Java Comments
Block (multi-line) comment What does it look like?
/* * comment */
Javadoc (Documentation) How would it look?
/** * comment */
Single-Line comment
// comment
Javadoc (Documentation) Some common elements you'd see in javadoc include...?
@param, @return, @throws, @since
Block (multi-line) comment Used for what?
If you want to have multiple lines to a comment
Javadoc (Documentation) @param is used for what?
Indicated what parameters are being passed to a method, and what value they're expected to have
Javadoc (Documentation) @throws is used to do what?
Indicates that a method throws an exception or error in case of certain input
Javadoc (Documentation) @since is used for what?
Indicates the earliest Java version this class or function was available in
Javadoc (Documentation) @return is used to do what?
Indicates what result the method is going to give back
Javadoc (Documentation) What is it used for?
Writing API's for your code