Japanese 1101.01

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Otukaresama (desita)

(You must be tired!)

Yamamoto-san zya nai desu ka ( Isn't that Mr/s. Yamamoto?)

A, soo desu ne! (oh it is, isn't it)

Aa, sensee desita ka. Arigatoo gozaimasu (Oh, was it you teacher who performed some activity? Thank you)

A, wakarimasita ka (Oh, you know now?)

A. Suzuki-san desu ka (Mr/s. Suzuki!) B. Odenwa desu

A.Nan desu ka ( What is it?) B. A, doo mo (Oh thanks)

Tanaka-san desita yo (That was Mr/s. Tanaka)

Aa, soo desu ka (Oh, is that right?)

Eewa-ziten desu ka (Is that an english-japanese dictionary?)

Are desu ka. Iie, waee desu (Do you mean that over there?. No it's japanese-english)

Totemo omosiroi desu yo. Simasen ka (It's a lot of fun. Won't you play?)

Arigatoo gozaimasu

Nomimasen Ka (Won't you have some?)

Arigatoo gozaimasu. Itadakimasu (Thank you. I will (accept))

Dekimasita ka (All done?)

Dekimasita. Hai. (All done. Here you are)

Doo itasimasite

Don't mention it at all

Ii desu ka (Do you mind?)

Doozo (Go right ahead)

Yoku nai desu nee ( It's not good, is it!)

Ee Komarimasita nee ( That's right. We've got a problem haven't we!)

Amari omosiroku nakatta desu nee (It wasn't very interesting was it?)

Ee, tumaranakatta desu nee (That's right. It was boring wasn't it!)

Wakarimasita ka (Did you understand?)

Ee, wakarimasita (Yes I did (understand))

Wakarimasu ka (Do you understand?)

Ee, wakarimasu (Yes, I do understand)

Dekimasita ka ( a. finished? b. great!)

Ee. Takakatta desu yo (It is finished)

Kaimasita Ka (Did you buy it?)

Ee. Takakatta desu yo (Yes. It was expensive / Yes. Let me tell you it's expensive)

Situree (-simasita)

Excuse me (for what I did)

Situree (-simasu)

Excuse me (on leaving)

Moosiwake arimasen/ gozaimasen

Forgive me

Suzuki-san desu ka (Are you Mr/s. Suzuki?)

Hai, Suzuki desu. Doozo. ( Yes I am. Please sit down)

Tukurimasita ne (You made it-right?)

Hai. Kinoo tukurimasita (Yes. I made it yesterday)

Alexander Bungabong

He cute af That's my boy We lit out here

Su(m)imasen desita

I'm sorry (for what I did)/ Thank you ( for the trouble you took)


I'm sorry/ Thank you for your trouble

Takai desu ka ( Is it expensive?)

Ie, amari takaku nai desu yo ( No. It is not expensive)

Yoku deskimasu ne (You're good at that, aren't you!)

Ieie, doo itasimasite (Oh, no! (Don't mention it))

L6 LB Drill L: Konna tosyokan wa koko dake desu ka (Is this place the only library like this?) Konna ryokan wa koko dake desu ka (Is this place the only inn like this?)

Ieie, takusan arimasu yo. Konna tosyokan wa (No, no there are many-libraries like this) Ieie, takusan arimasu yo. Konna ryokan wa (No, no there are many-inns like this)

Ii desu ka (Is it all right?)

Ii desu yo (Yes, it's fine)

Ikimasita ne (You went-right?)

Iie, ikimasen desita (No, I didn't (go))

Takai desu ka (Is it expensive?)

Iie, yasui desu yo (No, it's cheap)

Kyoo simasu ne?

Iya tigaimasu

Tookyoo desita ka (Was that Tokyo?)

Iya, Tookyoo zya arimasen desita (No, it wasn't)

Doo desu ka. Dame desu ka. (How is it? Is it out of order?)

