Intro to Sports Nutrition

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What are the recommendations for specific population groups including woman capable of being pregnant, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, individuals aged 50 and older?

*** Recommendations for specific population groups:*** 1. Women capable of becoming pregnant. () Choose foods that supply heme iron - which is more readily absorbed by the body, additional iron sources, and enhancers of iron absorption such as Vitamin C - rich foods. () Consume 400 micrograms per day of synthetic folic acid - from fortified foods or supplements - in addition to food forms of folate from a varied diet. 2. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. () consume 8 to 12 oz of seafood per week from a variety of seafood types. () Due to its high methyl mercury content, limit white tuna to six oz per week and do not eat the following four types of fish, tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel. () If pregnant, take an iron supplement, as recommended by an obstetrician or other health-care provider. 3. Individuals aged 50 years and older. () Consume Foods fortified with vitamin B12 such as fortified cereals, or dietary supplements.

What does it mean to be low fat? What does it mean to be low saturated fat? What does it mean to be low in cholesterol? What does it mean to be low sodium? What does it mean to be very low sodium? What does it mean to be low calorie?

1. 3 grams or less per serving 2. one gram or less of saturated fat, no more than 15% of calories from saturated fat 3. 20 mg or less per serving. 4. 140 mg or less per serving. 5. 35 mg or less per serving. 6. 40 calories or less per serving.

The body is ____ to _____% water, representing nearly ubiquitous presence in bodily tissues and fluids.

1. 55% to 60%

What does it mean when a food is LIGHT on a approved nutrient content claim?

1. A nutritionally altered product contains 1/3 fewer calories or half the fat of the reference food. If the reference food derives 50% or more of the calories from fat, a reduction must be 50% of the fat. 2. A sodium content of a low calorie, low fat food that has been reduced by 50%. Also, light and sodium may be used on a food in which the sodium content has been reduced by at least 50%. - Note light can still be used to describe such properties as texture and color as long as the label clearly explains its meaning.

What is a evidence-based practitioner?

1. An individual whose professional practice is based upon information, guidelines, or interventions that have been shown through research to be effective and safe. 2. Requires the use of nutrition guidelines and dietary practices that have been documented as being effective through peer review research.

How can individuals balance calories to manage weight?

1. Balance calories to manage weight. () Prevent and/or reduce overweight and obesity through improved eating and physical activity behaviors. () Control total calorie intake to manage body weight. For people who are overweight or obese, this means consuming fewer calories from foods and beverages. () increase physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviours. () Maintain appropriate caloric balance during each stage of Life - childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and older age.

What does it mean when grains are milled? How is this a ptoblem?

1. The germ and bran are removed. 2. Because the germ and bran contain the majority of the vitamins and minerals in whole grains, the refined product is less nutritious.

What types of foods and food components should be reduced?

2. Reduce the following foods and food components. () Reduce daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg and further reduce intake to 1500 mg among persons who are 51 and older and those of any age who are African-American or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. 1500 mg recommendation applies to about half of the US population, including children, and the majority of adults. () Consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fatty acids by replacing them with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. () Consume less than 300 mg per day of dietary cholesterol. () Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources of trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting other solid fats. () Reduce the intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars. () Limit the consumption of foods that contain refined grains, especially refined grain foods that contain solid fats, added sugars, and sodium. () If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation - up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men - and only by adults of legal drinking age.

What foods and nutrients should be increased in your diet?

3. Increase intake of the following foods and nutrients. () increase vegetable and fruit intake. () Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables and beans and peas. () Consume at least half of all grains as whole grains. Increase whole grain intake by replacing refined grains with whole grains. () Increase intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified soy beverages. () Choose a variety of protein foods, which includes Seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. () Increase the amount and the variety of seafood consumed by choosing seafood in place of some meat and poultry. () Replace protein foods that are high in solid fats with choices that are lower in solid fats and calories and are sources of oils. () Use oils to replace solid fats or possible. () Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in american diets.

What are health claims defined as?

A description placed on a food label that describes potential health benefits of a food or nutrient.

What is the key concept for the protein group?

A key concept for this group is to make choices that are low fat or lean when selecting meat and poultry.

What does it take to be considered an expert in Sports Nutrition?

A professional must obtain the appropriate education certification background as well as hands-on experience working with athletes.

What does it mean when food labels contain more, fortified, and enriched, added, extra, plus on a approved nutrient content claim?

A serving of food, whether altered or not, contains a nutrient that is at least 10% over the daily value more than the reference food. May only be used for vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fiber, and potassium.

