Introduction to Public Speaking (DANTE)

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Which type of connective is the following phrase "we've discussed the main key point behind getting children to stay in school"? a) transition b) internal preview c) internal summary d) signpost

c) internal summary.

A speech which is delivered word for word from a written copy is a(n)? a) abstract speech b) informative speech c) manuscript speech d) persuasive speech

c) manuscript speech.

A speaker wishes to convince an audience that they should buy a product. They are giving a(n)? a) speech of introduction b) informative speech c) persuasive speech d) after-dinner speech

c) persuasive speech: a speech which attempts to convince the audience to believe a certain way. In case, the speaker wants the audience to believe that they should but the product.

"Is there a need for more student parking on campus?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

c) policy.

"Should teachers be given a raise?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

c) policy.

"Should we institute online voting?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

c) policy.

Opening lines should NOT be ambiguous because? a) ambiguous language is not grammatically correct b) the speaker will lose the audience's attention if they are too interesting c) primacy dictates that audiences will remember the first thing they heard d) if they are ambiguous it will be more difficult to make a clear and specific conclusion

c) primacy dictates that audiences will remember the first thing they heard. An audience will best remember a viewpoint the first way they heard it, so opening statements should be very clear.

Which of the following is NOT a type of persuasive speech? a) question of fact b) question of value c) question of morals d) question of policy

c) question of morals.

The elements of a speech which the speaker wants the audience to remember are called the? a) main points b) sub points c) residual message d) general purpose

c) residual message: the main points, sub points, and general purpose may be part of the residual message, but the question actually defines residual message.

The phrase "as cold as ice" is a(n)? a) connotative meaning b) concrete word c) simile d) metaphor

c) simile: comparison which uses the word like or as.

What is NOT an example of plagiarism? a) using someone else's work as your own b) patching together a speech three different pieces of material found online c) telling a foul joke d) paraphrasing a joke

c) telling a foul joke.

Kinesics is? a) a type of anecdote b) transitions c) the study of body language d) the last part of the outline

c) the study of body language.

A book of synonyms is knows as a? a) dictionary b) encyclopedia c) thesaurus d) rhyming dictionary

c) thesaurus.

Which of the following is NOT a goal of public speaking? a) to inform b) to persuade c) to plagiarize d) to entertain

c) to plagiarize.

Which of the following is a statistic? a) mean b) mean and median c) mean and mode d) mean, median, and mode

d) Mean, Median, and Mode. A statistic is a numerical figure which describes data, which means, medians, and modes all do.

What is the difference between an internal preview and a preview statement? a) a preview statement summarizes a speech or article and is written by someone other than the author, and an internal preview is a summary of the speech or article and is written by the author b) an internal preview is at the beginning of a speech and introduces the main points of the speech, and a preview statement is during the essay and summarizes the previous points c) an internal preview is in the middle of a speech and summarizes both the points already stated, and introduces the points coming up, and a preview statement is at the beginning and summarizes all the points which will be in the speech d) a preview statement is at the beginning of a speech and introduces the main points of the speech, and an internal preview is during the essay and summarizes the previous points

d) a preview statement is at the beginning of a speech and introduces the main points of the speech, and an internal preview is during the essay and summarizes the previous points.

Which of the following would NOT be included in a preparation outline? a) title b) purpose c) main points d) all of the above would be included

d) all of the above (Title, Purpose, Main points). A preparation outline is detailed and includes all of the elements listed, along with the ideas and conclusion.

Which of the following is a delivery cue? a) slow down b) speak louder c) display image d) all of the above

d) all of the above. (Slow down, Speak louder, Display image) Delivery cues are directions in the speaking outline which remind the speaker how they intended to deliver the speech.

Which of the following words are NOT the same as topic? a) theme b) subject c) category d) all of the above are the same topic

d) all of the above. (Theme, Subject, Category)

Aristotle wrote of which of the following? a) artistic proof b) inartistic proof c) arlenic proof d) artistic proof and inartistic proof

d) artistic proof and inartistic proof.

A speaker wishes to display a graph which has the mean income for various countries on it. Which type of graph should they use? a) bar graph b) line graph c) chart d) histogram

a) bar graph: used to display data in an easily comparable way.

Which reasoning fallacy is also known as circular reasoning? a) begging the question b) hasty generalization c) slippery slope d) red herring

a) begging the question.

