Intro to Terrorism Exam 3

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Phillip Williams

- The focus should be on expenditures and communications - find out their known sources and should be monitored on an on going basis 1. Forensic accounting has been successful for many years in catching bad guys 2. Used against organized crime, drug groups, and corporations 3. It is a big tool for the internal revenue service - put al capone in prison in 1930's

Jon Cassara

- U.S. should do more forensic accounting in the war on terrorism - Can track terrorists through: a) Money laundering b) bank accounts c) stock/business investment d) cash purchases - Claims you can develop more and better intelligence by following the money ~ for national security and criminal intelligence - viewed from different perspective - Financing involves layers of organizations and activities taking place in many different ways

The Cold War

- U.S. vs. Soviets socialists (both used surrogate nations and government - Russia =Aba---> when collapsed their places turned into a vacuum - Venezuela took over aba - All Countries that Russia had control over turned into political vacuums - Tribal groups, national ethnic, and religious groups saw opportunity to take power - Insurgencies began to pop up all over = Fertile ground for al Qaeda

Civil Libertarians

- critical of the link of drugs and terrorists - they see an attempt to link narcotics and terrorism is a ploy by the states - if terrorism were to disappear then the drug trade would still exist - if drugs are linked with terrorists then terrorism has a new meaning - drug dealer would be terrorists then and the frightened public would give the government power to combat drugs - More likely to grant search warrants and wire taps going against citizens liberties

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy

- does not agree with the position of the french military - argues that the term narcoterrorism is too vague to describe either drug traffickers or terrorists and does not help address the problem - the problem with drugs is supply and demand - Western Europe and North America provide good markets for drug use - Afghanistan provides opium (heroin/cash crop), and the farmers of this fight to survive - Western Europe has the demand and Afghanistan has the supply - Opium production has nothing to do with terrorism - Says narcoterrorism is easy for the French to use because it stirs emotions and gives the police more power

Narcoterrorism Controversies

- not everyone accepts the link between drugs and terrorism - but selling drugs is just one of several other illegal methods terrorists use to obtain funds - some believe that combining drugs with terrorism just confuses the two issues ex. 9/11 was not the result of a drug link

Joshua Krasna

- says that if people are willing to expand the definition of national security beyond the framework of military defense, drugs pose a security problem - Security=Social Safety - the drug trade threatens political and economic stability by disrupting society - The drug trade limits the ability of legitimate governments and increases the power of insurgent and terrorist groups

David Kaplan

- says the financing of militant islamic groups has very little to do with the drug trade - Based on a 5 month study with the U.S. News and world report he blames saudi arabia for funding the spread of an intolerant form of islam - Violent intolerance spawned the rise of terrorist groups - believes that charities are responsible for the bulk of terrorist financing - the money from these charities fund radical mosques, militant schools, and islamic centers that support the jihadst movement

Michael Scheuer

- takes the middle ground in this debate over narcoterrorism - some reports of al queada's use of drugs for their jihad are true and some are asserted without evidence - Narcotics trade in afghanistan makes billions of dollars and it would be naive to say that Osama Bin Laden did not take advantage of some of those funds

Terror Campaign

- very costly! - Al Qaeda cost 1,000's a month to sustain itself - also applies to other terror initiatives around the globe

James Fraser Two Factors

(Counter terrorist specialist in the U.S. Army) 1. Structure of organization 2. Support for it - by necessity they are designed to hide operations from the government - different structure in command/control - frequently organized in the same pattern - terrorist cells operate the same way

Nationalistic Rebellions

- Africa - Asia - Struggle for independence from Europe

Forensic Accounting

- An investigative tool used to track money used in illegal activities. - It can be used in any crime involving the exchange, storage, or conversion of fiscal resources.

Virtual Organizations

- Associations that develop through communication, financial, and ideological links. - Like a network, a virtual organization has no central leadership. - created via computer/ info network

Terror Funds

- Benevolence International Fund - Alrashid Fund

Legitimate Business Operations

- Business activities obtain funds for terror organizations both international/domestic - Domestic terror groups such as White supremacist - Sell books (bibles), Church music, videos, surplus of military stuff, militia propaganda - They tend to sell this stuff at rallies, gun shows around the country ----> Becomes legit money

Cuban Revolution

- Captured the minds of left-wing ideologies - When Fidel Castro took over everything became apart of the government - americans that had invested $$$$ in there lost it all because it was a federal bank - became the show style - Popularized guerrilla warfare - fighting throughout the world - However guerrilla warfare tactics became the main use by revolutionaries - Castro was chased out of Cuba but had a loyal group and friend (Ernesto Che Guevara) - After Cuba Rev. Che wrote a minimanual on guerrilla warfare

