ISTM 210 Exam 2

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Aspects of a Good Website

-Content -Interactivity -Design

The four elements of a PivotTable are:

-Report Filter -Column Labels -Row Labels -Values.

Considerations When Choosing a Browser

-Security -Popup Blockers -Usability

Guest Speaker's name -name? -where he worked?

-Steve Williamson -shell

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

-invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN -facilitates the capability to move information through the Internet

IP adress

-unique, like a telephone number, assigned to all computers that communicate on the internet -32 bit number

Boolean logic is based on only two values: what are they? what do they represent?

0-false 1-true

function wizard

1. allows you to enter or select the inputs for the function 2. provides a description of the function and each argument 3. lists the function result based on the inputs you enter


A browser will catalog frequently visited websites so the user doesn't have to remember the page URL

server or host

A computer that stores webpages on a network

peripheral device

A printer or scanner connected to a network is called what?

Dynamic website

A website that generates a web page directly from the server depending on the context of the user. Like

Static website

A website that rarely, if ever, changes its contents and displays information the same way to all users.

network ready

Already comes with a NIC - most computers that are purchased today


An Excel function that looks up values that are displayed horizontally in a row.



physical cable system

Connects networks together

Back Up

Every computer system needs to be backed up on a regular basis to ensure that no computer files are lost


Every device connected to a network

Web Hosting

ISPs "rent" or host space to website owners and offer domain name registration so that they can be found on the Internet by clients, or users.


One peripheral benefit of a network is that a single Internet line can be wired to a server so that all of the clients can subsequently connect

web developers, or webmasters

People that produce websites

brick and morter

Selling using a physical building location

Ethernet card

The most common NIC

The top WDPs are? and


a "store and forward" system of composing, sending, storing, and receiving messages over electronic communication systems like the Internet.

Internet service provider (ISP)

a business or organization that provides people with a way to access the Internet and World Wide Web.

network Hub

a central location of the computer network that serves as a traffic cop for network connection and communication


a clickable navigation element


a collection of web pages on a server that exists on the Web that can be requested by a client and displayed with a browser.

Email / Instant Messaging

a company employee must understand that an organization's email and instant messaging systems are to be used for business only and not for personal use

Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN)

a computer network that connects two or more LANs or CANs together but within the boundaries of a town or city.

Campus Area Network (CAN)

a computer network that connects two or more LANs that are located on a campus, like a university, or an organization's national headquarters, or even an industrial complex.

Local Area Network or LAN

a computer network that is relatively small, typically in a single building, but sometimes as small as a single room.

web server

a dedicated computer connected to the Internet that accepts Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests from Internet users ( clients) and fulfills the request by sending ( serving) HTML documents, or web pages via HTTP.

Online advertising

a form of sponsorship that uses the World Wide Web for delivering business-marketing messages to catch the attention of its customers.


a private version of the Internet that works the same way, but it is confined within an organization.


a programming language that is considered a client-side language in reference to websites.


a secret word or combination of keyboard characters typed in by a user to authenticate one's identity for joining a computer network.

thick client

a server on a network stores data files and serves them up to its clients, the clients would be required to have Microsoft Access or some other type of database application program (fat client) installed to read and work with the data

twisted pair

a specialized wire that cancels out electromagnetic interference from other electronic devices and increases reliability.


a standard language

Native Advertising

a type of online advertising that attempts to dupe a user into believing they are clicking on a legitimate news story when in fact they are clicking on an advertisement.

MAC (media access control) address

a unique 48-bit address called

search engine

a website that lets a user type in specific keywords or phrases and then returns a list of hits (hyperlinks) that best match the search criteria.

<meta ></meta> tags

additional pieces of information about the web page's author, web page description, and keywords, to help search engines find the web page


all employees on the network

"Freeze Panes"

allows you to "Lock" rows and columns so that they don't disappear when you navigate through the data table.

"Fill" feature

allows you to automatically populate cells in a worksheet


an Excel file that stores all the information, previous calculations, and analyses that you may have already completed.


an email that looks like it is from a legitimate bank when, in reality, it is a ruse that attempts to fool users into voluntarily typing their social security numbers, bank passwords, and pin numbers.


an online diary, originally called a "web log" and shortened to "blog


application software that provides an interface that allows a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information located on the World Wide Web

Wide Area Networks ( WAN)

are computer networks that encompass a wide geographical area and connect LANs, CANs, and MANs together.

