IS 52 Final- Questions about concepts/key terms

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CRT vs Flat panel displays

- Cathode ray tube (CRT) displays: large, bulky, and heavy - Flat-panel displays: take up less desk space; use less power

Be familiar with DOS (PC vs MS DOS), Windows 1.0, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, OSX, Unix, Linux Chrome OS, Windows 10 Mobile, Android, iOS, and Blackberry

- DOS: Disk Operating System - PC-DOS: Created for IBM microcomputers - MS-DOS: Created for use with IBM-compatible computers - Windows 1.0: operating environments for DOS -Windows XP: Supports new hardware, networking, & the Internet -Windows 7: Requires less memory and processing power - Windows 8: Designed to be used with a wide range of device -Windows 10: the latest version of Windows -OSX: the proprietary operating system for computers by Apple Co. - UNIX: an operating system developed in the late 1960s for midrange servers - Linux: resembles UNIX but was developed independently by Linus Torvalds in 1991 -Chrome OS: the first cloud operating system -Windows 10 Mobile: Uses the same kernel, user interface, and other features as desktop installations -Android: a Linux-based operating system created with current mobile device capabilities in mind -IOS: designed for Apple mobile devices -Blackberry OS: Designed for BlackBerry devices

Size/aspect ratio

- Device size measured diagonally from corner to corner - Wide variety of sizes available - Most are wide-screen displays (16:9 aspect ratio)

Color vs Monochrome

- Images are formed using pixels - Most displays today are color displays

Searching the internet and keywords, directory search, and search strategies

- Keywords are typed in a search box to locate Web pages (hits) matching those keywords -Directory search: Categories are selected to locate Web pages in those categories - Search Strategies: Using search operators, Using multiple search sites, Using synonyms, using variations of your keywords and alternate spellings, and using wildcards

What are the different display devices?

- Monitors are display devices typically used with a desktop computer - Display screens are built into a variety of devices

Whats volatility?

- Storage media are nonvolatile and, therefore, is used for data to be saved for later use

screen resolution

- The number of pixels used on a display determines its resolution

Difference between 64 and 32-bit. What's Word-size?

-32-bit or 64-bit CPUs : made for specific type of processor -word-size: maximum number of bits that a CPU can process at a time

What is a computer and what are the four primary operations?

-A programmable electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results, and stores the data or results as needed. FOUR PRIMARY OPERATIONS: Input- entering the data Processing- performing operations on the data Output- presenting the results Storage- Saving data, programs, or output for future use

Absolute Vs Relative Cell referencing

-Absolute cell references: Formulas copied as they are written -Relative cell references: Cell addresses adjusted formula is copied to reflect the new location of the formula

Describe audio input and recognition systems

-Audio input: process of entering audio data into the computer -Speech recognition systems enable device being used to recognize voice input as spoken words

Differentiate between CD/DVD-R and CD/DVR RW as well as DVR+R and DVR-R

-CD-R, DVD-R: can be written to, but cannot be erased and reused - CD-RW, DVD-RW: can be written to, erased, and overwritten like magnetic hard disks -DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL are dual-layer discs

know the different capacities for CDs, DVDs, and BDs

-CD: 700 MB -DVD: 4.7 GB -BD: 25 GB/50 GB -BDXL: 128 GB -NEW BD: up too 100 GB

How do cellular radio, microwave and satellite transmission work?

-Cellular Radio: use cellular towers within overlapping honeycomb-shaped zones called cells -high-frequency radio signals that are sent and received using microwave stations or satellites -Stations designed to communicate with satellites are satellite dishes

What's client-server vs peer-to-peer networks?

-Client: computer or other device on network that requests and utilizes network resources; - Server: computer dedicated to processing client requests -P2P: Content exchanged over Internet directly between users

What's Commercial software, Open Source Software, Shareware, Freeware, Public and Domain Software

-Commercial Software:developed and sold for profit, single use license & comes in trial or demo version -Open Source Software: programs with source code made available to the general public -Shareware:consists of copyrighted software distributed on the honor system -Freeware: copyrighted software programs that are given away by the author for others to use free of charge -Public and Domain Software: not copyrighted

Different types of communication satellites and distances, infrared transmission

-Communication Satellites: launched into orbit to send and receive microwave signals from earth -Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites have less delay and used satellite telephones -Medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites often used for GPS systems - Infrared transmission (IR): send data as infrared light rays

What's a database, database software, field, record, row, table, query and report

-Database: a collection of related data that is stored in a manner enabling information to be retrieved as needed -Database software: allows the creation and manipulation of an electronic database -Field: (column) a single type of data to be stored in a database -Record: (row) a collection of related fields -Table: a collection of related records -Query: a question, or a request for specific information from the database -Report: created when a more formal output is desired

