ISDS 4113 Final

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4 phases

1. analysis- review functional requirements that will be needed to complete the feature 2. design -development of a design that meets the requirements of the feature 3. build- the feature so its functional 4. test- and document

tenants of agile manifesto

1. individuals and interactions- over process and tools 2. working results- over comprehensive documentation 3. customer collaboration- over contract negotiation 4. responding to change- over following a plan

top 3 management mistakes

1. limiting employees to work from 9-5. agile:switch to focus on results rather than time 2.wasting time on lowest performers. agile: focus on higher performers 3. having a job description limits emplyee. agile: form teams where employees have an area of speciaty but also a range of capabilities.

1994 chaos report

16% successful- on time, on budget 31% impaired (failures)- project cancelled 53% challenged- project finished, late, over budget, less functionality

Scrum focuses

20% of functionality that will meet 100% of the needs for the majority of users

80/20 rule

80% of users only use 20% of an application's features.

user story invest

I- independent N- negotiable V- valuable E- estimable S- small T- testable

Agile PM methods

Scrum extreme programming agile modeling rapid product development kanban rational unified process dynamic systems development method lean development

Scrum focuses on team performance through

self realized goals, autonomy, cross functionality, and transparency

product owner

sets the visions manages backlog elaborates features decides release dates reviews work. know the market


added uses points


agile methods used on large projects in which several teams are working on different features at the same time.

sprint burndown charts

are used to track progress on a daily basis. y axis shows the remaining effort required to complete the sprint backlog. the x axis contains the number of days until sprint is completed.

user story

as a <role>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>

definition of done

associated with each story. this story is done when...

sprint review

at the end of each sprint, the team demonstrates the actual work product increments they have built to the product owner. the sprint review meeting is an opportunity to examine and adapt the product as it emerges and iteratively refine key requirements.

sprint zero

communicate pre requisites for sprint 1

the team

cross functional full time self organizing empowered trust

daily scrum

daily meeting lasting 15 minutes. team members stand i a circle taking turns answering the following questions 1. What have you done since the last Scrum? 2. What will you do between now and the next Scrum? 3. What is getting in the way (blocks) you from performing your work as effectively as possible? The value of the Scrum is that it creates a daily mechanism to quickly inform the team about the state of the project.


developers discuss to make sure they understand the story, not how they would build it each secretly chooses their estimate all expose cards discuss extremes, re-deal if needed.

scrum master

facilitates protect coach teach administer

scrum master

facilitates the scrum process and resolves impediments at the team and organization level. not the leader but acts a buffer between team and outside interference


get a subset of team and have them accomplish a task to take away uncertainty of some feature

user poinnts

have points assigned to user stories


is defined as a piece of a product that delivers some useful functionality to a customer prioritized by their perceived highest value priorities are re-evaluated after each iteraation

product backlog

is the customer's prioritized list of key features desired when the project is completed. controlled by product owner. defines each feature and estimates cost, time, and work remaining


iterations in scream and last 2-4 weeks goal is to produce fully functional features

agile PM

its not necessarily easier does require planning was born out of failure from utilizing traditional methods

sprint backlog

lists the tasks that must be completed to deliver a functional feature or segment of a feature. developed by the team. serves a status document by listing the person responsible for each task, remaining hours work, recording task as finish, in process or not started yet.

limitations of agile PM

might not satisfy top managment's need for budget, scope, and schedule control its principle of self organization and close collaboration can be incompatible with corporate cultues it requires active customer involvement and cooperation


short time frames (time boxes) typically last between one to four weeks the goal of each iteration is yo develop a workable product that satisfies one or more desired features to demonstrate to the customer stakeholders and customers review progress and re-evaluate priorities adjustments are made and a different iterative cycle begins that subsumes the work of the previous iterations and adds new capabilities to the evolving product

the artifacts

product backlog sprint backlog burn down/ burn up structure

3 key roles to the scrum process

product owner development team scrum master

poker planning players and roles

product owner read the story ( they don't estimate) developers do the estimates

scrum meetings

release planning sprint planning daily scrum meeting sprint review meetings sprint retrospective meetings

Agile Project management

relies on incremental, iterative development cycles to complete projects an approach developed for projects that embraces change the final project desing is not known in great detail and is

remaining effort=

sum of the times estimates for incomplete tasks

development team

team responsible for delivering the product. made up from 5 to nine people with cross- functional skill sets. no designated roles

scrum- brazilian jiu jitsu

the founders of Scrum realized software projects succeeded or failed on the ability of the project team to self-organize and embrace change

sprint planning

the product owner and development team negotiate which product backlog items the team will attempt this sprint.. once meeting is adjourned the goals for the sprint cannot be changed

sprint retrospective

the purpose is to reflect on how well the previous sprint went and identify specific actions that can improve future sprints

development team is self organizing

they decide both who and how the work is accomplished

product owner

this person acts on behalf of customers/ end users to represent their interests. establishes the initial list of product requirements and prioritizes them in the product backlog

release planning

to establish the goals and general plan for the project. outcomes of this meeting include high priority backlog, major risks, and overall risks features and functionality, probable delivery date, and cost estimates.

release burn down structure

used to monitor towards completion of the project. displays the amount of work remaining across time.


user story about a feature that is too big, need to be refined


uses product features as deliverables


your money for nothing and your change for free

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