Peer-to-Peer Networks

are computer networks that generally connect computers directly to one another without the use of a server.

Sometimes static websites are referred to as?

brochure websites

show rooming

browse in store before purchasing online

web rooming

browse websites and purchase in store

virtual storefronts

businesses that have no retail outlets or even specific locations

AVERAGEIF function

calculate the average for a set of values that match a specific criterion.

COUNT function

calculate the number of cells in a specified set of cells that contain a number.

SUMIF function

calculate the total for a set of values that match a specific criterion.


calculates the annual percentage rate for an interest rate given the number of times per year that interest is charged.


calculates the interest rate earned for an investment given the number of payments made as part of the investment, the payment amount, and the current value of the investment.


calculates the number of payments that will be made to pay off a loan given the interest rate, payment amount, and original loan amount.

thin client

client computer or client software like a web browser in client/server network that depends on the server for computer processing that in turn serves up the information to the client.


client-side (user) programs that allow the browser to run small applications, like clocks and calendars that sometimes show up on a web page

CONCATENATE (text1,[text2],...)

combines blocks of text

line chart

compare the values of a particular category over time.

e-mail address

consists of user's name, a domain code, and a domain name, not unlike a URL.


contains the actual data and calculations and is organized into a collection of cells arranged in the form of a table.


controlling the assault of non-solicited porn and marketing act of 2003

PROPER (text)

converts a block of text to title-case (the first letter of each new word is capitalized)

Link elements

create elements that can become hyperlinks that allow web page users to navigate to different parts of a web site, or different parts of the World Wide Web

control Q

data analysis pops up


data that was duplicated from data on another computer, in this case, a web page.

<style ></style> tags

define an overall style for a webpage by describing fonts, colors, and other design elements.

<title ></title> tags

define the web page's title

Structural (Block) Elements

designed to tell a browser how to display and align elements like lists, headings and paragraphs.

COUNTIF function

determine the number of cells within a range of cells that contain a specific value.

Corporate Website

distribute information about a business to provide background information about their goods and services for public consumption

Electronic Commerce

distribution, buying, selling, advertising, and marketing of goods or services over the Web

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

e-commerce between individuals and is typically facilitated by a third party.

ring topology

each computer (node) is connected to two other computers in the network with the first and last computers being connected to each other.

Internet-enabled sensors

embedded in all sorts of devices and environments are growing at an alarming rate and have raised some legitimate concerns


find oil

Social network advertising

focused on social network websites like

spreadsheet model

generally used to represent the logic of a more complicated logical process.

Network protocols are governed by

hardware, software, or an arrangement of both.

Broadband Internet access

high data-transmission rate Internet connection

Adobe Flash

integrate video on a browser, add animations, promote interactivity, and develop rich Internet applications.

carbon copy (CC)

lets all of the recipients know who else has received the same email.


like a virus in that it spreads quickly and is extremely harmful but it does not need to attach itself to an existing program.

Metasearch engines

look and work like keyword searches but return the results of many search engines at once and eliminate duplicates hits.


made networks at UCLA that connected them and would eventually be come to known as the internet


malicious computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer, typically without the user being aware of it.

star topology

named for the star-shape created by nodes that radiate around a central node in a spoke-like fashion

Web Browsing

network security policies should outline the user's access to the web as well as their web-browsing habits.


no physical store

Banner ads

online ads with JPEGs or GIFs embedded into them that attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser.

keyword search engines

only require the user to type in the keyword or phrase

Web Development Platforms (WDP)

places on the Web that would let you make a fully functioning, super-professional website with no special software and a minimum amount of expertise and money

Network Interface Controller ( NIC)

plugged into a slot on the motherboard inside of the computer and allows a network cable to be plugged in so it can interface or communicate with other computers

"Excel Help" area

provides access to Microsoft's extensive online help materials, information about how to get started with Excel, as well as information about the version of Excel you are using

Business-to-business (B2B)

refers to businesses distributing, buying, selling, advertising, and marketing goods or services over the Web to other businesses.