Desktop Vs Mobile Software, Installed Vs Cloud Software

-Desktop Vs Mobile Software: Personal computers use desktop software, Smartphones and other mobile devices mobile apps -Installed Vs Cloud Software: must be installed on the computer before it can be run ; delivered on-demand via the Web

Types of connections: Dial-up, cable, DSL, Satellite, Fixed Wireless, Broadband over Fiber, Mobile Wireless, Wi-Fi Hotspots

-Dial-up connections: must dial up and connect to the ISP - Cable Internet access: most widely used home broadband connection -DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) Internet access delivers data via standard telephone lines -Satellite Internet access: often the only broadband option for rural areas -Fixed wireless Internet access: uses radio transmission towers rather than satellites -Broadband over Fiber (BoF): Internet access delivers data over fiber-optic cabling all the way to the building - Mobile wireless Internet access: delivers data via a cellular network -Wi-Fi hotspot: a location with a direct Internet connection and a wireless access point

What is hard drive speed and disk caching?

-Disk access: total time it takes for a hard drive to read or write data ( seek time, rotational delay, and data movement time) - Disk cache: memory used in conjunction w/ magnetic hard drive to improve system performance

What's e-commerce, online banking, online entertainment, online auctions, online TV, Videos and movies, and online gaming?

-E-commerce: performing financial transactions over the Internet - Online banking: Performing banking activities via the Web -Online Entertainment: Online music (Music played or obtained via the Web ): Online TV, videos, and movies (Live or recorded TV shows available via the Web);Video-on-demand ( Selecting movies or TV television shows to be delivered on demand to your device) -Online auctions: Bids are placed for items and the highest bidder purchases the item - Online gaming: Playing games via the Web

What's Electromagnetic and wireless Spectrum

-Electromagnetic Spectrum: the range of common electromagnetic radiation (energy) -Wireless Spectrum: Unlicensed frequencies can be used for any application, wireless networks often use frequencies in the 2.4GHz and 5 GHz bands

Know the following protocols: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Powerline and, WiMax, cellular standards, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, WiGig and Wireless HD, ZiBee, Z-Wave and Low-Power Wi-Fi.

-Ethernet: the most widely used standard for wired networks -PoE:electrical power sent along cables on an Ethernet network along with data -WiFi: a family of wireless networking standards using IEEE standard 802.11 -Powerline: Allows networking via ordinary electrical outlets -Broadband over Powerline (BPL): Can deliver Internet via existing outdoor power lines but is not widely used unified world-wide standard for creating home networks over any existing home wiring -WiMax: a set of standards for longer range wireless networking connections, typically MANs - Fixed WiMAX: Designed to provide Internet access fixed locations (hotzones) - Mobile WiMAX (802.16e) • Mobile version of the standard -Cellular Standards: 2G(Fast voice and data), 3G(fast suurent, standard, 1-4 Mbps), 4G (faster current, 3-15 MBps), 5G (underdevelopment) -Bluetooth: a networking standard for very short-range wireless connections -WiFi Direct: a standard for connecting Wi-Fi devices directly, without using a router or an access point -WiGig/Wireless HD: used to wirelessly connect computers and home entertainment devices together -ZiBee:Designed for inexpensive and simple short-range networking, particularly sensor networks -Z-Wave:Devices can communicate with each other and be controlled via home control modules, computers, or smartphones -Low-Power WiFi:Designed to network sensors and other devices in home automation networks

Evaluating search results and citing internet sources

-Evaluating Search Results: appropriate for information you are seeking, appropriate URL, evaluate author, source, information and verify information -Use citations to cite your resources

Be familiar with File Management, search tools, copying and moving files, deleting, compression programs, backup and recovery utilities, antivirus programs

-File Management: enable the user to perform file management tasks -Search tools:designed to search for documents and other files on the user's hard drive -copying/moving files:copy or cut to clipborad & paste -deleting: files got to the recycle bin & can be recovered -compression programs: reduce the size of files to optimize storage space and transmission time -backup & recovery:utilities make the backup and restoration process easier

Other less popular mobile OS: Firefox OS, WebOS, Tizen

-Firefox OS: a discontinued open-source operating system(made for smartphones, tablet computers and smart TVs -WebOS: a Linux kernel-based multitask operating system for smart devices such as Smart TVs -Tinzen: an operating system based on the Linux kernel and the GNU C Library implementing the Linux API

Difference between GUI and Command Line interfaces

-GUI: has icons, buttons, and other objects that the user selects to issue commands -Command line interfaces: requires user to input text-based commands using keyboard

Who oversees the Internet and what organizations contribute to it?