What is the definition of the recommended dietary allowance?

Average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly an entire - 98% - healthy population. The established RDAs can vary based on life stage, including age, gender, and if appropriate, pregnancy and lactation.

Why should a sports nutrition plan consider an athletes total training time and competition time?

Because of many athletes that struggle to meet their daily needs because of the time constraints of meal planning and preparation, as well as short periods of time between workouts, work, school, and other life commitments. Sport nutrition professionals need to be creative and helping athletes to determine how to consume adequate amounts of energy nutrition while making meal planning easy, convenient and quick.

Why are minerals so essential to the regular physiological processes of the body?

Because physical activity places demands on muscles and bones, increase the need for oxygen carrying compounds in the blood, and increases the loss of sweat and electrolytes from the body, all of which hinge on the adequate intake and replacement of dietary minerals.

What are examples of whole grains?

Brown rice, vulgar, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, crackers, and pasta.

In what variety of foods can carbohydrates be found in?

Carbohydrates are found in grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as in the milk/alternative - soy, rice, not, and other non dairy products-group.

What is the definition of estimated average requirement?

Daily intake level of a vitamin or mineral estimated to meet the requirements, as defined by a specified indicator of adequacy in half of the healthy individuals within a life stage or gender group.

What are the five subgroups vegetables are listed in?

Dark green, orange, starchy, dry beans and peas, and other vegetables.

What is the connection between eating ample potassium and blood pressure?

Diets that contain good sources of potassium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

What is the connection between fluoridated water and dental caries?

Drinking fluoridated water May reduce the risk of dental caries or tooth decay.

What are the four sections the MyPlate icon is split into?

Each representing the different type of food - protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as a circle shape next to the plate that represents dairy products, especially milk.

In what variety of foods can fats be found in?

Fats are concentrated in butter, margarine, salad dressings, and oils, but they are also found in meats, dairy products, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, and some grain products.

What are the functions of fat in the body?

Fats are involved in providing structure to cell membranes, aiding in the production of hormones, forming the insulation that wraps nerve cells, and facilitating the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Why should a Sports nutrition plan consider an athlete's health history?

First and foremost, an athlete must be healthy to train and compete to his or her potential. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in preventing deficiencies and degenerative diseases, while also adding in the treatment of existing medical conditions.

What does it mean when food is LOW in a approved nutrient content claim?

Food can be eaten frequently without exceeding dietary guidelines for one or more of these components: fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calories. Synonyms include little, few, and low source of.

What does it mean when a food is labeled as healthy on a approved nutrient content claim?

Healthy food must be low in fat and saturated fat and contain limited amounts of cholesterol - less than 95 mg - and sodium - less than 480 mg for individual Foods and less than 600 mg for meal type products. In addition, a single item food must provide at least 10% or more of one of the following: vitamins A or C, iron, calcium, protein, or Fiber. A meal type product, such as a frozen entree or dinner, must provide 10% of two or more of these vitamins or minerals, or protein, or Fiber, in addition to meeting the other criteria. Additional regulations allow the term healthy to be applied to raw, canned, or frozen fruits and vegetables and enriched grains in if the 10% nutrient content rule is not met. However, Frozen or canned fruits or vegetables cannot contain ingredients that would change the nutrient profile.

What is the definition of adequate intake?

Intake recommendation when insufficient scientific evidence is available to calculate an estimated average requirement. Adequate intake values are based on intake data of healthy individuals. However, the results of studies regarding the nutrient in question are not conclusive enough or more study is required before an estimated average requirement can be established.

What are factors that must be considered when calculating nutrient needs in developing a meal plan for an athlete?

It includes the individual's health history, the bioenergetics of the athletes sport, total weekly training and competition time, living arrangements, access to food, and travel schedules.

When is fat primarily used as energy?

It is primarily used as fuel at rest and during a low to moderate intensity exercise.

What is the role of the Food and Drug Administration?

It is the governing body responsible for ensuring the safety of food sold in the United States, which includes overseeing the proper labeling of foods.

When was the recommended dietary allowance developed and by who?

It was developed in 1941 by the US National Academy of Sciences.

What foods are part of the dairy group?

Liquid milk products, yogurt, cheese's, and many foods made from milk.

What are examples of major minerals and trace minerals?

Major: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Sulfur. Trace: Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Iodine, Fluoride, Molybdenum, and Manganese.

What does my plate encourage for the fruit section regarding the sources?

