Ionic Bonding and Compounds

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Ammonium carbonate is:

(NH4 )2 CO3

How do you determine the charge of anions based on group?

-Anions of Group 15 (5A) elements always have a charge of 3 -Anions of Group 16 (6A) elements always have a charge of 2 -Anions of Group 17 (7A) elements always have a charge of 1

What is the octet rule?

-Atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons in order to have a full set of valance electrons -Atoms tend towards having a total of 8 electrons

How do you determine the charge of a cation based on its group?

-Cations of Group 1A elements always have a charge of 1+. -Cations of Group 2A elements always have a charge of 2+.

Why do the following only have one possible charge: Ag+ , Cd2+ and Zn2+?

-The "d" orbital of both zinc and cadmium are full and therefore very stable so the only electrons it will lose are the two "s" electrons -The "d" orbital is also full with silver as it has largely taken an electron from it's own "s" orbital to make stabilize the "d" orbital. Therefore, it only has 1 electron left to lose.

What do monoatomic anions end in when naming ionic compounds?


How many valence electrons does potassium have?


Which pair of elements would you expect to exhibit the greatest similarity in their physical and chemical properties? A Li, Na B Cs, Ba C Ca, Si D Ga, Ge

A) Li, Na

Anions are formed from nonmetals. A True B False

A) True

Metals lose electrons to form cations. A True B False

A) True

Potassium is a __________ and chlorine is a __________. A metal, nonmetal B metal, metal C metal, metalloid D metalloid, nonmetal

A) metal, nonmetal

What three transition metals only form one cation?

Ag+ , Cd2+ and Zn2+

The ionic compound formed between Al and O is:


The formula for aluminum phosphate is:


What is the charge of an ionic compound?

Although they are composed of ions, ionic compounds are electrically neutral.

The correct name for Al2O3 is _____.

Aluminum oxide

What are anions? Where are they located on the periodic table?

Anions are negative and are formed by elements on the right side of the periodic chart (nonmetals).

What can atoms with a high electronegativity do to atoms with a low electronegativity?

Atoms with a high electronegativity will be able to attract electrons away from atoms with a much lower electronegativity.

This is the ion formed from a calcium atom. A Ca+ B Ca2+ C Ca- D Ca2

B) Ca2+

Nonmetals tend to lose electrons forming ions. A True B False

B) False

Which pair of atoms will form an ionic bond? A Li and Ne B K and Br C K and Cs D S and Cl

B) K and Br

How do you write the name of an ionic compound?

Binary (two element) compounds are named by writing the name of the cation followed by the name of the anion (-ide).

Which of the following compounds would you expect to be ionic? A H2O B CO2 C SrCl2 D SO2

C) SrCl2

The ionic compound formed between Ca and N is:


What are cations? Where are they located on the periodic table?

Cations are positive and are formed by elements on the left side of the periodic chart (metals).

What is the name of the ionic compound? CrO

Chromium (II) Oxide

What would be the correct formula for cobalt (III) carbonate?


What are ionic compounds?

Compounds composed of cations and anions are called ionic compounds.

What are ternary ionic compounds? What are their charge?

Compounds that contain 3 or more elements; they are neutral

The correct name for Cu3N is:

Copper (I) Nitride

The formula for the ionic compound between Cs and O is:


Which one of the following compounds is copper (I) chloride?


The formula for copper (II) sulfide is:


Of the following, __________ contains the greatest number of electrons. A P3+ B P C P2- D P3-

D P3-

Which metal is capable of forming more than one cation? A K B Cs C Ba D Sn

D Sn

Predict the charge of the most stable ion of S. A 3+ B 1- C 6+ D 2-

D) 2-

Which metal is not capable of forming more than one cation? A Cu B Au C Fe D Al

D) Al

Which pair of atoms will form an ionic bond? A Li and Be B Na and Mg C K and Ca D Na and Cl

D) Na and Cl

Which of the following is a nonmetal? A W B Sr C Os D S

D) S

Metals tend to __________ electrons and nonmetals tend to __________ electrons. A gain, gain B lose, lose C gain, lose D lose, gain

D) lose, gain

Anions tend to be __________ and cations tend to be __________. A metals, metals B nonmetals, nonmetals C metals, nonmetals D nonmetals, metals

D) nonmetals, metals

What is metallic bonding?