Latin America Terrorist Use

- Drug Production - Sales - Public corruption

Michael Collins

- Each cell has its own mission (time tables, explosives) - operate without knowledge of other cells - adds layer of protection from government - re-emerged after WWII and lasted until the 1990's - 1990's larger terrorist groups developed more dynamic methods of organization

Organization and Financing of Terrorism

- Ernesto "Che" Guevara - Cell - Cuban Guerrilla War - Insurgency - Hawala System - Narcoterrorism

Alrashid Trust

- Formed in Pakistan - Obtained money over the internet - showed to be a front organization for the Taliban in Afghan - Assets have been frozen by the US

Regis Debray: Expanding Guerrilla Warfare

- French Socialist - Poverty is the problem in Latin America and is also the common cause of misery - caused imbalance in classes - rich get rich from the poor


- Hezbollah and Hamas use Latin America drug trade to raise money - According to US central Command $100 millions have been raided in Latin America

Generals Petraeus and Mattis

- In charge of a different perspective - They believe that guerrilla warfare changed the nature of sub-national conflicts -

Mao Zedong

- Inspired fellow Communists and nationalistic revolutions - very strict communist system - he had "red books" - philosophy of communism in china

France Believe Drug Link

- Ministry of defense issued a report stating that the drugs are primary currency used to finance international terrorism - government points to the Shining Path and the FARC to show the influence of cocaine - these groups point out that radical islamic groups get their money from the drug trade in central and southeast Asia - Afghanistan is the primary source of heroine in Europe, and the profits from these drug sales fund all international Islamic terrorist groups

Umbrella Model

- Newer model A group that shelters, supports, and inspires smaller terrorist groups. The RAND corporation refers to it as a hub.


- Organizations of groups, supplies, weapons, and any structure that supports an operation. - Much like a traffic system or the World Wide Web, networks do not have central leadership - they operate under a variety of rules like the WWW and traffic system

Insurgencies Technology

- Rocket propelled grenades - IED's - Sleeper Cells - Suicide Bombers - Global Satellite Phones - RPG's


- Seven major drug trafficking organizations dominate the political landscape - drug cartels bring a high level of criminality to the US - causes gang activity in LA, chicago, new york, dallas, and san fransico

Burton 1976

- Subunits - We have cells and columns - Cell is most basic 4-6 people usually have specialty (tactical or intelligence gathering)

Benevolence International Fund

- Tax exempt status - raises millions of dollars to support radical Islamic causes - Leader arrested in 2003 and plead guilty to the lesser charge

Chain Organizations

- Temporary associations of diverse groups. - Groups in a chain come together for a particular operation and disband after it is over.

Link Between Drugs and Terrorism

- Terrorism and drug trade are intertwined - organized crime, smugglers, drug dealers all move in the same circles - globalization of the world has strengthened relationship with these groups

NarcoTerrorist Debate

- Terrorist using either terrorist tactics to support drug operations or - drug trade profits to finance terrorism

Rachel Ehrenfied

- Terrorists are involved in the international production and distribution of drugs - primary source of money for them


- Terrorists set up phony charities or skim money off legit organizations - Charitable funds are diverted to terrorist groups


- The basic unit of a traditional terrorist organization. - Groups of cells form columns. - Members in different cells seldom know each other - In more recent terrorist structures, cell describes a tactical group dispatched by the network for selected operations. * First Groups were created in Ireland (IRA)

Minimanual of Guerrilla Warfare

-Detailed structure and strategy of forces a. Philosophy of war b. methods of operation c. principles of engagement - Became icon to Latin revolutionaries - became textbook for revolutionaries around the world - Should be used sparingly to strike legalistic support systems of government - demoralizes government forces - garners a lot of support for local people - demoralizes soldier

Three Basic Models that Represent General Trend

-Rural - Urban - Insurrection *do not represent a rigid classification system, however they show shifts in the strategy and tactics

Insurgencies Depend On

-Social and support networks ~supported by the narrative that justifies insurgency - Security counter power of the insurgents with their own narrative - Earn Heart and mind of the folks

Mid 1960's

-beginnings of ideological terrorism - Brought urban terrorism - strategies because weapons were not available - religious terrorists began using same urban model in 1980's

Terror Action

-not too costly to carry out - individual event - this action can prove big return for small investment (band for buck) - dollar per death or damage extremely good (Cost benefit analysis) Ex. 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Ex. Train Bombing in Madrid 2004 Ex. 9/11 2001

Giraldo and Trinkhunas 3 Reasons Traditional Criminal Investigations do not work

1. A tax would be expensive for individual but not for a group 2. Freezing assets does not work due to alternative sources - you can't track funds that are frozen 3. For Financial methods to be effective there must be international agreements - must follow same banking rules

Regis Debray Model

1. Change class structure redistribute wealth 2. Wealthy will not give up power so revolution is the only way For Revolution to work it needs: a. to begin with guerrillas fighting for justice----> end with united conventional force b. Terrorism will not accomplish this objective ***Is this social injustice through redistribution???