Iya, daizuoobu desu yo (No, it's alright)

Asita kimasen ne (You're not coming tomorrow-right?)

Iya, kimasu yo (No, I am coming)

Nihongo desu ka (Is that Japanese?)

Iya, nihongo zya arimasen yo, tyuugokugo desu (No, it isn't Japanese. It's Chinese)

Kyoo simasu ne (You'll do it today-right?)

Iya, tigaimasu. Asita simasu yo (No, (it's different). I'll do it tomorrow)

Kaimasu ka (Are you going to buy it?)

Kono zisyo desu ka? Ee. (Do you mean the dictionary? Yes)

Omosimirokatta desu ka (Was it interesting?)

Maa-maa desu nee (So-so)


No/ Not at all

Ikura desu ka (How much is it?)

Ookii no desu ka. Hassen gohyakuman desu (Do you mean the big one?, It's 85,000,000)

Tukaimasita ka (Did you see it?)

Sono konpyuutaa desu ka? Ee, ototoi tukaimasita (Do you mean that computer? Yes, I used it a day before yesterday)

a. Muzukasii nihongo desu nee (What difficult Japanese) b. Ee. Zenzen wakarimasen (Yes, I don't understand at all)

Soo desu ka (oh)

Dame desita nee (It wasn't any good, was it!)

Soo desu nee (That's right!)

Nan desu ka (What is it?)

Tegami desu (It's a letter)

Arigatoo gozaimasita

Thank you (for what you did)

Simasen ka (Won't you do it (or play?)?)

Tyotto (I'm afraid not)

Sumimasen. Wakarimasen desita. (I'm sorry. I didnt understand) Ee. Doo mo sumimasen (Thats right. I'm very sorry)

Wakarimasen desita ka (You didn't understand)?

Simasen ka (Won't you play?)

Watasi desu ka. Tyotto... (Do you mean me? I'm afraid not)

Ee wakarimasu

Yes, I do (understand)

A. Asita ikimasu yo (Say I'm going [there] tomorrow) B. Ee, maa (Yes, I guess I do)

Yoku ikimasu ne (You go there often, don't you!)

a) Nan desu ka (What's that?) b) Sore desu (It's that thing near you)

a) Dore desu ka (Which one?) b) Aa, kore desu ka. Zisyo desu yo (Oh this, it's a dictionary)

a. Tyotto sumimasen. Sono kuroi kasa, misete kudasai (Excuse me. Would you let me see (lit. Please show me) that black umbrella? b. Ee.... Tyotto ookiku nai desu ka (Yes... Isn't this a little big?) c. Soo desu nee... Zyaa, kore onegai-simasu (Hmmmm. Well I'll take this one)

a. Ame desu ka (oh, is it raining?) b. Zyaa, kono aoi no wa ikaga desu ka (Then how about this blue one?) c. Arigatoo gozaimasu (Thank you)

a. Onegai-simasu (May I have that?) b. Ee (Yes)

a. Ano teepu deus ka? (Do you mean that tape over there?) b. Hai, doozo (Here you are)

a. Koohii ikaga desu ka (How about some coffee) b. Osatoo wa (How about sugar)

a. Arigaroo gozaimasu. Itadakimasu (Oh thank you I'll have some) b. Doo mo ... Oisii desu ne... Gotisoosama desita (Thanks.... It tastes good, doesnt it! .... It was delicious)

a. Kaimasu ka (Are you going to buy one?) b. Takai desu ka (Is it expensive?) c. Yappuri takai desu ne (Then it certainly is expensive, isn't it?)

a. Atarsii no desu ka. Kaimasen yo (Do you mean a new one, no I'm not going to buy it) b. Ee. Hotondo hatiman-en desu yo (Yes, it's almost 80,000)

a. Kore to kore, mit-tu-zutu onega-simasu... Sore kara, sore mo itu-tu-hodo kudasai (I'd like 3 each of these and these... and then give me (about) five of those,too. b. Siroi no o onegai-simasu (let me have white ones)

a. Donna iro ga yorosii desu ka (what color would you like?)

