the operation, what did H. M. lack the ability to do?


The range of visible light that human beings can see goes from the red end of the spectrum on one end to the violet end on the other.

amniotic sac

The sac within the uterus that contains the embryo or fetus is the _____________.

zone of proximal development

The situation in which a child carries out tasks with the help of someone who is more skilled, frequently an adult who represents the culture in which the child develops, is called __________________.

language acquisition device

The specific sequence of language acquisition provides evidence for which prewired system that prepares people to learn?

perceptual speed

The speed with which one can compare figures and symbols is known as _______________.


The surface of the cerebrum—the cerebral cortex—is wrinkled, or convoluted, with ridges and valleys. These valleys are known as ________.

the principle of closure

The tendency to perceive an image with missing visual components as being complete or whole refers to ________.


Tiffany asks her son to reorganize groups of letters such as "skosc," "odg," "imal," and "orod" into words. In this scenario, which form of the words socks, dog, mail, and door is Tiffany using?


Traits such as sociability and aggressiveness are thought to be ________.

conditioned response

Tyrese has tried lemons in the past. Whenever he has eaten them in the past, his mouth waters due to increased salivation. He is watching television one night and an advertisement shows a lemon being sliced open. If just thinking about that lemon makes his mouth begin to water, the increased salivation would be a __________________.


Vaccines introduce molecules into the body to teach the immune system to fight disease. These introduced molecules are known as which of the following?

basilar membrane

Vibrations in the fluids within the chambers of the inner ear press against the ________.

bulimia nervosa

Vomiting, binge eating, fasting, the use of laxatives, and engaging in prolonged exercise regimens are potentially characteristics of ________.

Observational learning

Walda's father is a gardener. She has been watching her father work for many years. She now has her own garden. Though she has never been taught the art of gardening, she is very good at it. In this scenario, Walda acquired gardening skills by the process of ________.


What fraction is known as Weber's constant for light?


What is an example of a secondary reinforcer?


What is defined by heredity, and is based on biological structures and processes?

Karen Horney and Erik Erikson

What two neo-Freudians are the most similar to each other?

Transcendental meditation

When people are concentrating on words or sounds that are claimed to help them achieve an altered state of consciousness, what are they actively practicing?

saccadic eye movements

When we look at a visual stimulus, our impressions may seem fluid enough; however, they consist of a series of eye fixations referred to as _________.

Beta wave

When you are taking a test, you are awake and alert. This means that your brain is currently generating _____.

There must be no alternative, and the benefits justify the harm.

Which condition(s) must be met before an ethics committee will approve an experiment that harms animals?


Which gland is sometimes called the "master gland" or "gland champion" because it controls other glands?


Which of the following diseases stems from food poisoning and prevents the release of acetylcholine?

Depressant drugs

Which of the following generally acts by slowing the activity of the central nervous system?


Which of the following hormones regulates the menstrual cycle in women?

Clara getting a chocolate bar from her father every time she completes a household chore

Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement?

The fetus alternates between wakefulness and sleep.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the fetal stage of prenatal development?

We work to bring about the events we believe in.

Which of the following is a reason for overconfidence?

the exhaustion stage

Which of the following is one of Selye's three stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

The theory says that emotions occur independently from the environment.

Which of the following is one of the most common concerns about the Cannon-Bard theory?

It views people as free to choose and as being responsible for choosing their own behavior.

Which of the following is true of the humanistic-existential perspective?


Which of the following refers to the deliberate placing of certain ideas, impulses, or images out of awareness?

The process by which a neural impulse travels is electrochemical.

Which of the following statements is true of a neural impulse?

People who are easily hypnotized are said to have hypnotic suggestibility.

Which of the following statements is true of hypnosis?

Language makes it possible for one person to communicate knowledge to another.

Which of the following statements is true of language?

Programmed learning

Which of these options is an application of operant conditioning that assumes that any complex task can be broken down into a number of small steps that can be shaped individually and then combined in sequence to form the correct behavioral chain?


Which term describes a rat that is characterized by excessive eating?

the changes caused by learning influence an organism's behavior

According to cognitive psychologists, _________.


Greta advocates for political action to address climate change. Greta's concern is which kind of hassle?

setting achievable goals

Henry is reading three years below his grade level. If he makes a goal to do extra work and catch up one years for every two years in school, he is employing which approach to problem solving?

neural events may be involved in memory.

Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of rats reared in stimulating environments and the stimulation of certain synapses in sea snails suggests that:

cognitive psychology

Researchers in which field primarily study how we perceive and mentally represent the world, how we learn, remember the past, plan, problem solve, and use language?

100 percent

What percentage of genes are shared by monozygotic twins?

the opponent-process theory

What theory proposed that there are three types of color receptors, but they are not sensitive only to red, green, and blue?

become aphagic

When the lateral hypothalamus of a rat is destroyed, it may most likely ________.

sympathetic nervous system

When watching a horror movie, Mark was frightened by a scene; he reacted by dropping the glass of soda that he was holding. This reaction is linked to the ________.


Which gland is responsible for the production of epinephrine?

The far-reaching effects of childhood events on personality.

Which of the following is a focus of the psychodynamic theory?

lateral hypothalamus

Which of the following is an area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a "start-eating" center.


Which of the following is an aspect shared between the communication systems of lower animals, and true language?

The intensity of a signal is one factor that determines whether people will perceive sensory stimuli or a difference between signals.

Which of the following statements is true of the signal-detection theory?

The hypothalamus

Which of the following structures contains the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which stimulates the pineal gland to decrease the output of melatonin in the human body?


Which of the following terms refers to the waking state?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Which of the following tests is an example of an objective personality test?


Which term refers to the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another?

Role theory

Which theory explains hypnotic events in terms of an individual's ability to act as though they are hypnotized?

Continuity hypothesis

Which theory offers a possible explanation for why we dream about memories or problems from our day?

Sigmund Freud

Who believed that tension motivates us to behave in ways that restore us to a resting state?


With additive color mixing, combining red, green, and blue lights will result in which color of light being produced?


What is the most popular drug used on college campuses?


What is the term for the activation of specific associations in memory, often as a result of repetition and without making a conscious effort to access the memory?

instrumental aid

When Filomena provides a distraction-free area for her son to participate in virtual classes, what kind of emotional support has she given?


Which of the following is a state of deprivation?

Watson and Freud

Which pair of psychologists are most likely to disagree?

Prefrontal cortex

Which part of your brain is highly active during visual and spatial problem solving?


A criticism of the linguistic-relativity hypothesis is that a language's vocabulary suggests the cognitive limits of the speakers of the language.

passive coping

Charna was charged as part of an embezzlement scheme in her accounting firm. The stress of the situation was so great that she threw herself on the mercy of the court as a way of dealing with it. Which process did Charna use to surrender control of the situation?


Most parents suffer from empty-nest syndrome when their youngest child leaves home.

She will prefer her mother's voice.

Nafeeza is only a few weeks old. Her mother and father are both talking to her trying to get a reaction. Whose voice is it likely that Nafeeza will prefer?

listens to music

Ngawang uses the same method of coping with stress as most Americans. In others words, they ________.

the concept of the imaginary audience

Anaya is a teenager who has just started wearing braces. She hates going to school now because she thinks that everyone is looking at her and laughing. She believes that she must look her best at all times. Which of the following concepts of Piaget's adolescent egocentrism is depicted in this scenario?

has high self-efficacy expectations

Eugene believes that he can bring about positive change in his life through his own efforts. Psychologists would say that Eugene ________.


In part, which perspective reflects the horrors of mass destruction of human life through war and genocide, frequent events in the 20th century?


In psychology class students are learning about afterimages. Dakota's teacher is having them stare at a red square on the board. What color will the afterimage be that Dakota and their classmates will perceive?

facial feedback hypothesis

Jerrion was working in his apartment on a very difficult project for work. He decided to take a break and walk outside. It was a bright sunny day and he was squinting a lot because of the light. Upon getting back inside to work on the project he felt more excited about it. This behavior is consistent with the ________.

that sometimes learning occurs suddenly

Kohler's pioneering work with chimpanzees revealed ________.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

LaTonya was in a car accident and the doctor injected her with a radioactive tracer to make images of her brain using which technology?

they produce less aldehyde dehydrogenase than other groups.

One potential reason why women and certain ethnic groups are significantly affected by alcohol is because


Prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood is a risk factor for cancer of the throat.

optic nerve

The axons of ganglion cells form which structure of the eye?

decibles (dB)

The loudness of a sound is expressed in ________.


Unlike the psychodynamic theory, the humanistic-existential perspective emphasizes __________.

analytical intelligence

A lawyer most likely has ________.

sleep apnea

A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep is called _______.