The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the? a) bill of rights b) declaration of independence c) magna carta d) constitution's conclusion

a) bill of rights

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "Famous Women Speakers"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) casual order d) problem/solution order

a) chronological order.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "The History of Coin Collecting"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) causal order d) problem/solution order

a) chronological order.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "The Major Steps in Learning the Piano"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) causal order d) problem/spatial order

a) chronological order.

A speaker giving a lecture about the Revolutionary War begins by discussing the events which led up to the war and ends by speaking about the writing of the Constitution. What is the type of organization called? a) chronological order b) topical order c) problem-cause-solution order d) spatial order

a) chronological order: follows a timeline format.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "How to Bake a Cake"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) casual order d) problem/spatial order

a) chronological order: starting at a specific period of time (such as the beginning) and following it through step-by-step.

The meaning suggested by emotions triggered by a word is known as? a) connotative b) denotative c) concrete d) abstract

a) connotative.

What is the difference between denotation and connotation? a) denotation is the literal meaning of a word and connotation is the implied meaning of a word b) connotation is the literal meaning of a word and denotation is the implied meaning of a word c) denotation is a lowering of pitch and connotation is an elevating of pitch d) denotation is speaking at a slower rate and connotation is speaking at a faster rate

a) denotation is the literal meaning of a word and connotation is the implied meaning of a word.

The literal meaning of a phrase is called? a) denotative meaning b) connotative meaning c) concrete meaning d) abstract meaning

a) denotative meaning.

Which of the following refers to credibility? a) ethos b) logos c) pathos d) lobos

a) ethos.

A biology teacher is giving a lecture and quotes a famous scientist who works in a genetic laboratory. This is called? a) expert testimony b) peer testimony c) quoting out of context d) strategic organization

a) expert testimony: quoting a person who is a recognized expert, as the biology teacher did.

When a speech is carefully prepared it is known as an? a) extemporaneous speech b) conversational speech c) impromptu speech d) manuscript speech

a) extemporaneous speech.

"How many games has our local sports team won this past year?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

a) fact.

"How many hours does the average teenager watch television?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

a) fact.

"How many miles is it from my house to campus?" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

a) fact.

An error in reasoning is called? a) fallacy b) analogy c) ethos d) simple start

a) fallacy.

Multiple choice questions are? a) fixed-alternative questions b) open-ended questions c) categorical questions d) scale questions

a) fixed-alternative questions: have specific choices for answers, which is what multiple choice questions do.

A dentist is asked to give presentation for an elementary school class about what they do for their job. What type of speech will they be giving? a) informative speech b) speech of introduction c) acceptance speech d) commemorative speech

a) informative speech: used to teach about a subject.

When an audience believes the speaker has credibility before he begins speaking it is called? a) initial credibility b) derived credibility c) terminal credibility d) outstanding credibility

a) initial credibility: when the speaker already has the audience believing in his credibility it is called initial credibility.

The sum of the data divided by the number of data is called the? a) mean b) median c) mode d) mean or median

a) mean.

Which of the following refers to the highness or lowness of a speaker's voice? a) pitch b) volume c) inflection d) monotone

a) pitch.

If a person wished to persuade their audience to do something they would give a? a) speech to gain immediate action b) speech of introduction c) speech to gain active agreement d) speech of presentation

a) speech to gain immediate action. A speech to gain immediate action is a speech for which the purpose is to persuade an audience to take action in support of a policy.

Which type of connective is the following phrase "let's now discuss"? a) transition b) internal preview c) internal summary d) signpost

a) transition.

What is the mean of {2,3,4,8,8,10}? a) 2 b) 5.8 c) 6.7 d) 8

b) 5.8.

A key-word outline is? a) when a person pays attention to and attempts to understand and interpret what they hear b) a note form which concisely outlines the speaker's main points and evidences c) a summary of an article which was not written by the author or the article d) the subject, theme, or category of interest in a speech

b) a note form which concisely outlines the speaker's main points and evidences.

Which of the following is NOT a demographic? a) wealth b) attractiveness c) occupation d) education level

b) attractiveness.

Inflections are? a) how high or low the speaker's voice is b) changes in a speaker's pitch or tone c) how loud or quiet the speaker is d) changes in the rate at which a speaker talks

b) changes in the speaker's pitch or tone.