Legal Sources of Funding

1. Charities 2. Terrorists do run legit businesses to obtain funds (take percentages of profits ad direct it to terror) 3. Terrorists ask for contributions 4. Running non-governmental organizations -tax organization 5. Using wire transfers of funds 6. Forming and Using Banks (PLO) - Government has poor insight on all of this - Charities have been funding terrorism for decades ~ some folks know about it and contribute to it actively, and other have no idea they are and think they are supporting an actual cause

Pyramid Structure

1. Command 2. Active Cadre 3. Active Supporters 4. Passive Supporters

Tools of Revolution (Rural)

1. Guerrilla Warfare 2. Individual acts of terrorism (Lonewolf) 3. 3rd world countries these were only options without military force to overthrow oppressive government - terrorism should not be used against the native population

Problems with Marighella's Theory

1. His theory does not work 2. Globalization, modern communication, and new weapons technology allows substantial groups to wage another type of campaign against government, an Inserrection

Terror Groups Trade in

1. Illegal arms 2. Money laundering 3. Drug distribution

Before globalization insurgencies differed from terrorism and required an innovative response

1. Insurgents control information 2. Operate with global communications 3. Include or incorporate technological weapons 4. Require few personnel *Makes problem more complicated than law enforcement issue or military problem* - the quest for the minds and hearts of the folks - counter insurgent forces must establish relationships, keep them protected and move on with their lives ex. Afghanistan (warlords---> Tradition my way) +Islam - Community policing with camo, puts soldiers a risk

5 Characteristics of the Hawala System

1. Money moves with no records 2. Money crosses international borders with ease 3. it is based on trust and long term trusting relationships 4. money can be bartered for contraband 5. There are no tax records - Hawala system was not established as a terrorist system - However it does hide transactions of finance within the world of national banking according to Sharma 2006

Marighella's Two Stage Urban Process

1. One designed to bring about actual violence 2. other is designed to give that violence meaning

Methods of Obtaining Money

1. Petty Crime 2. Money Laundering 3. Transfer of illegal contraband to finance operations -heroine - drugs - bath salts

Cuban War Thee Steps

1. Rev. join and convinces indigenous population to form a small guerrilla force 2. Small forces form columns and control rural areas 3. Columns unite for a conventional offensive to overthrow government

Three Major Categories to Explain the Structure

1. Unlawful Raising of distribution of funds -drugs, gambling, prostitution 2. Formal regulated economy (legally obtained funds) 3. Financial effectiveness, economic targeting is a technological force multiplier ex. Middle eastern terrorists use smuggling/document fraud to raise money for terrorist groups (also provide identification to terrorists)

Marighella's Four Step Process

1. Unorganized violence + passive disruption - Protesters and student activism 2. Governmental repression to stop violence 3. Massive uprising in response to repression 4. Topple of the government by protester/students - Created network of: a. Safehouses b. Logistical Stores c. Medical Units Result----> with no where else to turn the people turn to the terrorists - The urban terrorists take over and the government is replaced

Two Targets of Rural Revolution

1.) White Settlers 2.) Native Middle class ** These two things keep power away from the folks - terrorize westerners and their lackies into submission - brutality would be example to bring government repression, and more natives to flock to the terrorist cause

Carlos Marighella

A Brazilian communist legislator and revolutionary theorist. Marighella popularized urban terrorism s a method for ending repression and eliminating US domination of Latin America. He was killed in a police ambush in Sao Paulo in 1969. - wrote Minimanual of Urban Guerrilla - wrote for the liberation of Brazil *How to guides for terrorism **These books have had more influence on today's terrorism ***Move terrorism from countryside to the city

Reminiscences of Cuban Revolutionary War

A book on how they did it (Castro and Che) took over Cuba. Describes Guevera's move towards marxism and the revolutionary process in cuba. Details the structure and strategy of Castro's forces and the guiding philosophy during the Cuban Guerrilla war.