According to the general adaptation syndrome, during the resistance stage, a person typically feels like a heavy burden has been removed from his or her mind.

operant conditioning

Acquiring knowledge by observing others refers to which type of learning?


Based on the fixed-interval scallop, the frequency of responses increases drastically immediately following a reinforcement.

somatosensory cortex

Chika has lost the sensation of touch in her skin. Which part of her brain is most likely malfunctioning?


Dr. Jackson is often found in class using phrases like, "It is similar to ..." and "kind of like ...." Making connections between similar things is an example of a(n) ________.


Dreams are more likely to be coherent in plot than emotionally gripping.


In sensory memory, the memory traces of visual stimuli last many times longer than the traces of auditory stimuli.


In terms of the just noticeable difference, with auditory stimulation, people are more sensitive to changes in loudness.

seek to increase stimulation

In the case of stimulus motives, organisms ________.

Substance use disorder

In the context of altering consciousness through drugs, which disorder is characterized by loss of control over consumption, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms?

interference theory

In the context of memory and forgetting, the view that one may forget stored material because other learning overlaps with it is known as __________.

encodes stimuli so that one can place them in memory.

In the context of processes of memory, the first stage of information processing:


Initially, in classical conditioning, the researcher repeatedly pairs the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus leading to the participant associating the two stimuli. This first phase is called_____________.

Flashbulb memory

It is September 11, 2021 and Javier is reflecting on that day. He remembers that 20 years ago he was sitting in his freshman biology class watching the footage of the World Trade Center attacks on a television set. To this day, he can vividly remember exactly where he was sitting, where the television was located, and how he felt. Javier's memory of September 11th, 2001 is an example of a(n) ___________.

selective attention

Jonah is reading a book in a crowded bus. Some boys sitting near him are talking and laughing loudly. Jonah focuses on reading his book and ignores the noise around him. This scenario illustrates an aspect of consciousness called __________.

Crystallized intelligence

Kyra, a history major, likes to talk with her grandfather often. She calls him her human dictionary because he knows the meaning of almost every word she asks him about. She is also surprised at how well versed he is in domestic and international current affairs and how easily he can talk about historical events. In this scenario, Kyra's grandfather is best displaying _________.


Lena is a mother of two. She has been working at a school and managing every aspect of her children's lives from the time her first child was born. She believes that she must contribute to her family as well as the society. According to Erik Erikson, Lena is demonstrating ________.


People in which field of psychology believed that learning consisted of both overt behaviors and meaningful "wholes?"


The Hering-Helmholtz illusion is a visual illusion.


All of our memories are permanently imprinted on the brain and stored in long-term memory.

goal attainment

Amanda has long dreamed of becoming a mother. She tracks her menstrual cycle and tries to have sex with her husband at the most opportune times. What type of factor is Amanda's motivation for sex based on?


Amara learned to cook by watching her mother cook rather than by means of direct experience. In the context of observational learning, Amara's mother acted as what for her?

a placebo

Amelia is a general physician. One of her patients claimed to be suffering from constant stomach aches. After running some tests, Amelia concludes that the patient is not suffering from any medical disorder. However, the patient insisted that she has stomach cancer. The patient then volunteered for a medical trial where she was given a pill with a new medication while participants in the trial were given sugar pills. This best exemplifies ________.

the gate theory

Amy accidentally hit her elbow against the edge of a wall. Amy's mother rushed to her and rubbed the affected elbow. Amy's pain subsided. Which theory would best explain this incident?


An adult who smokes or has issues with abusing alcohol would most likely has a fixation in what psychosexual stage?


An electroencephalograph measures respiratory rates during sleep studies and helps researchers study the stages of sleep.

volunteer bias

An error in research reflecting the prospect that people who offer to participate in research studies differ systematically from people who do not is known as ________.

secondary reinforcer

Apes are taught to perform a task and they receive a token for that behavior. The token can be traded in for a banana which they like to eat. The coin is being used as a _______.

the moral developmental stages are universal.

As Nather (2013) points out, one of the weaknesses in Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning is his claim that:


As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined.

the serial position effect

As she was listening to her psychology professor discuss ways to improve memory, Ebony thought of different ways she could apply the suggestions to herself. Later that day she was trying to recall the different techniques, but she could only recall the first couple. This reflects ___________.


As you walk into a brightly lit room, the black structure in the center of your eye seems to shrink to a tiny black dot. This response is caused by the action of the eye structure called the ________.

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