-Infrastructure companies are enterprises that own or operating the physical structure of the Internet - Conventional and mobile phone companies, cable companies, and satellite Internet providers

email address

An internet address consisting of a username and domain name that uniquely identifies a person on the internet

Other types of online communication: instant messaging, texting, chat, twittering, forums, VoIP, web conferences, Webinars, Social networking sites

-Instant messaging/chat: Exchanging real-time messages with your contacts -Text messaging: SMS for text and MMS for multimedia messages -Twittering: Users post short updates called tweets - forum (discussion group or message board): a Web page that enables individuals to post messages on a particular topic for others to read and respond to - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): making telephone calls over the Internet -Web conference: videoconferencing that take place via the Internet -Webinar: a seminar presented via the Web -Social networking site: A site that enables a community of individuals to communicate/share information

What's the Internet, ARPANET, Internet2 and WWW?

-Internet: the largest and most well-known computer network, linking millions of computers all over the world - ARPANET: the predecessor of the Internet -World Wide Web (Web): the collection of Web pages available through the Internet -Internet2: a consortium of researchers, educators, and technology leaders from industry, government, and the international community

What's the Kernel, booting, device driver, file management, resource monitoring, and security?

-Kernel: essential part of OS -booting: to load an operating system into the computer's main memory or random access memory -device driver: communicate with peripheral devices -file management: Keeps track of stored files on computer -resource monitoring: a utility in Windows Vista and later, displays information about the use of hardware (CPU, memory, disk, and network) and software -security:Uses passwords, biometric characteristics and other security procedures to limit access

different technologies for flat panel displays such as LCDs, OLED, e-paper, IMOD, plasma, and multimedia projectors

-LCDs use charged liquid crystalsbetween sheets of glass or plastic -OLED displays use layers of organic material -e-paper displays use electronic ink -IMOD displays -Essentially a complex mirror that uses external light todisplay images -Plasma displays use layers of gas between two plates of glass -multimedia projectors display output from a computer to a wall or projection screen

logical vs physical data representation

-Logical file: Individuals view a document stored as one complete unit in a particular folder on a particular drive -Physical: Computers access a particular document stored on storage medium using physical location or locations

What's Multimedia networking, videoconferecing, telemedicine, telesurgery?

-Multimedia networking: distributing digital multimedia content, typically via a home network -Videoconferencing:uses computers, video cameras, microphones, and networking technologies to conduct face-to-face meetings over a network -Telemedicine: networking technology to provide medical information and services -Telesurgery: robot-assisted surgery where doctor's physical location is different from that of the patient and robot

What are the myths about the Internet

-Myth 1: The Internet is free - Most people and businesses pay for Internet access -Myth 2: Someone controls the Internet - No single group or organization controls the Internet - Myth 3: The Internet and World Wide Web are identical, nternet is the physical network

What's a network adapter or NIC, switch, router, wireless router, modem, access point, antenna, multiplexer, repeater, range extender?

-Network adapter: used to connect a computer to a network (NIC) when in the form of an expansion card, (NIC) when in the form of an expansion card -Switch: a central device that connects devices in a wired network but only sends data to the intended recipient -Router: connects multiple networks: Two LANs, two WANS, LAN and the Internet, etc. -Modem: a device that enables a computer to communicate over analog networking media -Wireless router: a router with a built-in wireless access point and, typically, a switch -Access point: a transceiver in a wireless local area network that connects a wired local area network to wireless devices or that connects wireless devices to each other -Antenna: devices used for receiving or sending radio signals -Muliplexer: combine transmissions from several different devices to send them as one message -Repeater: amplify signals along a network -Range Extender: repeaters for a wireless network

What's a network and a computer network?

-Network: a connected system of objects or people -Computer Network: a collection of computers and other hardware devices connected together so users can share hardware, software, and data, and electronically communicate

What is an operating system and its interfaces

-OS: a collection of programs that manage and coordinate the activities taking place within a computer -Booting the computer: Loads part OS (kernel) into memory , reads instructions, determines hardware, startup programs, and introductions are stored

What's online education and writing, online testing, blogs, and wikis?

-Online education: Using the Internet to facilitate learning -Online testing: Taking tests via the Internet -Blog: A Web page that contains short, frequently updated entries in chronological order, typically by just one individual -Wiki: A collaborative Web page designed to be edited and republished by a variety of individuals

Be familiar with some common software commands

-Open: Ctrl-O -Save: Ctrl-S -Print: Ctrl-P -Copy: Ctrl-C -Paste: Ctrl-V -Undo: Ctrl-Z -Close: Atl-F4

What are: PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, Intranet, Extranet, VPN

-Personal area networks (PANs) connect individual's personal devices -Local area networks (LANs) connect devices located in small geographic area -Metropolitan area networks (MANs) cover metropolitan area (city or county) - Wide area networks (WANs) cover a large geographic area -Intranet: a private network designed to be used by an organizations' employees -Extranet: a company network accessible by authorized outsiders -VPN: provides a private, secure path over the Internet

What's presentation graphic, graphics software, audio editing software, video editing software, media players,

-Presentation Graphic: an image designed to visually enhance a presentation -Graphics Software: create or modify graphics, edit digital audio or video, play multimedia files, and burn CDs and DVDs -Audio Editing Software: used to create and edit audio files -Video Editing Software: modifies existing videos -Media Player: programs designed to play audio and video files

What's a protocol and why is TCP/IP so important to understand it?