a. Kami arimasu ka (Do you have any paper) b. Okokii no onegai-simasu (I'd like some that's big)

a. Donna no desu ka (What kind?) b. Hai (Here you are)

a. Mimasita ka. Tanaka san no atarasii kuruma (Did you see it Mr/s. Tanaka's new car?) b. Doitu no supootukaa desu yo (It's a German sportscar) c. Are desu yo. Ano guree no kuruma desu ( thats it! Its that gray car over there)

a. Donna no desu ka (what kind is it?) b. Hee. Soo desu ka. Ii desu nee ( Wow! Really? Thats great isnt it!) c. Aa, kiree na kuruma desu ne ( Oh what a beautiful car)

a. Kaimasu ka (Are you going to buy one?) b. Dono taipuraitaa desu ka (Which type writer is it?) c. Nan-ban desu ka (What number is it?)

a. Ee (Yes) b. Kore desu (It's this one) c. Sanzyuu go-ban desu (It's number 35)

a. Atarasii zisyo desu ne! ( That's a new dictionary, isn't it?) b. Ikura desita ka (How much was it? c. Hee, takai zisyo desu nee (Wow, what an expensive dictionary)

a. Ee. Kino kaimasita (Yes, I bought it yesterday) b. Sanman-en desita (It was ¥30,000)

a. Eewa-ziten arimasu ka (Are there any English-Japanese dictionaries?) b. A, kono ookii no desu ne (Oh, it's this big one right?) c. Soo desu ka. Zyaa kore o kudasai (Oh? Well I'll take this)

a. Eewa-ziten desu ka. Hai, arimasu yo. Atarasii no ga arimasu yo (English-Japanese dictionaries? Yes. There's a new one you know) b. Ee. Nakanaka ii zisyo desu yo (Yes. That's quite a good dictionary) c. Arigatoo gozaimasu (Thank you)

a. Kono nooto, go-sato onegaisimasu (let me have five of these notebooks) b. Sore kara, ookii huutoo wa arimasu ka (Next, how about large evelopes, do you have any?) c. A. Wakarimasita. Kore, san-mai kudasai (Oh, I see. Give me three of those)

a. Go-sato desu ne? (That's five right?) b. Hai. Arimasu yo (yes we do) c. Arigatoo gozaimasu (thank you)

L6 LB CC5: a. Sumimasen. Asoko wa yuubinkyoku desyo? (Excuse me. That place over there is a post office-right?)

a. Hidari no hoo desu ka. Soo desu yo (Do you mean on the left? Yes, it is)

a. Kanban wa, kono tiisai no dake desu ka (Are these small ones the only ones you have?) b. Aa, tyoodo ii desu nee. Kore kudasai (Oh, this is fine. Let me have this one)

a. Ie, ookii no mo, sukosi wa gozaimasu yo... Kore desu kedo (No, we do have a fes large ones... They're these, but...)

a. Konna no wa, kore dake desu ka (Is this all you have? Ones like this) b. Zyaa, itu-tu kudasai (Then let me have 5) c. Sore kara, kono aoi no mo mit-tu onegai- simasu (Then I'd like 3 of these blue ones) d. Zyaa, kore o moo mit-tu kudasai (In that case, give me 3 more of these) e. Sore dake desu (that is all)

a. Ie, takusan gozaimasu kedo... (No, we have a lot, but ...[how many do yoh need?] b. Itu-tu desu ne (That's 5 right?) c. Aoi no wa, sore dake desu nee (That's all we have of the blue ones...) d. Kasikomarimasita. Hoka ni nani ka (certainly, anything else?)

a. Tenisu simasu ka b. Goruhu wa?

a. Ie, tenis wa simasen nee b. Goruhu wa yoku simasu yo

a. Kore mo sore mo, onazi zassi desu ka (are both this one and that one the same magazine?)