refers to the mapping of a physical network and logical interconnections between nodes


remove oil

SUBSTITUTE (text,old_text,new_text,[instance_num])

replaces specified characters, words, or phrases within a block of text with new characters, words, or phrases

network administrator

responsible for smooth network operations, network performance and implementation of new nodes, or even new networks.


restrict or grant access to specific files and folders on a computer network to a user or group of users


returns a specified number of character from the middle of a block of text

LEFT (text,[num_chars])

returns a specified number of characters starting from the beginning of a block of text


returns a specified number of characters starting from the end of a block of text


returns the current date

NOW ()

returns the current time

WEEKDAY (serial_number, [return_type])

returns the day of the week for a date

DAY (serial_number)

returns the day portion of a date (a number between 1 and 31)

HOUR function

returns the hour portion of a time as a number from 0 to 23

LEN (text)

returns the length, in number of characters, of a block of text

MINUTE function

returns the minute portion of a time as a number from 0 to 59

MONTH (serial_number)

returns the month portion of a date (a number between 1 and 12)

COUNTA function

returns the number of cells in a set of cells that are not blank.

SEARCH (find_text,within_text, [start_num])

returns the position of a specific character, word, or phrase within a block of text

SECOND function

returns the second portion of a time as a number from 0 to 59

WEEKNUM (serial_number, [return_type])

returns the week of the year for a date

YEAR (serial_number)

returns the year portion of a date (a number between 1900 and 9999)

Internet hosting services

run Internet servers to serve content, like webpages, to the Internet, or clients.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

send the entire file at once in a streaming fashion, it is much faster than TCP/IP. However, UDP does not guarantee a file's reliability.


separate browser windows that are programmed by website designers to open extra browser windows without user interaction


smaller, more manageable pieces


software designed to damage a computer's system without the owner's knowledge.

network operating system ( NOS)

software that controls an entire network


software that installs itself on a user's system without permission and gleans personal data and information about the user without their knowledge or permission.


software that routinely displays advertising to a computer system after the software is installed, usually without the user's consent.


specialized hardware and software that ensures that only authorized personnel can access and use an organization's intranet


store individual pieces of data or calculations


text files that are used for tracking and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences and the contents of their electronic shopping carts.

Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs

the listing of hits, or web page hyperlinks, returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query

Hypertext Markup Language

the principal programming language resolved and rendered by browsers to display Web pages.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

the routing of voice conversations, or typically, phone calls over the Internet.


the world's largest network and connects thousands of other networks together including LANs, CANs, MANs, and WANs


to see if there is good connection


trace the route, where is this thing going to go?

computer network

two or more computers connected together to communicate and share resources.

Head Elements

typically define a web document's title, style, and additional information about the document's author, page description, and keywords to help search engines find the web page.

Content Website

typically dispense original content and are often supported by advertising.

Image Elements

use special tags to help the browser window display pictures, photographs, and images typically using the GIF or JPEG file formats

Presentational Elements

used in the body of a webpage and allow the HTML to create presentational effects like italics or bold for emphasis.

Format Painter

used to apply the format from one cell to another

Stacked column charts

used to compare categories of items or the same category over time; breaks the column bars into segments that represent subcategories that are consistent across the columns

Column charts

used to compare different categories of items or the same category over time


used to organize and summarize large amounts of data. PivotTables also allow us to change how we summarize data to look at it in different ways

Goal Seek

used to work backwards from an outcome calculation to determine an input condition necessary to arrive at the desired outcome.


used when there are more than two columns in the array (lookup table).

scenario manager

useful for examining the impact of several inputs to a spreadsheet model changing at the same time.

Trojan horse

usually a harmless or interesting looking program that, when executed, unleashes harmful viruses into a user's system.

Intranet websites

websites within a company that are used to support its employees and guarded by firewalls to authenticate its users

Business-to-consumer (B2C)

when commercial organizations sell to consumers over the Web. Examples include,, and


when one computer can connect to one or many other computers and share information and resources.


when the browser stores copies of previously viewed web pages that the user has already accessed that allows it to find them quickly without having to make another request to the originating server.

Browser hijacking

when the browser's settings are modified by Malware

bus topology or linear bus

where each of a network's nodes is connected to a common linear backbone that has two endpoints.

blind carbon copy (BCC)

works like the carbon copy except none of the recipients know who else received the same email, or whether anyone other than them received it at all

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