MyPlate encourages not only consuming the recommended amounts of fruit each day, but also consuming it wide variety of fruits.

What are nutrient content claims defined as?

Nutrition related claims on food labels that highlight certain characteristics of the food.

What does it mean when it says reduced, less on a approved nutrient content claim?

Nutritionally altered product containing at least 25% less of a nutrient or of calories than the regular or reference product. - Note: A reduced claim can't be used if the reference product already meets the requirement for low.

What two vitamins and two minerals are required on the food label and why?

Only two vitamins - vitamins A & C - and two minerals - calcium and iron - are required on the food label. Of course, all vitamins and minerals are important for athletes, however, these for nutrients are generally consumed in suboptimal quantities in the United States and therefore deserves special attention.

What variety of foods can proteins be found in?

Proteins are found in a variety of foods, including grains and vegetables, but are mainly concentrated in the milk alternative as well as meat and beans alternative.

In what variety of foods can minerals be found in?

Similar to vitamins, minerals are found in a wide variety of foods, but mainly are concentrated in the meat and beans alternative and milk alternative groups.

How is the dietary reference intakes different from the recommended dietary allowances?

The Dietary Reference intakes expand on the recommended dietary allowances and take into consideration other dietary quantity such as estimated average requirement, adequate intake, and tolerable upper intake level. Dietary Reference intakes are continually being reviewed, and reports on various groups of nutrients are published as scientific data are gathered.

What was the first successful fortification program?

The addition of iodine to Salt in the 1920s to prevent goiter and other iodine deficiency conditions.

What is the definition of enrichment?

The addition of vitamins and minerals to refined products to increase their nutritional value.

What are the six nutrients found in food ,that are vital to the human body, required for?

They're required for producing energy, contributing to the growth and development of tissues, regulating body processes, and preventing deficiency and degenerative diseases.

Why is it best to consume whole foods instead of fruit juices?

This recommendation is made because fruit juices tend to be more calorie dense and contain little fiber compared to whole fruits.

What is a key concept for the dairy category?

To consume 3 cups of fat-free or low-fat 1% milk or an equivalent amount of yogurt or cheese per day.

What is a key concept for the grain group?

To make at least half of the total grains consumed should be from whole grain sources. And to eat three or more ounce equivalents of whole grain products each day.

What does it mean when it says IMPLIED CLAIMS on a approved nutrient content claim?

replied claim suggest that a nutrient is absent or present in a certain amount or suggest food may be useful in maintaining healthy dietary practices. These claims are prohibited when they wrongfully imply that a food contains or does not contain a meaningful level of a nutrient.

To prevent deficiency diseases, what did the Food and Drug Administration mandate?

they mandated in 1943 that the nutrients lost during the Milling process of wheat, rice, and corn be replaced. The nutrients identified and those added to refined grain products include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and iron.

How can individuals build healthy eating patterns?

4. Build healthy eating patterns. () Select an eating pattern that meets nutrient needs overtime at an appropriate calorie level. () Account for all foods and beverages consumed and assess how they fit within a total healthy eating pattern. () Follow food safety recommendations when preparing and eating foods to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

What is the definition of dietary reference intake?

An umbrella term for all nutrient classifications, including RDA, EAR, AI, and UL.

Why study Sports Nutrition?

To keep up with the physical demands of their activity of sport, athletes need to fuel their bodies adequately on a daily basis. This feeling process requires a specialized approach, therefore, athletes who wants to make dietary changes should seek out professionals who are experts in Sports Nutrition and experienced in developing individualized plans.

What is the most common type of fat?

Triglycerides are the most common type of fats. Other fats include cholesterol and phospholipids.

How are vitamins classified?

Vitamins are classified as either water or fat soluble depending on their method of absorption, transport, and storage in the body.

What are vitamins regarding their chemical configuration?

Vitamins are composed of carbon and hydrogen, as well as possibly oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements.

In what variety of foods can vitamins be found in?

Vitamins are found in nearly all foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and beans, milk, and some fats.

Are vitamins able to directly provide energy to the body?Explain?

Vitamins do not directly provide energy to the body, however, some vitamins aid in the extraction of energy from macronutrients.

In addition to plain water what are other sources of water?

Water can be obtained from Juices, milk, coffee, tea, and other beverages, as well as watery foods such as fruits, vegetables, and soups.

What is the function of water in the human body?

Water is important for temperature regulation, the lubrication of joints, and the transport of nutrients to active tissues.

What are the selective messages , which correlate with the for interrelated themes and key recommendations of the 2010 dietary guidelines?