-Protocol: set of rules determining how devices on network communicate -TCP/IP: most widely used communications protocol -Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Responsible for data delivery -Internet Protocol (IP) -Provides addresses & routing information -HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) -SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and POP3 (Post Office Protocol)

What are the hard drive interface standards?

-Serial ATA (SATA): most common internal hard drive interface standard - Serial attached SCSI (SAS) - Fibre Channel - Internet SCSI (iSCSI)

What is serial transmission, parallel transmission, synchronous transmission, asynchronous transmission, isochronous transmission, simplex transmission, half-duplex transmission, full duplex transmission?

-Serial transmission: Data is sent one bit at a time, one after another, along a single path -Parallel transmission: Data is sent in a group of bits with each bit taking a different path - Synchronous transmission: Blocks of data are transferred at regular, specified intervals -Asynchronous transmission: Data is sent when ready without being synchronized - Isochronous transmission - Data is sent in time to be delivered at the time it is needed - Simplex transmission: Data travels in a single direction only -Half-duplex transmission: Data travels in either direction but only one way at a time -Full-duplex transmission: Data travels in both directions at the same time

What's a spreadsheet, workbook, cell, column, row, formula, constant values, function, what-if analysis, etc.

-Spreadsheet:a group of numbers and other data organized into rows and columns -Workbook: a collection of worksheets saved in a single file -Cell:the intersection of a row and a column -Column: run vertically and are identified by letters -Row: run horizontally and identified by numbers -Formula:contain both relative and absolute cell references as needed -constant values: numerical entries -Function: is a named, pre-programmed formula -What if analysis: Tool frequently used to help make business decisions

How Television, radio broadcasting and GPS work.

-TV & Broadcasting: Over the air networks still used to deliver TV and radio content to the public -GPS: uses 24 GPS satellites for location and navigational purposes

Networking applications: The Internet, mobile phones, dual-mode phones, cell phones, satellite phones

-The Internet: the largest computer network in the world -Mobile Phones: use a wireless network for communications -Dual-Mode Phones: allow users to make telephone calls using more than one communications network -Cell Phones: must be within range of cell tower to function -Satellite Phones: communicate via satellite technology

Toolbars, menus, keyboard shortcuts, and ribbon, editing and formatting documents

-Toolbar:a strip of icons used to perform certain functions. -Menu:a list of commands or options, especially one displayed on screen -Keyboard shortcuts: a combination of keys that, when pressed simultaneously, perform some task -Ribbon:Commands are organized into groups located on tabs -Formatting Documents: changes the appearance of the document

Difference between twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable

-Twisted-pair cable - Pairs of insulated wires twisted together (LANS) - Coaxial cable: Thick center wire surrounded by insulation - Fiber-optic cable: Utilizes hundreds of thin transparent clear glass or plastic fibers over which lasers transmit data as light

Wearable, high definition displays, touch and gesture capabilites

-Wearable displays project images from a mobile device to a display screen (smart glasses) -Touch and gesture capabilities (Kiosks, Portable gaming devices) -High-definition displays - Most common HD format is 1080p

Know the network characteristics, wired, wireless, topologies, network architecture, network size and coverage.

-Wired network:a network in which computers and other devices are physically connected to the network with cables -Wireless network: a network in which computers and other devices are connected to the network without physical cables -Topologies: Star network-All network devices connect to a central device; Bus network- All network devices connect to a central cable; Mesh network- Network devices are interconnected so that messages can take any of several possible paths -Network architecture: Professional sports venues are increasingly including wireless access and other technology -Network size/coverage: Personal area networks, Local area networks, Metropolitan area networks, Wide area networks

What's word processing, tables, graphics, templates, etc

-Word processing: creates, edits, saves, and prints written documents -tables: Allow content to be organized in a table consisting of rows and columns -graphics: Allow images to be inserted into a document and then modified -Templates: Help users create new documents quickly

What is an optical disc and how is it different from a hard drive?

-are thin circular plastic discs *read from and written to using laser beams *commonly used for software delivery *Divided into sectors like magnetic discs (groove is used as a single spiral track)

magnetic vs solid state hard drives and hybrid hard drives

-magnetic hard drive contains particles on metal disks inside drive that are magnetized to represent data's 0s and 1s -solid state hard rive has an array of semiconductor memory organized in a disk drive -a hybrid hard drive is a logical or physical storage device combining fast storage medium w/ SSD &HDD

What's multitasking, multithreading, parallel processing, multiprocessing, memory management, buffering, and spooling?