a. Ie, tigaimasu yo ( No,they're different)

a. Kore, ikura desk ka (How much are these?) b. Zyaa, akai no ni-hon to, aoi no san-bon onegai-simasu (Then let me have two red ones and three blue ones) c. A. |Anoo| Kuroi no mo, ni-hon kudasai (Oh-uh-give me two black ones, too.) d. Hai (Here you are *Handing over money*)

a. Ip-pom nihyaku-en desu (They're 200 Yen each) b. Hai (All right) c. Kasikomarimasita (Certainly) d. Maido arigatoo gozaimasu... Hai, oturi, roppyaku-en. Mata doozo (Thank you... Here you are 600 Yen change. Please come again)

a. Itu desu ka (When is it?) b. Ee (Yes)

a. Kaigi desu ka (Do you mean the conference?) b. Asita to asatte desu (It's tomorrow and the day after tomorrow)

a. Irassaimase (Welcome) b. Syoosyoo omati-kudasai... Tyoodo onazi zya nai desu kedo, ikaga desu ka(Just a moment, please... It's not exactly the same, but how about this?)

a. Konna boorupen, arimasu ka. (Do you have this kind of ballpoint pen?) b. Soo desu nee... Maa, kore, ni-hon kudasai (Hmmm... I guess I'll take two of these)

a. Sore nan desu ka (What's that?) b. Hurosiki (A furoshiki?)

a. Kore desu ka. Huroshiki desu yo. (This? It's a furoshiki) b. Ee. Totemo benri desu yo (Yes. It's very convenient, you know!)

a. Kaataa-san. Tabemasen ka (Mr/s. Carter. Won't you have some?) b. Kono keeki desu yo (This cake) c. Doozo doozo (Please have some!)

a. Nan desu ka (What is it?) b. Iya, ii desu yo (No, that's alright) c. Soo desu ka. Zya (Oh? Well then...)

a. Ikura desu ka (How much is it?) b. Hontoo desu ka. Yasui desu nee (Really? It's cheap, isn't it!)

a. Nihyaku-en desu (It's 200 yen) b. Soo desu nee (It is, isn't it)

a. Rokusen happyaku nizyuu nana en desu (It's 6827 yen) b. Iya, rokusen happyaku nizyuu nana en desu (No, it's 6827 yen)

a. Rokusen happyaku zyuunana-en desita ka?(Was that 6817 yen?) b. Aa, doo mo (Oh, thanks)

a. Satoo-san zya arimasen yo. (Say, that's not Mr/s. Sato) b. Wakarimasen nee (It's not clear, is it!)

a. Soo desu ka. Zyaa, dare desu ka (Oh? Then who is it?)

a. Kiree desu ka (is she pretty) b. Aa, soo desu ka. Zannen desu ne (oh really, that's too bad isn't it)

a. Soo desu nee. Amari kiree zya nai desu ne(hmmmmm she is not very pretty, is she)

a. Motto yasui no ga irimasu nee (We need a cheaper one, don't we!) b. Iya, ii desu yo. Kore kudasai (No that's fine. Give us this one)

a. Soo desu nee. Kore wa doo desu ka. Tyotto tiisai desu kedo ( That's right. How about this one? It's a little small, but)

a. Onegai-simasu (I'd like [those]) b. Ee, zenbu desu (Yes, I mean all of them)

a. Sore to sore desu ne? (You mean that and that right?)

a. Kyoo wa dare desu ka? (Who is it today?) b. Tanaka-san desu ka. Zyaa, asita wa? (Mr/s. Tanaka? Then how about tomorrow?)

a. Tanaka-san ga kimasu yo (Mr/s. Tanaka is coming) b. Asita Yamamoto-san desu (Tomorrow it's Mr/s. Yamamoto)

a. Ikura desita ka (How much was it?) b. Takai desu nee (How expensive that is!)

a. Yonsen-en desita (It was 4000 yen) b. Sumimasen (I'm sorry)

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