1. Enjoy your food, but eat less. 2. Avoid over sized portions. 3. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. 4. Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk. 5. Make at least half your grains whole grains. 6. Compare sodium in foods such as soup, bread, and frozen meals - and choose foods with lower numbers. 7. Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

What are the two main requirements for a substance to be classified as a vitamin?

1. First, the substance must be consumed exogenously because the body cannot produce it or cannot produce it in sufficient quantities to meet its needs. 2. Second, the substance must be essential to at least one vital chemical reaction or process in the human body.

What are macronutrients? What are micronutrients?

1. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fat as such because they have caloric value and the body has a large daily need for them. 2. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals and are classified as micronutrients because the body's daily requirements for these nutrients are small.

What are the roles of proteins in the body?

1. Proteins are involved in the development, growth, and repair of muscle and other body tissues and are therefore critical for recovery from intense physical training. 2. Proteins ensure that the body stays healthy and continues working efficiently by aiding in many bodily processes. 3. Proteins can also be used for energy, providing Ford calories per gram, however, it is not used efficiently and therefore is not a source of energy preferred by the body.

What is Sports Nutrition?

1. Sports Nutrition is a specialization within the field of nutrition that partners closely with the study of the human body and exercise science. 2. It can be defined as the application of nutrition knowledge to practical daily eating plan focused on providing the fuel for physical activity, facilitating the repair and rebuilding process following hard physical work, and optimizing athletic performance and competitive events, while also promoting overall health and wellness.

What does it mean to be an essential nutrient?

1. The body requires these nutrients to function properly, however the body is unable to endogenously manufacture them in the quantities needed daily, and therefore these nutrients must be obtained from the diet. 2.Nutrition descriptor referring to the nutrients that must be obtained from the diet.

What does it mean to be fat free? What does it mean to be saturated fat free? What does it mean to be cholesterol free? What does it mean to be sodium free? What does it mean to be sugar-free? What does it mean to be calorie-free?

1. less than .5 grams of fat per serving. 2. less than 5 grams of saturated fat and less than .5 grams of trans fat per serving. 3. less than 2 mg of cholesterol per serving 4. less than 5 mg of sodium per serving. 5. less than .5 g of sugar per serving. 6. fewer than 5 calories per serving.

Why should a Sports nutrition plan consider in athletes living arrangements, access to food, and travel schedule?

A perfectly planned nutrition plan is worthless if the athlete cannot execute the plan available to him or her. Developing appropriate race-day plans for these athletes involves investigating the foods and beverages available on the course and then planning for the athletes to practice with this specific items throughout training to prevent any surprises on the race day. Athletes must be educated on how to make healthy choices and appropriate substitutions while on the road. Creative planning, packing non-perishable food for the trip, and learning to be flexible will help athletes remain optimally fueled while traveling.

What are alternative products that individuals who do not or cannot consume milk consume?

An alternative for milk products are soy, nut or grain milk, yogurt and cheese - and other calcium rich foods daily.

What does it mean when it says PERCENT FAT FREE on a approved nutrient content claim?

Food must be a low-fat or fat-free product. In addition, the claim must reflect accurately the amounts of nonfat ingredients and 100 grams of food.

What are the keys to healthful eating to maintain health?

Are to consume a diet that provides adequate nutrients to maintain health, includes a variety of foods, is balance, and is consumed in moderation.

How can sports nutrition knowledge be converted into practical applications?

By being able to assess a person's Readiness for change, engage in active listening, and then provide the appropriate information or guidance. Not only should meal plans be based on individual needs, but the construction of the plans also must take into consideration the athletes preparedness for change. Sports Nutrition professionals should refrain from the building a dictatorship where Earthly simply sit quietly and listen to the dietary changes they need to make to improve their performance and health. Instead they should be active participants and their meal planning and goal-setting. Food selections should be based on an athlete's likes and dislikes versus which foods are the best for them if an athelete does not enjoy the food in a establish meal plan, adherence will be poor. Goals should be addressed realistic and manageable to plant the seeds for success and accomplishments that will motivate athletes to continue working on healthy eating behaviors.

Why is cholesterol not a required nutrients for the diet?

Cholesterol is made in the body and therefore does not need to be consumed daily. If it is consumed, athletes should keep intake to a minimum because dietary cholesterol has been shown to increase blood cholesterol levels, thus increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Why should a sports nutrition plan consider a sports bioenergetics and Logistics?