-multitasking: the ability of an operating system to have more than one program (task) open at one time -multithreading: enables computer to rotate between multiple threads so that processing is completed faster & more efficiently - Multiprocessing: Each CPU or core typically works on a different job - Memory management: optimizes the use of main memory (RAM) -Buffering/Spooling: places items in a buffer so they can be retrieved by the appropriate device when needed

Categories of Operating systems: desktop, network, personal, server, mobile and embedded

-personal/desktop:designed to be installed on a single computer -server/network:designed to be installed on a network server -mobile: used with smartphones and other mobile devices -embedded: built into devices (cars, kiosks, consumer electronics, etc.

Other types of software: publishing software, educational, reference, note taking, CAD, project management, accounting, etc.

-publishing software: the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer -educational software: designed for use in school classrooms -reference software:Much is available via the Web today -Note taking:the practice of recording information captured from another source -CAD:software used by architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations -Project Management:the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals -Accounting Software: records and processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance.

What are special purpose printers?

-some consists of barcode, RFID, label and postage, large-format ink jet, and 3D printers. a swell as color printers that print in color

GB (gigabyte)

1 billion bytes

MB (megabyte)

1 million bytes

TB (Terabyte)

1 trillion bytes

KB (kilobyte)

1,000 bytes

Zettabyte (ZB)

1,000 exabytes

Exabyte (EB)

1,000 petabytes

PB (petabyte)

1,000 terabytes

Yottabyte (YB)

1,000 zettabytes


8 bits grouped together

Quad Core CPU

A CPU that contains four separate processing cores

Multi-core CPU

A CPU that contains the processing components or cores of more than one processor in a single CPU

Dual Core CPU

A CPU that contains two separate processing cores

What is machine language?

A binary based programming language, consisting only of 0s and 1s that a computer can execute directly


A characteristic of memory or storage in which data is not retained when the power to the computer is turned off


A characteristic of memory or storage in which data is retained even when the power to the computer is turned off

Computer network

A collection of computers and other devices that are connected in order to share hardware, software, and data as well as to communicate electronically with one another


A collection of related web pages usually belonging to an organization or individual

web server

A computer that is continually connected to the internet and hosts Web Pages that are accessible through the internet.

mainframes definition and example

A computer used in large organizations that need to manage large amounts of centralized data and run multiple programs simultaneously (think of the big backroom computers at big industries)

servers definition and example

A computer used to host programs and data for a small network (department drives on the computers at work)

Web Page

A document, typically containing hyperlinks to other documents, located on a web server and available through the world wide web.

Input Devices

Any piece of equipment that is used to input data into the computer (Keyboard, mouse, microphones, fingerprint readers)

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

A fixed length binary coding system used to represent text based data for computer processing on many types of computers traditionally used with personal computers

Notebook Computer

A fully functioning portable computer that opens to reveal a screen and keyboard

Cache (memory)

A group of fast memory circuitry usually built into the CPU and used to speed up processing


A link to a web page saved within a browser to facilitate quick access to the web page (also called a favorite)


A mobile phone that has internet capabilities and can run mobile apps

IP Address

A numeric used to uniquely identify a computer or other device on the internet

Fifth generation computers


thin clients definition and example

A personal computer designed to access a network for processing and data storage instead of performing those tasks locally (network server)

Desktop Computer

A personal computer designed to fit on or next to a desk

parallel processing

A processing technique that uses multiple processors or multiple processing cores simultaneously, usually to process a single job as fast as possible

What's bandwidth, analog, vs digital signal

Bandwidth: the amount of data that can be transferred in a given period of time -Analog Signal: Data is represented by continuous waves -Digital Signal: Data is represented by two discrete states (0s and 1s)

Second generation computers description

Became less expensive, smaller, more powerful, more energy efficient, and more reliable because of the transistor and semiconductor. Input was punch cards or magnetic tape and output was punch cards and paper printout. Magnetic tape was used for storage.

portable computers definition and example

A small personal computer, such as a notebook or tablet computer that is designed to be carried around easily (Laptop, windows surface computer)

What is a smart card and how much data can it hold?

A storage medium consisting of a credit card size piece of plastic with built in computer circuitry and other components (64 KB or less)

Quantum computing

A technology that applies the principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics to computers to direct atoms or nuclei to work together as quantum bits (qubits) which function simultaneously as the computers processor and memory.

Personal Computer definition and example

A type of computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time (desktop computer)

Internet address

A unique address that identifies a computer, person, or webpage on the internet such an an IP address, a domain name, a URL, or an email address

Mobile device definition and example

A very small device that has built in computing or internet capability (Smartphones, small tablets, and other small personal devices)

Output Devices

Accepts processed data from the computer and presents the results to the user (monitor, printer, headphones, data projectors)

How do you improve performance on your system?