Each metal atom bonds to other metals atoms within a "sea" of electrons

Arsenic (As) has 6 valence electrons. A True B False

False; 5 valence electrons

T or F: The correct name of the compound V2O3 is vanadium (II) oxide.

False; Vanadium (III) Oxide

T or F: The formula for barium sulfide is Ba2S2 .

False; it is not reduced

When does electronegativity increase? Decrease?

Increases across a period, decreases down a group

What are the electrostatic forces that hold ionic compounds together called?

Ionic bonds.

What are ions?

Ions are atoms or groups of atoms that have become charged by either gaining or losing electrons.

What is the name of the ionic compound? FeCl3

Iron (III) Cloride

What is the formula for an ionic compound of potassium and oxygen?


What is the formula for lithium chlorate?


Mg(HCO3 )2 is:

Magnesium hydrogen carbonate

What is the formula for an ionic compound of Mg and N?


The formula for the ionic compound between Mg and S is:


What is the formula for manganese (III) carbonate?


This is the ion formed from nitrogen.


What is the formula for sodium phosphide?


The correct name for SrO is _____.

Strontium oxide

The charge on the cation is indicated by what for transition metals?

The charge on the cation is indicated by the Roman numeral (Stock naming system)

What is ionic bonding?

The electrostatic attraction between ions

What is covalent bonding?

The sharing of electrons between atoms

What do valence electrons determine about an element?

The valence electrons determine the chemical properties of an element.

What is the ionic compound formed between Ca and Al?

They are both metals so no bond is formed

What is the ionic compound formed between P and Br?

This compound is not considered ionic

T or F: An ionic bond would form between Sc and F.


What does the atom with high electronegativity attract from the atom with low electronegativity?

Valence electrons

What are valence electrons?

Valence electrons are the electrons in the highest occupied energy level of an element's atoms.

What attracts a positive and negative ion?

electrostatic force

What is electronegativity?

how strongly an atom attracts electrons.

Elements __________ exhibit similar physical and chemical properties.

in the same group

The name of FeCl3 is:

iron (III) chloride

What is different about d-block elements in terms of their ionic charge?

most transition metals (d block elements) can have more than one ionic charge.

How many nitrate ions are present in the formula of aluminum nitrate? (Write the formula first to find out.)


How many valence electrons does Aluminum have?


Aluminum forms an ion with a charge of __________.


The charge on the cation in the salt Fe2O3 is __________.


What would be the expected charge on the gallium (Ga) ion?


Phosphorous forms an ion with a charge of __________.


What does a chemical formula show?

A chemical formula shows the kinds and numbers of atoms in the smallest representative unit of a substance.

What is a formula unit?

A formula unit is the lowest whole number ratio of ions in an ionic compound.

What is often the result when metals lose electrons?

A noble gas

What are the three distinct properties of ionic compounds?

1) They are crystalline solids at room temperature 2) They have high melting points 3) They conduct electricity when melted (molten) or dissolved in water (aqueous)

Iodine forms an ion with a charge of __________.


How many total ions (cations and anions) are present in the formula of lithium acetate?


How many valence electrons does Barium have?


Oxygen forms an ion with a charge of __________.


The formula for sodium hydroxide is:


What is the result when nonmetals gain electrons?

Noble gas

Why is the 2+ charge common among transition metals?

Since they lose their two "s" electrons first, before losing others from their "d" orbital.

What are post transition metals and what is special about them?

Sn, Pb from the p-block are called post transition metals and will form more than one type of ion and behave like transition metals.

The correct formula for tin (IV) oxide is:


The correct name for Na2S is _____.

Sodium Sulfide

What is a polyatomic ion?

a group of atoms bonded together that have a charge and acts like a single unit or ion.

An electronegativity difference of approximately 1.7 can only occur between what two kinds of elements?

a metal and a nonmetal.

Are polyatomic ions found in nature?


In the periodic table, the elements are arranged in __________.

order of increasing atomic number

The correct name for NaClO is:

sodium hypochlorite

Since all compounds are neutral, then the total positive cation charge must equal what?

the total negative anion charge.

When can a high electronegativity atom take an electron away from an atom with low electronegativity?

when the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is approximately 1.7 or higher.

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