ISYS 363 Final Exam ! Set 4

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represents decision points and typically hold questions on a flowchart.


Activities can be accomplished independently of each other, but both must be completed in order for the project to be completed.


All projects have four essential phases; initiation, ____________ , execution, and closure.

- Curiosity - Data strategy - Understanding context

Analytical skills necessary for a data analyst include the characteristics and capabilities that allow for the observation, research, and interpretation of a problem or change in a desired state. According to Google, there are five essential aspects of analytical skills including which 3 of the following?

- Data strategy - Understanding context - Curiosity

Analytical skills necessary for a data analyst include the characteristics and capabilities that allow for the observation, research, and interpretation of a problem or change in a desired state. According to Google, there are five essential aspects of analytical skills including which 3 of the following?

- Realistic (R) - Attainable (A) - Time-based

As with all goals, projects should meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria; that is, the project must have a specific objective (S), progress must be measurable (M), as well as which 3 of the following?

- Building a data-driven community - Data proficiency - Agility in analytics and data analysis

Because many business executives desire to create a data-driven decision making culture, which 3 of the following are competencies organizations invest in to support DDDM?


Because projects are comprised of four distinct phases (initiation, planning, execution, and closure) and because each phase has multiple steps that can be conducted in series, (one after the other), or in parallel (at the same time), using a ___________ to visualize the overall process can be extremely beneficial in the overall process.


Because some tasks in a project can be done concurrently while other tasks are dependent upon the completion of preceding tasks, the most widely used tool in project management is a horizontal bar chart known as the _______ chart.


By allowing viewers to see the project's progress, project managers can reduce the anxiety caused by apparent inaction. For this reason, PMs often provide simple ___.

- Characters - Records - Fields

Characteristics of databases include which 3 of the following?

- Information is organized into cells - Data is structured in rows and columns

Characteristics of spreadsheets include which 2 of the following?


Collections of related fields in a database are referred to as ___.


Cookies stored on your device's hard drive and remain even if your computer has been restarted are called ___________ cookies.


Curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy are the 5 essential aspects of __ thinking and skills

Bachelor's degree

Data analysts are likely to have achieved what education level when beginning their career?

Business or organization

Data analysts must blend facts and data with knowledge about the ___.


Design elements that can lead to misleading data visualization include exaggerated or improper scaling. This can most often occur when presenting data in the form of a ___.

initiation phase

During the ___ the project's scope and a projected timeline for deliverables are described.

project planner

Focusing on project scheduling and sequencing to optimize the progress of all of the projects in a firm's portfolio is the role of a ___.


Getting all the pertinent __________ is the first step in an ethical analysis.


If a client has a concept in mind, the ___________ manager must ensure the feasibility of the concept, provide for flexibility with the outcome, and manage the expectations of the client and all stakeholders.

external dependency.

If a task falls outside of the program manager's immediate control it is referred to as a(n) ____ __________.


If required, a PERT network chart would be developed in the ___________ phase of a project.

Pie chart

If you are displaying data as a percentage of a whole or you have a set of variables that make up 100%, it is usually best to us a ___ to visualize the data.


If you are downloading a game or software onto a device, there may be an empty box asking you to check the box to agree to Terms of Use and the site's Privacy Policy. This checkbox is called a(n) ________-in.


If your spouse must approve the paint selection before you can begin painting a room, then the paint project has an ___ dependency on the paint selection* *Note - this assumes that you have no control over your spouse.


Improving decision making, customer service, production and operations processes are just a few of the trends in data


In a database, data is organized in complex and meaningful collections specified by the database administrator. These collections are referred to as __________.


In a database, data is organized in complex and meaningful collections specified by the database administrator. These collections are referred to as ____________.


In addition to the main four relationships, project managers also categorize relationships according to whether they are internally or externally dependent. With an ______________ dependency, the project manager has a degree of control over the tasks.


In computer programming, a set of rules and guidelines that define a specific computer language is referred to as the language's ___.