Add more memory, perform system maintanence, buy a larger or second hard drive, upgrade your internet connection, and upgrade your video graphics card


Bit- smallest unit of data that a computer can recognize


Also known as a personal computer- a type of computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time

What's censorship, cookies, privacy, spyware and adware?

Censorship: To hinder spread of information from political opposition, To filter out material determined to be offensive, To protect national security -Cookies- small files stored on a hard drive by a Web server -Spyware: Software installed without users knowledge that transmits data secretly through the user's Internet connection -Adware: Software supported by onscreen advertising -Privacy: security level of personal data published via the Internet

Processing Devices

Central processing unit (CPU) that is located inside the system unit and performs the calculations and comparisons needed for processing. Controls the computers operations("Brain"). GPU (graphics processing unit) is included in this as well.


Chip based storage

How do computer represent data?

Coding systems are used to represent data and programs in a manner than can be understood by the computer

What is computer crime and information privacy?

Computer crime- any illegal act involving a computer... Information privacy- the rights of individuals and companies to control how information about them is collected and used

Power supply

Converts standard electrical power into a form the computer can use


Creating virtual (rather than actual) versions of a computing resource

What is data? What is information?

Data is raw, unorganized facts Information is data that has been processed into a meaningful form.

Precomputers and early computers description

Different civilizations had different ways computing and interpreting data.

What is hardware and software and what is the difference between them?

Hardware- the physical parts of a computer system (Keyboard, monitor) Software- the programs or instructions used to tell the computer hardware what to do.

Why learn about computers and technology?

Helps to build computer literacy (the knowledge about and understanding computers and their uses) and knowing these concepts helps to keep up with the rapid change of technology integrated in our society.

How do we use computer devices at home, in education, on the job and on the go?

Home- watch tv, email. manage bank accounts, gaming consoles, smart appliances, smart homes, etc... Education- Ebooks, online homework submitting, distance learning (online classes), BYOD On the Job- authentication systems to access on job resources, helps them achieve the work they need to get done, etc... On the Go- consumer kiosks, self checkouts, point of sale systems (you order off an ipad), GPS, IPHONE, SOCIAL MEDIA

What OS do larger computers use?

IBM's z/OS is designed for IBM mainframes

What is information integrity and anonymity factor?

Information integrity- checking if information is viable... Be sure to check the website and where it is from anonymity factor- not knowing who the sender may be... Can be used well or wrong at the same time

Third generation computers description

Integrated circuits replaced transistors. Circuits were put into silicon chips allowing the computer to be smaller. Keyboards and monitors were introduced for input and outputs. Hard Drives were used for storage.

Difference between World Wide Web and Internet

Internet (largest most well known network in the world) refers to the physical structure of that network, the World Wide Web refers to one resource-- an enormous collection of documents called web pages available through the internet.


Internet Service Provider- A business or other organization that provides internet access to others (typically for a fee)

What's an ISP, Application Service Provider, Internet Content Provider?

Internet service providers (ISPs: provide access to the Internet, for a fee -Application Service Provider: refer to companies that manage and distribute Web-based software services - Internet content providers: refer to persons or organizations that provide Internet content

laser vs inkjet printer

Laser- an output device that user toner powder and technology similar to that of a photo copier to produce images on a paper... Inkjet- an output device that sprays droplets of ink to produce images on a paper

RAM (random access memory)

Memory used to provide a temporary location for the computer to hold data and program instructions while they are needed

Fourth generation computers description

Microprocessor chip was introduced allowing the computer to become smaller (all of the computer capabilities on a single chip). keyboard and mouse for input, monitor and printer for output, and hard drives/flash drives/optical disks for storage.

PCI Express Bus (PCIe)

One of the buses most commonly used to connect peripheral devices

What is a hard drive partition?

Partitioning divides the physical capacity of a single drive logically into separate areas

CPU (central processing unit)

Performs the calculations and does the comparisons needed for processing as well as controls the other parts of the computer system

personal/network printer

Personal- connected to it through a cable, network- printed over wifi or the internet

What computers fit into each of the generations?

Precomputers- abacus first- ENIAC and UNIVAC Second- transitional period between UNIVAC third- Right before the computers we know (less tubes, keyboard and monitor introduced) Fourth- early computers we know (PC, Apple Macintosh) Fifth- IBM Watson

Application software

Programs designed to performed specific tasks on a computer (excel, word, pages)

EBCDIC (extended binary coded decimal interchange code)

Similar to ASCII and was developed by IBM primarily used with mainframes


Similar to notebook computers but are smaller and designed primarily for accessing internet based applications and resources

What's Application Software?