Believing your race is superior to any other is called? a) racism b) ethnocentrism c) ego d) intelligence model

b) ethnocentrism.

A student forgets that they have to give a speech about the Constitution and quickly copies a speech off of the internet. This is called? a) appreciative plagiarism b) global plagiarism c) patchwork plagiarism d) incremental plagiarism

b) global plagiarism: involves using another person's work in its entirety and presenting it as one's own.

A speech for which little or no preparation has been done is called a(n)? a) informative speech b) impromptu speech c) manuscript speech d) after-dinner speech

b) impromptu speech.

A speech with vocal variety will have? a) inflections b) inflections and changes in volume c) inflections and repetition d) changes in volume and repetition

b) inflections and Changes in Volume. Vocal variety involves changes in rate, volume, pitch, and tone of a speech. Repetition can be used in a speech, but it is not related to vocal variety.

Which type of connective is the following phrase "now that we have talked about the dangers of smoking, I will talk about the other four contributors to poor health"? a) transition b) internal preview c) internal summary d) signpost

b) internal Preview: reviews what was just covered and introduces the next section.

A speaker is doing a presentation on the levels of television usage over the past twenty years. Which type of graph should they use? a) bar graph b) line graph c) chart d) histogram

b) line graphs: used to show changes in a variable over time.

When giving a speech without a bias it is known as? a) partisan b) non-partisan c) causal d) ad populum

b) non-partisan.

When you restate someone's words it is called? a) quotation b) paraphrase c) testimony d) public speaking

b) paraphrase.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "Constructing a Suspension Bridge"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) casual order d) problem/spatial order

b) spatial order.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "Constructing the Statue of Liberty"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) causal order d) problem/solution order

b) spatial order.

An anecdote is a? a) joke b) story c) limerick d) paraphrased quotation

b) story.

Dialect is a) technical language which is related to a specific profession or trade b) the phenomenon in which different locations speak the same language with different accents or grammatical patterns c) the movements of a speaker's arms or hands during a speech d) the study of body language, or how body motions influence and take part in communication

b) the phenomenon in which different locations speak the same language, but with different accents or grammatical patterns.

"Capital punishment is wrong and violates our laws" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

b) value.

"Tennis playing is the game of champions" is a question of? a) fact b) value c) policy d) morality

b) value.

The loudness of a speaker's voice is known as? a) pitch b) volume c) inflection d) monotone

b) volume.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "How to Keep Off Unwanted Pounds"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) casual order d) problem/spatial order

c) casual order.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "Renewing a Marriage License After Five Years Will Reduce Divorce"? a) chronological order b) spatial order c) causal order d) topical order

c) casual order.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "The Effects of Cigarettes on the Lungs?" a) chronological order b) spatial order c) casual order d) problem/solution order

c) casual order.

A debater is told to listen to a speech and then write an essay about their opinion of the topic. They are using? a) comprehensive listening b) appreciative listening c) critical listening d) empathic listening

c) critical listening: involves forming an opinion based on what was said.

Changes in the speaker's tone is known as? a) pitch b) volume c) inflection d) monotone

c) inflection: the natural change in the speaker's tone when speaking.

When is the best time to begin research for a speech? a) before you have selected a topic b) while narrowing your topics from three to one c) as soon as you read a book about it d) as soon as possible

d) as soon as possible. The more time that you give yourself, the better off you will be.

Which of the following is the second phase of the listening process? a) remembering b) sensing c) understanding d) attending

d) attending.

Reasoning with the purpose of determining cause and effect is called? a) reasoning from specific instances b) analogical reasoning c) reasoning from principle d) causal reasoning

d) casual reasoning.

A speaker who repeatedly uses the words "like" and "um" will likely be criticized for? a) imagery b) clichés c) rhythm d) clutter

d) clutter: words which are used unnecessarily.

The tendency to consider one's own beliefs and opinions before those of others is called? a) attitude b) ethnocentrism c) selfishness d) egocentrism

d) egocentrism.

Which of the following is NOT a type of reasoning? a) deductive b) inductive c) analogical d) either/or

d) either/or.

A gazetteer contains what type of information? a) a specific person b) newspaper articles c) maps d) geographical topics

d) geographical topics.

When the audience believes that the speaker has their interests in mind it is called? a) credibility b) comrade c) authority d) goodwill

d) goodwill.

