Irrigation terms
Water Meter
A device that measures the amount of water flowing in a pipe. the size of the meter determines the design of the irrigation system. Usually supplied and installed by City Water Department.
A group of control valves located together in the same area.
A group of sprinkler heads that are controlled by the same remote control valve; same as a station
A group of sprinkler heads that is controlled by the same remote control valve, same as a zone
Abbreviation for "point of connection." This is the location on the irrigation system where a tap is made for connection of a backflow prevention device or water meter.
PVC Pipe
Poly Vinyl Chloride pipe; The most common pipe used in irrigation systems.
Head-To-Head Spacing
Refers to the spacing distances of sprinklers when they do not exceed the radius of the sprinklers.
How to determine the design operating pressure for an irrigation system
Subtract about 20 to 25 psi from pressure at a meter
The abbreviation for "Gallons per minute" (unit of measure for water flow).
The abbreviation for "feet per second" ; refers to the velocity of water in pipes.
The build up of water pressure in a piping system due to certain characteristics of the pipe, valves and flow
Water main
The city water pipe located in the street or right of way.
Remote control valve
The component in the irrigation system that regulates the on/off of water from the main line to the sprinkler heads; activated by the controller.
The device that sends timing commands to remote control valves for actuation.
Backflow prevention device
The device, required by law, on an irrigation system that prevents water from re-entering the potable water lines once it flows into the irrigation pipes.
The distance between the sprinkler heads or the sprinkler head rows.
Water pressure
The force of water that exists in a piping system; measured in pounds per square inch (psi)
The movement of water through the irrigation piping system; causes friction loss.
Main line-
The pipe in an irrigation system that delivers water from the backflow prevention device to the remote control valves. This is usually the largest pipe on the irrigation system, Generally under constant pressure and located upstream from the remote control valves.
Service line
The pipe supplying water from the city water main to the water meter.
Dynamic pressure
The pressure reading in a pipeline system with water flowing.
Static water pressure
The pressure that exists in a piping system when there is no flow; measured in pounds per square inch
Working pressure
The remaining pressure in the irrigation system when all of the friction losses are subtracted from the static pressure.;
The speed at which water flows through the piping system; measured in feet per second.
Potable water
Water used for drinking purposes
Irrigation components that cause a reduction in water pressure
elbows, meters, backflow preventers, elevation
What do topography and contour lines mean
points of equal elevation
the abbreviation for "pounds per square inch" (unit of measure for water pressure).
Friction loss
the loss of pressure (force) as water flows through the piping system.
the pipe in an irrigation system located downstream from the remote control valve. Lateral pipes carry water directly to the sprinklers.
Design operating pressure
the pressure a designer uses to determine spacing distances and flow for sprinkler heads. The design operating pressure is determined by subtracting estimated friction losses from the static water pressure.
Precipitation rate
the rate at which sprinkler heads apply water to a specific area of coverage, over a given period of time, measured in inches per hour.
Safe velocity in pipes
under 5 fps