Software ownership rights

Differentiate between storage media and storage device

Storage Media- the part of storage system such a DVD disc where data is stored Storage Device- a piece of hardware such a DVD drive into which a storage medium is inserted to be read from or written to

Magnetic Tape

Storage media consisting of plastic tape with a magetizable surface that stores data as a series of magnetic spots typically comes as a cartridge

video camera

Store images on digital media (flash memory, DVDs, hard

Describe the system clock and a machine cycle.

System clock- the timing mechanism within a computer system that synchronizes the computers operations machine cycle- the series of operations involved in the execution of a single machine level instruction


Text or an image on a web page that is clicked to access additional Web resources

Exascale computing

The ability of a computer to process data at exaflop (1,000 petaflops) speeds

Terascale computing

The ability of a computer to process data at teraflop speeds


The amount of data that can be theoretically transferred through a communication medium in a given period of time


The amount of data that is actually transferred through a communications medium under real life conditions

Frontside bus (FSB)

The bus that connects the CPU to the chipset that connects to the rest of the bus architecture


The capability of a CPU or CPU core to begin processing a new instruction as soon as the previous instruction completes the first stage of the machine cycle


The capability of a single computer to use multiple processors or multiple processing cores, usually to process multiple jobs one at a time and to process those jobs faster than could be performed with a single processor

Memory Bus

The connection between the CPU and RAM

supercomputer definition and example

The fastest, most expensive, and most powerful type of computer

What is the system unit and what is inside?

The main case of a computer that houses processing hardware Houses storage devices, power supply, and cooling hardware as well


The main circuit of a computing device located inside the system unit to which all computer system components connect

Operating System

The main component of system software that enables a computer to operate, manage its activities and the resources under its control, run application programs, and interface with the user

Bus interface unit

The part of a CPU core that allows it to communicate with other CPU components

Control Unit

The part of a CPU core that coordinates the operations

Decode Unit

The part of a CPU core that translate instructions into a form that can be processed by the ALU and FPU

Prefetch Unit

The part of the CPU core that attempts to retrieve data and instructions before they are needed for processing in order to avoid delays

Floating Point unit (FPU)

The part of the CPU core that performs decimal arithmetic

Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU)

The part of the CPU core that performs logical operations and integer arithmetic

What is a pixel?

The pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image.

System software

The programs that allow a computer to operate collectively (Windows, OS X)


The science of creating tiny computers and components by working at the individual atomic and molecular levels

Describe Land and pit

The transition between a pit & a land represents a 1; no transition represents a 0


The transmission of data from one device to another

Thermal paste

Thermal grease, also called thermal paste or thermal compound, is a substance used to promote better heat conduction between two surfaces and is commonly used between a microprocessor and a heatsink .

Embedded computer definition and example

Tiny computers embedded into products and to perform specific functions or tasks for that product (Microwaves, dishwashers, coffeemakers, etc)

Carbon nanotubes (CNT)

Tiny hollow tubes made by rolling up sheets of graphene


To start up a computer

First generation computers description

Took up entire rooms and were powered by large vacuum tubes. Often needed to be repaired. Punch cards and paper tape were used for input and output was printed on paper.

Describe tracks, sectors, clusters, and cylinders?

Tracks are concentric paths on the disk where data is recorded • Sectors are small pieces of a track • Clusters consist of one or more sectors • Cylinders are a collection of tracks located in the same location on a set of hard disk surfaces


Uniform Resource Locator- an internet address (usually beginning with http:// or https://) that uniquely identifies a Web page

Storage Devices

Used to store data on or access data from storage media. (DVD drives and flash memory card readers)

Who are computer professionals and the computer users?

Users- the people who use computers to perform or obtain information Professionals- help put together or write the programs that computers uses (programmers, systems analysts, etc).

Expansion Bus

a bus on the motherboard used to connect peripheral devices


a central processing unit (CPU) for a personal computer


a chip (such as the CPU or GPU) that performs processing functions

expansion cards

a circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot location on a computer's motherboard to add additional functionality or to connect a peripheral devices to that computer

Software Suites

a collection of software programs bundled together and sold as a single software package

optical computing

a computer that uses digital light such as from laser beams or infrared beams to perform digital computations


a connector on the exterior of a computer to which a device may be attached

Internet Appliance

a device that can be used to access the internet

network attached storage (NAS)

a high performance storage device individually connected to a network to provide storage for computers on that network

Expansion slots

a location on the motherboard into which expansion cards are inserted


a mobile device, usually larger than a smart phone that is typically used to access the internet and display multimedia content


a name that uniquely identifies a user on a specific computer network

storage area network (SAN)

a network of hard drives or other storage devices that provide storage for a network of computers

Web browser

a program used to view web pages

Flash memory card

a small rectangular flash memory storage medium (such as a Secure Digital card =SD)

RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks)

a storage method that uses several hard drives working together, typically to increase performance and or fault tolerance

domain names

a text based internet used to uniquely identify a computer on the internet

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

a universal bus used to connect up to 127 peripheral devices to a computer without requiring the use of additional expansion cards