A person is trying to describe to their friend why As an example they say "If someone needs to get to the hospital quickly, they should be able to speed." This is a(n)? a) extended example b) statistic c) brief example d) hypothetical example

d) hypothetical Example. This is a hypothetical example because it is generalized case which the person used to prove their point.

A student has to write an essay and doesn't have time to finish it properly. They decide to find a similar essay on the internet and copy some of the paragraphs and ideas into their own essay. This is: a) appreciative plagiarism b) global plagiarism c) patchwork plagiarism d) incremental plagiarism

d) incremental plagiarism: incorporating an idea from another source and failing to give credit to the source.

Technical language which is related to a specific profession is called? a) concept b) font c) practicality d) jargon

d) jargon.

Which of the following is NOT an artistic proof? a) ethos b) logos c) pathos d) lobos

d) lobos.

At a book club meeting, all of the members vote on the next book to be read. The book which receives the most votes will be chose. All of the books are numbered, and the members write their books down. The president looks at all the numbers. Which of the following measurements is used to determine what the next book will be? a) mean b) median c) mode d) range

d) mode. The president will determine which book to read based on which number occurs the most, or which book had the most votes, which is the mode.

The constant tone of a speaker's voice known as? a) pitch b) volume c) inflection d) monotone

d) monotone.

Ethical decisions must be considered from what standpoint? a) logical b) rational c) scientific d) moral

d) moral. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which involves issues of morality.

Stephanie is trying to convincer her parents to let her have a party, and says "You should let me have a party. My birthday is coming up fast, it's only a week away. All of my friends have had parties for their birthday. Plus, you let all of the other kids have parties for their birthdays." Which steps of Toulmin's argument model has she not covered? a) claim b) warrant c) backing d) more than one step has not been covered

d) more than one step has not been covered. Stephanie has not offered a qualifying statement or rebuttal.

A search aid can be used to find information? a) in the library b) on the internet c) at a person's house d) both a and b

d) on the internet.

When a speaker attempts to apply their speech to the individuals in an audience, it is called? a) consensus b) dyad c) practicality d) personalizing

d) personalizing.

Monroe's Motivated Sequence is used in speeches which are meant to be? a) introductory b) personal c) entertaining d) persuasive

d) persuasive.

Which pattern of organization would be most suitable for the following speech "In Order for Teenagers to Listen, their Parents Must Become Involved?" a) chronological order b) spatial order c) causal order d) problem/solution order

d) problem/solution order.

A question which addresses the morality of a concept or idea is a? a) question of policy b) question of practicality c) question of false cause d) question of value

d) question of value.

Which of the following is NOT a step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence? a) attention b) need c) visualization d) rebuttal

d) rebuttal.

Which of the following is NOT a step of Toulmin's argumentation model? a) claim b) evidence c) warrant d) satisfaction

d) satisfaction. Satisfaction is a step of Monroe's Motivational Sequence.

Which type of connective is the following phrase "How can we now better ourselves?" a) transition b) internal preview c) internal summary d) signpost

d) signpost.

An astronomy teacher is giving a lecture about the solar system. First they talk about the sun, and then all of the planets in order of how close they are to the sun. What is this type of organization called? a) chronological order b) causal order c) topical order d) spatial order

d) spatial order: an organization pattern which follows a direction. In this case, the direction is outward from the sun.

When a person feels anxious because they have to speak in front of an audience it is called? a) adrenaline b) positive nervousness c) stage fright d) negative nervousness

d) stage fright.

A speaker knows that their thesis contradicts what most of their audience believes, and they organize their speech so that their evidence is presented before they state their opinion. This is called? a) topical order b) strategic organization c) connective d) spatial order

d) strategic organization.

During a vocalized pause you would not expect to hear? a) um b) uh c) er d) therefore

d) therefore. A vocalized pause is when the speaker fills a pause with "uh", "um" or another vocalization. Therefore would indicate that a speech is moving forward, not a pause.

If a speaker wanted to change the word in their speech to a different word with a similar meaning, what would they use? a) bibliography b) dictionary c) concrete words d) thesaurus

d) thesaurus. A thesaurus lists synonyms, which is what the speaker needs.

How many types of visual aids are in a multimedia presentation? a) one only b) two only c) three only d) two or more

d) two or more.

A search aid which operates and organizes like a traditional library is a(n)? a) online catalogue b) periodical index c) card catalogue d) virtual library

d) virtual library.

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