Most databases are composed of multiple , ___________ which are groups of assigned records and fields organized in rows and columns.


On the flowchart, a process is depicted by a


On the flowchart, beginning and ending point. - the terminator


Once a program manager has developed a PERT network chart and determined the critical path for project completion (the critical path method (CPM)), the project manager will attempt to create efficiencies by addressing those activities along the critical path and focusing on how to make methods of making them as short as possible. This is referred to as project ___________


One activity cannot begin until another has begun


One activity is not considered complete until the next task has been started.


One activity must be accomplished before the dependent activity can be started.


One challenge that often faces project managers is managing the ___ of the client and other stakeholders.


One of the keys to success in any project is highly transparent _____________ throughout each of the phases among all the parties involved.

PERT network chart

One reason to create a Gantt chart is that it provides the framework for the development of a ___.

unintended consequences

Part of making an ethical decision is understanding that your decision will most like result in ___ .

1. Getting all the pertinent facts 2. determining the affected 3. searching for precedents 4. Listing possible options 5. Deciding and preparing for consequences

Place the 5 steps of an ethical analysis in order.

Ensures that the firm only accepts the right projects.

Project Portfolio manager


Project management firms use project ____________ management (PPM) software to assist in appropriately allocating resources and to aid in determining whether additional projects can be successfully and profitably be completed.

Focuses on completing the project correctly.

Project manager

Ensures that the client understands the project cost and timeline.

Project planner


Projects have starting points and (hopefully) ending points, and are, therefore, ___ by their very nature.


Protecting private or sensitive information by eliminating or encrypting information is the goal of data __________.

- What are the time constraints for the project? - What overall outcomes and results that are needed? - Who will receive the information and analysis?

Questions that data analysts often ask include which 3 of the following?

- Who will receive the information and analysis? - What overall outcomes and results that are needed? - What are the time constraints for the project?

Questions that data analysts often ask include which 3 of the following?

Getting the facts

Select the first step in the five steps of an ethical analysis.

Listing options and weighing possible outcomes are __________________skills.

Select the fourth step in the five steps of an ethical analysis.

- To avoid the tendency to accept more projects than might be reasonable. - To minimize the possibility of project delays due to equipment or worker overscheduling. - To reduce the likelihood of overworking staff and disappointing clients.

Select the reasons why project planners use project portfolio management (PPM) software.

Gantt charts are primarily designed for internal stakeholders rather than external stakeholders.

Select the true statement regarding a Gantt chart.

- One advantage of cloud storage is that it greatly reduces the human factor in data protection. - Adherents argue that cloud service providers have security measures that far exceed the data security capabilities of small businesses. - Over half of all data breaches can be traced to human error.

Select three true statements regarding protecting big data.

- Gantt charts display the concurrent nature of certain project activities. - Unlike flowcharts, Gantt charts include the time duration on the X axis.

Select two advantages provided by a Gantt chart, as opposed to a simple flowchart.

- Unlike flowcharts, Gantt charts include the time duration on the X axis. - Gantt charts display the concurrent nature of certain project activities.

Select two advantages provided by a Gantt chart, as opposed to a simple flowchart.

- Data visualization - Data structuring - Data reporting

Some of the responsibilities of a data analyst include which 3 of the following?


Someone who possesses the knowledge of processing software, business strategy, and analytical skill to deliver data and reports that guide management and executives as they create well-informed decision making is known as a data ___.


The advantage of a PERT ________ chart is that it displays the interconnectivity of different processes, including activities that can be completed concurrently.


The dimension (category) of ethical concerns in the digital age that refers to determining what constitutes proper levels of protection of digital information is called establishing .


The ethical concerns of the digital age can be divided into ___ dimensions (categories).


The final step in the ________ phase involves scheduling a meeting with project stakeholders and allowing these key players to review the Gantt chart or project timeline.

listing options

The final step when making an ethical analysis is to make a decision and to prepare for the consequences. Preceding this is the fourth step, which has the manager ___ .

Data visualization

The graphical and structured representation of data is known as ___.