Communication Devices

allow users to communicate electronically with others and to access remote information via the internet or a home, school, or company computer network (network adapters or modems)

Laptop computer

also called a notebook computer- a fully functioning portable computer that opens to reveal a screen and keyboard


an electronic path over which data can travel


an international coding system that can be used to represent text based data in any written language

How is online communication in online communications?

become less formal as time has gone on... really need to work on keeping strong grammar when it comes to emails/papers/etc that are typed online

Benefits of a technology oriented society?

being able to virtually design buildings/cars/products in order to build safer ones, helpful in the medicine field, conveinence (online shopping, online classes, pay bills, and being able to look up information 24/7), and helpful to speed up productivity

Hybrid notebook-tablet computer

can function as either a notebook or a tablet computer because they have a display screen that folds shut to resemble a tablet. Some are detachable and designed to separate the display part from the keyboard when a tablet is needed.

Who is Gordon Moore and what did he say? What does that mean?

co founder of intel... observed that the number of transistors per square inch on chips had double every two years since the integrated circuit was invented.. Eventually became moores law

Be familiar with accessories in audio output

consists of voice, music and other audible sounds. audio outputs consists of speakers, headsets, and earbuds.


electronic mail- electronic messages sent from one user to another over the internet or other network


flat sheets of carbon that are one atom thick, are extremely light and strong and are a great conductor of electricity

RFID Reader

handheld, portal, and stationary

What is hardware loss, hardware theft, and system failure and how can you protect against these?

hardware loss- information that is lost through a piece of technology ( computer, usb, etc)... hardware theft- the theft of computer hardware... System failure- the complete malfunction of a computer system... protect by door and computer equipment locks, encryption, software to track device, and hardware care


high speed memory built into the CPU that temporarily stores data during processing

home vs business printers

home- smaller, used to print things of all colors... Business- big, only meant for black and white copies

Optical Mark Reader

input data from optical forms to score or tally exams, questionnaires, ballots

Barcode reader

input devices that read barcodes


is a short-rangewireless communication standard based on RFID


is a technology that stores, reads, and transmits data located in RFID tags


is used primarily for banking to facilitate check processing

how is a hard drive platter divided?

its divided by tracks, sectors, clusters and cylinders

Printer speed

measured in pages per minute

ROM (read only memory)

nonvolatile chips located on the motherboard into which data or programs have been permanently stored

Flash memory

nonvolatile memory chips that can be used for storage by the computer or user, can be built into a computer or a storage medium

What is flash memory and how is it being used?

nonvolatile memory chips that can be used for storage by the computer or user; can be built into a computer or storage medium used in a variety of storage systems (SD cards, CF cards) -a chip-based storage medium that represents data using electrons (Used in a variety of storage systems)

What's Utility Programs?

performs a specific task, usually related to managing or maintaining the computer system

List different the different pointing and touch devices

pointing devices: - Mouse - Pen/stylus - Devices that use touch input

still camera

primary appeal is that images are immediately available

print resolution

quality of the printed output

Random Access vs Sequential access

random- data can be retrieved directly from any location on the storage medium in any order sequential- data can only be retrieved in the order in which it is physically stored on the medium


recognizes text characters and converts them to electronic form as text, not images

cloud storage (online storage)

refers to using a storage device that is accessed via the internet

Fans/Heat Sinks

small components typically made out of aluminum with fins that help to dissipate heat)

Risks of technology oriented society? Describe the security and privacy issues.

stress and health concerns, security issues (malware programs) , privacy issues (evident everywhere because traces of our information is left from what we do- online shopping)

Difference between system software and application software

system software: operating system & utility programs controlling a computer system and allow you to use that system application software: programs that allow a user to perform specific tasks on a computer

Digital Camera

take pictures and records them as digital images

3D chips

technique for packing an increasing number of components onto small chips

Windows Desktop

the background work area displayed on the screen for computers running microsoft windows

GPU (graphics processing unit)

the chip that does the processing needed to display images on the screen; can be located on the motherboard inside the cpu or on a video graphics board

top level domain

the far right part of the domain name and traditionally identifies the type of organization or its location (.com for businesses, .edu for educational institutions)

Decimal numbering system

the numbering system that represents all numbers using 10 symbols (0-9)

Binary numbering system

the numbering system that represents all numbers using 2 symbols (0 and 1)

What's a software license?

the right to use a software program

network storage

the use of a storage device that is accessed through a local network

Tablet Computer

typically the size of a notebook computer and are designed to be used with a digital pen/stylus or touch input. have on screen keyboard as needed

What are the different types of scanners

• Flatbed scanners (scan flat objects one page at a time) • Portable scanners (scan objects while on the go) • 3D scanners (scan objects in 3D)

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