Energy metabolism is the foundation of Sports Nutrition. Consideration of the cellular machinery and metabolic pathway responsible for making the energy needed to participate in a specific sport is critical for the development of an individualized eating plan. Sport nutrition professionals must devise plans that are specific to the energy systems utilized during training and competition as well as realistic to the nature of an athlete's sport.

What does it mean when it says good source, contains, provides on a approved nutrient content claim?

Food contains 10 to 19% of the daily value for a particular nutrient in one serving.

what does it mean when a food is high, rich in, excellent source of on a approved nutrient content claim?

Food contains 20% or more of the daily value for a particular nutrient in a serving.

What does it mean when a food label says FREE on a approved nutrient content claim??

Food contains no amount - or trivial or physiologically inconsequential amounts. May be use with one or more of the following: fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugar, and calorie. Synonyms include without, no, and zero.

What does it mean when a food says FRESH on the approved nutrient content claim?

Food is raw has never been frozen or heated, and contains no preservatives. Fresh frozen, frozen, fresh, and freshly Frozen can be used for food that was quickly frozen while still fresh. blanched Foods also can be called Fresh.

Is fortification required by the FDA? What are the exceptions?

In general, fortification is not required by the FDA, with the exception of folic acid in grains and vitamin D in milk. Other fortification programs are designed to enhance the quality of a product, such as the addition of vitamin A to milk and other dairy foods, as well as lysine to specific corn products to enhance protein quality.

What are the specific FDA guidelines that the nutrition labeling of food products must follow?

It must include the following: a statement of identity, the net contents, the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, and ingredient list, and a nutrition facts panel.

What does it mean when nutrients ,such as amino acids, are non-essential?

It refers to nutrients that can be made within the body or obtained from dietary sources.

What foods are included in the protein foods group?

Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans or peas, eggs, nuts and seeds.

How are minerals categorized?

Minerals are categorized into major minerals and trace minerals based on the total quantity required by the body on a daily basis.

What are the functions or roles of minerals?

Minerals have a role in the structural development of tissues as well as the regulation of bodily processes.

What was the function of the recommended dietary allowances? What is the new way to quantify nutrient needs an excesses for healthy individuals?

The RDAs where the primary values health professionals used to assess and plan diets for individuals and groups and to make judgments about excessive intakes. The RDAs still exist for many nutrients, however, a newer way to quantify nutrients needs an excesses for healthy individuals has been developed and termed the Dietary Reference intakes.

How is the energy entrapped within the energy nutrients - macronutrients - released?

The energy trapped within the bonds between the atoms of which they are made is released when metabolic pathways within the cells break down the food into their constituent parts, carbon dioxide and water. Some of the energy released is conserved or captured and used to make another high-energy chemical called adenosine triphosphate. The rest of the energy is lost as heat.

What does it mean when a food says lean and extra lean on a approved nutrient content claim?

The fat content of meal and main dish products, seafood, and game meat products. Lean: less than 10 grams of fat, 4.5g or less saturated fat, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per serving and per 100g. Extra lean: less than 5 grams fat, less than 2 grams saturated fat, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per serving and per 100g.

What are the dietary guidelines for Americans?

The guidelines provide science-based advice for people two years and older on dietary and physical activity habits that can promote health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses and conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension. A healthful diet that is not excessive in calories, follows a nutrition recommendations contained in the guidelines, and it's combined with physical activity should enhance the health of most individuals.

What is the definition of tolerable upper intake level?

The highest level of daily nutrient intake that possesses no adverse health effects for almost all individuals in the general population. The intakes above the upper level intake, the risk of adverse effects increases.

What is a key concept in the oils category?

The key concept in the oils categories to choose mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contained in food such as fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.

What is the primary purpose of the dietary guidelines?

The primary purpose of the dietary guidelines is to provide the public with information about nutrients in food components that are known to be beneficial for health and to provide recommendations that can be implemented into an eating and exercise plan.

What is the definition of fortification?

The process of adding vitamins or minerals to foods or beverages that did not originally contain them.

What are the six nutrients of the human body?

The six nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water and are classified as essential nutrients.

What are carbohydrates regarding their chemical configuration?

They are compounds constructed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules.

What are fats, lipids, regarding their chemical configuration?

They are compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules.

What are proteins regarding their chemical configuration?

They are constructed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen molecules.

What element do minerals lack regarding their chemical configuration?

They lack carbon.

When the guidelines are implemented as a whole, what do they encourage Americans to accomplish?

When the guidelines are implemented as a whole they encourage Americans to: 1. Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight. 2. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages.

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