The information technology (IT) architecture and infrastructure, software applications, programming languages, and storage technologies used for the collection, storage, analysis, and interpretation of meaningful data is referred to as the _____________ ecosystem.


The principle of ethical conduct that states that a manager must attempt to determine if this decision is fair for all involved is the __________ principle.


The process of investigating raw data of various types to uncover trends and correlations, and to answer specifically crafted questions is the role of data ___.


The process of taking components from data sources and analytics platforms to create a more user-friendly experience that makes finding critical insights easier is called ______ data and analytics.


The process of taking components from data sources and analytics platforms to create a more user-friendly experience that makes finding critical insights easier is called _______ data and analytics.

capture the user's account data, passwords, key strokes, and more

The purpose of spyware is to ______.

The Universalist Principle

This principle states that a manager must attempt to determine if this decision is fair for all involved.

- Composable data - Scalable AI - Data analytics as a core business function

Trends in data analytics include which 3 of the following?


When data is anonymized, the PII is eliminated or encrypted. PII includes names, social security numbers, addresses, and more and stands for ___ identifiable information.

- Phone numbers - Names - Social security numbers

When discussing personally identifiable information (PII), which 3 of the following are usually anonymized?


Which program is typically limited to one user at a time?

- Your neighbor has a history of abusing children, do you have a right to know this? - One of your new-hires has a large Twitter following under a pseudonym. Should you let your boss know? - You allow an employee to take 2-hour lunch breaks because her daughter is receiving chemotherapy. Can you tell her colleagues why she is getting the special treatment?

Which three of the following situations involve information privacy rights?

- Digital piracy - Cyberbullying

Which two of the following are examples of ethical concerns that have been created as a result of new technologies?

A persistent cookie

Which type of cookie is lost only if deleted or if is created with an expiration date?


Working on data analytics teams to extract data from large data sets, creating reports that outline key findings, monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) to identify success or failure, and analyzing data to identify trends are just a few of the responsibilities of a data

Information Privacy Rights

Your boss states that in your organization data must be used responsibly and privacy should always be respected. This aligns with which dimension of ethical concerns in the digital age?


Allowing managers to direct resources from activities that are not on this critical path and apply them to more critical processes is an advantage of .

- Social security numbers - Names - Phone numbers

When discussing personally identifiable information (PII), which 3 of the following are usually anonymized?


describes a directional progress of a flowchart.

- Metrics - Data - Facts

According to Tableau, data-driven decision making (DDDM) is the uses which of the following to guide strategic business decisions that align with organizational goals, objectives, and initiatives.


A SQL statement is used to ask a question or communicate a request of the _______ management system.


A SQL statement is used to ask a question or communicate a request of the _______ management system.


A ___ can serve as a building block to more sophisticated program management tools and help all stakeholders to better understand the intermediate steps required to complete a project.


A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for "original works of authorship", including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural, cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, and audiovisual creations is called a

Gantt chart

A horizontal bar chart commonly used by PMs that shows project activities on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis is called a ___.


A major transition in the big data security sector is to move all data storage to ________ storage.


A major trend in data analytics is the use of artificial intelligence to focus on small data which is more precise, using small datasets that are capable of impacting decisions in the present. This is known as ____ AI.


A project is temporary in it's nature and is undertaken to achieve a goal. To be a goal it must meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. The R stands for ___ .


A starting point to investigate the complex topic of a society's ethics is first to understand the society's _ and the history behind the enacting of them.

Information Privacy Rights

Which dimension of ethical behavior in the digital age is represented by the following question? You are interviewing 3 applicants for a management position in your firm and wish to ensure that they will represent your company with professionalism and maturity. Should you check the applicants' social media sites prior to making your hiring decision?

- Spyware captures private information by monitoring how users interact online. - Downloading software or documents from unvetted sources is one way spyware can be installed.

Which of the following statements accurately describes spyware? More than one answer may be correct.

matches Choice Spreadsheet

Which program is typically limited to one user at a time?

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