A common global network ideally uniting the world through production and international trade. Proponents believe it will create wealth. Critics believe it creates corporate wealth and increases distance between the rich and the poor.


A controversial term that links drugs to terrorism in one of two ways: Either drug profits are used to finance terrorism or drug gangs use terrorism to control production and distribution networks.

Hawala System

A system of exchanging money based on trust relationships between money dealers. A chit, or promisory note, is exchanged between two hawaladers, and it is as valuable as cash or other traded commodities because the trust between the two parties guarantees its value. - Started in China 100's of years ago - aka Feng Chin "flying money" - currently hawala is based in Pakistan/India 1. Legit way of moving money across borders w/o using cash 2. Based on a long term trust relationship and knowledge - each dealer is responsible for all of their debts 3. Protected merchants from needing the cash

Capone Discovery

A term used by James Adams (discovered this) to explain Irish republican army's entry into organized crime. - networks set up and used to finance operations

Cuban Guerrilla War

A three step process as described by Che Guevara 1.) Revolutionaries join the indigenous population to form Guerrilla foco 2.) small forces form columns and control rural areas 3.) columns unite for a conventional offensive to overthrow government.

Most Original Concept

All violence could be urban based and can be controlled by small group of urban guerrillas


American understanding of this is defined as various forms of conflict that pit sub-national groups against allied forces (Government) - Represent a new mix of operations and tactics, new style of warfare made possible by technology and globalization - they sometimes refer to themselves as sovereign citizens - Includes multidimensional guerrilla tactics, terrorist tactics, political tactics of disrupting the government


An illustration of the way terrorists organize themselves into hierarchies. It is an analogy showing a large base of support culminating in a small group of terrorist at the top.

Apolitical Model

Carlos Marighella's Model Non-Political - been employed by groups of the Japanese Red army ---> freedmon of Montana (Huge Spectrum) - basis for Revolutionary violence

Active Supporters

Communications, safehouses, gathering intelligence

Passive Supporters

Complement active supporters but with political support/ not getting hands dirty - provide a lot of $$$$ *Support of terrorist operations requires a large group of people*

James Adams

Defense writer for Time of London - Stopping terrorism means stopping the money flow - Common practice today if it can be identified ~PLO runs its own bank ~ IRA developed and organized crime network to finance operations (Part of it even reached all the way to Rochester)

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Fidel Castro's assistant and guerrilla warfare theorist. Guevara advocated guerrilla revolutions throughout Latin America after success in the Cuban Revolution. He was killed in Bolivia in 1967 while trying to form a guerrilla army. - Doctor - killed hundreds of innocent people - Believed communism was the only way to overcome authority - killed people in the name of his campaign - considered a thug


Is composed of several cells - a semi atonimous conglomeration of cells under a single command

Note 1

It is better to let local government do something poorly than to have foreigners do it more efficiently.

Financing Modern Terrorism

Next to Committed followers money is important - Organizing political violence needs $$$$ 1. Families of suicide bombers receive compensation in the middle east 2. Some terrorist organizations take advantage of existing criminal nations to raise money

Active Cadre

People responsible for carrying out the mission of one or more specialties


Policy, plans, general direction

Social Stability

Social Fairness

Naravis Two Targets

Strategies of Following the Money 1. Source of Financing 2. The mechanisms used for transferring their money -Campaigns are expensive - Attacking terror financing should reduce incidence of terrorism according to national strategy for combating terrorism 2006

Force Multiplier

Striking power increases when attack causes economic damage

Frantz Fanon

Strong supporter for the Urban Terrorism Model - born in french martinique - studied medicine in France and became Psychiatrist - went to mental hospital in algeria - writer/ revolutionary theorist - Anti-colonist/anti-imperialist - believed the pressure caused by exploitive imperial were primary causes of mental illness in Algeria - Wrote the Wretched of the Earth - Wrote a Dying Colonialism

Triborder Region

The area where Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina join. The major city is Cuidad del Este.

Fraiser and Fulton

They're work is outdated for today's terrorism - doesn't make it wrong or invalid - structures are still accurate/applicable Note: The only terrorists that do not follow these models are individual terrorists (not in a group)

Fidel Castro

Took over Cuba in 1959 but then got kicked out, was friends with Che. - had people taking care of his followers in Cuba (rural partisans) - Used conventional warfare instead

U.S. Domestic Groups

Use to finance political Violence: - Robbery (bank, car, finance) - Fraud Schemes

Insurgents can be defeated with:

a. economic growth b. social stability c. working infrastructure - gives credibility to the folks - if foreigners do it than local authority doesn't receive any respect

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