Jason and the Argonauts

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After she escapes from Corinth, Medea goes to:

Thetis, a Nereid, Peleus' wife and Achilles' mother.

Because Achilles' father, Peleus, was one of the Argonauts, some versions of the Symplegades story show them being helped through by:

He was sidetracked by searching for his companion/eromenos Hylas, who had been kidnapped by water nymphs, and the Argonauts had to leave him behind.

Heracles was only with the Argonauts for a short time because:

He was Helius' son.

How as Aeetes related to Helius?

Circe was her aunt.

How was Circe related to Medea?

Capturing him and cutting his body into pieces, which she throws off the ship so her father's men have to slow down to pick up the pieces.

In some traditions, Jason kills Apsyrtus, but in others, Medea takes care of the pursuit problem by:

Snatching his food and fouling the rest of it.

In the Argonaut saga, the Harpies torment Phineas by:

Pelias overthrew and exiled Jason's father, Aeson, who was the rightful king.

Jason could not stay in his homeland of Iolcus because:

A beam from the Argo falling on him.

Jason is killed by:

Sitting next to the grounded Argo, mourning for his children.

Jason lives out the rest of his life by:

Sending a dove through them so that the rocks slammed shut trying to crush it, then opened, he was able to get through before they slammed shut again.

Jason was able to get through the Symplegades by:

The women had killed them all. The reason: Aphrodite had taken revenge on them for ignoring her by making them so unattractive that their husbands would only sleep with their slaves, which annoyed them in a fatal way.

Lemnos was without men because:

Convincing him that doing so will actually rejuvenate him.

Medea gets Pelias' daughters to boil him in a cauldron by:

Killing their children.

Medea gets her revenge on Jason by:

The teenaged daughter of Aeetes and a priestess of Hecate.

Medea is:

Killing the princess and king by sending her a poisoned dress, which melts her flesh off her bones. Eew.

Medea keeps the marriage from happening by:

She fell in love with Jason, and gave him magical drugs that would protect him when he undertook his tasks.

Medea plays a role in Jason's quest in Colchis because:

False. He went and asked Aeetes for it, and Aeetes told him he could have it if he fulfilled an impossible task.

T/F When Jason got to Colchis, he tried to steal the Golden Fleece.

False, he was from the generation following. His father, Telamon, was with the Argonauts, though.

T/F: Ajax the Greater was one of the Argonauts.

True. Even though they were from the generation of the Trojan War. This is a mythic time warp; these things happen.

T/F: Castor and Pollux were with the Argonauts.

True, at least for a little while.

T/F: Heracles was one of the Argonauts.

False; the Golden Fleece was just really pretty, as well as being sacred and valuable. It was also a strategy to bring Jason death via quest.

T/F: There was a prophecy that whoever had the Golden Fleece would be restored to kingship.


T/F: Theseus was one of the Argonauts.

It could speak, due to a piece of wood taken from Dodona, where there was a grove sacred to Zeus.

The Argo had one particularly helpful and unusual ability, which was:

Opening a vein above his ankle, so that his blood-equivalent (ichor, which is also the divine version of blood) drains out.

The Argonauts defeat the bronze monster Talus by:

The "Clashing Rocks," a sea passage between two cliffs which slam together when they sense someone/something trying to pass between them.

The Symplegades are:


The golden fleece was located in:


The king of Colchis when the Argonauts came looking for the golden fleece:

No, they drove them out for family murder, because no one wants that kind of miasma hanging over their king.

The people of Iolcus were so happy to be rid of the tyrant that they turned over the kingdom to Jason immediately ... right?

A version of the story of how Jason gets the golden fleece in which he is apparently swallowed by the protective serpent and Athena makes it cough him up.

This image represents:

Athena helping build the Argo.

This image represents:

Jason before he fought the warriors that sprang up from the dragon's teeth? Maybe?

This image represents:

Medea rejuvenating an old ram into a young lamb, to convince the daughters of Pelias that they can do the same for their father.

This image represents:

Medea escaping from Corinth in her dragon chariot.

This shows:

Yoke a fire-breathing bull, plow a field with it, kill the armed men who instantly grew out of the teeth, then kill a serpent sent by Ares to guard the fleece. After making it to Cholchis in the first place.

What did Jason have to do to get the Golden Fleece?

To beware of the man with one shoe. (Jason had lost a shoe in the river when he carried Hera across.)

What prophecy had Pelias had that made him worried when Jason appeared in Iolcus?

Medea. The play is Euripides' Medea.

"I saved you . . . I killed the serpent, which unsleeping guarded the Golden Fleece, and I brought you the light of salvation!!" These words are spoken in a tragedy by:

Scary female bird-monsters who snatch things away. (This has one significance in the Argonaut story but they snatch away other things as well, including apparently souls).

Harpies are:

He thought Jason would surely be killed if he undertook this impossible task.

Pelias said he would give up the throne to Jason, if he brought back the Golden Fleece, because:

Riding off in a dragon chariot (being the granddaughter of Helius and all).

She escapes by:

Sending a fleet to get them back, which was led by her brother Apsyrtus.

When Jason and Medea leave Colchis, Aeetes responds by:

Of course not, are you kidding? That's not the kind of things evil kings do.

When Jason gets back to Iolcus, does Pelias turn over the kingdom to him?

Arranging to marry the princess of Corinth.

When they take refuge in Corinth, Jason plans for a safe future for his family by:

Because he carried her over a stream when she was in disguise as an old woman.

Why did Hera help Jason gain the Golden Fleece?

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