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(also known as an electronic spreadsheet) is a collection of cells on a single "sheet" where you actually keep and manipulate the data.

Inserting Headers & Footers

A header is text that is printed in the top margin of each page. A footer is text that is printed in the bottom margin of each margin To Insert Header or Footer, click on the Text icon in the ribbon, and select insert Header & Footer

To Insert a new worksheet:

Click the Insert Worksheet control, which is located to the right of the last sheet tab. This method inserts the new sheet after the last sheet in the workbook. Press SHIFT + F11. This method inserts the new sheet before the active sheet. Right-click a sheet tab, choose Insert from the shortcut menu, and click the General tab of the Insert dialog box. Then select click the Worksheet icon and click OK. This method inserts the new sheet before the active sheet. From the Home tab, click on Insert in the Cells group and click insert sheet

Key Components of a Worksheet

Columns Row Cells

Page breaks

Excel inserts an automatic page break whenever it runs out of room on a page. You can also insert a manual page break to start a new page. The simplest way to adjust page breaks is in Page Break Preview. On the status bar, click the Page Break Preview button to switch to this view.

Creating a New Workbook

Excel provides about three (3) main ways to create a new workbook: 1. From the desktop Right-click on desktop, select New from Shortcut menu, and select Microsoft Office Excel Workbook 2. Within an Excel application Click the File Tab and select New from the drop-down list menu. This command displays options to the right. To create a blank workbook, under Available Templates, select Blank workbook. Once you have made your choice, click Create. A new workbook opens on screen with a default name. Excel numbers its files sequentially. For example, if you already have Book 1 open, the new workbook will title bare will read Book To create a workbook from a template, under Available Templates, select from Recent Templates, Sample Templates, My templates or New from existing. You can also create a workbook from online templates . 3. You can also press shortcut keys CTRL + N to create a new workbook within the Excel application.

Saving a Workbook

Excel provides four (4) main ways to save a workbook: 1. Click File Tab and Save command from the drop-down menu. 2. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar 3. Press Ctrl + S 4. Press Shift + F12 Which ever way you use, the Save As dialog box opens up: A) Select from the Save In list the folder where you want to save your file. In the File Name box, enter a file name. (The file name should be descriptive of the contents of the file.) B) Click the Save button or press Enter. (The file is saved as a Microsoft Excel workbook with the suggested name.) The Save command saves an existing workbook, using its current name and save location while the Save As command lets you save a workbook with a new name or to a new location.

Exiting Excel

If more than one workbook is open, you can close all workbooks at once by holding down the Shift key, right-click on the worksheet icon on the taskbar, and clicking Close All Windows command from the shortcut menu. You can close a workbook by clicking the File tab on the Ribbon, and then clicking Close in the navigation bar. Excel remains open. To exit the workbook, click the Exit command in the navigation bar.

Opening an Existing Workbook

Opening a workbook means loading an existing workbook file from a drive into the program window


Resizes a worksheet to print on a specific number of pages.

To delete a Worksheet:

Right-click the sheet tab and choose Delete from the shortcut menu. Choose Home ➪ Cells ➪ Delete Sheet. If the worksheet contains any data, Excel asks you to confirm that you want to delete the sheet. If you've never used the worksheet, Excel deletes it immediately without asking for confirmation. To select multiple sheets, press Ctrl while you click the sheet tabs that you want to delete. To select a group of contiguous sheets, click the first sheet tab, press Shift, and then click the last sheet tab. Then use either method to delete the selected sheets.

Active Cell

The cell in the worksheet in which you can type data

Moving the Active Cell

The easiest way to change the active cell in a worksheet is to move the pointer to the cell you want to make active and click. You can display different parts of the worksheet by using the mouse to drag the scroll box in the scroll bar to another position. You can also move the active cell to different parts of the worksheet using the keyboard or the Go To command


The file used to store worksheets; the MS Excel file in which you enter and store related data. Each workbook can contain many worksheets.

Inserting and Deleting Column and Rows

Use the buttons in the Cells group on the Home tab to insert and delete cells.

Closing a Workbook

When closing a workbook, Excel removes its workbook window from the screen. To close a workbook: a) Click the Office button and select Close from the drop-down menu b) Click the Close button of the Workbook window c) Press the CTRL + W shortcut key d) Press CTRL + F4 shortcut key e) Double-click the Excel icon on the left side of the workbook's title bar.

Zooming a worksheet

You can change the magnification of a worksheet using the Zoom controls on the status bar. The default magnification for a workbook is 100%. For a closer view of a worksheet, click the Zoom In button or drag the Zoom slider to the right to increase the zoom percentage.

Previewing & Printing a Worksheet

You can print a worksheet by clicking the File tab on the Ribbon, and then clicking Print in the navigation bar to display the Print tab. The Print tab enables you to choose print settings. The Print tab also allows you to preview your pages before printing. By default, Excel is set to print pages in portrait orientation. Worksheets printed in portrait orientation are longer than they are wide. In contrast, worksheets printed in landscape orientation are wider than they are long.

Freezing Panes in a Worksheet

You can view two parts of a worksheet at once by freezing panes. When you freeze panes, you select which rows and/or columns of the worksheet remain visible on the screen as the rest of the worksheet scrolls.


a grid of rows and columns in which you enter text, numbers, and the results of calculations.

Print titles

are designated rows and/or columns in a worksheet that are printed on each page

Name Box

cell reference area, displays the cell reference of the active cell.

To delete a row or column

click the appropriate row or column heading and then click the Delete button on the Home tab.

Insert a column

click the column heading to select the column where you want the new column to appear. Then, click the Insert button.

Insert a row

click the row heading to select the row where you want the new row to appear. Then, click the Insert button on the Home tab.

print area

consists of the cells and ranges designated for printing.


defined as the horizontal space that is going across the window. Rows are identified with numeric headings. E.g.. Row 2


defined as the vertical space that is going up and down the window. Columns are identified with alphabetic headings. E.g.. Column B

Formula Bar

displays a formula when a worksheet cell contains a calculated value

Splitting a worksheet window

divides the worksheet window into two or four panes that you can scroll independently. This enables you to see different parts of a worksheet at the same time.


is defined as the space where a specified row and column intersect. Each Cell is assigned a name according to its Column letter and Row number. E.g.. Cell B2

Sheet tabs

lie just above the Status bar and display the worksheets available within the workbook, and the one you are currently working on is highlighted.

Primary purpose of spreadsheet

solve problems that involve numbers.

Primary advantage of spreadsheets

the ability to complete complex and repetitious calculations quickly and accurately. Also, making changes to an existing computer spreadsheet is usually as easy as pointing and clicking your mouse.

Worksheet area

the entire worksheet and all its elements, including cells, gridlines, row, column headings, scroll bars, and sheet tabs.

The Excel Program Window

the title bar, the Quick Access Toolbar, the Ribbon, Backstage view, and the status bar

To open a workbook that has been saved on a disk:

a) Click the File tab on the Ribbon to display Backstage view, and then click Open command from the navigation bar b) Use the shortcut key CTRL + O. c) Click the File Button and select a file from under Recent Documents from the drop -down menu Which ever way you use, an Open dialog box appears. 1. Click the Look in list arrow to display the list of available drives and folders and then select the file you want to open. 2. Click the Open button in the dialog box or double click the filename or press Enter. (The file opens) *Right-clicking a filename in the Open dialog box displays a shortcut menu with many extra Windows commands. For example, you can copy the file, delete it, rename it, modify its properties, and so on. *Double click the filename or icon from Windows Explorer, and the workbook opens in Excel

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